Proposed Final Amendment #1

Including the 2021 Federal Transportation Improvement Program Consistency Amendment #21-05


The purpose of the amendment is to allow for the project sponsors to update regionally significant transportation projects currently in the Connect SoCal – 2020 RTP/SCS Project List. Since the Plan’s adoption, some of these projects have experienced technical changes that are time-sensitive. In addition, County Transportation Commissions (CTCs) have also identified new project priorities and projects that are no longer priorities.

On July 1, 2021, the Regional Council released the Draft Connect SoCal Amendment #1 and 2021 FTIP Consistency Amendment #21-05 for a 30-day public review and comment period from July 1, 2021 through July 31, 2021. In addition, a public hearing was held on July 15, 2021. SCAG received 3 comments; 1 general and 2 project specific. SCAG staff worked closely with the CTCs and SCAG Legal staff to address the comments. All minor and technical changes to projects have been addressed in the Proposed Final Connect SoCal Amendment #1 and 2021 FTIP Consistency Amendment #21-05.

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