Robust Transportation & Anti-Displacement Strategies

Robust Transportation & Anti-Displacement Strategies

7th and Witmer Apartments

Developer: Deep Green Housing and Community Development

The 7th and Witmer Apartments project was ​awarded $16.76M in Round 2 of the AHSC program. The project creates a new bike share station within Metro’s and LADOT’s bike share network and provides significant pedestrian amenities throughout the surrounding neighborhood. The developers also worked with the community to develop anti displacement strategies and workforce opportunities.

Project Components

  • New construction of 76 permanent supportive housing units for chronically homeless individuals, with ground floor for retail, services, and community facilities
  • FAR of 3.3, greater than the minimum requirement of 2.2 for dense urban areas
  • Partnership with Metro & LADOT to create one new bike share station with 18 bikes
  • AHSC grant for startup costs ($100,000) and 2 years O&M ($60,000)
  • Improve walking and biking infrastructure by installing pedestrian lights, repairing sidewalks, replacing street trees, building curb extensions and bus platforms
  • 8% tax credit to local construction companies
  • Small business assistance programs for relocation and other guidance
  • Refer residents to workforce development/job training programs and the Downtown/Pico Union WorkSource Center
  • Implement a local hiring program with the Vernon-Central/Los Angeles Trade-Technical College WorkSource Center for construction-related work