AB 1246 Consultation Special Meeting


California State Statute provisions adopted pursuant to Assembly Bill 1246 (AB 1246) require that appropriate consultation occur between the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), county transportation commissions (CTCs), and Caltrans on formal planning and programming actions related to the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP).

The meeting will be conducted in a hybrid manner (both in-person and remotely by telephonic and video conference).

SCAG, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), will accommodate persons who require a modification of accommodation in order to participate in this meeting. SCAG is also committed to helping people with limited proficiency in the English language access the agency’s essential public information and services. You can request such assistance by calling (213) 630‐1420. We request at least 72 hours (three days) notice to provide reasonable accommodations and will make every effort to arrange for assistance as soon as possible.