HQTA Pilot Project
The 2016-2040 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy, adopted by SCAG in 2016, had anticipated a significant amount of new housing, population and employment growth to occur in High Quality Transit Areas (HQTAs). HQTAs, which feature frequent transit service or major transit stations, are located in communities throughout the SCAG region.
To help with the implementation of the vision for a sustainable, transit-oriented future, SCAG invited eligible communities to apply for the HQTA Analysis Project. Working with a consultant team, SCAG partnered with up to five pilot project sites to develop HQTA Vision Plans. The Vision Plans identified active transportation improvements, redevelopment strategies, and implementation plans that will enable communities to take full advantage of the transit investment, and tap into regional and state funding opportunities and technical support. The overall goal is to develop plans that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled.
Questions about the HQTA Analysis project should be directed
Grieg Asher, SCAG