Connect SoCal 2020 PEIR Addendum #2


In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), SCAG has prepared Addendum #2 to the Connect SoCal 2020 PEIR, which analyzes the changes documented in the Final Connect SoCal Amendment #1. Upon evaluation, SCAG finds that the proposed changes would not result in a substantial change to the region-wide impacts when compared to the certified PEIR with Addendum #1. SCAG staff also finds that the projects identified in Connect SoCal Amendment #1 are programmatically consistent with the analysis, mitigation measures, and Findings of Fact contained in the previously certified PEIR with Addendum #1. The amended Connect SoCal would continue to achieve federal transportation conformity and meet the State’s per-capita GHG reduction targets for 2035.

Addendum #2 to the Connect SoCal 2020 PEIR was approved by the SCAG Regional Council on November 4, 2021.

Complete Connect SoCal PEIR Addendum #2


Resolution No. 21-637-2 Approving Addendum No. 2 Connect SoCal PEIR