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Gds. Gdus. ds. 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CommElementF@3' wis. Comment!tblRegionalArchitecture.CommentL wis. InRegionalArch\@9- wis.LastBuildB@/# wis.FlowStatusDisplayFlowStatusDisplayX@aU3 is.FlowStatusb@1% wis.InArchInArchF@5) is.FlowNametblFlows.FlowName@! wis.DestinationElementtblElements_1.ElementName\5 wis.SourceElementtblElements.ElementNameP+ wis.RegionalFlowIDL@9- wits.tblStatus### its.qryCusSelectCurrentProjectFlowsOOO its.tblElementstblElements_1AA' its.tblRegionalArchitecture??? its.qryCusCurrentProjectElementsIII its.qryCusCurrentProjectElementsqryCusCurrentProjectElements_1I its.tblFlows!!! its.tblElements''' is. Gis.tblTempCustomize111 Oits. is. Gh p@ gh x@ gh n@ ghp@ ghInProjectArcht@7++ ohx@ ghn@ ghoqryCusSelectCurrentProjectInterconnects___ h Gh Gho h Gg X7YZ_____2 @!1% 7g X7YZ_____1 @ 1% 7g  Gg   Gg  g  Gf(ttblApplicationStatustblProjectArchitecture@qe9 f(ttblProjectArchitecture.*7 gf (ttblApplicationStatus999 f (ttblProjectArchitecture=== f(t Gf(t Gf (t f(t Ge  tblElements.ElementName6 'e tblElementstblProjectElementsd@WK' e tblApplicationStatustblProjectElements@i]9 LVAL &x*>BqryCusSelectCurrentProjectFlows.ProjectFlowStatusIIf(IsNull([ProjectID]),False,True)tblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowID(((qryCusCurrentProjectElements.ElementID) Is Not Null)) OR (((qryCusCurrentProjectElements_1.ElementID) Is Not Null))tblElements.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementIDtblFlows.FlowID = tblRegionalArchitecture.FlowIDqryCusSelectCurrentProjectFlows.ProjectFlowStatus = tblStatus.StatusIDqryCusCurrentProjectElements_1.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementIDqryCusCurrentProjectElements.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementIDtblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowID = qryCusSelectCurrentProjectFlows.RegionalFlowIDSELECT DISTINCT qryFilteredInterconnects.SourceElementID, qryFilteredInterconnects.DestinationElementID, IIf(IsNull([ProjectID]),False,True) AS InProjectArch, qryFilteredInterconnects.InterconnectShow FROM (((qryCusSelectCurrentProjectFlows RIGHT JOIN tblRegionalArchitecture ON qryCusSelectCurrentProjectFlows.RegionalFlowID = tblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowID) LEFT JOIN qryFilteredInterconnects ON (tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementID = qryFilteredInterconnects.SourceElementID) AND (tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementID = qryFilteredInterconnects.DestinationElementID)) LEFT JOIN qryCusCurrentProjectElements ON tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementID = qryCusCurrentProjectElements.ElementID) LEFT JOIN qryCusCurrentProjectElements AS qryCusCurrentProjectElements_1 ON tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementID = qryCusCurrentProjectElements_1.ElementID WHERE (((qryFilteredInterconnects.SourceElementID) Is Not Null) AND ((qryFilteredInterconnects.DestinationElementID) Is Not Null) AND ((qryCusCurrentProjectElements.ElementID) Is Not Null)) OR (((qryFilteredInterconnects.SourceElementID) Is Not Null) AND ((qryFilteredInterconnects.DestinationElementID) Is Not Null) AND ((qryCusCurrentProjectElements_1.ElementID) Is Not Null)) LVAL *4`@tblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowID = qryFilteredFlows.RegionalFlowIDqryCusCurrentProjectElements_1.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementIDqryCusCurrentProjectElements.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementIDtblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowID = qryCusSelectCurrentProjectFlows.RegionalFlowIDtblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementID = tblElements_1.ElementIDtblRegionalArchitecture.CommElementIIf(IsNull([qryFilteredFlowsProject.FlowShow]),qryFilteredFlows.FlowShow,qryFilteredFlowsProject.FlowShow)tblRegionalArchitecture.InRegionalArchitecturetblRegionalArchitecture.LastBuildIIf(IsNull([ProjectID]),32767,[StatusOrder])SELECT DISTINCT qryFilteredInterconnects.SourceElementID, qryFilteredInterconnects.DestinationElementID, IIf(IsNull([ProjectID]),False,True) AS InProjectArch, qryFilteredInterconnects.InterconnectShow FROM (((qryCusSelectCurrentProjectFlows RIGHT JOIN tblRegionalArchitecture ON qryCusSelectCurrentProjectFlows.RegionalFlowID = tblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowID) LEFT JOIN qryFilteredInterconnects ON (tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementID = qryFilteredInterconnects.SourceElementID) AND (tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementID = qryFilteredInterconnects.DestinationElementID)) LEFT JOIN qryCusCurrentProjectElements ON tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementID = qryCusCurrentProjectElements.ElementID) LEFT JOIN qryCusCurrentProjectElements AS qryCusCurrentProjectElements_1 ON tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementID = qryCusCurrentProjectElements_1.ElementID WHERE (((qryFilteredInterconnects.SourceElementID) Is Not Null) AND ((qryFilteredInterconnects.DestinationElementID) Is Not Null) AND ((qryCusCurrentProjectElements.ElementID) Is Not Null)) OR (((qryFilteredInterconnects.SourceElementID) Is Not Null) AND ((qryFilteredInterconnects.DestinationElementID) Is Not Null) AND ((qryCusCurrentProjectElements_1.ElementID) Is Not Null))) @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @a a a a aabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbcc!c"c#c$c%c&c'c(c)c*c+c d,d.d/d0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9d-e:ee?e@eAeee e;ffffff f fg g gggg hhhhhhhhh h h hiii i!i"i#i$i%i&i'i(i)i*i+i,i-i.i/i0i 1i 2i 3i4i5i6i7i8i9i#i#ij#j#j#j#j#j#j# j# j# j# j# j #j #j#j#j#j#j#j#j#j#j #j #j #j #j#j#j#j#j# j#!j#"j##j #$j#%j#k#&k#(k#)k#*k#+k#,k#-k#.k#/k%k%k%k%k%k%k %k %k %k#'l% l% l% l% l%l%l%l%l%l%l%l%l%l%l%l%l%l%l%l%l%l%l% 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wj.IFlowStatusDisplayFlowStatusDisplayX@!aU3 j.IFlowStatusb@ 1% wj.IInArchInArchF@ 5) j.IFlowNametblFlows.FlowName@! wj.IDestinationElementtblElements_1.ElementName\5 wj.ISourceElementtblElements.ElementNameP+ wj.IRegionalFlowIDL@ 9- wjs.I qryFilteredFlowsProject??? js.I tblStatus### js.IqryFilteredFlows111 js.IqryCusSelectCurrentProjectFlowsOOO js.ItblElementstblElements_1AA' js.ItblRegionalArchitecture??? js.IqryCusCurrentProjectElementsIII js.IqryCusCurrentProjectElementsqryCusCurrentProjectElements_1I js.ItblFlows!!! js.ItblElements''' j.I Gj.ItblTempCustomize111 Ojs.I j.I Gits.@  'is.tblElementstblRegionalArchitecture~@ aU' LVALtv  *  ` vLqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.DestinationElementID = qryFilteredMarketPackageInterconnect.DestinationElementIDqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.SourceElementID = qryFilteredMarketPackageInterconnect.SourceElementIDqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.DestinationElementID = qryFilteredElements_1.ElementIDqryFilteredElements.ElementID = qryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.SourceElementIDqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.DestinationElementID = tblElements_1.ElementIDqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.SourceElementID = tblElements.ElementIDMax(IIf(IsNull([MaxOfCommElement]),0,[MaxOfCommElement]))Min(qryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.InRegionalArch)Min([InterconnectShow] And [MinOfMPFilterShow] And qryFilteredElements.ElementShow And qryFilteredElements_1.ElementShow)Min(qryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.InProjectArch)Min(qryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.InProjectArch)Min(qryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.MinOfLastBuild)(((tblElements_1.ElementName)>tblElements.ElementName))qryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.DestinationElementID=tblElements_1.ElementIDqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.SourceElementID=tblElements.ElementIDMin(qryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.InRegionalArch)Max(IIf(IsNull([MaxOfCommElement]),0,[MaxOfCommElement]))Min(qryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.InProjectArch)Min(qryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.InProjectArch)Min(qryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.MinOfLastBuild)(((qryCusCurrentProjectElements.ElementID) Is Not Null)) OR (((qryCusCurrentProjectElements_1.ElementID) Is Not Null))tblElements.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementIDtblFlows.FlowID = tblRegionalArchitecture.FlowIDtblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowID = qryFilteredFlowsProject.RegionalFlowIDqryCusSelectCurrentProjectFlows.ProjectFlowStatus = tblStatus.StatusID*Hk ( } ? ! k 7 {  d ?5Kg's0gm ts Gmnts mts Gl tIDv@& 'l IDtblElements_1.ElementName8 gl IDtblElements.ElementName6 glIDqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupportqryFilteredInteconnectTypes@&e lIDqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupportqryFilteredInteconnectTypes@&e lIDqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupportqryFilteredMarketPackageInterconnect@$e lIDqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupportqryFilteredMarketPackageInterconnect@$e lIDqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupportqryFilteredElements_1@$e lIDqryFilteredElementsqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport@$7 lIDqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupporttblElements_1@$e lIDqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupporttblElements@${e lIDCommElementCommElementr@$I=' lIDMinOfInRegionalArchInRegionalArch|@$_S7 lIDExpr1Show@$/# lIDMinOfInProjectArch1OldInArchz@$UI7 lIDMinOfInProjectArchInArchz@$MA5 lIDMinOfMinOfLastBuildLastBuild|@ $UI7 lIDDestinationElementtblElements_1.ElementName\5 wlIDSourceElementtblElements.ElementNameP+ wltIDqryFilteredInteconnectTypesGGG ltIDqryFilteredMarketPackageInterconnectYYY ltIDqryFilteredElementsqryFilteredElements_1aa7 ltIDtblElementstblElements_1AA' ltIDtblElements''' ltIDqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupporteee ltIDqryFilteredElements777 lID GlIDtblTempCustomize111 OltID lID Gk tIDn@ $ 'k IDtblElements_1.ElementName8 gk IDtblElements.ElementName6 gkIDqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupporttblElements_1@ $e kIDqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupporttblElements@ ${e kIDMinOfInRegionalArchInRegionalArch|@ $_S7 kIDShowShow Min(True)8! kIDCommElementCommElementr@$I=' kIDMinOfInProjectArch1OldInArchz@$UI7 LVAL0L Rf|""(((tblElements.InRegion)=Yes) AND ((tblElements_1.InRegion)=Yes))tblElements.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementIDtblFlows.FlowID = tblRegionalArchitecture.FlowIDtblRegionalArchitecture.FlowStatus = tblStatus.StatusIDtblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementID = tblElements_1.ElementIDtblRegionalArchitecture.CommElementtblRegionalArchitecture.LastBuildIIf([InRegionalArchitecture],[StatusOrder],32767)tblRegionalArchitecture.FlowStatustblRegionalArchitecture.InRegionalArchitecturetblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowIDSELECT tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementID, tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementID, Min(tblRegionalArchitecture.LastBuild) AS MinOfLastBuild, Min(IIf(IsNull([ProjectID]),False,True)) AS InProjectArch, Min([InRegionalArchitecture]) as InRegionalArch, Max(qryCusSelectCurrentProjectFlows.CommElement) AS MaxOfCommElement FROM ((tblRegionalArchitecture LEFT JOIN qryCusCurrentProjectElements ON tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementID = qryCusCurrentProjectElements.ElementID) LEFT JOIN qryCusCurrentProjectElements AS qryCusCurrentProjectElements_1 ON tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementID = qryCusCurrentProjectElements_1.ElementID) LEFT JOIN qryCusSelectCurrentProjectFlows ON tblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowID = qryCusSelectCurrentProjectFlows.RegionalFlowID GROUP BY tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementID, tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementID, qryCusCurrentProjectElements.ElementID, qryCusCurrentProjectElements_1.ElementID HAVING (((qryCusCurrentProjectElements.ElementID) Is Not Null)) OR (((qryCusCurrentProjectElements_1.ElementID) Is Not Null)) (((tblElements_1.ElementName)>[tblElements].[ElementName]))qryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.DestinationElementID = qryFilteredInteconnectTypes.DestinationElementIDqryCusTempAppendProjectInterconnectSupport.SourceElementID = qryFilteredInteconnectTypes.SourceElementID 9fH*l  \ I  g + N z<@n[%y=Wm-pEltblTempCustomize111 OplEl pEl Gotio@ ( 'oiotblElementstblRegionalArchitecture~@ (aU' oiotblFlowstblRegionalArchitecture`@ ([O! oiotblStatustblRegionalArchitecturen@ (]Q# 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((tblElements_1.InRegion)=Yes))qryFilteredMarketPackageInterconnect.DestinationElementID=qryCusTempAppendRegionInterconnectSupport.DestinationElementIDqryFilteredMarketPackageInterconnect.SourceElementID=qryCusTempAppendRegionInterconnectSupport.SourceElementIDqryFilteredElements_1.ElementID=qryCusTempAppendRegionInterconnectSupport.DestinationElementIDqryFilteredElements.ElementID=qryCusTempAppendRegionInterconnectSupport.SourceElementIDqryCusTempAppendRegionInterconnectSupport.SourceElementID=qryFilteredInteconnectTypes.SourceElementIDqryCusTempAppendRegionInterconnectSupport.DestinationElementID=qryFilteredInteconnectTypes.DestinationElementIDqryCusTempAppendRegionInterconnectSupport.DestinationElementID=tblElements_1.ElementIDqryCusTempAppendRegionInterconnectSupport.SourceElementID=tblElements.ElementIDMax(qryCusTempAppendRegionInterconnectSupport.MaxOfCommElement)Min([InterconnectShow] And [MinOfMPFilterShow] And qryFilteredElements.ElementShow And 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Planned")qryReportSelectedElements_1.ElementNameqryReportSelectedElements.ElementNameqryInterconnectComm.CommElementID = qryReportSelectedElements_2.ElementIDqryInterconnectComm.ElementID = qrySelectArchitectureInterconnectsStatus.SourceElementIDqryInterconnectComm.OtherElementID = qrySelectArchitectureInterconnectsStatus.DestinationElementIDqryFilteredInterconnects.SourceElementID = qrySelectArchitectureInterconnectsStatus.SourceElementIDqryFilteredInterconnects.DestinationElementID = qrySelectArchitectureInterconnectsStatus.DestinationElementIDtblElements.ElementID = qrySelectArchitectureInterconnectsStatus.SourceElementIDtblElements_1.ElementID = qrySelectArchitectureInterconnectsStatus.DestinationElementIDqrySelectArchitectureInterconnectsStatus.DestinationElementID = qryReportSelectedElements_1.ElementIDqrySelectArchitectureInterconnectsStatus.SourceElementID = qryReportSelectedElements.ElementIDtblStatus.StatusOrder = 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qryCusCurrentProjectElements_DST.ElementIDqryElementsFLowsSPs.SourceElementID = qryCusCurrentProjectElements_SRC.ElementIDqryElementsFLowsSPs.SPID = tblSPsArch.SPIDMin(IIf(IsNull([qryGenCurrentProjectSPs].[ArchID]),No,IIf([qryElementsFlowsSPs].[tblSPsElements_SRC]![Select] Or [qryElementsFlowsSPs].[tblSPsElements_DST]![Select],Yes,No)))qryElementsFLowsSPs.DestinationElementIDqryElementsFLowsSPs.SourceElementIDqryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsSupport.FlowIDqryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsSupport.DestinationElementIDqryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsSupport.SourceElementIDtblStatus.StatusOrder = qryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsSupport.TotalStatusOrderMin(qryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsSupport.InArch)Min(qryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsSupport.InArch)qryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsSupport.FlowIDqryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsSupport.DestinationElementIDqryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsSupport.SourceElementID(((qryElementsFLowsSPs.DestinationElementID)<>[SourceElementID]) AND 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[qryElementsFlowsSPs].[tblSPsElements_DST]![Select],Yes,No))qryElementsFLowsSPs.DestinationElementIDqryElementsFLowsSPs.SourceElementIDqryGenCurrentProjectSPs.SPStatus = tblStatus_SP.StatusIDqryCusCurrentProjectElements_DST.ElementStatus = tblStatus_DST.StatusIDqryCusCurrentProjectElements_SRC.ElementStatus = tblStatus_SRC.StatusIDtblSPsArch.SPID = qryGenCurrentProjectSPs.SPIDqryElementsFLowsSPs.DestinationElementID = qryCusCurrentProjectElements_DST.ElementIDqryElementsFLowsSPs.SourceElementID = qryCusCurrentProjectElements_SRC.ElementIDqryElementsFLowsSPs.SPID = tblSPsArch.SPIDMin(IIf(IsNull([qryGenCurrentProjectSPs].[ArchID]),No,IIf([qryElementsFlowsSPs].[tblSPsElements_SRC]![Select] Or [qryElementsFlowsSPs].[tblSPsElements_DST]![Select],Yes,No)))Min(IIf([InArch],IIf([StatSP]>[StatE1],IIf([StatSP]>[StatE2],[StatSP],[StatE2]),IIf([StatE1]>[StatE2],[StatE1],[StatE2])),32767))IIf(IsNull([tblStatus_DST].[StatusOrder]),0,[tblStatus_DST].[StatusOrder])IIf(IsNull([tblStatus_SRC].[StatusOrder]),0,[tblStatus_SRC].[StatusOrder])IIf(IsNull([tblStatus_SP].[StatusOrder]),0,[tblStatus_SP].[StatusOrder])IIf(IsNull([qryGenCurrentProjectSPs].[ArchID]),No,IIf([qryElementsFlowsSPs].[tblSPsElements_SRC]![Select] And [qryElementsFlowsSPs].[tblSPsElements_DST]![Select],Yes,No))qryElementsFLowsSPs.DestinationElementIDqryElementsFLowsSPs.SourceElementIDqryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsModerateSupport.FlowIDqryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsModerateSupport.DestinationElementIDqryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsModerateSupport.SourceElementIDqryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsModerateSupport.TotalStatusOrder = 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qryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowConflicts.DestinationqryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences.FlowName = qryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowConflicts.FlowNameqryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences.*(((qryReportCompMPMappedElementsRegion.MarketPackage) Is Null))qryReportCompMPMappedElementsProject.RolledUpElementID=qryReportCompMPMappedElementsRegion.RolledUpElementIDqryReportCompMPMappedElementsProject.MarketPackage=qryReportCompMPMappedElementsRegion.MarketPackageqryReportCompMPMappedElementsProject.StatusNameqryReportCompMPMappedElementsProject.ElementNameqryReportCompMPMappedElementsProject.MarketPackageNameqryReportCompMPMappedElementsProject.MarketPackageqryReportCompMPMappedElementsProject.ProjectName(((tblRegionalServices.Applicability)<>0) And ((tblStatus.StatusOrder)<tblStatus_1.StatusOrder) And ((tblMarketPackages.MarketPackageInstance)=True) And ((tblMarketPackages_1.MarketPackageInstance)=False))tblMarketPackageProjects.ProjectStatus=tblStatus.StatusIDtblProjectInformation.ProjectID=tblMarketPackageProjects.ProjectIDtblMarketPackages.MarketPackageID=tblMarketPackageProjects.MarketPackageIDtblStatus_1.StatusID=tblRegionalServices.Applicabilityr:|^ Z c  Y y O S  O  m/}9O%c9R>Td~eltblElementsPObjectstblFlowStandards~@ cW7 ~eltblElementstblElementsPObjectsj@ YM' ~eltblReportTextqryReportCompStdStandardDifferences@ }q+ ~eltblFlowStandardstblFlowsR@ MA1 ~elqryReportCompStdStandardDifferencestblFlowStandards@wW ~eltblFlowStandardstblRegionalArchitecturep@k_1 ~elqryReportCompStdStandardDifferencestblProjectArchitecture@W ~el tblFlows.FlowName0 g~el DestinationtblElements_1.ElementNameN'' o~el SourcetblElements.ElementNameB o~el\@ g~elStandardDocIDj@7++ o~elb@ g~elN@ g~elR@ g~el^@ g~elDifferencetblReportText.TextE%% o~el`@ g~Sel tblElementsPObjectstblElementsPObjects_1aa7 ~Sel tblElementsPObjects777 ~SeltblReportText+++ ~SeltblFlows!!! ~SeltblRegionalArchitecture??? ~SeltblFlowStandards111 ~SeltblProjectArchitecture=== ~SelqryReportCompStdStandardDifferencesWWW ~SeltblElements''' ~SeltblElementstblElements_1AA' ~el G~el G~Sel ~el G}fliX7YZ_____2@1% 7}fliX7YZ_____1D@1% 7}li G} li G}fli }li G| .MatblStandards.StandardDocID9 '| .MaF@ '|MaqryReportCompStdtblStandardGroups@_S1 |MatblStandardGroupStandardstblStandards|@g[C |MatblStandardGroupstblStandardGroupStandards@qe3 |MatblStandards.StandardDocID9 g|MatblStandards.StandardTitle9 g|MatblStandards.SDO/ g|MaF@ g|MaqryReportCompStd.ProjectName; g|MaqryReportCompStd.DifferenceID< g|.MatblStandards))) |.MatblStandardGroupStandardsCCC |.MatblStandardGroups333 |.MaqryReportCompStd111 |Ma G|Ma G|.Ma |Ma G{@ 'LVAL\qryReportCompStdStandardDifferences.ProjectNameqryReportCompStdStandardDifferences.DifferenceIDSELECT 1 AS DifferenceID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectName, tblStandards.StandardGroup AS [Group], tblSDOs.SDO, tblStandards.StandardTitle, tblStandards.StandardDocNumber, tblStandardsArch.StandardID, Yes AS Standard FROM tblProjectInformation, (tblStandardsArch INNER JOIN tblStandards ON tblStandardsArch.StandardID = tblStandards.StandardID) INNER JOIN tblSDOs ON tblStandards.StandardSDO = tblSDOs.SDOID WHERE (((tblStandardsArch.StandardID) Not In (Select StandardID FROM tblStandardsArch WHERE ArchitectureID=[ProjectID])) AND ((tblStandardsArch.ArchitectureID)=-1)) UNION SELECT 2 AS DifferenceID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectName, tblStandards.StandardGroup AS [Group], tblSDOs.SDO, tblStandards.StandardTitle, tblStandards.StandardDocNumber, tblStandardsArch.StandardID, Yes AS Standard FROM ((tblStandardsArch INNER JOIN tblProjectInformation ON tblStandardsArch.ArchitectureID = tblProjectInformation.ProjectID) INNER JOIN tblStandards ON tblStandardsArch.StandardID = tblStandards.StandardID) INNER JOIN tblSDOs ON tblStandards.StandardSDO = tblSDOs.SDOID WHERE (((tblStandardsArch.StandardID) Not In (Select StandardID FROM tblStandardsArch WHERE ArchitectureID=-1))) UNION SELECT 1 AS DifferenceID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectName, Yes AS [Group], "Profile" as StandardSDO, tblProfiles.ProfileLongName as StandardTitle, "" as StandardDocNumber, tblProfilesArch.ProfileID as StandardID, No as Standard FROM tblProjectInformation, tblProfilesArch INNER JOIN tblProfiles ON tblProfilesArch.ProfileID = tblProfiles.ProfileID WHERE (((tblProfilesArch.ProfileID) Not In (Select ProfileID FROM tblProfilesArch WHERE ArchitectureID=[ProjectID])) AND ((tblProfilesArch.ArchitectureID)=-1)) LVAL$ " \ L bj^`4*jPtblFlowStandards.FlowID = tblRegionalArchitecture.FlowIDqryTableStandardsAndProfiles.StandardDocNumberqryReportCompStdStandardElementDifferences.StandardIDqryTableStandardsAndProfiles.StandardTitleqryTableStandardsAndProfiles.StandardGroupqryReportCompStdStandardElementDifferences.ProjectNameqryReportCompStdStandardElementDifferences.DifferenceIDtblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowID = tblProjectArchitecture.RegionalFlowIDtblFlowStandards.Standard = qryReportCompStdStandardDifferences.StandardtblElementsPObjects_1.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementIDtblElementsPObjects_1.ElementID = tblElements_1.ElementIDtblElementsPObjects_1.PObjectID = tblFlowStandards.DestinationEntityIDtblElementsPObjects.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementIDtblElementsPObjects.PObjectID = tblFlowStandards.SourceEntityIDtblElements.ElementID = tblElementsPObjects.ElementIDtblReportText.TextID = qryReportCompStdStandardDifferences.DifferenceIDtblFlowStandards.FlowID = tblFlows.FlowIDqryReportCompStdStandardDifferences.StandardID = tblFlowStandards.StandardIDtblFlowStandards.FlowID = tblRegionalArchitecture.FlowIDqryReportCompStdStandardDifferences.ProjectID = tblProjectArchitecture.ProjectIDqryReportCompStdStandardDifferences.StandardIDqryReportCompStdStandardDifferences.StandardDocNumberqryReportCompStdStandardDifferences.StandardTitleqryReportCompStdStandardDifferences.SDOqryReportCompStdStandardDifferences.GroupSELECT 2 AS DifferenceID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectName, Yes AS [Group], "Profile" as StandardSDO, tblProfiles.ProfileLongName as StandardTitle, "" as StandardDocNumber, tblProfilesArch.ProfileID as StandardID, No as Standard FROM tblProjectInformation, tblProfilesArch INNER JOIN tblProfiles ON tblProfilesArch.ProfileID = tblProfiles.ProfileID WHERE (((tblProfilesArch.ProfileID) Not In (Select ProfileID FROM tblProfilesArch WHERE ArchitectureID=-1)))"OW N L i I 5 1IFthd`DLNJBVR2})@'*@qryReportMPsProjectPart0J@ `@ j^^RRRRRRRP @FWu@&@qryReportMPsProject @ @ `TTHHHHHHHF @X8s3@&*@qryReportMPsPart1@ @ \PPDDDDDDDB @M@ 4d"*@qryReportMPsHelper@ @ ^RRFFFFFFFD @ 7 jr@ļ@qryReportInventory K\ @ ^RRFFFFFFFD @W@@qryReportInterconnects @ @ @ fZZNNNNNNNL @Ta@\n@qryReportFunArchElementReq @ @ nbbVVVVVVVT @!a@/r+n@qryReportFunArchElementEPE @ @ l``TTTTTTTR @ 7 xa@2Yn@qryReportFunArchElementEntitiesG @ $ @ xll```````^ @})u@ @qryReportFun K@ RFF:::::::8 @I@I@qryReportFiltersMPJ@ @ ^RRFFFFFFFD @*8@@gO@qryReportFiltersInterconnects@y |@~ thh\\\\\\\Z @Y@oN@qryReportFiltersFlowType@y |@~ j^^RRRRRRRP @ 7 :K@/x@qryReportFiltersFlowDeployment>@} @~ vjj^^^^^^^\ @@1i>@qryReportFiltersEntityType@} |@~ nbbVVVVVVVT @;~@Dl@qryReportFiltersEntityClass@} |@| pddXXXXXXXV @p:a@w̵G@qryReportExtensionsPart1@} @| j^^RRRRRRRP @ 7 a@7@qryReportElementStakeholder@{ @z pddXXXXXXXV @캏jr@jr@qryReportElementProjects@{ @z j^^RRRRRRRP @ݝjr@39u@qryReportElementProjectNames_@{ @z rffZZZZZZZX @/@WKZ@qryReportElementArchitectures@y `@x thh\\\\\\\Z @;a@JJ-@qryReportDiscontinuedc@y @x dXXLLLLLLLJ @/Pr5@Z'}6@qryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferencesL@y `@x xxxxxxxv @ 7 `4@4@qryReportCompStdStandardEntityDifferencesFlows-u K @w ~~~~~~~| @ -u5@ 5@qryReportCompStdStandardEntityDifferences@o `@t tttttttr @S@f@qryReportCompStdStandardElementDifferencesFlowsr K @t ~ @Uct5@E5@qryReportCompStdStandardElementDifferences@o `@q vvvvvvvt @7@8@qryReportCompStdStandardDifferencesSave@o `@q ||pppppppn @7  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @x$x%x&xy'y)y*y+y,y-y.y/y0y1y2y3y4yyyy yyyyyy y y  y  y(z zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzz{{ {!{"{#{${%{&{'{({){{|||||||| | | | | ||||| | |}}}}}}~~~~~~ ~!~"~#~$~%~ &~ '~(~)~*~+~,~-~.~/~ 0~ 1~ 2~3~4~5~6~7~8~9~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~         !"#$%&'() * + ,-./0123              !"#$ % & '().4 e G q S  } _ + G w-w)Ok 0<tblReportTextqryReportCompStdStandardElementDifferences@+ tblFlowStandardsqryReportCompStdStandardElementDifferences@1 tblRegionalArchitectureqryReportCompStdStandardElementDifferences@? tblProjectArchitectureqryReportCompStdStandardElementDifferences@= tblFlowStandardsqryTableStandardsAndProfiles@ui1 tblFlowStandardstblFlowsR@MA1 tblFlowStandardstblRegionalArchitecturep@k_1  tblFlows.FlowName0 g DestinationtblElements_1.ElementNameN'' o SourcetblElements.ElementNameB oStandardDocID\@7++ oj@ gT@ g"qryTableStandardsAndProfiles.SDO? gGroupT@' ol@ gDifferencetblReportText.TextE%% on@ g tblElementstblElements_1AA'  tblElementsPObjects777  qryReportCompStdStandardElementDifferenceseee tblProjectArchitecture=== qryTableStandardsAndProfilesIII tblFlows!!! tblRegionalArchitecture??? tblFlowStandards111 tblReportText+++ tblElementsPObjectstblElementsPObjects_1aa7 tblElements'''  G G  G (SX7YZ_____2 @1% 7 (SX7YZ_____1@1% 7(S G (S G (S (S GnfoX7YZ_____2@1% 7nfoX7YZ_____1 @1% 7fo G fo Gnfo fo G~Sel!(((tblReportText.ReportID)=33))> '~el tblRegionalArchitecturetblProjectArchitecture@wk? ~el tblFlowStandardsqryReportCompStdStandardDifferences@w1 ~el tblElementsPObjects_1tblRegionalArchitecture@ui; ~el tblElementsPObjects_1tblElements_1r@aU; ~el tblElementsPObjects_1tblFlowStandards@g[; ~eltblElementsPObjectstblRegionalArchitecture@ qe7 pLVAL4tblProjectArchitecture.ProjectID = qryReportCompStdStandardElementDifferences.ProjectIDtblFlowStandards.StandardID = qryTableStandardsAndProfiles.StandardIDtblFlowStandards.FlowID = tblFlows.FlowIDSELECT 1 AS DifferenceID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectName, tblStandards.StandardGroup AS [Group], tblStandards.StandardSDO, tblStandards.StandardTitle, tblStandards.StandardDocNumber, tblStandardsArch.StandardID FROM tblProjectInformation, tblStandardsArch INNER JOIN tblStandards ON tblStandardsArch.StandardID = tblStandards.StandardID WHERE (((tblStandardsArch.StandardID) Not In (Select StandardID FROM tblStandardsArch WHERE ArchitectureID=[ProjectID])) AND ((tblStandardsArch.ArchitectureID)=-1)) AND tblStandards.StandardGroup=NO UNION SELECT 2 AS DifferenceID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectName, tblStandards.StandardGroup AS [Group], tblStandards.StandardSDO, tblStandards.StandardTitle, tblStandards.StandardDocNumber, tblStandardsArch.StandardID FROM (tblStandardsArch INNER JOIN tblProjectInformation ON tblStandardsArch.ArchitectureID = tblProjectInformation.ProjectID) INNER JOIN tblStandards ON tblStandardsArch.StandardID = tblStandards.StandardID WHERE (((tblStandardsArch.StandardID) Not In (Select StandardID FROM tblStandardsArch WHERE ArchitectureID=-1))) AND tblStandards.StandardGroup=No UNION SELECT 1 AS DifferenceID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectName, tblStandards.StandardGroup AS [Group], tblStandards.StandardSDO, tblStandards.StandardTitle, tblStandards.StandardDocNumber, tblStandardsArch.StandardID FROM tblProjectInformation, tblStandardsArch INNER JOIN tblStandards ON tblStandardsArch.StandardID = tblStandards.StandardID WHERE (((tblStandardsArch.StandardID) Not In (Select StandardID FROM tblStandardsArch WHERE ArchitectureID=[ProjectID])) AND ((tblStandardsArch.ArchitectureID)=-1)) AND tblStandards.StandardGroup=Yes LVALH rhbtblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementID = tblElementsPObjects.ElementIDtblReportText.TextID = qryReportCompStdStandardElementDifferences.DifferenceIDtblFlowStandards.StandardID = qryReportCompStdStandardElementDifferences.StandardIDtblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowID = qryReportCompStdStandardElementDifferences.RegionalFlowIDSELECT DISTINCT 2 AS DifferenceID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectName, tblStandardsTailoring.StandardID, tblStandardsTailoring.RegionalFlowID FROM tblStandardsTailoring INNER JOIN tblProjectInformation ON tblStandardsTailoring.ArchitectureID = tblProjectInformation.ProjectID WHERE (((tblStandardsTailoring.RegionalFlowID) Not In (SELECT RegionalFlowID FROM tblStandardsTailoring as tblStandardsTailoring_1 WHERE StandardID=tblStandardsTailoring.[StandardID] AND ArchitectureID=-1)))SELECT DISTINCT 1 AS DifferenceID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectName, tblStandardsTailoring.StandardID, tblStandardsTailoring.RegionalFlowID FROM tblProjectInformation, tblStandardsTailoring WHERE (((tblStandardsTailoring.RegionalFlowID) Not In (SELECT RegionalFlowID FROM tblStandardsTailoring as tblStandardsTailoring_1 WHERE StandardID=tblStandardsTailoring.[StandardID] AND ArchitectureID=[ProjectID])) AND ((tblStandardsTailoring.ArchitectureID)=-1)) SELECT 2 AS DifferenceID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectName, tblStandards.StandardGroup AS [Group], tblStandards.StandardSDO, tblStandards.StandardTitle, tblStandards.StandardDocNumber, tblStandardsArch.StandardID FROM (tblStandardsArch INNER JOIN tblProjectInformation ON tblStandardsArch.ArchitectureID = tblProjectInformation.ProjectID) INNER JOIN tblStandards ON tblStandardsArch.StandardID = tblStandards.StandardID WHERE (((tblStandardsArch.StandardID) Not In (Select StandardID FROM tblStandardsArch WHERE ArchitectureID=-1))) AND tblStandards.StandardGroup=Yes*1 H | ^ @ " j L . H  b  H~T fu8f"  tblElementsPObjects_1tblRegionalArchitecture@ui; tblElementsPObjectstblRegionalArchitecture@qe7 tblElementsPObjectstblFlowStandards~@cW7 tblReportTextqryReportCompStdStandardEntityDifferences@}+ tblFlowStandardsqryTableStandardsAndProfiles@ui1 qryReportCompStdStandardEntityDifferencestblProjectArchitecture@c qryReportCompStdStandardEntityDifferencestblFlowStandards@c tblFlowStandardstblFlowsR@MA1 tblFlowStandardstblRegionalArchitecturep@k_1  tblFlows.FlowName0 g DestinationtblElements_1.ElementNameN'' o SourcetblElements.ElementNameB otblFlowStandards.StandardID: gStandardDocID\@ 7++ oT@  g"qryTableStandardsAndProfiles.SDO? gGroupT@ ' oj@  gDifferencetblReportText.TextE%% ol@  g tblElementstblElements_1AA'  qryTableStandardsAndProfilesIII  tblProjectArchitecture=== tblFlows!!! tblRegionalArchitecture??? tblFlowStandards111 qryReportCompStdStandardEntityDifferencesccc tblReportText+++ tblElementsPObjects777 tblElementsPObjectstblElementsPObjects_1aa7 tblElements'''  G G  GProX7YZ_____2H@1% 7ProX7YZ_____1@1% 7ro G ro GPro ro G@ 'tblRegionalArchitecturetblProjectArchitecture@wk?  tblElementstblElementsPObjectsj@YM'  tblElementsPObjects_1tblElements_1r@aU;  tblElementsPObjects_1tblFlowStandards@g[;  tblElementsPObjects_1tblRegionalArchitecture@ui;  tblFlowStandardstblElementsPObjects~@cW1 tblRegionalArchitecturetblElementsPObjects@qe? LVALZ ~ X >  xZltblReportText.TextID = qryReportCompStdStandardEntityDifferences.DifferenceIDtblFlowStandards.StandardID = qryTableStandardsAndProfiles.StandardIDqryReportCompStdStandardEntityDifferences.ProjectID = tblProjectArchitecture.ProjectIDqryReportCompStdStandardEntityDifferences.EntityFlowStdID = tblFlowStandards.EntityFlowStdIDtblFlowStandards.FlowID = tblFlows.FlowIDtblFlowStandards.FlowID = tblRegionalArchitecture.FlowIDqryTableStandardsAndProfiles.StandardDocNumberqryTableStandardsAndProfiles.StandardTitleqryTableStandardsAndProfiles.StandardGroupqryReportCompStdStandardEntityDifferences.ProjectNameqryReportCompStdStandardEntityDifferences.DifferenceIDSELECT 2 AS DifferenceID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectName, tblFlowStandardsTailoring.EntityFlowStdID FROM tblFlowStandardsTailoring INNER JOIN tblProjectInformation ON tblFlowStandardsTailoring.ArchitectureID = tblProjectInformation.ProjectID WHERE (((tblFlowStandardsTailoring.EntityFlowStdID) Not In (SELECT EntityFlowStdID FROM tblFlowStandardsTailoring WHERE ArchitectureID=-1)))SELECT 1 AS DifferenceID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectID, tblProjectInformation.ProjectName, tblFlowStandardsTailoring.EntityFlowStdID FROM tblFlowStandardsTailoring, tblProjectInformation WHERE (((tblFlowStandardsTailoring.EntityFlowStdID) Not In (SELECT EntityFlowStdID FROM tblFlowStandardsTailoring WHERE ArchitectureID=[ProjectID])) AND ((tblFlowStandardsTailoring.ArchitectureID)=-1)) (((tblReportText.ReportID)=33) AND ((tblFlowStandards.Standard)=Yes))tblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowID = tblProjectArchitecture.RegionalFlowIDtblElements.ElementID = tblElementsPObjects.ElementIDtblElementsPObjects_1.ElementID = tblElements_1.ElementIDtblElementsPObjects_1.PObjectID = tblFlowStandards.DestinationEntityIDtblElementsPObjects_1.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementIDtblFlowStandards.SourceEntityID = tblElementsPObjects.PObjectID @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @~/~ 0~ 1~ 2~3~4~5~6~7~8~9~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~         !"#$%&'() * + ,-./0123              !"#$ % & '()*+,-./ 0          !"#$%&'()*+,-           !"$%&'()*+#,./01234-LVALX Z T d & ,JdhdLtblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowID = qryReportUserArchitectureFlows.RegionalFlowIDtblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementID = tblElements_1.ElementIDqryReportUserArchitectureFlows.ArchitectureNameqryReportUserArchitectureFlows.RegionalSELECT * FROM qryReportCompStdStandardDifferencesFlowsSELECT * FROM qryReportCompStdStandardEntityDifferencesFlows UNION SELECT * FROM qryReportCompStdStandardElementDifferencesFlows (((qryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences.DifferenceID)<>[qryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences_1].[DifferenceID]))qryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences.ProjectName = qryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences_1.ProjectNameqryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences.StandardID = qryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences_1.StandardIDqryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences.Source = qryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences_1.SourceqryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences.Destination = qryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences_1.DestinationqryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences.FlowName = qryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences_1.FlowNameqryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences.FlowNameqryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences.DestinationqryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences.SourceqryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences.StandardIDqryReportCompStdStandardsAllFlowDifferences.ProjectNameqryTableStandardsAndProfiles.Standard = tblFlowStandards.StandardtblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowID = tblProjectArchitecture.RegionalFlowIDtblElements.ElementID = tblElementsPObjects.ElementIDtblElementsPObjects_1.ElementID = tblElements_1.ElementIDtblElementsPObjects_1.PObjectID = tblFlowStandards.DestinationEntityIDtblElementsPObjects_1.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementIDtblElementsPObjects.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementIDtblElementsPObjects.PObjectID = tblFlowStandards.SourceEntityID_.4 g I + { Y /   ' MsoQ3{]?!57m]tblRegionalArchitectureqryReportUserArchitectureFlows@{? tblRegionalArchitecturetblElements_1@eY? Flow KindtblFlows.FlowKindB## oFlow NametblFlows.FlowNameB## oDestination ElementtblElements_1.ElementName^77 oSource ElementtblElements.ElementNameR-- oArchitecture Name^@?33 oN@ gEqryReportUserArchitectureFlowsMMM EtblFlows!!! EtblElementstblElements_1AA' EtblElements''' EtblRegionalArchitecture???  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LBJ^z.[tblStatus].[StatusID]=[tblFilterFlowDeployment].[FlowDeployment][tblFilterFlowDeployment].[Select](((tblFilterEntityTypes.EntityType)<>"Other System"))[tblFilterEntityClasses].[EntityClass][tblFilterEntityClasses].[Select][tblFilterEntityClasses].[EntityClass](((tblRegionalArchitecture.InRegionalArchitecture)=Yes)) OR (((tblProjectInformation.ProjectName) Is Not Null))tblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowID = tblProjectArchitecture.RegionalFlowIDtblProjectInformation.ProjectID = tblProjectArchitecture.ProjectIDtblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementIDtblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementIDtblProjectInformation.ProjectNametblRegionalArchitecture.InRegionalArchitecturetblStakeholders.StakeholderID = tblStakeholdersElements.StakeholderIDtblStatus.StatusID = tblStakeholdersElements.RoleStatustblECoordination.CoordinationID = tblStakeholdersElements.RoleIDtblStakeholders.StakeholderID = tblStakeholders_Members.StakeholderIDtblStakeholdersElements.ElementIDtblECoordination.CoordinationNameIIf([tblStakeholders_Members].[StakeholderID] Is Null,'No','Yes')tblElements.ElementID = tblStakeholdersElements.ElementIDtblStakeholdersElements.StakeholderIDtblElements.ElementID=tblProjectElements.ElementIDtblStatus.StatusID=tblProjectElements.ElementStatustblApplicationStatus.CurrentArchitecture=tblProjectInformation.ProjectIDtblProjectInformation.ProjectID=tblProjectElements.ProjectIDtblProjectInformation.ProjectNameSELECT tblElements.ElementID, -1 as expr1 FROM tblElements WHERE InRegion=YesSELECT tblElements.ElementID, tblProjectElements.ProjectID as ArchitectureID FROM tblElements INNER JOIN tblProjectElements ON tblElements.ElementID = tblProjectElements.ElementID qryReportUserArchitectureFlows.ArchitectureNameqryReportUserArchitectureFlows.Regional(((tblFlows.FlowKind)="Discontinued"))tblElements.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementIDtblFlows.FlowID = 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hiviQfdimMd`fYbqbdmYbiQUYdbQ^Q`QbmkhiviQfdimMd`fYbqbdmYbiQUYdbYbkmJbMQkhiviQfdimMd`fYbqkmJ\QWd^OQikhiviQfdimMd`fYbqkmJmokqJ^oQhiviQfdimMd`fYbqkmJmokqJ^oQ8md8hiviQfdimMd`fYbqkmJmokqJ^oQSid`YbkmJbMQhiviQfdimMd`fYbqsYmWdomkmJmokqJ^oQkhiviQfdimMd`f`fhiviQfdimMd`f`f`JffQOQ^Q`Qbmkfid[QMmhiviQfdimMd`f`f`JffQOQ^Q`QbmkiQUYdbhiviQfdimMd`f`fbdmYbiQUYdbhiviQfdimMd`f`fkmJmokqJ^oQhiviQfdimMd`f`fkmJmokqJ^oQ8md8hiviQfdimMd`f`fkmJmokqJ^oQSid`YbkmJbMQhiviQfdimMd`f`fob`JffQOQ^Q`QbmkhiviQfdimMd`fkmOhiviQfdimMd`fkmOUidofbdmQkhiviQfdimMd`fkmOkmJbOJiOOYSSQiQbMQkhiviQfdimMd`fkmOkmJbOJiOOYSSQiQbMQkS^dskhiviQfdimMd`fkmOkmJbOJiOOYSSQiQbMQkkJqQhiviQfdimMd`fkmOkmJbOJiOQ^Q`QbmOYSSQiQbMQkhiviQfdimMd`fkmOkmJbOJiOQ^Q`QbmOYSSQiQbMQkS^dskhiviQfdimMd`fkmOkmJbOJiOQbmYmvOYSSQiQbMQkhiviQfdimMd`fkmOkmJbOJiOQbmYmvOYSSQiQbMQkS^dskhiviQfdimMd`fkmOkmJbOJiOkJ^^S^dsMdbS^YMmkhiviQfdimMd`fkmOkmJbOJiOkJ^^S^dsOYSSQiQbMQkhiviQfdimOYkMdbmYboQOhiviQfdimQ^Q`QbmJiMWYmQMmoiQk hiviQfdimQ^Q`Qbmfid[QMmbJ`Qk hiviQfdimQ^Q`Qbmfid[QMmk 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Name](((qryReportFun.ArchitectureID)<>-1))tblElements.ElementID = tblProjectElements.ElementIDtblElements.ElementName = qryReportFun.ElementNametblProjectElements.ProjectID = qryReportFun.ArchitectureIDqryReportFun.[Functional Area UserDefined]qryReportFun.[Functional Area Description]qryReportFun.[Physical Object Name]SELECT * FROM qryReportSuspectStatusFuncReqHelperProjectSELECT * FROM qryReportSuspectStatusFuncReqHelperRegion qryReportSuspectStatusFuncReqHelper.ReqStatusIDqryReportSuspectStatusFuncReqHelper.RequirementIDqryReportSuspectStatusFuncReqHelper.[Functional Area]qryReportSuspectStatusFuncReqHelper.ElementName(((qryReportSuspectStatusFuncReqHelper.RequirementID) Is Not Null) AND ((tblStatus.StatusOrder)<[tblStatus_1].[StatusOrder]))qryReportSuspectStatusFuncReqHelper.ElementStatus = tblStatus_1.StatusID.=Hj& ]  k  g I + \  Z  v2g%H`0.BF x8nttblStatusqryReportSuspectStatusProjectHelper@(ui# nt Requirementb@(3'' ont Requirement IDn@(9-- ont Functional Objectn@(?33 ont Flow 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I G ItblStandardsArch111 O) I  I Grchn@P 'chtblStandardGroupsArchqryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAll@Pw; chtblStandardGroupsArchqryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAll@Pw; chtblStandardGroupsArch.DeleteYesZI wrchtblStandardGroupsArch;;; rchqryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAllMMM ch Gch Grch ch G = @L '= qryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAlltblStandardGroups@L{oM = qryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAlltblStandardGroupsArch@LwM = qryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAlltblStandardGroupsArch@LwM = StandardGroupR@L7+ w= ArchitectureIDJ@L9- w = tblStandardGroupsArch;;;  = tblStandardGroups333  = qryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAllMMM LVALb\ 2  H L l& qryStdArchitectureStandardGroups.InRegionalArchitectureqryStdArchitectureStandardGroups.ProjectIDqryStdArchitectureStandardGroups.ShowSELECT * FROM [qryStdEntityView-StandardEntity]SELECT * FROM [qryStdEntityView-GroupEntity] SELECT * FROM qryStdAllStandardGroupsSELECT * FROM qryStdAllStandards SELECT tblStandardGroups.StandardGroup AS StandardID, tblStandardGroups.SDO, tblStandardGroups.StandardGroupName AS StandardTitle, tblStandardGroups.StandardGroupShortName AS StandardDocID, -1 AS StandardTypeID, "" AS StandardType, "" AS StandardVersion, Yes AS Include, tblStandardGroups.StandardGroupNarrative AS Comment, tblStandardGroups.UserDefined, Yes AS IsGroup FROM tblStandardGroups WHERE (((Exists (select tblStandardsArch.StandardID, tblStandardsArch.ArchitectureID from tblStandardsArch, tblApplicationStatus WHERE tblStandardGroups.StandardGroup = tblStandardsArch.StandardID AND tblApplicationStatus.CurrentArchitecture = tblStandardsArch.ArchitectureID))=False)) Sum(IIf(IsNull([StatusDescription]),0,Len([StatusDescription])))(((qryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAll.StandardID) Is Null))tblStandardsArch.ArchitectureID = qryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAll.ArchIDtblStandardsArch.StandardID = qryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAll.StandardID(((tblStandardsArch.StandardID) Is Null) AND ((tblStandardGroups.StandardGroup) Is Null))qryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAll.StandardID = tblStandardGroups.StandardGroupqryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAll.StandardID = tblStandards.StandardIDqryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAll.ArchID = tblStandardsArch.ArchitectureIDqryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAll.StandardID = tblStandardsArch.StandardIDqryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAll.StandardIDqryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAll.ArchID(((qryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAll.StandardID) Is Null))tblStandardGroupsArch.ArchitectureID = qryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAll.ArchIDtblStandardGroupsArch.StandardGroup = qryStandardsSyncRelatedStdsAll.StandardID7| @@@  hiviiOQSJo^mJiQJkfid[QMm2hivii`fJOOYmYdbJ^fid[QMm2 hiviiiQf^YMJmQiiJffQbO2 hiviiiQf^YMJmQiikQ^QMm2 hiviikfJOOYmYdbJ^2 hiviikfk2 hiviikmJ\QJOOYmYdbJ^2hiviikmJ\QiQ^JmQO2hiviikmJ\QiQ^JmQOJOOYmYdbJ^2hiviikmJ\QiQ^JmQOJOOYmYdbJ^fid[QMm2hiviikmJ\QiQ^JmQOfid[QMm2hiviikmJ\Qk2hivkQ^QMmJ^^YbmQiMdbbQMmk2hivkQ^QMmJiMWYmQMmoiQYbmQiMdbbQMmkkmJmok2hivkQ^QMmJiMWYmQMmoiQYbmQiMdbbQMmkkmJmokLJkYM2hivkQ^QMmQ^Q`Qbmkfid[QMm2hivkQ^QMmQ^Q`Qbmkfid[QMmbQs2hivkQ^QMmQ^Q`QbmkiQUYdb2hivkQ^QMmobYhoQYbmQiMdbbQMmk2hivkfQ^Q`QbmMdobm2hivkfQ^Q`QbmMdobmJ^^2hivkfQ^Q`QbmkkQ^QMmYbqJ^YO2hivkfQ^Q`QbmkkQ^QMmqJ^YO2hivkfSY^mQidb2hivkf`YkkYbUQ^Q`Qbmk2 hivkfkWds`Yb`Ju2!hivkfkYbJiMW2"hivkfkYbiQUYdb2#hivkfk^Ykm2$hivkfkfdL[QMmkGhivkfkfdL[QMmkQuM^oOYbUYbkmJbMQkGhivkfkkfmvfQdbQGhivkfkkfmvfQdbQkoffdimGhivkfmvfQkkfkJ^^GhivkmJ\QWd^OQiid^QM^JkkfdL[QMmMd``dbQ^Q`QbmGhivkmJ\QWd^OQiid^QM^JkkfdL[QMmYbmQiSJMQkmiYf^QkGhivkmJ\QWd^OQiid^QM^JkkfdL[QMmYbmQiSJMQkmiYf^QkLYOYiGhivkmJ\QWd^OQiid^QkQufJbOQOGhivkmJ\QWd^OQikG hivkmJ\QWd^OQikQ^Q`QbmkQufJbOQOG hivkmJ\QWd^OQikid^QkG hivkmJ\QWd^OQikid^QkkoffdimG hivkmJbOJiOUidofmvfQkG hivkmJbOJiOkkvbMiQ^JmQOkmOkJ^^GhivkmJbOJiOkkvbMiQ^JmQOkmOkfid[QMmGhivkmJbOJiOkkvbMiQ^JmQOkmOkiQUYdbGhivkmJbOJiOkkvbMkmJbOJiOUidofkJffQbOGhivkmJbOJiOkkvbMkmJbOJiOUidofk`Ji\OQ^QmQGhivkmJbOJiOkkvbMkmJbOJiOkJffQbOGhivkmJbOJiOkkvbMkmJbOJiOk`Ji\OQ^QmQGhivkmJmokOQkMiYfmYdbQuYkmkGhivkmOJ^^kmJbOJiOUidofkGhivkmOJ^^kmJbOJiOkGhivkmOJ^^kmJbOJiOkUidofkGhivkmOQbmYmvqYQsGhivkmOQbmYmvqYQsUidofQbmYmvGGhivkmOQbmYmvqYQskmJbOJiOQbmYmvGGhivkmOkmJbOJiOQbmYmvSdi`GhivkmOmQ`fJ^^kmJbOJiOkGhivkmOmQ`fQ^Q`QbmJffQbOfid[QMmGhivkmOmQ`fQ^Q`QbmJffQbOfid[QMmSY^mQiQOGhivkmOmQ`fQ^Q`QbmJffQbOiQUYdbG hivkmOmQ`fQ^Q`QbmJffQbOiQUYdbSY^mQiQOG!hivkmOmQ`fQ^Q`QbmQuM^oOQ_hivkmOmQ`fQbmYmvJffQbOfid[QMm_hivkmOmQ`fQbmYmvJffQbOiQUYdb_hivkmOmQ`fQbmYmvQuM^oOQ_hivkmOmQ`fQbmYmvkQ^QMmfid[QMm_hivkmOmQ`fQbmYmvkQ^QMmfid[QMm`f_hivkmOmQ`fQbmYmvkQ^QMmfid[QMmkfQMYSYM_hivkmOmQ`fQbmYmvkQ^QMmfid[QMmoO_hivkmOmQ`fQbmYmvkQ^QMmiQUYdb_hivkmOmQ`fQbmYmvkQ^QMmiQUYdb`f_ hivkmOmQ`fQbmYmvkQ^QMmiQUYdbkfQMYSYM_ hivkmOmQ`fQbmYmvkQ^QMmiQUYdboO_ hivkmOmQ`ffidSY^Qk_ 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tblStandardsArch.StandardID, tblStandardsArch.ArchitectureID from tblStandardsArch, tblApplicationStatus WHERE tblStandards.StandardID = tblStandardsArch.StandardID AND tblApplicationStatus.CurrentArchitecture = tblStandardsArch.ArchitectureID))=Yes))SELECT tblStandards.StandardID, tblStandards.SDO, tblStandards.StandardTitle, tblStandards.StandardDocID, tblStandardTypes.StandardTypeID, tblStandardTypes.StandardType, tblStandards.StandardVersion, Yes AS Include, tblStandards.Comment, tblStandards.UserDefined, No AS IsGroup FROM tblStandardTypes INNER JOIN tblStandards ON tblStandardTypes.StandardTypeID = tblStandards.StandardType WHERE (((Exists (select tblStandardsArch.StandardID, tblStandardsArch.ArchitectureID from tblStandardsArch, tblApplicationStatus WHERE tblStandards.StandardID = tblStandardsArch.StandardID AND tblApplicationStatus.CurrentArchitecture = tblStandardsArch.ArchitectureID))=False)) SELECT tblStandardGroups.StandardGroup AS StandardID, tblStandardGroups.SDO, tblStandardGroups.StandardGroupName AS StandardTitle, tblStandardGroups.StandardGroupShortName AS StandardDocID, -1 AS StandardTypeID, "" AS StandardType, "" AS StandardVersion, No AS Include, tblStandardGroups.StandardGroupNarrative AS Comment, tblStandardGroups.UserDefined, Yes AS IsGroup FROM tblStandardGroups WHERE (((Exists (select tblStandardsArch.StandardID, tblStandardsArch.ArchitectureID from tblStandardsArch, tblApplicationStatus WHERE tblStandardGroups.StandardGroup = tblStandardsArch.StandardID AND tblApplicationStatus.CurrentArchitecture = tblStandardsArch.ArchitectureID))=True))!MH* T6 ` B $  ` 6 F z 6 ~ A Ia mCU#_5vL"T; #ndFlowNameFlow3!! o#ndFlowID% g#ndSourceEntityNameSourceE11 o#ndSourceEntityID SourceIDC-- o#ndInRegionalArchitecture5 g#nd ProjectID( g#andqryStdEntityView111 #and #nd G"ardl@T '"rdP@T g"rdT@T g"rdV@T g"rd!qryStdArchitectureStandards.SDO> g"rdInclude^@T+ o"rdIsGroupNo/ o"rdF@T g"rd UserDefinedf@T3'' o"rd Destinationb@T3'' o"rd DestinationID^@T7++ o"rd 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tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementIDtblElementsPObjects.PObjectID = tblFlowStandards.SourceEntityIDtblElementsPObjects.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementIDtblRegionalArchitecture.FlowID = tblFlowStandards.FlowIDqryStdTempStandards.StandardVersionqryStdTempStandards.StandardGroupqryStdTempStandards.StandardDocNumberqryStdTempStandards.StandardTitle(((tblFlowStandards.Standard)=Yes))qryStdTempStandards.StandardSDO = tblSDOs.SDOIDqryStdTempStandards.StandardID = tblFlowStandards.StandardIDtblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowID = tblProjectArchitecture.RegionalFlowIDtblElementsPObjects_1.PObjectID = tblFlowStandards.DestinationEntityIDtblElementsPObjects_1.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementIDtblElementsPObjects.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementIDtblElementsPObjects.PObjectID = tblFlowStandards.SourceEntityIDtblProjectArchitecture.ProjectID = tblApplicationStatus.CurrentArchitecturetblRegionalArchitecture.FlowID = 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((tblTmpSelectedElements.ElementShow)=Yes))LVALn$NPdqryReportSelectedElements_1.ElementNameqryReportSelectedElements.ElementNametblFlows.FlowID = tblRegionalArchitecture.FlowIDtblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementID = qryReportSelectedElements_1.ElementIDtblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementID = qryReportSelectedElements.ElementIDtblRegionalArchitecture.FlowStatus = tblStatus.StatusIDtblRegionalArchitecture.RegionalFlowID = qryFilteredFlows.RegionalFlowIDIIf([InRegionalArchitecture],[tblStatus].[StatusName],"Not Planned")qryReportSelectedElements_1.ElementNameqryReportSelectedElements.ElementNameqryInterconnectComm.CommElementID = qryReportSelectedElements_2.ElementIDqryInterconnectComm.OtherElementID = qrySelectArchitectureInterconnectsStatus.DestinationElementIDIIf(IsNull([qryReportSelectedElements_2].[ElementName] Or [qryReportSelectedElements_2].[ElementShow]=False),"Not identified",[qryReportSelectedElements_2].[ElementName])(((tblElements_1.ElementName)>[tblElements].[ElementName]) AND ((qrySelectArchitectureInterconnectsStatus.ArchitectureID)=[arch]) AND ((qryReportSelectedElements_1.ElementShow)=Yes) AND ((qryReportSelectedElements.ElementShow)=Yes) AND ((qryFilteredInterconnects.InterconnectShow)=Yes) AND ((tblElements.InRegion)=Yes) AND ((tblElements_1.InRegion)=Yes)) OR (((tblElements_1.ElementName)>[tblElements].[ElementName]) AND ((qrySelectArchitectureInterconnectsStatus.ArchitectureID)=[arch]) AND ((qryReportSelectedElements.ElementShow)=Yes) AND ((qryFilteredInterconnects.InterconnectShow)=Yes) AND ((tblElements.InRegion)=Yes) AND ((tblElements_1.InRegion)=Yes) AND (([showall])=Yes)) OR (((tblElements_1.ElementName)>[tblElements].[ElementName]) AND ((qrySelectArchitectureInterconnectsStatus.ArchitectureID)=[arch]) AND ((qryReportSelectedElements_1.ElementShow)=Yes) AND ((qryFilteredInterconnects.InterconnectShow)=Yes) AND 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((qryReportSelectedElements.InRegion)=Yes) AND ((qryReportSelectedElements_1.InRegion)=Yes) AND (([showall])=Yes))(((tblElements_1.ElementName)>[tblElements].[ElementName]) AND ((qrySelectArchitectureInterconnectsStatus.ArchitectureID)=[arch]) AND ((qryReportSelectedElements_1.ElementShow)=Yes) AND ((qryReportSelectedElements.ElementShow)=Yes) AND ((qryFilteredInterconnects.InterconnectShow)=Yes)) OR (((tblElements_1.ElementName)>[tblElements].[ElementName]) AND ((qrySelectArchitectureInterconnectsStatus.ArchitectureID)=[arch]) AND ((qryReportSelectedElements.ElementShow)=Yes) AND ((qryFilteredInterconnects.InterconnectShow)=Yes) AND (([showall])=Yes)) OR (((tblElements_1.ElementName)>[tblElements].[ElementName]) AND ((qrySelectArchitectureInterconnectsStatus.ArchitectureID)=[arch]) AND ((qryReportSelectedElements_1.ElementShow)=Yes) AND ((qryFilteredInterconnects.InterconnectShow)=Yes) AND (([showall])=Yes))~4h*T$ D D B L ` 6 iK-yG{GYEo~T*dschqryReportSelectedElementstblDomains~@cWC 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qryReportFunArchElementReq.EquipmentPackageIDqryReportFunArchElementReq.UserDefinedqryReportFunArchElementReq.StatusNameqryReportFunArchElementReq.RequirementqryReportFunArchElementReq.RequirementIDqryReportFunArchElementEntitiesEP.EquipmentPackageUserDefinedqryReportFunArchElementEntitiesEP.EquipmentPackageDescriptionqryReportFunArchElementEntitiesEP.EquipmentPackageNameqryReportFunArchElementEntitiesEP.PObjectNameqryReportFunArchElementEntitiesEP.ElementNameSELECT SPID,ElementID,PObjectID, "No Issue" AS [Issue] FROM qryElementsSelectedInTheirSPSELECT SPID,ElementID,PObjectID, "The element does not participate in any Service Package" AS [Issue] FROM qryElementsNotInAnySP UNION SELECT SPID,ElementID,PObjectID, "The element is not selected in the Service Package" AS [Issue] FROM qryElementsNotSelectedInTheirSP UNION SELECT SPID,ElementID,PObjectID, "No element is defined for the PObject(s)" AS [Issue] FROM qrySPMissingElements; UNION SELECT SPID,ElementID,PObjectID, "Element(s) included in Service Package, but not in Architecture" AS [Issue] FROM qryElementsNotInArchSelectedInTheirSP; IIf([tblSPs].[SPName] Is Null,"","(" & [tblSPs].[SPName] & ") " & [tblSPs].[SPLongName])M9pR48 2  J d F ( $ r$2,8:B{%ntqryCurrentArchSPstblSPsP@ K?3 ntqryArchSPTriplestblSPsF@I=1 ntqryArchSPTriples.TripleID8 gntqryCurrentArchSPs.SPID5 guntqryArchSPSelectedElementsqryArchSPSelectedElements_1yyC untqryArchSPSelectedElementsCCC untqryCurrentArchSPs333 unttblSPs untqryArchSPTriples111 nt Gnt Gunt nt G ePqryCurrentArchSPs.SPID5 gePqryCurrentArchSPstblSPsP@K?3 ePqryTableServicePackageCoverageSPFlowsWithoutOtherSystemstblSPs@ ePCountOfTripleID@;// oePqryCurrentArchSPs.SPID5 gcePtblSPs cePqryCurrentArchSPs333 cePqryTableServicePackageCoverageSPFlowsWithoutOtherSystems eP GeP GceP eP GntqryTableServicePackageCoverageSPFlowCountsIncludedqryTableServicePackageCoverageSPFlowCountsPossible@u ntPercentageIncluded&@A55 ontCountPossible@7++ ontCountIncluded@7++ ontn@ 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Description], [Service Package Status], [Service Package Instance], [Included Elements], [Comment] FROM qryTableServicesProjectWithElements SELECT * FROM qryTableServicesWithElementsNOTSELECT [Service Package], [Service Package Name], [Service Package Description], [Service Package Status], [Service Package Instance], [Included Elements], [Comment] FROM qryTableServicesWithElements (((tblPObjects.PObjectTypeID)<>2) AND ((tblPObjects_1.PObjectTypeID)<>2))tblSPsFlows.DestinationPObjectID = tblPObjects_1.PObjectIDtblPObjects.PObjectID = tblSPsFlows.SourcePObjectIDqryArchSPSelectedElements.SPID = qryCurrentArchSPs.SPIDqryArchSPSelectedElements_1.SPID = qryCurrentArchSPs.SPIDqryArchSPSelectedElements_1.ElementID = qryArchSPTriples.DestinationElementIDqryArchSPSelectedElements.ElementID = qryArchSPTriples.SourceElementIDqryCurrentArchSPs.SPName = tblSPs.SPNameqryArchSPTriples.SPID = tblSPs.SPIDqryCurrentArchSPs.SPName = tblSPs.SPNameqryTableServicePackageCoverageSPFlowsWithoutOtherSystems.SPID = tblSPs.SPIDCount(qryTableServicePackageCoverageSPFlowsWithoutOtherSystems.TripleID)qryTableServicePackageCoverageSPFlowCountsIncluded.SPID = qryTableServicePackageCoverageSPFlowCountsPossible.SPID100*([qryTableServicePackageCoverageSPFlowCountsIncluded].[CountOfTripleID]/[qryTableServicePackageCoverageSPFlowCountsPossible].[CountOfTripleID])qryTableServicePackageCoverageSPFlowCountsPossible.CountOfTripleIDqryTableServicePackageCoverageSPFlowCountsIncluded.CountOfTripleIDqryTableServicePackageCoverageSPFlowCountsIncluded.SPID @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @,./012345678-      !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345689:;<=> 7    ! 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NLPqryTableStandardsAndProfiles.SourceElementqryTableStandardsAndProfiles.UserDefinedqryTableStandardsAndProfiles.StandardVersionqryTableStandardsAndProfiles.StandardTypeqryTableStandardsAndProfiles.StandardTitleqryTableStandardsAndProfiles.StandardDocNumber(((Exists (SELECT * FROM qryTableStandards WHERE [Document ID]=tblStandardGroups.StandardGroup))<>False))tblStandardGroupStandards.StandardID = tblStandards.StandardIDtblStandardGroups.StandardGroup = tblStandardGroupStandards.StandardGrouptblStandardGroups.StandardGroupNarrativetblStandardGroups.StandardGroupNametblStandardGroups.StandardGroupShortName(((tblStakeholderArch.ArchitectureID)=[arch]))tblStakeholders.StakeholderID = tblStakeholderGroups.ParentStakeholderIDtblStakeholders.StakeholderID = tblStakeholderArch.StakeholderIDtblStakeholderGroups.ChildStakeholderID = tblStakeholders_Members.StakeholderIDtblStakeholders_Members.StakeholderNameIIf([tblStakeholderGroups].[ParentStakeholderID] Is Null,'No','Yes')tblStakeholders.StakeholderDescription(((qryTableServicesWithElements.SPID) Is Null))tblStatus.StatusID = tblSPsArch.SPStatustblSPs.SPID = qryTableServicesWithElements.SPIDIIf([tblSPs].[SPParentID],'Yes','No')(((tblSPsElements.[Select])=Yes) AND ((tblElements.InRegion)=Yes) AND ((qryFilteredElements.ElementShow)=Yes))tblStatus.StatusID = tblSPsArch.SPStatustblSPs.SPID = tblSPsElements.SPIDtblElements.ElementID = tblSPsElements.ElementIDtblElements.ElementID = qryFilteredElements.ElementIDIIf([tblSPs].[SPParentID],'Yes','No')(((qryTableServicesProjectWithElements.SPID) Is Null) AND ((tblSPsArch.ArchID)=[arch]))tblSPs.SPID = qryTableServicesProjectWithElements.SPIDtblStatus.StatusID = tblSPsArch.SPStatusIIf([tblSPs].[SPParentID],'Yes','No')(((tblSPsElements.[Select])=Yes) AND ((qryFilteredElements.ElementShow)=Yes) AND ((tblProjectElements.ProjectID)=[arch]) AND ((tblSPsArch.ArchID)=[arch]))5%_  V  ` B $  Z s  A {f O{]-{$I-u .SP^@ 'SPtblStatustblSPsArchP@ C7# SPtblSPstblSPsArchtblSPs.SPID = tblSPsArch.SPID\1 SPtblSPsqryTableServicesWithElements^@ aU SPCommenttblSPs.SPComment= oSPIncluded Elements ''I33 oSPService Package InstanceJ@ MAA oSPService Package StatustblStatus.StatusName_== oSPService Package DescriptiontblSPs.SPDescriptioniGG oSPService Package NametblSPs.SPLongNameX99 oSPService PackagetblSPs.SPNameJ// o.SPqryTableServicesWithElementsIII .SPtblSPsArch%%% .SPtblSPs .SPtblStatus### SP GSP G.SP SP G(qr@  'qrtblStatustblSPsArchP@ C7# qrtblSPstblSPsArchtblSPs.SPID = tblSPsArch.SPID\1 qrtblSPstblSPsElementsB@E9 qrtblElementstblSPsElements`@OC' qrtblElementsqryFilteredElementsj@YM' qrCommenttblSPs.SPComment= oqrIncluded ElementstblElements.ElementNameX33 oqrService Package InstanceJ@MAA oqrService Package StatustblStatus.StatusName_== oqrService Package DescriptiontblSPs.SPDescriptioniGG oqrService Package NametblSPs.SPLongNameX99 oqrService PackagetblSPs.SPNameJ// oqr tblSPs.SPID* g(qrtblSPsArch%%% (qrqryFilteredElements777 (qrtblSPsElements--- (qrtblSPs (qrtblElements''' (qrtblStatus### qr Gqr G(qr qr Gith@ 'thtblSPsqryTableServicesProjectWithElementsl@oc thtblStatustblSPsArchP@C7# thtblSPstblSPsArchtblSPs.SPID = tblSPsArch.SPID\1 thCommenttblSPs.SPComment= othIncluded Elements ''I33 othService Package InstanceJ@MAA othService Package StatustblStatus.StatusName_== othService Package DescriptiontblSPs.SPDescriptioniGG othService Package NametblSPs.SPLongNameX99 o>      2222222222 2 2 2 2 2222222222222222222 2!2"2#2$GG G G G G GGGG G G G G GGGGGGGGGGG G!G"G#G$G%G&G'G (G!)_*_+_,_-_._/_0_1_2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_8_9_:_;_<_=_>_?_@_A_B_C_D_E_F_G_H_IJKLMNOPQR S T U V WXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghi j!k"l#mnopqrstuv w x y z {|}~ !"      !"#$      !"#$%&'          !#%')0^ c!"#$%&  !#"&#+$.%3595H5M5P5S5W5[5`5f5 k5 q5 u5 }5 555555555555555!5%5)5.5 25!:5"5#5$5%5&5'&5(+-0-7-;-\-c-i-m-p-u- z- - - - ------!-)-.-4-8-=-A-^-e-j-n-r-w- -!-"-#-$-%-&-'-(-)         " ' . 85LZ c  3 { ] ? ! 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F  f}=[X q=2metblElementsPObjects_1tblRegionalArchitecture@ui; metblFlowStandardstblElementsPObjects_1@g[1 metblFlowStandardstblElementsPObjects~@cW1 metblStandardGroupsqryWebStandardsExcludedGroups@ym3 metblStandardGroupstblFlowStandardsz@_S3 metblFlowStandardstblRegionalArchitecturep@k_1 meType "Group". omepageidTitle50079'' omearefTitleL@/## omeTitleF@' omepageidDocument ID5012E33 omearefDocument IDL@;// omeDocument ID "View List"@'' omegroupSDOtblStandardGroups.SDOD!! o)metblElementsPObjectstblElementsPObjects_1aa7 )metblElementsPObjects777 )meqryWebStandardsExcludedGroupsKKK )metblRegionalArchitecture??? )metblFlowStandards111 )metblStandardGroups333 me Gme G)me me GD)=P@ ')=tblStandardsArch.StandardID: gD)=tblStandardsArch111 )= G)= GD)= )= G((qN@ '(qtblProfilesArch.ProfileID8 g((qtblProfilesArch/// (q G(q G((q (q GD (Z@ ' (F@ gD (tblStandardGroupsArch;;;  ( G ( GD (  ( Geme@ 'metblProfilesqryWebStandardsExcludedProfiles@qe' meparamIncludestblProfiles.ProfileIDN++ omeqryIncludes"qryWebStandardsInProfile"O'' omeOverview tblProfiles.ProfileDescriptionM!! omeFilenameD@-!! omePageTitletblProfiles.ProfileLongNameL## oemeqryWebStandardsExcludedProfilesOOO emetblProfiles''' me Gme Geme me Gocu@ 'cutblStandardsqryWebStandardsExcludedStds@k_) cuparamIncludestblStandards.StandardIDP++ ocuqryIncludes"qryWebStandardsInGroup"M'' oLVALn l D l p <d,dZ0H(((tblRegionalArchitecture.InRegionalArchitecture)=Yes) AND ((qryWebStandardsExcludedProfiles.ProfileID) Is Null) AND ((tblFlowStandards.Standard)=No))tblProfiles.ProfileID = tblFlowStandards.StandardIDtblProfiles.ProfileID = qryWebStandardsExcludedProfiles.ProfileIDtblElementsPObjects.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementIDtblElementsPObjects_1.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementIDtblFlowStandards.DestinationEntityID = tblElementsPObjects_1.PObjectIDtblFlowStandards.SourceEntityID = tblElementsPObjects.PObjectIDtblFlowStandards.FlowID = tblRegionalArchitecture.FlowID[StandardDocNumber] & ": " & [StandardTitle](((tblProfilesStandards.ProfileID)=[param]) AND ((qryWebStandardsExcludedStds.StandardID) Is Null))tblStandards.StandardID = tblProfilesStandards.StandardIDtblStandards.StandardID = qryWebStandardsExcludedStds.StandardID[StandardDocNumber] & ": " & [StandardTitle][StandardDocNumber] & ": " & [StandardTitle](((tblStandardGroupStandards.StandardIDGroup)=[param]) AND ((qryWebStandardsExcludedStds.StandardID) Is Null))tblStandards.StandardID = qryWebStandardsExcludedStds.StandardIDtblStandardGroupStandards.StandardID = tblStandards.StandardID[StandardDocNumber] & ": " & [StandardTitle](((tblRegionalArchitecture.InRegionalArchitecture)=Yes) AND ((qryWebStandardsExcludedGroups.StandardGroup) Is Null))tblElementsPObjects.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementIDtblElementsPObjects_1.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementIDtblFlowStandards.DestinationEntityID = tblElementsPObjects_1.PObjectIDtblFlowStandards.SourceEntityID = tblElementsPObjects.PObjectIDtblStandardGroups.StandardGroup = qryWebStandardsExcludedGroups.StandardGrouptblStandardGroups.StandardGroup = tblFlowStandards.StandardIDtblFlowStandards.FlowID = tblRegionalArchitecture.FlowIDLCase(tblStandardGroups.StandardGroup)tblStandardGroups.StandardGroupName:Xh T h >  f   \ >  Ztz,62NNpFTit it G TittblProfiles.ProfileName6 ' Tit "Profile"( 'Tit.@ 'ittblProfilestblFlowStandardsf@SG' ittblProfilesqryWebStandardsExcludedProfiles@qe' ittblElementsPObjectstblRegionalArchitecture@qe7 ittblElementsPObjects_1tblRegionalArchitecture@ui; ittblFlowStandardstblElementsPObjects_1@g[1 ittblFlowStandardstblElementsPObjects~@cW1 ittblFlowStandardstblRegionalArchitecturep@k_1 itType"Standard Profile"9 oitpageidTitle50079'' oitarefTitletblProfiles.ProfileIDF## oitTitletblProfiles.ProfileLongNameD oitpageidDocument IDNullE33 oitarefDocument IDNullA// oitDocument IDtblProfiles.ProfileNameL'' oitgroupSDO "Profile"8!! oTitqryWebStandardsExcludedProfilesOOO TittblProfiles''' TittblElementsPObjectstblElementsPObjects_1aa7 TittblElementsPObjects777 TittblRegionalArchitecture??? TittblFlowStandards111 it Git GTit it G rchX@ 'rch@ 'chtblStandardstblProfilesStandardsr@]Q) chtblStandardsqryWebStandardsExcludedStds@k_) chStandardX@-!! orchtblProfilesStandards999 rchqryWebStandardsExcludedStdsGGG rchtblStandards))) ch Gch Grch ch G ))(X@ '))(@  ')(tblStandardsqryWebStandardsExcludedStds@ k_) )(tblStandardGroupStandardstblStandards|@ g[C )(StandardX@ -!! o))(qryWebStandardsExcludedStdsGGG ))(tblStandards))) ))(tblStandardGroupStandardsCCC )( G)( G))( )( G )me "View List"* ' )metblStandardGroups.SDO4 ')me@  'metblElementsPObjectstblRegionalArchitecture@qe7  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @56789 : ; <2=?@ABCDE>     !"#$% &()*+,-./0123456789:;<=  '        !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345 6 78        9,Pr. I I ^ 3 Y uu%v Tit tblStandards.StandardDocNumber= ' TittblSDOs.SDOName. 'Tit*@  'it tblSDOstblStandardsP@C7 ittblElementsPObjectstblRegionalArchitecture@qe7 ittblElementsPObjects_1tblRegionalArchitecture@ui; ittblFlowStandardstblElementsPObjects_1@g[1 ittblFlowStandardstblElementsPObjects~@cW1 ittblStandardsqryWebStandardsExcludedStds@k_) ittblStandardTypestblStandardsv@UI1 ittblFlowStandardstblRegionalArchitecturep@k_1 ittblStandardstblFlowStandardsj@UI) itTypetblStandardTypes.StandardTypeD oitpageidTitle50079'' oitarefTitletblStandards.StandardIDH## oitTitletblStandards.StandardTitleC oitpageidDocument IDNullE33 oitarefDocument IDNullA// oitDocument ID tblStandards.StandardDocNumberS'' oitgroupSDOtblSDOs.SDOName>!! oTittblSDOs TittblElementsPObjectstblElementsPObjects_1aa7 TittblElementsPObjects777 TitqryWebStandardsExcludedStdsGGG TittblRegionalArchitecture??? TittblFlowStandards111 TittblStandards))) TittblStandardTypes111 it Git G` LVAL &0 & (((tblRegionalArchitecture.InRegionalArchitecture)=Yes) AND ((qryWebStandardsExcludedStds.StandardID) Is Null) AND ((tblFlowStandards.Standard)=Yes))tblSDOs.SDOID = tblStandards.StandardSDOtblElementsPObjects.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.SourceElementIDtblElementsPObjects_1.ElementID = tblRegionalArchitecture.DestinationElementIDtblFlowStandards.DestinationEntityID = tblElementsPObjects_1.PObjectIDtblFlowStandards.SourceEntityID = tblElementsPObjects.PObjectIDtblStandards.StandardID = qryWebStandardsExcludedStds.StandardIDtblStandardTypes.StandardTypeID = tblStandards.StandardTypetblFlowStandards.FlowID = tblRegionalArchitecture.FlowIDtblStandards.StandardID = tblFlowStandards.StandardIDbYNY  Y  Y AffiliateTypeIDAffiliateTypeNoteiepDoYY Y.rB.rCPrimaryKeyv1 2 LVALD The member (e.g., service package) is closely affiliated with the group (e.g., SPGroup or SPType). The purpose/functionality of the member is closely aligned with the group.The member (e.g., service package) is partially affiliated with the group (e.g., SPGroup or SPType). Frequently, the same member will also have affiliations with other groups.Full\@ Partial`@ YandaN  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y Y Y  Y   Y  uAARuleIDClassID RoleIDPObjectID$InterfacingClassID"InterfacingRoleID(InterfacingPObjectIDCriteriaTBD(CoordinationIDUnidir&CoordinationIDBidirCommonElementComment S(sd.drrl  YYYYYYYYClassID$InterfacingClassID(InterfacingPObjectID"InterfacingRoleIDPObjectIDPrimaryKey RoleID  v1b N @ LVAL >  @t>Future - supplier role not defined in RAD-IT'Joint Operating Agreement' could be identified here, if we had this in ARC-IT.No suppliers identified in RAD-IT, but if they were, this rule would cause generation of an agreement between a supplier and owner of the same (common) element.Future - supplier role not defined in RAD-ITNot used in RAD-IT until if/when we add the installer role.Future -verifies role not defined in RAD-ITOnce we add the maintainer role, these will begin to show up.I derived that this is only being done for centers, but never actually tracked down the query. We could generate these today since we have both of these roles, but this sounds more like an agreement for individuals rather than organizations. If Caltrans has an arrangement with ABC, Inc. to operate a center, then I would expect something like an "Operating Agreement" between the two parties rather than an employment agreement?Looks like these are included regardless of class based on tblEObjectsCoordination?Developers aren't currently identified in RAD-IT, but if they are, AIS agreements will be defined for themKept the provision agreement whether one way or two way to match ARC-IT enterprise, but it occurs to me it might be an exchange agreement (at least implicitly) since we are also collecting probe data from vehicles)I'm thinking we don't need rows for reciprical interfaces& e.g., this row could also fire for F2C flows.Note that the rule will generate an IPA for one way interfaces and an IEA only if there is a two-way information exchange.~ Rb, P  H  = <<5110%546%%X@ -! Full\%47%%47%%@ ,  mm%110%%46%%@@ -! <<2110%246%%X@ -! %46%%55%%v@,  pp%46%%108%%V@-! %46%%48%%z@,  BB146%147%%^@,  qq%46%%47%%@,  %49%%49%%@,  ``34686446%%""  ``34686546%%""  ))246%446%%  ))246%546%%  ))146%446%%  ))146%546%%@,  RQ246%246%%  RQ346%246%%  RQ146%246%%@,  )346%346%%  )146%346%%  )146%146%%@,  p   888888::: :<<< < @p   88::::<<>> > @@@ @p      Y  @ @ @86F>B>B>B>B>B>B>B>B>B>B >B >B >B>B>B>D >D>D>F>H @@n    FB FB Z  @ @ @          W @ @ @886886886>B>B>B>B>B>B>B>B>B>B >B >B >B >B>B>B>B>D>H r YN  Y  Y d Y  Y dY Y Y   Y Y AgreementIDAgreementNumberAgreementTitleAgreementTypeAgreementTypeIDAgreementLeadAgreementStatus(AgreementDescriptionAgreementSPIDcatnojnreRonYY YYYYY.rE.rF.rGAgreementIDAgreementSPIDAgreementTypeIDPrimaryKey v1b @     ' YNY Y AgreementIDProjectIDoltaareneYYYYY=AgreementIDPrimaryKeyStakeholderIDDtblAgreementstblAgreementsProjectsTtblProjectInformationtblAgreementsProjectsv1   ]YNCT NY  Y SpecificityID SpecificityLevelIAenigYYPrimaryKeySpecificityIDv1@@SpecificGeneral YN  Y Y AgreementIDStakeholderIDDtel  medDcp  Ne  YYYYY' AgreementIDPrimaryKeyStakeholderIDLtblAgreementstblAgreementsStakeholdersPtblStakeholderstblAgreementsStakeholdersv1       Y YNY Y Y Y Y  Y AgreementIDRegionalFlowIDInclude*AgreementTripleStatusTouchedNoteNereDipctuPctmPjtoe&YYYYY AAgreementIDPrimaryKeyStakeholderIDBtblAgreementstblAgreementsTriplesVtblRegionalArchitecturetblAgreementsTriplesv1b   YNY Y Y Y  EntityOrderElementIDEntityXPosEntityYPosalIIe*TpStucYYElementIDEntityOrderv1@  _,_, YNY Y Y Y  Y RegionalFlowIDSourceElementID(DestinationElementID FlowIDStatusIDeYYYYY FlowIDSourceElementID SourceElementID1StatusIDHv1b     %YNY Y Y Y  StatusIDLineStyleLineWidthLineColorrEmt(!inenDlI"atYYPrimaryKeyStatusIDv1    Zx @          @          YN$$Y  Y Y Y Y Y Y  Y "WorkspaceModifiedCurrentTask&CurrentArchitectureInterviewStatusBuildSettingBuildOverrideBuildIncludeShowCommdv   #H YN''Y Y Y Y  Y Y Y ShapeIDShapeStyle(ShapeColorBackground ShapeColorAccentShapeColorText(ShapeColorAccentText&Include Stakeholder')Pmy'*YYPrimaryKeyShapeIDv1((((&?&(((&(((BYElemN,,Y  Y r Y  ArchIDArchFileArchFileNoteen,-IYPrimaryKey,,v1(  +. YN  //Y Y Y Y  Y ( Y Y Y Y Y  Y   ArchIDRelatedArchIDLastSynchDate*LastSynchRevisionDate LastSynchVersionLinkCommentSynchElementsSynchStakesSynchRRsSynchReqsSynchIFspp/0ppp/1ppp/2pYYY ArchIDPrimaryKeyRelatedArchID//v1b000 . . . YN44Y Y Y  Y d Y d Y nChangeLogIDArchitectureIDChangeDateTime,ArchitectureMaintainer&ArchitectureVersionChangeSummaryac46nL4748YYYChangeLogIDChangeLogID1PrimaryKey44v1b800@6)>tN '  7 3K Y & HHv1-ES FBBl&&׊Tv4@׊Tv4@tblGoals00&*Q0@DTv4@tblGoals@>>>22222220 @uYL@F&/@tblFunctionalObjectsArch @^^^RRRRRRRP @X"j@ATv4@tblFunctionalObjectsf*KVVVJJJJJJJH @)taR@DTv4@tblFlowTypesf@FFF:::::::8 @ cX@N@tblFlowStandards@NNNBBBBBBB@ @:!@CTv4@tblFlows*K>>>22222220 @2 @v@tblFlowRelationships @VVVJJJJJJJH @.@Aඇ@tblFilters@BBB66666664 @)Ļ@GS@tblFilterPObjectTypes @XXXLLLLLLLJ @%Z@~*S@tblFilterPObjectClasses@\\\PPPPPPPN @!x6ė@3@tblFilterMP-@ DDD88888886 @ %)@CTv4@tblFilterFlowTypes5 @RRRFFFFFFFD @.v@Zz@tblFilterFlowDeployment@\\\PPPPPPPN @E͇@ Tv4@tblEquipmentPackages*KVVVJJJJJJJH @Ėc·@GTv4@tblEPRequirements @PPPDDDDDDDB @!ױ·@GTv4@tblEPElementsRequirements@```TTTTTTTR @i@GTv4@tblEPArchRequirements@XXXLLLLLLLJ @~%@GTv4@tblEPArch@@@@44444442 @ZXl@~Tv4@tblElementTypesT @LLL@@@@@@@> @r dXl@CTv4@tblElementsPObjects *KTTTHHHHHHHF @-H @~Tv4@tblElementsV *KDDD88888886 @as*@e-@tblElementLinksV @ LLL@@@@@@@> @#[Wl@CTv4@tblElementKinds@ LLL@@@@@@@> @0@GTv4@tblElementDomains @ PPPDDDDDDDB @}lLWl@GTv4@tblElementClasses @ PPPDDDDDDDB @r q{0@GTv4@tblDomains@ BBB66666664 @k@υ3@tblDocumentSectionSettingsArchr@ jjj^^^^^^^\ @fG@%$!k@tblDocumentSectionSettings @ bbbVVVVVVVT @`2@fc @tblDocumentSectionSettingImpacts *Knnnbbbbbbb` @[`@ -@tblDocumentSectionsArch @ \\\PPPPPPPN @WT)@+m@tblDocumentSections *KTTTHHHHHHHF @r PۛAq@Chks@tblCountry]@ BBB66666664 @MW @wxX7 @tblConfiguration<@ NNNBBBBBBB@ @H?Wl@GTv4@tblClasses@ BBB66666664 @9km@L) @tblChanges @ BBB66666664 @30 }@+B @tblChangeLogA@ FFF:::::::8 @ 3 3 3:YElemN::Y  Y d Y DateVersion Change::v1888 8!0LVALL P  Z/uQzAdded qrySPsPObjectsExcludingInsAdded qrySPsPObjectsExcludingInstances and updated qrySPsPObjectsAdded qrySpsInArch, qrySPsInRegion and qrySPsListRemoved the referential integrity between tblProjectInformation and tblSPsArch. Added SPCommentAdded UD column to tblSPs. Also added the missing ID 10,000 row to tblPObjects.Changed tblNeedsMP to tblNeedsSPs. And Deleted tblMarketPackageEntitiesUpdated relationships between SP tablesUpdated qryArchStakeholdersCalculated (and the Expanded version) to use tblStakeholdersElementsAdded qryElementsPObjectsKindsTypes and qryElementsPObjectsKindsTypesStakeholdersAdded tblDomains, tblPObjectDomains and tblElementDomainsUpdated tblElements to match SET-IT. Added tblClasses, tblKinds, tblTypes,tblPObjects, tblPObjectClasses, tblPObjectKinds, tblPObjectsTypes, tblElementClasses, tblElementTypes and tblElementDomainsUpdated qryStakeholderRolesExpanded to use the new tblStakeholderGroups (fields have been renamed)Removed StakeholderGroup from tblStakeholders, and enforced referential integrity and cascade delete between tblStakeholderGroups and tblStakeholders.Renamed fields in tblStakeholderGroups to match SET-ITDeleted tblTempPerformanceMeasures. Updated Source Data and version # in tblConfigurationUpdated to fix SDOMAP and update qryReportProjectArchAllFlows for compatibility with final crystal report.Updated qrySelectArchitectureInterconnectsStatusBasic so that it presents project flow status, not regional architecture flow status, for project flow triples. This fixes an issue with the interconnects report and may fix other issues in other functions that use this query.Updated qryReportProjectArchAllFlows so that it doesn't report 'not in regional arch' for every project flow when a regional its architecture has not been defined in the Turbo file.Updated to include national ITS architecture version 7.1.0 data.Roll version number to 7.0.4 and then 7.0.5Update tables tblDocumentSections and tblDocumentSectionSettingImpacts to point to queries for the interfaces seciton (handling it just like other sections) and different queries for the interconnect output, rather than using field suppression to support the flow name and status. This should improve the output - avoiding redundancy and making the column headers consistent with an interconnect table. Added new tblDocumentInterconnect* queries. Removed 'group' from qryDocumentStandardsAdd tblTempRR.RRStatusDisplay column to allow status combo to be included directly in the grid. Had to be a 16-bit value to work with gridc ombo column.Added column to tblDocumentSections that identifies project queries. Added qryDocumentScopeProject. Updated qryDocumentSectionsArchOrdered. Added qryDocumentFlows* and qryDocumentInterfaces* queries to support project architectures. Added reference to qryTableServicesProject.Fixed qryWeb* queries so they use service in place of market.Removed 'market' from queries supporting tabular outputs and from tables tblWebPages and tblWebPageSettingsChanged tblTempPerformanceMeasures PMNumber field to Text to support E01.Change 'market' to 'service' in tblReports and tblReportSettingsBebuilt all physical and service.mdb derived data. Rolled version number to start convert debugging process.Replaced tblProblems and tblMarketPackageProblems with tblObjectiveCategories and tblMarketPackageObjectiveCategoriesUpdate qryFunEPsCurrentArchNotInRegionSpelledOut so two Arch=-1 parameters are not required. Required creation of qryFunEPRegion, update of qryFunEPsCurrentArchNotInRegion and qryFunReqCurrentArchNotInRegionFix qryReportStakeholdersAssociated so show associated stakeholders report option works correctly. (B06) 9ohB^8 H ) p Q  y Z ;  b C $  K , oP1V7}? fG( nO0lM.tU6 sT5ZƇ@9@? *F @@? %X@H@? |@@? &v@@? gt@@? @V@? ,@Updated qryDocumentInventory4 a>@  W@B@ ? 0uyr@D@ ? 5@@ ? 5/1@_@ ? v< @e@ ? x@4@?  "@4@?  t@M@? z5@@?  @S@? N1j@@? b@  ^cn@d@? M1@@? J3@&@> uc@@> ' @Z@>  Ջ@5@>  Jy@@> ΕR@n@> WO@@> n5@@> """b6@l@ > l׍@@ > 1@7@ > B@@ > #@=@ > xK@?@> gP"@/@> m@T@> g:@*@> d@+@> -CO1@$@> \@Populated tblFlows.FlowTypeID5 \@@> ƒ_,J@#@> ;L]@/@> F @@= Ũ @@= vtblSPs and tblMarketPackageElements-->tblSPsElements and tblEPsMPs-->tblSPs ServiceObjects and tblMarketPackageFlows-->tblSpsFlows and tblMarketPackageObjectiveCategories-->tblSPsObjectiveCategories and tblMarketPackageProjects-->tblSPsArch. Added tblSPGroups, tblSPGroupsSPs, tblSPTypes, tblSPTypesSPsLVAL  ?   qt?Update qryCurrentArchStakeholdersNotInRegion and create qryStakeholders that includes a boolean StakeholderGroup for backwards compatibility withUpdate qryCurrentArchStakeholdersNotInRegion and create qryStakeholders that includes a boolean StakeholderGroup for backwards compatibility with V7.1. Update qryCurrentArchElementInstancesNotInRegion, qryCurrentArchElementsNotInRegion, qryPtoRElementsProjectElementsStatusUpdateFromInstance.Reimported all of the V8 source data after modifying the import queries to always trim numeric standards ids that are converted to text as they are added to the RAD-IT short text ID fields that are used in the standards-related tables.Updated qryTableFlows,qryTableFlowsProject, qryTableEntitiesSupport and qryTableEntitiesReview and update of comm view-related tables - tblStandards, tblGroupStandards, tblFlowStandards, tblGroupStandardsStandards. Created seven qryStandardsSync* queries that are used to support the minimal standards auto-mapping supported in V8, replacing the standards tab capability with default inclusion.Updated qryTableInventory, qryReportFunArchElementEP, qryReportFunArchElementEntities,qryReportFunArchElementEntitiesEP, qryTableRequirementsReran data importer to grab 'special vehicle alert', now a US flow (was identified as a EU flow in tblFlows)Changed tblApplicationStatus so build settings default to 2. Fixed qryFilteredMarketPackagesSupport1 to include tblTmpSelectedMPUpdated queries to fix build issues where elements were connected to themselves and flows not associated with selected SPs not being included at even the most inclusive 'include on tab' setting. Also found and fixed bugs in the project moderate and aggressive queries that caused unexpected inclusions. In all, changed the following queries: qryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsConservative, qryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsModerateSupport, qryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsSupport2, qryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsSupport3, qryGenAppendAllValidFlowsConservative, qryGenAppendAllValidFlowsModerateSupport, qryGenAppendAllValidFlowsSupport2, qryGenAppendAllValidFlowsSupport3Updated qryTablePlanningSupport, qryTablePlanning, qryTableStakeholders, qryReportElementStakeholder,qryReportElementStakeholderNames, qryTableInventory, qryTableServicesWithElements,qryTableServicesWithElementsNOT, qryTableServices, qryTableServicesProjectWithElements,qryTableServicesProjectWithElementsNOT, qryTableServicesProject, qryReportRRAreaStakeholdersUpdated tblTmpSelectedMP so it has a primary key to facilitate update (key required for our OLEDB library calls). Imported the most recent V8 data using US-only filters for triples.Renamed SDOMAP to Communications in tblConfiguration.Added DISTINCT keyword to qryFunAutoAdd, qryFunAutoAddProject, qryFunAutoPotential and qryFunAutoPotentialProject. Updated qryRRSPAdditional to remove duplicatesAdded six rows for support class to tblFilterInterconnects.Added qryRegionalCommEligible, qryRegionalCommIneligibleResetImported tblPObjectsFlows from SETIT databaseChanged the type of tblTmpSelectedElements.ElementShow to boolean (it was numeric)Updated qryRRSPAdditional to fix PTR-848Updated content of tblFilterInterconnectsAdded DISTINCT to qryFilteredFlowsUpdated qrySelectElementsRegion, qrySelectElementsProject, qryFilteredFlows, qryFilteredElements, qryFilteredMarketPackagesSupport1, qryFilteredInteconnectTypesUpdated qrySupportedNationalFlowsUpdated qryGenCurrentProjectMPs and renamed it to qryGenCurrentProjectSPs. Updated qryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsConservative, qryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsModerateSupport, qryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsSupport3, qryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsSupport2, qryGenAppendAllValidProjectFlowsSupporteLVAL( @ N [ ' / 0 Uw!M_Updated 'Discontinued Flows' report and added it under "Check your Arch" section (also added a copy of "Inventory to Service Package Comparison" in that section) Updated 'Discontinued Flows' report and added it under "Check your Arch" section (also added a copy of "Inventory to Service Package Comparison" in that section) . Also updated qryReportUserArchitectureFlows to convert the boolean Regional field into a Yes/No string. Moved Pobject column to the left of Name in qryTableRecon.Added qryElementsNotInAnySP,qryElementsNotSelectedInTheirSP,qryElementsSelectedInTheirSP, qrySPMissingElementsDeleted qryReportReconMPEntities and qryReportReconMPElements. Added qryReportReconSPPObjects and qryReportReconSPElements. Updated qryReportRecon. Added qryArchSPSelectedElements. Updated qryReportReconUnusedElements. Updated tblTables to add an entry for Inventory to SP comparison. Added qryTableReconFixed qryWebStandardsStds and qryWebStandardsGroups. Minor fix to qryWebInvFunDetails. Corrected typo in qryWebInvDetailsBasic.Fixed qryWebInvFunDetails, qryWebStandardsDetailsGroupsFixed details web-related queries (qryWebServicesAll, qryWebServicesElements, qryWebIFDetailsStandardsSupport) to work with the V8 schema.Added tblTablesGroups. And added GroupID and TableInclude to tblTablesUpdated tblWebDetailedWebPages entries for terminology and fixed details web-related queries (qryWebInvDetailsBasic, qryWebServicesDetails) to work with the V8 schema.Updated tblWebPages entries for terminology and fixed web-related queries (qryWebInvEntity, qryWebInvStake, qryWebServices, qryWebRequirements) to work with the V8 schema.Renamed OpsCon to Roles and Responsibilities in tblDocumentSections. I had to make the Name field bigger (changed from 20 to 50 chars)Added primary keys to tblWebSiteInfo and other tblWeb* tables to facilitate updates.Added tblTempImportFlows.Discontinued and tblTemUDEntityFlows.ReplacesFlowID columnAdded new fields in tblDocumentInfo for DocAgency and DocVersionImported fresh V8 data, including new rows in tblFlowRelationshipsChanged field name from Select to Include in tblTempImportSPElementSelections so the autogenerated select statement in DataTableSave doesn't generate an error. Added fields to tblTempImportSPs to avoid errors because hidden/unused fields not being set.Updated tblTempImportSPs and tblTempImportProjectSPs design to better match V8 tblSPs design.Updated tblTempImportEPRequirements so it includes a primary key so we can update using datatables.Added ElementAbbreviation to tblTempImportElementsUpdated qryASResponseFlowsAll,qryASRequestFlowsAllUpdated qryTableRequirements to change Functional Area to Functional ObjectUpdated the tblTempImport* tables to add primary keys to the main import tables and update fields and names to match other DB design changes (e.g., MPs now are SPs)Updated qryReportStandards2 (replaced tblElementMapping with tblElementsPObjects)Ran find and replace to change all instances of tblElements.ParentID, tblElements_1.ParentID, and tblElements_3.ParentID to *.ElementParentID in all queries.Added StatusOrder and UserDefined to qryCurrentArchSPs and qryRegionalArchSPs and created all new qryPtoRSPStatusChanges* queries.Created qryCurrentArchSPs, qryRegionalArchSPs, qryPtoRSPsNotInRegion, qryPtoRSPsNotInRegionPreviewReplaced 'MarketPackage' with 'ServicePackage' in: qryArchMarketPackages qryArchMarketPackagesProject qryArchMarketPackagesRegion qryArchMPs qryArchMPSelectedElements qryPtoRServicesProjectMPsAppend qryPtoRServicesProjectMPsNotInRegion qryPtoRServicesProjectMPsNotInRegionFilter qryPtoRServicesProjectMPsStatusUpdate1To1 qryPtoRServicesProjectMPsStatusUpdateFromInstance9tz[<iJ+  g H ) ^ ?  f G ( q R 3  y Z ;  bC$]>zQ2yZcD%kL-s8tU6^B@c@ D \5@*@ D t @@D ? @U@D 7i @@D `,Ev @8.1D@D kט/ @L@D Kh @E@D ( @8.1@D  @@D }ǦJ @Initial import of 8.1 data2 4 @u@C h$ @'@C h$ @a@C  z @@D (\ @:@C un@_@C <6jP@^@C .K@>@C ,nm@R@C ߼xl@m@C -́@e@C # @3@C @&@C :m@:@C j@q@C '@?@C Ε@6@C _B{@@C ^B@M@C (\ϓ@5@ C SA@6@ C HА@P@ C 4@Updated qryDocumentStandards4 ll @T@ C q2 @@ C O$@Updated qryDocumentStandards4 S@@C V)@S@C a @f@C ;Aܱ@F@C DZDz@  Z @  2_7:@M@C iQ@4@C 9K@_@C .M@K@B a 8@@@B ͶJ3@>@B +-@Added tblECoordination. 6*%@  LR@  D@@B " @@B -M@G@B }e@@B mӆj@@B ('@G@B 2_7:@L@B >S@@B ^@-@B ;6@@B Hz@<@B r@$@B -A@@ B oSj@1@ B @Q@ B u@9@ B b @.@ B 4@x@B a@Y@B naK@@B e+@T@B pSZ@#@B 6E@M@B ,@Added tblArchitectureFiles2 @e@B +@@B @a@A /M@*@B Z 0@C@A ט[/@@A 1z_@j@A ͫ@6@A v@W@A ~9K@@A rj@D@A 6K@,@A hE#A1@  z5,1@@A  f@4@A K(@8.0.0;@A p^M@@A S@@A hE#@R@A /@9@A d@@A z@F@ A fff.@b@ A 4(r@,@ A  -1q@j@ A V0@@ A a*@3@A q\@@A &Po@Imported fresh V8 data./ Tvz @@A xKs@y@A @@A 2>4@t@A ;L].@h@A Ek@e@A @@F ؍y@s@F J@Y@F a겔@@F (rF{@w@F :b1u@9@F .@{@F W)QL@@F @  y51@m@F e@p@F Ƈl@^@F DOm@Q@F `,\@f@F yKspY@@ F z*5@Y@ F -@@ F yV4@:@ F )gP @n@ F DZƇ@@F t@s@F #@fixed qryP2RMissingNeeds0 b߱@N@F $@ @F 'M@@F F|l@D@F ' @@F  @@F |@[@F E.B@@D w,@-@D wJ@@D  Y@@D y5 @K@D 6E@5@D q2v@E@D 3> @u@D CZ @@D Ϋ@p@D q@ Removed mappings to NTCIP 12146 EI@$@D ?Ȑ1@%@D @f@ D Tv:@@ D b@{@ D LVAL#I g '  !r W,?KcMinor change to Request / Response (now Request-ResponseMinor change to Request / Response (now Request-Response) table name and rolled configuration to reflect sprint 65Focus qryReportUnsupported so it only reports flows between elements that are included in the current architectureChanged qryElementsPObjectsKindsTypes to use outer joins so elements are returned even if their Pobject mappings have been lostFixed tblStakeholderBoundInterfaces to use post-8.0 PObjectIDs and augmented the table with additional interfacesFixed tblTempNeedsArch, tblTempImportNeeds, and qryP2RMissingNeeds to include priority.Updated tblTables, qryTableNeed*, and qryWebNeed* queries to remove status, with few added references to priorityID since it is hidden in the GUI.Fixed qryNeeds* queries, qryArchNeedAreasAndNeeds, and qryArchNeeds to include NeedPriorityID instead of NeedStatusIDAdded tblPriority and added tblNeedsArch.NeedPriorityIDRemoved tblTmpTableNames since we found the two systems that were having DAO problems were fixed by Office/Access repair.Added tblTmpTableNames to store table names so we can efficiently process all temp tables using ACE/technologies that can't quickly select table names through another mechanism.Fixed qryFunAutoAdd and qryFunAutoAddProject so they exclude shared elements so that shared elements won't be assigned Fos by autoselect.Fixed qryTableSuspectStatusNeeds query so that it works with the updated DB design that includes need areasUpdated web tables and queries to make the top-level needs page more concise and include detailed needs pages.Updated qryP2RMissingNeeds to include needs associated with need areas with unspecified Sps.altered tblDocumentSections to make the needs section custom instead of tabularUpgraded qryTableSPsCoverage for better performance for very large architectures& still a bit slowUpdated qryServicePackageCoverage to cap the percentage at 100% since more than 100% can be calculated in some scenarios. Updated qryTableServicePackageCoverageSPFlowsArch so that only triples covered by tblSPsElements are counted, consistent with the way the SP filter works.Reimported the 3/26 physical data to fix tripleIDs in tblPObjectsFlows and tblSPsFlows.Added qryTableSummaryInventory and qryTableSummaryStakeholders queries and updated tblTables to reveal these two summary table outputsReimported tblSPsFlows so TripleIDs set to valid values.Updated tblTables and added supporting queries to support additional table outputs identified for sprint 61.Added qryNeedAreasRegion and qryP2RMissingNeedAreas to support Project to Region functionality in frmMerge. Fixed qryP2RMissingNeeds and broadened qryNeedsRegion to also include rows with NeedStatusID=0Added tblRegionalArchitectureSavedTailoring to save tailoring when rows are removed from tblRegionalArchitecture.Updating qryNeeds* queries used in autoselect to avoid using fields removed.Marked tblNeeds.NeedAreaID and tblNeedsArch.NeedSPID for deletion. Added tblNeedAreasArch.NeedAreaInclude so we can easily determine which of the eligible need areas are included in the project. Updated qryArchNeedAreas* to include the new NeedAreaInclude field.added tblTempImportNeedAreas, added rows to tblWebPageSettings and tblWebPageSettingImpacts for need area description and need area typealtered qryTableNeedsAll and qryWebNeeds to include need area infoReplaced outdated qryFunEPArch with qryFunArch to restore autoplot capability to differentiate between elements with and without functional objects.Fixed query qryGenAppendAllValidFlowsModerateSupport so flows are included properly on the tab for the moderate include setting.Additional DB tuning for need area management, including updates to qryArchNeeds* queries LVAL \ N U  N # Updated Support MaintenancBug fix: NITS-59 UpdBug fix: NITS-59 Updated qryTableNeedsAllBug fix: Moved the SortOrder column to the beginning of the Needs Output tableBug fix: PTR-1596 Updated the PageOverview for Needs in tblWebPagesUpdated Support Maintenance Equipment abbreviation in tblPObjects to deconflict from the existing Security Monitoring Equipment so abbreviations are all unique (data change made on 6/7). Incremented physical configuration information, creating a convert requirement for 8.1 databases.added cascade delete relationship between tblStakeholders and tblStakeholderArchAdded Sort Order to qryTableNeeds and qryTableNeedsAll (PTR-1573)Changes to include SP diagrams on web site. Created new page type 5015 and made updates to other tblWeb and qryWeb objects to support integration of the new pages into a web site.Updated qryTableFiltersSP to use tblTmpSelectedSP, like the filter form itself. Need to synchronize the filter first for best performance in all scenarios.Added email hyperlink boolean to tblWebSiteInfoAdded qryTableFilters* queries to support filter table outputFixed qryTableAgreements to include service package and also removed extraneous separate query for projectsqryNeedsPotential updated so that needs associated with an SP instance are only recommended for that SP instance. Needs that are associated with an SP are still identified as potential for that SP and all instances of that SP. Fixed qryNeedsWildUnrealizedAppendAutoselect so it sets priorityID, not statusID;YNIIY  Y ClassIDClassName YIKrILtIY}YYY.rC.rDClassIDPrimaryKeyv1HHHH|HVehicleTravelerSupportField Center H JJJJJ H JJJJJ"YElemNNN Y dY  Y (SourceData"ConfigurationDateVersiondvHHBMXcw;@Communications8.1 Yt @Service Packages8.1! $US@Physical Architecture8.1.1(! rq0!@RAD-IT8.1.67.1 cYPUNQQ Y d Y dCountryLanguagedvPPPUnited StatesEnglish BYN TTY  Y n Y  Y  Y x Y x Y x Y px Y pxY  Y   Y  px Y px ArchIDDocPathDocFilename&DocTemplateFilenameDocTitleDocSubtitleDocOrganizationDocAuthorDocDate6UseTemplateForTitlePageInfoUseTodaysDateDocAgencyDocVersionppTVpYPrimaryKeyv1P@P P >SN C:\Users\deanna.haase\Desktop\LACountyRegionalITSArchitecture-AprilDocument\LACountyRegionalITSArchitecture.docArchDocTemplateRegion.dotxxyT SU_ Y NXX Y Y  Y d Y Y Y  Y < Y p< Y p6 Y  6Y   Y  pY  Y   Y Y SectionIDSectionOrderSectionNameSectionFormat(SectionAppliesRegion*SectionAppliesProject&SectionBookmarkBody.SectionBookmarkAppendix SectionQueryName.SectionQueryNameProject(IncludeSectionInBodyChapterTitle.UseTemplateChapterTitle0IncludeSectionInAppendixAppendixTitle0UseTemplateAppendixTitle6p6pXZp6YPrimaryKeyv1XXXW S G  X  n NeedsCustomNeedsBodyNeedsAppendixqryTableNeedsqryTableNeedsArchitecture NeedsArchitecture Needs DetailseQB3$ O ProjectsTabularProjectsBodyProjectsAppendixqryDocumentProjectsqryDocumentProjectsITS ProjectsITS Projects DetailsugR=+ O AgreementsTabularAgreementsBodyAgreementsAppendixqryTableAgreementsqryTableAgreementsAgreementsAgreements DetailswkWC/ O StandardsTabularStandardsBodyStandardsAppendixqryDocumentStandardsqryDocumentStandardsITS StandardsITS Standards Details{lV@- O InterfacesCustomInterfacesBodyInterfacesAppendixqryDocumentInterconnectsqryDocumentInterconnectsProjectInterfaces Between SystemsInterfaces Details}\B. oFunctionalityTabularRequirementsBodyRequirementsAppendixqryTableFunctionalObjectsqryTableFunctionalObjectsFunctionalityFunctional Objects DetailseJ4" oRoles and ResponsibilitiesTabularOpsConBodyOpsConAppendixqryTableOpsConceptqryTableOpsConceptRoles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and Responsibilities Detailss_K;/& OServicesTabularServicesBodyServicesAppendixqryTableServicesqryTableServicesProjectITS ServicesITS Services DetailsvhO=+ OInventoryTabularInventoryBodyInventoryAppendixqryDocumentInventoryqryDocumentInventoryITS InventoryITS Inventory Details{lV@- OStakeholdersTabularStakeholdersBodyStakeholdersAppendixqryTableStakeholdersqryTableStakeholdersITS StakeholdersITS Stakeholders Detailsu_I3! OPlanningTabularPlanningBodyPlanningAppendixqryDocumentPlanningqryDocumentPlanningRelationship to PlanningITS Planning DetailsgR=+ OScopeParagraphScopeBodyScopeAppendixqryDocumentScopeRegionqryDocumentScopeProjectArchitecture ScopeArchitecture Scope Details{gN6' O W @YYYYYYYY Y Y  Y  Y  Y N\\  Y Y Y  Y Y Y  Y Y SectionID ArchID(IncludeSectionInBodyChapterTitle.UseTemplateChapterTitle0IncludeSectionInAppendixAppendixTitle0UseTemplateAppendixTitleeik\^Ah\_x YY ArchIDPrimaryKeyv1XX@X X  [ z;x+ | E   Architecture NeedsArchitecture Needs Details: K ITS ProjectsITS Projects Details. K AgreementsAgreements Details* K ITS StandardsITS Standards Details0 KInterfaces Between SystemsInterfaces Details:& KFunctional RequirementsFunctional Requirements DetailsD# KRoles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and Responsibilities DetailsJ& KITS ServicesITS Services Details. OITS InventoryITS Inventory Details0 OITS StakeholdersITS Stakeholders Details6 ORelationship to PlanningITS Planning Details:$ KArchitecture ScopeArchitecture Scope Details: K [ @]]]]]]]]]] ] ] x [@@@]]]]]]]] ] ]  ]  ]  Y+.Naa++++ Y Y Y  Y  Y  Y aImpactIDSectionIDSettingID.OverrideQueryNameRegion0OverrideQueryNameProjectSuppressFieldeaciIadaeYYYOptionIDPrimaryKeySectionIDv1` `````+e@^2  y W ) y N % [ 7  t S ( } V 6  .Stakeholder'-Group',Element Type'*qryDocumentInterfacesqryDocumentInterfacesProjectFlow NameNC%?) Flow Name'( Destination Element#''Req User Defined '&Status'%Requirement'$RR Status'#Performance Measure#'"PM Category'! Maintainer' Developer' Service Scope' Geographic Scope ' Status' Timeframe' Associated Stakeholders'' Agreement Type' Agreement Number ' Source Element'RequirementID'Functional Area Description+'RR Description'RR Area Description#'Comment'Included Elements!'Market Package Description*'Related Architecture$' Parent Element' Associated Entity!' Group Members' Description' PM Number'Description'Revision Date'Version'Maintainer'Developer'Service Scope'Geographic Scope 'Timeframe' ` @ @ @ @ @b*bbb b bbbbbbb%b&b'bbb bbbbbbb b!b"b#b$b(b)bb bbbbb bbbbbb ` @ @ @ @ @bbbbbbbb b b  b  b  b b bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb b!b"b#b $b!%b"&b#'b$(b%)b&*b',b(-b).b* ` @ @ @ @ @bbbbbbbbbbb b b b)b b b b(b*bbbbbb!bbb"b#b$b' b b% b& b b b b b b b b b :Y#Ngg###Y Y  Y Y Y SectionIDSettingIDSettingName*IncludeInDocumentBody2IncludeInDocumentAppendixymrgiAhgjaYY ArchIDPrimaryKeyv1hhhh f#e@yH! c <  ~ E  e < u Q ,  Include Maintainer  Include Developer  Include Service Scope!  Include Geographic Scope$  Include Status  Include Timeframe  List Associated Stakeholders(  include Agreement Type"  Include Agreement Number$  Include Associated Interfaces) Include Interface Diagrams& Include Context Diagrams$ Include Architecture Flows& Include Functional Object Descriptions2 Include Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities: Include Area Descriptions% Include Comments Include Associated Elements' Include Descriptions Include Related Architectures) Include Parent Elements# Include Element Type Include Related Subsystems and Terminators6 Include Stakeholders List Stakeholder Group Members* Include Descriptions Include Performance Measures( Include Descriptions Include Revision Date! Include Version Include Maintainer Include Developer include Service Scope! include Geographic Scope$ Include Timeframe  f @ @ @ @h hhh h hhhhhhhhhh h hhhhhhhhhhhhhh hh!hh"h6 f@@@@@@@@@hhhhhhhhhh h h h h hhhhhhhhhhh h h h h h h h h  h! h"\ Y$Nll$$$$Y Y Y Y Y SectionIDSettingID ArchID*IncludeInDocumentBody2IncludeInDocumentAppendixlnhglolp YYY ArchIDArchID1PrimaryKeyv1phh@h h  k$yj[L=.zk\M>/             k @ @ @ @m mmm m mmmmmmmmmm m mmmmmmmmmmmm mmm!mm"mm#m k @ @ @ @mmmmmmmmmm m m m m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m!m"m#t k@ @ @ @ @mmmmmmmmmm m m m m mmmmmmmmmmmm m m m m m m m  m! m" m#UYNrrY  Y DomainIDDomainNamertIYYY.rB.rCPrimaryKeyv1pppqCommunicationTransportationqss Y"'N  vv"""Y  Y  Y  Y Y Y Y Y Y CoordinationID CoordinationName CoordinationType.CoordinationDescriptionCompensatory OldID.CoordinationSpecificityDefaultUserDefined v{OIv|YY OldIDPrimaryKeyvvHv1bxxppxxLVAL  < Bz$A Consulted Enterprise is one that can provide information about a Resource or Document.A Responsible Enterprise performs an activity or task.An agreement in which a device owner gains access to security credentials, and agrees to protect and use those credentials in accordance with restrictions and safeguards documented in this agreement.An agreement to exchange information, which may include data or control information; the exact information to be exchanged may vary from agreement to agreement. This also includes a specification for action that shall, should or may be taken by one partyA guarantee or promise made by one entity to another, that provides assurance of the functionality and performance of a subsystem.An Enterprise performs the initial delivery, integration and configuration of the target Resource.A Resource or Enterprise applies requirements, constraints and associated tests to another Resource.An Enterprise verifies that a target Resource meets relevant performance, functional, environmental and quality requirements.An Enterprise is part of another larger, target Enterprise.An Enterprise creates the target Resource or Document.An Enterprise administers the hardware and software that comprise the target Resource.An Enterprise controls the functionality and state of the target Resource. An Enterprise that Operates a resource is considered Responsible.An Enterprise has financial ownership and control over the Resource. An Enterprise that Owns a resource is considered accountable for the resource and all of its contents. The entity that takes the "owns" role is ultimately responsible for ensuring the An agreement where one party agrees to provide information to another party. This is a unidirectional agreement.An agreement to exchange information, which may include data or control information; the exact information to be exchanged may vary from agreement to agreement.u"]+T t  | C j 2 w . H d o 'Commun(User Defined Start)$$$ {CoUnspecifiedAgreement@z2&O yCoMaster AgreementAgreement@z7+ O xCoFunding AgreementAgreementf@z8,!O wCoShared Operations AgreementAgreement@yB6+O vCoInteragency AgreementAgreement0@ y<0%O uCoMemorandum of UnderstandingAgreement@ yB6+O tCoHandshake AgreementAgreement0@ y:.#O sCoService Package Blanket AgreementAgreement@ yH<1O rCoProject Blanket AgreementAgreement@ y@4)O qCoSystem Usage AgreementAgreement@y=1&O oCoSystem Maintenance AgreementAgreement @yC7,O nCommunSuppliesRole@y* lCommunVerifiesRole@y* kCommunEquivalentRoleT@y,  jCommunConsumesRole@y* iCommunProvidesRole@y* hCommunInformedRole@y* gCommunConsultedRole@w+ fCommunAccountableRole@y-! eCommunResponsibleRolel@ w-! `CoSecurity Credentials License and Usage AgreementAgreement@ wWK@O QCoInformation Exchange and Action AgreementAgreement@ wPD9O <CoWarrantyAgreement@ w/#O 7CommunInstallsRole@ w* 6CommunConstrainsRole@w,  5CommunCertifiesRole@w+ 4CommunMemberRolev@w( 1CommunDevelopsRolel@w* 0CommunMaintainsRole@w+ /CommunOperatesRole@w* .CommunOwnsRole@w& )CoInformation Provision AgreementAgreement@wF:/_ CoInformation Exchange AgreementAgreement@@wE9.OVLVALR h  n An agreement between any agency involved in the funding, operation, maintenance or right-of-way use of another public or private agency's assets. Documents responsibilities for all activities associated with shared systems being operated and/or maintainedAn agreement between public agencies for operations, services or funding. Documents responsibilities, functions and liability of each party, at minimum.An early-stage agreement typically providing minimal detail but demonstrating general consensus. Typically used to expand on an interagency agreement. May also serve as a means to modify a broader Master Funding Agreement, where the master agreement coverAn informal agreement typically arrived at in the early stages of a project or regional architecture development. Not suitable for long term operations.An agreement between all stakeholders involved in a service that covers data provision, information exchange and related actions.An agreement between all stakeholders involved in a project that covers data provision, information exchange and related actions.An agreement granting operational use of a system to one party on behalf of the party with ownership control of the system.An agreement for one party to maintain the operational status of a system on behalf of the party with ownership control of the system.The Enterprise that supplies (provides) a device or software product.The Enterprise that determines whether or not a target Resource meets requirements.Used to show correspondence between views.The Enterprise that serves as consumer of the basic service of a service package.The Enterprise that provides the basic service of a service package.An Informed Enterprise is one that may need to be updated with regard to a Resource or Document.An Accountable Enterprise has decision making authority, and is ultimately fiscally responsible for a Resource. An Accountable enterprise has the  owns role with respect to the resource for which it is accountable.l LVAL Unspecified agreement used as a placeholder for user-defined agreements, to be used in special circumstances with tools (RAD-IT, SET-IT) only.An agreement that serves as a master agreement for a specific agency, defining how business is done. Includes standard contract and/or legal verbiage. Allows states, cities and other public agencies that do business with the same agencies over and over toAn agreement that documents the funding arragements for ITS projects. At minimum, includes standard funding clauses, detailed scope, services to be performed, and project budgets.v u B!B!B!B!xxxxxxxxxx x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x! u @ @ @ @x)x.x/x0x1x4x5x6x7x <x Qx `x ex fxgxhxixjxkxlxnxoxqxrxsxtxuxvxwxxxyx{x 'x!2YN~~Y ElementClassIDaNe~t~Y YYYH.rC.rDPrimaryKey6tblClassestblElementClassesv1xx} } 0YNY ElementDomainID~~Y YYYq.rC.rDPrimaryKey6tblDomainstblElementDomainsv1<YNY ElementKindIDIGlY YYY+.rB.rCPrimaryKey.tblKindstblElementKindsv1 YN Y Y Y Y  Y Y Y Y Y Y  LinkIDRelatedArchID RelatedElementIDLastSynchDateInSynchSynchElementsSynchStakesSynchRRsSynchReqsSynchIFsfpfppffpfppffpfppffpfppfYYYY LinkIDPrimaryKeyRelatedArchID RelatedElementIDHv1b@     g YLOLONY  Y  Y  Y Y Y Y  Y Y Y  Y  Y  Y  Y  ElementIDElementName&ElementAbbreviation$ElementDescriptionElementKindIDElementClassIDElementTypeIDElementParentIDElementDomainIDFunctionality4ElementRelatedArchitectureElementStatusInRegionNewsiL   kcrnDDto    YYYY. Y8YYAY" Y  AY YYYYYYYY }Y Y YYf .rAB.rBB.rCB.rF.rG.rH.rI.rJ.rN.rO.rPElementDomainIDElementKindID LinkIDPrimaryKeySystemID8tblElementClassestblElements8tblElementDomainstblElements4tblElementKindstblElements4tblElementTypestblElements(tblStatustblElements v1b N @@@ $ LVALc k  W -F]qHReversible lane control system on 4th St. (I-5 Reversible lane control system on 4th St. (I-5 to Alameda). City of Los Angeles - 3 - SB, PCHReversible lane control field equipment on 4th St. (I-5 to Alameda).LADOT field equipment that provides traveler information such as CMS and Trailblazers. City of Los Angeles - LADOT - SB, PCHPort of Los Angeles serving as a freight movement origin and destination as well as container management system.LA County owned and operated maintenance and construction vehicles for transportation improvements and weather purposes.Private ambulance emergency service providers in LA County.LA County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a centralized location to support multi-agency and/or multi-jurisdiction disaster response coordination and communication. LA County EOC serves as the designated point of contact between the jurisdictions within the County, as well as between the State and the political subdivisions within the County boundary.Caltrans Performance Monitoring System (PeMS) collects and archives traffic, incident, and weigh-in motion data across all metropolitan areas for the state.Caltrans Quickmaps Website which provides centralized statewide information about traffic conditions, weather conditions, road construction, and lane restrictions.California Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) processes all reported property damage, fatal, and injury collisions that occurred on California's state highways and all other roadways, excluding private property.Emergency management fire and police vehicles as well as the in-vehicle mobile data terminal (MDT) that provides computer-aided dispatch (CAD) information to public safety vehicle. This includes fire and police vehicles as well as the in-vehicle MDT that provides CAD information to other public safety vehicles. Only fire vehicles are able to preempt traffic signals equipped with emergency vehicle preemption equipment in the LA County area.Railroad Operations represents the systems that handle rail operations communications with local TMC's with regard to incident and emergency management coordination as well as install railroad owned and operated crossings.National Weather Service that tracks weather status and provides alerts and forecasts to traffic and transit centers to support operations.General vehicle using the transportation network.General travelers such as bicyclists, pedestrians, or other active transportation travelers that utilize the transportation network.Personal computer, smartphones, tablets, etc. that provide travelers with access to data.Media including print, social media, and broadcast services.Financial institutions that manage fare payments in transit services.Weigh-in-motion (WIM) infrastructure on state highways that collect commercial vehicle data for commercial vehicle credentialing and enforcement activities.CHP TMC media information officers in charge of distributing traveler information to the public in the form of video feeds, social media systems, media press releases, website information, mobile application, or email/text notifications to distribution groups.Caltrans TMC media information office in charge of distributing traveler information to the public in the form of video feeds, social media systems, media press releases, website information, mobile application, or email/text notifications to distribution groups.Los Angeles Regional Transportation Management Center (LARTMC) centrally manages and controls all ITS tools owned by Caltrans within the District 7 area. Includes lane closure management systemLA County Department of Public Works Traffic Control System, a function within the Traffic Management Center that operates the County's ITS infrastructure.7,oW i  s  a  E bZaVG3.hRegional Transit Agencies Transit VehiclesTAT2@^RL METRO Traveler Information CenterMTI2-@UIC METRO Traveler Information DisplaysMTI@VJE METRO Bus and Rail Operations SystemsMMS_@XLG LA County TCS Field EquipmentLCAM@PD? Caltrans D7 ATMS Field EquipmentCDA@SGB LA SAFE 511LS5@>2- LA County IENLCI3%@ A5/ Regional Transit Agencies Transit Management SystemTAT{@ fZU METRO Transit VehiclesMTVa@ I=8 Local Agency ATIS Field EquipmentLAA_@ THC Local Agency TCSLATI@ C72 Local Agency TCS Field EquipmentLAA2R@THB CHP VehiclesCV2:@?3. LADOT Reversible Lane SystemLRL2b@PD> LADOT Reversible Lane Field EquipmentLRLF@XLG LADOT ATSAC/ATCSLA@B62 LADOT ATSAC WebsiteLAW@F:5 LADOT TCS Field EquipmentLAF2@MA; LADOT ATIS Field EquipmentLAF@MA< Caltrans D7 IntertieCDI@G;6 Private Sector Data CollectorPSDt@PD? Port of Los Angeles Operations CenterPOLr@XLG Commercial Fleet OperationsCVA@NB= Police and Fire Departments/911 CentersEMD@ZNI LA County Maintenance VehiclesLCMz@QE@ vPrivate Emergency Service ProvidersPES=@VJE uLA County EOC/911 CenterLCEh@K?: oCaltrans Performance Monitoring System (PeMS)CPM@`TO nCaltrans Quickmaps WebsiteCQW@MA< mCHP SWITRS SystemCSS@ D83 eEmergency Management Public Safety VehiclesEMP@ ^RM dRailroad Operation SystemsRO@ L@< aNational Weather ServiceNWS@ K?: `VehiclesV3@ 8,* _Active Transportation TravelersT@OCA ^Personal Computing DevicesPCD[@MA< ]MediaM>@5)' [Financial InstitutionsFIG@H<8 QCHP Weigh-in-MotionCW@E95 ACHP Traveler Information OutletsCTI@SGB ;Caltrans D7 Traveler Information ServicesCDT @\PK 4LARTMCCDL@9-( -LA County TCSLCD@@4/ *LVAL{ n i 1(q\Airport parking management systems managiAirport parking management systems managing parking facilities on airport property.Private parking management companies that operate private parking facilities within the region.METRO Bus and Rail Operations Systems manages the bus and rail operations for Metro services.LA SAFE 511 centralized source of traffic information for the LA County. is a free web service that consolidates traffic and transportation information into a one-stop resource for commuters and motorists in LA County. The web site is managed by LA SAFE.IEN server for multiple TFs/Corridors. Facilitates the exchange of real-time arterial traffic information between corridors, and limited signal control between participating agencies. Also facilitates exchange of traffic information with Agencies not part of any TF (e.g., Caltrans, etc.).Transit agencies that provide fixed-route, demand response, and dial-a-ride transit services within the LA County Region.Metro Operations includes fixed-route, demand repsonse, and a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system and this element represents the METRO buses that are equiped with AVL and participate in the transit priority system. Transit vehicles have on-board equipment for facilitating data exchange. Metro Operations include micro transit (form of demand response)Local Agency field equipment that provides traveler information such as CMS and Trailblazers.Traffic control system to manage various ATIS and ATMS field equipment.Traffic signals, VDS, CCTV, Road Weather Information System (RWIS), flashing beacons, roadside units to support connected vehicle applications, dynamic lane management, bicycle and pedestrian detection, vehicle detection, eco-monitors, data collections, preemption for light rail line, and other ATMS field equipment not captured above.CHP vehicles that provide public safety on state routes.Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control System/Adaptive Traffic Control Software which is an in-house PC-based system controlling (about 3,000 out of 4,400) traffic signals in the City. This system also manages the changeable reversible lane system. This system is accessible via a dedicated workstation providing the Agency the ability to manage signals via the ATSAC system. This also includes Reversible Lane System.LADOT ATSAC website that provides information on special events, planned events, and travel time info. City of Los Angeles - 3 - SB, PCH Traffic signals, VDS, CCTV, Road Weather Information System (RWIS), or other ATMS field equipment not already captured. City of Culver City - LADOT - City of Culver City City of Los Angeles - LADOT - SB, PCH Caltrans District 7 Intertie server provides connection to RIITS to enable sharing of traffic and incident information between jursidictions in the district.Private sector data collector that pulls data from infrastructure in the field or from agencies that make their data available and aggregates the data into information for the public to consume. This includes private sector data collection infrastructure such as Sense Metrics pucks. This also includes private sector entities such as Google, Waze, Shared Mobility, etc.Commercial Vehicle Administration Centers that serve as dispatching and routing for commercial vehicles as well as order/job management for containers.Represents both the local agency. Local agency police and fire departments include local jurisdictions within the LA County Region and provide public safety vehicles and dispatch emergency response vehicles throughout the region. There is a computer-aided dispatch (CAD) for each service that provides centralized dispatching and vehicle location tracking for emergency service vehicles.eLVAL ( ,  $6]LA County region map update system as a provider of map databases to support ITS services. ThisLA County region map update system as a provider of map databases to support ITS services. This includes maintaining the county accident GIS database that feeds information into other systems.LA SAFE Dispatch Center that dispatches the LA SAFE roadway service patrol vehicles.Port of Long Beach owned and operated maintenance and construction vehicles for transportation improvements and weather purposes.Port of Long Beach serving as a freight movement origin and destination as well as container management system.LA SAFE Roadway Service Patrol Vehicles provide roadway assistance and incident management support to the LA County Region.Port of Los Angeles owned and operated maintenance and construction vehicles for transportation improvements and weather purposes.Airport owned and operated maintenance and construction vehicles for transportation improvements and weather purposes.Local Agency owned and operated maintenance and construction vehicles for transportation improvements and weather purposes.Caltrans owned and operated maintenance and construction vehicles for transportation improvements and weather purposes.LADOT owned and operated maintenance and construction vehicles for transportation improvements and weather purposes.METRO owned and operated maintenance and construction vehicles for transportation improvements and weather purposes.Airport traveler information services providing information to the public in the form of video feeds, social media systems, media press releases, website information, mobile application, or email/text notifications to distribution groups.METRO planned parking management infrastructure including detection for monitoring ingress/egress as well as real-time parking dynamic message signs that will link with high-speed rail in the future.Transit Agencies that provide traveler information to the public in the form of social media systems, website information posting, media press releases, or email/text notifications to distribution groups.Transit Agencies Transit Center providing traveler information in the form of displays in-vehicle, at transit stop, in transit center, or other physical display.Transit vehicles for the fixed route, demand response, and dial-a-ride services provided by local transit agencies not within METRO. Transit vehicles have on-board equipment for facilitating data exchange.METRO Transit Center provides traveler information to the public in the form of social media systems, website information posting, media press releases, or email/text notifications to distribution groups. website and other methods provide trip planning information to the traveling public.METRO Transit Center providing traveler information in the form of displays in-vehicle, at transit stop, in transit center, or other physical displays.Traffic signals, VDS, CCTV, Road Weather Information System (RWIS), changeable message signs, detection, environmental sensors, infrastructure monitoring, portable traffic control, speed warning system, work zone management devices, dynamic lane management, bluetooth travel time readers, and other ATMS devices not captured above.Traffic signals, VDS, CCTV, Road Weather Information System (RWIS), dynamic message signs that can provide queue warning or incident messages, dynamic and adaptive ramp meters, portable traffic control, infrastructure monitoring, work zone management devices, work zone safety monitoring devices, railroad crossings, speed warning system, variable speed limit devices, dynamic lane management, license plate readers, and other field infrastructure not captured above. Caltrans - Caltrans - PCH*C , ' l J 3 s\X ST} G@~LA County Region Data Distribution System for CVLCR2@dXR Local Agency CV RSULAC@F:5 Local Transit Agencies CV RSULTA5@QE? Regional Transit Agencies CV RSURTC@SGB  LADOT CV RSULCR@?3.  LA County CV RSULCC2@D82  Local Transit Agencies Traveler Information CenterLTA4@fZT  Local Transit Agencies Traveler Information DisplaysLTA3@ h\V Local Transit Agencies Transit VehiclesLTA2@ [OI Local Transit Agencies Transit Management SystemsLTA{@ dXS Private TNCsPT]@ >2. Caltrans Lane Closure Management SystemCLCZNI Caltrans D7 TMSCDT3`@ C71 LAWA ATMS Field EquipmentLAF3W@MA; Local Municipal AirportsLMAhereQ?: Burbank (Airport)BA@C73 LAWA (LAX)LA2 @=1, Caltrans D7 ATSAC WorkstationCDA2@QE? LADOT Parking Management SystemLPM@RFA Local Agency Parking Management SystemLAP@YMH POLA/POLB ATMSPOL8{@B60 Port of Long Beach Map Update SystemPOL6^@XLF Port of Los Angeles Map Update SystemPOL5_@YMG LA County Map Update SystemLCM2@OC= CHP Dispatch CenterLSDV@F:5 Port of Long Beach Fleet VehiclesPOL4@UIC Port of Long Beach Operations CenterPOL2q@XLF LA SAFE Freeway Service PatrolLSR}@QE@ LA County Electric Charging StationLCE3WKE Port of Los Angeles Fleet VehiclesPOL3@VJD Airport Local Fleet VehiclesALFx@ OC> Local Agency Maintenance VehiclesLAM}@ THC Caltrans D7 Fleet VehiclesCDFy@ MA< LADOT Maintenance VehiclesLMVv@ MA< METRO Fleet VehiclesMLFv@ G;6 Airport Traveler Information ServicesATI@XLG Airport Parking ManagementAPMU@MA< Private Parking ManagementPPM2a@NB< METRO ExpressLanesMEL"Express lanes operated by METRO.g94 METRO Parking Management SystemMPM@RFA Regional Transit Agencies Traveler Information CenterTAT4@i]W Regional Transit Agencies Traveler Information DisplaysTAT3@k_Y _LVALC? X  QWE3Data Distribution System that collects, processes, and distributes ITS data,Data Distribution System that collects, processes, and distributes ITS data, connecting data producers with data consumers and facilitating data exchange.Connected vehicle (CV) road side unit (RSU) installed as a field component to enable communication between vehicles and infrastructure.Connected vehicle (CV) road side unit (RSU) installed as a field component to enable communication between vehicles and infrastructure.Connected vehicle (CV) road side unit (RSU) installed as a field component to enable communication between vehicles and infrastructure.Connected vehicle (CV) road side unit (RSU) installed as a field component to enable communication between vehicles and infrastructure.Connected vehicle (CV) road side unit (RSU) installed as a field component to enable communication between vehicles and infrastructure.Transit Agencies that provide traveler information to the public in the form of social media systems, website information posting, media press releases, or email/text notifications to distribution groups.Transit Agencies Transit Center providing traveler information in the form of displays in-vehicle, at transit stop, in transit center, or other physical display.Transit vehicles for the fixed route, demand response, and dial-a-ride services provided by local transit agencies not within METRO. Transit vehicles have on-board equipment for facilitating data exchange.Transit agencies that provide fixed-route, demand response, and dial-a-ride transit services within the LA County Region.Private Transportation Network Companies (TNC) are sometimes known as Mobility Service Provier (MSP) and are organizations that pair passengers via websites and mobile applications with drivers that provide ride services. These services could include such TNCs as Uber, Lyft, Bikeshare, scooter sharing, vanpool or other types of similar services.Caltrans D7 Traffic Management System Software to manage various ATMS freeway field equipment.Traffic signals, detection, CCTV, or other ATMS field equipment not already captured.Burbank Airport that operates and manages the transportation network on airport property as well as fleet vehicles. The Airport also serves as a center for information management and sharing with other centers.Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) is the airport oversight and operations department for the City of Los Angeles, California. It is headquarters is located at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). LAWA operates and manages the transportation network on airport property outside of Burbank and LAX as well as fleet vehicles. The Airport also serves as a center for information management and sharing with other centers. The TMC is LAX ARCC. Operations for LAWA field devices would be done through the Airport Response Command Center.The LADOT ATSAC/ATCS system is accessible via a dedicated workstation providing Caltrans D7 the ability to manage signals via the LADOT ATSAC/ATCS system.LADOT parking management infrastructure including detection for monitoring ingress/egress as well as real-time parking dynamic message signs that will link with high-speed rail in the future.Local Agency parking management infrastructure including detection for monitoring ingress/egress as well as real-time parking dynamic message signs that will link with high-speed rail in the future.Port of Los Angeles and Port of Long Beach virtual active traveler management system used to manage sensors, signs, etc.Port of Long Beach map update system as a provider of map databases to support ITS services.Port of Los Angeles map update system as a provider of map databases to support ITS services.|LVALE u E zL o0f=UThisCustomer service centeCustomer service center for the Express LanesThis element represents ITS field equipment, such as DMS and sensors, that is operated by the ports.Local Agency region map update system as a provider of map databases to support ITS services. This includes maintaining the county accident GIS database that feeds information into other systems.LA County region map update system as a provider of map databases to support ITS services. This includes maintaining the county accident GIS database that feeds information into other systems.LADOT map update system as a provider of map databases to support ITS services. This includes maintaining the county accident GIS database that feeds information into other systems.Airport parking management systems managing parking facilities on airport property.Airport parking management systems managing parking facilities on airport property.Reversible lane control field equipmentCaltrans field equipment that provides traveler information such as CMS and Trailblazers.Operations center to manage the express lanes.OBE on the Bikes to provide location and payment information.OBE on the Bikes to provide location and payment card, smart phone, or any other device to support electronic paymentTransit agencies that provide demand response and paratransit services within the LA County Region.Transit Agencies that provide traveler information to the public in the form of social media systems, website information posting, media press releases, or email/text notifications to distribution groups.Transit vehicles for those agencies that provide demand response and/or paratransit servicesFreight Advanced Traveler Information SystemPrivately-owned commercial vehicle operators including small and large trucks that travel in, through, and around LA County (BCO, etc.) that can be tracked and communicated with via multiple systems, particularly via Ports or Traffic Management Center infrastructure.Represents freight containers or trailers (etc.) and provides processing, storage, or communication functions.MTOs provide wharfage, dock, warehouse, or other marine terminal facilities to ocean common carriers moving cargo ( They include public port authorities and private terminal operatorsConnected vehicle road side unit equipment to be able to collect and share information about the traffic signal system and traveler information when connected vehicle infrastructure is deployed in vehicles.Regional Integration of Intelligent Transportation System (RIITS) data warehouse that assembles data from around the region into one repository for processing and reporting purposes.TMCs at other Caltrans Districts, excluding D7TWIC - Transportation Worker Identification Credential; required by the Maritime Transportation Security Acton board equipment. It includes AVL for tracking vehicles, and any CV/AV OBE by the manufacturerCalifornia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) system which manages statewide commercial freight, long-haul rail, and local vehicle registrations. Two other pertinent duties of the DMV include recording ownership (certificate of title) of the vehicles DMV registers and maintaining driving records (accidents and convictions) of licensed drivers. For the purposes of this ITS architecture, the DMV manages the commercial vehicle credentialing system for the State. In this function, DMV works cooperatively with the California Highway Patrol to administer and enforce commercial vehicle credentialing and safety inspection programs.METRO emergency operations center and security operations center&)&v4 a V 6 o ( D <RA@"]?BCaltrans Maintenance CenterCMCNB= ALocal Agency Maintenance CenterLAM2SGA @LADOT Maintenance CenterLMCK?: ?LA County Maintenance CenterLCM3PD> >Local Agency Reversible Lane Field EquipmentLAR)@_SN =Local Agency Corridor Management SystemLAC2[OI ;LA County ATIS Field EquipmentLCA2RF@ :Caltrans D7 ATIS Field EquipmentCDA3[@THB 8Caltrans Corridor Management SystemCCMVJE 7METRO ExpressLanes Ops CenterMEO0@PD? 6Local BikeShare ProgramLBP?@J>9 5METRO BikeShare ProgramMB?@I=9 4Personal Payment DevicePPDL@J>9 2MetroTransit Access PassRTAK?: 1Demand Response and Paratransit Transit Management SystemDRA3e@ ma[ 0Demand Response and Paratransit Transportation Information CenterDRA2@ uic /Demand Response and Paratransit VehiclesDRA^@ [OJ .Local Transit Access PassLTA6MA; -METRO FRATISMF.@ >2. ,Commercial VehiclesCV @ E95 *Freight EquipmentFEp@C73 )Marine Terminal Operator (MTO)MTO@QE@ (METRO Transit Access Pass ProgramMTATHC 'Ports CV RSUPCV@?3. &RIITS NetworkRN@?3/ %Caltrans D7 CV RSUCDCE94 $METRO RailMR<0, #MetroLinkM2;/+ "AmtrakA6*( LA County Performance Monitoring SystemLCPPerformance Monitoring SystemyNI Port of Los Angeles Performance Monitoring SystemPOL10Performance Monitoring SystemZS Port of Long Beach Performance Monitoring SystemPOL9Performance Monitoring SystemXR LADOT Performance Monitoring SystemLPM2Performance Monitoring SystemvKE Local Agency Performance Monitoring SystemLAP2Performance Monitoring System}RL METRO Performance Monitoring SystemMPM2Performance monitoring systemvKE Other District TMCODT0@E94 TWICT2n@6*& Emissions Management CenterEMCNB= Commercial Vehicle OBECVA2b@J>8 California DMV Vehicle Credentialing SystemCDVy@^RM METRO Emergency Security Operations Center (ESOC)MESB@dXS B  7( n  d LMETRO ExpressLanes Customer Service CenterMEC/@]QL KLA County TMCLCT@@4/ JLADOT Transit VehiclesLTV@I=8 IPOLA/POLB ITS Field EquipmentPIFf@PD? HLocal Agency Map Update SystemLAM3@RF@ GCaltrans Map Update SystemCMU@MA< FLADOT Map Update SystemLMU@J>9 ELADOT Traveler Information CenterLTITHC DLocal Municipal Airport Parking ManagementLMA2U@^RL CLAWA Airport Parking ManagementLAP3U@SGA HLVALZLA County Department of Public Works Traffice Management Center that operates the County's ITSLA County Department of Public Works Traffice Management Center that operates the County's ITS infrastructure and manages, dispatches, and organizes the County fleet of maintenance vehicles.Transit vehicles for the fixed route, demand response, and dial-a-ride services provided by LADOT Transit. Includes DASH, Commuter Express, and CityRide. Transit vehicles have on-board equipment for facilitating data exchange.O  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @      !"#$%&'()*+      !"#$%&'(      !"#$%&'( )O  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @      !"#$%&'()*+      !"#$%&'()      !"#$%&'( O  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @      !"#$%&'()*+      !"#$%&'()      !"#$%&'( O  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @-4;AQ[]^_` a d e m nouv !"#$%&'()*+      ! " # $ %&'()   " # $%&'()*,-./01245678 :!;"=#>$?%@&A'B(CDEFGHIJKL O  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @-4;AQ[]^_` a d e m nouv !"#$%&'()*+      ! 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Class:I think white paper says we hide choice and pick class based on PObject?...(should look at SET-IT code and reconcile approach)Kind:Terminator until service objects assigned.Kind:Terminator until service objects assigned. Class:User picks (someday inherits from regional owner).Kind:Terminator until service objects assigned. Class:Inherits from parent.Kind:Terminator until service objects assigned. 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V c r ؀ ؕ ش   % j و   ( J Y s ڈ ڭ ڹ  * > ۂ ۝ ۪  #  C * i ՛   I e t ֚ ֨   J ] t ׈ ש @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ׳  / W d s ؁   & k ى    K Z t ں  ? ۞ ۫  $Dj՜Jfu֛ K^u׉״et؂'lي L[u@۬%E,k՝g֜!L׊׵f؃ً M\vAۭ F-l՞֝M׋׶؄ٌ]wG.N_׌׷ ؅x H+O`׍׸!؆ y IPa׎׹"؇!zvb#؈{wc$؉|d%e&f'g( hYL NL L L cL L Y  Y Y  Y Y Y Y FRID$EquipmentPackageIDRequirementIDRequirementUserDefinedApplicabilityDiscontinuedsDidonYYYYFRIDMarketPackageIDPrimaryKeyJtblEquipmentPackagestblEPRequirementsv1b|߿ @@ LVAL   j x XIf the speed detected by vehicle speed sensors is determined to be excessive, the field element shall provide a safe speed advisory to passing drivers via a driver information system (such as portable messages signs, field to vehicle communications to in-vehicle signing systems, etc.).The field element shall include sensors to detect vehicle speeds, under enforcement agency control.The field element shall include sensors to detect vehicle speeds, under traffic or maintenance center control.The field element shall provide vehicles with about speed reductions, lane closures or roadway configuration changes.The field element shall provide a warning to a vehicle whose speed has been detected to be over the posted speed limit.The field element shall provide the reduced speed zone current posted speed limit as established by the controlling center and any roadway configuration changes associated with the reduced speed zone (e.g., lane closures, lane shifts).The vehicle shall provide to the driver a warning if it looks like the vehicle will go through the intersection after the signal has turned red.The vehicle shall be able to receive warning from the infrastructure if an intersection violation appears to be imminent.The vehicle shall be capable of providing warnings to the driver based upon information received regarding pedestrians, cyclists, and other non-motorized users that are sharing the roadway with the vehicle.The vehicle shall be able to receive intersection signal timing information in order for the vehicle to determine if it will safely cross the intersection given its current location and speed.Vehicle shall provide data describing the vehicle's location in three dimensions, heading, speed, acceleration, braking status, and size.Vehicle shall provide vehicle path information to identify if vehicle is performing an unpermitted movement at an intersection such as a stop sign violation or running a red light.[T)}R' { P % { R ) \ 3 f =  f ;  d9b7 `5 ^3\1Z/X-V+ 14500@"/ 1448`@"/ 1449@"/ 1451@"/ 1447F@"/ 1446@"/ 1445@"/ 5253$@"/ 5252@ "/ 5251@ "/ 5198@ "/ 1444@"/ 1443T@"/ 1442@"/ 1441$@"/ 5363x@"/ 5362J@"/5361&@"/5210@"/5209@"/5207@ "/5206@ "/5205 @ "/5199@"/5180@"/5352@"/53512@"/5221@"/5220@"/5219@"/5217@"/ 5360@"/5359@ "/5215@ "/5214<@"/5358~@"/5213@"/5196@"/5183@"/5182F@"/5224@"/5222@"/5192>@"/ 5193@ "/ 5191@"/ 5177P@"/ 5202@"/ 1437@"/1438j@"/1439 @"/1433@"/1431@"/1434R@"/1435@ "/1436@ "/1432@"/671~@ /670@ /669@ /668&@ /667@ / 666@ / 665@ / 664@ / 663@ / 662@  /661@  /660H@  /659@  /658,@  /657n@ /5461@"/5460@"/5029@"/1430@"/1424@"/1423@"/1425@"/1426@"/1427<@ "/1428@ "/1429@ "/6284@"/5459@"/5458@"/5515 @"/5514@"/5506@"/5513@"/5018@"/5017h@"/LVALF  :  Xr$The vehicle shall determine which path a vehicle is taking through a curve.The vehicle shall determine all viable paths the host vehicle may take through a curve. Paths are defined as geometric bounds that encapsulate a fixed road section through which the vehicle passes. Paths may overlap one another.The vehicle shall acquire vehicle configuration data, including vehicle weight, dimensions and handling characteristics.The vehicle shall acquire dynamic vehicle telematics data, including vehicle position, speed, acceleration and heading (optionally, turn signal and steering angle).The vehicle shall acquire road surface condition information for the area near the curve, including road surface temperature, roadway water depth, roadway ice depth, roadway snow depth, adjacent snow depth).The vehicle shall acquire weather information for the area near the curve, including dew point temperature, wind speed, wind direction and visibility.The vehicle shall acquire roadway geometry information.The vehicle shall receive speed warnings from the roadside field equipment.The vehicle shall receive speed warnings from the roadside field equipment.Vehicle shall monitor current vehicle speed and communicates with the infrastructure to receive current speed limits or speed recommendations.The field element shall return fault data for the vehicle speed sensors to the controlling center for repair.The field element shall return operational status for the vehicle speed sensors to the enforcement agency.The field element shall return operational status for the vehicle speed sensors to the controlling traffic or maintenance center; including measured speeds, warning messages displayed, and violation records.The field element shall monitor notify an enforcement agency when a speed violation is detected.The field element shall base speed advisories to passing drivers on environmental conditions.LVAL (V  (ZThe center shall coordinate the shipment of cargo using freight equipment with intermodal freight depots. Information to be coordinated includes information regarding a freight transportation booking and the assigned driver and vehicle scheduled to transport the freight along with cargo movement logs, routing information, and cargo ID s.The center shall provide the interface with intermodal freight shippers to setup transportation for freight equipment. Inputs to this include information about the shipper, consignee, commodities, pick-up and drop-off locations for freight equipment. Outputs include information about the driver and commercial vehicle that will be transporting the freight.The center shall collect data from the commercial vehicles carrying freight or from the freight equipment itself. Data includes container, trailer, or chassis information regarding identity, type, location, brake wear data, mileage, seal number/type, door open/close status, chassis bare/covered status, tethered/untethered status, bill of lading, and sensor status.The vehicle shall provide its operational status to the driver.The vehicle shall alert the driver of the maximum safe speed of an upcoming curve when the vehicle is traveling above that speed.The vehicle shall warn the driver to reduce speed when the host vehicle is traveling in excess of the maximum safe speed on a curve path.The vehicle shall determine the difference between the maximum safe speed on a curve path the vehicle is traveling and the vehicle's current speed.The vehicle shall determine the difference between the maximum safe speed on an upcoming curve and the vehicle's current speed.The vehicle shall determine the speed at which the host vehicle is traveling.The vehicle shall determine the appropriate maximum speed for the curve path that the host vehicle is on.The vehicle shall calculate the host vehicle's maximum appropriate speed for each path on an upcoming curve..LVAL * (~.PThe center shall receive customized traveler information for freight users from traveler information center to indicate truck routes, permit information, truck stops, inspection stations, steep grades, high-profile vehicle advisories, etc. Information provided includes freight-related road and weather conditions, parking information, and route plans.The center shall provide traveler information center information about vehicle trips including load information, location, speed, and routing.The center shall collect the border crossing clearance status of commercial freight shipment scheduled to enter the U.S, from commercial vehicle administration systems.The center shall provide emergency management information about a particular hazmat load including nature of the load and unloading instructions. May also include hazmat vehicle route and route update information.The center shall coordinate the response to security incidents and the sharing of security threat information involving freight equipment with other agencies including emergency management centers, intermodal freight shippers, and alerting/advisory systems.The center shall support the registration of its vehicles, drivers, and cargo for expedited border crossings with the appropriate government border inspection administration system.The center shall support the submission of cargo manifest data to the appropriate government border inspection administration system.The center shall notify other security functions within the center of deviations in the movement of freight equipment from its planned route.The center shall collect diagnostic information from freight equipment to schedule preventative and corrective maintenance.The center shall track the progress of freight equipment as it moves from source to destination based on inputs from the commercial vehicles, the freight equipment, intermodal freight depots, shippers, and commercial vehicle administration centers that provide border clearance status information.LVAL * The facility shall provide container availability status to a freight distribution and logistics center.The facility shall provide container identification that can be used to associate the container with a manifest and other important data.The facility shall coordinate container delivery and pick up logistics including time, reservation, and truck availability, with fleet and freight management.The facility shall provide permission for a drayage operator to pickup a container, either to the fleet management center or to the equipped commercial vehicle through the roadside equipment.The facility shall provide permission for a drayage operator to deliver a container, either to the fleet management center or to the equipped commercial vehicle through the roadside equipment.The facility shall provide transportation information centers with the status of the intermodal terminal including the current queue length/delay, current access requirements and restrictions (e.g., access restricted to appointments only).The facility shall provide status of a freight shipment; including cargo movement logs, routing information, and cargo ID s.The facility shall send requests to traffic management centers for special treatment at traffic signals for the movement of intermodal freight from the depot area.The center shall collect Commercial vehicle identities including licenses plate number or USDOT number, Freight Equipment (e.g., container, chassis, or trailer identification), Carrier, and Driver from commercial vehicle.The center shall collect freight equipment location and status of the freight, container, or chassis equipment.The center shall provide traveler information centers with fleet-specific traveler information preferences including area covered by fleet/driver, types of freight managed (including special restrictions), preferred routes, and other travel preferences pertaining to trip costs or tolls.LVAL  z ^R The center shall coordinate intermodal load-matching information including availability of a container, container capacity, available truck , equipment, for use in load matching between peer systems.The center shall provide status of the freight transport booking including the identities of the Commercial Vehicle and driver who will pick-up the freight or a request for more information from the originator.The center shall receive request from shippers for the available loads to be shipped from intermodal customer locations in the region.The center shall request and receive customized traveler information for freight users to include truck routes, permit information, truck stops, inspection stations, steep grades, high-profile vehicle advisories, etc. Information provided includes freight-related road and weather conditions, parking information, and route plans.The center shall provide information on the carrier and goods, origin, port of entry, and date.The commercial vehicle shall maintain an interface to the driver to support dispatching and responses to commands.The commercial vehicle shall monitor the status of the vehicle, including any freight equipment in order to determine the availability for load matching.The commercial vehicle shall forward vehicle data to fleet and freight management center.The commercial vehicle shall forward driver daily log showing hours in service for the current driver to fleet and freight management center.The commercial vehicle shall forward information concerning the freight equipment on to fleet and freight management center.The commercial vehicle shall compute the location of a container within an intermodal facility when a container is to be picked up or delivered to, and forward it to the roadside check facility.The facility shall manage reservation requests for delivery and pickup times with a fleet and freight management center.jLVAL 2b  | t ~The personal traveler interface shall allow a traveler to request connection protection be provided as part of the traveler's trip request.The personal traveler interface shall allow a traveler to send a stop request to an approaching transit vehicle.The personal traveler interface shall provide the capability for a traveler to request and receive freight specific traveler information including truck routes, permit information, truck stops, inspection stations, steep grades, high-profile vehicle advisories, etc. Information provided includes freight-related road and weather conditions, parking information, and route plans.The personal traveler interface shall present information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a personal device, and suitable for travelers with hearing and vision physical disabilities.The personal traveler interface shall forward user preferences, background information, constraints, and payment information to the supplying traveler information center.The personal traveler interface shall forward the request for route guidance to a traveler information center for route calculation.The personal traveler interface shall allow a traveler to request and confirm multi-modal route guidance from a specified source to a destination.The center shall exchange load matching information with fleet and freight management centers, including loads available for pickup, deliveries due, truck capacity, and appointment status.The center shall maintain an interface with other freight distribution and logistics centers to exchange shipment information, terminal status, and freight bookings.The center shall maintain an interface with intermodal terminal facilities to exchange shipment information, terminal status, and freight bookings.The center shall request permission to deliver a container to an intermodal facility.The center shall confirm the arrival and transfer of control of a container at the intermodal terminal.LVAL  hThe center shall remotely control systems to manage use of the freeways, including ramp, interchange, and mainline metering.The center shall send schedule adjustments to a transit vehicle in order to protect a connection to be made by a specific traveler.The center shall be able to provide a traveler with updates regarding their transit trip, including connection protection actions taken by the center.The center shall send schedule adjustments to a transit vehicle in order to protect a connection made with other transit vehicles.The center shall track transit vehicles and identify when connections between transit routes are in jeopardy due to the late arrival of a transit vehicle at a transfer stop or station.The center shall track the passenger through the transit network, and coordinate with Other TRM and Multimodal Transportation Service Providers so that the passenger makes efficient connections between the transit system and other transit systems or other modes of transportation.The center shall be able to coordinate with Other Transit Management systems or Multimodal Transportation Service Providers in order to provide a complete multimodal trip plan.The center shall provide transit plans for both fixed and demand responsive transit to transit passengers.The center shall manage service requests for routing of an individual through the transit system.The transit vehicle shall recognizes individual travelers who have arranged for connection protection and provide information regarding them to the transit center.The transit vehicle shall receive operator instructions from the transit center relating to managing connection protection.The transit vehicle shall monitor vehicle schedule performance and provide it to the transit center for connection protection processing.The personal traveler interface shall provide to the traveler with updates regarding their transit trip in order to provide connection protection. ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L ! u J  s H  qFoDmBk@i>g<e:c8 1525@"/ 5435@"/ 1521.@"/1523@"/1517@ "/1516@ "/1518@ "/1519@ "/1520@ "/6052@"/1522@"/ 1508@"/ 1507"@"/1513l@"/1515@"/1512@"/1511@"/1510@"/1506@ "/1514@ "/1509@ "/1504@ "/1503@ "/1502@"/1505@"/1501j@"/5390@"/5389@"/53138@"/1496@"/1497@"/1499@"/1500N@ "/1493@ "/1494:@ "/1492@"/1491n@"/1495@"/1489@"/1488$@"/5437@"/1486J@"/1485@"/1490@"/1484@"/5413@"/1471@ "/1476@ "/ 5412@ "/ 5411J@ "/ 14750@ "/ 1477@"/ 1478@"/1474@"/1472 @"/1473@"/1479@"/1480(@"/1481@"/1482@"/1483@ "/1467@ "/1465,@ "/1466D@ "/1464b@ "/1468@"/1469:@"/ 5416 @"/ 5417@"/ 5128@"/ 5414@"/ 5157@"/ 5022@"/ 1457B@"/ 1458l@ "/ 1459p@ "/ 1460@"/ 1461@"/ 1462@"/ 1463@"/ 1456@"/ 5436@"/ 1453v@"/ 1452@"/ 1454J@"/ 1455@ "/ 5289@ "/ 5288,@ "/ 5287@ "/ 5286p@"/LVAL    b4The center shall distribute traffic data to the media.The center shall distribute traffic data to maintenance and construction centers, transit centers, emergency management centers, parking facilities, and traveler information providers.The center shall retrieve locally stored traffic information, including current and forecasted traffic information, road and weather conditions, traffic incident information, information on diversions and alternate routes, closures, and special traffic restrictions (lane/shoulder use, weight restrictions, width restrictions, HOV requirements), and the definition of the road network itself.The center shall collect fault data for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.) for repair.The center shall collect operational status for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.).The center shall remotely control driver information systems that communicate directly from a center to the vehicle radio (such as Highway Advisory Radios) for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers.The center shall remotely control dynamic messages signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers.The center shall be able to, under control of center personnel, use collected environmental and vehicle emissions data to regulate the flow of traffic on ramps, interchanges, and the mainline.The center shall implement control strategies, under control of center personnel, on some or all of the freeway network devices (e.g. ramp meters, interchange meters, and mainline meters), based on data from sensors monitoring traffic conditions upstream, downstream, and queue data on the approaches to the meters.The center shall collect fault data from ramp meters, interchange meters, and mainline meters.The center shall collect operational status from ramp meters, interchange meters, and mainline meters and compare against the control information sent by the center.vLVAL  v >>The center shall remotely monitor and control dynamically managed travel lanes.The center shall maintain a database of surveillance equipment and sensors and associated data (including the roadway on which they are located, the type of data collected, and the ownership of each )The center shall respond to control data from center personnel regarding sensor and surveillance data collection, analysis, storage, and distribution.The center shall distribute road network conditions data (raw or processed) based on collected and analyzed traffic sensor and surveillance data to other centers.The center shall monitor, analyze, and store multimodal crossing, high occupancy vehicle (HOV) and high occupancy toll (HOT) lane sensor data under remote control of the center.The center shall monitor, analyze, and distribute traffic images from CCTV systems under remote control of the center.The center shall monitor, analyze, and store traffic sensor data (speed, volume, occupancy) collected from field elements under remote control of the center.Traffic management shall provide operators information on the state of transportation system operations within the low emissions zone.The center shall coordinate with emission management to establish low emission zone parameters based on air quality and transportation need.The center shall receive alert notification of a major emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil emergency, or child abduction for distribution to the public from emergency management.The center shall provide drivers low emission zone restriction or fees information.The center shall provide traffic information in both data stream and graphical display.The center shall collect current lane configurations status for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.).The center shall provide the capability for center personnel to control the nature of the data that is available to non-traffic operations centers and the media.LVALnlD @ L< :V0<The center shall collect, analyze, and store vehicle emissions data collected from connected vehicle and roadside sensors.The field element shall analyze collected vehicle and sensor emissions data against reference data, and determines whether or not an eco-lane should be created or decommissioned along a roadway.The center shall notify the enforcement agency of violators of the lane controls.The center shall reconfigure intersections and interchanges for compatibility with the current lane configuration.The center shall optimize lane use restrictions for the environment.The center shall receive environmental information from roadway sensors and connected vehicles to identify existing and planned lane configurations long the roadway.The center shall designate lanes for use by special vehicles only, such as buses, high occupancy vehicles (HOVs), or vehicles attending a special event.The center shall identify lane use restrictions, prohibiting specific types of vehicles (e.g., commercial vehicles) from specific lanes.The center shall activate lane management field equipment that is used to dynamically manage specific lanes and shoulders.The center shall support temporary use of shoulders as travel lanes.Based on the collected data and operator input, the center shall determine suggested and required lane control configuration changes.The center shall monitor and coordinate dynamic lane controls with adjacent jurisdictions.The center shall receive input from an Intermodal Terminal to support monitoring and anticipation of commercial vehicle traffic originating at the depot and requests for dynamic lane management in the vicinity of the depot.The center shall receive input from multimodal crossings such as draw bridges to identify existing and planned lane configurations at the crossings.The center shall receive input from Border Inspection Systems to identify existing and planned lane configurations at the border.The center shall monitor traffic conditions and demand measured per lane.JLVAL J  4pThe field element shall include dynamic message signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers, under center control; the DMS may be either those that display variable text messages, or those that have fixed format display(s) (e.g. vehicle restrictions, or lane open/close).The field element shall return ramp, interchange, and mainline meter fault data to the maintenance center for repair.The field element shall provide indications to the driver that the metering system is active and provide safe transitions between active and inactive status.The field element shall return ramp, interchange, and mainline meter operational status to the controlling center.The field element shall monitor operation of ramp, interchange, and mainline meters and report to the center any conflicts between received control plans and current system operation.The field element shall regulate the flow of traffic on ramps, interchanges, and the mainline, under center control.The center shall distribute air quality information to the media, traveler information service providers, and traffic management centers. This information may be used for information to travelers or part of demand management programs.The center shall establish violation parameters, detect emissions violators, obtain the vehicle registration data from the appropriate State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office, and then provide the capability to send violation information to a law enforcement agency.The center shall provide the measured and/or estimated emissions collected from mobile sources to traffic management.The center shall maintain a database of pollution reference data including acceptable and tolerable emissions and pollution levels for the area served by the center.The center shall configure and control emissions and air quality sensors located in the field.The center shall collect, analyze, and store wide area pollution data collected from connected vehicles and roadside sensors.LVAL$& " p.bThe field element shall receive lane management control information from the controlling center.The field element shall determine how to change the lane controls to respond to current traffic and road conditions.The field element shall measure traffic conditions per lane, under center control.The field element shall return sensor and CCTV system fault data to the controlling center for repair.The field element shall return sensor and CCTV system operational status to the controlling center.The field element shall collect, digitize, and send multimodal crossing and high occupancy vehicle (HOV), and high occupancy toll (HOT) lane sensor data to the center for further analysis and storage.The field element shall collect, process, and send traffic images to the center for further analysis and distribution.The field element shall collect, process, digitize, and send traffic sensor data (speed, volume, and occupancy) to the center for further analysis and storage, under center control.The field element shall include devices that receive configuration data from other field element devices, without center control.The field element shall include devices that provide data and status information to other field element devices without center control.The field element shall provide dynamic message sign information to roadside equipment for transmission to connected vehicles to support in-vehicle signing.The field element shall provide fault data for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.) to the center for repair.The field element shall provide operational status for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.) to the center.The field element shall include driver information systems that communicate directly from a center to the vehicle radio (such as Highway Advisory Radios) for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers, under center control.`LVALfv |  @ > VThe field element shall provide area-wide pollution sensor equipment operational status to the center.The field element shall provide emissions sensor equipment fault indication to the center for repair.The field element shall provide emissions sensor equipment operational status to the center.The field element shall be able to display summary emissions information or warnings to passing drivers via a driver information system (such as portable messages signs, field to vehicle communications to in-vehicle signing systems, etc.), if the emissions level detected by the emissions sensor indicates a vehicle is violating the acceptable levels of emissions.The field element shall analyze collected vehicle emissions data against reference data to determine whether or not a vehicle is violating the acceptable levels of emissions, and shall return this analysis to a center for possible enforcement action.The field element shall collect vehicle emissions data from passing vehicles.The field element shall include emissions sensors that detect levels of emissions from individual vehicles, under center control.The field element shall identify and report fault conditions to the controlling center.The field element shall monitor operational status of the dynamic lane control equipment and report operational status to the controlling center.The field element shall capture vehicle information, including vehicle image(s) of vehicles violating current lane usage restrictions and report violations to the controlling center.The field element shall monitor current lane usage to determine if vehicles are complying with current lane use restrictions.The field element shall collect vehicle profile information from individual vehicles using field-vehicle communications.The field element shall monitor vehicle characteristics and classify individual vehicles.The field element shall provide guidance and information to drivers regarding current lane configuration and status.LVAL" r .\p0The field element shall provide real-time driving advice to connected vehicles so that they can adjust their driving behavior to save fuel and reduce emissions.The field element shall provide traveler low emission zone restriction information including zone boundaries and fees.The field element shall provide vehicle current traffic metering status for in-vehicle signing.Border Management shall send a notification to the vehicle whether the vehicle is allowed to cross the border.Border Management shall notify travelers whether they are allowed to cross the border.The field element shall distribute the location, duration, and operating parameters for lanes that are reserved.The field element shall return system fault data to the maintenance center for repair.The field element shall return system operational status to the controlling center.The field element shall distribute indicator and fixed sign information, including static sign information (e.g., stop, curve warning, guide signs, service signs, and directional signs) and dynamic information (e.g., current signal states and local conditions warnings identified by local environmental sensors) to equipment on-board vehicles under center control.The field element shall distribute advisory information, such as evacuation information, wide-area alerts, incident information, work zone intrusion information, recommended speed limit and other special information to passing vehicles using short range communications, under center control.The field element shall distribute traveler information including traffic and road conditions or upcoming work zones to passing vehicles using short range communications, under center control.The field element shall provide vehicle emission data to centers.The field element shall include air quality sensors, often distributed geographically, that detect area-wide levels of pollution, under center control.The field element shall provide area-wide pollution sensor equipment fault indication to the center for repair.&ZT)V+  T ) } R ' { P % y N # w L ! uJsHqFoDmBmBk@i>"1577@ "/"1576`@ "/"1581@ "/"1578@ "/"1580<@ "/"1582l@ "/! 6053@ "/! 1573@ "/! 1572@ "/! 1571$@ "/!1570@ "/!1569@ "/!1568@ "/!1574@ "/!1567@ "/!1564@ "/!15666@ "/!1565F@ "/ 796@  / 5476@ "/ 1561P@ "/ 15634@ "/ 1560@ "/ 1559@ "/5475:@ "/5474*@ "/1557@ "/1551j@ "/1550@"/1554@"/1548@"/1547@"/1549@"/1546@"/5418 @"/5326@"/5491D@"/5370@"/5266@ "/5369z@ "/5026@ "/5025@ "/ 5493@ "/ 5492@"/5368d@"/5367l@"/5366 @"/5024@"/5265@"/5264@"/5263@"/5262@"/ 5147 @"/5146@"/1541@"/15426@ "/1539@ "/1540@ "/1543@ "/1545@ "/1544@"/6222&@"/1538$@"/1535@"/1534n@"/1536@"/1537@"/ 5858^@"/ 5423@"/5371 @ "/5301(@ "/5300@"/1530V@"/1532@"/1533@"/1531@"/1529@"/6276@"/ 6275@"/ 6098:@"/ 5551@@ "/ 5421@ "/ 5440@ "/259@  /257@  /5023@"/1524@"/1528@"/1527@"/1526F@"/LVAL D `28The vehicle shall receive information about the location, duration, and operating parameters for lanes that are reserved for the HOV or HOT. It includes the lane(s), the start and stop locations, start and end times, vehicle restrictions, and vehicle occupancy.The vehicle shall be capable of providing to the driver an audible presentation of static sign information or dynamic roadway conditions informationThe vehicle shall present to the driver a visual display of static sign information or dynamic roadway conditions informationThe vehicle shall present the received information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.The vehicle shall store a translation table for road sign and message templates used for in-vehicle display.The vehicle shall receive indicator and fixed sign information including static sign information (e.g., stop, curve warning, guide signs, service signs, and directional signs) and dynamic information (e.g., current signal and traffic meter states and local conditions warnings identified by local environmental sensors).The vehicle shall receive advisory information, such as evacuation information, proximity to a maintenance and construction vehicle, wide-area alerts, work zone intrusion information, variable speed limits and other special information.The vehicle shall receive traveler information including traffic and road conditions, incident information, maintenance and construction information, event information, transit information, parking information, and weather information.The field element shall provide data about transit vehicle movement to approaching vehiclesThe field element shall provide data about bus lanes to vehicles.The Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment shall provide traveler information including traffic and road conditions or upcoming work zones to Personal Devices.$LVALx<  6  >\(`TAs part of speed harmonization, the field element shall send suggested speed per lane to the RSE for transmittal to connected vehiclesAs part of speed harmonization, the field element shall display suggested speed per lane to drivers.The field element shall monitor and report faults to the controlling center.The field element shall collect operational status of the variable speed limit field equipment and report the operational status to the controlling center.The field element shall display additional information such as basic safety rules and current traffic information to drivers.The field element shall display the current speed limits per lane to drivers.The field element shall receive commands from the controlling center that establish speed limits by lane.The field element shall autonomously calculate and set variable speed limits based on current conditions by lane.The field element shall monitor traffic and environmental conditions along the roadway.The center shall provide the current speed limits and additional information such as basic safety rules and current traffic information to drivers.The center shall provide center personnel current system status and respond to control data from center personnel regarding variable speed limits.The center shall monitor the operational status of the variable speed limit equipment, including fault reports.The center shall control field equipment that posts the current speed limits and displays additional information such as basic safety rules and current traffic information to drivers.Based on the measured data, the center shall calculate and set suitable speed limits by lane.The center shall monitor data on traffic and environmental conditions collected from sensors along the roadway.The vehicle shall be able to receive customized real-time driving advice so that the vehicle or the driver can adjust their driving behavior to save fuel and reduce emissions.The vehicle shall receive low emission zone restriction information.JLVALP " J > njjd82vThe vehicle shall be able to provide warnings and lane restrictions information to the driver.The vehicle shall provide operating parameters to the roadside in order to identify that it qualifies for use of a restricted lane.The field element shall report enforcement agency of detected HOV or HOT lane entry violations. This notification identifies the vehicle and documents the lane parameter that was violated.The field device shall provide lane restriction information and signage data to vehicles.The field device shall collect vehicle profile information from vehicles entering the lanes and monitors vehicles within the lanes.The center shall provide current lane access requirements and restrictions to roadside equipment to provide directly to drivers.The center shall provide current lane access requirements and restrictions to roadside equipment to provide to connected vehicles.The center shall report operators status information of the HOV or HOT lanes including start and stop locations, start and end times, vehicle restrictions, and vehicle occupancy.The center shall report enforcement agency of detected HOV or HOT lane entry violations. This notification identifies the vehicle and documents the lane parameter that was violated.The center shall provide connected vehicle the location, duration, and operating parameters for lanes that are reserved for the HOV or HOT. It identifies the lane(s), the start and stop locations, start and end times, vehicle restrictions, and vehicle occupancy.The center shall provide current lane access requirements and restrictions that effects commercial vehicles.The center shall notify enforcement when a violation of the dynamic transit lane usage is detected.The Center shall notify a Transit Center of the status of a dynamic transit lane.The Center shall notify drivers and vehicles when a dedicated bus lane becomes an open travel lane.The Center shall notify drivers and vehicles when a travel lane is a dedicated bus lane.LVAL  , (tpThe field element's environmental sensors shall be remotely controlled by a maintenance center.The field element shall process the collected data locally and issue short-term road weather advisories for the road segment using short range communication.The field element shall aggregate and filter the collected environmental data based on configuration parameters received from the controlling center.The field element shall provide application status to the center for monitoring.The field element shall collect environmental monitoring data from sensors, including ambient air quality, emissions, temperature, precipitation, and other road weather information.The field element shall aggregate and forward collected probe information to the center.The field element shall communicate with passing vehicles to collect environmental monitoring data, including ambient air quality, emissions, temperature, precipitation, and other road weather information.The vehicle shall transmit environmental probe data to field equipment located along the roadway using short range communications.The vehicle shall transmit environmental probe data to the center along with location and timestamp information.The vehicle shall monitor the status of vehicle convenience and safety systems (wiper status, headlight status, traction control system status) that can be used to measure environmental conditions and record snapshots of significant events in these systems.The vehicle shall collect and process environmental sensor data, including air temperature and rain sensors.The center shall be able to control roadside equipment applications that monitor emissions-related data reported by passing vehicles.Emission Management needs to be able to collect emissions data reported by passing connected vehicles.The vehicle shall provide vehicle parameters to the infrastructure in order to safely enter, operate within, and exit eco-lanes and other controlled-access lanes.LVAL TF  x,JDBThe field element shall provide environmental sensor equipment fault indication to the controlling center or maintenance vehicle.The field element shall provide environmental sensor equipment operational status to the controlling center or maintenance vehicle.The field element's environmental sensors shall be remotely controlled by a maintenance and construction vehicle.The field element's environmental sensors shall be remotely controlled by weather service providers such as the National Weather Service or value-added sector specific meteorological services.The field element's environmental sensors shall be remotely controlled by a traffic management center.The field element shall include environmental sensors that measure weather conditions including temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and visibility.The field element shall include surface and sub-surface environmental sensors that measure road surface temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures.The center shall obtain information regarding weather and road conditions for targeted weather impact, including visibility, wind speed, wind direction, snow accumulation, adjacent snow accumulation, ice/water accumulation.The center shall develop short term weather warnings or advisories that can be provided to individual motorists through field equipment.The center shall receive traffic probe data derived from electronic toll collection operations and include this data in aggregated probe data provided to other centers.The center shall receive traffic probe data collected by transit fleet operators and include this data in aggregated probe data provided to other centers.The center shall aggregate collected environmental probe data and disseminate the aggregated environmental probe data to other centers.The center shall collect environmental probe data (air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, traction control status, etc.) from appropriately equipped vehicles and short range communications equipment.LVAL6T  ~d*The center shall remotely control environmental sensors that measure weather conditions including temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and visibility.The center shall remotely control environmental sensors that measure road surface temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall transmit environmental sensor data to roadside equipment. The sensor data includes location and timestamp information.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall provide control signals to environmental sensors located at the roadway.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall be capable of accepting sensor control data from the center.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall collect environmental data from sensors located at the roadway but are monitored on-board a maintenance and construction vehicle.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall provide environmental sensor equipment fault indication to the center for repair.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall provide environmental sensor equipment operational status to the center.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall transmit environmental sensor data to the center. The sensor data includes location and timestamp information.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall collect environmental data from on-board sensors, including air temperature, wind speed, surface temperature, traction conditions, etc.The field equipment shall provide environmental sensor data to the Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The field element shall provide weather and road surface condition data to maintenance and construction vehicles.The field element shall provide weather and road surface condition data to centers.The field element shall remotely aggregate environmental sensor data with environmental data collected from maintenance and construction vehicles.,ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L ! y P '  T ) }R'{P%yN#wL!uJsHqFoD51626@"/51628@"/51629~@"/41621^@"/41622X@"/41619@"/41624,@"/41623@"/41620@"/35399@"/31617@"/31618 @"/31616D@"/25404@ "/25403@ "/25401@ "/25402T@ "/25107.@"/25106@"/15456@"/11615@"/11611@"/11612d@"/11613D@"/15406@@"/11614@"/0 1603@ "/01604@ "/01605@"/01606@"/01610@"/01607@"/016028@"/01608|@"/01609J@"/.5503@ "/-5469(@"/-5468@"/-5467*@ "/+5510N@ "/+5509@"/+1330p@"/*5502,@"/*5501@"/*5500@"/*5499@"/)5490@"/)5042@"/)5041@"/(5463@"/(5462@"/(5040@ "/(5039@ "/' 846@  /' 845@  /' 758@  /' 7572@ /'6836@ /'680@ /'5167@"/'5279@"/'5454@"/'5455@"/'6177@"/'6178@"/&1598v@ "/&1597*@ "/&1601P@ "/&1599@@ "/&1600"@ "/$6223@ "/$6219@ "/$5103h@ "/$1596@ "/$1592@ "/$1593:@ "/$1595D@ "/# 6220@ "/# 6218@ "/# 1587@ "/#1588@ "/#1586"@ "/#1591@ "/#1584@ "/#1583@ "/#1589@ "/#1585:@ "/#1590@ "/"1579L@ "/"1575@ "/ LVAL , PlJnpj0The center shall remotely control environmental sensors that measure weather conditions including temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and visibility.The center shall remotely control environmental sensors that measure road surface conditions including temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures.The center shall provide weather and road condition information to traffic management operations.The center shall collect environmental data from sensors that measure road surface temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures.The center shall collect fault data for the roadside and vehicle-based environmental sensor equipment for repair.The center shall collect operational status for the roadside and vehicle-based environmental sensor equipment.The center shall respond to control data from center personnel regarding environmental sensor control and weather data collection and processing.The center shall provide weather and road condition information to weather service providers and center personnel.The center shall assimilate current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information using a combination of weather service provider information (such as the National Weather Service and value-added sector specific meteorological services), data from traffic and traveler information providers, and environmental data collected from sensors deployed on and about the roadway as well as the fleet of maintenance and construction vehicles and the broader population of vehicle probes.The center shall collect environmental probe data (air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, traction control status, etc.) from short range communications equipment that communicates with appropriately equipped probe vehicles.The center shall remotely control environmental sensors on-board maintenance and construction vehicles that measure road and weather conditions including air and surface temperatures, wind speed, humidity, precipitation, visibility and other measures.LVAL  V  b"2The center shall provide value-added sector specific meteorological services with information on basic road facility and treatment information that supports forecasts for road conditions.The center shall disseminate current and forecasted road weather and road condition information to weather service providers (such as the National Weather Service and value-added sector specific meteorological services) as well as other agencies including traffic, emergency, and transit management, traveler information providers, rail operations centers, media, and other maintenance management centers.The center shall use the various data inputs of environmental sensors and road weather data to develop a view of current and predicted road weather and road conditions.The center shall assimilate current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information using a combination of weather service provider information (such as the National Weather Service and value-added sector specific meteorological services) and local environmental sensor data.The center shall respond to control data from center personnel regarding environmental sensor control and weather data collection and processing.The center shall provide drivers road weather advisories at warnings.The center shall be able to share the collected environmental data with Maintenance and construction operations.The center shall receive aggregated and processed vehicle environmental data collected from vehicle safety and convenience systems through the connected vehicle roadside equipment.The center shall be able to receive road condition information from weather service providers.The center shall assimilate current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information using a combination of weather service provider information (such as the National Weather Service and value-added sector specific meteorological services), data from roadway maintenance operations, and environmental data collected from sensors deployed on and about the roadway.LVALNL ~ n Z4bThe center shall be capable of remotely control and monitor reduced speed zone warning roadside equipment operations.The center shall monitor reduced speed zone warning field equipment.The center shall province the capability to control automated speed monitoring and speed warning systems.The center shall provide the capability to notify an enforcement agency when vehicle speeds in the work zone are in excess of the posted speed limit or are creating an unsafe condition based upon the current environmental or traffic conditions.The vehicle shall notify the driver when onboard components or safety applications are offline.The vehicle shall analyze its own applications' performance and enter fail-safe mode (a mode such that the application cannot provide information or perform actions that affect its host) when critical components fail.The vehicle shall determine if vehicle systems status indicates a potentially hazardous road condition.The vehicle shall determine the status of host vehicle systems including vehicle speed, heading, yaw, wheelspin, ABS, traction control, and wiper status.The vehicle shall determine when its host Vehicle is braking in an emergency fashion and broadcast an Emergency Electronic Brake Light (EEBL) notification.The vehicle shall warn the driver of an Emergency Electronic Brake Light (EEBL) Event.The vehicle shall be able to receive warnings, informational road signs, traffic meters, and signals provided by infrastructure devices.The vehicle shall exchange location and motion information with roadside equipment and nearby vehicles.The vehicle shall calculate vehicle paths in order to determine if an impending collision is detected.The vehicle shall collect road condition data from other vehicles.The vehicle shall provide its location with road-level accuracy to on-board applications.The vehicle shall provide its location with lane-level accuracy to on-board applications.VLVAL R j >d:|The roadside equipment shall provide infrastructure restriction warnings to connected vehicles.The field equipment shall measure the headway of approaching vehicles and identify gaps that would be unsafe for a vehicle to cross the intersection.The field element shall be able to inform pedestrians and bicyclists of the status of the intersection including the amount of time left for crossing the intersection.The field element shall respond to pedestrian or bicyclist crossing requests via display, audio signal, or other manner.The field element shall collect images or sensor data for pedestrians or bicyclists and respond to pedestrian or bicyclist crossing requests via display, audio signal, or other manner.The field element shall send weight and size measurements as well as vehicle warning to the roadside equipment for transmission to connected vehicles.The field element shall send weight and size measurements to the controlling center.The field element shall display warnings to vehicles if the size exceeds the current infrastructure restrictions.The field element shall measure the weight, height and width of passing vehicles.The center shall provide to roadside equipment, for transmittal to connected vehicles, reduced speed zone posted speed limits and associated schedules and information about associated road configuration changes including lane merges and shifts.The center shall provide reduced speed zone posted speed limits and associated schedules and information about associated road configuration changes including lane merges and shifts for display on roadside devices.The center shall control reduced speed zone warning roadside equipment, providing the location and extent of the reduced speed zone, the posted speed limit(s) with information about the applicability of the speed limit(s) (e.g., time of day, day of week, seasonality, relevant vehicle types) and information about associated road configuration changes including lane merges and shifts.LLVAL V. h 0*PZ^jpThe field element shall provide fault data for the work zone intrusion alerting devices to the maintenance center for repair.The field element shall provide operational status for the work zone intrusion alerting devices to the maintenance center.The field element shall provide fault data for the work zone intrusion detection devices to the maintenance center for repair.The field element shall provide operational status for the work zone intrusion detection devices to the maintenance center.The field element shall include work zone intrusion alerting devices that alert drivers that they have intruded upon the perimeter of the work zone, or are about to do so; may provide alerts to drivers directly or via in-vehicle signing.The field element shall include work zone intrusion alerting devices that notify crew via maintenance vehicles of a work zone emergency or safety issue such as the intrusion of a vehicle into the work zone area or movement of field crew into the travel lanes.The field element shall include work zone intrusion alerting devices that alert crew workers of a work zone emergency or safety issue such as the intrusion of a vehicle into the work zone area or movement of field crew into the travel lanes or vehicles approaching at an unsafe speed.The field element shall include work zone intrusion detection devices that detect when crew workers have crossed the boundary between the work zone and vehicle traffic, under center control.The field element shall include work zone intrusion detection devices that detect when a vehicle has intruded upon the boundary of a work zone, under center control.The field equipment shall provide traffic gap information as well as advisories or warnings to connected vehicles waiting to cross the intersection.The field equipment shall provide advisories or warnings signage to vehicles waiting to cross the intersection when the gap with approaching vehicles is determined to be unsafe for the crossing vehicle to proceed.HLVAL  ( J0npThe field element shall provide status of the work zone warning application, including faults with the equipment to the center.The field element shall provide traffic situation data near a work zone to nearby field equipmentThe field element shall communicate with Connected Vehicles to warn drivers of a work zone encroachment or speeds too fast for the work zone.The field element shall communicate with Connected Maintenance and Construction Vehicles to warn drivers of a work zone encroachment or speeds too fast for the work zone.The field element shall communicate with Personal Information Devices carried or worn by the work crew to warn crew workers a of imminent encroachment.The field element shall monitor Connected Vehicles' location and motion data to detect vehicle intrusions in work zones.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall the vehicle s location, speed and direction to other vehicles in the area.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall provide status of the work zone warning systems to the center.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall monitor the crew movements to identify when a crew member is crossing the boundary between a work zone and vehicle traffic and issue an alert to the crew member.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall present work zone warnings to the vehicle operator or field personnel using direct warning signals or in-vehicle signage functions.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall receive work zone warnings from the field equipment at the roadside or other maintenance and construction vehicles.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall provide work zone warnings to the field equipment at the roadside or other maintenance and construction vehicles.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall detect that a vehicle has intruded upon the boundary of a work zone. The boundary of the work zone represents an area around the maintenance and construction vehicle, which may be stationary or moving.6LVAL vnB,XThe center shall disseminate parking information to travelers, including location, availability, and fees.The field element shall provide operational status for the surveillance (e.g. CCTV), driver information systems, and gates/barriers in work zones to the maintenance center.The field element shall control access to the work zone using automated gate or barrier systems. This includes automated flagger assistance devices that include automated gate arms and other automated gate/barrier systems.Under the control of field personnel within maintenance vehicles, the field element shall include driver information systems (such as dynamic messages signs and highway advisory radios) that advise drivers of activity around a work zone through which they are currently passing.Under traffic and maintenance center control, the field element shall include driver information systems (such as dynamic messages signs and highway advisory radios) that advise drivers of activity around the work zone through which they are currently passing.The field element shall collect, process, and send work zone images to the center for further analysis and distribution, under center control.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall provide work zone information, including lane closures and reduced speed to oncoming traffic via direct warning signals or in-vehicle signage functions.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall collect inputs from field personnel and from work zone devices on-board the maintenance and construction vehicle and send them to the controlling center.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall provide an interface for field personnel to input status of their work zone activities.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall monitor, operate, and control work zone devices located at or alongside the roadway. The devices operated on board the vehicle include driver information devices (e.g. dynamic message signs) and work zone intrusion detection and alert devices.LVAL $ f 6| The center shall disseminate maintenance and construction information to travelers, including scheduled maintenance and construction work activities and work zone activities.The center shall disseminate traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, event information, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes.The center shall collect real-time information on the state of the road network including current traffic and road conditions to support work zone scheduling and management.The center shall exchange information with administrative systems to support the planning and scheduling of work zone activities. This information includes: equipment and consumables resupply purchase request status, personnel qualifications including training and special certifications, environmental regulations and rules that may impact maintenance activities, and requests and project requirements from contract administration.The center shall control traffic in work zones by providing remote control of dynamic message signs, highway advisory radio systems, gates, and barriers located in or near the work zone.The center shall disseminate work zone information to other agencies and centers including traffic, transit, emergency management centers, other maintenance centers, traveler information centers, and the media.The center shall control the collection of work zone status information including video images from cameras located in or near the work zone.The center shall generate new work zone activity schedules for use by maintenance and construction vehicles, maintenance and construction operators, and for information coordination purposes.The field element shall provide fault data for the surveillance (e.g. CCTV), driver information systems, and gates/barriers in work zones to the maintenance center for repair.&ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L ! u J  s H  wL!uJsHqFoDmBk@i>E1672Z@ "/E1673@"/E1674@"/E1671P@"/E1675@"/E1670@"/C54056@"/C5108@"/B5275(@"/B5274h@"/B5273@ "/B5271v@ "/B5272@ "/B5145@ "/B5020@ "/A 5123@"/A 5122@"/A 51262@"/A 1669@"/A1662 @"/A1663@"/A1664@"/A1665@"/A1666@"/A1667@ "/A1668J@ "/A1661@ "/?5471@ "/?5470Z@ "/>5473@"/>5472@"/<6165@"/<6054@"/< 5379@"/< 5186@"/< 5184@"/< 5543@"/< 5518@"/<1660@"/<1653@"/<1654@"/<1655@"/<1656@"/<1657@ "/<1659@ "/<1658@ "/; 727@  /; 726@  /; 728@ /; 1033@"/;5057@@"/;5056@"/;5055@"/;5051@"/;5050@"/;5054@"/;5049J@"/;5053&@ "/: 1650@"/: 1645@"/: 1642j@"/: 1643@"/: 1652p@"/:1644J@"/:1641@@"/:1646@"/:6196@"/:1647@"/:1648X@"/:1649@"/:1651@ "/95508@ "/95507@ "/95016@ "/95015@ "/95013n@"/95014@"/7 1632@"/7 1633@"/71634@"/71635x@"/71631|@"/71636~@"/71637@ "/71638<@"/71640\@"/71639@"/51625Z@"/51627b@"/51630t@"/4LVALF R N < < 0J^dThe field element shall forward rail traffic advisories received from the Wayside Equipment to the traffic management center.The field element shall notify the traffic management center and the rail wayside equipment of any intersection blockages, including trapped vehicles or other obstructions.The field element shall determine whether the highway-rail intersection (HRI) is blocked by traffic in the roadway or some other obstruction.The field element shall collect and process, traffic sensor data in the vicinity of a highway-rail intersection (HRI).The roadway equipment shall send to connected vehicles a warning if an intersection violation appears to be imminent.The roadway equipment shall send to Connected Vehicles intersection signal timing information in order for the vehicle to determine if it will safely cross the intersection given its current speed and location.The roadway equipment shall provide current crossing status including permission to cross, crossing time remaining.The roadway equipment shall collect vehicle path information sent by a vehicle.The roadway equipment shall communicate with approaching vehicles to alert and warn drivers of potential stop sign, red light, and non-motorized user crossing conflicts or violations.The roadway equipment shall collect the current location (latitude, longitude, and elevation) from personal information devices.The center shall provide the capability for a system operator to control the type and update frequency of broadcast traveler information.The center shall provide traffic and incident data to the media.The center shall disseminate air quality information to travelers.The center shall disseminate event information to travelers.The center shall disseminate weather information to travelers.The center shall disseminate toll fee information to travelers.The center shall disseminate transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information to travelers.2LVAL &z fzTThe field element shall identify a train approaching or already in a highway rail intersection and activate warning signs to approaching motorists.The field element shall provide approaching train advisories using field-vehicle communications to vehicles approaching the grade crossing.The field element shall support the integrated control of adjacent traffic signals to clear an area in advance of an approaching train and to manage traffic around the intersection.The field element shall close the highway-rail intersection (HRI) when a train is approaching with enough time for traffic to safely clear the crossing using gates, lights/signs, barriers, and traffic control signals.The field element shall control the dynamic message signs (DMS) in the vicinity of a highway-rail intersection (HRI) to advise drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians of approaching trains.The field element shall collect pedestrian images and pedestrian sensor data, and respond to pedestrian crossing requests via display, audio signal, or other manner.The field element shall receive track status and arriving train information from the rail wayside equipment that can be passed on to the traffic management center. This may include the current status of the tracks and when a train is expected and/or how long the crossing will be closed.The field element shall monitor the status of the highway-rail intersection (HRI) equipment, including both the current state and mode of operation and the current equipment condition, to be forwarded on to the rail wayside equipment.The field element shall include pedestrian information systems under center control (e.g. warning pedestrians of a potential hazard, or providing mandatory instructions as to the availability of pedestrian access).The field element shall monitor the status of the highway-rail intersection (HRI) equipment, including both the current state and mode of operation and the current equipment condition, to be forwarded on to the traffic management center.LVAL N @x b |The field element shall report current transit priority status to the center.The field element shall return traffic signal controller fault data to the center.The field element shall return traffic signal controller operational status to the center.The field element shall report current preemption status to the center.The field element shall report the current signal control information to the center.The field element shall provide the capability to notify the traffic management center of pedestrian calls and pedestrian accommodations.The field element shall respond to pedestrian crossing requests by accommodating the pedestrian crossing.The field element shall control traffic signals under center control.The field element shall calculate whether the vehicle may approach the railroad intersection while a train is present in the intersection.The field element shall warn the driver of a potential crash at a railroad grade crossing.The field element shall acquire railroad crossing intersection geometry information.The field element shall warn drivers of crossing closures due to oncoming trains.The field element shall receive commands from the controlling center that activate warning signs to approaching vehicles, pedestrians and non motorist vehicles.The field element shall collect the current status of the wayside equipment and notification of an arriving train.The field element shall provide collected pedestrians and other non motorist location information to the controlling center.The field element shall monitor connected vehicles that may intrude on the crossing. The field element shall provide train arrival information to approaching vehicles.The field element shall provide collected vehicle location information to the controlling center.The field element shall autonomously identify a train is approaching or already in the highway rail intersection and activate warning signs to approaching motorists.nLVALR  t 0 ~^The emergency vehicle, including roadway service patrols, shall receive incident details and a suggested route when dispatched to a scene.The emergency vehicle, including roadway service patrols, shall send the vehicle's location and operational data to the center for emergency management and dispatch.The emergency vehicle, including roadway service patrols, shall track its current location.The field element shall collect vehicle location and motion as well as collecting vehicle size and performance profile from the connected vehicle to optimize the alerts and warnings to the capabilities of the vehicle.The field element shall provide advisory information to minor road drivers at a stop-sign controlled intersection to facilitate gap selection to proceed through the intersection. The advisory information includes the intersection geometry, measured traffic gaps, and current gap assist sign displays.The vehicle shall present traffic gap information and associated alerts and warnings to the driver.The field element shall collect vehicle location and motion as well as collecting vehicle size and performance profile from the connected vehicle to optimize the alerts and warnings to the capabilities of the vehicle.The field element shall receive requests for emergency vehicle signal preemption.The field element shall provide data to the Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The field element shall provide to roadside equipment the intersection geometry and signal phase movement information including phase and timing information, alarm status, and priority/preempt status.The field element shall report current commercial vehicle priority status to the center.The field element shall receive request for commercial vehicle signal priority.The field element shall receive request for transit vehicle signal priority.The field element shall report current intersection signal timing information to roadside equipment for transmission to connected vehicles.LVAL " &  0@pbThe personal traveler interface shall provide the traveler with warnings about approaching vehicles.The personal traveler interface shall provide to a transit vehicle the traveler's intent to board the transit vehicle including the transit stop at which the traveler would like to board.The personal traveler interface shall provide traveler location information to transit vehicles.The personal information device shall receive rail crossing warning information.The personal information device shall provide the current location (latitude, longitude, and elevation) of the non-motorized travelers.The emergency vehicle shall receive the HAZMAT information from commercial vehicles involved in a crash.The emergency vehicle shall receive the crash data from connected vehicles involved in a crash.The roadway service patrols vehicle shall monitor roads and aid motorists, offering rapid response to minor incidents (flat tire, accidents, out of gas).The emergency vehicle shall send the vehicle s location, speed and direction to other vehicles in the area.The emergency vehicle shall forward care facility status information to emergency vehicle personnel, including the location, specialized services, quality of care, waiting time, number of rooms available, and emergency room status of hospitals or emergency care providers.The emergency vehicle shall send patient status information to the care facility along with a request for further information.The emergency vehicle shall provide the personnel on-board with dispatch information, including incident type and location, and forward an acknowledgment from personnel to the center that the vehicle is on its way to the incident scene.The emergency vehicle shall send requests to traffic signal control equipment at the roadside to preempt the signal.The emergency vehicle shall send the current en route status (including estimated time of arrival) and requests for emergency dispatch updates.LVALp  |,^0TBFThe center shall provide current intersection safety status information.The center shall provide infrastructure restriction information, including temporary size and weight restrictions, to drivers.The center shall provide infrastructure restriction information, including temporary size and weight restrictions, to connected vehicles.The center shall receive temporary facility restrictions that are imposed during maintenance and construction.The center shall receive proposed maintenance and construction work plans, analyze the activity as a possible incident, and provide work plan feedback to the sending center.The center shall collect fault data for the driver information systems equipment in work zones for repair.The center shall collect operational status for the driver information systems equipment in work zones.The center shall remotely control driver information systems (such as dynamic messages signs, highway advisory radios) to advise drivers of activity around a work zone.The center shall analyze work zone images for indications of a possible incident.The center shall receive work zone images from a maintenance center.The field element shall use data input from the roadside or vehicles to alert workers of a work zone emergency or safety issue such as the intrusion of a vehicle into the work zone or movement of field personnel into the travel lanes. Alert could be visual, audible, or other means.The field element shall provide crew location information to the roadside field elements and connected maintenance and construction vehicles that can be used to avoid collisions involving the work crew.The personal traveler interface shall provide the traveler with an indication that a nearby transit vehicle is preparing to leave a station or stop.The personal traveler interface shall provide the traveler with an indication that an approaching transit vehicle is the one they want to board based on their input trip itinerary.*ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L # w L ! u J  sHuJ!wL!uJsHqFoDmBT1728R@""/T1730@""/T1729@""/T1727@""/T1726@""/T1725@""/S5552\@""/S1721@ !"/S1722@ !"/S1723@ !"/R5415.@ !"/R5096@!"/P5364R@!"/P5297@!"/P5296P@!"/P5295@!"/P5294@!"/P5353,@!"/P5293@!"/P 5292@!"/P 5291 @ "/P 1710@ "/P 2413@ "/P 2414@ "/P24158@ "/P2416@ "/P2419@ "/P2417@ "/P1712$@ "/P1709@ "/P2409@ "/P2418@ "/O5420@ "/O5419@"/N5325@ "/N5324@ "/M859@  /M858@  /M5120|@ "/M857@ /M856,@ /M1703@"/M1700~@"/M1699@"/L5424@"/L5021@"/L1694@"/L1695@"/L1696 @ "/L1697@"/L16986@"/K1690@"/K1691 @"/K1693@"/K1692n@"/J5466@"/J5465@"/J5464@"/I6164@"/I 5443@ "/I 54420@ "/I 386@  /I 5117j@ "/I 5098@ "/I1688@"/I1683@"/I1685@"/I1682z@"/I1687@"/I1689 @"/I1686t@"/I1684z@"/H5043z@"/H1678<@ "/H1679@@ "/H1681@ "/H1680*@ "/H1677@"/H1676@"/G5519<@"/G55124@"/G5511@"/G5012@"/G5011@ "/F5498<@"/F5497@"/F5496@"/F5495@ "/F5494@ "/E5111@ "/LVAL  j 6 8P&<The center shall implement control plans to coordinate signalized intersections around highway-rail intersections (HRI), under control of center personnel, based on data from sensors and surveillance monitoring traffic conditions, incidents, equipment faults, pedestrian crossings, etc.The center shall collect incident information related to a highway-rail intersection (HRI), such as intersection blockages or crashes or equipment malfunctions.The center shall provide the highway-rail intersection (HRI) equipment operational status to rail operations centers.The center shall collect highway-rail intersection (HRI) equipment operational status and compare against the control information sent by the center.The center shall accept collect highway-rail intersection (HRI) advisory or alert data from rail operations centers.The center shall remotely control highway-rail intersection (HRI) equipment located in the field.The field element shall be capable of configuring roadside equipment to perform the collection and transmission of information to support intersection safety.The field element shall be capable of providing intersection priority for pedestrians or bicyclists based upon requests from the pedestrians or bicyclistsThe center shall provide warnings to pedestrians or bicyclists when vehicles are infringing on a cross walk or other mixed use path crossing.The center shall provide warnings to drivers when non-motorized users are occupying a cross walk or other mixed use path crossing.The center shall provide warnings to connected vehicles if the measured height or width exceeds the dimensions for safe passage through the roadway or tunnel.The center shall use infrastructure measurements of vehicle characteristics to determine if a vehicle exceeds the roadway or tunnel dimensions.The center shall use infrastructure measurements of vehicle characteristics to determine if a vehicle exceeds the roadway or tunnel dimensions.LVAL  z The center shall support requests from emergency management centers to provide responding emergency vehicles with signal preemption.The center shall process collected traffic and environmental data from sensors and connected vehicles.The center shall adjust signal timing in respond to traffic and environmental parameters at each intersection in real time and adapts so that the traffic network is optimized using available green time to serve the actual traffic demands while minimizing the environmental impact.The center shall collect commercial vehicle data (e.g., characteristics, route, schedule) for intermodal freight events.The center shall adjust signal timing in respond to a signal prioritization, signal preemption, pedestrian call, multi-modal crossing activation, or other requests for right-of-way.The center shall implement control plans to coordinate signalized intersections based on data from sensors and connected vehicles.The center shall maintain traffic signal coordination including synchronizing clocks throughout the system.The center shall manage boundaries of the control sections used within the signal system.The center shall implement control plans to coordinate signalized intersections based on data from sensors.The center shall manage (define, store and modify) control plans to coordinate signalized intersections, to be engaged at the direction of center personnel or according to a daily schedule.The center shall collect traffic signal controller fault data from the field.The center shall collect traffic signal controller operational status and compare against the control information sent by the center.The center shall accept notifications of pedestrian calls.The center shall remotely control traffic signal controllers.The center shall accept train schedules, maintenance schedules, and any other forecast events that will result in highway-rail intersection (HRI) closures data from rail operations centers.LVAL X The center shall monitor and manage output of indicator and fixed sign information, including static sign information (e.g., stop, curve warning, guide signs, service signs, and directional signs) and dynamic information (e.g., current signal states and local conditions warnings identified by local environmental sensors) by field equipment that supports in-vehicle signage communications.The center shall format and output advisory information, such as detour information, wide-area alerts, work zone intrusion information, and other special information to field equipment that supports in-vehicle signage communications.The center shall format and output sign information such as traffic and road conditions to field equipment that supports in-vehicle signage communications.The center shall collect and store work zone data collected from work zone monitoring devices (such as intrusion detection or alert devices and speed monitoring devices) on-board the vehicle and at the roadside.The center shall collect status information of work zone safety device status from field equipment or the maintenance and construction vehicles.The center shall provide remote monitoring and control of intrusion alert devices that have been installed in work zones or maintenance areas.The center shall provide remote monitoring and control of work zone safety devices - including intrusion detection devices that have been installed in work zones or maintenance areas.The center shall monitor the status of traffic gap assist infrastructure equipment.The center shall provide advisories and warnings to vehicles on the minor road attempting to navigate the intersection.The center shall remotely control traffic gap assist infrastructure equipment, providing configuration information for the equipped intersection and the operating parameters for the traffic detection system that measures traffic gaps on the major road and the signs.LVAL0, $ ^ H >The field element shall provide center current operational state and a record of system operation.The vehicle shall provide the vehicle emissions information to infrastructure systems.The vehicle shall directly measures or estimates current and average vehicle emissions.The vehicle shall analyze vehicle operational state information to determine if the host vehicle has been involved in a collision.The vehicle shall collect vehicle operational state information from the host vehicle.The vehicle shall provide the capability to automatically identify that a collision has occurred using equipment such as collision detection sensors with an interface to mayday type equipment that would automatically detect vehicle problems and send appropriate distress signals to the arriving public safety vehicles.The vehicle shall notify emergency responders of the characteristics and damage identified to the vehicle involved in a collision.The vehicle shall collect vehicle characteristics describing the vehicles typical and real time configuration, including damage to vehicle components.The vehicle shall acknowledge the driver's request for emergency assistance.The vehicle shall provide the capability to accept input from a driver via a panic button or some other functionally similar form of input device provided as part of the in-vehicle equipment.The vehicle shall provide the capability for a driver to report an emergency and summon assistance.The center shall format and output low emission zone information to field equipment that supports in-vehicle signage communications.The center shall format and output restricted lane information to field equipment that supports in-vehicle signage communications.The center shall receive system fault data from field equipment that supports in-vehicle signage communications.The center shall receive system operational status from field equipment that supports in-vehicle signage communications.LVAL `\ b ** The center shall register users for an electronic payment system, establishing accounts that identify owner billing information and preferences.The center shall report payment violations including vehicle information and vehicle image to the designated Enforcement Agency.The center shall exchange data with other payment administration agencies to coordinate toll transactions and pricing.The center shall respond to changes in toll prices from the Payment Administrator.The center shall calculate traffic flow based on timestamped toll transactions for vehicle travel between successive toll plazas and send to other agencies.The center shall manage the details of toll payment violations based on vehicle information from the ITS roadway payment equipment, registration information from the Department of Motor Vehicles, invalid payment information from a Financial Institution, and previous violation information stored locally, and report such violations to appropriate law enforcement agencies.The center shall manage a local billing database for toll customers.For electronic toll payments requiring financial payment, the center shall process the financial information from ITS roadway payment equipment and manage an interface to a Financial Institution.The center shall register vehicles for road or parking use payment, establishing accounts that identify owner billing information and preferences.The center shall provide secure user account management, providing user access to rules and policies, current billing status, invoices, payments, and mechanisms for review and challenge of the collected data.The center shall dynamically price tolls based on current traffic condition information.The center shall manage toll transactions, including maintaining a log of all transactions and toll pricing structure information.The field element shall provide vehicle low emission zone parameter information.LVAL t H N b JxJT^The center shall provide the capability for a system operator to monitor connected vehicle system operation and control the type and update frequency of traveler information that is distributed.The center shall distribute location relevant traveler information to short range communications equipment at the roadside.The center shall collect traveler information for distribution including traffic and road conditions, incident information, maintenance and construction information, event information, transit information, parking information, and weather information.The center shall coordinate with traffic and transit management to establish low emission zone parameters based on air quality and transportation need.The center shall provide other agencies air quality information.The center shall report enforcement agency of detected HOV or HOT lane entry violations including vehicle information and documents the lane parameter that was violated.The center shall exchange data with other payment administration centers in order to coordinate electronic payments systems use and pricing.The center shall coordinate with payment administration centers that serve as a clearing house for a regional payment system in order to perform payment reconciliation.The center shall process and clear payments from travelers and vehicle owners.The center shall receive traveler payment information and compute the cost of using the portion of the transportation system.The center shall provide the HOT pricing information, including variable pricing based on calendar, time of day, vehicle type and passenger occupancy.This center shall maintain and publish the prices for the electronic payment system.The center shall provide secure user account management for the electronic payment system, providing user access to rules and policies, current billing status, invoices, payments, and mechanisms for review and challenge of the collected data.LVAL   b F tTJThe field element shall receive payment information from the vehicle to support an electronic payment system.The field element shall monitor the status of vehicle on-board road pricing equipment and detect and report faults.The field element shall obtain payment for road use charges and send a record of the transaction to a center.The field element shall calculate the payment due based on the vehicle characteristics (vehicle size, weight, axle count, etc.) and road use pricing policy.The field element shall collect vehicle location, speed, distance and other data from passing vehicles and pass the collected data to a center to support road pricing payment.The vehicle shall receive and present to the vehicle operator the actual cost of parking used when requested by the vehicle operator.The vehicle shall receive and present to the vehicle operator the actual cost of low emission zone entry when requested by the vehicle operator.The vehicle shall receive and present to the vehicle operator the actual cost of vehicle electric charge.The vehicle shall receive and present to the vehicle operator the actual cost of roadways used and the estimated cost of roadways when requested by the vehicle operator.The vehicle shall provide payment information on request under control of the vehicle owner/operator.The vehicle shall report VMT equipment status to fixed or mobile field equipment on request.The vehicle shall report VMT data via Field-Vehicle communications to the Roadway Payment field equipment on request.The vehicle shall report VMT data to the registered center using wide area wireless communication.The vehicle shall track and record its timestamped location and report this Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) data.The center shall send eco-driving recommendations to connected vehicles so that the vehicle or the driver can adjust their driving behavior to save fuel and reduce emissions.*ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L ! u J  s H  sHqFoDmBoDqFoDmBi1780@ )"/h5149@ )"/h1553@ )"/g5333@ )"/g5332@ )"/g5331@)"/f1778@)"/f1779@)"/f1777@)"/e5336@)"/e5335@)"/e5334@)"/e1774@)"/e1775:@)"/e1776@ ("/d 148@ ( /d147@ ( /d5344@ ("/d1771@ ("/d1769,@("/d1767@("/d1768@("/d1773@("/d1772V@("/c146@( /c145@( /c5343~@("/b5857@'"/b5342@("/a1764<@'"/a1765,@ '"/a1766@ '"/a1762"@ '"/`1746@ '"/` 1749@ '"/` 1750(@'"/` 1751@'"/` 1752@'"/` 1761@'"/`1745@'"/`1753@'"/`1760r@'"/`1759@'"/`1758@'"/`1757@ &"/`1756$@ &"/`1755Z@&"/_6204@&"/_338@& /_5426@&"/_5317@&"/_5131@&"/_5133@&"/_ 5134J@&"/_ 5135@&"/_ 1743@%"/_ 5200@ %"/_ 1740@ %"/_1738~@ %"/_1737@ %"/_1739@ %"/_1744@%"/_1736B@%"/_1741b@%"/_1717@%"/_1742@%"/^5438@%"/Z6170B@%"/Z6169@%"/Z5261@%"/Z5185@ $"/Z5150@ $"/Z5100@ $"/Z5099^@$"/X5028@$"/W5422@$"/W5395@$"/W5394@$"/W5382@$"/W5381@$"/W5380@$"/U5350@$"/U5298@""/U1732@ ""/U1733@ ""/U17358@ ""/U1731^@ ""/T 5077 @ ""/T5427 @""/T5349@""/LVAL D H * ,*rThe field element shall send the request for commercial vehicle priority to a traffic signal controller that results in priority of the current control plan and grants right-of-way to the requesting vehicle.The field element shall send the infrastructure application status to the operations center.The field element shall send the request for emergency vehicle preemption to a traffic signal controller that results in preemption of the current control plan and grants right-of-way to the requesting vehicle.The field element shall communicate with passing vehicles to provide the current signal phase and timing information for all lanes and approaches at a signalized intersection.The field element shall provide current speed limits or current speed recommendations to vehicles based on current conditions, and overall speed limits and strategies established by the controlling center.The vehicle shall be able to receive low emission zone restriction parameters from a field element.The vehicle shall be able to automatically adjust its operating parameters to implement the eco-driving strategy (e.g., changes gears, switches power sources, or reduces its speed in an eco-friendly manner).The vehicle shall be able to provide advisory speed to driver so that they can adjust their driving behavior to save fuel and reduce emissions.The vehicle shall be able to automatically adjust its operating parameters approaching or departing a signalized intersection.The vehicle shall be able to provide recommendations for movement approaching or departing a signalized intersection in order to pass the next traffic signal on green or to decelerate to a stop in the most eco-friendly manner.The vehicle shall be able to receive the current signal phase and timing information for all lanes at a signalized intersection.The field element shall obtain payment for electric vehicle charging costs and send a record of the transaction to a center.LVAL 64RJThe center shall collect, process, and store border crossing information.The center shall collect, process, and store freight specific traveler information.The center shall collect, process, and store air quality information.The center shall collect, process, and store event information.The center shall collect, process, and store current and forecast road conditions and surface weather conditions.The center shall collect, process, and store toll fee information.The center shall collect, process, and store parking information, including location, availability, and fees.The center shall collect, process, and store transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information.The center shall collect, process, and store maintenance and construction information, including scheduled maintenance and construction work activities and work zone activities.The center shall select real-time information on the state of the regional transportation system including current traffic and road conditions, weather conditions, transit information, parking information, special event and incident information.The center shall collect, process, and store traffic and highway condition information, including incident information, detours and road closures, event information, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes.The field element shall provide traffic metering application status to the center for monitoring.The field element shall determine when special vehicles requesting preemption or priority at a signal are authorized to do so based on their digital credentials.The field element shall receive emergency vehicle preemption requests from emergency vehicles and forward to the traffic signal controller.The field element shall receive transit signal priority requests from transit vehicles and forward to the traffic signal controllerTLVAL  d@xThe center shall support on-line route guidance for travelers using personal devices (such as PDAs).The center shall include bicycle routes, walkways, skyways, and multi-use trails in the pre-trip and en route directions it provides to travelers.The center shall provide the capability to provide specific pre-trip and en route directions to travelers (and drivers), including costs, arrival times, and transfer points.The center shall collect, store and process multimodal transportation service information (for example, from ferry, rail and airline operators), including current ferry and rail schedule and airport status information and transfer points.The center shall collect information concerning members of the population that may require additional assistance in the event of an evacuation, including the names of household members, address, special needs, and any care giver information (nurse or hospice service that may want to keep track of their patient s status).The center shall collect emissions information, including information from low emission zone operations.The center shall collect road condition information for freeways, arterials, and secondary roads that are used as freight routes.The center shall collect alert information and status from emergency management centers. The information includes notification of a major emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil emergency, or child abduction for distribution to the public.The center shall collect evacuation information including evacuation zones, evacuation times, and reentry times.The center shall collect evacuation shelter information including location, hours of operation, special accommodations, and current vacancy/availability information.The center shall collect information on transit schedule and service changes that adapt the service to better meet needs of responders and the general public in an emergency situation, including special service schedules supporting evacuation.jLVALp6   6 P The vehicle shall receive current information about electric charging systems in the region available to the driver on request.The vehicle shall present information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.The vehicle shall forward user preferences, background information, constraints, and payment information to the supplying traveler information center.The vehicle shall forward the request for route guidance to a traveler information center for route calculation.The vehicle shall provide the capability for a driver to request and confirm multi-modal route guidance from a specified source to a destination.The center shall provide the capability for center personnel to control route calculation parameters.The center shall provide the capability for the traveler to confirm the proposed trip plan.The center shall use the preferences and constraints specified by the traveler in the trip request to select the most appropriate mode of transport.The center shall generate trips based on the use of more than one mode of transport.The center shall exchange route segment information with other centers outside the area served by the local center.The center shall generate route plans based on ferry, rail, air, or other multimodal transportation data.The center shall generate route plans based on current asset restrictions, such as height and weight restrictions on tunnels or bridges.The center shall generate route plans based on transit services, including fares, schedules, and requirements for travelers with special needs.The center shall generate route plans based on current and/or predicted conditions of the road network, scheduled maintenance and construction work activities, and work zone activities.The center shall support on-line route guidance for specialty vehicles, such as commercial vehicles.The center shall support on-line route guidance for drivers in vehicles.zLVAL~  ^  D H*^FThe traffic management center shall remotely control electrical lighting systems.The center shall provide charging station information to electric vehicles in order to balance the supply and demand of charging facilities.The center shall correlate electric vehicle needs to charging station capacities.The center shall be able to provide electric charging station information identifying the location, operating hours, current availability, charging capacity and standards supported, access restrictions, and rates/fee structure for each station to travelers.The center shall manage reservations and payment for yellow pages services and provide transaction success or failure details.The center shall manage registration of yellow pages service providers, store provider details, and transact payments for the provider's registration.The center shall provide all yellow pages information based on the traveler's current location and filter the provided information accordingly.The center shall support yellow pages service information and reservation requests from a traveler on-board a transit vehicle.The center shall support yellow pages service information and reservation requests from a vehicle.The center shall disseminate yellow pages information (such as lodging, restaurants, theaters, bicycle facilities, and other tourist activities) to travelers upon request.The field element shall collect the charging capacity (stations, amount) of charging stations.The field element shall collect the charging needs (duration, amount, interface) and location of electric vehicles.The field element shall be able to provide the current charging status including current charge rate, estimated time to completion, and cost associated with the charge to an electric vehicle.Vehicle shall be able to provide the operational status of the electrical system, the charging capacity and charging rate for the vehicle, and % charge complete to an electric charging station.LVAL f ( n <82The field element shall autonomously identify potentially hazardous conditions and activate warning signs to approaching motorists.The field element shall provide collected sensor data to the controlling center.The field element shall monitor for debris, animals, or other objects in the travel lanes.The field element shall monitor for hazardous road surface and local weather conditions.The field element shall monitor for hazardous traffic conditions, including queues.The field element shall aggregate and forward collected probe information to the center.The field element shall communicate with on-board equipment on passing vehicles to collect current vehicle position, speed, and heading and a record of previous events (e.g., starts and stops, link travel times) that can be used to determine current traffic conditions.The field element shall transmit the collected aggregated and filtered environmental data from connected vehicle to the center.The field element shall report the current operational state and status of the field element to the center.The field element shall monitor vehicle presence and collect environmental information from passing connected vehicles.The field element shall return lighting system equipment fault data to the center for repair.The field element shall return operational status for the lighting system equipment to the center.The field element shall control lighting systems along the roadside under center control.The traffic management center shall be able to adjust lighting level based on operational condition.The traffic management center shall be able to monitor vehicle presence.The traffic management center shall receive the environmental data collected from connected vehicle.The traffic management center shall collect lighting system fault data from the field and send to the maintenance center for repair.The traffic management center shall collect lighting system operational status from the field and compare against the control information sent by the center. ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L ! u J  s H  qFoDmBk@i>g<e:c8 w1850@ 1"/w5525@ 1"/w5523h@1"/w55244@1"/w5522&@1"/w5521@1"/w5520@1"/v1837z@1"/v1838@1"/v1839@1"/u 5258@1"/u 5257(@ 0"/u5256@ /"/u5127.@0"/u1832@0"/u1831@ /"/u1833@0"/u1834@0"/u1835@0"/u1836:@0"/t6202>@0"/t6201f@0"/t5138p@0"/t6200$@ /"/t5549@/"/t5430@/"/t5260,@/"/t5144@/"/t5060@/"/t1830@/"/t1818@/"/t1817n@/"/t 18214@/"/t 1815@ ."/t 1816@ ."/t 1820@ ."/t 1829@ ."/t1822r@."/t1814@."/t1823@."/t1824@."/t1825@."/t1826@."/t1827@."/t1828@."/s5550@."/s5428@ -"/s1811@ -"/s1812@ -"/s1807@ -"/s1808@-"/s1809(@-"/s1810@-"/p5544n@-"/p1800@-"/p1802@-"/p1801@ ,"/p1803$@-"/o5078@-"/o1799@-"/o1798.@ ,"/n1797@,"/n1795@,"/n1796(@,"/n1794@,"/m5188 @,"/m5187<@,"/l 5489b@,"/l5488@,"/l5487@,"/l1790@+"/l1788@+"/l1789@ +"/l1791@ +"/l1792@ +"/l1793@ +"/k5484T@ +"/k5483@+"/k5482@+"/k5481@+"/k5480@+"/j5485@+"/j5486@+"/i1787@+"/i1786*@+"/i1785@+"/i1783@)"/i1784@)"/i1782@)"/i1781@)"/LVAL  J  n ,J The center shall monitor the operational status of the dynamic warning equipment, including fault reports.The center shall issue control commands to field equipment warning drivers approaching the identified hazardous conditions.The center shall identify debris, animals, or other encroachment on the roadway dangerous to approaching motorists.The center shall identify hazardous traffic conditions including queues.The center shall identify hazardous road weather and surface conditions.The center shall monitor data on traffic, environmental conditions, and other hazards collected from sensors along the roadway.The vehicle shall communicate queue warnings and queue information to the driver utilizing auditory, visual, or haptic alerts and auditory or visual (on-screen) messages.The vehicle shall communicate queue warnings and queue characteristic information based on vehicle s distance to end of queue, (length of queue, lane(s) impacted, other descriptions of the queue condition) to the driver.The vehicle shall receive queue warning messages from other vehicles.The vehicle shall receive queue warning messages from infrastructure systems.The vehicle shall disseminate a queued status alert to other connected vehicles.The field equipment shall communicate queue response strategies (speed reduction, lane change, diversion recommendations) to the vehicle.The field equipment shall communicate with the connected vehicles to gather real-time vehicle-collected data including vehicle speed, location and localized weather condition from the vehicle network.The field element shall monitor and report faults to the controlling center.The field element shall collect operational status of the warning system field equipment and report the operational status to the controlling center.The field element shall receive commands from the controlling center that activate warning signs to approaching motorists.LVAL j L , J"vThe center shall send requests for priority along routes or at intersections to traffic management.The center shall respond to requests from transit management centers for signal priority at one or more intersections along a particular transit route.The transit vehicle shall prevent a priority request from being sent when the transit vehicle cannot use the priority (e.g., when the transit vehicle makes a passenger stop on the approach to an intersection).The transit vehicle shall send the schedule deviation data and status of priority requests to the transit vehicle operator and provide the capability for the transit vehicle operator to control the priority system.The transit vehicle shall send priority requests to traffic signal controllers at intersections, pedestrian crossings, and multimodal crossings on the roads (surface streets) and freeway (ramp controls) network that enable a transit vehicle schedule deviation to be corrected.The transit vehicle shall determine the schedule deviation and estimated times of arrival (ETA) at transit stops.The commercial vehicle shall provide vehicle location and motion information to local connected vehicle equipment near signalized intersections.The commercial vehicle shall request priority at a signalized intersection, including signals at the entrance to or exit from an intermodal shipping facility.The center shall use collected data to detect the location, duration, and length of queue propagation, as a result of significant downstream speed reductions or stopped traffic.The center shall generate appropriate queue response strategies that include speed reduction, lane change, or diversion recommendations based on local traffic, weather, and roadway conditions.The center shall have the capability to receive real-time traffic (including location and speed), road conditions (e.g. ice, wet, etc.), and weather data (clear, rainy and snowy) from connected vehicles.hLVAL b t LjjVZxThe field element shall read data from passing vehicles to support low emission zone entry fee payment transactions.The field element shall control cameras, obtain images, and forward images of road payment violators to a center.The field element shall control roadside displays indicating success or failure of the road payment transaction to the driver.The field element shall read the credit identity from the passing vehicle and send that identity and the amount to be debited to a center.The field element shall update the stored value after debiting the toll amount and send a record of the transaction to a center.The field element shall calculate the toll due based on the vehicle characteristics (vehicle size, weight, axle count, etc.) and stored toll prices.The field element shall read data from passing vehicles to support toll payment transactions.The center shall identify if the request for specific lane can be met, and the specific lane, start, end location, and time period where priority or exclusive access is to be granted.The center shall provide transit operations personnel with the capability to control and monitor transit signal priority operations.The center shall define business rules that govern use of transit vehicle signal priority, communicate these rules to the transit vehicle, and monitor transit vehicle requests for priority at signalized intersections.The center shall analyze transit vehicle schedule performance to determine the need for priority along certain routes or at certain intersections.The center shall provide an integrated operations strategy for the parking facilities in the area. These strategies can include dynamic adjustments to parking fees and restrictions, and other active demand management strategies.The center shall exchange information with transit management centers including details current transit routes, the level of service on each route, and the progress of individual vehicles along their routes.LVAL  X d ZThe personal traveler interface shall present information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a personal device, and suitable for travelers with hearing and vision physical disabilities.The personal traveler interface shall support traveler input in audio or manual form.The personal traveler interface shall base requests from the traveler on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter the provided information accordingly.The personal traveler interface shall provide an interface through which credit identity, stored credit value, or traveler information may be collected from a traveler card being used by a traveler with a personal device.The personal traveler interface shall support payment for services, such as confirmed trip plans, tolls, transit fares, parking lot charges, map updates, and advanced payment for tolls.The personal traveler interface shall accept reservations for confirmed trip plans.The personal traveler interface shall receive wide-area alerts and present it to the traveler.The personal traveler interface shall receive evacuation information from a center and present it to the traveler.The personal traveler interface shall receive event information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.The personal traveler interface shall receive traveler services information (such as lodging, restaurants, theaters, bicycle facilities, and other tourist activities) from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.The personal traveler interface shall receive transit information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.The personal traveler interface shall receive traffic information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.The field element shall send a record of the low emission zone entry fee transactions to the payment administration center.lLVAL ^ h R&bfxThe center shall receive transit stop requests from travelers and provide them to the appropriate transit vehicles.The center shall enable yellow pages (including non-motorized transportation) information to be output to the traveler.The personal traveler interface shall provide the ability for a traveler to select customized information about a disaster and evacuation routing.The personal traveler interface shall be able to provide payment information for use of a low emission zone.The personal traveler interface shall be able to provide payment information for road use charges.The personal traveler interface shall provide the ability for a traveler to set up and modify a user account for a regional electronic payment system.The personal traveler interface shall provide an interface to establish and manage user road pricing accounts, process road pricing payments, and access road pricing reports under user control.The personal traveler interface shall receive traveler information including traffic and road conditions, advisories, incidents, payment information, transit services, parking information, weather information, and other travel-related data updates and confirmations.The personal traveler interface shall provide an interface to establish and manage user road pricing accounts, process road pricing payments, and access road pricing reports under user controlThe personal traveler interface shall accept personal preferences, recurring trip characteristics, and traveler alert subscription information from the traveler and send this information to a center to support customized traveler information services.The personal traveler interface shall receive travel alerts and present them to the traveler. Relevant alerts are provided based on pre-supplied trip characteristics and preferences.The personal traveler interface shall be able to store frequently requested or used data, including the traveler's identity, home and work locations, etc.LVAL * D2The center shall receive trip requests from travelers, including those who are visually impaired which include the current location of the traveler.The center shall provide transit vehicle transit advisory data, including alerts and advisories pertaining to major emergencies, or man made disasters.The center shall broadcast transit advisory data, including alerts and advisories pertaining to major emergencies, or man made disasters.The center shall provide transit service information to traveler information service providers including routes, schedules, schedule adherence, and fare information as well as transit service information during evacuation.The center shall exchange transit schedules, real-time arrival information, fare schedules, and general transit service information with other transit organizations to support transit traveler information systems.The center shall provide transit information to the media including details of deviations from schedule of regular transit services.The center shall provide travelers using public transportation with traffic and advisory information upon request. Such information may include transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, and special events.The personal traveler interface shall provide the ability for a traveler to select customized information on estimated reentry date/times following a disaster.The personal traveler interface shall provide the ability for a traveler to select customized information on resources along evacuation routes based on inputs from other evacuees.The personal traveler interface shall provide the ability for a traveler to select customized information on evacuation resources including self-evacuation options, anticipated pickup time and location if a transportation asset is to be deployed, destination shelter, and supporting information on what to bring.LVAL  t hf>The vehicle shall send appropriate control actions to the vehicle's accelerator, braking and steering actuators when operating in an automated lane.The vehicle shall receive automated highway system status, warnings and collision avoidance data (intersection congestion, approaching vehicles, potential collision hazards, etc.) from the roadway field equipment.The vehicle shall communicate the current speed and gap policy to the driver interface system for display to the driver.The vehicle shall coordinate acceleration and braking with adjacent vehicles in the same lane (a platoon), maintaining vehicle speed and a safe gap with the vehicle in front of it.The vehicle shall be capable of joining a platoon by determining the recommended platoon entry location and the timing for the vehicle to enter a platoon.The vehicle shall exchange movement data (time, location, velocity, forward gap, heading, acceleration) with other vehicles via V2V communications.The vehicle shall accept configuration inputs from the driver for the cruise control strategy to employ.The vehicle shall be capable of implementing cruise control strategies based upon sensor inputs from the vehicle.The field element shall manage the checking in and checking out of suitably equipped vehicles requesting use of automated lanes, and send a record of all requests to the responsible center.The field element shall provide to the vehicle automated lane changing data based on a lane changing strategy and detailed lane changing parameters (e.g. exactly where, and at what speed the lane change will take place), under center control.The field element shall check the vehicle's condition to see if it is suitable for operating on automated lanes based on vehicle control parameters (speed, headway, etc.) used by vehicles in those lanes, and once confirmed, shall send control parameters to the vehicle.The center shall provide route and stop information to travelers, including those who are visually impaired, based on their trip requests.[T)}R' { P % y N # { R )  T ) } R ' {P%yN#wL!uJuL#yN#wL!uJ 1931B@9"/1932@9"/1933@9"/1923@9"/1927J@9"/1926@9"/1925H@9"/1924@9"/1934@ 8"/ 1912@7"/ 1922@ 8"/1916R@8"/1917@8"/1918N@8"/1919Z@8"/1920@8"/1921"@8"/1913*@8"/1914@8"/219@8 /214@ 7 /213@ 7 / 205@ 7 / 1903Z@ 7"/ 1904@ 7"/ 1905@7"/ 1906@7"/1907@7"/1908@7"/6172@7"/1909@7"/6171@7"/1910@7"/1911@7"/5119(@6"/6075@6"/6074@6"/6073@6"/1877@ 6"/1878R@ 6"/1879@ 6"/5330@ 6"/5327@ 6"/1874@6"/1873@6"/1875@6"/1876@6"/~ 5425@6"/~ 5505@6"/~5110@6"/~5109Z@6"/~1870@6"/~5281@ 5"/~5280@ 5"/~1872,@5"/~1871@5"/~1869@5"/|1867@5"/|1866@5"/{5329@5"/{5328@ 4"/y487@5 /y486@5 /y 484@5 /y 483@ 4 /y 481P@ 4 /y 5446@ 4"/y 1861@ 4"/y1860@4"/y1859(@4"/y1857@4"/y1856@4"/y1855@4"/y1854@4"/y1863@4"/y1858@4"/x1852^@4"/x1851@ 3"/w6181@ 3"/w5533@ 3"/w5535<@ 3"/w5534@3"/w5532@3"/w5531j@3"/w5530@3"/w 5529@3"/w 5528@3"/w 5527@3"/w 1843@3"/w 5526@3"/w1841(@ 1"/LVAL (  J   The center shall remotely control automated vehicle system field elements, by providing lane changing parameters, parameters for determination of vehicle suitability for particular automated lanes, and other control information required for automated highway operation.The Vehicle shall provide its location with lane-level accuracy to on-board applications.The Vehicle shall be able to implement cruise controls strategies in order to provide advanced cruise control in normal vehicle operation.The vehicle shall be able to send platoon information to the infrastructure in order to support infrastructure inputs to the platoon gap and speed strategies.The vehicle shall have the ability to receive platoon-level gap and speed policy recommendations from infrastructure-based systems.The Driver shall be able to engage and disengage advanced cruise control and adjust control strategies.The vehicle shall exchange weather data (time, location, external air temperature, barometric pressure, wiper status, headlight status), road surface data (time, location, traction control status, stability control status, differential wheel speed) with other connected vehicles to support platoon operations.The vehicle shall allow the vehicle to leave the platoon based on driver input of desire to leave.The vehicle shall allow the vehicle to leave the platoon if cruise control is disabled.The vehicles shall determine the appropriate time to restore longitudinal vehicle control to the driver upon CACC platoon exit.The vehicle shall determine recommended platoon exit location and timing for the vehicle to exit a platoon.The vehicle shall exchange data with other vehicles in the platoon to share vehicle status information, roadway condition data, and initiate vehicle actuator controls to maintain safe following distances.The vehicle shall provide a means for the driver to accept, reject, and modify a given speed and gap policy.vLVAL  brThe center shall be able to collect current transit fleet emissions and forecasts future fleet emissions.The center shall collect road and traffic conditions information, including current traffic conditions en route, current traffic conditions on-scene, and road weather conditions (e.g. wet, icy, snow-covered).The center shall collect weather and maintenance activity data, e.g., which roads have been plowed to support emergency dispatch and staging of personnel and equipment.The center shall provide the calculated route for emergency vehicles to the dispatch function.The center shall provide the capability to request special traffic control measures, such as signal preemption, from the traffic management center to facilitate emergency vehicle progress along the suggested route.The center shall request and receive ingress and egress routes or other specialized emergency access routes from the traffic management center.The center shall calculate emergency vehicle routes, under center personnel control, based on the collected traffic and road conditions information.The center shall track current emergency vehicle location and status along with other emergency vehicle characteristics.The center shall receive current railroad schedule information for emergency vehicle route calculation.The center shall receive asset restriction information to support the dispatching of appropriate emergency resources.The center shall receive status information from care facilities to determine the appropriate facility and its location.The center shall receive information on the location and status of traffic control equipment and work zones along potential emergency routes.The center shall collect current traffic and road condition information for emergency vehicle route calculation.The center shall maintain a log of all automated vehicle check-in and check-out transactions received from the field elements regardless of whether they are successful or not.LVAL : ` P >HnThe center shall coordinate schedules and services with other surface or air transportation modes.The center shall coordinate schedules and services with other transit centersThe center shall accept requests from traffic management to change routes and schedules as part of the implementation of demand management strategies.The center shall share transfer cluster and transfer point information with other transit centers. A transfer cluster is a collection of stop points, stations, or terminals where transfers can be made conveniently.The center shall coordinate schedules and services with traffic management, parking management, and event planning systems.The center shall exchange traffic control information with other traffic management centers to support remote monitoring and control of traffic management devices (e.g. signs, sensors, signals, cameras, etc.).The center shall exchange traffic information with other traffic management centers including incident information, congestion data, traffic data, signal timing plans, and real-time signal control information.The center shall be able to provide the collected and forecast emissions information to other agencies.the center shall collect location and situational information about the emergency vehicles responding to or on the scene of an incident.The center shall provide routing instructions for a dispatched emergency vehicle that may reflect current network conditions and the additional routing options available to en route emergency that are not available to the general public.The center shall collect road and traffic conditions information from multiple sources including: traffic management centers, probe vehicle data, including traffic data and environmental conditions, and other private traffic data sources, e.g. private distributors that integrate connected (probe) vehicle data with cellular or surveillance device inputs.PLVAL  v h T~fThe center shall be able to determine that a crash or emergency situation has taken place, based on on-board sensor data collected from the vehicle.The field element shall provide position correction information to proximate Personal devices.The field element shall provide position correction information to proximate Vehicles.The field element shall obtain position correction information from an external position correction source.The center shall make the compiled ridership data available to the system operator.The center shall calculate transit ridership data by route, route segment, transit stop, time of day, and day of week based on the collected passenger count information.The center shall collect passenger count information from each transit vehicle.The transit vehicle shall transmit current and average emissions measures to the Transit Management Center.The transit vehicle shall measure or estimate vehicle emissions.The transit vehicle shall send the collected passenger count information to the transit center.The passenger counts shall be timestamped so that ridership can be measured by time of day and day of week.The passenger counts shall be related to location to support association of passenger counts with routes, route segments, or bus stops.The transit vehicle shall count passengers boarding and alighting.The center shall coordinate with emission management to establish low emission zone parameters based on air quality and transportation need.The center shall collect asset restriction information from maintenance operations.The center shall receive temporary facility restrictions that are imposed during maintenance and construction.The center shall receive proposed maintenance and construction work plans, analyze the activity as a possible incident, and provide work plan feedback to the sending center.The center shall provide transit operations personnel with the capability to control and monitor transit service coordination activities.|LVAL| < lP|The center shall update the incident information log once the emergency system operator has verified the incident.The center shall determine the nature of the emergency from the contents of the received collision notification message.The center shall determine the location of the sender when it receives a collision notification broadcast.The center shall determine that a collision has occurred based on changes in vehicle sensor data.The center shall provide all mayday data to center personnel and respond to the vehicle, driver, or traveler using the portable handheld device as directed by the personnel.The center shall maintain a log of all mayday signals received from vehicles.The center shall request additional emergency details from or issue commands to the vehicle's security systems or vehicle driver if needed.The center shall support the activation of remote controlled functions requested by a vehicle, such as requests to unlock doors.The center shall determine whether the mayday message indicates an emergency that requires the attention of public safety agencies, and forward mayday emergency data to the appropriate agency as necessary.After the mayday becomes a verified incident, the center shall determine the appropriate response to the mayday message.The center shall communicate with the mayday emergency message sender (driver) to determine the nature and severity of their situation.The center shall acknowledge the request for emergency assistance, whether originated by the driver, automatically by the vehicle's safety systems, or by a traveler via a personal handheld device.The center shall collect mayday messages from drivers via onboard devices.The center shall collect mayday messages from travelers via personal handheld devices.The center shall monitor subscribed vehicle data, including changes in velocity, attitude/orientation, position, and air bag status to determine when an emergency situation (crash) has happened.XLVAL D  b|The center shall manage inter-agency coordination of evacuation operations, from initial planning through the evacuation process and reentry.The center shall forward the verified emergency information to the responding agency based on the location and nature of the emergency.The center shall send a request for remote control of Closed-circuit Television (CCTV) systems from a traffic management center in order to verify the reported incident.The center shall coordinate, correlate, and verify all emergency inputs, including those identified based on external calls and internal analysis of security sensor and surveillance data, and assign each a level of confidence.The center shall receive emergency notification information from public transit systems and present the possible incident information to the emergency system operator.The center shall receive emergency notification information from other public safety agencies and present the possible incident information to the emergency system operator.The center shall receive emergency call information from other emergency management centers, e.g. mayday service providers, and present the possible incident information to the emergency system operator.The center shall receive emergency call information from vehicles and present the possible incident information to the emergency system operator.The center shall receive emergency call information from 911 services and present the possible incident information to the emergency system operator.The center shall support the interface to the Emergency Telecommunications System (e.g. 911 or 7-digit call routing) to receive emergency notification information and provide it to the emergency system operator.AACN-Relay shall maintain a registry of emergency communications center (ECCs) based on factors such as coverage area (county, state, continent), types of emergencies serviced (e.g. all, hazmat, rail crossing, Brand X autos), and hours of service (days, 24 hr, etc.).TLVAL  v RB6|The center shall develop, coordinate with other agencies, and store emergency response plans.The center shall make use of population and housing data to plan for and implement evacuations or in-place sheltering for biological, chemical, radiation, and other public health emergencies.The center shall retrieve information from public health systems to plan for and implement evacuations or in-place sheltering for biological, chemical, radiation, and other public health emergencies.The center shall submit evacuation information to toll administration centers along with requests for changes in the toll services or fee collection during an evacuation.The center shall monitor the progress of the reentry process.The center shall monitor the progress or status of the evacuation once it begins and exchange tactical plans, prepared during the incident, with allied agencies.The center shall provide traveler information systems with evacuation guidance including basic information to assist potential evacuees in determining whether evacuation is necessary and when it is safe to return.The center shall request traffic management agencies to implement special traffic control strategies and to control evacuation traffic, including traffic on local streets and arterials as well as the major evacuation routes.The center shall request resources from transit agencies as needed to support the evacuation.The center shall provide evacuation information to traffic, transit, maintenance and construction, rail operations, and other emergency management centers as needed.The center shall coordinate evacuation destinations and shelter needs with shelter providers (e.g., the American Red Cross) in the region.The center shall provide an interface to the emergency system operator to enter evacuation plans and procedures and present the operator with other agencies plans.The center shall develop and exchange evacuation plans with allied agencies prior to the occurrence of a disaster.[T+T) } R ' { P % y N # y P ' Z /  X-V+T)}R'}T+X-V-`5 1989$@B"/1988@B"/1986@B"/ 406@B / 485 @B / 480@ A / 482`@B /477X@ A /476f@A /5154@A"/1981@@"/1985@A"/1984@ @"/19838@A"/1982T@A"/ 1977@A"/1978 @A"/1980@A"/408@A /407@ @ /405@ @ /402@ @ /401@ @ /5151B@@"/5169@@"/1976@@"/1972@@"/1973@@"/1974@@"/1975@@"/ 6174@@"/ 5376@@"/ 2204@?"/5238@?"/5226r@?"/5125@?"/1967@?"/1968N@?"/1969@?"/1971@?"/1970@ >"/6198l@ >"/1964@>"/1963@>"/1966P@>"/1965t@>"/20150@>"/1962(@>"/1961P@>"/1959Z@>"/1960F@>"/346@ = / 345@ = / 344@ = / 343@ = / 342X@= / 341Z@= /340x@= /339@= /5141@="/5142@="/1957Z@="/19554@="/1956@="/1958@ <"/5113Z@ <"/5112@<"/1939@<"/1946@<"/1948@<"/1947D@<"/1949@<"/1943@<"/ 1942@<"/ 1940@ ;"/ 1945L@<"/ 19380@ ;"/ 1952 @;"/1944r@;"/1937@;"/1936@;"/1935V@;"/1950@ 9"/1954p@;"/1953@;"/1951,@;"/337V@; / 6199~@ 9"/ 1928@ 9"/ 1929T@ 9"/ 1930z@9"/LVAL ~  XThe center shall provide information to the media concerning the status of an emergency response.The center shall provide the capability to request transit resource availability from transit centers for use during disaster and evacuation operations.The center shall provide the capability to remotely control and monitor CCTV systems normally operated by a traffic management center.The center shall support remote control of field equipment normally under control of the traffic management center including traffic signals, dynamic message signs, gates, and barriers.The center shall receive event scheduling information from Event Promoters.The center shall allocate the appropriate emergency services, resources, and vehicle (s) to respond to incidents, and shall provide the capability to override the current allocation to suit the special needs of a current incident.The center shall track the availability of resources and coordinate resource sharing with allied agency centers including traffic, maintenance, or other emergency centers.The center shall provide the capability to implement response plans and track progress through the incident by exchanging incident information and response status with allied agencies.The center shall manage coordinated inter-agency responses to and recovery from large-scale emergencies. Such agencies include traffic management, transit, maintenance and construction management, rail operations, and other emergency management agencies.The center shall provide strategic emergency response capabilities provided by an Emergency Operations Center for large-scale incidents and disasters.The center shall maintain information on the population of an area in the event of an evacuation, including addresses, types of facility (residence, multi-family dwelling, commercial retail, commercial office, etc.), and special considerations (storage of flammable liquids, special needs residents.dLVAL | JnThe center shall disseminate emergency evacuation information to the traveler interface systems, including evacuation zones, shelter information, available transportation modes, road closures and detours, changes to transit services, and traffic and road conditions at the origin, destination, and along the evacuation routes.The center shall receive proposed maintenance and construction work plans, analyze the activity as a possible incident, and provide work plan feedback to the sending center.The center shall receive temporary facility restrictions that are imposed during maintenance and construction.The center shall manage coordinated inter-agency responses to incidents at an international border.The center shall retrieve information from public health systems to increase preparedness for, and implement a response to biological, chemical, radiation, and other public health emergencies.The center shall provide the capability to identify neighborhoods and businesses that should be informed of an emergency situation based on information collected about incidents including their severity, impacted locations, and recovery schedule.The center shall provide the capability to communicate information about emergency situations to local population through the Emergency Telecommunications System.The center shall provide the overall status of infrastructure recovery efforts to traveler information providers and media.The center shall collect information about the status of the recovery efforts for the infrastructure during disasters.The center shall provide the capability for center personnel to provide inputs to the management of incidents, disasters and evacuations.The center shall assimilate the damage assessment of the transit, traffic, rail, maintenance, and other emergency center services and systems to create an overall transportation system status, and disseminate to each of these centers and the traveling public via traveler information providers.0LVAL vB H D XThe center needs to provide evacuees with information regarding when they can return to their area, including evacuation return routes, evacuation return schedule, and evacuation return road conditions.The center shall provide information concerning available resources along an evacuation route including information provided by other evacuees.The center shall match requests for evacuation assistance with the appropriate resource.The center shall support requests for evacuation assistance from individuals or groups requiring assistance.The center shall collect shelter data from multiple sources in accordance with the American Red Cross National Shelter System format, including: type, location, availability, capability, route mapping to the shelter, traffic flow to and around the shelter, and weather conditions around the shelter.The center shall provide evacuees with information about available shelters that match their needs, including: location, availability, route, and special needs accommodated.The center shall maintain a set of evacuation plans in the event that an evacuation is necessary, including: evacuation routes, call-plan, special needs evacuations, and shelter locations.The center shall maintain a set of evacuation routes based on various incident scenarios, e.g., storm, industrial accident, etc.The center shall provide evacuation information to connected vehicles.The center shall provide evacuation information to personal information devices.The center shall provide the capability for a system operator to control the type and update frequency of emergency and wide-area alert information distributed to travelers.The center shall disseminate wide-area alert information to the traveler interface systems, including major emergencies such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil emergency, child abductions, severe weather watches and warnings, military activities, and law enforcement warnings.The center shall provide evacuation information to shelter providers.LVAL `  D(RThe commercial vehicle shall compute the location of the commercial vehicle and its freight equipment.The center shall provide road network conditions and traffic images to emergency management centers, maintenance and construction centers, and traveler information service providers.The center shall coordinate execution of evacuation strategies with emergency management centers - including activities such as setting closures and detours, establishing routes, updating areas to be evacuated, timing the process, etc.The center shall coordinate evacuation information and controls with other traffic management centers.The center shall support requests from emergency management centers to preempt the current traffic control strategy, activate traffic control and closure systems such as gates and barriers, activate safeguard systems, or use driver information systems to support evacuation traffic control plans.The center shall coordinate planning for evacuation with emergency management centers - including pre-planning activities such as establishing routes, areas to be evacuated, timing, etc.The center shall be capable of establishing emergency fare structures to override all other fares during disasters, states of emergency, or evacuations.The center shall adjust and update transit service and fare schedules and provide that information to other agencies as they coordinate evacuations.The center shall coordinate the use of transit and school bus fleets during an evacuation, supporting evacuation of those with special needs and the general population.The center shall coordinate regional evacuation plans with Emergency Management - identifying the transit role in an evacuation and the transit resources that would be used.The center shall manage the use of transit resources to support evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency.LVAL0N 4 | The commercial vehicle shall provide an interface with the driver to be presented with and respond to alerts, either visual or audible, concerning the safety and security of the vehicle and its cargo. Alerts and messages specific to commercial vehicles include trucks not advised on a route, trucks over 10 tons not allowed on bridge, route details, detected route deviations and warning indications detected by on-board sensors (e.g., safety) and freight equipment sensors (e.g., breach, cargo).The commercial vehicle shall send information from on-board safety systems, including its cargo or freight equipment, to roadside facilities.The commercial vehicle shall provide status of the electronic seal on a container, including sealing time, location, and authority, and any openings or tampering to field check devices.The commercial vehicle shall send notification of a hazmat spill to and share them with the arriving public safety vehicles, including the information from cargo sensors, vehicle location, and the carrier identification.The commercial vehicle shall send notification of a hazmat spill to the appropriate emergency management center in case of an incident including the information from cargo sensors, vehicle location, and the carrier identification.The commercial vehicle shall forward information concerning the freight equipment on to its fleet and freight management center as well as the roadside check facility.The commercial vehicle shall monitor information concerning the freight equipment including cargo type, HAZMAT designation (if any) for the cargo, cargo weight, the type of container in which the cargo is held, safety condition of the cargo.The commercial vehicle shall monitor on-board systems and record measures such as weight, vehicle security status, vehicle safety status, vehicle identity, driver status, driver safety status, distance traveled, and brake condition.LVAL8 8 6 j(,8(jThe center shall assess the status of responding emergency vehicles as part of an incident command.The center shall track and maintain resource information and action plans pertaining to the incident command.The center shall provide status of the current conditions at the incident scene to authorized recipients, e.g. public information officers, traffic management centers, Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) for Reverse-911.The center shall collect location and situational information about the emergency vehicles responding to or on the scene of an incident.The center shall send alerts to travelers in the vicinity of active incidents to which emergency personnel are responding.The center shall maintain the location and status information on active incidents to which emergency personnel are responding.The center shall provide remote monitoring and control of incident scene safety devices that detect vehicle intrusions in designated areas at the incident scene.The vehicle shall provide vehicle location and motion information.The emergency vehicle shall provide status of the incident scene warning systems to the center.The emergency vehicle shall monitor the responders movements to identify when a responder is crossing the boundary between an incident scene and vehicle traffic and issue an alert to the responder.The emergency vehicle shall present warnings to the field personnel using direct warning signals or in-vehicle signage functions.The emergency vehicle shall receive incident scene alerts from the field equipment at the roadside and other emergency vehicles.The emergency vehicle shall detect that a vehicle has intruded upon the boundary of a incident scene.The commercial vehicle shall send on-board systems data passing connected vehicles, including emergency vehicles.The commercial vehicle shall provide a mechanism for an operator to manually enter the contents of a freight container into onboard equipment.4LVAL H , P 6XThe center shall collect on-scene reports to support emergency dispatch and staging of personnel and equipment.The center shall collect information about freight or cargo to support emergency dispatch and staging of personnel and equipment, e.g. cargo manifest or HAZMAT information.The center shall collect modeling program outputs to support emergency dispatch and staging of personnel and equipment, e.g. predicted HAZMAT plumes or crash severity predictions.The center shall provide other agencies real-time information on the current conditions at the incident scene.The center shall share incident command information with other public safety agencies including resource deployment status, hazardous material information, rail incident information, evacuation advice as well as traffic, road, and weather conditions.The center shall provide incident command communications with public safety, emergency management, transportation, and other allied response agency centers.The center shall provide tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration for first responders to support local management of an incident.The center shall collect and store incident data collected from incident scene safety monitoring devices (such as intrusion detection or alert devices and speed monitoring devices) on-board the vehicle and at the roadside.The center shall collect status information of work zone safety device status from field equipment or the maintenance and construction vehicles.The center shall provide remote monitoring and control of intrusion alert devices that have been installed in work zones or maintenance areas.The center shall maintain an inventory of all information sources that are available near the scene of an incident, including in-vehicle dash cameras from on-scene patrol vehicles, traffic speed data providers for the area in question (includes connected vehicle data distributors), or fixed CCTV cameras mounted to utility poles near the incident."LVAL  . P,0`X>&HThe center shall dispatch emergency vehicles to respond to verified emergencies under center personnel control.The emergency vehicle shall exchange information with other emergency vehicles to support the decision making and overall incident response.The vehicle shall collect vehicle occupants electronic medical records to support emergency dispatch and staging of personnel and equipment.The emergency vehicle shall inspect the electronic seal on a container to verify the container has not been opened or tampered with.The emergency vehicle shall receive container manifest and status of the electronic seal on a container.The emergency vehicle shall provide traffic incident information to other emergency vehicles using short range communications.The emergency vehicle shall provide an interface to the center for emergency personnel to transmit information about the current incident response status such as the identification of the resources on site, site management strategies in effect, and current clearance status.The emergency vehicle shall provide an interface to the center for emergency personnel to transmit information about the incident site such as the extent of injuries, identification of vehicles and people involved, hazardous material, etc.The emergency vehicle shall receive dispatch instructions sufficient to enable emergency personnel in the field to implement an effective incident response. It includes local traffic, road, and weather conditions, hazardous material information, and the current status of resources that have been allocated to an incident.The center shall provide status of the current conditions at the incident scene to arriving responders.The center shall provide situational awareness information to emergency responders about an incident, both en-route and while they are on-scene.The center shall collect medical care facility capabilities and availability, e.g., trauma level supported to support emergency dispatch and staging of personnel and equipment.$ZV+T) } R ' { P % y N # w L ! u J  sHqFoDmBk@i>g<g<6205*@J"/2071J@J"/5072@J"/5071@J"/5075@ I"/5073"@ I"/5059@ I"/169@ I /5058@I"/5259@I"/2063 @I"/2064@I"/2065@I"/2067@@I"/2062>@I"/5283@I"/5282@I"/2060n@ H"/2061x@ H"/2059@@ H"/2058n@ H"/5285B@H"/5284@H"/2054@H"/ 2045@H"/ 2046P@H"/2052@H"/2047@H"/2043@H"/2048@ G"/2049@H"/2050@ G"/2051@G"/2044"@G"/ 5254@G"/2042@G"/2041@ F"/2040r@G"/2039@G"/2038@G"/2037@G"/2036@G"/2035@ F"/ 2032@ F"/2031N@ F"/2029@ F"/2028@F"/2027@F"/2026@F"/2025"@F"/2033@F"/2034@F"/ 2013@F"/ 2023@F"/ 2022@F"/ 2014@@ E"/2017@ E"/2018(@ E"/2019@ E"/2020@ E"/2021@E"/2024@E"/2012|@E"/2006d@E"/2007@E"/2005@E"/2008@E"/2009@E"/2010@E"/2011@D"/2001@ D"/2002@@ D"/2003@ D"/2004@ D"/1999n@ D"/2000@D"/ 5444@D"/1997@D"/1992@D"/1991,@D"/1995@D"/1996 @D"/1993@D"/1998@D"/1994@ B"/6186@ B"/479@ B /5227@B"/5228@B"/1987@B"/RLVALbB l  D d ~The transit vehicle shall receive a vehicle assignment including transit route information, transit service instructions, traffic information, road conditions, and other information for the operator.The center shall store all rideshare matches and traveler eligibility data.The center shall provide a confirmation of the traveler's rideshare match and provide the capability to support a payment transaction for the rideshare service.The center shall arrange connections to transit or other multimodal services for portions of a multi-segment trip that includes ridesharing.The center shall process rideshare requests by balancing the relative benefits of the rideshare to each rideshare participant.The center shall provide a rideshare match based on origin and destination of the traveler's proposed trip, any routing constraints, preferences specified by the traveler, compatibility of this rideshare with rideshares confirmed by other travelers, the requesting traveler's eligibility data, and traffic data.The center shall accept requests from traveler interface systems for ridesharing as part of a trip plan request.The center shall process road and weather conditions to provide updates to responding personnel.The center shall provide the capability to request remote control of traffic surveillance devices.The center shall receive traffic images to support dispatch of emergency vehicles.The center shall coordinate response to incidents with other Emergency Management centers to ensure appropriate resources are dispatched and utilized.The center shall store and maintain the emergency service responses in an action log.The center shall track the location and status of emergency vehicles responding to an emergency based on information from the emergency vehicle.The center shall relay location and incident details to the responding vehicles.The center shall store the current status of all emergency vehicles available for dispatch and those that have been dispatched.PLVAL<  >zvNzThe center shall maintain a list of invalid traveler credit identities or bad tag lists that can be forwarded to transit vehicles and transit stops or stations.The center shall process requests for transit fares to be paid in advance.The center shall collect data on fare payment violations and send the data, including images of the violator, to the appropriate enforcement agency.The center shall support the payment of transit fare transactions using data provided by the traveler cards / payment instruments.The center shall process the financial requests from the transit vehicles or roadside and manage an interface to a Financial Institution.The center shall provide the capability for a system operator to manage the transit fares and control the exchange of transit fare information.The center shall manage the actual value of transit fares for each segment of each regular transit route, including the transmission of the information to transit vehicles and transit stops or stations.The transit vehicle shall notify the transit center of vehicle location and operational status as the vehicle exits and returns to the transit facility to support future vehicle assignments.The transit vehicle shall support the operations of a flexible route service. This may include requests for route deviations that would then lead to schedule corrective actions.The transit vehicle shall send the schedule deviation and estimated arrival time information to the center.The transit vehicle shall provide the schedule deviations and instructions for schedule corrections to the transit vehicle operator if the deviation is small, or the transit vehicle is operating in an urban area.The transit vehicle shall determine scenarios to correct the schedule deviation.The transit vehicle shall calculate the estimated times of arrival (ETA) at transit stops.The transit vehicle shall use the route information and its current location to determine the deviation from the predetermined schedule.xLVAL> ^ | @hThe public interface for travelers shall create fare statistics data based upon data collected at a transit stop.The public interface for travelers shall accept and process current transit passenger fare collection information.The transit vehicle shall provide fare statistics data to the center.The transit vehicle shall support the support advanced payments for tolls, and/or parking lot charges, and/or transit fares via the traveler card / payment instrument.The transit vehicle shall include a database on-board the transit vehicle for use in fare processing from which the fares for all possible trips within the transit operational network can be determined.The transit vehicle shall provide a transit fare payment interface that is suitable for travelers with physical disabilities.The transit vehicle shall have access to the complete range of transit services (routes and schedules) that are available to the traveler.The transit vehicle shall calculate the traveler's fare based on the origin and destination provided by the traveler as well as factors such as the transit routing, transit fare category, traveler history, and route-specific information.The transit vehicle shall determine the traveler's travel routing based on the transit vehicle's current location and the traveler's destination.The transit vehicle shall provide an image of all travelers which shall be used for violation processing of those who do not have a traveler card / payment instrument or whose transit fare transaction fails.The transit vehicle shall read data from the traveler card / payment instrument presented by boarding passengers.The center shall provide transit fare information to traveler information providers upon request.The center shall exchange fare and load information with other transit management centers, including potential Centralized Payments facilities.The center shall collect fare statistics data to implement variable and flexible fare structures.LVAL f R@hThe parking element shall manage the parking lot charges, considering such factors as location, vehicle types, and times of day.The parking element shall provide an interface to the driver informing them of the success or failure of the financial transaction. This may involve a request for the driver to pull aside so the operator can resolve an issue.The parking element shall read data from the payment device on-board the vehicle or by the traveler.The parking element shall detect and classify vehicles entering and exiting a parking facility (vehicle size, type, identifiable features, etc.).The public interface for travelers shall provide an interface to a transit user payment device in support of a multimodal electronic payment system providing payment for transit fares, tolls, and/or parking lot charges.The public interface for travelers shall present information to the traveler in a form suitable for travelers with physical disabilities.The public interface for travelers shall determine the routing based on the traveler's destination and the location of the closest transit stop from which a route request is being made.The public interface for travelers shall provide an image of all travelers purchasing rides or services to be used for violation processing.The public interface for travelers shall provide information to the center for financial authorization and transaction processing.The public interface for travelers shall provide an interface to a transit user traveler card in support of payment for transit fares, tolls, and/or parking lot charges. The stored credit value data from the card shall be collected and updated based on the fare or other charges, or the credit identity shall be collected.The public interface for travelers shall calculate a fare based on the origin and destination provided by the traveler, in conjunction with transit routing, transit fare category, and transit user history.$LVAL < ( v & "r2LThe public interface for travelers shall present information to the traveler in a form suitable for travelers with physical disabilities including travelers who are visually impaired.The public interface for travelers shall provide support for general annunciation and/or display of imminent arrival information and other information of general interest to transit users.The public interface for travelers shall collect and present to the transit traveler information on transit routes, schedules, and real-time schedule adherence.The public interface for travelers shall collect and provide real-time travel-related information at transit stops, multi-modal transfer points, and other public transportation areas.The field element shall collect information about individual transit users boarding a transit vehicle. This information can be used to track a user's progress on a scheduled transit trip and can contain indication of special needs of the traveler, such as that they are visually impaired.The field element shall provide stop requests to transit vehicles.The field element shall provide stop-specific bus schedules and routes information to personal traveler devices.The parking element shall maintain a list of invalid traveler credit identities.The parking element shall process requests for the advanced payment of tolls and transit fares as well as other non-transportation services, e.g. yellow-pages services.The parking element shall process requests for parking lot charges to be paid in advance.The parking element shall support the payment of parking lot transactions using data provided by the traveler cards / payment instruments.The parking element shall process the financial requests and manage an interface to a Financial Institution.The parking element shall collect data on payment violations and send the data, including images of the violator and the vehicle registration data obtained from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office, to the appropriate enforcement agency.LVAL " x0F$The parking element shall support the payment of parking lot transactions using data provided by the traveler cards / payment instruments.The parking element shall provide drivers the current parking lot charges, considering such factors as location, vehicle types, and times of day.The parking element shall provide drivers the parking information and status, including current parking availability.The parking equipment shall provide real-time status of parking spaces to travelers.The parking element shall collect vehicle location information messages generated by connected vehicles to detect vehicles parking space and maintain and report spaces that are occupied by connected vehicles.The transit vehicle shall provide to the transit vehicle operator transit stop requests received from travelers or from the transit center.The transit vehicle shall tailor the output of the request traveler information based on the current location of the transit vehicle.The transit vehicle shall gather transit advisory data, including alerts and advisories pertaining to major emergencies, or man made disasters.The transit vehicle shall support input and output forms that are suitable for travelers with physical disabilities.The transit vehicle shall broadcast advisories about the imminent arrival of the transit vehicle at the next stop via an on-board automated annunciation system.The transit vehicle shall enable traffic and travel advisory information to be requested and output to the traveler. Such information may include transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, and special events.The public interface for travelers shall allow a traveler to provide a trip request and ask for connection protection for the trip.The public interface for travelers shall allow the traveler to request the transit vehicle at the transit stop.8LVAL < &XN.`The transit vehicle shall record transit trip monitoring data including vehicle mileage and fuel usage.The transit vehicle shall support the computation of the location of a transit vehicle using on-board sensors to augment the location determination function. This may include proximity to the transit stops or other known reference points as well as recording trip length.The transit vehicle shall track the current location of the transit vehicle.The parking element shall provide precise parking space location information to Centers.The parking element shall provide precise parking egress/ingress location information to Centers.The parking element shall provide the capability to detect, count, and classify vehicles at entrances, exits, and designated locations within a parking facility.The parking element shall manage local dynamic message signs that display messages to travelers such as the parking lot state, number of spaces available, location of entrances, and current charges.The parking element shall share information with a traffic management center to identify queues at entrances, exits that should be used, and other information that supports coordinated local traffic control in and around the parking facility.The parking element shall determine and maintain the number and availability of parking spaces.The parking element shall maintain dynamic parking lot information including current state of the lot, occupancy, arrival rates, and departure rates.The parking element shall maintain static parking lot information including hours of operation, rates, location, entrance locations, capacity, type, and constraints.The parking element shall provide an interface to the driver informing them of the success or failure of the financial transaction. This may involve a request for the driver to pull aside so the operator can resolve an issue.The parking element shall read data from the traveler card / payment instrument carried on-board the vehicle or by the traveler."ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L ! u J  u J  sHqFoDmBk@i>g<e:5061f@R"/5130@R"/ 5140~@R"/ 2118<@R"/ 2129~@R"/ 2128@R"/ 2127@ Q"/2126@ Q"/2125@ Q"/2123^@ Q"/2122@Q"/2121@Q"/2120d@Q"/2124^@Q"/2119@Q"/ 6407F@Q"/6406@Q"/2114@Q"/2111@Q"/2112@P"/2110@P"/2116@P"/2113@P"/2115@ P"/6403@ P"/ 6402@ P"/ 6147@ P"/ 5859@ P"/ 5007@P"/ 2103<@P"/2104~@P"/2105@P"/2101^@P"/2108@P"/2106@P"/2109@P"/2107@P"/2102@O"/ 2090@O"/ 2091@O"/ 2092@O"/2100@N"/2093l@O"/2094@O"/2095@O"/20966@O"/2097@O"/2098h@N"/2099@N"/1562@N"/5088@N"/5087~@N"/5337@N"/1558.@N"/ 829@N / 5270@ M"/5269J@ M"/5268@ M"/5267.@M"/5546"@M"/5545Z@M"/5278b@M"/5277@M"/5276@ L"/2084.@M"/2087f@M"/2086<@M"/2085@M"/ 5250$@ L"/5249@ L"/2082@ L"/2078@ L"/2079D@L"/2081@L"/2083@L"/2080@L"/2077Z@L"/5246@L"/5245@L"/2075@L"/2073*@L"/2074@ J"/2072 @ J"/2076@ J"/6019@ J"/6020@J"/2069B@J"/2068@J"/2070@J"/6206@J"/LVAL d l f r&The transit vehicle shall exchange current vehicle location and motion information with other vehicles in the vicinityThe center shall receive information from Traffic Operations concerning road network conditions, incidents, and other impacts to the road network.The center shall monitor real time location of demand response vehicles.The center shall collect the log of passenger boardings and alightings from the paratransit vehicles.The center shall disseminate up-to-date schedules and route information to other centers for demand responsive transit services (paratransit).The center shall exchange information with Maintenance and Construction Operations concerning work zones, roadway conditions, asset restrictions, work plans, etc.The center shall dispatch demand response (paratransit) transit vehicles.The center shall generate demand response transit (including paratransit) routes and schedules based on such factors as parameters input by the system operator, what other demand responsive transit schedules have been planned, the availability and location of vehicles, the relevance of any fixed transit routes and schedules, road network information, and incident information.The center shall monitor the operational status of the demand response vehicles including status of passenger pick-up and drop-off.The center shall process trip requests for demand responsive transit services, i.e. paratransit. Sources of the requests may include traveler information service providers.The transit vehicle shall receive transit stop requests from Transit OperationsThe transit vehicle shall receive transit stop requests from travelers.The transit vehicle shall send the transit vehicle trip monitoring data to center-based trip monitoring functions.The transit vehicle shall record transit trip monitoring data including operational status information such as doors open/closed, running times, etc.LVAL & V $zHThe transit vehicle shall notify the Transit Vehicle Operator that a pedestrian has requested via an electronic device to board the transit vehicle at the stop the transit vehicle is approaching.The transit vehicle shall notify the Transit Vehicle Operator of pedestrians that are in a position that is likely to result in a collision with the transit vehicle.The transit vehicle shall be able to identify that a pedestrian has indicated a desire to board the transit vehicle.The transit vehicle shall be able to identify the presence of pedestrians near the vehicle using location information received from pedestrian devices.The vehicle shall be able to broadcast transit vehicle behavioral information (pulling out, about to stop, etc. to other vehicles in the vicinityThe transit vehicle shall be able to identify if another vehicles is pulling in front of the it to make a right turn using location information received from other vehicles.The transit vehicle shall provide a warning to the transit vehicle operator if a nearby vehicle is a collision threat as the transit vehicle prepares to leave a stop or station.The transit vehicle shall provide to other vehicles an indication of its intent to leave a transit stop.The transit vehicle shall provide the capability to log passenger boardings and alightings and make passenger use data available to the transit center.The transit vehicle shall provide the transit vehicle operator instructions about the demand responsive or flexible-route transit schedule that has been confirmed from the center.The transit vehicle shall receive the status of demand responsive or flexible-route transit schedules and passenger loading from the transit vehicle operator.The transit vehicle shall manage data input to sensor(s) on-board a transit vehicle to determine the vehicle's availability for use in demand responsive and flexible-route transit services based on identity, type, and passenger capacity.LVAL h:  " The center shall monitor incident response performance and calculate incident response and clearance times.The center shall coordinate planning for incidents with emergency management centers - including pre-planning activities for disaster response, evacuation, and recovery operations.The center shall exchange alert information and status with emergency management centers. The information includes notification of a major emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil emergency, or child abduction for distribution to the public. The information may include the alert originator, the nature of the emergency, the geographic area affected by the emergency, the effective time period, and information and instructions necessary for the public to respond to the alert. This may also identify specific information that should not be released to the public.The center shall aggregate collected traffic probe data, calculate route segment travel times, route segment speeds, route usage, and road weather information for dissemination to other centers.The center shall collect probe data from toll administrative centers containing travel times between toll collection points for those vehicles equipped for electronic toll collection; the data may be aggregated and processed at the sending center.The center shall collect road condition data from probe-equipped transit vehicles via transit management centers; the data may be aggregated and preliminarily processed at the sending center.The center shall collect environmental probe data (air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, traction control status, etc.) from appropriately equipped vehicles and short range communications equipment.The center shall collect traffic probe data (speeds, travel times, etc.) from appropriately equipped vehicles and short range communications equipment.The vehicle shall be able to acquire transit vehicle trajectory information.LVAL  p4~lThe vehicle shall receive formatted traffic information from a center and present it to the driver.The center shall receive inputs from emergency management and transit management centers to develop an overall status of the transportation system including emergency transit schedules in effect and current status and condition of the transportation infrastructure.The center shall coordinate information and controls with other traffic management centers.The center shall exchange road network status assessment information with emergency management and maintenance centers including an assessment of damage sustained by the road network including location and extent of the damage, estimate of remaining capacity, required closures, alternate routes, necessary restrictions, and time frame for repair and recovery.The center shall provide road network conditions and traffic images to emergency management centers, maintenance and construction centers, and traveler information service providers.The center shall receive inputs concerning upcoming events that would effect the traffic network from event promoters, traveler information service providers, media, border crossings, and rail operations centers.The center shall share resources with allied agency centers to implement special traffic control measures, assist in clean up, verify an incident, etc. This may also involve coordination with maintenance centers.The center shall exchange incident information with emergency management centers, maintenance and construction centers, transit centers, information service providers, and the media including description, location, traffic impact, status, expected duration, and response information.The center shall support requests from emergency management centers to remotely control sensor and surveillance equipment located in the field, provide special routing for emergency vehicles, and to provide responding emergency vehicles with signal preemption.LVALN X . t L ,RnThe personal traveler interface shall receive wide-area alerts and present it to the traveler.The personal traveler interface shall receive evacuation information from a center and present it to the traveler.The personal traveler interface shall receive event information from a center and present it to the traveler.The personal traveler interface shall receive transit information from a center and present it to the traveler.The personal traveler interface shall receive traffic information from a center and present it to the traveler.The vehicle shall present traffic regulation information to the driver when the driver is in a condition where the regulation is relevant.The vehicle shall receive traffic regulation information from the center and validate that the information originated with the traffic regulatory entity with authority over the region the regulation applies.The Vehicle shall receive traveler information from Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The vehicle shall provide eco-driving recommendations to the driver.The vehicle shall receive border clearance information and present it to driver.The vehicle shall present information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.The vehicle shall support driver input in audio or manual form.The vehicle shall prioritize safety and warning messages to supersede advisory and broadcast messages.The vehicle shall provide data from the vehicle itself to the driver. This vehicle data may include vehicle conditions, environmental conditions, safety or position warnings.The vehicle shall receive wide-area alerts and present it to the driver.The vehicle shall receive evacuation information from a center and present it to the driver.The vehicle shall receive event information from a center and present it to the driver.The vehicle shall receive transit information from a center and present it to the driver.LVAL VF : B 0The vehicle shall base requests from the driver on the vehicle's current location, and filter the provided information accordingly.The vehicle shall prioritize safety and warning messages to supersede advisory and broadcast messages.The vehicle shall accept reservations for yellow pages services, non-motorized transportation information and event information.The vehicle shall provide the capability of translating signage for presentation to the driver, including fixed signage, situational messages, or work zone intrusion messages.The vehicle shall collect vehicle data and present it to the driver (including vehicle conditions, environmental conditions, safety and position warnings, and enhanced vision images) upon request.The vehicle shall receive event information from a center and present it to the driver upon request.The vehicle shall receive yellow pages information (such as lodging, restaurants, theaters, and other tourist activities) from a center and present it to the driver upon request.The vehicle shall receive travel alerts from a center and present them to the driver. Relevant alerts are provided based on pre-supplied trip characteristics and preferences.The vehicle shall receive formatted traffic and travel advisories from a center and present them to the driver upon request.The personal traveler interface shall present traffic regulation information to the traveler when the traveler is in a condition where the regulation is relevant.The personal traveler interface shall receive traffic regulation information from the center and validate that the information originated with the traffic regulatory entity with authority over the region the regulation applies.The personal traveler interface shall present information to the traveler in audible or visual forms, consistent with a personal device.The personal traveler interface shall support traveler input in audio or manual form.LVAL 6 | J  ($vThe center shall disseminate customized weather information to travelers upon request.The center shall disseminate customized toll fee information to travelers upon request.The center shall disseminate customized parking information to travelers, including location, availability, and fees upon request.The center shall disseminate customized transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information to travelers upon request.The center shall disseminate customized maintenance and construction information to travelers, including scheduled maintenance and construction work activities and work zone activities upon request.The center shall disseminate customized traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes upon request.The vehicle shall receive information on available parking including available spaces with associated information about parking restrictions and location for each available space.The vehicle shall receive wide-area alerts from the center and present it to the traveler.The vehicle shall receive information on evacuation resources including self-evacuation options, anticipated pickup time and location if a transportation asset is to be deployed, destination shelter, and supporting information on what to bring, estimated reentry date/time, from a center and present it to the traveler.The vehicle shall present information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.The vehicle shall support driver input in audio or manual form.The vehicle shall accept personal preferences, recurring trip characteristics, and traveler alert subscription information from the driver and send this information to a center to support customized traveler information services.[T)}R'  T ) } R ' { P %  T )  T ) }R'{P%yN#wL!uJsHqHqF2186\@["/2185@["/2187@["/2188>@ Z"/5244@ Z"/52432@ Z"/5242@Z"/5241@Z"/5178@Z"/255@Z /5179@Z"/5001@ Y"/ 5385P@Z"/ 5230@Z"/ 2182@Z"/ 2178V@Z"/ 2181Z@Y"/2177@Y"/2180@Y"/2221@Y"/2175p@Y"/2179f@Y"/2183H@Y"/5239@Y"/2184@Y"/ 2167 @ X"/ 2165@ X"/2166@ X"/2174d@ X"/2173@X"/2164@X"/2168@X"/2170@X"/2171@X"/2172@X"/5386@X"/5240@X"/2159@X"/2160@ V"/2161,@W"/2162:@W"/2163@W"/2153@W"/2156|@W"/2155@W"/2154D@W"/2151@W"/2150@ V"/2149@V"/2148@V"/2147@V"/2152H@V"/5003@V"/5005@V"/5006@V"/256@V /5004@V"/5148 @U"/5002@ U"/258@ U /254@ U /253@ U /6084@ U"/6083@U"/6082@U"/6216@U"/5083@U"/6143^@U"/6142"@U"/5090|@U"/6141@U"/6140@U"/5201p@ T"/2133 @ T"/2146@ T"/2131@ T"/2132@T"/526@T / 2134@T"/ 525@T / 2135@T"/ 2136@T"/ 2137@T"/2138@T"/2145@T"/2139@ R"/2130@ R"/2140@ R"/2141l@R"/2142@R"/2143@R"/LVAL \ j l:hj^The center shall disseminate customized freight information to travelers, including truck routes, permit information, truck stops, inspection stations, steep grades, high-profile vehicle advisories. Information provided includes freight-related road and weather conditions, parking information, and route plans.The center shall support requests for traveler information and advanced payment for traveler services from commercial fleet operators.The center shall provide the capability for a system operator to control the type and update frequency of traveler information.The center shall provide the capability to support requests from the media for traffic and incident data.The center shall provide the capability to exchange information with another traveler information service provider current or predicted data for road links that are outside the area served by the local supplier.The center shall provide park and ride space information to travelers.The center shall manage payment for services, such as tolls, transit fares, parking lot charges, map updates, and advanced payment for tolls, and provide transaction success or failure details.The center shall accept requests for parking space information from travelers.The center shall accept traveler profiles for determining the type of personalized data to send to the traveler.The center shall provide all traveler information based on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter or customize the provided information accordingly.The center shall disseminate customized air quality information to travelers upon request.The center shall disseminate customized event information to travelers upon request.The center shall disseminate customized multimodal transportation service information (for example, from ferry and airline operators), including transfer points and other information, to travelers upon request. LVALDD " : n&B6As part of speed harmonization, the field element shall send suggested speed per lane to the RSE for transmittal to connected vehiclesThe field element shall measure border wait times using the data collected from vehicles and associated equipment.The field element shall collect vehicle credentials information as vehicles approach a land border crossing to support the determination that a vehicle is in compliance with border crossing regulations.The field element shall collect border clearance data from systems at the border to support planning and research activities, including Number of people (passengers, drivers, and vehicle operators), Number of vehicles, and Types of Goods.The field element shall collect traffic conditions data from vehicles acting as probes operating near a land border crossing.The field element shall provide collected vehicle situation and local sensor data to data distribution centers.The field element shall collect sensor data from ITS Roadway Equipment.The field element shall provide data collection parameters to vehicles.The field element shall collect provide vehicle situation data to a center for archival.The field element shall collect traffic-related data including snapshots of measured speed and heading and events including starts and stops, speed changes, and other vehicle control from vehicles.The Vehicle shall provide data to Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment. in accordance with data collection parameters provided by Centers/Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Vehicle shall provide data to Centers in accordance with data collection parameters provided by Centers/Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The vehicle shall provide traffic-related data including snapshots of measured speed and heading and events including starts and stops, speed changes, and other vehicle control from vehicle.The Vehicle shall collect data collection parameters from Centers.The Vehicle shall obtain data collection parameters from Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.4LVAL D XXThe center shall package data concerning commercial vehicle safety and credentials into profiles (detailed and historical data).The roadside check facility equipment at a border crossing shall request and input the electronic cargo lock data from approaching commercial vehicles to compare against the data received from the center.The roadside check facility equipment at a border crossing shall request and input the border clearance data from approaching commercial vehicles to compare against the data received from the center concerning compliance with import/export and immigration regulations.The roadside check facility equipment at a border crossing shall request and input the tag data from approaching commercial vehicles to determine the identity of the vehicle along with its carrier, driver, and a trip identity.The roadside check facility equipment at a border crossing shall receive the inspection results from the border inspection system to be used to screen the incoming commercial vehicles once they have cleared the border agency s inspection area.The roadside check facility equipment at a border crossing shall receive the border agency clearance results, transportation border clearance assessments, and trip declaration identifiers from the commercial vehicle administration center to be used to screen the incoming commercial vehicles.The border field equipment shall provide border crossing status information for traveler information service providers.The border field equipment shall provide border security information related events occurring at the border.The border field equipment shall provide border security information related events occurring at the border.The border field equipment shall collect traveler credentials information as travelers approach a land border crossing to support the determination that a traveler is in compliance with border crossing regulations.The border field equipment shall provide border wait time data for traffic management centers.TLVALX  ~rThe center shall package data concerning commercial vehicle safety and credentials into snapshots (top-level summary and critical status information).The center shall exchange safety and credentials data among other commercial vehicle administration centers, including border clearance status, credentials information, credentials status information, driver records, accident reports, permit information, and safety status information.The center shall exchange information with roadside check facilities, including credentials and credentials status information, safety status information, daily site activity data, driver records, and citations.The center shall receive and store border clearance event data from the roadside check facilities that are located near border crossings.The center shall provide border clearance status concerning commercial vehicles and their shipments to the roadside check facilities, the commercial vehicle fleet and freight management centers, intermodal freight shippers, other commercial vehicle administration centers, and border inspection administration centers.The center shall provide an assessment regarding a commercial vehicle and driver at a border crossing. The assessment or clearance data will be forwarded on to the appropriate regulatory agencies and roadside check facilities operating at the border crossing.The center shall receive domestic transportation and declaration information from Border Inspection Administration Agencies such as U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and their counterparts in Canada and Mexico.The roadside check facility equipment at a border crossing shall send clearance event data regarding action taken at a border to the commercial vehicle administration center and to the commercial vehicle. This may include a date/time stamped acceptance or override of system decisions whether to allow release of the vehicle and its cargo.LVAL  $ ` ppfThe center shall monitor the condition of the commercial vehicle and driver using wireless communications at identified trigger areas.The center shall manage and distribute information about trigger areas where wireless inspections will occur.The center shall support carrier enrollment in wireless roadside inspection programs.The center shall provide the capability for the commercial fleet management center to report required commercial vehicle repairs and other corrections of identified deficiencies.The center shall manage the citation records and provide the citations to enforcement agencies and the commercial fleet management center.The center shall receive citation records from roadside check facilities.The center shall provide commercial vehicle accident reports to enforcement agencies and the commercial fleet management center.The center shall notify enforcement agencies of commercial vehicle safety violations by individual commercial vehicles, drivers, or carriers.The center shall collect and review safety inspection reports and violations from the roadside check facilities and pass on appropriate portions to other commercial vehicle administrative centers and commercial vehicle fleet operators.The center shall provide commercial vehicle safety and security data to roadside check facilities.The center shall inform fleet and freight management when certain geographic areas and time periods have been identified for screening and commercial vehicle enforcement. These trigger areas may be shared with the centers or with the field.The center shall provide commercial vehicle credentials and safety status information to authorized requestors such as insurance agencies.The center shall provide reports to the commercial vehicle fleet manager regarding fleet activity through roadside facilities including accident reports, citations, credentials status information, driver records, and safety status information.LVAL b  D@The center shall provide traveler data to allow recognition of travelers.The roadside check facility equipment shall send a pass/pull-in notification to the commercial vehicle and its driver based on the information received from the vehicle, the administration center, enforcement agencies, and the inspector. The message may be sent to the on-board equipment in the commercial vehicle or transmitted to the driver using equipment such as dynamic message signs, red-green lights, flashing signs, etc.The roadside check facility equipment shall collect safety data from the commercial vehicle and its freight equipment.The roadside check facility equipment shall request and input electronic screening data from the commercial vehicle's electronic tag data.The roadside check facility equipment shall receive information about a breach or tamper event on a commercial vehicle or its attached freight equipment which includes identity, type of breach, location, and time.The roadside check facility equipment shall provide an interface to inspectors in the field to allow them to monitor and if necessary override the pull-in decisions made by the system.The roadside check facility equipment shall receive commercial vehicle violation records and carriers, vehicles, and drivers of interest from appropriate law enforcement agencies.The roadside check facility equipment shall receive the credential and credentials status information (e.g. snapshots) from the commercial vehicle administration center to maintain an up to date list of which vehicles have been cleared (enrolled) to potentially pass through without stopping.The roadside check facility equipment shall differentiate between different types of vehicles and determine the number of axles, gross vehicle weight, and the identification of the vehicle and its cargo.The roadside check facility equipment shall detect the presence of commercial vehicles and freight equipment approaching a facility.lLVAL  R LThe commercial vehicle shall receive pass/pull-in messages from the roadside check facilities and present them to the driver in either audible or visual forms.The center shall exchange border manifest data with the border crossing field equipment.The center shall provide the appropriate commercial vehicle administration center with the arrivals of freight and commercial vehicles crossing a border.The center shall provide fleet and freight management centers with the results of the clearance processing, including the updated manifest.The center shall collect border inspection results from the field.The center shall collect information on Port of Entry, date, and other information on carrier and goods.The center shall provide the collected border activities statistics data to archived data and planning systems.The center shall process cargo manifest data from freight distribution and logistics centers to clear cargo for crossing the border.The roadside check facility equipment shall send an alarm to the appropriate emergency management center when it has determined there has been a container breach or tamper event on a commercial vehicle or its attached freight equipment which includes identity, type of breach, location, and time.The roadside check facility equipment element shall alert the emergency management center about a Commercial Vehicle or Freight Equipment breach, non-permitted security sensitive hazmat detected at the roadside, route deviation, or Driver-Vehicle-Freight assignment mismatches which includes the location of the Commercial Vehicle and appropriate identities.The roadside check facility equipment shall send a record of daily activities at the facility including summaries of screening events and inspections to the commercial vehicle administration center.The roadside check facility equipment shall verify that pull-in requests are heeded by drivers, notifying the facility operator if a vehicle fails to pull in as requested.LVAL . * T 4H>The onboard freight device shall provide the container identification and location upon request as it approaches a terminal facility.The onboard freight device shall determine its location and status including container location and empty/full status.The field element shall forward the collected vehicle information to commercial vehicle check facilities.The field element shall receive container manifest data and status of the electronic seal on a container.The field element shall send the roadside safety inspections record to commercial vehicle administration operations.The field element shall send a pass/pull-in notification to the commercial vehicle and its driver based on the information received from the vehicle and the measurements taken.The field element shall forward the collected vehicle information to commercial vehicle administration centers.The field element shall communicate with approaching properly equipped commercial vehicles at mainline speeds for automated vehicle identification and credential checking.The vehicle shall receive international border clearance information pertaining to the vehicle or traveler.The commercial vehicle shall support an interface to a commercial vehicle driver that is also acting in the role of a commercial vehicle fleet manager to set up routes, pay necessary taxes, obtain proper credentials, and write the identifiers to the electronic tag for the driver, vehicle, and carrier.The commercial vehicle shall respond to requests to provide the identity, status and other information from the electronic cargo lock tag, if so equipped, to roadside check facilities, including border crossings.The commercial vehicle shall respond to requests to provide data accumulated on-board the vehicle to roadside check facilities for inspection including driver logs, electronic identifiers, credentials, border clearance data, and other screening data such as cargo status, hazmat identifiers, out of service status, vehicle axle weight, vehicle weight, and time.[T)}R' { P % y N # w L ! u J  s H  uL#V+T)}R'{P%yN#wL!uJ2242f@d"/2237@d"/2233<@d"/22404@d"/2238@d"/2239@d"/ 5375@d"/ 2224@d"/ 2225@d"/2227@c"/2223@c"/2220@c"/2222.@c"/2219b@c"/2226z@c"/2228@c"/2229@c"/5173P@ b"/2218@ b"/2214j@ b"/2213@b"/22176@b"/2216@b"/2215"@b"/ 5504@b"/5290@b"/2209@b"/2207@b"/2208p@b"/2203B@ a"/2206@a"/2202f@a"/2205>@a"/5320@a"/5319 @a"/5316@a"/5315@a"/5314@a"/5194~@a"/999@ ` /712 @ ` /711@ ` /710@ ` /709l@` /708@` / 707@` / 705x@` / 998@` / 5388@`"/ 5387@`"/5197@`"/2198@`"/2196~@ _"/2197P@ _"/5232"@_"/2201@_"/2199@_"/2200@_"/6280R@_"/6281"@_"/6283@_"/5340@_"/53412@_"/5233@ ^"/ 5225@^"/ 5339n@^"/ 5212@^"/ 5338@^"/ 5195D@^"/5170n@^"/21924@^"/2190@^"/2189@^"/2191X@]"/2195r@]"/2193,@]"/2194@]"/5348@]"/5235@]"/5223B@]"/5234d@]"/5172@]"/5346 @ ["/5345@ ["/5374@ ["/5229@["/5189@["/5176`@["/5175@["/5174V@["/5008@["/LVAL  \ 4>The center shall monitor the locations and progress of commercial vehicles against their planned routes and raise appropriate warnings based on route monitoring parameters.The center shall support an interface with a map update provider, or other appropriate data sources, through which updates of digitized map data can be obtained and used as the background for commercial vehicle fleet administration - includes commercial vehicle specific data such as route or HAZMAT restrictions.The center shall obtain and manage commercial vehicle routes for its fleet of vehicles, taking into account route restrictions, advance payment of tolls, HAZMAT restrictions, current traffic and road conditions, and incident information provided by traveler information systems.The center shall send data concerning enrollment of commercial vehicles for electronic clearance and tax filing to the appropriate commercial vehicle administration center. The data may include driver and vehicle identification, safety inspections/status, carrier credentials, related citations, and accident information.The onboard freight device shall be able to determine when a container is empty and ready for pickup to support load matching services.The onboard freight device shall provide status of the freight to the attached commercial vehicle or fleet and freight management, indicating the internal temperature, humidity, power and battery levels.The onboard freight device shall provide status of the electronic seal on a container to the attached commercial vehicle, nearby emergency vehicle, fleet/freight management, or roadside equipment upon request indicating sealing time, location, and authority, and any openings or tampering.The onboard freight device shall monitor the operating status of the container or other freight equipment, including the internal temperature, humidity, power and battery levels.The onboard freight device shall provide freight equipment location and status of the freight, container, or chassis equipment.LVAL 6| H Z2The center shall provide routes to its fleet of vehicles, taking into account route restrictions, advance payment of tolls, HAZMAT restrictions, current traffic and road conditions, and incident information.The center shall provide the appropriate emergency management center with information about a Commercial Vehicle or Freight Equipment breach, non-permitted security sensitive hazmat detected at the roadside, route deviation, or Commercial Vehicle Driver / Commercial Vehicle / Freight Equipment assignment mismatches which includes the location of the Commercial Vehicle and appropriate identities.The center shall collect environmental probe data (air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, traction control status, etc.) from appropriately equipped commercial vehiclesThe center shall coordinate intermodal load-matching information including availability of a container, container capacity, available truck, equipment, for use in load matching between peer systems.The center shall collect road weather conditions data and advisories from other centers.The center shall send data to its commercial vehicles including dispatch, routing, trigger areas, and special instructions, including alerts and other advisories.The center shall provide fleet status information including safety status, routing information, current vehicle information, and emergency information to commercial vehicle operators.The center shall monitor geographic trigger areas for wireless roadside inspection programs and distribute the trigger areas to their commercial vehicles.The center shall access driver records from the appropriate commercial vehicle administration center and use the records to support pre-hiring checks for potential drivers and monitor the performance of each driver hired.The center shall coordinate the response to security incidents and the sharing of security threat information involving commercial vehicles with other agencies including emergency management centers and alerting/advisory systems.LVAL  x LThe commercial vehicle shall provide on-board vehicle data to the commercial vehicle fleet management center upon request - includes location, credentials, driver license citations, fuel purchase data, identity details, inspection data, log data, service records, safety systems diagnostics, and freight equipment data.The commercial vehicle shall maintain the driver's daily log, vehicle location, mileage, and trip activity (includes screening, inspection and border clearance event data as well as fare payments) and distribute it to the driver and to the commercial vehicle fleet management center upon request.The commercial vehicle shall warn the commercial vehicle fleet management center when the vehicle's location has deviated from its planned route.The commercial vehicle shall provide warnings to the driver when the vehicle's location has deviated from its planned route.The commercial vehicle shall provide details of the route to the driver as received from the commercial vehicle fleet management center.The commercial vehicle shall compute the location of the commercial vehicle and its freight equipment based on inputs from commercial vehicle measures (e.g. identity, distance traveled, etc.) and a positioning system.The center shall report required commercial vehicle repairs and other corrections of identified deficiencies to the appropriate commercial vehicle administration center.The center shall monitor the status of its fleet, including vehicles and freight equipment, for maintenance issues or repairs that may be needed.The center shall maintain records of the mileage and time in service of its fleet of vehicles and freight equipment.The center shall provide warnings and advisories to commercial vehicle drivers concerning road conditions and weather events.The center shall use collected environmental probe data from vehicles and other centers to determine when weather conditions may affect fleet activities.jLVAL 2|  &N(bXThe vehicle shall determine the roadway's size characteristics (clearance height, width, geometry).The vehicle shall determine the location of the vehicle relative to the location of the size-restricted or weight restricted roadway.The vehicle shall determine the roadway's size characteristics (clearance height, width, geometry).The vehicle shall determine the host vehicle's physical size characteristics (height, width).The vehicle shall determine the host vehicle's weight.The vehicle shall calculate whether or not the vehicle is at risk of entering the weight-restricted roadway.The vehicle shall calculate whether or not the vehicle is at risk of crash by entering the size-restricted roadway.The vehicle shall warn the driver of a potential crash due to overheight/overwidth, sufficiently before the potential crash's occurrence that the driver may take action to avoid the crash.The vehicle shall warn the driver of a vehicle whose weight exceeds the weight limit for a bridge or roadway sufficiently before entering the bridge or roadway so that the driver may take action to avoid going on the road segment for which the vehicle is overweight.The commercial vehicle shall transmit environmental probe data to the center along with location and timestamp information.The commercial vehicle shall collect and process environmental sensor data, including air temperature and rain sensors.The commercial vehicle shall receive customized traveler information from traveler information centers to include truck routes, permit information, truck stops, inspection stations, steep grades, high-profile vehicle advisories, etc. Information provided includes freight-related road and weather conditions, parking information, and route plans.The commercial vehicle shall maintain the interface between the vehicle, its driver, and the commercial vehicle fleet management center for dispatch, routing, and special instructions as well as payment, and enrollment information.RLVAL ` V h*tThe commercial vehicle shall provide information concerning a breach or tamper event on a commercial vehicle or its attached freight equipment to roadside check facilities and to the commercial fleet management center, the information includes identity, type of breach, location, and time.The commercial vehicle shall monitor on-board systems pertaining to the safety and security of the vehicle, its driver, and its cargo/freight equipment; and provide the information to the driver, roadside check facilities, and commercial fleet management centers.The commercial vehicle shall respond to requests to provide on-board safety inspection data to roadside check facilities including vehicle identification, driver logs, and characteristics data for initiating safety and security checking. Results of the inspection are read back into the on-board equipment.The commercial vehicle shall receive pass/pull-in messages from the roadside check facilities and present them to the driver in either audible or visual forms.The center shall indicate when collected data is older than a prescribed threshold with respect to a current operation.The center shall collect metadata for road conditions information that includes the date and time when the information was generated.The center shall provide traveler information for freight routes from source to destination, customized for freight users to indicate truck routes, truck stops, inspection stations, steep grades, etc.The center shall provide an interface to allow operators to identify roadway links as part of a key freight route.The center shall indicate the area covered by the freight traveler information service.The center shall provide customized traveler information for freight users to include truck routes, permit information, truck stops, inspection stations, steep grades, high-profile vehicle advisories, etc. Information provided includes freight-related road and weather conditions, parking information, and route plans.LVAL  zThe roadside check facility equipment shall notify the enforcement agency of a violation describing the statute or regulation that was violated and how it was violated.The roadside check facility equipment shall read the driver identification card provided by the commercial vehicle driver and support cross-check of the identification data with driver records.The roadside check facility equipment shall collect safety data from the commercial vehicle and its freight equipment to help characterize the circumstances surrounding an accident.The roadside check facility equipment shall receive driver records from the commercial vehicle administration center to support driver identification and collection of driver credentials and history information.The roadside check facility equipment shall forward results of the roadside inspections to the commercial vehicle administration center either as needed or on a periodic basis. These reports include accident reports, violation notifications, citations, and daily site activity logs.The roadside check facility equipment shall provide an interface for an inspector to add comments to the inspection results.The roadside check facility equipment shall record the results of roadside inspections carried using an inspector's hand held terminal interface.The commercial vehicle shall provide infrastructure restriction warnings to the driver based upon information received from roadside equipment.The commercial vehicle shall record the results of roadside safety inspections.The commercial vehicle shall provide safety information at predetermined trigger areas using wireless communications.The commercial vehicle shall provide information about previous attempts to disable the commercial vehicle to roadside check facilities.The commercial vehicle shall provide expected driver identity characteristics (e.g., PIN codes and biometric data) to roadside check facilities to support safety and security checking.BLVALnt j|`The roadside check facility equipment shall read the driver identification card provided by the commercial vehicle driver and support cross-check of the identification data with driver records.The roadside check facility equipment shall read expected driver identity characteristics (e.g., PIN codes and biometric data) from the commercial vehicle equipment to support safety and security checking.The roadside check facility equipment shall receive driver records, accident reports, and citation records from the commercial vehicle administration center to support driver identification and access to driver credentials and history information.The roadside check facility equipment shall send a pass/pull-in notification to the commercial vehicle and its driver based on the information received from the vehicle, the administration center, and the inspector. The message may be sent to the on-board equipment in the commercial vehicle or transmitted to the driver using equipment such as dynamic message signs, red-green lights, flashing signs, etc.The roadside check facility equipment shall request and input electronic safety data from the commercial vehicle's electronic tag data. This includes identities, driver logs, on-board safety data, safety inspection records, commercial vehicle breach information, as well as freight equipment information.The roadside check facility equipment shall provide an interface to inspectors in the field to update safety inspection data including overrides to the pull-in decisions made by the system.The roadside check facility equipment shall receive the safety and security inspection and status information from the commercial vehicle administration center to include information such as safety ratings, inspection summaries, and violation summaries.The roadside check facility equipment shall receive information concerning commercial vehicles and freight equipment approaching a facility that are being pulled in for safety and security inspections.LVAL  ^ *|The center shall manage driver licensing for commercial vehicle drivers.The center shall provide an interface with commercial vehicle fleet and freight management centers to exchange audit and compliance review reports.The center shall use information on asset restrictions received from maintenance centers to develop the commercial vehicle route restrictions and process credentials applications.The center shall provide route restrictions information, including hazmat restrictions, to other centers and agencies for distribution to commercial vehicle operators. These centers and agencies may include commercial fleet and freight management operators, traveler information centers, digital map update providers, and other commercial vehicle administration centers.The center shall exchange credentials and tax information with other commercial vehicle administration centers, either other states or the federal government.The center shall process requests for payments of electronic credentials and tax filing, maintaining an interface to a Financial Institution as necessary.The center shall manage the filing of appropriate taxes for the operation of commercial vehicles.The center shall manage electronic credentials filing and processing for commercial vehicles.The roadside check facility equipment shall monitor the safety of commercial vehicles that have been remotely disabled, based on mismatched identities, or other situations as directed by commercial vehicle fleet management and the appropriate emergency management center.The roadside check facility equipment shall support wireless roadside inspections that are conducted remotely, forwarding data provided by the commercial vehicle via Field-Vehicle communications to the center that performs the safety assessment.The roadside check facility equipment shall forward results of the roadside safety inspections to the commercial vehicle administration center. ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L ! u J  s H  qFoDmBk@i>g<e:c8  2266&@m"/ 2267@m"/ 2265&@l"/2273@l"/2275@l"/2274T@l"/2268@l"/2272X@l"/2269@l"/2270t@ k"/2271^@k"/2264x@k"/2261Z@k"/2263L@k"/2262@k"/6006@k"/6003@k"/6004@k"/ 6005@k"/ 2249@ i"/ 2250:@j"/ 2248l@j"/ 2251@j"/2260@j"/2256|@j"/2255@j"/2254@j"/22530@i"/2252f@i"/2257P@i"/2258@i"/ 6295@i"/ 6294@i"/ 6293@i"/ 6292 @i"/5969@i"/5968@h"/5966@h"/5970@h"/5967@h"/5393@h"/5392@h"/5104@h"/6021@ h"/6022|@ h"/6126@ h"/6059@ h"/5912@ h"/5914@h"/5913@h"/5908@h"/5909@h"/5910@h"/5911@h"/5934t@h"/5933@h"/5935x@h"/5936@g"/5932@g"/6291@g"/6290@g"/6289@ g"/6288@ g"/6287@ g"/6286@ g"/6224@ g"/ 6060@g"/ 6063@g"/6064@g"/6061@g"/6062@g"/2245@g"/2243&@g"/2244@g"/2246@g"/2247r@ f"/5900@ f"/5899@ f"/5901@ f"/5896@f"/5902@f"/5898@f"/5897@f"/ 2241@f"/ 2232@f"/ 2231@f"/ 2230@ d"/ 2234@@f"/2236"@f"/2235&@ d"/LVAL B T h ~@:The field element shall monitor the operational status (state of the device, configuration, and fault data) of connected sensors (such as traffic, infrastructure, environmental, security, speed) and devices (such as highway advisory radio, dynamic message signs, automated roadway treatment systems, barrier and safeguard systems, cameras, traffic signals, ramp meters, short range communications equipment, security surveillance equipment).The Center shall accept information from other Centers that indicates which Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment needs maintenance.The Center shall be capable of installing software applications on Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Center shall track the status of Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment maintenance actions.The Center shall be capable of modifying the operational status of Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Center shall request Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment maintenance actions from other responsible centers.The Center shall be capable of modifying the operational status of Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment applications.The Center shall be capable of monitoring the operational status of Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment applications.The center shall issue special Oversize/Overweight and HAZMAT permits in coordination with other cognizant authorities.The center shall process requests for review of carrier and driver status.The center shall enroll carriers in commercial vehicle programs and support user account management.The center shall receive and store information on commercial vehicle violations from enforcement agencies as part of the processing of credentials applications.The center shall provide credentials information about commercial vehicle operators and carriers to authorized requestors, including roadside check stations that determine when a vehicle should be pulled-in based on their credentials and their actual load/freight contents.LVAL2^ P * L x>NdxThe Center shall provide a response to the requesting Center identifying the validity and status of the permission request.The Center shall provide valid user permission information to the CCMSThe center shall support peer-to-peer communications with other regional centers to support operational data sharing.The center shall maintain a catalog of available data that can be accessed by users of the data subscription service.The center shall be capable of collecting data from other centers to be used as part of the data subscription service. The center shall allow center personnel to manage the subscription service. The center shall be able to send data to users based upon a set of rules governing the data subscription service.The center shall allow users to sign up for a data subscription service to access data held by the center.The center shall support peer-to-peer communications with other regional centers to support operational data sharing.The field element shall implement configuration commands received from authorized Field Support Equipment.The field element shall implement operational status commands received from authorized Field Support Equipment.The field element shall implement operational status commands received from an authorized Center.The field element shall implement configuration commands received from an authorized Center.The field element shall provide operational status information to the Service Monitor.The field element shall include a local interface that allows field personnel to command diagnostic tests on connected field equipment.The field element shall include a local interface that provides operational status and fault data for connected field equipment to field personnel.The field element shall send collected fault data to the maintenance center for repair.The field element shall send operational status of connected field equipment to the maintenance center.LVAL0l  T ,n .The field element shall be capable of monitoring the operational status of Connected Vehicle Roadside EquipmentThe field element shall be capable of determining the configuration of Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The field element shall be capable of installing software applications on Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The field element shall be capable of modifying the configuration of Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The field element shall provide an interface with other field equipment to install updates or configure field operations.The field element shall provide the capability for field personnel to locally control and configure this equipment.The field element shall collect diagnostic information from other field equipment.The Personal Device shall provide its identification information to the Center.The Personal Device shall request permissions from the Center.The Vehicle shall provide its identification information to the Center.The field element shall provide its identification information to the Center.The Center shall accept permissions requests from Personal Devices.The Center shall notify the Personal Device of the status of its permission request.The Center shall maintain the status of Personal Device permission requests.The Center shall request permissions for itself from a center authorized to manage those permissions.The Center shall request permissions for devices it manages from a center authorized to manage those permissions.The Center shall acquire device identification information from devices it manages.The Center shall manage the device permission request process on behalf of the devices it manages.The Center shall accept permissions requests from Centers.The Center shall coordinate user permission information with other centers authorized to provide that information.The Center shall determine if a permission request is valid.LVAL ":  t dThe center shall report the status of field equipment maintenance activities to the centers that operate the equipment.The center shall provide emergency management and traffic management centers with information about scheduled maintenance and construction work activities including anticipated closures and impact to the roadway, alternate routes, anticipated delays, closure times, and durations.The center shall exchange information with administrative systems to support the planning and scheduling of maintenance activities. This information includes: equipment and consumables resupply purchase request status, personnel qualifications including training and special certifications, environmental regulations and rules that may impact maintenance activities, and requests and project requirements from contract administration.The center shall respond to requests from emergency management and traffic management centers for hazard removal, field equipment repair, and other roadway maintenance.The center shall maintain an interface with asset management systems to track the inventory, restrictions, repair needs and status updates of transportation assets (pavement, bridges, signs, etc.) including location, installation and materials information, vendor/contractor, current maintenance status, standard height, width, and weight restrictions.The field element shall collect diagnostic information from other field equipment. The field device shall be able to locally control and configure other field equipment to support on-site installation, repair, and maintenance.The field device shall provide an interface for field personnel to view outputs or provide inputs. The field device shall obtain diagnostic information from other field equipment in order to diagnose problems identified in the field equipment.The field element shall be capable of modifying the operational status of Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.LVALj DBThe center shall track the status of roadway maintenance and construction activities by monitoring collected data from the dispatched vehicles and equipment.The center shall manage an interface with center personnel to accept vehicle systems control information and remotely control maintenance and construction vehicle on-board equipment.The center shall dispatch and route maintenance and construction vehicle drivers and support them with route-specific environmental, incident, advisory, threat, alert, and traffic congestion information.The center shall collect current and forecast traffic and weather information from traffic management centers and weather service providers (such as the National Weather Service and value-added sector specific meteorological services).The center shall receive equipment availability and materials storage status information from storage facilities to support the scheduling of roadway maintenance and construction activities.The center shall collect the status and fault data from the centers that operate the equipment, including data for traffic, infrastructure, and environmental sensors, highway advisory radio and dynamic message signs, automated roadway treatment systems, barrier and safeguard systems, cameras, traffic signals and override equipment, ramp meters, short range communications equipment, security sensors and surveillance equipment, etc., and provide a cohesive view of equipment repair needs.The center shall collect the status and fault data from roadside equipment, such as traffic, infrastructure, and environmental sensors, highway advisory radio and dynamic message signs, automated roadway treatment systems, barrier and safeguard systems, cameras, traffic signals and override equipment, ramp meters, short range communications equipment, security sensors and surveillance equipment, etc., and provide a cohesive view of equipment repair needs.TLVAL \  f HvThe center shall exchange information with administrative systems to support the planning and scheduling of winter maintenance activities. This information includes: equipment and consumables resupply purchase request status, personnel qualifications including training and special certifications, environmental regulations and rules that may impact maintenance activities, and requests and project requirements from contract administration.The center shall respond to requests from emergency management and traffic management centers for hazard removal, field equipment repair, and other winter roadway maintenance.The center shall provide dispatch information to maintenance and construction vehicles based on the outputs of the decision support system, including recommended roadway treatment actions.The center shall provide an interface to the center personnel to input control parameters for the decision support process and receive decisions or information presentation.The center shall tailor the decision support information to include filtering (selection from a large amount of external information), error reduction ('smoothing' the information), fusion (combination of disparate information to match the decision needs), and analysis (creating the decision).The center shall provide the center personnel with tailored external information, including weather or road condition observations, forecasted weather information or road conditions, current usage of treatments and materials, available resources, equipment and vehicle availability, road network information, and source reliability information.The Center shall accept field equipment maintenance action requests from other centers.The Center shall accept information from other Centers that indicates which Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment needs maintenance.The Center shall track the status of field equipment maintenance actions.The Center shall provide the status of field maintenance actions to other centers.LVAL zThe center shall provide dispatch instructions for vehicle operators based on input parameters from center personnel, specifically for winter conditions. This could include a treatment route, treatment application rates, start and end times, and other treatment instructions.The center shall determine the need for roadway treatment based on current and forecasted weather information, current usage of treatments and materials, available resources, requests for action from other agencies, and recommendations from the Maintenance Decision Support system, specifically under winter conditions. This supports winter maintenance such as plowing, treating, anti-icing, etc.The center shall dispatch and route winter maintenance vehicle drivers and support them with route-specific environmental, incident, advisory, threat, alert, and traffic congestion information.The center shall collect real-time information on the state of the regional transportation system from other centers including current traffic and road conditions, weather conditions, special event and incident information and use the collected information to support winter maintenance operations.The center shall support an interface with a map update provider, or other appropriate data sources, through which updates of digitized map data can be obtained and used as a background for the scheduling of winter maintenance activities.The center shall receive equipment availability and materials storage status information from storage facilities to support the scheduling of winter maintenance activities.The center shall provide status information about scheduled winter maintenance activities including anticipated closures and impact to the roadway, alternate routes, anticipated delays, closure times, and durations. The information is provided to other management centers such as traffic, emergency, transit, traveler information providers, other maintenance centers, and the media.pLVAL> 0 L BThe maintenance and construction vehicle shall exchange operational and environmental data with other maintenance and construction vehicles. Operational data includes operational state of the maintenance equipment (e.g., blade up/down, spreader pattern, equipment configuration) and a record of the actual work performed while the environmental data includes environmental sensor data collected on-board a maintenance and construction vehicle, either raw or processed data.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall send operational data to the center including the operational state of the maintenance equipment (e.g., blade up/down, spreader pattern), types and quantities of materials used for construction and maintenance activities, and a record of the actual work performed.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall respond to dispatch information from the center, presented to the vehicle operator for acknowledgement and returning status.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall monitor materials information including remaining quantity and current application rate of materials on the vehicle.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall respond to control information from the center to allow remote operation of the on-board vehicle systems. These systems include winter maintenance equipment for plowing, treating, and anti-icing.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall track the location and status of safety systems on-board the vehicle.The center shall assess the current status of all winter maintenance activities, including actual work activities performed, current locations and operational conditions of vehicles, materials and equipment inventories, field equipment status, environmental information, etc.The center shall support remote control of on-board maintenance and construction vehicle systems and field equipment that is remotely controlled by the vehicle such as adjusting material application rates and spread patterns.*ZT)}R' { P % y N # w N % y N # } R ' {P%yN#wL!uJsHqFoDmB5923@ u"/5927@ u"/5926@ u"/5925@ u"/5928@u"/5922h@u"/5929|@u"/5921 @u"/5357@u"/5355@u"/5356@u"/5216F@u"/5218R@u"/2345@t"/2346@t"/2344Z@t"/2343@t"/5231@t"/2339@ s"/2340@s"/2341@s"/5447 @t"/2342@t"/2338@s"/2333@t"/6007@s"/2334@s"/2335@s"/2336~@s"/2337,@s"/5903z@s"/2330@ r"/2332@ r"/2331@ r"/2329@ r"/2328@ r"/2324@r"/2326@r"/2327@r"/ 54344@r"/ 2323@r"/ 2322@r"/ 2319@r"/ 2313@r"/2312@q"/2321@r"/2320@ q"/2318@ q"/2317t@ q"/2316@ q"/2315@ q"/2314V@q"/607\@q /605@q /604@q /2310@q"/2309@q"/2308\@q"/2307@q"/6217@q"/2301X@ p"/606@ p /603@ p /2300@ p"/2302@ p"/2306h@p"/2294@p"/22990@p"/2295@p"/2296@p"/2297@p"/2298@p"/2288@p"/2290@p"/2289j@ o"/2293@o"/2287@o"/22912@o"/2292|@o"/2285n@o"/2284V@o"/2283F@o"/2282@o"/2286@o"/2281@m"/2276n@m"/2280V@m"/2279F@m"/2278@m"/2277@m"/LVAL * rThe center shall collect current maintenance and repair needs from the asset management system and correlate this data with data collected through infrastructure monitoring systems.The center shall process the collected infrastructure information and use it to monitor the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation-related infrastructure.The center shall remotely collect data from vehicle probes using short range communications equipment and process this data to identify potential pavement degradation, potholes, and other rough or adverse road surface conditions.The center shall monitor maintenance vehicle-based mobile sensors and data logging devices that collect information on current infrastructure conditions.The center shall remotely control and collect data from fixed infrastructure monitoring sensors that monitor vibration, stress, temperature, surface continuity, and other condition measures.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall send operational data to the center including the operational state of the maintenance equipment (e.g., blade up/down, spreader pattern), types and quantities of materials used for construction and maintenance activities, and a record of the actual work performed.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall respond to dispatch information from the center, presented to the vehicle operator for acknowledgement and returning status.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall monitor materials information including remaining quantity and current application rate of materials on the vehicle.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall respond to control information from the center to allow remote operation of the on-board vehicle systems. These systems include routine maintenance equipment for cutting, repairs, hazard removal, etc.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall track the location and status of safety systems on-board the vehicle.LVAL4 >>The center shall provide the capability to execute methods on the incoming field data such as aggregation and statistical measures before the data is stored in the archive.The center shall be capable of archiving vehicle traffic probe data.The center shall collect vehicle traffic probe data for performance monitoring and analysis.The center shall provide the capability to adjust the collection of field-sourced data based on the statistical measures.The center shall respond to requests from the administrator interface function to manage field-sourced data collection.The center shall collect data from roadside devices.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall provide infrastructure sensor equipment operational status to the center.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall respond to control information from the center to allow remote operation of the on-board vehicle systems.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall send current condition of pavement, bridges, culverts, signs, and other roadway infrastructure as measured by on-board sensors or read from infrastructure-based sensors to the center. The data may include raw data or images (e.g., photo logs) that indicate the current status of the infrastructure.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall provide control signals to infrastructure monitoring sensors located at the roadway.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall collect infrastructure data from sensors located along the roadway relating to the physical characteristics of the roadway infrastructure, including pavement, bridges, culverts, signs, etc.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall collect infrastructure data from on-board sensors relating to the physical characteristics of the roadway infrastructure, including pavement, bridges, culverts, signs, etc.The center shall report infrastructure repair needs to the maintenance center personnel.The center shall provide current infrastructure conditions information to the asset management system.LVALr ,z:bThe center shall collect data from data distribution systems and other data sources.The center shall include capabilities for archive to archive coordination.The center shall notify the system operator of errors related to data collection, analysis and archival.The center shall perform quality checks on collected data.The center shall store collected data in an information repository.The center shall collect data catalogs from one or more data sources. A catalog describes the data contained in the collection of archived data and may include descriptions of the schema or structure of the data, a description of the contents of the data; e.g., time range of entries, number of entries; or a sample of the data (e. g. a thumbnail).The center shall collect data from centers.The center shall be capable of processing vehicle probe data to determine roadway environmental conditions for non operational uses such as maintenance planning and research.The center shall be capable of processing vehicle probe data to support infrastructure conditions monitoring performed by Archived Data User Systems including maintenance and construction management centers.The center shall be capable of processing vehicle probe data into transportation network performance measures.The center shall respond to users systems requests for a catalog of the archived data analysis products available.The center shall collect regional data from data distribution centers.The center shall provide the capability to perform activities such as data mining, data fusion, summarizations, aggregations, and recreation from archive data. This may include multidimensional analysis, selective summarization and expansion of data details, and many other advanced analysis services.The center shall respond to requests for archive data from center users.The center shall respond to requests from the administrator interface function to select and manage data stored in the archive.LVALjz  &LFThe center shall be able to produce sample products of the data available.The center shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the traffic data or for the data itself.The center shall assign quality control metrics and meta-data to be stored along with the data. Meta-data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.The center shall collect transportation data such as traffic operational data, transit data, vehicle data, weather data, freight data, event logs, etc. and make it available for ITS Archives upon request.The center shall provide the applicable meta-data for any ITS archived data to satisfy government reporting system requests. Meta-data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.The center shall provide the capability to format data suitable for input into government reports.The center shall respond to requests for government report data.The center shall provide archive data to federal, state, and local government reporting systems.The center shall associate meta-data with archived data, including catalog data, statistical products determined from method execution and data longevity.The center shall provide a mechanism for archive data users to request archive data by meta-data range.The center shall respond to requests for archive data from archive data users (centers, field devices).The center shall respond to requests from the administrator interface function to manage the archive data.The center shall respond to requests from the administrator interface function to manage center-sourced data collection.The center shall provide the capability to execute methods on the incoming data such as cleansing, summarizations, aggregations, or transformations applied to the data before it is stored in the archive.LLVAL Z R>00nThe center shall provide the road and weather warning and advisories to the emergency responders.The center shall assimilate current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information to support incident management.The center shall collect asset restrictions information from roadway maintenance operations.The center shall exchange rail schedules and work plans with rail operations centers.The Center shall provide road infrastructure restriction information to other Centers.The center shall collect and disseminate asset restriction information levied on transportation asset usage based on infrastructure design, surveys, tests, or analyses. This includes standard facility design height, width, and weight restrictions, special restrictions such as spring weight restrictions, and temporary facility restrictions that are imposed during maintenance and construction.The center shall collect and respond to feedback concerning scheduled maintenance and construction activities with other management centers such as traffic, emergency, transit, and rail operations.The center shall provide status information about scheduled maintenance and construction activities including anticipated closures and impact to the roadway, alternate routes, anticipated delays, closure times, and durations. The information is provided to other management centers such as traffic, emergency, transit, traveler information providers, other maintenance centers, multimodal transportation providers, rail operations, and the media.The center shall provide work zone activities affecting the road network including the nature of the maintenance or construction activity, location, impact to the roadway, expected time(s) and duration of impact, anticipated delays, alternate routes, and suggested speed limits. This information may be augmented with images that provide a visual indication of current work zone status and traffic impacts.The Center shall collect operational data from other Centers.LVALx *z The center shall provide the capability to request Fleet and Freight Management to disable a specific vehicle in their fleet.The center shall forward the verified emergency information to the responding agency based on the location and nature of the emergency.The center shall receive details of the cargo being carried by commercial vehicles from their commercial fleet manager for incidents involving potential hazardous materials.The center shall receive emergency notification information from commercial vehicles, commercial vehicle check stations, or commercial fleet operators and present the possible incident information to the emergency system operator. This may include detection of non-permitted transport of security sensitive hazmat, hazardous cargo spills, etc.The center shall receive alerts about a Commercial Vehicle or Freight Equipment breach, non-permitted security sensitive hazmat detected at the roadside, route deviation, or Commercial Vehicle Driver / Commercial Vehicle / Freight Equipment assignment mismatches which includes the location of the Commercial Vehicle and appropriate identities.The center shall collect road network conditions data, including advisories, from traffic management and traveler information centers.The center shall collect current and forecast road and weather information from weather service providers (such as the National Weather Service and value-added sector specific meteorological services).The center shall exchange information with administrative systems to support the planning and scheduling of maintenance and construction activities. This information includes: equipment and consumables resupply purchase request status, personnel qualifications including training and special certifications, environmental regulations and rules that may impact maintenance activities, and requests and project requirements from contract administration.LVALh R n | \xd^ZH,The Center shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the CCMS.The Center shall make the list of revoked credentials available to on-board applications.The Center shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from the CCMS.The Center shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the other CCMS' trust authority.The Center shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS trust authority.The Center shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to authenticate messages secured by the other CCMS' trust authority.The Center shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.The Center shall obtain the CCMS' trust credentials.The Center shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.The Center shall obtain security policy information from the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Credentials Management System (CCMS).The field element shall provide the terminal management facility with information concerning the entry, exit, current location, and status of commercial vehicles and their freight equipment including containers, chassis, and other freight equipment.The field element shall monitor entry and exit of equipped commercial vehicles at an intermodal terminal facility.The field element shall provide commercial vehicles with information concerning containers to be transferred within an intermodal facility.The field element shall collect the location of a container from the equipment monitoring facility, to sufficient accuracy to allow efficient container management.The field element shall collect the location of a container within an intermodal facility that a container is to be received at or delivered to, from commercial vehicle. ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L ! u J  s H  qFoDmBk@i>g<e:c8 6114@|"/6113$@|"/6111@|"/6119@|"/6112@|"/ 6018@|"/ 6017@{"/ 6016@{"/6015@{"/6014@{"/6013@{"/6012@{"/6011x@{"/6010@ {"/6008~@ {"/6009n@ {"/ 5963@ {"/5961@ {"/5965 @{"/5964@{"/5960@{"/5962z@{"/5957@{"/5958@{"/5959@{"/ 5944@{"/5941@{"/5942 @ z"/5943@ z"/5938@ z"/5945@ z"/5937@ z"/5940@z"/5939@z"/ 5954@z"/5953@z"/5950@z"/5948t@z"/5949b@y"/5951@y"/5947@y"/5952@x"/5946X@x"/ 5132$@z"/2347@z"/2348,@z"/2349@y"/2351:@y"/2353h@y"/2354@y"/2350@y"/2352@y"/ 6103@x"/ 6110@x"/ 6105@x"/6104@x"/6109@ x"/6106@ x"/6107(@ x"/6101|@ x"/6100@ x"/6102@x"/6108@x"/ 6039@x"/ 6035@x"/ 6036@x"/ 6038@x"/6034@x"/6043@x"/6037@x"/6040@w"/6041@w"/6042,@w"/6045@w"/6044@ w"/ 6153@ w"/ 6154@ w"/ 6156@ w"/ 6157@ w"/6158@w"/6159@w"/6148 @w"/6152@w"/6151@w"/6155@w"/6150p@w"/6149@w"/ 5930@w"/ 5931@u"/ 5924@ u"/LVALx 6 * B : xT6The Personal Device shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the Center's trust authority.The Personal Device shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the Center's trust authority.The Personal Device shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the Center's trust authority.The Personal Device shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the Center.The Personal Device shall request pseudonymous credentials from the Center.The Vehicle shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to authenticate messages secured by the Center's trust authority.The Vehicle shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the Center's trust authority.The Vehicle shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the Center's trust authority.The Vehicle shall request enrollment credentials from the Center.The Vehicle shall request pseudonymous credentials from the Center.The Vehicle shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the Center.The Vehicle shall provide a proxied message to the privacy Center for on-board application sourced messages with privacy requirements.The Vehicle shall make the list of revoked credentials available to on-board applications.The Vehicle shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from the Center.The Vehicle shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the Center's trust authority.The Vehicle shall obtain the Center's trust credentials.The Vehicle shall obtain security policy information from the Center.The Center shall request pseudonymous credentials from the CCMS.LVALb p :  nTThe Center shall provide data collection parameters to Vehicles.The Center shall collect data from Vehicles.The field element shall make the list of revoked credentials available to on-board applications.The field element shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the Center.The field element shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the Center's trust authority.The field element shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to authenticate messages secured by the Center's trust authority.The field element shall request pseudonymous credentials from the CCMS.The field element shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the Center's trust authority.The field element shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the Center's trust authority.The field element shall obtain the Center's trust credentials.The field element shall obtain security policy information from the CCMS.The field element shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from the CCMS.The field element shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.The Personal Device shall provide a mechanism for on-board applications to authenticate messages secured by the Center's trust authority.The Personal Device shall obtain security policy information from the Center.The Personal Device shall obtain the Center's trust credentials.The Personal Device shall make the list of revoked credentials available to on-board applications.The Personal device shall provide a proxied message to the privacy Center for on-board application sourced messages with privacy requirements.The Personal Device shall request enrollment credentials from the Center.The Personal Device shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from the Center.LVAL && F 6~The Center shall collect data from other Centers.The Center shall provide data collection parameters to Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Center shall collect data from Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The center shall exchange road network status assessment information with emergency management and traffic management centers including an assessment of damage sustained by the road network including location and extent of the damage, estimate of remaining capacity, required closures, alternate routes, necessary restrictions, and time frame for repair and recovery.The center shall respond to requests from emergency management to provide maintenance and construction resources to implement response plans, assist in clean up, verify an incident, etc. This may also involve coordination with traffic management centers and other maintenance centers.The center shall coordinate planning for incidents with emergency management centers - including pre-planning activities for disaster response, evacuation, and recovery operations.The center shall exchange incident and threat information with emergency management centers as well as traffic management centers; including notification of existence of incident and expected severity, location, time and nature of incident.The center shall exchange alert information and status with emergency management centers. The information includes notification of a major emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil emergency, or child abduction. The information may include the alert originator, the nature of the emergency, the geographic area affected by the emergency, the effective time period, etc.The center shall receive inputs from the Alerting and Advisory System concerning the possibility or occurrence of severe weather, terrorist activity, or other major emergency, including information provided by the Emergency Alert System.LVAL 4  VlThe Center shall provide data consumers with a mechanism for throttling (or reducing) the data they receive as part of subscriptions.The Center shall provide metadata parameters (geographic area, data content type, time) as filters for subscription.The Center shall distribute to Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment data which has been validated, aggregated, integrated, and sanitized.The Center shall distribute to Vehicles broadcast data which has been validated, aggregated, integrated, and sanitized.The Center shall distribute to other Centers data which has been validated, aggregated, integrated, and sanitized.The Center shall distribute to Vehicles data which has been validated, aggregated, integrated, and sanitized.The Center shall distribute to personal devices data which has been validated, aggregated, integrated, and sanitized.The Center shall provide a mechanism for the operator to modify VISA functions.The Center shall provide a mechanism for the operator to control data collection parameters.The Center shall perform 'VISA' functions on incoming data (VISA = Validation, Integration, Sanitization, Aggregation). The Center shall collect data from other Personal Devices. The center shall receive evacuation information including evacuation zones, evacuation times, and reentry times from emergency operation centers.The center shall receive information indicating the damage sustained by transportation assets, derived from aerial surveillance, field reports, inspections, tests, and analyses to support incident management.The center shall provide work zone activities affecting the road network including the nature of the maintenance or construction activity, location, impact to the roadway, expected time(s) and duration of impact, anticipated delays, alternate routes, and suggested speed limits. This information may be augmented with images that provide a visual indication of current work zone status and traffic impacts.LVAL0   ` V$~hThe Center shall provide the operator with a mechanism to monitor the status of its operations.The Center shall accept registration information from other Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Center shall accept registration information from other Centers.The Center shall maintain a registry of network address, services and service metrics.The Center shall accept network address queries based on service metric provided.The Center shall accept network address queries based on service type provided.The Center shall provide network addresses to other Centers.The Center shall provide network addresses to Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Center shall provide network addresses to Personal devices.The Center shall provide network addresses to Vehicles.The Center shall obtain network addresses from the Registration Center.The Center shall use the externally acquired time sync data to maintain its internal clocks.The Center shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to the Registration Center.The Center shall make network address information available to onboard applications.The Center shall acquire time sync data from an external Stratum-2 time source.The Center shall obtain time sync data from the other Center.The Center shall provide the operator with a mechanism to manage the operational status of all data distribution processes.The Center shall provide metadata for traveler data to Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment. This metadata includes distribution parameters such as valid time, geographic area of distribution and area of relevance.The Center shall provide its configuration and operational status information to the Service MonitorThe Center shall provide a mechanism for the operator to modify data subscriptions.The Center shall provide data consumers with a mechanism for subscribing to data received by the Center.pLVALb  l & ^z:"lThe field element shall obtain time and position data from its local location and time data source.The field element shall make network address information available to onboard applications.The field element shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to the Registration Center.The field element shall obtain time and position data from its local location and time data source.The Center shall provide its configuration and operational status information to the Service MonitorThe Center shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to the registration Center.The Center shall make network address information available to onboard applications.The Center shall obtain network addresses from the registration Center.The Center shall use the externally acquired time sync data to maintain its internal clocks.The Center shall acquire time sync data from an external Stratum-2 time source.The Center shall be capable of monitoring the cybersecurity of Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Center shall monitor the configuration and operational status of Personal Devices.The Center shall monitor the configuration and operational status of VehiclesThe Center shall monitor the configuration and operational status of Centers.The Center shall notify other Centers which Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment needs maintenance.The Center shall identify Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment that requires maintenance (initialization, reconfiguration, repair or replacement).The Center shall be capable of determining the configuration of Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Center shall be capable of monitoring physical security alarms from Connected Vehicle Roadside EquipmentThe Center shall be capable of monitoring the operational status of Connected Vehicle Roadside EquipmentThe Center shall provide the operator with a mechanism to modify registrations. ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L ! u J  s H  qFoDmBk@i>g<e:c8 2374@"/2366@"/2360@"/2369@"/2370@"/2371@"/2372@"/2365@"/2358<@ "/2357X@ "/2356t@ "/2355@ "/2359@ "/5365@"/5094@"/5048@"/6120@"/6124@"/6123@"/6122r@"/6121@"/ 5299@"/ 5548@"/ 5547@"/ 5347n@ "/ 6051@ "/  6264@ "/  6263@ "/ 6262@ "/ 6261*@"/ 6260*@"/ 6259,@"/ 6258:@"/ 6257p@"/ 6256|@"/ 6255 @"/ 6160@"/ 6161@"/ 6162@"/ 6163 @"/ 6274@"/ 6273@ "/6272@ "/6271*@ "/6270*@ "/6269,@ "/6268:@"/6267p@"/6266|@"/6265 @"/ 6254@"/ 6252@"/6246@"/6251*@"/6250*@"/6253,@~"/6249:@~"/6248p@~"/6247|@~"/6245 @~"/6227p@~"/6226@~"/6225@ ~"/6033@ ~"/6032@ ~"/6031@ ~"/6093@ ~"/6144@~"/6146@~"/6145@~"/ 6089@~"/ 6088@~"/6087@~"/6094@~"/6086@~"/6095@~"/6092@|"/6096@|"/6097@|"/6090@|"/5915@|"/5920 @|"/5919@ |"/5918@ |"/5917@ |"/5916@ |"/ 6118@ |"/6117@|"/6116@|"/6115@|"/LVAL~ t H H nxR&The Center shall provide a mechanism for installed data distribution applications to authenticate messages secured by the other CCMS' trust authority.The Center shall provide a mechanism for installed data distribution applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.The Center shall obtain trust credentials from the CCMS.The Center shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.The Center shall obtain security policy information from the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Credentials Management System (CCMS).The Center shall obtain trust credentials from the CCMS.The Center shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from the CCMS.The Center shall obtain security policy information from the CCMS.The Personal Device shall make network address information available to onboard applications.The Personal Device shall obtain network addresses from the Registration Center.The Personal Device shall provide its configuration and operational status information to the Service MonitorThe Vehicle shall make time and position data to onboard applications.The Vehicle shall provide its configuration and operational status information to the Service MonitorThe Vehicle shall make network address information available to onboard applications.The Vehicle shall obtain network addresses from the Registration Center.The field element shall obtain time sync data from the Service Monitor System.The field element shall acquire time sync data from an external Stratum-2 time source.The field element shall implement application operational status commands received from an authorized Center.The field element shall obtain time sync data from the Service Monitor.The field element shall implement application operational status commands received from authorized Field Support Equipment.The field element shall obtain network addresses from the Center.LVAL , T r R f ,,TrhThe Center shall make network address information available to onboard applications.The Center shall provide its network address, service offerings and metrics characterizing those services to the registration Center.The Center shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the CCMS.The Center shall make the list of revoked credentials available to installed data distribution applications.The Center shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from CCMS.The Center shall provide a mechanism for installed data distribution applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS trust authority.The Center shall provide a mechanism for installed data distribution applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS trust authority.The Center shall provide a mechanism for installed data distribution applications to authenticate messages secured by the other CCMS' trust authority.The Center shall provide a mechanism for installed data distribution applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.The Center shall obtain trust credentials from the CCMS.The Center shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.The Center shall obtain security policy information from the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Credentials Management System (CCMS).The Center shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the CCMS.The Center shall make the list of revoked credentials available to installed data distribution applications.The Center shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from CCMS.The Center shall provide a mechanism for installed data distribution applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS trust authority.The Center shall provide a mechanism for installed data distribution applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS trust authority.LVAL  r F  rThe field element shall be able to provide charging station information, including location, operating hours, current availability, charging capacity and standards supported, access restrictions, and rates/fee structure, to traveler information systems.The field element shall be able to provide the current vehicle charging status directly to drivers.The field element shall be able to provide the current charging status including current charge rate, estimated time to completion, and cost associated with the charge to the vehicle.The Roadway Equipment shall provide its identification information to the Center.The Center shall provide messages (that it receives) that indicate potential misbehavior/malfunction to the CCMS.The Center shall make the list of revoked credentials available to installed data distribution applications.The Center shall obtain a list of revoked credentials from CCMS.The Center shall provide a mechanism for installed data distribution applications to decrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS trust authority.The Center shall provide a mechanism for installed data distribution applications to encrypt messages using keys secured by the CCMS trust authority.The Center shall provide a mechanism for installed data distribution applications to authenticate messages secured by the other CCMS' trust authority.The Center shall provide a mechanism for installed data distribution applications to digitally sign messages using keys secured by the CCMS' trust authority.The Center shall obtain trust credentials from the CCMS.The Center shall request enrollment credentials from the CCMS.The Center shall obtain security policy information from the Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System Credentials Management System (CCMS).The Center shall provide its configuration and operational status information to the Service MonitorThe Center shall obtain network addresses from the other Center.~LVALN >  J P <The public interface for travelers shall receive transit information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.The public interface for travelers shall receive traffic information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.The vehicle shall present information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.The vehicle shall provide an interface with the traveler card / payment instrument carried on-board the vehicle - to exchange identity information and payment transactions.The vehicle shall provide an interface to the driver to make requests for advance payments of tolls, parking, and transit fares and present the status of electronic payment transactions.The vehicle shall respond to request from parking field equipment for credit identity, stored value card cash, etc.The vehicle shall respond to requests from toll collection equipment for credit identity, stored value card cash, etc.The field element shall provide the a record of toll payments collected with identification that can be used to identify the payment account or source and related vehicle and service information that are used to determine the toll.The field element shall receive vehicle data from passing vehicles and forward the data to the Payment Administration Center.Vehicle shall receive alerts of trains entering HRIs and provide warnings to drivers regarding the trains.The Center shall acquire time sync data from an external Stratum-2 time source.The Center shall provide time sync data to ITS Roadway Equipment.The Center shall provide time sync data to Connected Vehicle Roadway Equipment.The Center shall provide time sync data to other Centers.The Center shall use the externally acquired time sync data to maintain its internal clocks.The support system shall provide wide-area digital broadcast of traveler information to transportation users across a region.tLVAL BH ^  4xHVThe field element shall read data from passing vehicles to support toll payment transactions.The public interface for travelers shall receive information on the shelter from a center and present it to the traveler.The public interface for travelers shall provide an interface to establish and manage user road pricing accounts, process road pricing payments, and access road pricing reports under user control.The public interface for travelers shall be able to store frequently requested data.The public interface for travelers shall present information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a kiosk, including those that are suitable for travelers with hearing or vision physical disabilities.The public interface for travelers shall support traveler input in audio or manual form.The public interface for travelers shall base requests from the traveler on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter the provided information accordingly.The public interface for travelers shall provide an interface through which credit identities and stored credit values may be collected from tags, traveler cards, or payment instruments used by travelers.The public interface for travelers shall support payment for services, such as confirmed trip plans, confirmed traveler services, tolls, transit fares, parking lot charges, and advanced payment for tolls.The public interface for travelers shall accept reservations for confirmed trip plans.The public interface for travelers shall receive evacuation information from a center and present it to the traveler.The public interface for travelers shall receive event information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.The public interface for travelers shall receive yellow pages information (such as lodging, restaurants, theaters, bicycle facilities, and other tourist activities) from a center and present it to the traveler upon request. ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L ! u J  s H  qFoDmBk@i>g<e:c8 #5991@"/#5994@"/#5988|@"/#5987@"/#5989@"/#5984j@"/#5986@"/#5985z@"/#5993@"/#5992@"/#6002@"/#6001@ "/#5999@ "/#6000@ "/# 5976@ "/# 5983@ "/# 5982@"/# 5981@"/# 5979@"/#5977@"/#5990@"/#5978@"/#5975t@"/#5974@"/#5972@"/#5973@"/#5980@"/!6078@"/!6080@"/!6081@"/!6079@"/!6077@"/!6076@"/ 6047@"/ 6046~@"/ 6048@ "/ 6049@ "/ 6050@ "/5891@ "/5892@ "/5893@"/5894@"/5895@"/5880@"/5881Z@"/5876t@"/5879r@"/5877@"/5878@"/ 5860@"/ 5862H@"/5864@"/5863@ "/5861@ "/5869@ "/5865@ "/5866@ "/5867@"/5868@"/5875@"/5874@"/5873@"/5871F@"/5872@"/5870@"/ 5890B@"/5889@"/5888@"/5885@"/5884@ "/5887@ "/5886@ "/5883@ "/5882@ "/2382@"/2383@"/2376@"/2377@"/2378@"/2379@"/2380(@"/2381@ "/5136@"/6203V@"/5137@ "/ 2373@ "/ 2367@ "/ 2361@"/ 2362@"/ 2364@"/LVAL n n Z :N|xTTThe Center shall provide its credentials information to other Centers.The Center shall provide security policy information to other Centers.The Center shall provide its credentials information to Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Center shall provide security policy information to Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Center shall provide its credentials information to Personal Devices.The Center shall provide security policy information to Personal Devices.The Center shall provide its credentials information to Vehicles.The Center shall provide security policy information to Vehicles.The field element shall control cameras, obtain images, and forward images of toll violators to a center.The field element shall control roadside displays indicating success or failure of the toll transaction to the driver.In the case of closed toll systems, the field element shall update the vehicle on-board data with the system entry point, and upon toll system exit, use the stored data in the calculation of the toll.The field element shall support advanced toll payment by checking the vehicle's toll information against a stored list of advanced payments, and debiting the toll from the list in the case of a match.The field element shall read the credit identity from the passing vehicle and send that identity and the amount to be debited to a center.The field element shall update the stored value after debiting the toll amount and send a record of the transaction to a center.The field element shall calculate the toll due based on the vehicle characteristics (vehicle size, weight, axle count, etc.) and stored toll prices.The public interface for travelers shall receive information on estimated reentry date/times from a center and present it to the traveler.The public interface for travelers shall provide an interface to select information on resources and options along an evacuation route based on inputs from other evacuees.LVAL 2 0The Center shall accept user permission information from Centers authorized to provide that information.The Center shall provide Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment pseudonymous credentials in response to valid Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment pseudonym requests.The Center shall provide Center pseudonymous credentials in response to valid Center pseudonym requests.The Center shall provide Personal Device pseudonymous credentials in response to valid Personal Device pseudonym requests.The Center shall provide Vehicle pseudonymous credentials in response to valid Vehicle pseudonym requests.The Center shall store credential identifiers using facilities that are independently owned and operated from one another.The Center shall coordinate the distribution of credentials with other Centers.The Center shall verify information received in pseudonym requests.The Center shall assign two or more non-unique identifiers, that when combined are unique, to each credential it distributes.The Center shall generate credential identifiers using facilities that are independently owned and operated from one another.The Center shall verify information received in enrollment requests.The Center shall coordinate the distribution of enrollment credentials with other Centers.The Center shall provide Center enrollment credentials in response to valid Center enrollment requests.The Center shall provide Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment enrollment credentials in response to valid Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment enrollment requests.The Center shall provide Personal Device enrollment credentials in response to valid Personal Device enrollment requests.The Center shall provide Vehicle enrollment credentials in response to valid Vehicle enrollment requests.The Center shall provide the operator with mechanisms for monitoring the status of all credential-granting activities without compromising any other requirement.LVAL|^   d  Pz(XhThe Center shall collect updates to roadway geometry from other Centers.The Center shall collect Vehicle location information from Vehicles.The privacy field element shall forward proxied messages to their final destination Center.The privacy field element shall maintain the source network address of a proxied message.The privacy field element shall use the source network address to return responses for proxied messages.The privacy field element shall forward proxied messages to their final destination Center.The privacy field element shall accept proxied messages from Personal Devices.The privacy field element shall accept proxied messages from Vehicles.The privacy Center shall accept proxied messages from Personal Devices.The privacy Center shall accept proxied messages from Vehicles.The privacy Center shall forward proxied messages to their final destination.The privacy Center shall maintain the source network address of a proxied message.The privacy Center shall use the source network address to return responses for proxied messages.The Center shall provide to vehicles a list of credentials whose trust as been revoked.The Center shall provide to Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment a list of credentials whose trust as been revoked.The Center shall provide to Personal Devices a list of credentials whose trust as been revoked.The Center shall provide a list of credentials whose trust as been revoked to other Centers.The Center shall place certificates on the revocation list of those certificates that are associated with misbehavior.The Center shall coordinate misbehavior analysis with other Centers.The Center shall analyze misbehavior reports.The Center shall accept misbehavior reports from Vehicles.The Center shall accept misbehavior reports from Centers.The Center shall accept misbehavior reports from Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Center shall accept misbehavior reports from Personal Devices.LLVALPB~  " Z djjjXThe Center shall provide parking facility geometry information to Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Center shall provide roadway geometry updates to Vehicles.The Center shall provide intersection geometry updates to Personal Devices.The Center shall provide parking facility geometry information to Vehicles.The Center shall provide basemap updates to Vehicles.The Center shall provide intersection geometry updates to Vehicles.The Center shall provide basemap updates to Personal devices.The Center shall provide roadway geometry updates to Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Center shall provide intersection geometry updates to Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Center shall provide the operator with mechanisms to monitor the distribution of map data.The Center shall provide the operator with mechanisms to control the acquisition of external map data.The Center shall provide the operator with functions to support the management of map data.The Center shall provide the operator with functions necessary to support map rendering.The Center shall provide intersection geometry updates to other Centers.The Center shall use vehicle location information to refine intersection geometry.The Center shall use vehicle location information to refine basemaps.The Center shall use vehicle location information to refine roadway geometry.The Center shall collect parking space egress/ingress location information from field parking management systems.The Center shall coordinate the contents of map data for distribution with other Centers.The Center shall collect vehicle location information from the Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Center shall collect parking space location information from field parking management systems.The Center shall provide basemap updates to other Centers.The Center shall collect updates to intersection geometry from other Centers.The Center shall collect road infrastructure restriction information from other Centers.LVAL^4 R f  @ X:| The field element shall provide intersection geometry update information to proximate Personal devices.The field element shall provide basemap update information to proximate Vehicles.The field element shall provide intersection geometry update information to proximate Vehicles.The field element shall provide parking facility geometry information to proximate Vehicles.The field element shall provide roadway geometry update information to proximate Vehicles.The field element shall aggregate vehicle location data.The field element shall collect broadcasted vehicle location and motion information.The Center shall provide intersection geometry updates to Map Update Systems.The Center shall provide roadway geometry updates to Map Update Systems.The Center shall collect updates to intersection geometry from Map Update Systems.The Center shall collect updates to basemaps from Map Update Systems .The Vehicle shall obtain intersection geometry information from Centers.The Vehicle shall obtain parking facility geometry information from Centers.The Vehicle shall obtain roadway geometry information from Centers.The Vehicle shall obtain basemap update information from proximate Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Vehicle shall obtain basemap updates from Centers.The Vehicle shall provide its location to Centers.The Vehicle shall obtain intersection geometry update information from proximate Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Vehicle shall obtain roadway geometry update information from proximate Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Vehicle shall obtain parking facility geometry information from proximate Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Vehicle shall make basemap, roadway geometry, intersection geometry and parking facility geometry information available to other onboard vehicle applications.The Center shall provide basemap updates to Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment. ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L ! u J  s H  qFoDmBk@i>g<e:c8 31132@"/31131@"/11127@"/11125@"/1 1124@"/1 1115@"/1 1123H@"/1 1122*@"/1 1121P@"/11117:@"/111188@"/111208@"/11119@"/16197@"/11128@"/11126@"/11116@"/01112@ "/01111 @"/01113@"/01114R@ "/-1103@ "/-11022@ "/-1101@"/-1100@"/+ 1084@"/+ 1085B@"/+ 1086@"/+ 1087F@"/+ 1088@"/+1095&@"/+1089@"/+1083@ "/+1090@ "/+1091@ "/+1092F@ "/+1093@"/+1094@"/* 2396@"/* 2395@"/* 24058@"/* 2404H@"/*2406@"/*2397@"/*2403@"/*2398@"/*2402@"/*2401@"/*2400X@"/*2399~@"/)2393(@"/)2392@"/)2391@"/)2390@"/)2394@"/)2389b@ "/(2385@ "/(2386v@ "/(2387,@ "/(2388@ "/'6029@"/'6030T@"/'6027@"/'6028|@"/& 5997@"/& 5998@"/& 5996@"/& 5995@"/&6072@"/&6070@"/&6066@"/&6067@"/&6069@"/&6068@"/&6071p@"/&6065@"/%5905@"/%5904@ "/%5907@ "/%5906@ "/$ 6132@ "/$ 6134@ "/$6133@"/$6135@"/$6131l@"/$6130d@"/$6136@"/$6137@"/$6138@"/$6139D@"/~LVAL~J x 0n HThe center shall exchange security sensor data with other emergency centers.After the alarm message becomes a verified incident, the center shall determine the appropriate response.After the alarm message has been received, the center shall generate an alarm acknowledgment to the sender.The center shall collect silent and audible alarms received from transit vehicles, originated by the traveler or the transit vehicle operator.The center shall collect silent and audible alarms received from travelers in secure areas (such as transit stops, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities).The center shall collect barrier system fault data and send to the maintenance center for repair.The center shall collect barrier system operational status.The center shall accept requests for barrier system activation from other centers and from center personnel to support emergency response and detours.The center shall remotely control barrier systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure. Barrier systems include automated or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other systems that manage entry to roadways.Personal devices shall obtain intersection geometry update information from proximate Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Personal Device shall make basemap, roadway geometry, intersection geometry and parking facility geometry information available to other personal device applications.The Personal Device shall obtain intersection geometry information from Centers.The Personal Device shall obtain basemap updates from Centers.The field element shall provide roadway geometry updates to proximate Vehicles.The field element shall provide parking facility geometry information to proximate Vehicles.The field element shall provide intersection geometry updates to proximate Vehicles.The field element shall provide basemap updates to proximate Vehicles.The field element shall provide vehicle location data to Centers.LVALnF pThe center shall identify potential security threats based on collected security sensor data.The center shall remotely monitor and control security sensor data collected on-board transit vehicles. The types of security sensor data include environmental threat (e.g. chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors) and object detection sensors. The data may be raw or pre-processed in the field.The center shall remotely monitor and control security sensor data collected in traveler secure areas, which include transit stations, transit stops, rest areas, park and ride lots, and other fixed sites along travel routes (e.g., emergency pull-off areas and travel information centers). The types of security sensor data include environmental threat (e.g. chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors), intrusion and motion, and object detection sensors. The data may be raw or pre-processed in the field.The center shall remotely monitor and control security sensor data collected in secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards) and transportation infrastructure (e.g. bridges, tunnels, interchanges, roadway infrastructure, and transit railways or guideways). The types of security sensor data include environmental threat (e.g. chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors), infrastructure condition and integrity, intrusion and motion, and object detection sensors. The data may be raw or pre-processed in the field.The center shall forward the alarm message to center personnel and respond to the traveler or transit vehicle operator as directed by the personnel.The center shall determine whether the alarm message indicates an emergency that requires the attention of public safety agencies, and forward alarm message data to the appropriate agency as necessary.nLVAL &VF  ` B|The center shall verify potential security threats by correlating security surveillance data from multiple sources.The center shall identify potential security threats based on collected security surveillance data.The center shall exchange surveillance data with other emergency centers.The center shall remotely monitor video images and audio surveillance data collected on-board transit vehicles. The data may be raw or pre-processed in the field.The center shall remotely monitor video images and audio surveillance data collected in traveler secure areas, which include transit stations, transit stops, rest areas, park and ride lots, and other fixed sites along travel routes (e.g., emergency pull-off areas and travel information centers). The data may be raw or pre-processed in the field.The center shall remotely monitor video images and audio surveillance data collected in secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards) and transportation infrastructure (e.g. bridges, tunnels, interchanges, roadway infrastructure, and transit railways or guideways). The data may be raw or pre-processed in the field.The center shall monitor maintenance status of the security sensor field equipment.The center shall request activation of barriers and safeguards on request from center personnel.The center shall respond to control data from center personnel regarding security sensor data collection, processing, threat detection, and threat analysis.The center shall disseminate threat information to other agencies, including traffic, transit, maintenance, rail operations, and other emergency management centers.The center shall exchange threat analysis data with Alerting and Advisory Systems and use that data in local threat analysis processing.The center shall perform threat analysis based on correlations of security sensor and surveillance data.The center shall verify potential security threats by correlating security sensor data from multiple sources.tLVAL  , "H0The center shall be able to produce sample products of the data available.The center shall collect emergency service data, emergency vehicle management data, emergency vehicle data, sensor and surveillance data, threat data, and incident data.The center shall be able to produce sample products of the data available.The center shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the commercial vehicle operations data or for the data itself.The center shall assign quality control metrics and meta-data to be stored along with the data. Meta-data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.The center shall receive operational data from the roadside check systems as well as administration and credentials data.The center shall monitor maintenance status of the security sensor field equipment.The center shall respond to control data from center personnel regarding security surveillance data collection, processing, threat detection, and image matching.The center shall exchange traveler images with other emergency management centers to support traveler image matching.The center shall match traveler video images against a database from the Alerting and Advisory Systems of known images that may represent criminals and terrorists.The center shall remotely control security surveillance devices on-board transit vehicles.The center shall remotely control security surveillance devices in traveler secure areas, which include transit stations, transit stops, rest areas, park and ride lots, and other fixed sites along travel routes (e.g., emergency pull-off areas and travel information centers).The center shall remotely control security surveillance devices in secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards) and transportation infrastructure (e.g. bridges, tunnels, interchanges, roadway infrastructure, and transit railways or guideways).LVAL & * ,J^FThe center shall broadcast wide-area alerts and advisories to transit management centers for emergency situations such as severe weather events, civil emergencies, child abduction (AMBER alert system), military activities, and other situations that pose a threat to life and property.The center shall broadcast wide-area alerts and advisories to traffic management centers for emergency situations such as severe weather events, civil emergencies, child abduction (AMBER alert system), military activities, and other situations that pose a threat to life and property.The center shall provide the capability to correlate alerts and advisories, incident information, and security sensor and surveillance data.The center shall receive potential incident information from social media sources to support the early warning system.The center shall support the entry of alert and advisory information directly from the emergency system operator.The center shall receive incident information from other transportation management centers to support the early warning system.The center shall monitor information from Alerting and Advisory Systems such as the Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs), the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC), the Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS), etc. The information may include assessments (general incident and vulnerability awareness information), advisories (identification of threats or recommendations to increase preparedness levels), or alerts (information on imminent or in-progress emergencies).The center shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the emergency management data or for the data itself.The center shall assign quality control metrics and meta-data to be stored along with the data. Meta-data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.LVAL v L rThe center shall present the alert and advisory information and the status of the actions taken in response to the alert by the other centers to the emergency system operator as received from other system inputs.The center shall coordinate the broadcast of wide-area alerts and advisories with other emergency management centers.The center shall process status information from each of the centers that have been sent the wide-area alert.The center shall broadcast wide-area alerts and advisories to commercial vehicle administration centers and roadside check facilities for emergency situations such as severe weather events, civil emergencies, child abduction (AMBER alert system), military activities, and other situations that pose a threat to life and property.The center shall broadcast wide-area alerts and advisories to other emergency management centers for emergency situations such as severe weather events, civil emergencies, child abduction (AMBER alert system), military activities, and other situations that pose a threat to life and property.The center shall broadcast wide-area alerts and advisories to maintenance centers for emergency situations such as severe weather events, civil emergencies, child abduction (AMBER alert system), military activities, and other situations that pose a threat to life and property.The center shall broadcast wide-area alerts and advisories to traveler information service providers for emergency situations such as severe weather events, civil emergencies, child abduction (AMBER alert system), military activities, and other situations that pose a threat to life and property.The center shall broadcast wide-area alerts and advisories to toll administration centers for emergency situations such as severe weather events, civil emergencies, child abduction (AMBER alert system), military activities, and other situations that pose a threat to life and property.\LVALDj J `(@The field element shall return safeguard system operational status to the controlling center.The field element shall activate safeguard systems, equipment used to mitigate the impact of incidents on transportation infrastructure (e.g., blast shields, tunnel exhaust systems, etc.) under center control.The field element shall pass data provided by the center to local field devices and report data from the field devices back to the center.The field element shall accept configuration information from the center.The field element shall communicate access permission status and access instructions to approaching vehicles using field-vehicle communications.The field element shall grant access only to qualified vehicles.The field element shall receive requests for access from approaching vehicles using field-vehicle communications and validate and authenticate the requests.The field element shall return barrier system fault data to the maintenance center for repair.The field element shall return barrier system operational status to the controlling center.The field element shall activate barrier systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure under center control. Barrier systems include automated or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other systems that manage entry to roadways.The center shall be able to produce sample products of the data available.The center shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the emissions management data or for the data itself.The center shall assign quality control metrics and meta-data to be stored along with the data. Meta-data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.The center shall collect air quality and emissions management data from various sources, including emissions sensors distributed along the roadside and wide-area sensors detecting pollution over a larger geographical area. ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L ! u J  s H  qFoDmBk@i>g<e:c8 P1238@"/P1239@"/P1242\@"/P1240@"/P1236:@"/P1235l@ "/P1234@ "/P1233@@ "/O1231>@"/O1230@"/N1229@"/N1228|@"/N1227@"/M1226h@"/M1225x@"/M1224\@"/L5373@ "/L5372@"/L1221@ "/L1223@"/L1222R@"/J1219@"/J1220>@"/J12188@"/J1215@"/J1217@"/J1216@"/I1212@"/I1214@ "/I1213@ "/I1211@ "/H1210@"/H1209@"/G1206h@"/G1208x@"/G1207\@"/F1204 @"/F1203@"/E1202@"/E1200@"/E1201`@ "/B1189@ "/B11900@"/B1191@"/B1192@"/A1188@"/A1187@"/A1186@"/A1185j@"/A1184&@"/@1183@"/@1181*@ "/@1180@ "/@1182H@"/>1166@"/>1168 @"/>1167@"/>1170@"/>1169@"/<11636@"/<1162@"/<1161@"/<1160X@"/;1159 @"/;1158p@ "/;1157@ "/;1156v@ "/;1155@ "/: 1147 @ "/:1149r@"/:1151@"/:1152@"/:1154@"/:11530@"/:1146@"/:1150v@"/:1148 @"/81145@"/81143@ "/81144@ "/61141@ "/61142@ "/41139 @ "/41138@"/411378@"/41136@"/41135@"/41140@"/31134@"/31133 @"/LVAL@4 n VJP.The center shall send data concerning enrollment and purchase of commercial vehicles credentials and tax filing to the appropriate commercial vehicle administration center.The field element shall remotely process video and audio data and provide an indication of potential incidents or threats to a center.The field element shall provide raw video or audio data.The field element shall provide equipment status and fault indication of surveillance equipment to a center.The field element shall be remotely controlled by a center.The field element shall include video and/or audio surveillance of secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards) and transportation infrastructure (e.g. bridges, tunnels, interchanges, roadway infrastructure, and transit railways or guideways).The field element shall remotely process security sensor data and provide an indication of potential incidents or threats to a center.The field element shall provide raw security sensor data.The field element shall include object detection sensors (such as metal detectors).The field element shall include motion and intrusion detection sensors.The field element shall include infrastructure condition and integrity monitoring sensors.The field element shall include environmental threat sensors (e.g. chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological).The field element shall provide equipment status and fault indication of security sensor equipment to a center.The field element shall be remotely controlled by a center.The field element shall include security sensors that monitor conditions of secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards) and transportation infrastructure (e.g. bridges, tunnels, interchanges, roadway infrastructure, and transit railways or guideways).The field element shall return safeguard system fault data to the maintenance center for repair.JLVAL N `fnThe center shall send an alarm to the appropriate emergency management center when an unauthorized access has been attempted on a commercial vehicle.The center shall receive the identities of the commercial vehicle drivers as they attempt to access a commercial vehicle.The center shall send driver assignment data to the fleet of commercial vehicles including unique identification information that is used to authenticate a driver. This may include biometric parameters for a driver or an encoded Personal Identification Number (PIN) used to identify a driver.The center shall be able to produce sample products of the data available.The center shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the traveler information data or for the data itself.The center shall assign quality control metrics and meta-data to be stored along with the data. Meta-data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.The center shall collect traveler requests, confirmations, and payment transaction data for traveler services provided.The center shall collect traveler information data, such as parking lot data, rideshare data, road network use data, vehicle probe data, and other data from traveler information system operations.The center shall support an interface with a commercial vehicle driver that is acting in the role of a commercial vehicle fleet manager for the purposes of obtaining credentials, obtaining permits, filing taxes and audit data, and receiving compliance reports and status information.The center shall provide audit data to the appropriate commercial vehicle administration center to support tax audits.The center shall receive compliance review reports from the appropriate commercial vehicle administration centers concerning the operations of the commercial vehicle fleet, including concomitant out-of-service notifications, and carrier warnings/notifications.LVAL < B~The center shall collect and analyze vehicle diagnostics information from maintenance and construction vehicles. The information includes engine temperature, mileage, tire wear, brake wear, belt wear, and any warnings or alarms concerning the operational condition of the vehicle and ancillary equipment.The center shall be able to produce sample products of the data available.The center shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the maintenance and construction data or for the data itself.The center shall assign quality control metrics and meta-data to be stored along with the data. Meta-data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.The center shall collect maintenance and construction data (such as field equipment status, infrastructure status, maintenance and construction activity data) gathered from roadway, traffic, and other maintenance and construction sources.The center shall accept requests for automated roadway treatment system activation from center personnel.The center shall collect automated roadway treatment system and associated environmental sensor fault data and request repair.The center shall collect automated roadway treatment system and associated environmental sensor operational status.The center shall remotely control the environmental sensors that upon detecting changes in environmental or atmospheric conditions, automatically activate roadway treatment systems.The center shall remotely control automated roadway treatment systems. Treatments can be in the form of fog dispersion, anti-icing chemicals, etc.The center shall send a command to the commercial vehicle to disable the vehicle when an unauthorized access has been attempted - this may be initiated within the center or based on inputs from the emergency management center.rLVAL H 6VBThe maintenance and construction vehicle shall send the vehicle diagnostic and safety information to an equipment repair facility.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall use the diagnostic and status information to support scheduling vehicle maintenance, monitoring safety status, and informing the vehicle operator of the conditions.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall collect vehicle diagnostics and operating status data from the maintenance vehicle platform including engine temperature, mileage, tire wear, brake wear, belt wear, and other operational status measures as well as the status of maintenance and construction-specific systems on the vehicle.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall send the time stamped vehicle location to the controlling center.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall track its current location.The vehicle shall collect barrier system fault data.The vehicle shall collect barrier system operational status.The vehicle shall remotely control barrier systems. Barrier systems include automated or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other systems that manage entry to roadways.The center shall present location data to center personnel for the fleet of maintenance and construction vehicles and other equipment.The center shall monitor the locations of all maintenance and construction vehicles and other equipment under its jurisdiction.The center shall schedule preventive and corrective vehicle maintenance with the equipment repair facility based on fleet health reports, maintenance records, vehicle utilization and vehicle availability schedules.The center shall exchange information with equipment repair facilities including status and history of repairs concerning maintenance and construction vehicles. This information includes vehicle status and diagnostic information, vehicle utilization, and coordination of when vehicles will be available for preventative and corrective maintenance.>LVAL ` h J ,$bThe commercial vehicle shall send stored driver and vehicle identities and to roadside equipment.The commercial vehicle shall activate commands to safely disable the commercial vehicle when an unauthorized driver is detected; either in a stand-alone fashion or in response to inputs from the commercial vehicle fleet management center.The commercial vehicle shall detect when an unauthorized commercial vehicle driver attempts to drive their vehicle based on stored driver identity information; passing the information on to the commercial vehicle fleet management center.The commercial vehicle shall receive and store driver assignments and associated driver identity characteristic keys from the commercial vehicle fleet management center.The field element shall forward all requests for right-of-way at multimodal crossings to the controlling center.The field element shall provide fault data for the sensors, signals, and driver information systems equipment at multimodal crossings to the center for repair.The field element shall provide operational status for the sensors, signals, and driver information systems equipment at multimodal crossings to the center.The field element shall include driver information systems (such as dynamic messages signs, highway advisory radios (HAR), and equipment that controls warning lights and gates) that advise drivers at multimodal crossings, under center control.The field element shall include signals to control traffic at multimodal crossings on surface streets, under center control.The field element shall include sensors to monitor requests from non-highway traffic to cross at multimodal crossings for specified durations (such as draw bridges and miscellaneous other interference crossings between highway traffic and other modes such as river traffic, aircraft, etc.); the sensors are under center control.The maintenance and construction vehicle shall send the vehicle diagnostic and safety information to the controlling maintenance center.LVAL d ( f V6The transit vehicle shall output an indication of potential incidents or threats and the processed video or audio information to the center along with the vehicle s current location.The transit vehicle shall perform local monitoring of video or audio surveillance data collected inside of transit vehicles, and identify potential incidents or threats based on received processing parameters.The transit vehicle shall perform video and audio surveillance inside of transit vehicles and output raw video or audio data for either local monitoring (for processing or direct output to the transit vehicle operator), remote monitoring or for local storage (e.g., in an event recorder).The transit vehicle shall provide the capability for the transit vehicle operator to monitor and control the operation of the short range communication system.The transit vehicle shall notify nearby vehicles using short range communications when making a passenger stop, merging, and performing other operations that require cooperation from surrounding traffic.The transit vehicle shall transmit vehicle maintenance data to the center to be used for scheduling future vehicle maintenance.The transit vehicle shall collect and process the transit vehicle's operating conditions such as engine temperature, oil pressure, brake wear, internal lighting, environmental controls, etc.The transit vehicle shall collect and process vehicle mileage data available to sensors on-board.The vehicle shall collect barrier system fault data.The vehicle shall collect barrier system operational status.The vehicle shall remotely control barrier systems. Barrier systems include automated or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other systems that manage entry to roadways.The commercial vehicle shall inform the commercial vehicle fleet management center when an unauthorized commercial vehicle driver attempts to drive their vehicle based on stored driver identity information.LVAL " X~The parking element shall support requests for parking reservations.The parking element shall provide parking management data to traffic management centers upon request as part of the implementation of demand management programs in the region. This could include changes to hours of operation or pricing.The parking element shall exchange parking management data with other parking facilities including location, hours, availability, status, lot usage, operating strategies, and charging information.The transit vehicle shall perform authentication of the transit vehicle operator.The transit vehicle shall be capable of being disabled or enabled based on commands from the center or authentic inputs from the transit vehicle operatorThe transit vehicle shall be capable of receiving an emergency message for broadcast to the travelers or to the transit vehicle operator.The transit vehicle shall receive acknowledgments of the emergency request from the center and output this acknowledgment to the transit vehicle operator or to the travelers.The transit vehicle shall output reported emergencies to the center.The transit vehicle shall accept emergency inputs from either the transit vehicle operator or a traveler through such interfaces as panic buttons, silent or audible alarms, etc.The transit vehicle shall monitor and output surveillance and sensor equipment status and fault indications.The transit vehicle shall accept sensor control data to allow remote control of the sensors.The transit vehicle shall output an indication of potential incidents or threats and the processed sensor information to the center along with the vehicle s current location.The transit vehicle shall detect potential threats via object detection sensors (e.g. metal detectors).The transit vehicle shall detect potential threats via sensors for chemical agents, toxic industrial chemicals, biological agents, explosives, and radiation."ZT)}R' } R ' { P % y N # w L ! u J  sHqFoDmBk@i>g<e:u1349@ "/u1350@ "/t1345@ "/t1344z@"/t1346@"/t1343x@"/p6168@"/p6166@"/p1341@"/l1331@"/l1332@ "/l1333@"/l1334@"/l13352@ "/f1318@ "/f1316@ "/f1317@ "/f1315@"/f1314@"/d1312 @"/d1311@"/d1313 @"/d1310@"/b1303@"/b1308@"/b1309 @"/b1307@ "/b1306@ "/b1305@ "/b1304@"/^12984@"/^1297x@"/^1296@"/\1294,@"/\1293&@"/\1292N@"/\1295@"/[5237L@"/[5236@"/[1290@"/[1289@"/[1291@"/Z1286@"/Z1287@"/Z1284@"/Z1285@"/Z1288@"/Y12804@"/Y1281@"/Y1283P@"/Y1282T@"/X 1271@"/X1278@"/X1275@"/X1277:@"/X1279@ "/X1276@ "/X1274@ "/X1273@ "/X1272@ "/V1266@"/V1265V@"/V1264@"/V1267@"/U6026@"/U6025@"/U6024@"/U6023@"/U1263|@"/T1259@ "/T12588@ "/T1260@ "/T1261@"/R1254@"/R1253.@"/R1252@"/R1255@"/Q168@ /Q1249@ "/Q1246@"/Q1251@"/Q1248@"/Q1250@ "/Q1247@ "/P1232@ "/P 12412@ "/P 1245@"/P 1244\@"/P 1237@"/P 1243b@"/LVAL   The personal traveler interface shall present information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a personal device, and suitable for travelers with hearing and vision physical disabilities.The personal traveler interface shall provide multi-modal guidance for the shortest route, within the preferences and constraints specified by the traveler.The personal traveler interface shall calculate the requested route using data obtained from a navigable map database stored in the device.The personal traveler interface shall provide the capability for a traveler to obtain route guidance from a specified source to a destination.The parking element shall be able to produce sample products of the data available.The parking element shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the parking management data or for the data itself.The parking element shall assign quality control metrics and meta-data to be stored along with the data. Meta-data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.The parking element shall collect parking management data including lot usage and charging information.The parking facility shall determine availability of parking spaces.The parking element shall distribute parking lot information upon request to traveler information providers to support travel planning.The parking element shall distribute parking lot information upon request to transit management centers for park and ride facilities, parking shuttle services, and other applications that integrate transit and parking services.The parking element shall distribute parking lot information to traffic management centers upon request to support integrated regional traffic control and parking management. This could include information on facility hours of operation and current parking availability.zLVAL P  @TXThe public interface for travelers shall support traveler input in audio or manual form.The public interface for travelers shall provide the capability for digitized map data to act as the background to the information presented to the traveler.The public interface for travelers shall receive wide-area alerts and present it to the traveler.This public interface for travelers shall receive evacuation information from a center and present it to the traveler.The public interface for travelers shall receive event information from a center and present it to the traveler.The public interface for travelers shall receive transit information from a center and present it to the traveler.The public interface for travelers shall receive traffic information from a center and present it to the traveler.The personal traveler interface shall acknowledge the request for emergency assistance.When initiated by a traveler, the personal traveler interface shall forward a request for assistance to the center containing the traveler's current location and identity.The personal traveler interface shall provide the capability to accept input from a traveler via a panic button or some other functionally similar form of input device provided as part of the traveler's personal portable device.The personal traveler interface shall provide the capability for a traveler to report an emergency and summon assistance.The Personal device shall apply position correction data to its base positional data.The Personal device shall obtain position correction data from the Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The Personal device shall make time and position data to device applications.The Personal device shall obtain time and position data from its local location and time data source.The Personal device shall determine the traveler's current location. It is intended for use by traveler personal navigation and guidance systems, as well as emergency notification systems.DLVAL D H  jdThe roadside check facility equipment shall receive the credential information (e.g. snapshots) from the commercial vehicle administration center to maintain an up to date list of which vehicles with hazardous materials shipments have been cleared (enrolled).The roadside check facility equipment shall detect the presence of security sensitive substances, e.g. detection of radiation or ammonia compounds, carried on-board commercial vehicles and freight equipment approaching a facility. This data is acquired by roadside sensors from the freight equipment electronically, optically, or manually.The roadside check facility equipment shall detect the presence of commercial vehicles and freight equipment approaching a facility. Sensors can differentiate between different types of vehicles and determine the number of axles, gross vehicle weight, presence of security sensitive hazardous materials, and the identification of the vehicle and its cargo.The public interface for travelers shall accept input and provide information to the traveler in a form suitable for travelers with physical disabilities.The public interface for travelers shall provide the capability to broadcast a message to advise or warn a traveler.When initiated by a traveler, the public interface for travelers shall forward a request for assistance to an emergency management function and acknowledge the request.The public interface for travelers shall provide the capability for a traveler to report an emergency and summon assistance from secure areas such as transit stops, transit stations, modal transfer facilities, rest stops, park-and-ride areas, travel information areas, and emergency pull off areas.The public interface for travelers shall be able to store frequently requested data.The public interface for travelers shall present information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a kiosk, including those that are suitable for travelers with hearing or vision physical disabilities.LVALV nfRJThe roadside check facility equipment shall differentiate between different types of commercial vehicles, including number of axles, presence of containers, and types of connected freight equipment.The roadside check facility equipment shall send a pass/pull-in notification to the commercial vehicle and its driver based on the information received from the vehicle and the measurements taken. The message may be sent to the on-board equipment in the commercial vehicle or transmitted to the driver using equipment such as dynamic message signs, red-green lights, flashing signs, etc.The roadside check facility equipment shall request and input electronic screening data from the commercial vehicle's electronic tag data.The roadside check facility equipment shall detect the presence of commercial vehicles and freight equipment approaching a facility.The roadside check facility equipment shall raise and forward an alarm to the appropriate emergency management center if the hazmat-carrying commercial vehicle does not stop, or in the case of a positive identification of an unpermitted security sensitive hazmat cargo, to coordinate a traffic stop or some other action with respect to the offending commercial vehicle. The alarm will include information concerning the security sensitive hazmat detected at the roadside including the location, appropriate identifiers, route deviation, or assignment mismatches between the driver, commercial vehicle, or the freight equipment.The roadside check facility equipment shall send a pass/pull-in notification to the commercial vehicle and its driver based on the hazmat information received from the vehicle, the freight equipment, or the administration center. The message may be sent to the on-board equipment in the commercial vehicle via nearby connected vehicle roadside equipment or transmitted to the driver using equipment such as dynamic message signs, red-green lights, flashing signs, etc.LVAL . f2RThe field element shall collect a count of vehicle occupants from passing vehicles using field-vehicle communications.The field element shall include freeway control devices, such as ramp signals and mainline metering and other systems associated with freeway operations that control use of HOV lanes, under center control.The field element shall include driver information systems to notify users of lane status for lanes that become HOV or High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes during certain times of the day on freeways, under center control.The field element shall include sensors to detect high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane usage, under center control.The field element shall collect sensor status and sensor faults from roadside equipment and send it along with the recorded data to a center for archival.The field element shall include the sensors and supporting roadside devices that sense, collect, and send traffic, road, and environmental conditions information to a center for archival.The field element shall collect traffic, road, and environmental conditions information.The field element shall return automated roadway treatment system and associated environmental sensor fault data to the maintenance center for repair.The field element shall return automated roadway treatment system and associated environmental sensor operational status to the maintenance center.The field element shall activate automated roadway treatment systems under center control. Treatments can be in the form of fog dispersion, anti-icing chemicals, etc.The field element shall activate automated roadway treatment systems based on environmental or atmospheric conditions. Treatments can be in the form of fog dispersion, anti-icing chemicals, etc.The roadside check facility equipment shall determine the gross vehicle weight, weight per axle, and the identification of a passing commercial vehicle and its cargo.hLVAL^ r f dThe field element shall provide operational status for the reversible lane field equipment to the center.The field element shall monitor traffic in reversible lanes, including wrong-way vehicles, using sensors and surveillance equipment under center control.The field element shall provide fault data for the infrastructure condition monitoring sensors to the maintenance center for repair.The field element shall provide operational status for the infrastructure condition monitoring sensors to the maintenance vehicle.The field element shall provide operational status for the infrastructure condition monitoring sensors to the maintenance center.The field element shall include infrastructure condition monitoring sensors that monitor the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation-related infrastructure (e.g., culverts), under maintenance vehicle control.The field element shall include infrastructure condition monitoring sensors that monitor the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation-related infrastructure (e.g., culverts), under maintenance center control.The field element shall provide operational status and fault data for the incident detection devices to the traffic management center.The field element's video devices shall be remotely controlled by a traffic management center.The field element shall remotely process video data and provide an indication of potential incidents to the traffic management center.The field element shall collect, process, and send traffic images to the center for further analysis and distribution.The field element shall return fault data for the HOV lane sensors to the center for repair.The field element shall return operational status for the HOV lane sensors to the controlling center.The field element shall provide traffic flow measures and information regarding vehicle occupancy (i.e., lane usage) in HOV lanes to the center.fLVALX P v l~The field element shall collect and process, traffic sensor data in the vicinity of a highway-rail intersection (HRI).The center shall track the location and status of service patrol vehicles.The center shall share incident information collected by the service patrol with traffic, maintenance and construction, and traveler information centers for incident management, incident notification to travelers, and incident cleanup.The center shall store the current status of all service patrol vehicles available for dispatch and those that have been dispatched.The center shall dispatch roadway service patrol vehicles to identified incident locations.The center shall collect safeguard system fault data and send to the maintenance center for repair.The center shall collect safeguard system operational status.The center shall accept requests for safeguard system activation from other centers and from center personnel to support emergency response.The center shall remotely control safeguard systems, equipment used to mitigate the impact of incidents on transportation infrastructure (e.g., blast shields, tunnel exhaust systems, etc.)The field element shall send the preemption request to the signal controller to immediately preempt the signal for the requested direction.The field element shall inform the controlling center when preemption requests have been received.The field element shall respond to signal preemption requests from emergency vehicles.The field element shall provide fault data for the reversible lane field equipment to the center.The field element shall include automated reversible lane equipment and driver information systems (such as lane control signals) that control traffic in reversible lanes on freeways, under center control.The field element shall include automated reversible lane equipment and driver information systems (such as lane control signals) that control traffic in reversible lanes on surface streets, under center control. ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L ! u J  s H  qFoDmBk@i>g<e:c8  5248@"/ 5247$@ "/ 2444f@ "/ 2443@ "/ 2442D@"/24414@"/2440 @"/2446@"/2439@"/2445@"/2436@"/2438,@"/2437@"/2428@ "/2434@ "/2435@ "/2432@ "/2433@"/2430@"/2429@"/2423@"/2422@"/2421@"/2420@ "/1420@"/1422@"/1416@"/1417N@ "/1419L@"/1418@"/1414@"/5158@"/1411~@"/14122@"/1408@"/1410@"/1413@ "/1409@"/}1398\@ "/}1401@ "/}1402@"/}1403r@"/}1399@"/}1397@"/}1400@"/|1390@"/|1391@"/|1392@"/|1393@"/|1394~@ "/|1395@ "/{1383@ "/{1387@ "/{1386@"/{1382@"/{1384@"/z1376@"/z1377X@"/z1378Z@"/z1381@"/z1379B@"/z1375@ "/z1380@"/y1371@ "/y1370@ "/y1369@ "/y1368@ "/y1367@"/y1374r@"/y1373@"/y1372@"/x1366\@"/x1360@"/x1365,@"/x1364"@"/x1363@"/x1362@ "/x1361@ "/v 5046@"/v 1353@"/v1354j@"/v1355>@"/v1356p@"/v1357J@"/v1359@"/v1358@"/v1352@"/v1351@"/u1347@ "/u1348@ "/ LVAL &R R :@~DThe center shall collect and store parking information from parking management providers including lot locations, features (e.g. ability to handle oversized vehicles), capacity, type, hours of operation and rates.The center shall collect and store toll pricing data from payment administration centers, including the price for each road segment to which a toll applies, with the time and date for when it applies.The field element shall warn drivers of crossing closures or potential crash-imminent situations.The field element shall forward rail traffic advisories received from the Wayside Equipment to the traffic management center.The field element shall support the integrated control of adjacent traffic signals to clear an area in advance of an approaching train and to manage traffic around the intersection.The field element shall close the highway-rail intersection (HRI) when a train is approaching using gates, lights/signs, barriers, and traffic control signals.The field element shall control the dynamic message signs (DMS) in the vicinity of a highway-rail intersection (HRI) to advise drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians of approaching trains.The field element shall collect pedestrian images and pedestrian sensor data, and respond to pedestrian crossing requests via display, audio signal, or other manner.The field element shall receive track status from the rail wayside equipment that can be passed on to the traffic management center. This may include the current status of the tracks and whether a train is approaching.The field element shall monitor the status of the highway-rail intersection (HRI) equipment, including both the current state and mode of operation and the current equipment condition, to be forwarded on to the rail wayside equipment.The field element shall monitor the status of the highway-rail intersection (HRI) equipment, including both the current state and mode of operation and the current equipment condition, to be forwarded on to the traffic management center.LVAL.  Z 0P6HThe center shall collect and store traffic flow and image data from the field equipment to detect and verify incidents.The center shall store violation parameters, detect HOV lane violators, obtain the vehicle registration data from the appropriate State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office, and then provide the capability to send violation information to a law enforcement agency.The center shall collect fault data for the freeway control devices associated with HOV lane control for repair.The center shall collect operational status for the freeway control devices associated with HOV lane control.The center shall monitor the use of HOV lanes and detect vehicles that do not have the required number of occupants.The center shall collect traffic flow measures and information regarding vehicle occupancy (i.e., lane usage) in HOV lanes.The center shall remotely control freeway control devices, such as ramp signals and mainline metering and other systems associated with freeway operations that control use of HOV lanes.The center shall remotely control driver information systems to notify users of lane status for lanes that become HOV or High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes during certain times of the day on freeways.The center shall remotely control sensors to detect high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane usage.The center shall send requests to transit management centers to change the current transit services - schedules or fares of the transit services including park-and-ride lots.The center shall send requests to parking management providers to change the current parking lot charging structure.The center shall send requests to payment administration centers to change pricing, modify restrictions, or modify operations of a toll road facility.The center shall collect and store current transit, parking, and toll fee schedule information provided by regional traveler information centers.The center shall collect and store transit fare and schedule information from transit management centers.LVAL & >L0X,The center shall collect road condition data from probe-equipped transit vehicles via transit management centers; the data may be aggregated and preliminarily processed at the sending center.The center shall collect traffic probe data from vehicles via roadside field equipment.The center shall distribute multimodal crossing information to other centers for dissemination to travelers.The center shall collect fault data for the equipment at multimodal crossings for repair.The center shall collect operational status for the equipment at multimodal crossings.The center shall remotely control driver information systems (such as dynamic messages signs, highway advisory radios (HAR), and equipment that controls warning lights and gates) to notify drivers of closure durations and times at multimodal crossings.The center shall remotely control traffic signal controllers for use at major multimodal crossings.The center shall provide video and traffic sensor control commands to the field equipment to detect and verify incidents.The center shall provide road network conditions and traffic images to emergency management centers to support the detection, verification, and classification of incidents.The center shall support requests from emergency management centers and border inspection systems to remotely control sensor and surveillance equipment located in the field.The center shall exchange incident and threat information with emergency management centers as well as maintenance and construction centers; including notification of existence of incident and expected severity, location, time and nature of incident.The center shall receive inputs concerning upcoming events that would effect the traffic network from event promoters and traveler information service providers.The center shall receive inputs from the Alerting and Advisory System concerning the possibility or occurrence of severe weather, terrorist activity, or other major emergency, including information provided by the Emergency Alert System.LVAL Xd  >LTThe center shall identify network imbalances and potential courses of action.The center shall provide the capability for center personnel to control access and management of reversible lane facilities, including the direction of traffic flow changes during the day, especially between the peak hours and dedication of more lanes to the congestion direction during special events.The center shall collect fault data for the reversible lane field equipment and send to the maintenance center for repair.The center shall collect operational status for the reversible lane field equipment.The center shall remotely control automated reversible lane equipment and driver information systems (such as lane control signals) that control traffic in reversible lanes on freeways.The center shall remotely control automated reversible lane equipment and driver information systems (such as lane control signals) that control traffic in reversible lanes on surface streets.The center shall monitor the use of reversible lanes and detect wrong-way vehicles in reversible lanes using sensor and surveillance information, and the current lane control status (which direction the lane is currently operating).The center shall remotely control devices to detect traffic in reversible lanes, including wrong-way vehicles.The center shall collect fault data for the roadside probe data collection equipment for repair.The center shall collect operational status for the roadside probe data collection equipment.The center shall collect probe data from payment administrative centers containing travel times between toll collection points for those vehicles equipped for electronic toll collection; the data may be aggregated and processed at the sending center.The center shall collect traffic data from traveler information centers based on data from their subscriber vehicles; the data may be aggregated and initial link time calculations performed at the sending center.LVAL & > N@The center shall collect toll operational data and roadway pricing data.The center shall exchange information with transit management centers including details current transit routes, the level of service on each route, and the progress of individual vehicles along their routes for use in forecasting demand and estimating current transportation network performance.The center shall collect and store anticipated route information from traveler information centers to support overall network performance evaluations and predictions.The center shall collect wide-area pollution data from emissions management centers to support overall network performance evaluations.The center shall monitor, analyze, and store traffic sensor data (speed, volume, occupancy) collected from field elements under remote control of the center to support overall network performance evaluations.The center shall provide transportation operational strategies to other centers.The center shall provide an interface to center personnel to input control parameters for the decision support process and receive recommended actions and supporting information presentation.The recommended actions shall include multimodal strategies that include suggested transit strategies and suggested route and mode choices for travelers.The recommended actions shall include predefined incident response plans, signal timing plan changes, DMS/HAR messages, lane control strategies and freeway control strategies including ramp metering, interchange metering, and mainline metering.The center shall compare the impact of potential courses of action and make recommendations to the operator.The center shall provide center personnel with an integrated regional view of current and forecast road and traffic conditions including traffic incidents, special events, maintenance activities and other events or conditions that impact capacity or demand.LVAL | ^  V:,The center shall exchange data with maintenance centers concerning the reporting of faulty equipment and the schedule/status of their repair. Information exchanged includes details of new equipment faults, and clearances when the faults are cleared.The center shall collect environmental sensor equipment fault data and send to the maintenance center for repair.The center shall collect environmental sensor operational status.The center shall collect and store CCTV surveillance system (traffic, pedestrian) fault data send to the maintenance center for repair.The center shall collect and store sensor (traffic, pedestrian, multimodal crossing) fault data and send to the maintenance center for repair.The center shall collect and store CCTV surveillance system (traffic, pedestrian) operational status.The center shall collect and store sensor (traffic, pedestrian, multimodal crossing) operational status.The center shall be able to produce sample products of the data available.The center shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the toll data or for the data itself.The center shall assign quality control metrics and meta-data to be stored along with the data. Meta-data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.This center shall use the collected information to measure overall current and forecast network performance and predict travel demand patterns.The center shall provide an interface to the archive data repository to enable the operator to retrieve historical operating data for use in planning to predict future traffic patterns and conditions.The center shall exchange traffic information with other traffic management centers, including incidents, congestion data, traffic data, signal timing plans, and real-time signal control information to support overall network performance evaluations.XLVAL  Z ~J~The center shall receive information from Traffic Operations concerning road network conditions, incidents, and other impacts to the road network.The center shall provide an interface to the archive data repository to enable the operator to retrieve historical operating data for use in planning transit routes and schedules.The center shall disseminate up-to-date schedules and route information to other centers for fixed and flexible route services.The center shall exchange information with Maintenance and Construction Operations concerning work zones, roadway conditions, asset restrictions, work plans, etc.The center shall generate the necessary corrective actions which may involve more than the vehicles concerned and more far reaching action, such as, the introduction of extra vehicles, wide area signal priority by traffic management, the premature termination of some services, etc.The center shall manage large deviations of individual transit vehicles, deviations in rural areas, and deviations of large numbers of vehicles.The center shall provide instructions or corrective actions to the transit vehicle operators based upon operational needs.The center shall collect transit operational data for use in the generation of routes and schedules.The center shall dispatch fixed route or flexible route transit vehicles.The center shall be able to generate special routes and schedules to support an incident, disaster, evacuation, or other emergency.The center shall provide the interface to the system operator to control the generation of new routes and schedules (transit services) including the ability to review and update the parameters used by the routes and schedules generation processes and to initiate these processesThe center shall generate transit routes and schedules based on such factors as parameters input by the system operator, road network conditions, incident information, operational data on current routes and schedules, and digitized map data.LVAL, \ 4X@The center shall be able to produce sample products of the data available.The center shall provide transit operational data to traveler information service providers.The center shall determine adherence of transit vehicles to their assigned schedule.The center shall monitor the locations of all transit vehicles within its network.The center shall provide transit incident information to traveler information providers and the media.The center shall provide support to remotely disable (or reset the disabling of) a transit vehicle in service.The center shall receive threat information and status on the integrity of the transit infrastructure.The center shall coordinate the response to security incidents involving transit with other agencies including Emergency Management, other transit agencies, media, traffic management, and traveler information service providers.The center shall send wide-area alert information to travelers (on-board transit vehicles or at stations/stops) and transit vehicle operators.The center shall receive information pertaining to a wide-area alert such as weather alerts, disaster situations, or child abductions. This information may come from Emergency Management or from other Alerting and Advisory Systems.The center shall provide transit incident information along with other service data to emergency centers.The center shall support the back-office portion of functionality to authenticate transit vehicle operators.The center shall receive reports of emergencies on-board transit vehicles entered directly be the transit vehicle operator or from a traveler through interfaces such as panic buttons or alarm switches.The center shall monitor transit vehicle operational data to determine if the transit vehicle is off-route and assess whether a security incident is occurring.The center shall monitor transit vehicle schedule adherence in order to manage transit vehicle operations.*ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L ! u J  s H  qFoDmBkBk@mBoDmB2564@ "/2563^@ "/6175@ "/6176@ "/6129@ "/6128@"/2543@"/2544@"/10412@"/ 1040@"/ 1039@"/ 714@ / 713~@ / 6180@"/5452@ "/688@  /687@  /5451F@ "/2539<@"/2540B@"/2542@"/2541@"/5517|@"/5516n@"/5450@"/ 5449@"/ 715 @ / 54488@ "/ 2533<@ "/ 2538@ "/2537@ "/2536B@ "/2535@"/6182@"/6179@"/2546@"/2534@"/2545@"/2516@"/2511<@"/2513@"/2514@ "/2515@ "/ 2500@ "/ 2501*@ "/2503@ "/2504@"/2510@"/2505@"/2499@"/2507@ "/2508j@"/2509@"/6416@"/6415@"/6414D@"/6413@@"/6412@"/2479P@"/2480 @"/2478@"/2475@"/2476@"/2477@"/2472n@"/2471@ "/2466@ "/2465Z@"/2470@"/24690@"/2468,@"/2467@"/2464@"/2463@"/2462@"/2461T@"/2460^@"/2456@ "/2458@ "/2459@ "/ 5255@ "/ 2449@ "/2455@"/2454@"/2453@"/2450@"/2447@"/2448@"/2452@"/2451>@"/LVAL N t n rThe center shall generate a time-stamped maintenance log of all maintenance activities performed on a transit vehicle.The center shall verify that the transit vehicle maintenance activities were performed correctly, using the transit vehicle's status, the maintenance personnel's work assignment, and the transit maintenance schedules.The center shall assign technicians to a transit vehicle maintenance schedule, based upon such factors as personnel eligibility, work assignments, preferences and seniority.The center shall generate transit vehicle availability listings, current and forecast, to support transit vehicle assignment planning based, in part, on the transit vehicle maintenance schedule.The center shall generate transit vehicle maintenance schedules that identify the maintenance or repair to be performed and when the work is to be done.The center shall monitor the condition of a transit vehicle to analyze brake, drive train, sensors, fuel, steering, tire, processor, communications equipment, and transit vehicle mileage to identify mileage based maintenance, out-of-specification or imminent failure conditions.The center shall collect operational and maintenance data from transit vehicles.The center shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the transit data or for the data itself.The center shall assign quality control metrics and meta-data to be stored along with the data. Meta-data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.The center shall collect transit management data such as transit fares and passenger use, transit services, paratransit operations, transit vehicle maintenance data, etc.The center shall provide collected transit probe data to traffic management centers and traveler information service providers for use in measuring current traffic conditions.,LVAL & ` JJNThe center shall provide the capability to process traveler information requests from a traveler telephone information system.The center shall assess the transit vehicle operator's availability based on previous work assignments, accumulated hours, plus health and vacation commitments.The center shall maintain records of a transit vehicle operator's performance. This may be done utilizing standardized performance evaluation criteria set forth by governmental regulations and transit operating company policies, assessing the transit vehicle operator's driving history, and assessing comments from the transit vehicle operator's supervisor(s) as well as noting any moving violations or accidents, supervisor comments, government regulations, and company policies.The center shall provide transit operations personnel with the capability to update transit vehicle assignments and receive reports on transit vehicle inventory status.The center shall generate transit vehicle availability listings, current and forecast, to support transit vehicle assignment planning.The center shall provide an inventory management function for the transit facility that stores functional attributes about each vehicle owned by the transit operator. The functional attributes permit the planning and assignment functions to match vehicles with routes based on suitability for the types of service required by the particular routes.The center shall provide an exception handling process for the vehicle assignment function. This process shall generate new supplemental vehicle assignments as required due to change events which occur during the operating day.The center shall download vehicle assignments to the transit vehicle prior to the start of the day s operations.The center shall assign individual transit vehicles to transit blocks.The center shall provide transit operations personnel with the capability to update transit vehicle maintenance information and receive reports on all transit vehicle operations data.4LVAL< * 4 D<:RnD2B^The vehicle shall calculate the requested route using data obtained from a navigable map database stored on-board.The vehicle shall provide the capability for a driver to obtain route guidance from a specified source to a destination.The center shall provide the capability to support both specific caller requests as well as bulk upload of regional traveler information.The center shall provide current ferry and rail schedule and airport status information in the requested voice format and for the requested location.The center shall provide transit service information in the requested voice format and for the requested location.The center shall provide weather and event information in the requested voice format and for the requested location.The center shall provide roadway environment conditions information in the requested voice format and for the requested location.The center shall provide work zone and roadway maintenance information in the requested voice format and for the requested location.The center shall provide information on traffic conditions in the requested voice format and for the requested location.The center shall provide the capability to process dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF)-based requests (touch-tone) for traveler information from a traveler telephone information system.The center shall provide the capability to process voice-formatted requests for traveler information from a traveler telephone information system, and return the information in the requested format.The center shall generate supplemental vehicle operator assignments as required due to change events that occur during the operating day.The center shall provide an interface through which the transit vehicle operator information can be maintained - either from the transit vehicle operator, center personnel, or other functions.The center shall assign transit vehicle operators to transit schedules based on their eligibility, route preferences, seniority, and transit vehicle availability.LVAL   Vr\r:The vehicle shall perform control actions based on information received from other vehicles regarding potentially hazardous road conditions or road hazards.The vehicle shall present information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.The vehicle shall send appropriate control actions to the vehicle's steering actuators.The vehicle shall provide an interface through which a vehicle driver can initiate, monitor and terminate automatic control of the vehicle.The vehicle shall provide position warnings to the driver when an object gets close enough to the vehicle to become a hazard if no action is taken by the driver.The vehicle shall evaluate the likelihood of a collision between two vehicles or a vehicle and a stationary object, based on the proximity of other objects to the vehicle, roadway characteristics, and the current speed and direction of the vehicle.The Vehicle shall provide its location with lane-level accuracy to on-board applications.The Vehicle shall provide its location with lane-level accuracy to on-board applications.The vehicle shall evaluate the likelihood of a collision between two vehicles or a vehicle and a stationary object, based on the proximity of other objects to the vehicle and the current speed and direction of the vehicle.The vehicle shall monitor the area to the sides of the vehicle to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle.The vehicle shall monitor the area behind and in front of the vehicle to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle.The vehicle shall receive inputs of broadcast traffic conditions from a traveler information center to enhance route guidance calculations.The vehicle shall present information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.The vehicle shall provide guidance for the shortest route, within the preferences and constraints specified by the driver.vLVAL    r6XtThe vehicle shall provide warnings to the driver based upon warnings received from nearby special vehicles.The vehicle shall notify the Driver of the presence of emergency vehicles nearby that may affect the host vehicle.The vehicle shall be able to receive emergency vehicle location information.The vehicle shall provide warnings to the driver based on information received from other vehicles regarding potentially hazardous road conditions or road hazards.The vehicle shall present information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.The vehicle shall provide position warnings to the driver when an object gets close enough to the vehicle to become a hazard if no action is taken by the driver.The vehicle shall evaluate the likelihood of a collision between two vehicles or a vehicle and a stationary object, based on the proximity of other objects to the vehicle, roadway characteristics, and the current speed and direction of the vehicle.The vehicle shall monitor the area to the sides of the vehicle to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle.The vehicle shall be capable of performing control actions based upon information received from other vehicles regarding their status approaching the intersection the vehicle is approaching.The vehicle shall be capable of performing control actions based upon information received from the infrastructure regarding the status of the intersection the vehicle is approaching.The vehicle shall be capable of performing control actions based upon warnings received regarding pedestrians, cyclists, and other non-motorized users that are sharing the roadway with the vehicleThe vehicle shall be capable of performing control actions based upon warnings received from nearby special vehicles.The vehicle shall perform pre-crash actions, including seatbelt tightening, brake assist, airbag pre-arming, bumper raising/extension.LVALNx x 4 t(v0The vehicle shall determine if road conditions data received from other vehicles represent a potential safety hazard for the vehicle.The vehicle shall present information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.The vehicle shall provide warnings to the driver of potential dangers based on sensor input and analysis concerning the safety of the vehicle.The vehicle shall determine the status of the vehicle in terms of its continued ability to operate in a safe manner.The vehicle shall collect and monitor data concerning the safety of the vehicle - including, steering, braking, acceleration, emissions, fuel economy, engine performance, etc.The Vehicle shall provide its location with road-level accuracy to on-board applications.The Vehicle shall provide its location with lane-level accuracy to on-board applications.The Vehicle shall apply position correction data to its base positional data.The Vehicle shall obtain position correction data from the Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.The vehicle shall calculate the location from one or more data sources including positioning systems such as GPS, sensors that track vehicle movement, and maps used to determine the likely vehicle route.The vehicle shall provide the vehicle's current location to other in-vehicle functions.The vehicle shall acquire the current location and motion of remote vehicles to determine any slow moving vehicles which the host vehicle is approaching.The vehicle shall provide warnings to the driver that a motorcycle is approaching the driver s vehicle.The vehicle shall determine if approaching vehicles are of type motorcycle.The vehicle shall determine if a crash between the host vehicle and a remote vehicle is imminent.The vehicle shall determine the trajectory of the host vehicle.The Vehicle shall provide its location with lane-level accuracy to on-board applications.,ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L ! u J  s H  uJ!wL!uJsHsHsHqFoD5539X@ "/5538@"/6230@"/6229@"/6228@"/5537@"/5536d@"/6210@"/6209@"/6208@"/6207@ "/6193B@ "/6192@ "/6191(@ "/6190@"/6189@"/6188x@"/404h@ /5162@"/5161@"/6187j@"/51596@"/5160.@"/403@ /5155@"/5166@ "/5165@ "/5164@ "/5163@ "/5542@ "/5541@"/6057@"/6056@"/6055@"/6215@"/6214@"/6213@"/6212@"/5479@"/5478@"/5477@"/5457@ "/528@  /527@  /5065@ "/5064\@ "/5063@"/5062@"/523@ /524@ /5068@@"/5067@"/5066@"/5312@"/5311@"/5310@"/5309~@"/5308@ "/5307@ "/5306@ "/5305@ "/5304@ "/5303@"/5302@"/5082@"/5080@"/5408@"/5407@"/5116"@"/5115@"/5398"@"/5397@"/5396@"/5105@ "/5037@ "/5035@ "/5036@ "/5156@ "/5032@"/6194@"/6195@"/5030@"/5044`@"/5079.@"/2569@"/2567@"/2568@"/5453 @"/2565<@"/2566@"/BLVAL: R VH:XVpThe field element shall provide the capability for field personnel to locally control and configure this equipment.The field element shall detect and report any fault conditions with the equipment being monitored back to its controlling center.The field element shall monitor the operational status of field devices and detects and reports fault conditions.The field element shall collect barrier system fault data and send to the emergency vehicles.The field element shall collect barrier system fault data and send to the maintenance center for repair.The field element shall collect barrier system operational status.During a closure, the field element shall support selective access to the closed area by granting entry permission to allowed vehicles.The field element shall receive information used to configure and control barrier systems that are represented by gates, barriers and other automated or remotely controlled systems used to manage entry to roadways.The field element shall communicate with barrier control systems to support local road closure management.The field element shall validate road closure requests to ensure the requesting vehicle is permitted to control gates and barriers.The field element shall communicate with qualified connected vehicles and barrier control systems to support local road closure management.The center shall collect highway-rail intersection (HRI) equipment operational status including both the current state or mode of operation and the current equipment condition.The field element shall collect, process, and send data to the center to uniquely identify passing vehicles in order to support travel time measurementThe vehicle shall receive status from access control system and provide status to the driver.The vehicle shall generate the request to activate the access control system to gain access to the secure area.This vehicle shall accept inputs from the vehicle driver that include the necessary identity and access information.LVAL8 T P ^|The center shall provide the traveler with a shared use transportation option.The center shall accept requests for shared use transportation.The public interface for travelers shall be able to store frequently requested data.The public interface for travelers shall present information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a kiosk, including those that are suitable for travelers with hearing or vision physical disabilities.The public interface for travelers shall support traveler input in audio or manual form.The public interface for travelers shall base requests from the traveler on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter the provided information accordingly.The public interface for travelers shall receive event information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.The public interface for travelers shall receive transit information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.The public interface for travelers shall receive traffic information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.The center shall correlate the time stamped vehicle identities in order to calculate link travel times and derive other traffic measures.The center shall collect time stamped vehicle identities from field equipment.The field element shall send infrastructure situation data, collected from equipped connected vehicles, to the maintenance center.The field element shall collect infrastructure conditions data from local infrastructure sensors.The field element shall communicate with maintenance and construction vehicles, providing local control and monitoring of infrastructure sensors.The field element shall collect environmental situation data from passing vehicles.The field element shall support an interface with field support equipment to accept installation of updates or configuration of field operations.LVAL0l t  j R^The center shall aggregate collected environmental data and disseminate the aggregated environmental probe data to other centers.The center shall collect environmental data (air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, traction control status, etc.) from appropriately equipped vehicles using short range communications equipment.The commercial vehicle shall the vehicle s location, speed and direction to other vehicles in the area.The parking facility shall provide park and ride space information to transit systems operating in the same area as the park and ride lots.The parking element shall accept requests for parking space information from transit systems.The parking element shall provide parking status to traveler information providers including current parking availability.The parking element shall provide general parking information to drivers including lot status, parking availability, and directions to available spaces, entrances, and exits.The parking element shall receive the transit arrivals and departures from transit operations.The parking element shall provide parking arrival information for transit operations.The center shall collect available space information from park and ride lots.The center shall maintain a listing of park and ride lots and their available spaces and locations.The center shall provide transit information including the transit schedule and actual arrival times at the park and ride facility to nearby parking operations.The center shall provide dynamic transit schedule adherence and transit vehicle location information to traveler information providers.The center shall provide general transit schedules to traveler information providers.The personal traveler device shall allow the traveler to confirm a shared use transportation trip.The personal traveler device shall allow the traveler to make a request for a shared use transportation.LVAL:` Z  66$>,The field device shall provide responder location information to the infrastructure.The field device shall provide connected vehicles notification of an incident scene emergency or safety issue.The field device shall alert drivers when they enter an incident scene.The field device shall provide emergency management status of incident scene safety monitoring and warning devices.The field device shall monitor responders movements so that they can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.The field device shall detect vehicle intrusions at an incident scene and warns public safety responders and drivers of imminent encroachment.The center shall assimilate current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information to support incident management.The center shall collect current and forecast road and weather information from weather service providers (such as the National Weather Service and value-added sector specific meteorological services).The field element shall obtain time and position data from its local location and time data source.The field element shall obtain time sync data from the System Monitor.The field element shall acquire time sync data from an external Stratum-2 time source.The center shall be able to produce sample products of the data available.The center shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the traffic data or for the data itself.The center shall assign quality control metrics and meta-data to be stored along with the data. Meta-data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.The center shall collect traffic management data such as operational data, event logs, etc.The center shall develop short term weather warnings or advisories that can be provided to individual motorists through field equipment.LVAL 6 h (The center shall receive operational data from the border inspection systems as well as administrative and registration data.The service patrol vehicle shall update the center with status of an incident response including the nature of the incident, e.g. flat tire, gas, minor accident.The service patrol vehicle shall provide the personnel on-board with dispatch information, including incident type and location, and forward an acknowledgment from personnel to the center that the vehicle is on its way to the incident scene.The service patrol vehicle shall send the current en route status (including estimated time of arrival) and requests for emergency dispatch updates.The service patrol vehicle shall receive incident details and a suggested route when dispatched to a scene.The service patrol vehicle shall send the vehicle's location and operational data to the center for dispatch.The service patrol vehicle shall track its current location.The field device shall send alerts to emergency personnel on the scene of an incident when a vehicle is entering an incident zone and represents a potential threat to their safety.The field device shall provide responders alert notification if they travel beyond the designated safe zone.The field device shall forward warnings about encroachments into an incident scene received from the center, other field devices, or emergency vehicles to nearby connected vehicles.The field devices shall be able to communicate with Personal Information Devices carried by public safety responders to warn them of imminent encroachment.The field devices shall monitor the public safety responder movements so that the responders can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.The device shall provide connected vehicles in the vicinity of active incidents with instructions, e.g. reduce speed, merge, or change lanes as needed in order to maintain a safe distance between them and the emergency personnel.LVAL& x   0 L0TThe field element shall send the collected information back to a center for processing and distribution.The vehicle shall request usage of automated lanes for all or part of an overall route; including sending vehicle conditions to the roadside to determine eligibility.The vehicle shall provide the capability for a driver to request access to automated vehicle lanes.The center shall provide speed and gap recommendations to roadside equipment to support enhancement of traffic flow stability for connected vehicles operating in platoons.The center shall develop speed and gap recommendations for platoon vehicles based upon traffic and environmental data collected from field equipment and connected vehicles.The center shall collect traffic and environmental data collected from field equipment and connected vehicles.The roadside equipment shall disseminate performance parameters and destination information to nearby equipped vehicles involved in a platoon.The roadside equipment shall disseminate current speed and gap policy recommendations to nearby equipped vehicles.The roadside equipment shall process command and control information from the center to adjust platooning parameters.The roadside equipment shall collect connected vehicle information to allow the infrastructure to support platoon operations.The roadside equipment shall provide platoon-level gap and speed policy recommendations to connected vehicles in order to improve the safety and efficiency of platoon operations.The center shall be able to produce sample products of the data available.The center shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the border operations data or for the data itself.The center shall assign quality control metrics and meta-data to be stored along with the data. Meta-data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data."ZT)}R' { P % y N # w L ! w L ! u J  sHqFoDmBk@i>g<e:6360@"/6359@"/6358@"/63574@"/6356@"/6355@"/6354@"/6353$@"/6352 @ "/6351@ "/6350@ "/6349@ "/6348@ "/6347@"/6410@"/6409@"/6408@"/6346@"/6345@"/6344,@"/6343@"/6342@"/6341T@"/6340@"/6339"@"/6338@"/6337@"/6336D@"/6335@"/6334 @"/6333f@"/6332@ "/6331@ "/6330@ "/6328@ "/6327 @ "/6326R@"/6325@"/6324@"/6323@"/6322@"/63216@"/6320n@"/6319@"/6318@"/6317h@"/6316P@ "/6315 @ "/6314@ "/6313@ "/6312&@ "/6311@"/6310@"/6309@"/6235@"/62346@"/6233@"/6232N@"/ 835@ / 6244@"/6243@"/6242@ "/6241@ "/6240@ "/6239@ "/6238J@ "/6237@"/6236@"/ 1713@"/ 1711J@"/1705@"/1714@"/1706@"/1707@"/1708@"/5433@ "/5432&@ "/5431@"/5377>@"/5322@ "/5321@"/5318@"/1842<@"/1840Z@"/1845@"/1847@"/1849J@"/1848L@ "/1846@ "/5540V@ "/LVAL RNhThe center shall notify enforcement agency of a low emission zone entry payment violation.The center shall provide the status of an electronic payment transaction provided directly to the driver via sign or other roadside infrastructure.The center shall be able to set up accounts for drivers to pay for low emission zone entry fees.The field element shall provide vehicle informational road signs and signals, local traffic and road conditions, detours, advisories, and warnings information.The field element shall aggregates and filters the collected data from the connected vehicles based on provided configuration parametersThe field element shall collects emissions data including current emissions as measured or calculated by on-board equipment, from passing connected vehicles that have the capability to collect and report emissions data.The vehicle shall present information to the driver in audible or visual forms without impairing the driver's ability to control the vehicle in a safe manner.The vehicle shall provide warnings to the driver of potential dangers based on sensor input and analysis concerning the safety of the vehicle operating in an automated lane.The vehicle shall evaluate the likelihood of a collision between two vehicles or a vehicle and a stationary object, based on the proximity of other objects to the vehicle, conditions of the roadway and environment, and the current speed and direction of the vehicle.The vehicle shall monitor the area surrounding vehicle in an automated lane to determine the proximity of other objects to the vehicle. Obstacles could include animals, other vehicles, pedestrians, debris in roadway etc.The vehicle shall collect and monitor data concerning the safety of the vehicle while on automated lanes including conditions of the brakes, drive train, forward/rear/side sensors, steering condition, fuel level, tire wear and pressure, and the status of vehicle processors and communications.LVAL:j f z*nXThe transit vehicle shall determine when its position is near a transit station/stop.The transit vehicle shall send vehicle identification information to nearby equipped personal devices.The transit vehicle shall notify the Transit Vehicle Operator of the presence of pedestrians at a transit stop near to the transit vehicle.The transit vehicle shall determine whether pedestrians are at transit stops.The transit vehicle shall be able to collect pedestrian presence information from equipped personal devices.The transit vehicle shall notify the Transit Vehicle Operator of pedestrians that are in a position that is likely to result in a collision with the transit vehicle.The transit vehicle shall determine if pedestrians are at risk of crash due to proximity of transit vehicle.The transit vehicle shall determine if pedestrians are near a transit vehicle.The center shall monitor the operational status of road pricing field equipment and identify equipment faults.The center shall coordinate with other Road Pricing Payment Administration systems to reconcile and apportion payments for vehicles registered in other jurisdictionsThe center shall process and clear payments from vehicle owners and operators as well as payments to other Center Road Pricing Payment Administration through clearing houses provided by financial institutions.The center shall access and use registration and odometer information from the DMV to verify and audit collected road pricing dataThe center shall calculate road use charges based on the vehicle's mileage, roads traveled, time periods, emissions profile for make/model, fuel economy for make/model, weight, number of axles/tires, or other policies.The center shall receive road pricing data (time stamped log of roadways used by the vehicle) and compute the total cost to the vehicle owner.This center shall maintain and publish road use prices, as configured by the Payment Administrator.LVALf $ @ v>The vehicle shall be capable of performing diagnostic tests using on-board data to identify problems in vehicle system operation and to determine possible causes of the problems. The vehicle shall be able to monitor on-board sensors to determine the operating conditions of on-board systems critical to safe and efficient operation of the vehicle.The center shall be able to control and configure traveler support equipment in order to install, repair, or upgrade the equipment. The center shall allow center personnel to be able to monitor the operating conditions of traveler support equipment.The center shall have the capability to monitor the operating conditions of traveler support equipmentThe center shall allow center personnel to be able to control center hardware and software in order to install, repair, or upgrade center assets. The center shall allow center personnel to be able to monitor the center status either locally or remotely.The center shall have the capability to monitor the operating conditions of software in the centerThe center shall have the capability to monitor the operating conditions of hardware in the center. The intermodal terminal shall be able to produce sample products of the data available.The intermodal terminal shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the parking management data or for the data itself.The intermodal terminal shall assign quality control metrics and meta-data to be stored along with the data. Meta-data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.The intermodal terminal shall collect intermodal shipping data including shipping schedules, container statistics, chassis usage, traffic into and out of the facility.The vehicle shall determine the predicted trajectories of transit vehicles.The transit vehicle shall send an indication to nearby equipped personal devices when its position is near a transit station/stop.LVAL,@ b4TThe field device shall allow its software configuration to be revised by personnel in the field. The field device shall allow its software configuration to be revised by a remote center.The field device shall allow its device software to be installed or updated by personnel in the field. The field device shall allow its device software to be installed or upgraded by a remote center.The field device software shall include an operating system kernel and executive functions that manage the overall device software configuration and operation and support configuration management, computer resource management, and govern software installation and upgrade.The center shall report required commercial vehicle repairs and other corrections of identified deficiencies to the appropriate commercial vehicle administration center.The center shall use data from its fleet of commercial vehicles to schedule maintenance and repair activities.The center shall collect and process operational and safety data from its fleet of commercial vehicles - data includes mileage data, repairs, diagnostic data, driver logs, and on-board safety system data.The field device shall be able to provide the status data and diagnostic information to remote centers. The field device shall be able to provide the status data and diagnostic information to field personnel.The field device shall be able to perform diagnostic tests in order to determine operational issues with itself or other field devices under its control. The field device shall be able to monitor the operating conditions of itself and other field devices under its control in order to determine if any operational problems are occurring.The vehicle shall be capable of providing diagnostic information regarding on-board systems to remote service centers.The vehicle shall be capable of providing diagnostic information regarding on-board systems to the driver. LVAL z z6H,The center shall be able to provide control commands, configuration updates, software installation, or software upgrades for field devices under management of the center.The center shall create a cohesive view of field equipment repair needs based upon the status and fault information collected. The center shall collect the status and fault data from field equipment, such as traffic, infrastructure, and environmental sensors, highway advisory radio and dynamic message signs, automated roadway treatment systems, barrier and safeguard systems, cameras, traffic signals and override equipment, ramp meters, short range communications equipment, security sensors and surveillance equipment, etc..The center shall respond to requests from other centers for field equipment repair.The center shall report the status of field equipment maintenance activities to the centers that operate the equipment.The center shall be able to provide control commands, configuration updates, or software installation or upgrade for field devices under management of the center.The center shall create a cohesive view of field equipment repair needs based upon the status and fault information collected. The center shall collect the status and fault data from field equipment, such as traffic, infrastructure, and environmental sensors, highway advisory radio and dynamic message signs, automated roadway treatment systems, barrier and safeguard systems, cameras, traffic signals and override equipment, ramp meters, short range communications equipment, security sensors and surveillance equipment, etc.The center shall collect the status and fault data from the centers that operate the equipment, including data for traffic, infrastructure, and environmental sensors, highway advisory radio and dynamic message signs, automated roadway treatment systems, barrier and safeguard systems, cameras, traffic signals and override equipment, ramp meters, short range communications equipment, security sensors and surveillance equipment, etc..LVALrF  The personal device shall provide the capability for a traveler to update the configuration of safety related software in the device.The personal device shall allow a center to remotely install or upgrade safety related software in the device.The personal device shall include software operating system kernel and executive functions that manage the overall device software configuration and operation and support configuration management, resource management, and govern software installation and upgrade.The vehicle shall provide the capability for a driver to update the configuration of software or hardware in the vehicle. The vehicle shall allow a service center to remotely install or upgrade software in the vehicle.The vehicle shall include software operating system kernel and executive functions that manage the overall device software configuration and operation and support configuration management, computer resource management, and govern software installation and upgrade.The support element shall be able to control and configure center equipment to support remote software installation, repair, and maintenance.The support element shall provide an interface for support personnel to view outputs or provide inputs.The support element shall obtain diagnostic information from the center in order to diagnose problems identified in the center.The center shall provide the capability for center personnel to install or update software in the center. The center shall have the capability to install or upgrade software or hardware of the center. The center shall include software operating systems and executive functions that manage computer resources, user accounts, and installed applications.The center shall allow center personnel to manage the maintenance of field equipment.The center shall be able to request maintenance actions of the center responsible for field equipment maintenance.LVAL &  :t:fThe center shall allow center personnel to manage the control, configuration, and troubleshooting of traveler support equipment.The center shall be able to provide control commands and configuration updates for traveler support devices under management of the center.The center shall be capable of detecting problems in the performance of traveler support equipment, isolating those problems, and implementing corrective actions. The center shall be capable of monitoring the performance and configuration of traveler support equipment.The center shall collect the status and fault data from traveler support equipment, such as electronic signage and kiosks, and provide a cohesive view of equipment repair needs.The traveler system device shall allow its software configuration to be revised by personnel in the field. The traveler system device shall allow its software configuration to be revised by a remote center.The traveler system device shall allow its device software to be installed or updated by personnel in the field. The traveler system device shall allow its device software to be installed or upgraded by a remote center.The traveler system device software shall include an operating system kernel and executive functions that manage the overall device software configuration and operation and support configuration management, computer resource management, and govern software installation and upgrade.The personal device shall be able to provide the status data and diagnostic information to remote centers. The personal device shall be able to provide the status data and diagnostic information to the traveler.The personal device shall be able to perform diagnostic tests in order to determine operational issues being experienced by the device.The personal traveler interface shall be able to monitor its operating conditions in order to determine if any operational problems are occurring. #T)}R' { P % y N # w L ! u J  64016@ "/6400@ "/6399@"/6398@"/63978@"/6396$@"/6395@"/6394@"/6393@"/6392@"/6391@"/6390@"/6389@"/6388@"/6387@"/6386@ "/6385@ "/6384@ "/6383@ "/6382@ "/6381@"/6380@"/6379@"/6378@"/6377@"/6376t@"/63752@"/6374@"/6373@"/6366@ "/6365@ "/6364H@ "/6363@ "/6362b@ "/6361@"/v1b` 0~@LVALK@ ]|3'Transit Center Priority Management' monitors transit schedule performance and generates requests for transit priority on routes and at certain intersections. It may coordinate with the Traffic Management Center to provide transit prio'Transit Center Priority Management' monitors transit schedule performance and generates requests for transit priority on routes and at certain intersections. It may coordinate with the Traffic Management Center to provide transit priority along the selected route, including allocation of dynamic lanes and granting signal priority. It also coordinates with the Transit Vehicle OBE to monitor and manage local transit signal priority requests at individual intersections.'TIC Road Weather Advisories and Warnings' provides road weather advisories to drivers and other travelers.'Roadway Basic Surveillance' monitors traffic conditions using fixed equipment such as loop detectors and CCTV cameras.'Freight Administration and Management' manages the movement of freight from source to destination. It interfaces to intermodal customers to setup and schedule transportation and coordinates with intermodal terminals and freight consolidation stations to coordinate the shipment. It coordinates with the appropriate government agencies to expedite the movement of trucks, their drivers, and their cargo across international borders. The application monitors the status of the freight and freight equipment (container, trailer, or chassis) and monitors freight location and compares it against the planned route.'Vehicle Speed Management Assist' assists the driver in operating the vehicle within the current speed limit. It monitors current vehicle speed and communicates with the infrastructure to receive current speed limits and associated road configuration change notifications. Driver warnings are issued when unsafe or excessive speeds are detected based on the provided speed limits and current conditions.'Roadway Speed Monitoring and Warning' includes the field elements that monitor vehicle speeds. If the speed is determined to be excessive, an advisory or warning is displayed. The characteristics of individual vehicles may also be monitored and used to warn vehicles with specific limitations that reduce safe operating speeds, e.g., rollover risk for tall vehicles. The operational status (state of the device, configuration, and fault data) is provided to the center. This application can also provide an enforcement function, reporting speed violations to an enforcement agency.'RSE Speed Warning' notifies connected vehicles that are approaching a reduced speed zone, providing: (1) the zone s current posted speed limit and (2) any roadway configuration changes associated with the reduced speed zone (e.g., lane closures, lane shifts) if applicable, and (3) associated warning information (i.e., the reason for the reduced speed warning). Configuration parameters that define the applicable speed limit(s), geographic location and extent of the reduced speed zone, and roadway configuration information are received from a center or provided through a local interface. This service object works in conjunction with the 'Roadway Speed Monitoring and Warning' service object, which uses traditional ITS field equipment to warn non-equipped vehicles.'Vehicle Intersection Warning' uses V2V and V2I communications to monitor other connected vehicles at intersections and support the safe movement of the vehicle through the intersection. Driver warnings are provided and the application may also optionally take control of the vehicle to avoid collisions. The application will also notify the infrastructure and other vehicles if it detects an unsafe infringement on the intersection.#:@z: M  F z , W @ jLy8n+W TPX!A*EV On-Board En Route Supportm@8,? RSE Traffic Gap Assist @2&>Vehicle Gap Assist@."< Roadway Signal Control@2&; RSE Rail Crossing Warningb@5): Roadway Advanced Rail Crossingt@:.9 RSE Intersection Safety?@3'7TIC Traveler Information Broadcasta@>25MCM Work Zone Managementu@4(4 Roadway Work Zone Traffic ControlX@ =13"MCV Work Zone Support@ 1%2 RSE Work Zone SafetyU@0$1"MCV Vehicle Safety Monitoring@9-0 Roadway Work Zone Safety @4(. RSE Infrastructure Restriction Warning@B6- Roadway Traffic Gap Assist,@6*+ Roadway Mixed Use Crossing Safety@=1* Roadway Restriction Monitoring and Warning@F:)MCM Reduced Speed Zone Warningf@:.(TMC Speed Warning@-!'Vehicle Basic Safety Communication@>2&MCM Environmental Information Processingr@D8$TMC Environmental Monitoring\@8,#MCM Environmental Information CollectionY@D8""MCV Environmental Monitoring{@8,! Roadway Environmental Monitoring@<0 TIC Road Weather Advisories and Warningsm@D8 RSE Environmental Monitoring@8,Vehicle Environmental Monitoring@<0Emissions Connected Vehicle Monitoring@B6Vehicle Restricted Lanes Application@@4 RSE Restricted Lanes Application0@<0TMC Restricted Lanes CV Application@?3 Roadway Variable Speed LimitsO@9-TMC Variable Speed Limits@5)Vehicle Roadside Information Reception@B6 RSE Traveler Information CommunicationsL@C7 Roadway Emissions Monitoring_@8, Roadway Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Use@L@ Roadway Basic Surveillancey@6* Roadway Traffic Information Dissemination@E9 Roadway Traffic Metering:@4(Emissions Data Management@5)TMC Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Uset@H<TMC Basic Surveillance@2& TMC Traffic Information Dissemination@A5 TMC Traffic Metering@0$ Transit Center Connection Protection@@4 Transit Vehicle On-Board Connection Protection@J> Personal Trip Planning and Route Guidance@E9Drayage Operations Optimization Service@C7CV On-Board Drayage Support@7+Terminal Management@/#Freight Administration and Managementh@A5Vehicle Speed Management Assist@;/ Roadway Speed Monitoring and WarningL@@4 RSE Speed Warning @-!Vehicle Intersection Warning@8,LVAL$ [ F 7'TMC Multi-Modal Coordination' supports center-to-center coordination between the Traffic Management and Transit Management Centers. 'TMC Multi-Modal Coordination' supports center-to-center coordination between the Traffic Management and Transit Management Centers. It monitors transit operations and provides traffic signal priority for transit vehicles on request from the Transit Management Center.'TMC Restricted Lanes CV Application' manages dynamic lanes for connected vehicles. The application provides the back office functions and supports the TMC operator in establishing and managing dynamic lanes using communications to manage lane use for connected vehicles.'Roadway Traffic Information Dissemination' includes field elements that provide information to drivers, including dynamic message signs and highway advisory radios.'Transit Vehicle On-Board Connection Protection' monitors vehicle schedule performance and provides it to the transit center for connection protection processing. It receives operator instructions relating to managing connection protection and recognizes individual travelers who have arranged for connection protection and provides connection protection information to the transit center.'Personal Trip Planning and Route Guidance' provides a personalized trip plan to the traveler. The trip plan is calculated based on preferences and constraints supplied by the traveler and provided to the traveler for confirmation. Coordination may continue during the trip so that the route plan can be modified to account for new information. Many equipment configurations are possible including systems that provide a basic trip plan to the traveler as well as more sophisticated systems that can provide transition by transition guidance to the traveler along a multi-modal route with transfers. Devices represented by this functional object include desktop computers at home, work, or at major trip generation sites, plus personal devices such as tablets and smart phones.The 'Drayage Operations Optimization Service' provides a portal for shippers and receivers to post their loads in need of transport and provide an opportunity for commercial vehicles to find a load to haul on their trip back to/from an intermodal facility. It connects load matching services with container and chassis/equipment availability information and appointment/reservations services from the intermodal terminals to provide an optimized, regionally integrated view of intermodal container transport for drayage operators.'CV On-Board Drayage Support' communicates with the Intermodal Terminal, Fleet and Freight Management (dispatch), and third party services to support efficient drayage operations. This application provides information to the commercial vehicle driver identifying loads and efficient schedules and routes for transport to avoid terminal congestion and minimize bobtail/dry runs. It provides information to dispatch on current truck/equipment/load status.'Terminal Management' supports the operation of the roadway aspects of an intermodal terminal. The key capabilities include the ability to identify and control vehicle traffic entering and departing the facility, guide vehicles to loading and unloading points, maintain site security and monitor container integrity, provide an interface to Customs as appropriate, and acknowledge container pickup and drop-off. Other capabilities include the ability to track container locations within the facility, manage any other required assets, like truck chassis, and provide reservation services to manage congestion at busy terminals. This application also provides information to support load matching services for drayage operators.LVALm s@'Roadway Traffic Metering' includes the field equipment used to meter traffic on ramps, through interchanges, and on the mainline roadway. The equipment i'Roadway Traffic Metering' includes the field equipment used to meter traffic on ramps, through interchanges, and on the mainline roadway. The equipment includes dynamic messages signs to provide guidance and information to drivers at and approaching a meter, including information for any special bypass lanes.'Emissions Data Management' collects and stores air quality and vehicle emissions information by remotely monitoring and controlling area wide and point sensors. General air quality measures are distributed as general traveler information and also may be used in demand management programs. Collected roadside emissions are analyzed and used to detect, identify, and notify concerned parties regarding vehicles that exceed emissions standards.'TMC Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Use' remotely monitors and controls the system that is used to dynamically manage travel lanes, including temporary use of shoulders as travel lanes. It monitors traffic conditions and demand measured in the field and determines when the lane configuration of the roadway should be changed, when intersections and/or interchanges should be reconfigured, when the shoulders should be used for travel (as a lane), when lanes should be designated for use by special vehicles only, such as buses, high occupancy vehicles (HOVs), vehicles attending a special event, etc. and/or when types of vehicles should be prohibited or restricted from using particular lanes. It controls the field equipment used to manage and control specific lanes and the shoulders. It also can automatically notify the enforcement agency of lane control violations.'TMC Basic Surveillance' remotely monitors and controls traffic sensor systems and surveillance (e.g., CCTV) equipment, and collects, processes and stores the collected traffic data. Current traffic information and other real-time transportation information is also collected from other centers. The collected information is provided to traffic operations personnel and made available to other centers.'TMC Traffic Information Dissemination' disseminates traffic and road conditions, closure and detour information, incident information, driver advisories, and other traffic-related data to other centers, the media, and driver information systems. It monitors and controls driver information system field equipment including dynamic message signs and highway advisory radio, managing dissemination of driver information through these systems.'TMC Traffic Metering' provides center monitoring and control of traffic metering systems including on ramps, through interchanges, and on the mainline roadway. All types of metering are covered including pre-timed/fixed time, time-based, dynamic and adaptive metering strategies and special bypasses. Metering rates can be calculated based upon historical data or current conditions including traffic, air quality, etc.'Transit Center Connection Protection' manages the coordination of transit transfers between routes within a single transit agency, between routes of different transit agencies, or between different modes (e.g. a bus transit route and a ferry route). This functional object also supports the capability for an individual traveler to obtain connection protection throughout a specific transit trip. This application may be implemented through peer-to-peer sharing between agencies control systems or as a central transit transfer request brokerage that facilitates the management and coordination of transfers across multiple agencies and control systems.LVALe  8'Roadway Variable Speed Limits' includes the field equipment, physical overhead lane signs and associated control electronics that are used to manage and control variable speed limits systems. This equipment monitors traffic and environmental conditions along the roadway. The system can be c'Roadway Variable Speed Limits' includes the field equipment, physical overhead lane signs and associated control electronics that are used to manage and control variable speed limits systems. This equipment monitors traffic and environmental conditions along the roadway. The system can be centrally monitored and controlled by a Traffic Management Center or it can be autonomous, calculating and setting suitable speed limits, usually by lane. This application displays the speed limits and additional information such as basic safety rules and current traffic information to drivers.'TMC Variable Speed Limits' provides center monitoring and control of variable speed limits systems. It monitors data on traffic and environmental conditions collected from sensors along the roadway. Based on the measured data, it calculates and sets suitable speed limits usually by lane. It controls equipment that posts the current speed limits and displays additional information such as basic safety rules and current traffic information to drivers.'Vehicle Roadside Information Reception' receives advisories, vehicle signage data, and other driver information and presents this information to the driver using in-vehicle equipment. Information presented may include fixed sign information, traffic control device status (e.g., signal phase and timing data), advisory and detour information, warnings of adverse road and weather conditions, travel times, and other driver information.'RSE Traveler Information Communications' includes field elements that distribute information to vehicles for in-vehicle display. The information may be provided by a center (e.g., variable information on traffic and road conditions in the vicinity of the field equipment) or it may be determined and output locally (e.g., static sign information and signal phase and timing information). This includes the interface to the center or field equipment that controls the information distribution and the short range communications equipment that provides information to passing vehicles.'Roadway Emissions Monitoring' monitors emissions and general air quality and communicates the collected information back to the Emissions Management Center where it can be monitored, analyzed, and used. This functional object supports point monitoring of individual vehicle emissions as well as general monitoring of standard air quality measures.'Roadway Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Use' includes the field equipment, physical overhead lane signs and associated control electronics that are used to manage and control specific lanes and/or the shoulders. This equipment can be centrally controlled by a Traffic Management Center or it can be autonomous and monitor traffic conditions and demand along the roadway and determine how to change the lane controls to respond to current conditions. Lane controls can be used to change the lane configuration of the roadway, reconfigure intersections and/or interchanges, allow use of shoulders as temporary travel lanes, designate lanes for use by special vehicles only, such as buses, high occupancy vehicles (HOVs), vehicles attending a special event, etc. and/or prohibit or restrict types of vehicles from using particular lanes. Guidance and information for drivers can be posted on dynamic message signs.LVAL ^ F-'Transit Vehicle Signal Priority' provides the capability for transit vehicles to determine eligibility for priority and request signal pri'Transit Vehicle Signal Priority' provides the capability for transit vehicles to determine eligibility for priority and request signal priority at signalized intersections, ramps, and interchanges through short range communication with traffic control equipment at the roadside.'MCV Environmental Monitoring' collects current road and surface weather conditions from sensors on-board the maintenance and construction vehicle or by querying fixed sensors on or near the roadway. Environmental information including road surface temperature, air temperature, and wind speed is measured and spatially located and time stamped, and reported back to a center.'Roadway Environmental Monitoring' measures environmental conditions and communicates the collected information back to a center where it can be monitored and analyzed or to other field devices to support communications to vehicles. A broad array of general weather and road surface information may be collected. Weather conditions that may be measured include temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and visibility. Surface and sub-surface sensors can measure road surface temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures.'RSE Environmental Monitoring' collects environmental situation (probe) data from passing vehicles that are equipped with short range communications capability. The collected data includes current environmental conditions as measured by on-board sensors (e.g., ambient temperature and precipitation measures), current status of vehicle systems that can be used to infer environmental conditions (e.g., status of lights, wipers, ABS, and traction control systems), and emissions measures reported by the vehicle. The functional object collects the provided data, aggregates and filters the data based on provided configuration parameters, and sends the collected information back to a center for processing and distribution. This functional object may also process the collected data locally and issue short-term road weather advisories for the road segment using short range communications.'Vehicle Environmental Monitoring' collects data from on-board sensors and systems related to environmental conditions and sends the collected data to the infrastructure as the vehicle travels. The collected data is a byproduct of vehicle safety and convenience systems and includes ambient air temperature and precipitation measures and status of the wipers, lights, ABS, and traction control systems.'Emissions Connected Vehicle Monitoring' collects emissions data reported by passing vehicles and uses this data to support air quality management and planning. Coordination with traffic management supports air quality-responsive management of traffic.The 'Vehicle Restricted Lanes Application' monitors and reports its own operating parameters and communicates with roadside equipment to safely enter, operate within, and exit eco-lanes and other controlled-access lanes.The 'RSE Restricted Lanes Application' uses short range communications to monitor and manage dynamic and static restricted lanes. It collects vehicle profile information from vehicles entering the lanes and monitors vehicles within the lanes, providing aggregate data to the back office center. It provides lane restriction information and signage data to the vehicles and optionally identifies vehicles that violate the current lane restrictions. These functions are performed based on operating parameters provided by the back office managing center(s).LVAL<d2 " v j n(The parking element shall accept payment for a reservation for a loading/unloading zone space at a specific future time.The parking element shall accept reservations for loading/unloading zone space at a specific future time.The parking element shall inform the customer of future times available to reserve a loading/unloading zone space.The parking element shall provide real-time status of loading/ unloading zone spaces to drivers or fleet operations. The parking element shall support requests for reservations of loading/unloading zone space under its control.The parking elementshall monitor the current status of each loading/unloading zone space under its control.The vehicle shall be able to present data from a data subscription service to the driver.The vehicle shall be able to receive published data from a data subscription service. The vehicle shall be able to send a data query to a data subscription service.The vehicle shall be able to subscribe to a data subscription service.The personal device shall be able to present data from a data subscription service to the traveler.The personal device shall be able to receive published data from a data subscription service.The personal device shall be able to send a data query to a data subscription service.The personal device shall be able to subscribe to a data subscription service.The field element shall be capable of accepting a query for subscription data from end user devices and forwarding that query to the center responsible for the data subscription service.The field element shall be capable of sending subscription data to the end user device based upon a set of rules governing the data subscription service.The field element shall support the ability for end user devices to sign up for a data subscription service.The field element shall be capable of providing a data subscription service to end user devices. LVAL lp b h D The center shall be able to provide control commands and configuration updates for personal information devices running applications managed by the center.The center shall be capable of monitoring the performance and configuration of personal information equipment.The center shall collect the status and fault data from personal information equipment running applications managed by the center.The field device shall be capable of relaying safety related messages, such as detection of wrong-way vehicles, to equipped vehicles. The field device shall be capable of relaying safety related messages, such as detection of wrong- way vehicles, to other connected vehicle field devices. The center shall aggregate updates to rules, regulations, and statutes in order to define updates to be sent to vehicles and other mobile devices.The center shall receive rules, regulations, and status updates from traffic regulatory agencies or other traffic agencies. The center shall disseminate rules, regulations, and statutes that govern motor vehicle operation to vehicles and other mobile devices.The field device shall receive information from parking management regarding loading zone occupancy and future reservations. The field device shall accept requests from equipped vehicles to use loading zone space. The field device shall communicate with equipped vehicles to provide information about loading zone occupancy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Information from on-board sensors (e.g., radars and image processing) are also used, if available, in combination with the V2V communications to detect non-equipped vehicles and corroborate connec'Vehicle Basic Safety Communication' exchanges current vehicle location and motion information with other vehicles in the vicinity, uses that information to calculate vehicle paths, and warns the driver when the potential for an impending collision is detected. If available, map data is used to filter and interpret the relative location and motion of vehicles in the vicinity. Information from on-board sensors (e.g., radars and image processing) are also used, if available, in combination with the V2V communications to detect non-equipped vehicles and corroborate connected vehicle data. Vehicle location and motion broadcasts are also received by the infrastructure and used by the infrastructure to support a wide range of roadside safety and mobility applications. This object represents a broad range of implementations ranging from basic Vehicle Awareness Devices that only broadcast vehicle location and motion and provide no driver warnings to advanced integrated safety systems that may, in addition to warning the driver, provide collision warning information to support automated control functions that can support control intervention.'MCM Environmental Information Processing' processes current and forecast weather data, road condition information, local environmental data, and uses internal models to develop specialized detailed forecasts of local weather and surface conditions. The processed environmental information products are presented to center personnel and disseminated to other centers.'TMC Environmental Monitoring' assimilates current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information using a combination of weather service provider information, information collected by other centers such as the Maintenance and Construction Management Center, data collected from environmental sensors deployed on and about the roadway, and information collected from connected vehicles. The collected environmental information is monitored and presented to the operator. This information can be used to issue general traveler advisories and support location specific warnings to drivers.'MCM Environmental Information Collection' collects current road and weather conditions using data collected from environmental sensors deployed on and about the roadway. In addition to fixed sensor stations at the roadside, this functional object also collects environmental information from sensor systems located on Maintenance and Construction Vehicles. It also collects current and forecast environmental conditions information that is made available by other systems. The functional object aggregates the sensor system data and provides it, along with data attributes to other applications.LVAL  ] 8%'Roadway Work Zone Traffic Control' controls traffic in areas of the roadway where maintenance and construction activities are underway, monitoring and controlling traffi'Roadway Work Zone Traffic Control' controls traffic in areas of the roadway where maintenance and construction activities are underway, monitoring and controlling traffic using field equipment such as CCTV cameras, dynamic messages signs, and gates/barriers. Work zone speeds and delays are provided to the motorist prior to the work zones.'MCV Work Zone Support' provides communications and support for local management of a work zone. It supports communications between field personnel and the managing center to keep the center appraised of current work zone status. It controls vehicle-mounted driver information systems (e.g., dynamic message signs) and uses short range communications to monitor and control other fixed or portable driver information systems in the work zone.'RSE Work Zone Safety' communicates with Connected Vehicles and Personal Information Devices carried or worn by the work crew to detect vehicle intrusions in work zones and warn crew workers and drivers of imminent encroachment. Crew movements are also monitored so that the crew can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.'MCV Vehicle Safety Monitoring' detects vehicle intrusions in the vicinity of the vehicle and warns crew workers and drivers of imminent encroachment. Crew movements are also monitored so that the crew can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone. It can be used for stationary work zones or in mobile applications where a safe zone is maintained around the moving vehicle.'Roadway Work Zone Safety' includes field elements that detect vehicle intrusions in work zones and warns crew workers and drivers of imminent encroachment. Crew movements are also monitored so that the crew can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.'RSE Infrastructure Restriction Warning' uses short range communications to warn vehicles of infrastructure dimensional and weight restrictions.'Roadway Traffic Gap Assist' measures the headway to the next approaching vehicle. Based on programmed thresholds, unsafe gaps are identified and reported via roadside signs. Traffic gaps and associated advisories and warnings are also provided to the RSE for communication to connected vehicles.'Roadway Mixed Use Crossing Safety' is an advanced infrastructure application that detects pedestrians, cyclists, and other non-motorized users and provides active safety warnings to drivers when cross walks or other intersecting mixed use paths are occupied.'Roadway Restriction Monitoring and Warning' measures the size and weight of passing vehicles and displays warnings to vehicles if the size exceeds the current infrastructure restrictions. The measured vehicle dimensions are also made available to other applications.'MCM Reduced Speed Zone Warning' supports remote control and monitoring of reduced speed zone warning roadside equipment. It provides posted speed limits and associated schedules and information about associated road configuration changes including lane merges and shifts. It monitors field equipment operation and reports current status to the operator.'TMC Speed Warning' supports remote control and monitoring of reduced speed zone warning roadside equipment. It provides the location and extent of the reduced speed zone, the posted speed limit(s) with information about the applicability of the speed limit(s) (e.g., time of day, day of week, seasonality, relevant vehicle types) and information about associated road configuration changes including lane merges and shifts. It monitors field equipment operation and reports current status to the operator./LVAL * wK'TMC Lighting System Control' provides the capability for traffic managers to monitor and manage the electrical lighting systems along the roadside. This capability in'TMC Lighting System Control' provides the capability for traffic managers to monitor and manage the electrical lighting systems along the roadside. This capability includes implementing control plans for lighting systems that may be activated by time-of-day plans or by activating changes to the lighting based on traffic or incidents.'TMC Work Zone Traffic Management' coordinates work plans with maintenance systems so that work zones are established that have minimum traffic impact. Traffic control strategies are implemented to further mitigate traffic impacts associated with work zones that are established, providing work zone information to driver information systems such as dynamic message signs.'RSE Rail Crossing Warning' is a connected vehicle application that improves safety at rail crossings. It communicates with wayside equipment that detects or communicates with approaching trains. It provides rail crossing warnings and train arrival information to approaching vehicles and monitors connected vehicles that may intrude on the crossing.'Roadway Advanced Rail Crossing' manages highway traffic at highway-rail intersections (HRIs) where operational requirements demand advanced features (e.g., where rail operational speeds are greater than 80 miles per hour). The active warning systems supported by this application include positive barrier systems which preclude entrance into the intersection when the barriers are activated. This application is activated on notification by wayside interface equipment which detects, or communicates with the approaching train. In this application, additional information about the arriving train is also provided by the wayside interface equipment so that the train's direction of travel, its estimated time of arrival, and the estimated duration of closure may be derived. This enhanced information may be conveyed to the driver prior to, or in context with, warning system activation. This application also includes detection capabilities which enable it to detect an entrapped or otherwise immobilized vehicle on the grade crossing and provide an immediate notification to the wayside interface equipment and traffic management.'RSE Intersection Safety' uses short range communications to support connected vehicle applications that improve intersection safety. It communicates with approaching vehicles and ITS infrastructure to alert and warn drivers of potential stop sign, red light, and non-motorized user crossing conflicts or violations.'TIC Traveler Information Broadcast' disseminates traveler information including traffic and road conditions, incident information, maintenance and construction information, event information, transit information, parking information, and weather information. The same information is broadcast to all equipped traveler interface systems and vehicles.'MCM Work Zone Management' remotely monitors and supports work zone activities, controlling traffic through dynamic message signs (DMS), Highway Advisory Radio (HAR), gates and barriers, and informing other groups of activity (e.g., traveler information, traffic management, other maintenance and construction centers) for better coordination management. Work zone speeds, and delays, and closures are provided to the motorist prior to the work zones. This application provides control of field equipment in all maintenance areas, including fixed and portable field equipment supporting both stationary and mobile work zones.5LVAL SOThe 'Personal Work Zone Safety' application improves maintenance and construction crew safety by providing crew location information to the infrastructure that can be used to avoid collisions involving the work crew. The application may also alert workersThe 'Personal Work Zone Safety' application improves maintenance and construction crew safety by providing crew location information to the infrastructure that can be used to avoid collisions involving the work crew. The application may also alert workers if they travel beyond the designated safe zone. The information provided and the user interface delivery mechanism (visual, audible, or haptic) can also be tailored to the needs of the user that is carrying or wearing the device that hosts the application.'Personal Intersection Safety' improves pedestrian, cyclist, and other non-motorized user safety by providing personal location information to the infrastructure that can be used to avoid collisions involving non-motorized travelers. It may also alert the non-motorized user of unsafe conditions, augmenting or extending information provided by signals and signs. The information provided and the user interface delivery mechanism (visual, audible, or haptic) can also be tailored to the needs of the user that is carrying or wearing the device that hosts the application.'EV On-Board En Route Support' provides communications functions to responding emergency vehicles that reduce response times and improve safety of responding public safety personnel and the general public. It supports traffic signal preemption via short range communication directly with signal control equipment and sends alert messages to surrounding vehicles.'RSE Traffic Gap Assist' provides advisory information to minor road drivers at a stop-sign controlled intersection to facilitate gap selection to proceed through the intersection. The application can be configured depending on the intersection geometry. It monitors Connected Vehicle traffic on the major road, augmenting infrastructure traffic detectors, to identify and measure traffic gaps. The intersection geometry, measured traffic gaps, and current gap assist sign displays are communicated to the connected vehicle that is navigating the intersection for use in driver advisories and warnings. The application may also collect vehicle size and performance profile from the connected vehicle to optimize the alerts and warnings to the capabilities of the vehicle and driver preferences.'Vehicle Gap Assist' uses V2I communications to collect traffic gap information and associated alerts and warnings that are displayed to the driver who is navigating a stop-sign controlled intersection with a major road.'Roadway Signal Control' includes the field elements that monitor and control signalized intersections. It includes the traffic signal controllers, detectors, conflict monitors, signal heads, and other ancillary equipment that supports traffic signal control. It also includes field masters, and equipment that supports communications with a central monitoring and/or control system, as applicable. The communications link supports upload and download of signal timings and other parameters and reporting of current intersection status. It represents the field equipment used in all levels of traffic signal control from basic actuated systems that operate on fixed timing plans through adaptive systems. It also supports all signalized intersection configurations, including those that accommodate pedestrians. In advanced, future implementations, environmental data may be monitored and used to support dilemma zone processing and other aspects of signal control that are sensitive to local environmental conditions.<<k4 o , e ' ^  m 5 m + Sn4x7fM?i%g%Transit Evacuation Support{@6*TIC Emergency Traveler Information@>29Emergency Response Management@9-9Emergency Evacuation Support @8,9Emergency Call-Taking@1%9Emergency Notification Support@:. RSE Position Correction Support@;/Transit Center Passenger Counting@=1Transit Vehicle Emissions Monitoring@@4Transit Vehicle Passenger Countingr@>2~Transit Center Multi-Modal Coordination;@C7|TMC Regional Traffic Management@;/{Transit Center Emissions Monitoringg@?3y9Emergency Routing@-!xTMC Automated Vehicle Operations @<0wVehicle Cooperative Cruise Controlw@>2v RSE Automated Vehicle Operations@<0uTransit Center Information Services@?3tPersonal Interactive Traveler Informationq@E9s0Roadway Payment Supporti@3'pTransit Center Priority Management@>2oTMC Multi-Modal Coordination@8,nTransit Vehicle Signal Priority@;/mCV On-Board Signal Priority@7+lTMC Roadway Warning@/#kVehicle Queue Warning@1%j RSE Queue Warning+@-!i Roadway Warning@+h RSE Traffic Monitoring@2&g RSE Lighting System Support@7+f Roadway Lighting System Control@;/eTMC Lighting System ControlS@7+dTIC Travel Services Information and Reservatione@K?c RSE Electric Charging Support@9-bVehicle Electric Charging Assist@<0aVehicle Trip Planning and Route Guidance@D8`TIC Trip PlanningX@-!_TIC Data Collection@/#^ RSE Traffic Metering@0$Z RSE Intersection Management@7+X RSE Speed Managementk@0$WVehicle Eco-Driving Assist@@6*U RSE Payment Support@/#TVehicle Payment Servicew@3'STIC Connected Vehicle Traveler Info Distribution@L@REmissions Zone Managementa@5)P/PAC Payment Administration@6*O RSE Low Emissions Zone Application@>2NVehicle Emissions Monitoring@8,MVehicle Emergency Notification@:.LTMC In-Vehicle Signing Managementf@=1KMCM Work Zone Safety Management'@;/JTMC Traffic Gap Assist@2&ITMC Signal Control[@."HTMC Advanced Rail Crossing Management@A5GTMC Intersection Safety@3'FTMC Infrastructure Restriction Warning@B6ETMC Work Zone Traffic Managementw@<0CPersonal Work Zone Safety@5)BPersonal Intersection Safety@@8,gLVAL+I :''TIC Travel Services Information' disseminates information about traveler services such as lodging, restaurants, and service stations. Tailored traveler service information is 'TIC Travel Services Information' disseminates information about traveler services such as lodging, restaurants, and service stations. Tailored traveler service information is provided on request that meets the constraints and preferences specified by the traveler. This application also supports reservations and advanced payment for traveler services.'RSE Electric Charging Support' uses short range communications to coordinate with a vehicle that is being charged, receiving information about the operational state of the electrical system, the maximum charge rate, and the percentage-complete of the charge from the vehicle.'MCM Work Zone Safety Management' remotely monitors work zone safety systems that detect vehicle intrusions in work zones and warns crew workers and drivers of imminent encroachment. Crew movements are also monitored so that the crew can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.'TMC Traffic Gap Assist' supports remote control and monitoring of traffic gap assist infrastructure equipment. It provides configuration information for the equipped intersection and the operating parameters for the traffic detection system that measures traffic gaps on the major road and the signs and Connected Vehicle communications that provide advisories and warnings to vehicles on the minor road attempting to navigate the intersection. It monitors field equipment operation and reports current status to the operator.'TMC Signal Control' provides the capability for traffic managers to monitor and manage the traffic flow at signalized intersections. This capability includes analyzing and reducing the collected data from traffic surveillance equipment and developing and implementing control plans for signalized intersections. Control plans may be developed and implemented that coordinate signals at many intersections under the domain of a single Traffic Management Center and are responsive to traffic conditions and adapt to support incidents, preemption and priority requests, pedestrian crossing calls, etc.'TMC Advanced Rail Crossing Management' monitors and controls rail crossing traffic control equipment at advanced crossings that provide additional information on approaching trains, detect and report obstructions on the grade crossing, and communicate directly with equipped vehicles approaching the crossing. It remotely monitors and reports the status of the rail crossing equipment and sends control plan updates to the equipment. It also provides enhanced coordination between rail operations and traffic management centers that supports forecast of closure times and durations that may be applied to advanced traffic control strategies or delivered as enhanced traveler information.'TMC Intersection Safety' controls and monitors RSEs that support stop sign, red light, and mixed use crossing violations. It configures the RSEs for the current intersection geometry and traffic signal control equipment at the intersection. Information that is currently being communicated to passing vehicles and the operational status of the field equipment is monitored by this application. The operational status of the field equipment is reported to operations personnel.'TMC Infrastructure Restriction Warning' controls and monitors RSEs that support Infrastructure Restriction Warnings. It configures the RSEs to define tunnel/bridge geometry and design and temporary size and weight restrictions. Information that is currently being communicated to passing vehicles and the operational status of the field equipment is monitored by this application. The operational status of the field equipment is reported to operations personnel.LVAL   \'Vehicle Electric Charging Assist' uses short range communications to coordinate with electric charging stations, providing information about the operational state of the electrical system, the maximum charge'Vehicle Electric Charging Assist' uses short range communications to coordinate with electric charging stations, providing information about the operational state of the electrical system, the maximum charge rate, and the percentage-complete of the charge. This application also receives current information about electric charging systems in the region and makes this information available to the driver on request.In support of connected vehicle applications, 'TIC Connected Vehicle Traveler Info Distribution' disseminates traveler information including traffic and road conditions, incident information, maintenance and construction information, event information, transit information, parking information, and weather information. Location-specific or situation-relevant traveler information is sent to short range communications transceivers at the roadside.'Emissions Zone Management' identifies existing and potential emissions hot spots and coordinates with transportation agencies and their systems to establish low emissions zones to manage air quality in these areas. Through this coordination, the geographic boundary, restrictions, and pricing for the low emissions zone are established and adjusted.'PAC Payment Administration' provides administration and management of payments associated with electronic toll collection, parking payments, and other e-payments. It provides the back office functions that support enrollment, pricing, payment reconciliation with financial institutions, and violation notification to enforcement agencies. It also supports dynamic pricing to support demand management. Secure communications with the financial infrastructure and distributed payment infrastructure, including toll plazas, support electronic payments and other ancillary requirements such as lost payment device identification and management.'RSE Low Emissions Zone Application' provides information to vehicles regarding low emissions zones and checks vehicle profiles on entry to a designated low emissions zone to verify they are in compliance with the parameters established for the zone.'Vehicle Emissions Monitoring' directly measures or estimates current and average vehicle emissions and makes this data available to the driver and connected vehicle infrastructure systems.'Vehicle Emergency Notification' provides the capability for drivers or collision detection sensors to report an emergency and summon assistance. It gathers data from on-board collision detection sensors, provides a mechanism for the driver to summon assistance, and includes a communications capability to report the collision including indicators of collision severity, the number of passengers involved, and information about the vehicle that may affect the response.'TMC In-Vehicle Signing Management' controls and monitors RSEs that support in-vehicle signing. Sign information that may include static regulatory, service, and directional sign information as well as variable information such as traffic and road conditions can be provided to the RSE, which uses short range communications to send the information to in-vehicle equipment. Information that is currently being communicated to passing vehicles and the operational status of the field equipment is monitored by this application. The operational status of the field equipment is reported to operations personnel.LVAL q 'Vehicle Trip Planning and Route Guidance' includes the in-vehicle system that coordinates with a traveler information center to provide a personalized trip plan to the driver. The trip plan is calculated by the Transportation Information Center (TIC) based on preferences and constraints supplied by the driver and provided to the driver for confirmation. Reservations and advanced payment may'Vehicle Trip Planning and Route Guidance' includes the in-vehicle system that coordinates with a traveler information center to provide a personalized trip plan to the driver. The trip plan is calculated by the Transportation Information Center (TIC) based on preferences and constraints supplied by the driver and provided to the driver for confirmation. Reservations and advanced payment may also be processed to confirm the trip plan. Coordination with the TIC may continue during the trip so that the route plan can be modified to account for new information. Many equipment configurations are possible including in-vehicle systems that provide a basic trip plan to the driver as well as more sophisticated systems that can provide turn by turn guidance to the driver along the route.'TIC Trip Planning' provides pre-trip and en-route trip planning services for travelers. It receives origin, destination, constraints, and preferences and returns trip plan(s) that meet the supplied criteria. Trip plans may be based on current traffic and road conditions, transit schedule information, and other real-time traveler information. Candidate trip plans are multimodal and may include vehicle, transit, and alternate mode segments (e.g., rail, ferry, bicycle routes, and walkways) based on traveler preferences. It also confirms the trip plan for the traveler and supports reservations and advanced payment for portions of the trip. The trip plan includes specific routing information and instructions for each segment of the trip and may also include information and reservations for additional services (e.g., parking) along the route.'RSE Payment Support' manages vehicle payments for road use based on fee structures and payment strategies based on vehicle-reported data including VMT, emissions, vehicle class or type. Fees may vary by time or location and may include incentives or credits to reward desirable driving behavior. To support payment, it receives vehicle data (e.g., time stamped roadways used by the vehicle since the last transmission) and forwards this to the Payment Administration Center. It also receives equipment status from the vehicle and vehicle characteristics sensed from the vehicle (number of axles, weight, vehicle tag image/ID). Faults are identified and forwarded to the Payment Administration Center. Finally, it requests, receives, processes, and reports vehicle payment information.'Vehicle Payment Service' supports vehicle payments including VMT- and zone-based payments and payments for other services including fuel/charging services, tolls, and parking. To support VMT-based payment, this application tracks the location of the vehicle at specific times and reports this VMT data along with vehicle identification. A variety of pricing strategies are supported, including strategies that include credits or incentives that reward desired driving patterns and behavior. The onboard equipment supports secure short range communications with connected vehicle roadside equipment to support secure payments.%LVAL U ='TIC Data Collection' collects transportation-related data from other centers, performs data quality checks on the collected data and then consolidates, verifies, and refines the data and makes it available in a consistent format to applications that support operational data sharing between centers and deliver traveler inf'TIC Data Collection' collects transportation-related data from other centers, performs data quality checks on the collected data and then consolidates, verifies, and refines the data and makes it available in a consistent format to applications that support operational data sharing between centers and deliver traveler information to end-users. A broad range of data is collected including traffic and road conditions, transit data, emergency information and advisories, weather data, special event information, traveler services, parking, multimodal data, and toll/pricing data. It also shares data with other transportation information centers.'RSE Traffic Metering' uses V2I communications to support ramp metering and other traffic metering applications. Data is collected from connected vehicles on both the mainline and approach to the traffic meters. The collected data is processed and filtered and provided to the metering controller. Status and current signal indications from the ramp meter are also collected and provided to approaching and queued connected vehicles.'RSE Intersection Management' uses short range communications to support connected vehicle applications that manage signalized intersections. It communicates with approaching vehicles and ITS infrastructure (e.g., the traffic signal controller) to enhance traffic signal operations. Coordination with the ITS infrastructure also supports conflict monitoring to ensure the RSE output and traffic signal control output are consistent and degrade in a fail safe manner.'RSE Speed Management' provides infrastructure information including road grade, roadway geometry, road weather information, and current speed limits to assist vehicles in maintaining safe speeds and headways. It also provides speed recommendations to vehicles based on current conditions and overall speed limits and strategies established by the back office.'Vehicle Eco-Driving Assist' provides customized real-time driving advice to drivers, allowing them to adjust behaviors to save fuel and reduce emissions. This advice includes recommended driving speeds, optimal acceleration and deceleration profiles based on prevailing traffic conditions, and local interactions with nearby vehicles, i.e., processing Basic Safety Messages (BSMs) to determine position and speed of vehicles that are between the host vehicle and the intersection. When approaching and departing signalized intersections, it uses intersection geometry information, the relative position and speed of vehicles ahead of it, and signal phase movement information to provide speed advice to the driver so that the driver can adapt the vehicle s speed to pass the next traffic signal on green, decelerate to a stop in the most eco-friendly manner, or manage acceleration as the vehicle departs from a signalized intersection. It also provides feedback to drivers on their driving behavior to encourage them to drive in a more environmentally efficient manner. It may also support vehicle-assisted strategies, where the vehicle automatically implements the eco-driving strategy (e.g., changes gears, switches power sources, or reduces its speed in an eco-friendly manner as the vehicle approaches a traffic signal or queue).LVAL+ 'CV On-board Signal Priority' provides the capability for commercial vehicles to determine eligibility for priority and request signal pri'CV On-board Signal Priority' provides the capability for commercial vehicles to determine eligibility for priority and request signal priority at signalized intersections, ramps, and interchanges through short range communication with traffic control equipment at the roadside.'TMC Roadway Warning' remotely monitors and controls the systems used to warn drivers approaching hazards on a roadway. It monitors data on roadway conditions from sensors in the field and generates warnings in response to roadway weather conditions, road surface conditions, traffic conditions including queues, obstacles or animals in the roadway, and any other transient events that can be sensed.'Vehicle Queue Warning' detects vehicle queues and reports queues to other vehicles using V2V communications and to the infrastructure using V2I communications. Vehicle-based queue warning builds on the exchange of vehicle location and motion and maneuvers that supports connected vehicle safety applications. This application also receives information about downstream queues using I2V communications. Individualized queue warnings and queue characteristics relevant to the vehicle are provided to the driver.'RSE Queue Warning' provides V2I communications to support queue warning systems. It monitors connected vehicles to identify and monitor queues in real-time and provides information to vehicles about upcoming queues, including downstream queues that are reported by the Traffic Management Center.'Roadway Warning' includes the field equipment used to warn drivers approaching hazards on a roadway. Warnings may be generated in response to roadway weather conditions, road surface conditions, traffic conditions including queues, obstacles or animals in the roadway, and any other transient events that can be sensed. The equipment monitors traffic and roadway conditions and may send data to a Traffic Management Center for processing or may process it to determine when a warning should be issued. When it is determined that a warning should be issued, the equipment is used to alert approaching drivers via dynamic warning signs, flashing lights, in-vehicle messages, etc.'RSE Traffic Monitoring' monitors the basic safety messages that are shared between connected vehicles and distills this data into traffic flow measures that can be used to manage the network in combination with or in lieu of traffic data collected by infrastructure-based sensors. As connected vehicle penetration rates increase, the measures provided by this application can expand beyond vehicle speeds that are directly reported by vehicles to include estimated volume, occupancy, and other measures. This object also supports incident detection by monitoring for changes in speed and vehicle control events that indicate a potential incident.'RSE Lighting System Support' uses V2I communications to monitor vehicle presence and collect environmental information from passing connected vehicles. The collected data is processed and filtered and provided as an input to support adjustment of roadside lighting systems.'Roadway Lighting System Control' includes field equipment that controls lighting systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure. It includes the sensors, lighting controllers, and supporting field equipment that monitors and controls lighting systems. The equipment supports control based on sensed local conditions, stored timing plans, and remote commands from a center. It monitors lighting system status and reports status to the controlling center.LVAL& H /='Vehicle Cooperative Cruise Control' uses V2V communications to share speeds and coordinate maneuvers with adjacent vehicles in the same lane (a CACC 'str'Border Inspection' manages and supports primary'Border Inspection' manages and supports primary and secondary inspections at the border crossing.'Transit Vehicle Passenger Counting' collects transit vehicle loading data and makes it available to the center.'TMC Automated Vehicle Operations' remotely monitors and controls automated lanes. It monitors system operation and provides parameters that control system operation including system parameters that govern vehicle platoon formation, speeds, and gaps or headways.'Vehicle Cooperative Cruise Control' uses V2V communications to share speeds and coordinate maneuvers with adjacent vehicles in the same lane (a CACC 'string'), maintaining vehicle speed and a safe gap with the predecessor vehicle. It provides the capability for vehicles to cluster into strings of CACC-equipped vehicles with compatible performance characteristics and share speed, location, acceleration/deceleration, path predictions (e.g., intended acceleration/deceleration) with other vehicles in the string. These capabilities are provided by systems on board the vehicle that coordinate with other vehicles and control acceleration and braking. In advanced implementations, the capability to coordinate with the infrastructure to support more advanced clustering strategies and use infrastructure provided target speed and traffic control information to improve performance.'RSE Automated Vehicle Operations' includes the field elements that monitor and control access to and egress from automated lanes. It monitors and coordinates automated vehicle operations within the lanes. These lanes support vehicles operating in platoons with short headways.'Transit Center Information Services' collects the latest available information for a transit service and makes it available to transit customers and to Transportation Information Centers for further distribution. Customers are provided information at transit stops and other public transportation areas before they embark and on-board the transit vehicle once they are enroute. Information provided can include the latest available information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, yellow pages, and special events. In addition to general service information, tailored information (e.g., itineraries) are provided to individual transit users.'Personal Interactive Traveler Information' provides traffic information, road conditions, transit information, yellow pages (traveler services) information, special event information, and other traveler information that is specifically tailored based on the traveler's request and/or previously submitted traveler profile information. It also supports interactive services that support enrollment, account management, and payments for transportation services. The interactive traveler information capability is provided by personal devices including personal computers and personal portable devices such as smart phones.'Roadway Payment Support' represents the equipment that works in conjunction with the RSE to detect vehicles and identify and process violators when the RSE is used to support electronic payment. Various fee structures and payment strategies are supported including strategies that support reimbursements or credits that incentivize desired driving behavior.[LVAL p+w'RSE Position Correction Support' broadcasts differential positioning data to enable precise locations to be determined by passing vehicles, supporting Connected Vehicle applications that require highly accurate posi'RSE Position Correction Support' broadcasts differential positioning data to enable precise locations to be determined by passing vehicles, supporting Connected Vehicle applications that require highly accurate positioning. The differential positioning data may be calculated directly by a precisely located RSE that is operating as a reference station or received from an external reference station and relayed to passing vehicles.'Transit Center Passenger Counting' receives and processes transit vehicle loading data using two-way communications from equipped transit vehicles.'Transit Vehicle Emissions Monitoring' directly measures or estimates vehicle emissions and provides current and average emissions measures to the Transit Management Center.'Transit Center Multi-Modal Coordination' supports transit service coordination between transit properties and coordinates with other surface and air transportation modes. As part of service coordination, it shares schedule and trip information, as well as transit transfer cluster (a collection of stop points, stations, or terminals where transfers can be made conveniently) and transfer point information between Multimodal Transportation Service Providers, Transit Agencies, and ISPs. An interface to Traffic Management also supports demand management strategies.'TMC Regional Traffic Management' supports coordination between Traffic Management Centers in order to share traffic information between centers as well as control of traffic management field equipment. This coordination supports wide area optimization and regional coordination that spans jurisdictional boundaries; for example, coordinated signal control in a metropolitan area or coordination between freeway operations and arterial signal control within a corridor.'Transit Center Emissions Monitoring' collects and/or estimates current transit fleet emissions and forecasts future fleet emissions in the context of overall air quality measures for the region. The collected, estimated, and forecast emissions is monitored and forwarded to other agencies to more effectively manage transit operations to reduce emissions.'Emergency Routing' supports routing of emergency vehicles and enlists support from the Traffic Management Center to facilitate travel along these routes. Routes may be determined based on real-time traffic information and road conditions or routes may be provided by the Traffic Management Center on request. Vehicles are tracked and routes are based on current vehicle location. It may coordinate with the Traffic Management Center to provide preemption or otherwise adapt the traffic control strategy along the selected route.LVAL1 R E'Emergency Evacuation Support' coordinates evacuation plans among allied agencies and manages ev'Transit Vehicle On-board Fare Management' supports fare collection using a standard fare card or other non'Transit Vehicle On-board Fare Management' supports fare collection using a standard fare card or other non-monetary fare medium and detects payment violations. Collected fare data are made available to the center.'Emergency Incident Scene Safety Management' remotely monitors incident scene safety systems that detect vehicle intrusions in designated areas at the incident scene and warns on-scene personnel and drivers of imminent encroachment. Public safety responder movements are also monitored so that the responders can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.'EV On-Board Safety Monitoring' detects vehicle intrusions in the vicinity of the vehicle and warns emergency personnel of imminent encroachment. Personnel movements in the vicinity of the vehicle are also monitored so that the personnel can be warned of movement beyond a designated safe zone.'Emergency Evacuation Support' coordinates evacuation plans among allied agencies and manages evacuation and reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency that poses a risk to public safety. Where appropriate, the affected population is evacuated in shifts, using more than one evacuation route, and including several evacuation destinations to spread demand and thereby expedite the evacuation. All affected jurisdictions (e.g., states and counties) at the evacuation origin, evacuation destination, and along the evacuation route are informed of the plan. The public is provided with real-time evacuation guidance including basic information to assist potential evacuees in determining whether evacuation is necessary. Resource requirements are forecast based on the evacuation plans, and the necessary resources are located, shared between agencies if necessary, and deployed at the right locations at the appropriate times. The evacuation and reentry status are monitored and used to refine the plan and resource allocations during the evacuation and subsequent reentry. It communicates with public health systems to develop evacuation plans and recommended strategies for disasters and evacuation scenarios involving biological or other medical hazards.'Emergency Call-Taking' supports the emergency call-taker, collecting available information about the caller and the reported emergency, and forwarding this information to other objects that formulate and manage the emergency response. It receives 9-1-1, 7-digit local access, and motorist call-box calls and interfaces to other agencies to assist in the verification and assessment of the emergency and to forward the emergency information to the appropriate response agency.'Emergency Notification Support' receives emergency notification messages from vehicles or personal handheld devices, determines an appropriate response, and either uses internal resources or contacts a local agency to provide that response. The nature of the emergency is determined based on the information in the received message as well as other inputs. This object effectively serves as an interface between automated collision notification systems and the local public safety answering point for messages that require a public safety response. This capability depends on an up-to-date registry of public safety answering points/response agencies by coverage area, the type of emergency, and hours of service.LVAL@ 9v'CV On-Board Cargo Monitoring' monitors the location and status of the commercial vehicle and its cargo. It sends the collected data to appropriate centers and roadside facilities, including emergency m'CV On-Board Cargo Monitoring' monitors the location and status of the commercial vehicle and its cargo. It sends the collected data to appropriate centers and roadside facilities, including emergency management in the case of HAZMAT incidents. Depending on the nature of the cargo, it may include sensors that measure temperature, pressure, load leveling, acceleration, and other attributes of the cargo.'TMC Evacuation Support' supports development, coordination, and execution of special traffic management strategies during evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or major emergency. A traffic management strategy is developed based on anticipated demand, the capacity of the road network including access to and from the evacuation routes, and existing and forecast conditions. The strategy supports efficient evacuation and also protects and optimizes movement of response vehicles and other resources that are responding to the emergency.'Transit Evacuation Support' manages transit resources to support evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency. It supports coordination of regional evacuation plans, identifying the transit role in a regional evacuation and identifying transit resources that would be used. During an evacuation, it coordinates the use of transit and school bus fleets, supporting evacuation of those with special needs and the general population. Transit service and fare schedules are adjusted and updated service and fare information is made available through traveler information systems.'TIC Emergency Traveler Information' provides emergency information to the public, including wide-area alerts and evacuation information. It provides emergency alerts, information on evacuation zones and evacuation requirements, evacuation destinations and shelter information, available transportation modes, and traffic and road conditions at the origin, destination, and along the evacuation routes. In addition to general evacuation information, personalized information including tailored evacuation routes, service information, and estimated travel times is also provided based on traveler specified origin, destination, and route parameters. Updated information is provided throughout the evacuation and subsequent reentry as status changes and plans are adapted.'Emergency Response Management' provides the strategic emergency response capabilities and broad inter-agency interfaces that are implemented for extraordinary incidents and disasters that require response from outside the local community. It provides the functional capabilities and interfaces commonly associated with Emergency Operations Centers. It develops and stores emergency response plans and manages overall coordinated response to emergencies. It monitors real-time information on the state of the regional transportation system including current traffic and road conditions, weather conditions, special event and incident information. It tracks the availability of resources and assists in the appropriate allocation of these resources for a particular emergency response. It also provides coordination between multiple allied agencies before and during emergencies to implement emergency response plans and track progress through the incident. It also coordinates with the public through the Emergency Telecommunication Systems (e.g., Reverse 911). It coordinates with public health systems to provide the most appropriate response for emergencies involving biological or other medical hazards. :Bb+ d  ]  S  h ) U s-9i+UWv.OP WFME On-Site Maintenance@3'Personal Communications Support@;/Vehicle Communications Support~@:. RSE Communications Supportz@6*TCenter Permission Management@8,UCore Authorization@."TCenter Data Subscription Management^@?3 RSE Device Management[@1%TCenter Connected Vehicle Infrastructure Managementy@NBQCVAC Credentials and Taxes Administrationq@E9PCVCE Safety and Security Inspection@?3PCVCE Citation and Accident Electronic RecordingQ@K?CV On-Board Safety and Security@;/TIC Freight-Specific Travel Planning@@4CV On-Board Trip Monitoring@7+Fleet Administration@0$ Freight Equipment Monitoring@8, RSE Commercial Vehicle Services@;/Vehicle Border Crossing Support@;/CV On-Board Electronic Screening SupportS@D8MBorder Inspection Administration@<0PCVCE Electronic Screening@5)QCVAC Safety and Security Administration@C7QCVAC Information Exchange@5)QCVAC International Administration@=1PCVCE International Border CrossingT@>2NBorder Inspectiond@-! RSE Border ManagementK@1% RSE Situation Monitoring@4(Vehicle Situation Data Monitoring&@=1TIC Interactive Traveler Information`@@4Vehicle Interactive Traveler Information@D8Personal Traveler Information Reception@C7Vehicle Traveler Information Reception`@B6TMC Incident Dispatch Coordination@>2TIC Situation Data Management@9-Transit Vehicle V2V Safety@6*Transit Vehicle On-Board Paratransit Operations@K?Transit Center Paratransit Operations@A5Transit Vehicle On-Board Trip Monitoring@D8GParking Management@." RSE Parking Management@2&Transit Vehicle On-Board Information Services@I=HTransit Stop Information Services%@=1 RSE Transit User GuidanceC@5)GParking Electronic Payment6@6*HTraveler Fare Management:@4(Transit Vehicle On-Board Fare Management@D8Transit Center Fare ManagementP@:.Transit Vehicle Schedule Management+@?3TIC Dynamic Ridesharing@3'9Emergency Dispatch@."*EV On-Board Incident Management Communication@I=9Emergency Incident Commandr@6*9Emergency Incident Scene Safety Managementr@F:*EV On-Board Safety Monitoring)@9-CV On-Board Cargo Monitoring@8,TMC Evacuation SupportH@2&LVAL  Oq!'Transit Center Fare Management' manages fare collection and passenger load management at the transit center. It provides the back office functions that support transit fare collection, supporting payment reconciliation with links to financial institutions and enforcement agencies for fare vi'Transit Center Fare Management' manages fare collection and passenger load management at the transit center. It provides the back office functions that support transit fare collection, supporting payment reconciliation with links to financial institutions and enforcement agencies for fare violations. It collects data required to determine accurate ridership levels, establish fares, and distribute fare information. It loads fare data into the vehicle prior to the beginning of normal operations and unloads fare collection data from the vehicle at the close out of normal operations.'Transit Vehicle Schedule Management' monitors schedule performance and identifies corrective actions when a deviation is detected. It provides two-way communication between the transit vehicle and center, enabling the center to communicate with the vehicle operator and monitor on-board systems.'TIC Dynamic Ridesharing' provides dynamic rideshare matches for eligible travelers, connecting riders and drivers for specific trips based on preferences. This ridesharing/ride matching capability also arranges connections to transit or other multimodal services for portions of a multi-segment trip that includes ridesharing. Reservations and advanced payment are also supported so that each segment of the trip may be confirmed.'Emergency Dispatch' tracks the location and status of emergency vehicles and dispatches these vehicles to incidents. Pertinent incident information is gathered from the public and other public safety agencies and relayed to the responding units. Incident status and the status of the responding units is tracked so that additional units can be dispatched and/or unit status can be returned to available when the incident is cleared and closed.'EV On-board Incident Management Communication' provides communications support to first responders. Information about the incident, information on dispatched resources, and ancillary information such as road and weather conditions are provided to emergency personnel. Emergency personnel transmit information about the incident such as identification of vehicles and people involved, the extent of injuries, hazardous material, resources on site, site management strategies in effect, and current clearance status. Emergency personnel may also send in-vehicle signing messages to approaching traffic using short range communications.'Emergency Incident Command' provides tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration for Incident Commands that are established by first responders at or near the incident scene to support local management of an incident. It supports communications with public safety, emergency management, transportation, and other allied response agency centers, tracks and maintains resource information, action plans, and the incident command organization itself. Information is shared with agency centers including resource deployment status, hazardous material information, traffic, road, and weather conditions, evacuation advice, and other information that enables emergency or maintenance personnel in the field to implement an effective, safe incident response. It supports the functions and interfaces commonly supported by a mobile command center.LVAL M ( 'Transit Vehicle On-Board Trip Monitoring' tracks vehicle location, monitors fuel usage, collects operational status 'Transit Vehicle On-Board Trip Monitoring' tracks vehicle location, monitors fuel usage, collects operational status (doors opened/closed, running times, etc.) and sends the collected, time stamped data to the Transit Management Center.'Parking Management' detects and classifies vehicles at parking facility entrances, exits, and other designated locations within the facility. Current parking availability is monitored and used to inform drivers through dynamic message signs/displays so that vehicles are efficiently routed to available spaces. Parking facility information, including current parking rates and directions to entrances and available exits, is also provided to drivers.'RSE Parking Management' monitors the basic safety messages generated by connected vehicles to detect vehicles parking and maintain and report spaces that are occupied by connected vehicles. It also uses short range communications to provide parking information to vehicles.'Transit Vehicle On-board Information Services' furnishes en-route transit users with real-time travel-related information on-board a transit vehicle. Current information that can be provided to transit users includes transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, non-motorized transportation services, and special events are provided. In addition to tailored information for individual transit users, it also supports general annunciation and/or display of general schedule information, imminent arrival information, and other information of general interest to transit users.'Transit Stop Information Services' furnishes transit users with real-time travel-related information at transit stops, multi-modal transfer points, and other public transportation areas. It provides transit users with information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, available services, fares, and real-time schedule adherence. In addition to tailored information for individual transit users, it supports general annunciation and/or display of imminent arrival information and other information of general interest to transit users.'RSE Transit User Guidance' uses short range communications to provide terminal or stop-specific guidance to transit user devices that assists users in finding the right stop and the right bus. Optionally, this object can collect the transit user location and planned itinerary so that tailored guidance can be provided.'Parking Electronic Payment' supports electronic payment of parking fees using in-vehicle equipment (e.g., tags) or contact or proximity cards. It includes the field elements that provide the interface to the in-vehicle or card payment device and the back-office functionality that performs the transaction.'Traveler Fare Management' provides the capability for the traveler to access and use a common fare medium for transit fares, tolls, and/or parking lot charges using a public device at or near the point of service. It accepts a service request and means of payment, verifies eligibility, calculates the amount due, collects payment, and identifies payment problems. It may be implemented using a card reader/dispenser in a point of sale device that includes a communications interface to the financial infrastructure to support payment collection and reconciliation.LVAL g'Vehicle Traveler Information Reception' provides the capability for drivers to receive general transportation information including traffic and road conditions, traffic regu'Vehicle Traveler Information Reception' provides the capability for drivers to receive general transportation information including traffic and road conditions, traffic regulations, incident information, maintenance and construction information, event information, transit information, parking information, weather information, and broadcast alerts.'TMC Incident Dispatch Coordination' formulates and manages an incident response that takes into account the incident potential, incident impacts, and resources required for incident management. It provides information to support dispatch and routing of emergency response and service vehicles as well as coordination with other cooperating agencies. It provides access to traffic management resources that provide surveillance of the incident, traffic control in the surrounding area, and support for the incident response. It monitors the incident response and collects performance measures such as incident response and clearance times.'TIC Situation Data Management' manages connected vehicle situation data collection, quality controls, filtering, aggregation, and storage. Through this process, raw data reported by connected vehicles are transformed into information products that can be accessed and used to support transportation operations and traveler information. The distribution of the connected vehicle-derived information products is handled by other functional objects.'Transit Vehicle V2V Safety' exchanges current vehicle location and motion information with other vehicles in the vicinity, uses that information to predict vehicle paths, and notifies the driver when the potential for an impending collision is detected. Information from on-board sensors (e.g., radars and image processing) are used to augment the V2V communications, if available. In addition to notifying the driver, control information can also be provided to support automated control functions that can avoid the collision. This object is similar to the 'Vehicle Basic V2V Safety', but it accounts for crash scenarios that are unique to transit vehicles (e.g., Vehicle Turning Right in Front of Bus). It is also stop-aware since stop locations pose specific crash threats for transit vehicles. Finally, the detection and control algorithms, filters, and timing account for bus performance and risk profiles associated with remote vehicles that are unique to transit.'Transit Vehicle On-board Paratransit Operations' forwards paratransit and flexible-route dispatch requests to the operator and forwards acknowledgements to the center. It coordinates with, and assists the operator in managing multi-stop runs associated with demand responsive transit services including paratransit. It collects transit vehicle passenger data and makes it available to the center.'Transit Center Paratransit Operations' manages demand responsive transit services, including paratransit services. It supports planning and scheduling of these services, allowing paratransit and other demand response transit services to plan efficient routes and better estimate arrival times. It also supports automated dispatch of paratransit vehicles and tracks passenger pick-ups and drop-offs. Customer service operator systems are updated with the most current schedule information.LVALj .  v+%'CVAC International Administration' generates and processes the entry documentation necessary to obtain release of vehicle, cargo, and driver across an international border, report the results of the crossing event,'CVAC International Administration' generates and processes the entry documentation necessary to obtain release of vehicle, cargo, and driver across an international border, report the results of the crossing event, and handle duty fee processing. It interfaces with the systems used by customs and border protection, immigration, carriers, and service providers (e.g., brokers) to generate, process, and store entry documentation.'CVCE International Border Crossing' checks compliance with import/export and immigration regulations to manage release of commercial vehicle, cargo, and driver across an international border. It includes interfaces to the equipment at international border crossings operated by government agencies such as Customs and Border Protection.'RSE Border Management' supports border operations, providing functions that measure border wait times and provide wait times and other traveler information to approaching vehicles. Short range communications with vehicles and associated equipment supports collection of traveler, vehicle, and cargo information and credentials.'RSE Situation Monitoring' is a general functional object that supports collection of traffic, environmental, and emissions data from passing vehicles. The data is collected, filtered, and forwarded based on parameters provided by the back office. Parameters are provided to passing vehicles that are equipped to collect and send situation data to the infrastructure in snapshots. In addition, this object collects current status information from local field devices including intersection status, sensor data, and signage data, providing complete, configurable monitoring of the situation for the local transportation system in the vicinity of the RSE.'Vehicle Situation Data Monitoring' is the highest-level representation of the functionality required to collect traffic and environmental situation data by monitoring and storing the experience of the vehicle as it travels through the road network. Collected data is aggregated into snapshots that are reported when communications is available and with flow control based on parameters provided by the infrastructure. Note that this functional object supports collection of data for areas remote from RSEs or other communications infrastructure.'TIC Interactive Traveler Information' disseminates personalized traveler information including traffic and road conditions, transit information, maintenance and construction information, multimodal information, event information, and weather information. Tailored information is provided based on the traveler's request in this interactive service.'Vehicle Interactive Traveler Information' provides drivers with personalized traveler information including traffic and road conditions, transit information, maintenance and construction information, multimodal information, event information, and weather information. The provided information is tailored based on driver requests. Both one-time requests for information and on-going information streams based on a submitted traveler profile and preferences are supported.'Personal Traveler Information Reception' receives formatted traffic advisories, road conditions, traffic regulations, transit information, broadcast alerts, and other general traveler information broadcasts and presents the information to the traveler. The traveler information broadcasts are received by personal devices including personal computers and personal portable devices such as smart phones.LVAL= 4|'Freight Equipment Monitoring' includes the on-board devices used to monitor intermodal freight equipment. 'Freight Equipment Monitoring' includes the on-board devices used to monitor intermodal freight equipment. These devices provide freight equipment location and status of the freight, container, or chassis equipment.'RSE Commercial Vehicle Services' provides two-way communication with approaching properly equipped commercial vehicles at mainline speeds for automated vehicle identification and credential checking.'Vehicle Border Crossing Support' uses connected vehicle technology to exchange traveler credentials with border systems to support expedited clearance through international borders.'CV On-Board Electronic Screening Support' exchanges information with roadside facilities, providing information such as driver, vehicle, and carrier identification to roadside facilities that can be used to support electronic screening. Pass/pull-in messages are received and presented to the commercial vehicle driver and screening events are recorded. Additional information, including trip records (e.g., border clearance information), safety inspection records, cargo information, and driver status information may also be collected, stored, and made available to the roadside facility.'Border Inspection Administration' performs administrative functions relating to the inspection of goods and vehicles at the border.'CVCE Electronic Screening' supports electronic credentials and safety screening of commercial vehicles at mainline speeds. It processes the data from the commercial vehicles along with accessed database information to determine whether a pull-in message is needed. It may also generate random pull-in messages with provisions for facility operators and enforcement officials to have manual override capabilities.'CVAC Safety and Security Administration' provides commercial vehicle safety and security criteria to roadside check facilities, collects and reviews safety and security data from the field and distributes safety and security information to other centers, carriers, and enforcement agencies. It also supports wireless roadside inspections, including carrier enrollment, managing and distributing information about trigger areas where wireless inspections may occur, and monitoring the condition of the commercial vehicle and driver using wireless communications at identified trigger areas. It supports the collection and review of carrier and driver safety and security data and supports determination of the carrier and driver safety and security ratings. It clears the out-of-service status when the responsible carrier or driver reports that deficiencies flagged during inspections have been corrected.'CVAC Information Exchange' supports the exchange of safety, credentials, permit data, and other data concerning the operation of commercial vehicles among jurisdictions. The object also supports the exchange of safety, credentials, permit, and operations data between systems (for example, an administrative center and the roadside check facilities) within a single jurisdiction. Data are collected from multiple authoritative sources and packaged into snapshots (top-level summary and critical status information) and profiles (detailed and historical data). Data is made available to fleet operators and other information requestors on request or based on subscriptions established by the requestor.LVAL9 'Emergency Secure Area Alarm Support' receives traveler or transit vehicle operator alarm messages, notifies the system operator, and provides acknowledgement of alarm receipt back to the originator of the alarm. The alarms received can be generated by silent or a'Emergency Secure Area Alarm Support' receives traveler or transit vehicle operator alarm messages, notifies the system operator, and provides acknowledgement of alarm receipt back to the originator of the alarm. The alarms received can be generated by silent or audible alarm systems and may originate from public areas (e.g. transit stops, park and ride lots, transit stations, rest areas) or transit vehicles. The nature of the emergency may be determined based on the information in the alarm message as well as other inputs.'CVCE Citation and Accident Electronic Recording' documents accidents, citations, and violations identified during roadside safety inspections and forwards the information to the Commercial Vehicle Administration Center for processing. It collects data from the vehicle to help characterize the circumstances surrounding the accident.'CV On-Board Safety and Security' collects and processes vehicle and driver safety and security information and provides safety and security information to the Fleet and Freight Management Center. It also supplies this information to the roadside facilities both at mainline speeds and while stopped for inspections. Safety information may also be provided at predetermined trigger areas using wireless communications. The capability to alert the commercial vehicle driver whenever there is a critical safety or security problem or potential emergency is also provided. It also supports on-board driver safety log maintenance and checking.'TIC Freight-Specific Travel Planning' provides traveler information and trip planning services for freight routes from source to destination, customized for freight users to indicate truck routes, truck stops, inspection stations, steep grades, etc.'CV On-Board Trip Monitoring' provides the capabilities to support fleet management with automatic vehicle location and automated mileage and fuel reporting and auditing. In addition, this equipment is used to monitor the planned route and notify the Fleet and Freight Management Center of any deviations. Freight-specific traveler information and restrictions are also collected and reported to the driver to support the trip.'Fleet Administration' provides vehicle tracking, dispatch, and reporting capabilities to fleet management personnel. It gathers current road conditions and traffic information, prepares vehicle routes, and provides a fleet interface for toll collection. It also provides route plan information for network performance evaluation. As part of the tracking function, it monitors commercial vehicle location, compares it against the known route and notifies the Emergency Management Center and Fleet-Freight Manager of any deviations, including HAZMAT route restriction violations. It supports carrier participation in wireless roadside inspection programs, monitoring geographic trigger areas and providing current safety data on behalf of the commercial vehicles it manages. It supports pre-hiring checks for potential drivers and monitors the performance of each driver who is hired. It also supports ongoing monitoring of the company s safety performance.LVALA W'TMC Barrier System Management' remotely monitors and controls barrier systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure under control of center personnel. Barrier systems include automatic or remotely controlle'TMC Barrier System Management' remotely monitors and controls barrier systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure under control of center personnel. Barrier systems include automatic or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other access control systems. It also provides an interface to other centers to allow monitoring and control of the barriers from other centers (e.g., public safety or emergency operations centers).'Center Connected Vehicle Infrastructure Management' is the back office application that supports monitoring and maintenance of the Connected Vehicle infrastructure (RSEs, support systems, and associated communications links). It monitors the performance and configuration of the infrastructure portion of the Connected Vehicle Environment. This includes tracking and management of the infrastructure configuration as well as detection, isolation, and correction of infrastructure service problems. The application also includes monitoring of performance of the infrastructure equipment, including RSEs and communications links.'CVAC Credentials and Taxes Administration' issues credentials, collects fees and taxes, and supports enforcement of credential requirements. It manages driver licensing and enrolls carriers in additional CVO programs such as wireless roadside inspection programs. It communicates with the Fleet and Freight Management Centers associated with the motor carriers to process applications and collect fuel taxes, weight/distance taxes, and other taxes and fees associated with commercial vehicle operations. It also receives applications for, and issues special Oversize/Overweight and HAZMAT permits in coordination with other cognizant authorities. It supports user account management and receives and processes requests for review of carrier and driver status. It communicates with peer functional objects in other jurisdictions to exchange credentials database information.'CVCE Safety and Security Inspection' supports the roadside safety inspection process, including wireless roadside inspections that are conducted remotely. It reads on-board safety data at mainline speeds to rapidly check the vehicle and driver and accesses historical safety data after identifying vehicles at mainline speeds or while stopped at the roadside. The capabilities to process safety data and issue pull-in messages or provide warnings to the driver, carrier, and enforcement agencies are also provided. It includes hand held or automatic devices to rapidly inspect the vehicle and driver. Results of screening and summary safety inspection data are stored and maintained. Since a vehicle may cross jurisdictional boundaries during a trip, it supports the concept of a last clearance event record carried on the vehicle tag. The last clearance event record reflects the results of the roadside verification action. For example, if the vehicle is pulled over in State A and undergoes credential, weight, and safety checks, the results of the clearance process are written to the vehicle s tag. If the vehicle continues the trip and passes a roadside station in State B, the State B station has access to the results of the previous pull-in because it can read the last clearance event record written by the State A roadside station. It associates high-risk cargo with the container/chassis, manifest, carrier, vehicle and driver transporting it.LVAL G T Zb'Personal Map Management' supports map updates and makes current map and geometry data available to other applications.'Personal Map Management' supports map updates and makes current map and geometry data available to other applications. It manages map data for the device and provides map data to end-user applications that provide location-based services.'FME On-Site Maintenance' provides field personnel with diagnostic information from field equipment and provides the capability for field personnel to locally control and configure this equipment to support on-site installation, repair, and maintenance.'Personal Communications Support' supports secure, reliable communications with other connected devices. It provides the communications functions that add a timestamp, the message origin, and a digital signature in outbound messages and processes, verifies, and authenticates the same fields in inbound messages. It also encrypts (outbound) and decrypts (inbound) sensitive data.'Vehicle Communications Support' supports secure, reliable communications with other connected devices. It provides the communications functions that add a timestamp, the message origin, and a digital signature in outbound messages and processes, verifies, and authenticates the same fields in inbound messages. It also encrypts (outbound) and decrypts (inbound) sensitive data.'RSE Communications Support' supports secure, reliable communications with other connected devices. It provides the communications functions that add a timestamp, the message origin, and a digital signature in outbound messages and processes, verifies, and authenticates the same fields in inbound messages. It also encrypts (outbound) and decrypts (inbound) sensitive data.'Center Permission Management' enables Connected Vehicle system users to request permission to access connected vehicle services. A center may request permission for the center or the infrastructure devices and vehicles associated with the center.'Core Authorization' manages authorization mechanisms to define permissions for System Users. This enables the Core System to establish operational environments where different System Users may have different capabilities in terms of accessing Core services and interacting with one another. For instance, some Mobile elements may be authorized to request signal priority, or some Centers may be permitted to use the geographic broadcast service, while those without those permissions would not.'Center Data Subscription Management' manages data subscriptions for an end user. It provides access to a catalog of available data, manages the necessary user information and rules that govern the data subscriptions, supports communications with data providers to collect data per the subscription rules, and makes the data available to the end user. It provides the local user interface through which a user can specify and manage subscriptions. It supports different mechansims for collecting subscribed data for the end-user including one-time query-response as well as publish-subscribe services.'RSE Device Management' provides executive control and monitoring of the RSE hardware and installed software applications. It monitors the operational status of the hardware and other attached field devices and detects and reports fault conditions. A back office interface supports application installation, upgrade, and configuration as well as remote control of the operating mode and hardware configuration settings and initiation of remote diagnostics. A local interface is provided to field personnel for local monitoring and diagnostics, supporting field maintenance, repair, and replacement.LVAL 7 k 'MCV Infrastructure Monitoring' monitors the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation-related infrastructure (e.g., culverts). It includes vehicle-based sensors that directly monitor th'MCV Infrastructure Monitoring' monitors the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation-related infrastructure (e.g., culverts). It includes vehicle-based sensors that directly monitor the infrastructure, communications that allow roadway-based infrastructure monitoring sensors to be controlled and read, and data communications that allows collected infrastructure condition information to be reported back to a center.'MCM Infrastructure Monitoring' monitors the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation-related infrastructure (e.g., culverts). It monitors the infrastructure, collecting data from both fixed and vehicle-based sensors. In addition to specialized infrastructure monitoring sensors, it also monitors the broader population of equipped vehicles for vertical acceleration data and other situation data that may be used to determine current pavement condition.'MCV Roadway Maintenance and Construction' includes the on-board systems that support routine non-winter maintenance on a roadway system or right-of-way. Routine maintenance includes landscape maintenance, hazard removal (roadway debris, dead animals), routine maintenance activities (roadway cleaning, grass cutting), and repair and maintenance of both ITS and non-ITS equipment on the roadway (e.g., signs, traffic controllers, traffic detectors, dynamic message signs, traffic signals, etc.).'MCV Winter Maintenance' supports snow plow operations and other roadway treatments (e.g., salt spraying and other material applications). It supports communications with the center to receive information and instructions that are provided to the vehicle operator and also supports remote control of on-board systems. It tracks operational status of snow and ice control operations and provides this information back to the center.'MCM Winter Maintenance Management' manages winter road maintenance, tracking and controlling snow plow operations, roadway treatment (e.g., salt spraying and other material applications), and other snow and ice control operations. It monitors environmental conditions and weather forecasts and uses the information to schedule winter maintenance activities, determine the appropriate snow and ice control response, and track and manage response operations.'MCM Maintenance Decision Support' recommends maintenance courses of action based on current and forecast environmental and road conditions and additional application specific information. Decisions are supported through understandable presentation of filtered and fused environmental and road condition information for specific time horizons as well as specific maintenance recommendations that are generated by the system based on this integrated information. The recommended courses of action are supported by information on the anticipated consequences of action or inaction, when available.'MCM Roadway Maintenance' provides overall management and support for routine maintenance on a roadway system or right-of-way. Services managed include landscape maintenance, hazard removal (roadway debris, dead animals), routine maintenance activities (roadway cleaning, grass cutting), and repair and maintenance of non-ITS equipment on the roadway (e.g., signs, gantries, cabinets, guard rails, etc.). Environmental conditions information is also received from various weather sources to aid in scheduling routine maintenance activities. See also MCM Field Equipment Maintenance for maintenance of ITS field equipment.@>9o- e $ _  U  Z  c ' s;TPJeUWw='Personal Map Management@3'& RSE Map Management@ ."%TCenter Map Management@ 1%$Vehicle Map Management@ 2&#Map Management;@ *! RSE Privacy Services@ 0$ wPPG Privacy Services@0$CV On-Board Access Monitoring:@9-CV On-Board Mass Monitoring@7+CV On-Board Speed Monitoring@8,CV Driver Work Records@2&tCVOBE-SP Information Exchange@9-tCVOBE-SP Safety and Security Administrationz@G;VCCMS Revocation1@+VCCMS Misbehavior Reporting and Action@A5VCCMS Authorization1@."VCCMS Enrollmentq@+VCCMS Provisioning@-!0Roadway Toll Collection SupportY@;/HTraveler Interactive Information4@<0Vehicle Basic Toll/Parking Paymentk@>2 RSE Toll Collection@/#Vehicle Rail Crossing Warning@9-eSM Time Synchronization@3' fWAID Broadcast Servicesv@3' 4Electric Charging Station Managementg@@4  Roadway Communications Support~@:. dORDS Trust Managementw@1% fWAID Support Services@1%fWAID Trust Management@1%bDDS Trust Management~@0$eSM Trust Managementu@/#Personal Support Services@5)Vehicle Support Servicesw@4( RSE Support Services@0$TCenter Support Services@3'eSM Device Management@0$dObject Registration and Discovery@=1bDDS Support Services@0$bDDS Data Access Management@6*bDDS Data Collection and AggregationM@?3MCM Incident Management2@3' RSE Trust Management@0$Personal Trust Management@5)Vehicle Trust Management@4(TCenter Trust Management~@3' RSE Intermodal Terminal Management@>29Emergency Commercial Vehicle Response#@A59Emergency Environmental Monitoring@>2MCM Work Activity Coordination|@:.TCenter Data Collection@2&$Archive Government Reporting+@8,$Archive Data Repository@3'$Archive On-Line Analysis and Mining@?3$Archive Situation Data Archival_@;/"MCV Infrastructure Monitoring@9-MCM Infrastructure Monitoring@9-"MCV Roadway Maintenance and Construction@D8"MCV Winter Maintenance@2&MCM Winter Maintenance Management@=1MCM Maintenance Decision SupportW@<0MCM Roadway Maintenancer@3'LVAL O=%'WAID Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Cooperative ITS Credentials'WAID Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Cooperative ITS Credentials Management System to maintain a current, valid set of security certificates and identifies, logs, and reports events that may indicate a threat to the Connected Vehicle Environment security.'DDS Data Access Management' defines the access mechanisms, structures and restrictions for inbound (from providers) and outbound (to consumers) data.'Emergency Environmental Monitoring' collects current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information from a variety of sources. The collected environmental information is monitored and presented to the operator and used to more effectively manage incidents.'MCM Work Activity Coordination' disseminates work activity schedules and current asset restrictions to other agencies. Work schedules are coordinated with operating agencies, factoring in the needs and activities of other agencies and adjacent jurisdictions. Work schedules are also distributed to Transportation Information Centers for dissemination to the traveling public.'Center Data Collection' collects and stores information that is created in the course of center operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'Archive Government Reporting' selects and formats data residing in an ITS archive to facilitate local, state, and federal government data reporting requirements. It provides transportation system statistics and performance measures in required formats to support investment and policy decisions.'Archive Data Repository' collects data and data catalogs from one or more data sources and stores the data in a focused repository that is suited to a particular set of ITS data users. It includes capabilities for performing quality checks on the incoming data, error notification, and archive to archive coordination. It supports a broad range of implementations, ranging from simple data marts that collect a focused set of data and serve a particular user community to large-scale data warehouses that collect, integrate, and summarize transportation data from multiple sources and serve a broad array of users within a region. Repositories may be established to support operations planning, performance monitoring and management, and policy and investment decisions.'Archive On-Line Analysis and Mining' provides advanced data analysis, summarization, and mining features that facilitate discovery of information, patterns, and correlations in large data sets. Multidimensional analysis, selective summarization and expansion of data details, and many other advanced analysis services may be offered. Complex performance measures that are derived from multiple data sources may also be produced.'Archive Situation Data Archival' collects and archives traffic, roadway, and environmental information for use in off-line planning, research, and analysis. It controls and collects information directly from equipment at the roadside, reflecting the deployment of traffic detectors that are used primarily for traffic monitoring and planning purposes, rather than for traffic management. It also collects situation data from connected vehicles. The data collected, quality checks performed, and aggregation strategies are defined to support transportation system performance monitoring and management.VLVAL r st'DDS Data Collection and Aggregation' collects data 'deposits' from producers including meta data such as the generation location and time. It authenticates and validates the data deposits and logs all associated meta data. Authenticated, valid data is bundled based on information type and 'DDS Data Collection and Aggregation' collects data 'deposits' from producers including meta data such as the generation location and time. It authenticates and validates the data deposits and logs all associated meta data. Authenticated, valid data is bundled based on information type and location and made available as data products to consumers who are interested in the data. It establishes delivery parameters for data consumers that subscribe based on parameters including content type and geographic region of interest and delivers data to consumers based on these parameters.'MCM Incident Management' supports maintenance and construction participation in coordinated incident response. Incident notifications are shared, incident response resources are managed, and the overall incident situation and incident response status is coordinated among allied response organizations.'RSE Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Security and Credentials Management System to maintain a current, valid set of security certificates and keys and identifies, logs, and reports events that may indicate a threat to Connected Vehicle Environment security.'Personal Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Security and Credentials Management System to maintain a current, valid set of security certificates and identifies, logs, and reports events that may indicate a threat to the Connected Vehicle Environment security.'Vehicle Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Security and Credentials Management System to maintain a current, valid set of security certificates and identifies, logs, and reports events that may indicate a threat to the Connected Vehicle Environment security.'Center Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Security and Credentials Management System to maintain a current, valid set of security certificates and identifies, logs, and reports events that may indicate a threat to the Connected Vehicle Environment security.'RSE Intermodal Terminal Management' manages communications with commercial vehicles on behalf of an Intermodal Terminal. This functional object manages entry to and exit from the facility and supports identification of entering vehicles and associated freight equipment, including containers. It also supports identification and tracking of containers within the terminal and identifies container pickup and drop-off locations, including optional routing instructions within the terminal.'Emergency Commercial Vehicle Response' identifies and initiates a response to commercial vehicle and freight equipment related emergencies. These emergencies may include incidents involving hazardous materials as well as the detection of non-permitted transport of security sensitive hazmat. It identifies the location of the vehicle, the nature of the incident, the route information, and information concerning the freight itself. The information supports the determination of the response and identifies the responding agencies to notify.LVAL ( w _='DDS Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Cooperative ITS Credentials'DDS Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Cooperative ITS Credentials Management System to maintain a current, valid set of security certificates and identifies, logs, and reports events that may indicate a threat to the Connected Vehicle Environment security.'SM Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Cooperative ITS Credentials Management System to maintain a current, valid set of security certificates and keys and identifies, logs and reports events that may indicate a threat to Connected Vehicle security.'Personal Support Services' provides foundational functions that supports data collection, management, and distribution. It coordinates with Object Registration and Discovery to maintain its registration with respect to location/geographic scope and credentialing information. It maintains the necessary security credentials, authorizations, and associated keys to support communications in the connected vehicle environment.'Vehicle Support Services' provides foundational functions that supports data collection, management, and distribution. It coordinates with Object Registration and Discovery to acquire necessary communications information. It maintains the necessary security credentials, authorizations, and associated keys to support communications in the connected vehicle environment.'RSE Support Services' provides foundational functions that supports data collection, management, and distribution. It coordinates with Object Registration and Discovery to maintain its registration with respect to location/geographic scope and credentialing information. It maintains the necessary security credentials, authorizations, and associated keys to support communications in the connected vehicle environment. It maintains precise location and time information to support other services.'Center Support Services' provides foundational functions that support data collection, management, and distribution. It coordinates with Object Registration and Discovery to maintain its registration with respect to location/geographic scope and credentialing information. It maintains the necessary security credentials, authorizations, and associated keys to support communications in the connected vehicle environment.'SM Device Management' provides the functions necessary to manage devices, including network management, operational status monitoring, and application performance monitoring.'Object Registration and Discovery' facilitates the registration of services by the respective service providers and the subsequent query-based discovery of these registered services. Many of the services offered by roadside or center-based service providers operating within the project geographic boundary will require an advertisement of their existence and cyber location to potential users; which consist primarily of PIDs and vehicles, but could include roadside or other center based services.'DDS Support Services' provides foundational functions that support data collection, management, and distribution. It coordinates with Object Registration and Discovery to maintain its registration with respect to location/geographic scope and credentialing information. It maintains the necessary security credentials, authorizations, and associated keys to support communications in the connected vehicle environment. It also provides an overall service monitoring function.LVAL  ) LbC/'RSE Map Management' provides the map functionality necessary to support map data updates to passing vehicles'RSE Map Management' provides the map functionality necessary to support map data updates to passing vehicles. It collects current map and geometry data and provides current map and geometry data to connected vehicles.'Vehicle Basic Toll/Parking Payment' includes the traditional on-board systems that pay for tolls and parking electronically. It includes the 'tag' in-vehicle equipment that communicates with the toll/parking plaza and an optional interface to a carry-in payment device. See also 'Vehicle Payment Services', which provides a broader range of payment services.'RSE Toll Collection' collects electronic tolls using V2I communications in toll plazas and other designated toll collection locations. The RSE is connected with other field equipment that detects vehicles, identifies violators, and provides other toll plaza functionality.'Vehicle Rail Crossing Warning ' uses I2V communications to receive alerts of trains entering HRIs and to provide warnings to drivers regarding the trains. The warning can include second train warning (meaning the HRI gates are about to lower, or remain lowered due to the arrival of a second train). The application can also provide vehicle infringement warnings by using the alert information along with vehicle trajectory information to determine that the vehicle will infringe upon a crossing that is (or will be) occupied by a train.'SM Time Synchronization' provides the functions necessary to receive accurate time from an external Network Time Server and provide that Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as Time Local Form to other center systems and field devices.'WAID Broadcast Services' provides wide-area digital broadcast of traveler information to transportation users across a region. It collects traveler information of interest to clientele (either subscribers or the general public) and distributes the traveler information using broadcast data services that are offered in context with entertainment and other data services.'Electric Charging Station Management' manages vehicle charging. It communicates with the vehicle during charging and provides charge status information to the driver. A connection with Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment provides the capability to integrate charging station coordination and communication into the broader Connected Vehicle Environment.'Roadway Communications Support' supports secure, reliable communications with other connected devices. It provides the communications functions that add a timestamp, the message origin, and a digital signature in outbound messages and processes, verifies, and authenticates the same fields in inbound messages. It also encrypts (outbound) and decrypts (inbound) sensitive data.'ORDS Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Cooperative ITS Credentials Management System to maintain a current, valid set of security certificates and keys and identifies, logs and reports events that may indicate a threat to Connected Vehicle security.'WAID Support Services' provides foundational functions that support data collection, management, and distribution. It coordinates with Object Registration and Discovery to maintain its registration with respect to location/geographic scope and credentialing information. It maintains the necessary security credentials, authorizations, and associated keys to support communications in the connected vehicle environment. It also provides an overall service monitoring function. LVAL s S "'CCMS Authorization' components provide authorization credentials (e.g., pseudonym certificates) to end entities. The end entity applies for and obtains authorization credentials, enabling the end entity to enter the  Operational state. This function requires an interactive dialog, including at minimum a Certificate Request from the end entity desiring certificates. This request will be checked for validity, with the embedded enrollment certificate checked against an internal blacklist. If all checks are passe'CCMS Authorization' components provide authorization credentials (e.g., pseudonym certificates) to end entities. The end entity applies for and obtains authorization credentials, enabling the end entity to enter the  Operational state. This function requires an interactive dialog, including at minimum a Certificate Request from the end entity desiring certificates. This request will be checked for validity, with the embedded enrollment certificate checked against an internal blacklist. If all checks are passed, this function will distribute a bundle of linked pseudonym certificates suitable for use by the requesting end entity, with the characteristics and usage rules of those certificates dependent on the operational policies of the CCMS. It also provides the secure provisioning of a given object s Decryption Key in response to an authorized request from that object. The retrieved Decryption Key will be used by the receiving object to decrypt the  next valid batch within the set of previously retrieved Security Credential batches.'CCMS Enrollment' components provide enrollment credentials to end entities. The end entity applies for and obtains enrollment credentials that can be used to communicate with other CCMS components, entering the  Unauthorized state. CCMS Enrollment components also participate in de-registration processes through interaction with CCMS Revocation components.'CCMS Provisioning' components provide the end entity with material that allows it to enter the 'Unenrolled' state. This consists of root certificates and the crypto material that allows it to communicate securely with the Enrollment components. This function ensures the requesting entity meets requirements for provisioning and provides the certificates and relevant policy information to entities that meet the requirements.'Roadway Toll Collection Support' provides toll plazas the capability to identify properly equipped vehicles, collect electronic tolls, and provide a positive indication to the driver that a toll was collected. Violators are identified and images are collected. Toll transactions are stored and reported to the Payment Administration Center.'Traveler Interactive Information' provides traffic information, road conditions, transit information, yellow pages (traveler services) information, special event information, and other traveler information that is specifically tailored based on the traveler's request and/or previously submitted traveler profile information. It also supports interactive services that support enrollment, account management, and payments for transportation services. The interactive traveler information capability is provided by a public traveler interface, such as a kiosk.:LVAL N h-Bb'Center Map Management' provides the map functionality necessary to support map updates and use within an oper'Center Map Management' provides the map functionality necessary to support map updates and use within an operational center. It manages map data for the center and provides map data to center applications that use a map.'Vehicle Map Management' supports map updates and makes current map and geometry data available to other applications. It manages map data on-board and provides map data to end-user applications that provide location-based services.'Map Management' provides the GIS functionality necessary to support map data creation and management. It provides an operator interface that supports management of the map data and rendering of the maps under operator control and interfaces to external data sources, including the connected vehicle environment.'RSE Privacy Services' operates as a proxy, replacing the mobile device's network address with the RSE's, and tagging the message so that it can return replies to the mobile device.'PPG Privacy Services' operates as a proxy, replacing the mobile device's network address with the PPG s, and tagging the message so that it can return replies to the mobile device.'CV On-Board Access Monitoring' is an Australia-specific functional object that monitors vehicle access and collects information from the driver. It collects the basic commercial vehicle declarations and information associating trailer with cab, and provides that information to third party monitoring services.'CV On-Board Mass Monitoring' is an Australia-specific functional object that monitors the weight of the cargo load and provides this information along with driver input to third party monitoring services.'CV On-Board Speed Monitoring' is an Australia-specific functional object that monitors commercial vehicle speed and provides this information to third party monitoring services.'CV Driver Work Records' is an Australia-specific functional object that monitors the commercial vehicle driver's working hours and hours of rest. The collected driver log information is made available to third party monitoring services.'CVOBE-SP Information Exchange' is an Australia-specific functional object that provides the data collection functions necessary for the third party monitoring service to collect information from commercial vehicles and provide it to the appropriate commercial vehicle administrator.'CVOBE-SP Safety and Security Administration' is an Australia-specific functional object that provides the rules by which commercial vehicle monitoring data is collected and exchanged. It facilitates changing of those rules, access management and authorization management functions. It collects commercial vehicle information including vehicle speeds, weights, and operating parameters, and a log of driver activity. The information is shared with regulators as well as fleet managers, while operating under various privacy regimes including that of the fleet manager, the local government and the Australian national government.'CCMS Revocation' components generate the internal blacklist and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) and distribute them to other CCMS components and end entities. Once placed on the CRL, an end entity is in the Unauthorized state. Once placed on the blacklist, an end entity is in the Unenrolled state.'CCMS Misbehavior Reporting and Action' components process misbehavior reports from end entities. Misbehavior reports are analyzed and investigated if warranted. Investigated misbehavior reports are correlated with end entities and systemic issues are identified. If revocation is warranted, this component provides information to Authorization or Revocation components to initiate revocation and/or blacklisting, as appropriate.;v*l) Y  0 b * k ) I f)r.q7J J:|:\$Transit Center Fixed-Route OperationsM@A5TMC Roadway Equipment Monitoring@<0/PAC Data CollectionD@/#TMC Traffic Network Performance Evaluation @F:TMC Traffic Management Decision Support@C7}TMC Reversible Lane ManagementX@:.|TMC Situation Data Managementw@9-{TMC Multimodal Crossing Management@>2zTMC Incident Detection@2&yTMC HOV Lane Management@3'xTMC Demand Management Coordination@>2v Roadway Standard Rail Crossing@:.uTMC Service Patrol Management@9-tTMC Safeguard System Management@;/p Roadway Signal Preemption)@5)l Roadway Reversible Lanes@4(f Roadway Infrastructure MonitoringM@=1d Roadway Incident Detection@6*b Roadway HOV Control@/#^ Roadway Data Collection@3'\ Roadway Automated Treatment@7+[PCVCE Weigh-In-Motion@0$ZPCVCE HAZMAT Detection@1%YHTraveler Security@-!XHTraveler Information Receptiono@:.VPersonal Emergency Notification@;/UPersonal Location DeterminationR@;/TPersonal Local Route Guidanced@9-RGParking Data Collection@3'QGParking Coordination@0$PTransit Vehicle Securityt@4(OTransit Vehicle On-Board Vehicle Signing CommunicationsY@SGNTransit Vehicle On-Board Maintenance)@ @4M*EV Barrier System Control*@ 5)LCV On-board Driver AuthenticationR@=1J Roadway Multimodal Crossing Control@?3I"MCV Vehicle System Monitoring and Diagnosticsh@I=H"MCV Vehicle Location Tracking@9-G"MCV Barrier System Control}@6*FMCM Vehicle Tracking@0$EMCM Vehicle Maintenance Management@>2BMCM Data Collection=@/#AMCM Automated Treatment System Control@B6@Fleet Driver Authentication@7+>TIC Operations Data Collection[@:.<Fleet Credentials and Taxes Management and Reporting@PD;}Field Secure Area Surveillance@:.:}Field Secure Area Sensor MonitoringP@?38 Roadway Safeguard System Control,@<06 Roadway Field Management Station Operation@F:4 Roadway Barrier System Control@:.3Emissions Data Collection1@5)19Emergency Early Warning System@:.09Emergency Data Collection@5)-QCVAC Data Collection'@0$+9Emergency Secure Area Surveillance7@>2*9Emergency Secure Area Sensor Management*@C7)9Emergency Secure Area Alarm Support@?3(TMC Barrier System Management@9-LVAL x[y'Roadway Safeguard System Control' includes field equipment that controls safeguard systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure. Safeg'Roadway Safeguard System Control' includes field equipment that controls safeguard systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure. Safeguard systems include blast shields, exhaust systems and other automatic or remotely controlled systems intended to mitigate the impact of an incident.'Roadway Field Management Station Operation' supports direct communications between field management stations and the local field equipment under their control.'Roadway Barrier System Control' includes the field equipment that controls barrier systems used to control access to transportation facilities and infrastructure. Barrier systems include automatic or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other access control systems.'Emissions Data Collection' collects and stores air quality and emissions management information that is collected in the course of Emissions Management Center operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'Emergency Early Warning System' monitors alerting and advisory systems, information collected by ITS surveillance and sensors, and reports from other agencies and uses this information to identify potential, imminent, or in-progress major incidents or disasters. Notification is provided to initiate the emergency response, including public notification using ITS traveler information systems, where appropriate.'Emergency Data Collection' collects and stores emergency information that is collected in the course of operations by the Emergency Management Center. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'CVAC Data Collection' collects and stores commercial vehicle information that is collected in the course of Commercial Vehicle Administration Center operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'Emergency Secure Area Surveillance' monitors surveillance inputs from secure areas in the transportation system. The surveillance may be of secure areas frequented by travelers (i.e., transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities, on-board a transit vehicle, etc.) or around transportation infrastructure such as bridges, tunnels and transit railways or guideways. It provides both video and audio surveillance information to emergency personnel and automatically alerts emergency personnel of potential incidents.'Emergency Secure Area Sensor Management' manages sensors that monitor secure areas in the transportation system, processes the collected data, performs threat analysis in which data is correlated with other sensor, surveillance, and advisory inputs, and then disseminates resultant threat information to emergency personnel and other agencies. In response to identified threats, the operator may request activation of barrier and safeguard systems to preclude an incident, control access during and after an incident or mitigate impact of an incident. The sensors may be in secure areas frequented by travelers (i.e., transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities, on-board a transit vehicle, etc.) or around transportation infrastructure such as bridges, tunnels and transit railways or guideways. The types of sensors include acoustic, threat (e.g. chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors), infrastructure condition and integrity, motion and object sensors.MLVAL ' Ie'Fleet Driver Authentication' collects and stores driver identification records including driver issued PINS and/or individual driver biometric measurements. It manages the storage of driver PINs, data from a driver identification card, and/or biometric measurements for authorized drivers on individual commercial vehicles. Based on information reported by the commercial vehicle, it will determine if the driver is authorized, and notify the Commercial Vehicle Manager when an unauthorized 'Fleet Driver Authentication' collects and stores driver identification records including driver issued PINS and/or individual driver biometric measurements. It manages the storage of driver PINs, data from a driver identification card, and/or biometric measurements for authorized drivers on individual commercial vehicles. Based on information reported by the commercial vehicle, it will determine if the driver is authorized, and notify the Commercial Vehicle Manager when an unauthorized driver is detected. The Commercial Vehicle Manager may override the disable vehicle action. When an unauthorized driver is detected and the system is not overridden, it will issue a message to the commercial vehicle to safely disable the vehicle. If an unauthorized driver is detected, it will send the Emergency Management Center an alert that includes: incident location, current location of the CV, Vehicle ID, Carrier ID, Driver ID, CV Credentials information, and cargo manifest (if known).'TIC Operations Data Collection' collects and stores information that is collected about the transportation information service including data on the number of clients serviced and the services that were provided. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'Fleet Credentials and Taxes Management and Reporting' provides the capability to purchase credentials, file taxes and trip reports electronically, apply for permits, and perform electronic enrollment in expedited border crossing programs. It tracks and manages credentials and provides electronic interfaces to appropriate state and federal commercial vehicle administration centers.'Field Secure Area Surveillance' includes video and audio surveillance equipment that monitors conditions of secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards), transportation infrastructure (e.g. as bridges, tunnels, interchanges, and transit railways or guideways), and public areas (e.g., transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities). It provides the surveillance information to the Emergency Management Center for possible threat detection. It also provides local processing of the video or audio information, providing processed or analyzed results to the Emergency Management Center.'Field Secure Area Sensor Monitoring' includes sensors that monitor conditions of secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards), transportation infrastructure (e.g. Bridges, tunnels, interchanges, and transit railways or guideways), and public areas (e.g., transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities). A range of acoustic, environmental threat (e.g. Chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors), infrastructure condition and integrity and motion and object sensors are included.8LVAL  / , \'Transit Vehicle On-Board Maintenance' collects and processes transit vehicle maintenance data on-board the vehicle, including mileage and vehicle 'Transit Vehicle On-Board Maintenance' collects and processes transit vehicle maintenance data on-board the vehicle, including mileage and vehicle operating conditions. This maintenance information is provided to the management center and used to schedule future vehicle maintenance and repair.'EV Barrier System Control' provides local control of automatic or remotely controlled gates and other barrier systems from an emergency vehicle. Using this capability, emergency personnel can open and close barriers without leaving the vehicle, using V2I Communications to control the barriers.'CV On-board Driver Authentication' monitors the identity of the commercial vehicle driver and compares it with the planned drivers for the commercial vehicle. Any change in driver is sent to the Fleet and Freight Management Center. Notification of any unexpected drivers will also be sent to the Fleet and Freight Management Center which, in turn, may send a disable vehicle command to cause the vehicle to stop. On receipt of a disable vehicle message from the Fleet and Freight Management Center or on detection of an unauthorized driver, the commercial vehicle will be safely disabled.'Roadway Multimodal Crossing Control' monitors multimodal crossings and monitors and controls traffic control equipment in the vicinity of the crossing. Equipment controlled includes warning lights, gates, dynamic message signs, and other systems associated with multimodal crossings. It manages draw bridges and miscellaneous other crossings between highway traffic and other modes. Railroad grade crossings are covered by other service objects.'MCV Vehicle System Monitoring and Diagnostics' includes on-board sensors capable of monitoring the condition of each of the vehicle systems and diagnostics that can be used to support vehicle maintenance. The status of the vehicle and ancillary equipment and diagnostic information is provided to the vehicle operator, repair facility, and dispatch center.'MCV Vehicle Location Tracking' monitors vehicle location and reports the position and timestamp information to the dispatch center.'MCV Barrier System Control' provides local control of automatic or remotely controlled gates and other barrier systems from a maintenance and construction vehicle. This allows maintenance and construction field personnel (e.g., snow plow operators) to open and close gates and other barrier systems without leaving the vehicle, using V2I Communications to control the barriers.'MCM Vehicle Tracking' tracks the location of maintenance and construction vehicles and other equipment. Vehicle/equipment location and associated information is presented to the operator.'MCM Vehicle Maintenance Management' monitors vehicle and equipment condition, tracks maintenance history, and schedules routine and corrective maintenance based on vehicle/equipment utilization and availability schedules.'MCM Data Collection' collects and stores maintenance and construction information that is collected in the course of operations by the Maintenance and Construction Management Center. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'MCM Automated Treatment System Control' remotely monitors and controls automated road treatment systems that disperse anti-icing chemicals or otherwise treat a road segment. The automated treatment system may be remotely activated by this object or it may include environmental sensors that activate the system automatically based on sensed environmental conditions. This object monitors treatment system operation, sets operating parameters, and directly controls system activation if necessary.^LVAL 3 d_|'PAC Data Collection' collects and stores toll, road use, parking, and other payment information that is collected in the course of operations performed by the 'PAC Data Collection' collects and stores toll, road use, parking, and other payment information that is collected in the course of operations performed by the Payment Administration Center. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'Personal Emergency Notification' provides the capability for travelers to report an emergency or activate a panic button to summon assistance. The personal mayday capability is provided by a portable device such as a smart phone.'Personal Location Determination' receives current location information and provides this information to other applications that use the location information to provide guidance and emergency notification services. It interfaces with and encapsulates positioning technology such as a GPS receiver that is embedded in the user's device.'Personal Local Route Guidance' provides multi-modal route planning and transition by transition route guidance capabilities that are self-contained on the personal device. It provides autonomous route guidance in the absence of real-time information or factors in real-time information provided by the infrastructure into its route selection and guidance algorithms if available. It also includes truly autonomous systems that are not configured to receive or process any external data. The route guidance capabilities are hosted on personal devices including smart phones, tablets, and personal computers.'Parking Data Collection' collects and stores parking information that is collected in the course of parking system operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'Parking Coordination' supports communication and coordination between equipped parking facilities and also supports regional coordination between parking facilities and traffic management systems. Coordination with traffic management supports local traffic control coordination in and around the parking facility and broader regional coordination. It also shares information with transit management systems and information providers to support multimodal travel planning, including parking reservations capabilities. Information including current parking availability, system status, and operating strategies are shared to enable local parking facility management that supports regional transportation strategies.'Transit Vehicle Security' provides security and safety functions on-board the transit vehicle. It includes surveillance and sensor systems that monitor the on-board environment, silent alarms that can be activated by transit user or vehicle operator, operator authentication, and a remote vehicle disable function. The surveillance equipment includes video (e.g. CCTV cameras), audio systems and/or event recorder systems. The sensor equipment includes threat sensors (e.g. chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors) and object detection sensors (e.g. metal detectors).'Transit Vehicle On-Board Vehicle Signing Communications' provides the capability for the transit vehicle to distribute information to vehicles in the vicinity for in-vehicle display. The information provided supplements external signs and signals on the transit vehicle and may include notification that the vehicle (e.g., a school bus) is making a passenger stop or notice that the transit vehicle is attempting to merge and is requesting gap assistance. It includes an interface to the transit operator and the short range communications equipment that provides information to passing vehicles.LVAL  'Roadway Infrastructure Monitoring' monitors the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation-related infrastructure (e.g.,'Roadway Infrastructure Monitoring' monitors the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation-related infrastructure (e.g., culverts). It includes sensors that monitor the infrastructure and the communications necessary to report this data to a center or vehicle-based maintenance system.'Roadway Incident Detection' provides incident detection using traffic detectors and surveillance equipment. It monitors for unusual traffic conditions that may indicate an incident or processes surveillance images, watching for potential incidents. It provides potential incident information as well as traffic flow and images to the center for processing and presentation to traffic operations personnel.'Roadway HOV Control' monitors and controls high occupancy vehicle (HOV) and high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes. It includes traffic sensors that monitor HOV lane usage and display equipment such as lane control signals that provide lane status to drivers.'Roadway Data Collection' collects traffic, road, and environmental conditions information for use in transportation planning, research, and other off-line applications where data quality and completeness take precedence over real-time performance. It includes the sensors, supporting roadside infrastructure, and communications equipment that collects and transfers information to a center for archival.'Roadway Automated Treatment' automatically treats a roadway section based on environmental or atmospheric conditions or under center control. Treatments include fog dispersion, anti-icing chemicals, etc. It communicates with the center and environmental sensors to support system activation and optionally with sign(s) that warn the driver in adverse conditions when the system is activated.'CVCE Weigh-In-Motion' measures and records axle weights and gross vehicle weight without requiring the vehicle to come to a stop. Both permanent and portable installations are supported and may be performed in conjunction with electronic clearance or as a separate application.'CVCE HAZMAT Detection' detects and identifies commercial vehicles carrying security sensitive hazardous materials. It assesses the likelihood of the presence of security sensitive HAZMAT materials based on remote sensed data as well as other physical information acquired about the commercial vehicle. It then determines if any detected HAZMAT is authorized. If unauthorized HAZMAT material is detected, a pull-in message is generated. It may also issue a message to the Emergency Management Center (Police Dispatch) that includes: location of the incident, current location of the commercial vehicle, timestamp, Vehicle ID, Carrier ID, Driver ID, CV Credentials information, HAZMAT material or category detected, and cargo manifest (if known).'Traveler Security' provides the capability to report an emergency or summon assistance from secure areas such as transit stops, transit stations, modal transfer facilities, rest stops and picnic areas, park-and-ride areas, tourism and travel information areas, and emergency pull off areas. This object includes interfaces that support initiation of an alarm and presentation of the returned alarm acknowledgement as well as a broadcast message to advise or warn the traveler.'Traveler Information Reception' receives formatted traffic advisories, road conditions, transit information, broadcast alerts, and other general traveler information broadcasts and presents the information to the traveler with a public traveler interface. It includes the receiver and public display device such as a large display monitor or other public display.LVAL^5 'TMC Incident Detection' identifies and reports incidents to Traffic Operations Personnel. It remotely monitors and controls traffic sensor and surveillance systems that support incident detection and verification. It analyzes and reduces the collected sen'TMC Incident Detection' identifies and reports incidents to Traffic Operations Personnel. It remotely monitors and controls traffic sensor and surveillance systems that support incident detection and verification. It analyzes and reduces the collected sensor and surveillance data, external alerting and advisory and incident reporting systems, anticipated demand information from intermodal freight depots, border crossings, special event information, and identifies and reports incidents and hazardous conditions'TMC HOV Lane Management' provides center monitoring and control of HOV lanes. It coordinates freeway ramp meters and connector signals with HOV lane usage signals to provide preferential treatment to HOV lanes. In advanced implementations, it automatically detects HOV violators.'TMC Demand Management Coordination' provides the capability to gather information on regional toll, parking, and transit usage and request changes to pricing and other mechanisms to manage overall transportation demand.'Roadway Standard Rail Crossing' manages highway traffic at highway-rail intersections (HRIs) where operational requirements do not dictate advanced features (e.g., where rail operational speeds are less than 80 miles per hour). Either passive (e.g., the crossbuck sign) or active warning systems (e.g., flashing lights and gates) are supported depending on the specific requirements for each intersection. These traditional HRI warning systems may also be augmented with other standard traffic management devices. The warning systems are activated on notification of an approaching train by interfaced wayside equipment. The equipment at the HRI may also be interconnected with adjacent signalized intersections so that local control can be adapted to highway-rail intersection activities. Health monitoring of the HRI equipment and interfaces is performed; detected abnormalities are reported through interfaces to the wayside interface equipment and the Traffic Management Center.'TMC Service Patrol Management' supports dispatch and communication with service patrol vehicles that monitor roads to aid motorists, offering rapid response to minor incidents.'TMC Safeguard System Management' remotely monitors and controls safeguard systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure. Safeguard systems include blast shielding, exhaust systems and other automatic or remotely controlled systems intended to mitigate the impact of an incident. When access to a transportation facility is impacted by the activation of a safeguard system, impacted systems and travelers are notified.'Roadway Signal Preemption' includes the field elements that receive signal preemption requests from emergency vehicles approaching a signalized intersection and overrides the current operation of the traffic signals to stop conflicting traffic and grant right-of-way to the approaching vehicle.'Roadway Reversible Lanes' includes field elements that monitor and control reversible lane facilities. It includes the traffic sensors, surveillance equipment, lane control signals, physical lane access controls, and other field elements that manage traffic on these facilities. It provides current reversible lane facility status information and accepts requests and control commands from the controlling center.LVALf  'TMC Traffic Network Performance Evaluation' measures traffic network performance and predicts travel demand patterns to support traffic flow optimization, demand management, and incident management. It collects traffic data from sensors and surveillance equipment as well as input from other Traffic Management Centers, emissions management, transit operations, and event promoters and'TMC Traffic Network Performance Evaluation' measures traffic network performance and predicts travel demand patterns to support traffic flow optimization, demand management, and incident management. It collects traffic data from sensors and surveillance equipment as well as input from other Traffic Management Centers, emissions management, transit operations, and event promoters and uses this information to measure traffic network performance. It collects route planning information from transportation information centers and integrates and uses this information to predict future traffic conditions. The planned control strategies can be passed back to the transportation information center so that the intended strategies can be reflected in future route planning.'TMC Traffic Management Decision Support' recommends courses of action to the traffic operator based on current and forecast road and traffic conditions. Traffic incidents, special events, maintenance activities and other events or conditions that impact capacity or demand are monitored. Historical data and models are used to compare the impact of potential courses of action and make recommendations to the operator. Decisions are supported through presentation of filtered and fused network-wide road and traffic conditions that identify network imbalances and recommended courses of action. The recommended actions may include predefined incident response plans, signal timing plan changes, DMS/HAR messages, truck restrictions, lane control strategies, metering strategies, and adjustment of variable speed limits. Multimodal strategies may also be recommended that include suggested transit strategies and suggested route and mode choices for travelers. Once a course of action is selected, traffic operations personnel implement these actions within the Traffic Management Center and coordinate the response with other centers in the region.'TMC Reversible Lane Management' remotely monitors and controls reversible lanes. It provides an interface to reversible lane field equipment (traffic sensors, surveillance equipment, lane control signals, physical lane access controls, etc.) and to traffic operations personnel to support central monitoring and control of these facilities.'TMC Situation Data Management' collects, assimilates, and disseminates vehicle probe data collected from roadside short range communications equipment and centers controlling transit vehicles, toll collection points, and route-guided vehicles. It estimates traffic and road conditions based on the aggregated probe data and disseminates this information to other centers.'TMC Multimodal Crossing Management' remotely monitors and manages multimodal crossings, including draw bridges and other crossings between highway traffic and other modes. Equipment controlled includes warning lights, gates, dynamic message signs, and other systems that provide driver information and control traffic at multimodal crossings. Railroad grade crossings are covered by other service objects.xLVALJ R"'Roadway Incident Scene Safety' includes field elements that detect vehicle intrusions in geofenced areas at an incident scene and warns public safety responders and drivers of 'Roadway Incident Scene Safety' includes field elements that detect vehicle intrusions in geofenced areas at an incident scene and warns public safety responders and drivers of imminent encroachment. Responder movements relative to the geofence are also monitored so that public safety responders can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.'Transit Garage Maintenance' provides advanced maintenance functions for the transit property. It collects operational and maintenance data from transit vehicles, manages vehicle service histories, and monitors operators and vehicles. It collects vehicle mileage data and uses it to automatically generate preventative maintenance schedules for each vehicle by utilizing vehicle tracking data. In addition, it provides information to service personnel to support maintenance activities and records and verifies that maintenance work was performed.'Transit Center Data Collection' collects and stores transit information that is collected in the course of transit operations performed by the Transit Management Center. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'Transit Center Vehicle Tracking' monitors transit vehicle location. The location information is collected via a data communication link between the transit vehicles and the transit center. The location information is presented to the transit operator on a digitized map of the transit service area. The location data may be used to determine real time schedule adherence and update the transit system s schedule in real-time. The real-time schedule information is disseminated to other information providers, which furnish the information to travelers.'Transit Center Security' monitors transit vehicle operator or traveler activated alarms received from on-board a transit vehicle. It supports transit vehicle operator authentication and provides the capability to remotely disable a transit vehicle. It also includes the capability to alert operators and police to potential incidents identified by these security features.'Transit Center Fixed-Route Operations' manages fixed route transit operations. It supports creation of schedules, blocks and runs for fixed and flexible route transit services. It allows fixed-route and flexible-route transit services to disseminate schedules and automatically updates customer service operator systems with the most current schedule information. It also supports automated dispatch of transit vehicles. Current vehicle schedule adherence and optimum scenarios for schedule adjustment are also provided. It also receives and processes transit vehicle loading data.'TMC Roadway Equipment Monitoring' monitors the operational status of field equipment and detects failures. It presents field equipment status to Traffic Operations Personnel and reports failures to the Maintenance and Construction Management Center. It tracks the repair or replacement of the failed equipment. The entire range of ITS field equipment may be monitored including sensors (traffic, infrastructure, environmental, security, speed, etc.) and devices (highway advisory radio, dynamic message signs, automated roadway treatment systems, barrier and safeguard systems, cameras, traffic signals and override equipment, ramp meters, beacons, security surveillance equipment, etc.).;=q* n + h  [  o # J  G }D XD[U_ z5Vehicle Data Subscription ManagementT@@4Personal Data Subscription ManagementU@A5 RSE Data Subscription Management@<0TCenter Traveler Support Equipment Management@ H<HTraveler System Executive@ 5)Personal Device System Monitoring and Diagnostics2@MAPersonal Device System Executive-@<0Vehicle System Executive@4(SME IT Maintenancen@/#TCenter System Executive@3'TCenter Field Equipment Management@=1MCM Field Equipment MaintenanceS@;/Field System Executive @2&Fleet Maintenance Managementi@8,Field System Monitoring and DiagnosticsG@ C7Vehicle System Monitoring and Diagnosticsa@ E9HTraveler System Monitoring and DiagnosticsY@ F:TCenter System Monitoring and Diagnosticsz@ D8Terminal Data Collection@ 4(Transit Vehicle Pedestrian Safety@ =1/PAC Road Pricing Administration@ ;/ RSE Emissions Monitoring@ 4(Vehicle Platoon Operations@ 6*TMC CACC Operations)@ /# RSE CACC Operations@ /#MBIAC Data Collection%@ 0$*EV Service Patrol Vehicle Operations)@ @4Personal Incident Scene Safety@ :. RSE Incident Scene Safety@ 5) Roadway Incident Scene Safetyf@9-Transit Center Environmental Monitoring2@ C7 Roadway Support Services@ 4(TMC Data Collection@ /#TMC Road Weather Advisories and Warnings@ D8CV On-Board Special Vehicle Safety@ >2GParking Park and Ride Operations/@ <0Transit Center Park and Ride Operations@ C7Personal Shared Use Planning@ 8,TIC Shared Use@ *HTraveler Trip PlanningH@ 2&TMC Passive Surveillance@ 4( RSE Infrastructure Monitoring@ 9- Roadway Field Device Support@ 8, RSE Road Closure ManagementX@ 7+TMC Standard Rail Crossing ManagementB@ A5 Roadway Passive Monitoring@ 6*Vehicle Secure Area Access Systeme@ =1Vehicle Safety Monitoring]@ 5)Vehicle Location Determination@ :.Vehicle Control Warning@ 3'Vehicle Control Automation@ 6*Vehicle Local Route Guidance@ 8,TIC Traveler Telephone Information7@ >2Transit Center Operator Assignment"@ >2Transit Center Vehicle Assignment@ =1Transit Garage Maintenance(@6*Transit Center Data Collection0@:.Transit Center Vehicle Tracking2@;/Transit Center Securityy@3'LVALc A >'Transit Center Environmental Monitoring' assimilates current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information from a variety of sources, i'Transit Center Environmental Monitoring' assimilates current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information from a variety of sources, including both weather service providers and vehicle probes. The collected environmental information is monitored and used to support transit operations.'Roadway Support Services' provides foundational functions that supports data collection, management, and distribution. It coordinates with Object Registration and Discovery to maintain its registration with respect to location/geographic scope and credentialing information. It maintains the necessary security credentials, authorizations, and associated keys to support communications in the connected vehicle environment.'Vehicle Control Automation' provides lateral and/or longitudinal control of a vehicle to allow 'hands off' and/or 'feet off' driving, automating the steering, accelerator, and brake control functions. It builds on the sensors included in 'Vehicle Safety Monitoring' and 'Vehicle Control Warning' and uses the information about the area surrounding the vehicle to safely control the vehicle. It covers the range of incremental control capabilities from driver assistance systems that take over steering or acceleration/deceleration in limited scenarios with direct monitoring by the driver to full automation where all aspects of driving are automated under all roadway and environmental conditions.'Vehicle Local Route Guidance' provides route planning and turn by turn route guidance to a driver using computational resources and a digital map on-board the vehicle. It includes autonomous systems that are not configured to receive or process real-time information as well as systems that are equipped to receive real-time traffic and road conditions information from the infrastructure that are factored into the route selection and guidance algorithms.'TIC Traveler Telephone Information' services voice-based traveler requests for information that supports traveler telephone information systems like 511. It takes requests for traveler information, which could be voice-formatted traveler requests, dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF)-based requests, or a simple traveler information request, and returns the requested traveler information in the proper format. In addition to servicing requests for traveler information, it also collects and forwards alerts and advisories to traveler telephone information systems.'Transit Center Operator Assignment' automates and supports the assignment of transit vehicle operators to runs. It assigns operators to runs in a fair manner while minimizing labor and overtime services, considering operator preferences and qualifications, and automatically tracking and validating the number of work hours performed by each individual operator. It also provides an exception handling process for the operator assignment function to generate supplemental operator assignments when required by changes during the operating day.'Transit Center Vehicle Assignment' assigns individual transit vehicles to vehicle blocks and downloads this information to the transit vehicle. It also provides an exception handling process for the vehicle assignment function to generate new, supplemental vehicle assignments when required by changes during the operating day. It provides an inventory management function for the transit facility which stores functional attributes about each of the vehicles owned by the transit operator. These attributes permit the planning and assignment functions to match vehicles with routes based on suitability for the types of service required by the particular routes.LVALm T g'Roadway Field Device Support' monitors the operational status of field devices and detects and reports fault conditions. Consolidated operational status (device status, configuration, and fault information)'Roadway Field Device Support' monitors the operational status of field devices and detects and reports fault conditions. Consolidated operational status (device status, configuration, and fault information) are reported for resolution and repair. A local interface is provided to field personnel for local monitoring and diagnostics, supporting field maintenance, upgrade, repair, and replacement of field devices.'RSE Road Closure Management' communicates with qualified Connected Vehicles and barrier control systems to support local road closure management. It validates and requests implementation of road closure requests. During a closure, it can also support selective access to the closed area, only granting entry permission to allowed vehicles.'TMC Standard Rail Crossing Management' monitors and controls rail crossing traffic control equipment. This version provides basic support for standard active warning systems at grade crossings. It remotely monitors and reports the status of the rail crossing equipment and sends control plan updates to the equipment.'Roadway Passive Monitoring' monitors passing vehicles for a signature that can be used to recognize the same vehicle at different points in the network and measure travel times. Depending on the implementation and the penetration rate of the technology that is monitored, other point traffic measures may also be inferred by monitoring the number of vehicles within range over time. Today this approach is implemented most commonly using a Bluetooth receiver that passively monitors Bluetooth devices on-board passing vehicles and license plate readers that record the vehicle license plate number, but any widely deployed vehicle communications technology or feature that can be passively monitored to uniquely identify a vehicle could be used.'Vehicle Secure Area Access System' provides access to secure areas such as shipping yards, warehouses, airports, transit-only ramps, parking gates and other areas. It accepts inputs from the vehicle driver that include the necessary identity information and uses this information to generate the request to activate a barrier to gain access to the area.'Vehicle Safety Monitoring' monitors critical components of the vehicle and warns the driver of safety issues. These capabilities are provided by on-board sensors that monitor vehicle condition and performance, including steering, braking, acceleration, emissions, fuel economy, engine performance, etc. This service object can also monitor the driver s condition and warn the driver of potential safety issues. It includes sensors and behavior monitoring capabilities that assess the suitability of the driver (e.g., fitness and alertness) to assume or maintain manual control of the vehicle.'Vehicle Location Determination' receives current location of the vehicle and provides this information to vehicle applications that use the location information to provide ITS services.'Vehicle Control Warning' monitors areas around the vehicle and provides warnings to a driver so the driver can take action to recover and maintain safe control of the vehicle. It includes lateral warning systems that warn of lane departures and obstacles or vehicles to the sides of the vehicle and longitudinal warning systems that monitor areas in the vehicle path and provide warnings when headways are insufficient or obstacles are detected in front of or behind the vehicle. It includes on-board sensors, including radars and imaging systems, and the driver information system that provides the visual, audible, and/or haptic warnings to the driver.LVAL E "@/'TMC Data Collection' collects and stores information that is created in the course of traffic operations performed by the Traffic Managemen'TMC Data Collection' collects and stores information that is created in the course of traffic operations performed by the Traffic Management Center. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'TMC Road Weather Advisories and Warnings' provides road weather advisories to drivers and other travelers. Advisories are based on environmental information collected from a variety of data sources, including data collected from roadside sensors and connected vehicles.'CV On-Board Special Vehicle Safety' alerts vehicles in the vicinity of a commercial vehicle that is oversized, slow, or performs maneuvers that may impact surrounding vehicles.'Parking Park and Ride Operations' manages parking lots specifically to support park and ride operations, providing additional coordination with transit operations on parking arrivals and transit arrivals and departures, smoothing the transition between parking and riding for park and ride customers.'Transit Park and Ride Operations' supports additional coordination required for park and ride operations. It monitors park and ride customer arrivals in the parking facility and manages the transit services for those park and ride customers.'Personal Shared Use Planning' provides a personalized connection to shared use mobility including vehicle shared use and arranging person trips. The shared use plan is calculated based on preferences and constraints supplied by the traveler and provided to the traveler for confirmation. Many equipment configurations are possible including systems that provide a basic trip plan to the traveler as well as more sophisticated systems that can provide transition by transition guidance to the traveler along a multi-modal route with transfers. Devices represented by this functional object include desktop computers at home, work, or at major trip generation sites, plus personal devices such as tablets and smart phones.'TIC Shared Use' provides shared use services for eligible travelers, connecting with travelers for specific trips or vehicle usage based on preferences. Reservations and advanced payment are also supported so that each segment of the shared use/ trip may be confirmed.'Traveler Trip Planning' provides a personalized trip plan to the traveler. The trip plan is calculated based on preferences and constraints supplied by the traveler and provided to the traveler for confirmation. It represents kiosks and other fixed public interactive displays that may be used by travelers in public areas.'TMC Passive Surveillance' collects time stamped vehicle identities from different detection zones, correlates the identities, and calculates link travel times and derives other traffic measures.'RSE Infrastructure Monitoring' collects environmental situation (probe) data from passing vehicles that are equipped with short range communications capability with particular focus on measures that may indicate infrastructure condition. The collected data includes current environmental conditions as measured by on-board sensors (e.g., ambient temperature and precipitation measures) and current status of vehicle systems that can be used to infer infrastructure condition (e.g., status of ABS, traction control systems, vertical acceleration measures) as reported by the vehicle. This service object also supports short range communications with maintenance and construction vehicles, providing local control and monitoring of infrastructure sensors.ILVALdN %  ag'RSE Emissions Monitoring' collects emissions data from passing vehicles that are equipped with short range communications capability and have the capability to collect and report emissions data. The collected data includes current emissions as measu'RSE Emissions Monitoring' collects emissions data from passing vehicles that are equipped with short range communications capability and have the capability to collect and report emissions data. The collected data includes current emissions as measured or calculated by on-board equipment. The functional object collects the provided data, aggregates and filters the data based on provided configuration parameters, and sends the collected information back to a center for processing and distribution.'Vehicle Platoon Operations' provides the capability for vehicles to operate in cooperative platoons with short fixed gaps and a designated lead vehicle. These capabilities are provided by systems on board the vehicle that coordinate with other vehicles and regulate acceleration and braking and provide higher-level functions that enable vehicles to join and depart from vehicle platoons.'TMC CACC Operations' provides the back office functionality that supports formation and dissolution of strings of CACC-equipped vehicles and provides operating parameters including string length, recommended speeds, and gaps that take into account regional traffic and environmental conditions.'RSE CACC Operations' provides infrastructure support for formation and dissolution of strings of CACC-equipped vehicles and provides operating parameters to the strings of vehicles including string length, recommended speeds, and gaps.'BIAC Data Collection' collects and stores border inspection information that is collected in the course of Border Inspection Administration Center operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'EV Service Patrol Vehicle Operations' provides on-board processing and communications to service patrol vehicles that reduce response times and improve safety of responding personnel. It supports service patrol vehicle dispatch and provides incident information back to the dispatching center.The 'Personal Incident Scene Safety' application improves public safety responder safety by providing responder location information to the infrastructure that can be used to avoid collisions involving the public safety responders. The application may also alert responders if they travel beyond the designated safe zone. The information provided and the user interface delivery mechanism (visual, audible, or haptic) can also be tailored to the needs of the user that is carrying or wearing the device that hosts the application.'RSE Incident Scene Safety' communicates with Connected Vehicles and Personal Information Devices carried or worn by public safety responders to detect vehicle intrusions in designated work areas at an incident scene and warn responders and drivers of imminent encroachment. Public safety responder movements are also monitored so that the responders can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.LVALM V S'Field System System Monitoring and Diagnostics' includes background self-tests, diagostics, watch dog timers, and other hardware and software that monitors the o'Field System System Monitoring and Diagnostics' includes background self-tests, diagostics, watch dog timers, and other hardware and software that monitors the operating condition of field equipment. The status of the equipment and diagnostic information is provided to local maintenance personnel and the operating center.'Vehicle System Monitoring and Diagnostics' includes on-board sensors and integrated self test software that monitors the condition of each of the vehicle systems and diagnostics that can be used to support vehicle maintenance. The status of the vehicle and ancillary equipment and diagnostic information is provided to the driver and service center.'Traveler System System Monitoring and Diagnostics' includes background self-tests, diagostics, watch dog timers, and other hardware and software that monitors the operating condition of the Traveler Support Equipment. The status of the equipment and diagnostic information is provided to local maintenance personnel and the operating center.'Center System System Monitoring and Diagnostics' includes background self-tests, diagostics, watch dog timers, and other hardware and software that monitors the operating condition of the center. The status of the center equipment and diagnostic information is provided to center operations personnel and maintenance personnel that may be operating remotely from the center.'Terminal Data Collection' collects and stores information that is collected in the course of intermodal terminal operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'Transit Vehicle Pedestrian Safety' exchanges current location and motion information with pedestrian-carried devices in the vicinity and uses that information to warn the driver of pedestrians in the vehicle's path. Information from on-board sensors (e.g., radars and image processing) are used to augment the short range communications, if available. In addition to notifying the driver, control information can also be provided to support automated control functions that can avoid the collision.'PAC Road Pricing Administration' enables payment for road use based on VMT, vehicle type, vehicle emissions, or other parameters. It establishes a price schedule based on these parameters that may vary by time, location or zone, vehicle type, and/or vehicle behavior. Pricing strategies may also include incentives that allow reimbursement of fees previously paid for good behavior (e.g., VMT reductions, economical driving behavior, avoidance of peak periods or congested zones). It receives vehicle data (e.g., time stamped roadways used by the vehicle since the last transmission) and computes the total cost to the vehicle owner for payment. Based on owner preference, this cost is either billed to the owner or requested from an in-vehicle payment instrument. Payment for use of roadways not operated by the specific instance of the VMT Payment Administration that the vehicle is registered with, will be reconciled. Payment violations can be reported to Enforcement Agencies when appropriate. Finally, vehicle owners can interact with this object using personal devices or public terminals to setup and edit account preferences for owned vehicles, get account reports, and make payments.LVAL  7 s 2'Center Traveler Support Equipment Management' is the back office application that supports monitoring and maintenance of traveler support equipment. It monitors the performance and configuration of the equipment. This inclu'Center Traveler Support Equipment Management' is the back office application that supports monitoring and maintenance of traveler support equipment. It monitors the performance and configuration of the equipment. This includes management of the infrastructure configuration as well as detection, isolation, and correction of equipment problems. The application also includes monitoring of performance of the equipment, including communications links.'Traveler System Executive' provides the operating system kernal and executive functions that manage the overall device software configuration and operation and support configuration management, resource management, and govern software installation and upgrade.'Personal Device Monitoring and Diagnostics' includes background self-tests, diagostic software, and other hardware and software that monitors the operating condition of a personal information device. The status of the device and diagnostic information is provided to the user and the associated center.'Personal Device System Executive' provides the operating system kernal and executive functions that manage the hardware and software configuration and settings, manages installed applications, and manages device resources. It provides device security and governs software installation and upgrade.'Vehicle System Executive' provides the operating system kernal and executive functions that manage the software configuration and operation and support computer resource management, security, and software installation and upgrade.'SME IT Maintenance' provides diagnostics and troubleshooting capabilities for information technology equipment that supports backoffice operations for intelligent transportation systems. It also provides the capability to control and configure this equipment to support on-site installation, repair, and maintenance and remote software configuration and upgrade.'Center System Executive' provides the operating system and executive functions that manage computer resources, user accounts, and installed applications. It provides security features and manages software installation and upgrade.'Center Field Equipment Management' is the back office application that supports monitoring and maintenance of field equipment. It monitors the performance and configuration of the field equipment. This includes management of the infrastructure configuration as well as detection, isolation, and correction of field equipment problems. The application also includes monitoring of performance of the field equipment, including communications links.'MCM Field Equipment Maintenance' provides overall management and support for maintenance of field equipment on a roadway system or right-of-way. Services include repair and maintenance of ITS field equipment on the roadway (e.g., electronic toll collection equipment, electronic clearance equipment, weigh-in-motion sensors, , etc.).'Field System Executive' includes the operating system kernal and executive functions that manage the overall device software configuration and operation and support configuration management, computer resource management, and govern software installation and upgrade.'Fleet Maintenance Management' tracks and monitors diagnostic results, vehicle mileage, inspection records, driver logs, and repair and service records collected from a commercial vehicle fleet equipped with on-board monitoring equipment. The data is used to develop preventative maintenance and repair schedules and repair and service records are maintained.LVAL j }'RSE Communications Relay' provides message relay services that extend effective communications range to improve communications systems performance and robustness. It also supports safey applications 'RSE Communications Relay' provides message relay services that extend effective communications range to improve communications systems performance and robustness. It also supports safey applications such as wrong way vehicle detection and other applications where roadside communication of warnings beyond DSRC range are needed to compensate for high speeds or line of site/RF interference challenges.'TIC Traffic Regulation Dissemination' disseminates rules, regulations, and statutes that govern motor vehicle operation. It aggregates regulations from regulatory authorities and then disseminates the relevant regulations to vehicles and other mobile devices.'RSE Loading Zone Management' uses I2V communications to monitor and communicate with equipped vehicles approaching and/or in the loading zone. It monitors loading zone space occupancy by equipped vehicles and makes this information available to arriving vehicles and other applications. It monitors the time each vehicle spends in the loading zone and provides this information to drivers in the zone and other applications. Vehicles that have a reservation are identified on arrival and directed to the reserved spot.'Loading Zone Management' manages loading zones. It monitors loading zone space occupancy and makes this information available to arriving vehicles and other applications. It monitors the time each vehicle spends in the loading zone and provides this information to drivers in the zone and other applications. Day and time specific management is supported for loading zones that revert to normal vehicle parking spaces in off hours and other day/time specific management strategies. In advanced implementations, reservations are accepted so that a loading zone spot can be reserved with an optional accompanying payment. Vehicles associated with the reservation are identified on arrival and directed to the reserved spot.'Vehicle Data Subscription Management' manages data subscriptions for an end user. It provides access to a catalog of available data, manages the necessary user information and rules that govern the data subscriptions, supports communications with data providers to collect data per the subscription rules, and makes the data available to the end user. It provides the local user interface through which a user can specify and manage subscriptions. It supports different mechansims for collecting data for the end-user including one-time query-response as well as publish-subscribe services.'Personal Data Subscription Management' manages data subscriptions for an end user. It provides access to a catalog of available data, manages the necessary user information and rules that govern the data subscriptions, supports communications with data providers to collect data per the subscription rules, and makes the data available to the end user. It provides the local user interface through which a user can specify and manage subscriptions. It supports different mechansims for collecting data for the end-user including one-time query-response as well as publish-subscribe services.'RSE Data Subscription Management' manages data subscriptions for an RSE. It provides access to a catalog of available data, manages the necessary identification information and rules that govern the data subscriptions, supports communications with data providers to collect data per the subscription rules, and makes the data available to other RSE applications. It supports different mechansims for collecting data including one-time query-response as well as publish-subscribe services.e;''(User Defined Start)$$7TCenter Personal Information Device Management@I= RSE Communications Relay@4(TIC Traffic Regulation Dissemination@@4 RSE Loading Zone Management @7+GLoading Zone Management@3'# LVAL3 'Center Personal Information Device Management' is the back office application that supports monitoring and maintenance of Personal Information Devices. Most Personal Information Device management is the province of device manufacturers, service providers, and their clients, which is beyond the scope of an ITS architecture. For roadside safety applicat'Center Personal Information Device Management' is the back office application that supports monitoring and maintenance of Personal Information Devices. Most Personal Information Device management is the province of device manufacturers, service providers, and their clients, which is beyond the scope of an ITS architecture. For roadside safety applications, particularly those that are operated by field personnel working on or close to the right of way, the operating center may manage the devices and the hosted safety applications. For these devices and applications, this functional object monitors the performance and configuration of the devices and installed applications, and the communications links.f @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @           ! "!#"$#&$'%(&)'*(+)-*.+0,1-2.3/40517293:4;5<6>7?8A9BCEFGHIJKL M N O P RSTUWXZ^_`abcdefghi j!k"l#m$n%o&p's(t)u*v+w,x-y.{/|0~123456789:;      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789       ! 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This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.Regulatory, warning, and guidance information provided to the driver while en route to support safe and efficient vehicle operation.Reduced speed zone information provided to passing vehicles. This flow provides the reduced speed limit, the location and extent of the reduced speed zone, and associated warning information.The physical geometry of a road segment that specifies the location and width of each lane, including normal lanes as well as special lanes for pedestrians and bicycles, transit vehicles, and trains. This flow also may include the curvature, grade, and superelevation or banking of the road segment.Driver input to the vehicle on-board equipment including configuration data, settings and preferences, interactive requests, and control commands.System status including current operational state and logged information including measured speeds, warning messages displayed, and violation records.Information used to configure and control automated speed monitoring, speed warning, and speed enforcement systems.The physical geometry of an intersection covering the location and width of each approaching lane, egress lane, and valid paths between approaches and egresses. This flow also defines the location of stop lines, cross walks, specific traffic law restrictions for the intersection (e.g., turning movement restrictions), and other elements that support calculation of a safe and legal vehicle path through the intersection.Vehicle path information sent by a vehicle that is violating the stop bar at an intersection. This flow includes the vehicle s position, heading, speed, acceleration, transmission, steering-wheel angle, braking status, size information and trajectory.Data describing the vehicle's position, heading, speed, acceleration, transmission, steering wheel angle, braking status, size information, and trajectory.Information provided to support computer-based intervention of vehicle controls. Analogous to driver warnings, these are warnings issued to on-board control systems of an impending collision or other situation detected by the Vehicle OBE that may require control intervention.Information provided to the ITS on-board equipment from other systems on the vehicle platform. This includes the current status of the powertrain, steering, and braking systems, and status of other safety and convenience systems. In implementations where GPS is not integrated into the Vehicle On-Board Equipment, the host vehicle is also the source for data describing the vehicle's location in three dimensions (latitude, longitude, elevation) and accurate time that can be used for time synchronization across the ITS environment.Map update which could include a new underlying static or real-time map or map layer(s) update.Information provided to the driver including visual displays, audible information and warnings, and haptic feedback. The updates inform the driver about current conditions, potential hazards, and the current status of vehicle on-board equipment.:6AX | ? p !  8 u , ? ]n.W>Tk"B` Jtransit vehicle operator input@ ?NationalD:.oItransfer request@ ?National6, oHtransfer status@ ?National5+oGconnection protection instructions@ ?NationalH>2oFtransit vehicle schedule performance_@ ?NationalJ@4oEtrip plan@?National/%oDtrip confirmation@?National7-!oCtransit vehicle operator information@?NationalJ@4oBtransit user information@?National>4(o?transit traveler requesty@?National>4(o>transit traveler information@?NationalB8,o=transit service coordination@?NationalB8,o<transit multimodal informationL@?NationalD:.o;transit information user requestd@?NationalF<0o:service information responsem@>NationalB8,o9service information request@>NationalA7+o5multimodal service data@>National=3'o4load matching infoH@>National8."o3available truck capacityq@>National>4(o2terminal reservationI@>National:0$o1terminal reservation request@>NationalB8,o0intermodal terminal status@>National@6*o/booking status@>National4*o.available loads@>National5+o'container transport assignmentM@>NationalD:.o&container transfer location requestY@ >NationalI?3o%container transfer location@ >NationalA7+o#container pickup requestR@ >National>4(o"container pickup confirmation@ >NationalC9-ocontainer delivery requestJ@ >National@6*ocontainer delivery confirmation@>NationalE;/ocontainer availability statusR@>NationalC9-ocontainer availability requestW@>NationalD:.ointermodal dispatch infoG@>National>4(ocv driver inputu@>National5+ofleet status8@>National2(ofleet manager inquiry@>National;1%ofleet to driver update@>National<2&ofreight equipment informationK@>NationalC9-orestricted lanes application status7@<NationalI?3ospeed warning application info@ <NationalD:.odriver information@ <National8."oreduced speed notification@ <National@6*oroadway geometry/@ <National6, o driver input@ <National2(o speed monitoring information@<NationalB8,o speed monitoring controlu@<National>4(o intersection geometry@<National;1%o intersection infringement info@<NationalD:.ovehicle location and motion@<NationalA7+ocollision warning information@<NationalC9-ohost vehicle status@<National9/#omap updatesa@<National1'odriver updates@<National4*o(LVAL3 L 9 [  y'EX[chMultimodal (possibly non-roadway) transit provider seMultimodal (possibly non-roadway) transit provider services information and trip reservation confirmations.Request to multimodal (possibly non-roadway) transit provider for general services information and specific trip information or reservation.Detailed real-time schedule and other service information from alternate modes that supports coordination between modes to facilitate efficient transfer at connection points.Identification of available loads that match available truck capacity.An indication of available truck (power), equipment (chassis), and container capacity for use in load matching.A reservation for container pick-up/drop-off at an intermodal terminal.Request for a reservation to pick-up/drop-off containers. The request would define the pick-up/drop-off and identify an acceptable time windowCurrent status of the intermodal terminal including the current queue length/delay, current access requirements and restrictions (e.g., access restricted to appointments only).Status of the freight transport booking that includes the identities of the Commercial Vehicle and driver who will pick-up the freight or a request for more information from the originator.Request from a shipper (consignor) for services to handle shipping of a container or freight load. Aggregated, this information represents the available loads to be shipped from intermodal customer locations in the region.Instructions to a commercial vehicle for the transportation of a container.Request for the location within an intermodal facility for the transfer of a container.Location within an intermodal facility that a container is to be received at or delivered to; may include guidance as well as location.Request for permission to pickup a container at an intermodal transfer facility.Notice confirming that a container has been picked up at an intermodal facility and that control has been transferred to a shipping or drayage agency.Request for permission to deliver a container to an intermodal facility.Notice confirming the arrival and transfer of control of a container at a container handling facility, for example an intermodal terminal.Information regarding the availability of a container at an Intermodal Terminal.Request for information on the availability of a container at an Intermodal Terminal.Directions for dispatch for pickup or delivery of an intermodal load.This flow represents the tactile or auditory interface with ITS equipment containing the commercial vehicle driver and vehicle information. This flow contains inquiries to the commercial vehicle managing system, interaction with on-board equipment including setup, configuration, and initiation of self tests, and entry of carrier, driver, vehicle, and route information.This flow represents the visual or auditory interface with ITS equipment containing fleet status information including enrollment status, safety status including inspection summaries, detailed inspection reports, and safety ratings, routing information, current vehicle information, and emergency information.This flow represents the tactile or auditory interface with ITS equipment containing an inquiry from fleet manager requesting data from commercial vehicle management system.Updated instructions to the driver including dispatch, routing, and special instructions, including alerts and other advisories.Container, trailer, or chassis information regarding identity, type, location, brake wear data, mileage, seal #, seal type, door open/close status, chassis bare/covered status, tethered / untethered status, temperature, humidity, power, battery levels, brake wear data, and bill of lading/information regarding the cargo/content.LVALP V 8 e 9j\;j+LInformation used to configure and coInformation used to configure and control dynamic lane management systems.Information used to configure and control video surveillance systems.Data used to configure and control area pollution and air quality sensors.Data used to configure and control vehicle emissions sensors.Information used to configure and control traffic detector systems such as inductive loop detectors and machine vision sensors.Presentation of information to transit operations personnel including accumulated schedule and fare information, ridership and on-time performance information, emergency response plans, transit personnel information, maintenance records, and other information intended to support overall planning and management of a transit property.User input from transit operations personnel including instructions governing service availability, schedules, emergency response plans, transit personnel assignments, transit maintenance requirements, and other inputs that establish general system operating requirements and procedures.Visual, audible, and tactile outputs to the transit vehicle operator including vehicle surveillance information, alarm information, vehicle system status, information from the operations center, and information indicating the status of all other on-board ITS services.Transit vehicle operator inputs to on-board ITS equipment, including tactile and verbal inputs. Includes authentication information, on-board system control, emergency requests, and fare transaction data.A traveler request for a transfer between transit routes, services, or modes. The request may also include preferences such as a need for extra connection time or connection protection in the event of a delay.Information indicating whether a requested transfer can be confirmed including specific information about the connection including fare payment information. Real-time updates are provided if the transfer status changes up to and including a reminder just prior to the transfer. In the event that a requested transfer is not feasible, alternatives including other transit, rideshare, and taxi options are provided.A request to hold at a specific stop for a specified time period to protect connections. This flow would also include subsequent adjustments to, or cancellation of, a hold request.Estimated times of arrival and anticipated schedule deviations reported by a transit vehicle.A travel itinerary identifying a route and associated traveler information and instructions identifying recommended modes and transfer information, ride sharing options, and transit and parking reservation information.Acknowledgement by the driver/traveler of acceptance of a trip plan with associated personal and payment information required to confirm reservations.Transit service instructions, wide area alerts, traffic information, road conditions, and other information for both transit and paratransit operators.Information about individual transit users boarding a transit vehicle, used to track a user's progress on a scheduled transit trip.Request by a Transit traveler to summon assistance, request transit information, or request any other transit services.Transit information prepared to support transit users and other travelers. It contains transit schedules, real-time arrival information, fare schedules, alerts and advisories, and general transit service information.Schedule coordination or AVL information shared between local/regional transit organizations. This includes coordination of connections between transit properties.Transit schedule information for coordination at modal interchange points.Request for special transit routing, real-time schedule information, and availability information.:4\D j " A d  C j  (Hh1;[gr.maint and constr center personnel input@DNationalMC7otraffic gap informationO@ CNational=3'ointersection statush@DNational9/#oarriving train information@DNational@6*omixed use crossing status@DNational?5)oinfrastructure restriction warning notification%@DNationalUK?oinfrastructure restriction warning@ CNationalH>2ocurrent infrastructure restrictionsS@ CNationalI?3otransit vehicle loading data[@ CNationalB8,oroad network conditions@CNational=3'oroad weather advisory statusM@CNationalB8,oroad weather advisory info@CNational@6*oenvironmental situation datai@CNationalB8,oemissions monitoring application information)@CNationalRH<olane violation notification@CNationalA7+oemissions violation notification@CNationalF<0ovehicle reported emissionst@CNational@6*oTIC operator input@CNational8."oTIC operations information presentation@ANationalMC7otransportation weather information @ BNationalH>2oweather information@BNational9/#oroad weather information@BNational>4(oroad weather advisories~@BNational=3'oenvironmental sensors control;@ANationalC9-oenvironmental sensor dataJ@BNational?5)oroad network environmental situation datal@BNationalOE9ovehicle environmental data_@BNational@6*orestricted lanes application info]@BNationalG=1owide area air quality data\@ ANational@6*otraffic operator input@BNational<2&otraffic operator data(@BNational;1%ovariable speed limit statusd@ ANationalA7+ovariable speed limit control@ ANationalB8,ovehicle profile@ ANational5+olane management informationi@ ANationalA7+o~lane management controlL@?National=3'ovvehicle emissions data@ANational<2&ouvideo surveillance controlG@?National@6*otair quality sensor controlL@?National@6*orroadway dynamic signage status@ANationalD:.oqroadway dynamic signage data@ANationalB8,onvehicle signage data@ANational:0$omtraffic metering status@ANational=3'oltraffic metering control@ANational>4(okemissions sensor control?@?National>4(ojair quality sensor data@ANational=3'oitraffic images@ANational4*ohtraffic detector data,@ANational;1%ogtraffic detector control@?National>4(oMtransit operations statusP@?National?5)oLtransit operations personnel input!@?NationalH>2oKtransit vehicle operator display@?NationalF<0oLVALA V /9Presentation of information to the TIC Operator including current operational status, parametersPresentation of information to the TIC Operator including current operational status, parameters for broadcast information settings, route selection controls, and travel optimization algorithms.Data used to configure and control environmental sensors.Region-wide air quality data reported by subregions. Includes current data and forecasts.Current operating status of the variable speed limit systems including the state of the equipment.Information used to configure and control variable speed limit systems including the equipment used to provide current speed limits and other information to drivers and the equipment used to monitor traffic and environmental conditions along the roadway.Information about a vehicle such as vehicle make and model, fuel type, engine type, size and weight, vehicle performance and level of control automation, average emissions, average fuel consumption, passenger occupancy, or other data that can be used to classify vehicle eligibility for access to specific lanes, road segments, or regions or participation in cooperative vehicle control applications.System status of managed lanes including current operational state, violations, and logged information. This includes lane usage information including both traditional traffic flow measures and special information associated with managed lanes such as measured passenger occupancies. It also includes the operational status of the lane management equipment.Measured emissions of specific vehicles comprised of exhaust pollutants including hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides.Current operating status of dynamic message signs, highway advisory radios, or other configurable field equipment that provides dynamic information to the driver.Information used to initialize, configure, and control roadside systems that provide driver information (e.g., dynamic message signs, highway advisory radio). This flow can provide message content and delivery attributes, local message store maintenance requests, control mode commands, status queries, and all other commands and associated parameters that support remote management of these systems.In-vehicle signing data that augments regulatory, warning, and informational road signs and signals. The information provided would include static sign information (e.g., stop, curve warning, guide signs, service signs, and directional signs) and dynamic information (e.g., current signal states, grade crossing information, local traffic and road conditions, detours, advisories, and warnings).Current operational status and operating parameters for ramp meters, interchange meters, mainline meters and other control equipment associated with roadway metering operations.Control commands and operating parameters for ramp meters, interchange meters, mainline meters, and other systems equipment associated with roadway metering operations.Measured air quality data, including measured levels of atmospheric pollutants including ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides, and operational status of the sensors.High fidelity, real-time traffic images suitable for surveillance monitoring by the operator or for use in machine vision applications. This flow includes the images and meta data that describes the images.Raw and/or processed traffic detector data which allows derivation of traffic flow variables (e.g., speed, volume, and density measures) and associated information (e.g., congestion, potential incidents). This flow includes the traffic data and the operational status of the traffic sensor system.rLVAL z e]Current and forecast road conditions and weather information (e.g., surface condition, flooding, wind advisories, visibility, etc.) associatedCurrent and forecast road conditions and weather information (e.g., surface condition, flooding, wind advisories, visibility, etc.) associated with the transportation network. This information is of a resolution, timeliness, and accuracy to be useful in transportation decision making.Accumulated forecasted and current weather data (e.g., temperature, pressure, wind speed, wind direction, humidity, precipitation, visibility, light conditions, etc.).Road conditions and weather information that are made available by road maintenance operations to other transportation system operators.Segment-specific weather and road conditions including real-time advisories of deteriorating road and weather conditions, medium-term advisories for the next 2 12 hours, and long-term advisories more than 12 hours into the future. The advisories may include advisories that are issued by the RSE based on locally collected environmental data (e.g., an ice on bridge advisory).Current road conditions (e.g., surface temperature, subsurface temperature, moisture, icing, treatment status) and surface weather conditions (e.g., air temperature, wind speed, precipitation, visibility) as measured and reported by fixed and/or mobile environmental sensors. Operational status of the sensors is also included.Aggregated environmental situation data collected from vehicles and other sources for the road network. Aggregated information would include measured air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, sun sensor status, rain sensor status, traction control status, ALB status, and other collected vehicle system status and sensor information for the region.Data from vehicle safety and convenience systems that can be used to estimate environmental and infrastructure conditions, including measured air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, sun sensor status, rain sensor status, traction control status, anti-lock brake status, vertical acceleration and other collected vehicle system status and sensor information. The collected data is reported along with the location, heading, and time that the data was collected. Both current data and snapshots of recent events (e.g., traction control or anti-lock brake system activations) may be reported.Restricted lane application configuration data and messaging parameters. This flow defines the location, duration, and operating parameters for lanes that are reserved for the exclusive use of certain types of vehicles (e.g., transit vehicles) or vehicles that meet other qualifications (e.g., number of occupants, low emissions criteria). It identifies the lane(s), the start and stop locations, start and end times, vehicle restrictions, speed limits and platooning parameters. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.User input from traffic operations personnel including requests for information, configuration changes, commands to adjust current traffic control strategies (e.g., adjust signal timing plans, change DMS messages), and other traffic operations data entry.Presentation of traffic operations data to the operator including traffic conditions, current operating status of field equipment, maintenance activity status, incident status, video images, security alerts, emergency response plan updates and other information. This data keeps the operator appraised of current road network status, provides feedback to the operator as traffic control actions are implemented, provides transportation security inputs, and supports review of historical data and preparation for future traffic operations activities..LVALz Q 7cXParameters to configure the Freight EquipmentParameters to configure the Freight Equipment for event reporting and keep alive functions.Measured gap to the next approaching vehicle per lane and direction of travelVehicle size (height, width, length) and weight as measured by infrastructure sensors and the infrastructure restriction warning message currently displayed on roadside signs.Restrictions levied on transportation asset usage based on infrastructure design, surveys, tests, or analyses. This includes standard facility design height, width, and weight restrictions, special restrictions such as spring weight restrictions, and temporary facility restrictions that are imposed during maintenance and construction.Data collected on board the transit vehicle relating to passenger boarding and alighting.Current and forecasted traffic information, road and weather conditions, and other road network status. Either raw data, processed data, or some combination of both may be provided by this flow. Information on diversions and alternate routes, closures, and special traffic restrictions (lane/shoulder use, weight restrictions, width restrictions, HOV requirements) in effect is included.Current RSE application status that is monitored by the back office center including the operational state of the RSE, current configuration parameters, and a log of advisories issued. The advisories may include advisories that are issued by the RSE based on locally collected environmental data (e.g., an ice on bridge advisory).Road weather advisories and associated configuration and control information that are used to manage the RSE. Advisories include segment-specific weather and road conditions including real-time advisories of deteriorating road and weather conditions, medium-term advisories for the next 2 12 hours, and long-term advisories more than 12 hours into the future. This flow includes a schedule for issuing the included advisories.Aggregated and filtered vehicle environmental data collected from vehicle safety and convenience systems including measured air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, sun sensor status, rain sensor status, traction control status, anti-lock brake status, and other collected vehicle system status and sensor information. This information flow represents the aggregated and filtered environmental data sets that are provided by the RSE to the back office center. Depending on the RSE configuration and implementation, the data set may also include environmental sensor station data collected by the RSE.Data used to configure and control roadside equipment applications that monitor emissions-related data reported by passing vehicles. The parameters include identification of the emissions-related data to be monitored and thresholds for aggregating, filtering, and reporting the collected data.Notification to enforcement agency of detected lane entry violations, lane speed violations, or other dynamic lane violations. Lane entry violations may be issued for restricted vehicle types or vehicles that do not meet required emissions or passenger occupancy standards that enter a managed lane. This notification identifies the vehicle and documents the lane parameter that was violated.Notification to enforcement agency of a detected vehicle emissions violation. This information flow identifies the vehicle and documents the emissions violation.Current and average vehicle emissions data as measured by vehicle diagnostics systems and reported by the vehicle.User input from the TIC system operator including requests to monitor current system operation and inputs to affect system operation including tuning and performance enhancement parameters to traveler information algorithms.LVAL RW0cCurrent work zone status including current location (and future locations for moving work zones), impact to the roadway, reqCurrent work zone status including current location (and future locations for moving work zones), impact to the roadway, required lane shifts, expected time(s) and duration of impact, anticipated delays, alternate routes, and suggested speed limits.Data used to configure and control work zone safety monitoring and warning devices.Status of a work zone safety monitoring and warning devices. This flow documents system activations and includes additional supporting information (e.g., an image) that allows verification of the alarm.Warnings provided to field personnel, indicating a work zone emergency or safety issue such as the intrusion of a vehicle into the work zone area or movement of personnel into the travel lanes.Sensed presence of personnel within a work zone or incident scene that is monitored to enhance safety in work areas proximate to moving traffic.Notification of a work zone emergency or safety issue. This flow identifies that a work zone emergency or safety issue has occurred so that warnings may be generated by more than one system in the work zone.A unique identification of a container that can be used to associate the container with a manifest and other important data.Request to a container to provide its identification information; may require the requestor to authenticate their identity.Booking information for the transport of freight that includes company, contact information, point of origin, pick-up location, drop-off location, and freight equipment identifier.A time-stamped status of a freight shipment as it passes through the supply chain from manufacturer through arrival at its final destination; including cargo movement logs, routing information, and cargo ID s.Presentation of maintenance and construction operations information to center personnel. This information includes maintenance resource status (vehicles, equipment, and personnel), work schedule information, work status, road and weather conditions, traffic information, incident information and associated resource requests, security alerts, emergency response plans and a range of other information that supports efficient maintenance and construction operations and planning.User input from maintenance and construction center personnel including routing information, scheduling data, dispatch instructions, device configuration and control, resource allocations, alerts, incident and emergency response plan coordination.Current signal phase and timing information for all lanes at a signalized intersection. This flow identifies active lanes and lanes that are being stopped and specifies the length of time that the current state will persist for each lane. It also identifies signal priority and preemption status and pedestrian crossing status information where applicable.Information for a train approaching a highway-rail intersection that may include direction and allow calculation of approximate arrival time and closure duration.Current pedestrian and other mixed use crossing information including an indication of whether the call button has been activated, the current state of the mixed use crossing signal, and information indicating whether non-motorized users are currently occupying the cross walk.Notification to vehicle on-board equipment (OBE) that includes vehicle size (height, width, length) and weight as measured by infrastructure sensors, current infrastructure size and weight restrictions, and infrastructure restriction warning message(s) currently displayed on roadside signs.<:3Md E j $ A  v  x k7d:_ v*GSvehicle signage application info@HNationalF<0owork zone safety application infoy@HNationalG=1owork zone safety application status@HNationalI?3orail crossing application info@GNationalD:.orail crossing application status@GNationalF<0ospeed warning application status@GNationalF<0opersonal safety warning@GNational=3'ostop sign gap assist info@GNational?5)ostop sign gap assist status@GNationalA7+ostop sign gap assist control@GNationalB8,otraffic situation datab@ GNational<2&ointersection safety application info@ GNationalJ@4osignal control statusx@ GNational;1%osignal control dataA@ GNational9/#orail crossing operational status@ GNationalF<0orail crossing blockage notificationY@GNationalI?3orail crossing control datak@GNational@6*orail crossing requestp@GNational;1%orail crossing status@GNational:0$opersonal location informationv@GNationalC9-ocrossing permission@GNational9/#opersonal updates@GNational6, ointersection safety warning@GNationalA7+opersonal locationg@GNational7-!omixed use safety warning control@FNationalF<0opersonal crossing safety information@ FNationalJ@4oinfrastructure restriction warning status@ FNationalOE9oinfrastructure restriction warning control@ FNationalPF:oinfrastructure restriction warning info@ FNationalMC7oemergency personnel information presentation@ FNationalRH<oemergency personnel input@FNational?5)ointersection safety application status@FNationalLB6otrack statusP@FNational2(omixed use safety warning statusr@FNationalE;/ocrossing call@FNational3)ovehicle collision information @FNationalC9-ovehicle control event@FNational;1%obroadcast traveler information@FNationalD:.owork zone information@FNational;1%owork zone status@DNational6, owork zone warning device controlU@DNationalF<0owork zone warning status@ DNational>4(owork zone warning@ DNational7-!opersonnel monitoring@ DNational:0$owork zone warning notification@ DNationalD:.ocontainer identification~@ DNational>4(ocontainer identification request}@DNationalF<0ofreight transport booking@DNational?5)ofreight transportation status@DNationalC9-ofreight monitoring parameters]@ CNationalC9-omaint and constr operations information presentation@DNationalZPDoOLVALXh 3 {#L\{Configuration and control of equipment that monitors and manages mixed use crossings and provides visual displaConfiguration and control of equipment that monitors and manages mixed use crossings and provides visual displays and warnings to drivers when non-motorized users are occupying a cross walk or other mixed use path crossing.Current crossing status including permission to cross, crossing time remaining, and warnings in the event that a vehicle reports an imminent intersection infringement that may impact non-motorized users including pedestrians and cyclists.Infrastructure restriction warning application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of measured vehicle dimensions and alerts and warnings issued.Information used to configure and control infrastructure-based sensors that measure the size and weight of passing vehicles and associated signage that provides infrastructure restriction advisories and warnings to drivers.Roadway configuration data and warning parameters and thresholds. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted. Configuration data includes facility design height, width, and weight restrictions, including special restrictions such as spring weight restrictions, and temporary facility restrictions that are imposed during maintenance and construction.Presentation of information to emergency personnel in the field including dispatch information, incident information, current road network conditions, device status, and other supporting information.User input from emergency personnel in the field including dispatch coordination, incident status information, and remote device control requests.Infrastructure safety application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of intersection safety issues identified and alerts and warnings issued.Current status of the wayside equipment and notification of an arriving train.Current operational status and state of pedestrian crossings and other mixed use path crossing warning systems.Non-motorized user request to cross the roadway. This may be an overt (e.g., push button) request from a pedestrian or the physical presence of a pedestrian or cyclist that can be detected by sensors or surveillance systems.The current status of the vehicle systems following a collision including air bag deployment, number of passengers, seat belt usage, sensor data that indicates crash severity (e.g., Delta V speed profile during the crash, vehicle damage, number of impacts), and vehicle type/make/model.Notification that the vehicle has performed an emergency action that could impact the safety of surrounding vehicles. This includes hard braking and activation of traction/stability control systems or other actions that warrant immediate notification of surrounding vehicles. The information flow conveys the vehicle's position, heading, speed, acceleration, transmission, steering wheel angle, braking status, size information, and trajectory.General traveler information that contains traffic and road conditions, link travel times, incidents, advisories, restrictions, transit service information, weather information, parking information, and other related traveler information.Summary of maintenance and construction work zone activities affecting the road network including the nature of the maintenance or construction activity, location, impact to the roadway, expected time(s) and duration of impact, anticipated delays, alternate routes, and suggested speed limits. This information may be augmented with images that provide a visual indication of current work zone status and traffic impacts. LVAL L H m  C fqCRail crossing and device configuration data and warning parameters and thresholds. This flow also suRail crossing and device configuration data and warning parameters and thresholds. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.Rail crossing application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of rail crossing events and alerts and warnings issued.Speed warning application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of measured vehicle speeds and notifications, alerts, and warnings issued.Safety alerts and warnings provided to a personal information device. The provided information would identify safety threats (e.g., vehicle encroachment into a work area, personal infringement into a travel lane)Intersection and device configuration data and warning parameters and thresholds for the stop sign gap assist application. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.The current operational state and status of the field controller, sensors, and signs that support the stop sign gap assist application.Configuration and control of detectors that monitor traffic on the major road and signs that provide stop sign gap assist alerts and warnings to vehicles on the minor road.Current, aggregate traffic data collected from connected vehicles that can be used to supplement or replace information collected by roadside traffic detectors. It includes raw and/or processed reported vehicle speeds, counts, and other derived measures. Raw and/or filtered vehicle control events may also be included to support incident detection.Intersection and device configuration data and warning parameters and thresholds. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.Operational and status data of traffic signal control equipment including operating condition and current indications.Information used to configure local traffic signal controllers.Status of the highway-rail grade crossing equipment including both the current state or mode of operation and the current equipment condition.Notification that a highway-rail intersection is obstructed and supporting information.Data required for HRI information transmitted at railroad grade crossings and within railroad operations.A request for highway-rail intersection status or a specific control request intended to modify HRI operation.Status of the highway-rail intersection equipment including both the current state or mode of operation and the current equipment condition.Pedestrian, bicyclist, and other non-motorized user locations at an intersection as detected and reported by an RSE.Information provided to guide and warn pedestrians at crossings including crossing permission, crossing time remaining, and real-time warnings of safety threats.Personal information, alerts, and warnings provided to pedestrians, work crew members, and other individuals in a mixed use area. This includes visual, audio, and haptic outputs that may be customized to support individual needs.A warning of an imminent unsafe vehicle infringement at an intersection that may endanger other vehicles or pedestrians. This allows vehicles approaching the intersection to be warned in the event of an imminent red light or stop sign violation or potential infringement on an occupied crosswalk. All connected vehicles at the intersection receive the warning, including both the infringing vehicle and other vehicles at or near the intersection.The current location (latitude, longitude, and elevation) reported by the personal information deviceiLVAL? A  jHRequest for information supporting payments. For fee structures that include incentivesRequest for information supporting payments. For fee structures that include incentives, the request may support either an account debit or an account credit or reimbursement.Billing information, vehicle information (or registration information), and requests for reports.Transit service information including routes, schedules, and fare information.Information on the state of transportation system operations within the low emissions zone including emissions zone parameters, traffic and road conditions within the zone, advisories, incidents, transit service information, weather information, parking information, and other related data.Confirmation that special event details have been received and processed.Plans for major events possibly impacting traffic.The geographic boundaries, time period, and fee structure for a low emissions zone. This flow also provides the specific restrictions that are in place for the zone including admittance requirements and rules and restrictions for driving within the zone.Input from the system operator including nominal emissions data compliance (reference) levels for each sector of an urban area.Presentation of information to the operator supporting both area-wide air quality monitoring and vehicle emissions monitoring. Includes both reference and current pollution status details for a given geographic area.Coordination of control commands between leader and follower vehicles allowing vehicles to join, coordinate with, and separate from platoons of cooperative vehicles. This flow shares platoon size, location, and performance parameters (e.g., platoon speed and spacing) between platooned vehicles. It also coordinates maneuvers between platooned vehicles, including maneuvers as vehicles join and leave the platoon.Emissions-related data as measured and reported by connected vehicles. This flow carries aggregated and filtered data including average and current emissions reported by vehicles as well as associated data (vehicle profiles and speeds) that can be used to estimate aggregate emissions.Information provided to an enforcement agency that defines the current enforceable lane restrictions. It defines the location, duration, and restrictions for lanes that are reserved for the exclusive use of certain types of vehicles (e.g., transit vehicles) or vehicles that meet other qualifications (e.g., number of occupants, low emissions criteria). It identifies the lane(s), the start and stop locations, start and end times, vehicle restrictions, and speed limits.In-vehicle signing application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a log of messages sent to passing vehicles.In-vehicle signing application configuration data and messaging parameters. This flow provides a list of regulatory, warning, and information messages to be displayed and parameters that support scheduling and prioritizing messages to be issued to passing vehicles. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.Work zone safety application configuration data and warning parameters and thresholds. This includes work zone configuration including geofenced crew areas and travel lanes that provide a safety boundary between work zone personnel and passing vehicles. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.Work zone safety application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of identified work zone safety alerts and warnings issued.9:4c}4 g  & O ^ } : f)h#@[ZsCN%lighting system control dataF@KNationalB8,o$traffic metering application info@ KNationalG=1o#traffic metering application status@ KNationalI?3o"speed management information@ KNationalB8,o!speed management application status@ KNationalI?3o speed management application information@ KNationalND8otrip request@KNational2(oincident informationu@KNational:0$oelectric charging services inventory@KNationalJ@4oelectric charging station information@KNationalKA5ocurrent charging status{@KNational=3'ovehicle charging profile@KNational>4(omobile source emissions data@KNationalB8,ointersection management application status@KNationalPF:ointersection management application info@KNationalND8osignal system configuration@JNationalA7+osignal control plans@JNational:0$osignal control device configurationi@JNationalI?3osignal control commandsY@JNational=3'odevice status!Status information from devicesNationalTJodevice data@JNational1'opayment transactions@JNational:0$opayment instructionsm@JNational:0$o request for payment@@ JNational9/#o paymentx@ JNational-#o registrationA@ JNational2(o license requestT@ JNational5+o payment coordination@ JNational:0$opayment violation notification[@JNationalD:.otransaction statusP@JNational8."opayment request1@JNational5+opayment administration requests@JNationalE;/opayment information presentation~@JNationalF<0ovehicle payment request@JNational=3'ovehicle payment information@JNationalA7+oroad use chargesRoad use charges per link.NationalRH oroad use history7@JNational6, otraveler payment information@JNationalB8,otraveler payment request@HNational>4(ouser account reportsReports on chargesNationalND$ouser account setupc@HNational8."otransit and fare schedulesP@ HNational@6*olow emissions zone operations information$@ HNationalOE9oevent confirmationK@ HNational8."oevent plans4@ HNational1'olow emissions zone parameters@ HNationalC9-oemissions operator input@HNational>4(oemissions operator presentation@HNationalE;/ovehicle platoon coordination@HNationalB8,oemissions situation data @HNational>4(ocurrent lane restrictions@HNational?5)ovehicle signage application status@HNationalH>2o*LVALR e 5 K  oDKnbData used to configure traffic signal systems including configuring coData used to configure traffic signal systems including configuring control sections and mode of operation (time based or traffic responsive).Traffic signal timing parameters including minimum green time and interval durations for basic operation and cycle length, splits, offset, phase sequence, etc. for coordinated systems.Data used to configure traffic signal control equipment including local controllers and system masters.Control of traffic signal controllers or field masters including clock synchronization.Data from detectors, environmental sensor stations, roadside equipment, and traffic control devices, including device inventory information.Detailed list of transactions including violations. Each transaction includes the date/time, vehicle/customer, and transaction amount. Additional information is included to support delayed payment and violation processing.Information provided to configure and support fixed point payment operations including pricing information.Request to deduct cost of service from user's payment account.Payment of some kind (e.g., toll, parking, fare) by traveler which, in most cases, can be related to a credit account.Registered owner of vehicle and associated vehicle information.Request supporting registration data based on license plate read during violation. Coordinate apportionment charges between jurisdictions (e., federal government, states, various jurisdictions that might be public or private within a state). Apportionment reconciliation includes either sharing information about mileage or zone-based charges in other jurisdictions (so that the Other Payment Administration subsystems can make appropriate charges), or sharing revenue collected. When sharing revenue, this flow also includes charging rate policiesNotification to enforcement agency of a toll, parking, or transit fare payment violation.Response to transaction request. Normally dealing with a request for payment.Request for payment from financial institution.Personnel inputs that control system operations, including requests to change toll fees, confirmation that alerts should be provided to toll operators, management of VMT charge policies and management of VMT account processing, etc.Presentation of information to personnel including revenues, reports, operational status information, and alert information.Request for information supporting payments. For fee structures that include incentives, the request may support either an account debit or an account credit or reimbursement.Information provided for payment of tolls, parking, and other transportation fees including identification that can be used to identify the payment account or source and related vehicle and service information that are used to determine the type and price of service requested. The information exchange normally supports an account debit to pay fees, but an account credit may be initiated where pricing strategies include incentives.A vehicle s road use history that records where the vehicle has traveled over time. Optionally includes vehicle speeds as well as distance traveled for some applications. Information is accurate enough to distinguish between adjacent roads, adjacent lanes, and identify direction of travel on the roads.Information provided for payment of road use charges, tolls or parking fees including identification that can be used to identify the payment account or source and related vehicle and service information that are used to determine the type and price of service requested. The information exchange normally supports an account debit to pay fees, but an account credit may be initiated where pricing strategies include incentives.:LVAL4 O ! "MhStatus of roadside lighting controls including oStatus of roadside lighting controls including operating condition and current operational state.Information used to configure and control roadside lighting systems.Application parameters and thresholds. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.Traffic metering application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of system operation.Target speeds, speed advisories, and/or speed limit information provided to a vehicle. The information includes the current speed value(s), the route segment(s) and lane(s) where the speeds apply, and an indication of whether the speeds are suggested target speeds, posted advisory speeds, or enforceable speed limit values. This flow may also include information about the reason for reduced speeds and provide target lane information if lane changes are required.Speed management application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of measured vehicle speeds and current speed targets, advisories, and limits.Current speed targets, advisories, and limits including time of day, week, or season speed limits as necessary, and application parameters and thresholds. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.Request for trip planning services that identifies the trip origin, destination(s), timing, preferences, and constraints. The request may also include the requestor's location or a request for transit and parking reservations and ridesharing options associated with the trip.Notification of existence of incident and expected severity, location, time and nature of incident. As additional information is gathered and the incident evolves, updated incident information is provided. Incidents include any event that impacts transportation system operation ranging from routine incidents (e.g., disabled vehicle at the side of the road) through large-scale natural or human-caused disasters that involve loss of life, injuries, extensive property damage, and multi-jurisdictional response. This also includes special events, closures, and other planned events that may impact the transportation system.Aggregate information provided for electric charging stations identifying the location, operating hours, current availability, charging capacity and standards supported, access restrictions, and rates/fee structure for each station.Information provided for electric charging stations identifying the location, operating hours, current availability, charging capacity and standards supported, access restrictions, and rates/fee structure.Current charging status including current charge rate, estimated time to completion, and cost associated with the charge.Vehicle information provided to an electric charging station including the operational status of the electrical system, the charging capacity and charging rate for the vehicle, and % charge complete.Measured and/or estimated emissions at point locations from mobile sources including cars and light trucks, heavy trucks and buses. Where applicable, this flow may also include emissions measures or estimates from non-road engines and portable equipment at the location.Infrastructure application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a log of operations.Intersection and device configuration data and warning parameters and thresholds. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.":3d g ; Q  o  m 6 Q fm&Wy+:Na g ^request for serviceo@ONational9/#o\emergency acknowledge~@ONational;1%o[emergency notificationM@PNational<2&oZtransit incident informationY@ONationalB8,oYtransit schedule adherence informationN@ ONationalLB6oXtransportation operational strategies@ ONationalKA5oWmaint and constr work plans@ ONationalA7+oVroadway maintenance status@ ONational@6*oUlow emissions zone application status@ ONationalKA5oTlow emissions zone application info@ONationalI?3oSlow emissions zone coordination@ONationalE;/oRair quality information_@ONational=3'oQqueue warning information@ONational?5)oPqueue warning application status@ONationalF<0oOqueue warning application information@ONationalKA5oNroadway warning system status6@ONationalC9-oMroadway warning system controlD@ONationalD:.oLpersonal signal service request@ONationalE;/oKpersonal input@MNational4*oJlocation correction@ NNational9/#oHsignal service request@ NNational<2&oGtransit system data @ NNational9/#oFdevice control request#@MNational<2&oEtraveler information application status@ NNationalMC7oDtraveler information application info@NNationalKA5oClocal traveler information@NNational@6*oBtransit vehicle emissionsZ@MNational?5)oAtraffic control priority statusZ@MNationalE;/o@traffic control priority requestT@MNationalF<0o?transit schedule information@NNationalB8,o=signal priority service request@NNationalE;/o<driver to fleet requestX@ MNational=3'o;alerts@NNational,"o:intermodal freight traffic information@NNationalLB6o9intermodal freight event information@NNationalJ@4o6emergency traffic control information@NNationalKA5o5emergency traffic control request_@NNationalG=1o4suggested route@ MNational5+o3emergency vehicle tracking dataE@ MNationalE;/o2signal preemption request^@ MNational?5)o1right-of-way request notification@ MNationalG=1o0local signal priority request@MNationalC9-o/local signal preemption request@MNationalE;/o.vehicle entries and exitsK@MNational?5)o-automated lane status@MNational;1%o,automated lane control dataO@MNationalA7+o+automated vehicle control status@MNationalF<0o*automated vehicle control parameters@MNationalJ@4o(lighting management application status@MNationalLB6o'lighting management application info@MNationalJ@4o&lighting system statusc@KNational<2&oLVAL_ t-yVCUser input to a personal device. This flow may request traveler information, request right of way, summon assistance, make a reservatioUser input to a personal device. This flow may request traveler information, request right of way, summon assistance, make a reservation, or request any other traveler service. This flow also establishes the settings that tailor each application to suit the user's needs.Request for device control actionGreenhouse Gas (GHG) and criteria air pollutant emissions reported by a transit vehicle.Status of signal priority request functions at the roadside (e.g., enabled or disabled).Request for signal priority at one or more intersections along a particular route.Requests from the driver and vehicle for routing, payment, and enrollment information.Suggested route for a dispatched emergency or maintenance vehicle that may reflect current network conditions and the additional routing options available to en route emergency or maintenance vehicles that are not available to the general public.The current location and operating status of the emergency vehicle.Direct request for preemption to a traffic signal controller that results in preemption of the current control plan and grants right-of-way to the requesting vehicle. This flow identifies the required phase and timing of the preemption. This flow may also cancel the preemption request (e.g., when the requesting vehicle clears the intersection).Notice that a request has occurred for signal prioritization, signal preemption, pedestrian call, multi-modal crossing activation, or other source for right-of-way.Request from a vehicle to a signalized intersection for priority at that intersection. This flow also allows the vehicle to cancel a priority request (for example, when the vehicle clears the intersection).Direct control signal or message to a signalized intersection that results in preemption of the current control plan and grants right-of-way to the requesting vehicle.Information exchanged between an RSE and ITS Roadway Equipment that supports detection of non-equipped vehicles in an automated lane, low emissions zone, or other facility where V2I communications is used to monitor vehicles at entry or exit points. This exchange also supports identification of non-equipped vehicles where an RSE is used for payment collection. This generic exchange can be implemented by any approach that compares vehicle detections with V2I communications by the RSE to identify vehicles that are not equipped or are otherwise unable to communicate with the RSE.Current operational status of lanes supporting automated vehicle operations. The flow includes the status of the RSEs, associated field equipment, and vehicles using the facility.Control commands and operating parameters provided to RSEs that control and monitor automated vehicle operations, including tightly coupled platooned groups of vehicles operating in dedicated or mixed-mode lanes. This flow includes platoon parameters including maximum platoon size, target speeds and gaps, and vehicle restrictions.Data provided by a connected vehicle identifying it's current mode and operational status and information provided to support checkin/checkout of the lane and coordinated maneuvers while on the automated facility.Information, instructions, and control parameters for automated vehicle operations including current system conditions and advisories, control parameters (e.g., speed, required vehicle performance profiles, gaps or headways) and check in/checkout instructions.Lighting management application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of system operation.Application parameters and thresholds. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.LVAL 8 [#30Information provided to improve positional accuracy. These corrections allow a mobile GPS receiver, such as a GPS system in a coInformation provided to improve positional accuracy. These corrections allow a mobile GPS receiver, such as a GPS system in a connected vehicle, to achieve a greater absolute positional accuracy, compensating for errors that exist in satellite positioning.A call for service or extension for a signal control phase that is issued by the RSE for connected vehicles approaching an intersection and/or pedestrians at a crosswalk. This flow identifies the desired phase and service time.Current transit system operations information indicating current transit routes, the level of service on each route, and the progress of individual vehicles along their routes for use in forecasting demand and estimating current transportation network performance.Application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of traveler information distribution.Traveler information and associated parameters, filters, and thresholds that control the RSE's distribution of the traveler information to passing vehicles. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.Traveler information including traffic, road, and weather conditions for a particular locality. This flow includes the location-specific traveler information and time effectivity of the information.Current and projected transit schedule information used to initialize the transit vehicle with a vehicle assignment, monitor schedule performance, and develop corrective actions on-board.A service request for vehicle priority issued to a traffic signal controller that results in green extension or other accommodation for the priority vehicle, within the current signal timing plan. The request includes the priority level, the desired time and duration of service, and the intended travel path through the intersection. This flow also allows the RSE to cancel a previously issued request for priority.This flow represents the visual or auditory interface with ITS equipment containing specific alerts and messages related to commercial vehicles (e.g., trucks not advised, trucks over 10 tons not allowed on bridge, route details). This also includes detected route deviations and warning indications detected by on-board sensors (e.g., safety) and freight equipment sensors (e.g., breach, cargo).Information on traffic conditions affecting the depot including information concerning any special traffic control accommodations or restrictions for commercial vehicles.Plans for movement of intermodal freight from the depot area possibly impacting traffic. May also include requests for special treatment at traffic signals or dynamic lane management systems.Status of a special traffic control strategy or system activation implemented in response to an emergency traffic control request, a request for emergency access routes, a request for evacuation, a request to activate closure systems, a request to employ driver information systems to support public safety objectives, or other special requests. Identifies the selected traffic control strategy and system control status.Special request to preempt the current traffic control strategy in effect at one or more signalized intersections or highway segments, activate traffic control and closure systems such as gates and barriers, activate safeguard systems, or use driver information systems. For example, this flow can request all signals to red-flash, request a progression of traffic control preemptions along an emergency vehicle route, request a specific evacuation traffic control plan, request activation of a road closure barrier system, or place a public safety or emergency-related message on a dynamic message sign.!LVAL/+ v e  y (':a[Request for information regarding cRequest for information regarding care facility availability and status.Electronic medical records accessed to support incident response.Visual or audio information (e.g., routes, messages, guidance, emergency information) that is provided to the traveler.Request for alerts, evacuation information, and other emergency information provided to the traveling public.Evacuation instructions and information including evacuation zones, evacuation times, and reentry times.Driver inputs that summon an emergency response, request a financial transaction, or initiate other services.Acknowledge request for emergency assistance and provide additional details regarding actions and verification requirements.Information on transit incidents that impact transit services for public dissemination.Dynamic transit schedule adherence and transit vehicle location information.Operational strategies for each operating agency in a transportation corridor, downtown area, or other travel-impacted area, providing an integrated operations strategy for the freeways, tollways, arterials, transit services, parking facilities, and other transportation-related facilities in the area. These strategies can include dynamic adjustments to transit fares and tolls, parking fees and restrictions, dynamic lane restriction changes, and other active demand management strategies.Future construction and maintenance work schedules and activities including anticipated closures with anticipated impact to the roadway, alternate routes, anticipated delays, closure times, and durations.Summary of maintenance fleet operations affecting the road network. This includes the status of winter maintenance (snow plow schedule and current status).Low emissions zone application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of system operation.Low emissions zone application parameters and thresholds. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.Coordination of geographic boundaries, time period, fee structure, and restrictions for a low emissions zone. This flow supports negotiation between centers that establishes low emissions zone parameters based on air quality and transportation needs, as constrained by infrastructure and transportation services that are available to manage the defined zone and applicable laws and regulations.Aggregated region-wide measured air quality data and possible pollution incident information.Information regarding formed or impending queues (location of the end of queue, estimated duration of the queue, and other descriptions of the queue condition) and recommendations for upstream vehicles including speed reduction, lane change, or diversion recommendations.Queue warning application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of measured vehicle speeds and identified queues.Information regarding formed or impending queues (location of the end of queue, estimated duration of the queue, and other descriptions of the queue condition) and recommendations for upstream vehicles including speed reduction, lane change, or diversion recommendations. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.Current operating status of roadway warning systems.Information used to configure and control roadway warning systems.A request for right of way from a personal device that indicates the type of traveler (pedestrian, special needs pedestrian, bicyclist, etc.), anticipated time of arrival, travel path, and crossing duration."LVAL  m P#LReport of current desensitized incident information prepared Report of current desensitized incident information prepared for public dissemination through the telecommunications system.Request for additional emergency dispatch information and provision of en route status.Emergency vehicle dispatch instructions including incident location and available information concerning the incident.Request for electronic medical records to support incident response.Information regarding facility type and capabilities, facility status, and its ability to admit new patients.Public notification of an emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil emergency, or child abduction. This flow also includes evacuation information including evacuation instructions, evacuation zones, recommended evacuation times, tailored evacuation routes and destinations, traffic and road conditions along the evacuation routes, traveler services and shelter information, and reentry times and instructions.Evacuation shelter information including location, hours of operation, special accommodations, and current vacancy/availability information.Information supplied by a service provider (e.g., a hotel or restaurant) that identifies the service provider and provides details of the service offering. This flow covers initial registration of a service provider and subsequent submittal of new information and status updates so that data currency is maintained.Requests for travel service information. This flow supports initial registration of service providers and requests for additional traveler service information from registered providers.Presentation of information to the operator including emergency operations data, supporting a range of emergency operating positions including call taker, dispatch, emergency operations, security monitoring, and various other operations and communications center operator positions.The relay of a previously received emergency notification. This relay enables a connected vehicle that is passing within radio range of a vehicle in need of assistance to store the notification and then forward it to a public safety agency when communications is available. Multiple relays may be necessary in remote areas with infrequent traffic and spotty communications coverage. The relay includes all of the information included in the original emergency notification (see 'emergency notification') and relay-specific data that can be used to manage the relay. Relay-specific data may include the date and time of original emergency notification receipt and the number of times the message has been relayed.Emergency operator input supporting call taking, dispatch, emergency operations, security monitoring, and other operations and communications center operator functions.Report of an identified incident including incident location, type, severity and other information necessary to initiate an appropriate incident response.An emergency request for assistance that is automatically initiated by a vehicle or manually initiated by a vehicle occupant. The request includes call-back number, date, time, location, pre-event vehicle heading, vehicle make, model, model year, and fuel type, and crash severity indicators. Crash severity indicators include: airbags deployed, number of impacts, crash delta velocity, principle direction of force, and rollover indication. In addition, seatbelt restraint use, number of occupants, occupant location, and intrusion may be included. For commercial vehicles, this flow may also include freight equipment type (box, flatbed, trailer, container, etc.), type of cargo (refrigerated, non-perishable, liquid, etc.), hazardous material data, quantity of cargo, and cargo permits as applicable (hazmat, special routing permissions).:5u(B d i  x 0 Z  n . \@o Jr"xx:^fare management informationW@SNationalA7+ofare collection datao@RNational:0$opayment device update@ SNational;1%opayment device information@ SNational@6*odynamic bus lane status@ SNational=3'odynamic bus lane request$@RNational>4(otrip feedback@ SNational3)ouser profilen@ SNational2(odemand responsive transit planL@RNationalD:.odemand responsive transit request"Request for paratransit support.Nationali_1otraffic monitoring application status@SNationalKA5otraffic monitoring application info@SNationalI?3oincident information for public~@ PNationalE;/oincident status@SNational5+oemergency dispatch responseY@ PNationalA7+oemergency dispatch requestsx@ PNationalA7+odecision support information@SNationalB8,oemergency routes@SNational6, oemergency route request@SNational=3'oroad network status assessment@SNationalD:.omedical records requestF@ PNational=3'ohazmat spill notification@SNational?5)o~patient status@SNational4*o}care facility statuso@ PNational:0$o|care facility status requestJ@ONationalB8,o{medical recordsC@ONational5+ozevacuee match information@RNational?5)oytraveler interface updatesy@ONational@6*oxtraveler input@RNational4*owshelter recommendations@ RNational=3'ovshelter request@ RNational5+ouevacuation assistance information@ RNationalG=1otevacuation assistance request@ RNationalC9-ospopulation and housing data@ RNationalA7+ortraveler sourced updates@RNational>4(oqpublic health response@RNational<2&oppublic health request@RNational;1%ooevacuation coordination@RNational=3'onemergency transit service response@RNationalH>2omemergency transit service requestJ@RNationalG=1olemergency plan coordination]@RNationalA7+okemergency transit schedule information@RNationalLB6ojtransportation system status@RNationalB8,oiemergency traveler information requesto@ONationalLB6ohemergency traveler information@PNationalD:.ogshelter information@PNational9/#oftravel service information>@PNational@6*oetravel service information request@PNationalH>2odevacuation informationj@ONational<2&obemergency operations status@PNationalA7+oaemergency notification relay@PNationalB8,o`emergency operations input@PNational@6*o_incident report@PNational5+oLVALb ) ! e JyoFare collection information including the summary of fFare collection information including the summary of fare system data and financial payment transaction data.Request for a restricted bus lane.Plan regarding overall demand responsive transit schedules and deployment.Shelter recommendations and assignments that were made to evacuees. This information can be used to forecast evacuee arrivals and shelter availability.User input from a traveler to summon assistance, request travel information, make a reservation, or request any other traveler service.Recommendation identifying the shelter or shelters best suited to the requestor. Hotels/motels may also be included as potential sheltering options. This flow may also include shelter assignments/reservations.A request for shelter information, recommendations, or assignment/reservation. Information provided my include name, current location, number of people in the group, additional requirements (e.g., evacuating with pets, needed medical support).Information on evacuation resources including self-evacuation options, anticipated pickup time and location if a transportation asset is to be deployed, destination shelter, and supporting information on what to bring, estimated reentry date/time.A request for evacuation assistance, which may be registered in advance or issued during an evacuation. It specifies the location, number of people that need to be evacuated, and any special needs/requirements.Information on the population of an area, including addresses, types of facility (residence, multi-family dwelling, commercial retail, commercial office, etc.), and special considerations (storage of flammable liquids, special needs residents).Traveler posts on traffic and road conditions, transit services, traveler services, shelter information and other real-time crowd-sourced data that may be shared with other travelers.Specific information or recommendation on how to treat or respond to an emergency involving biological or other medically related emergency.Request for specific information or recommended response concerning an emergency involving biological or other medically related emergency.Coordination of information regarding a pending or in-process evacuation. Includes evacuation zones, evacuation times, evacuation routes, forecast network conditions, and reentry times.Response indicating changes to transit service, fares, and/or restrictions that will be made and status of transit resources to be deployed to support emergency response and/or evacuation.Request to modify transit service and fare schedules to address emergencies, including requests for transit services to evacuate people from and/or deploy response agency personnel to an emergency scene. The request may poll for resource availability or request pre-staging, staging, or immediate dispatch of transit resources.Information that supports coordination of emergency management plans, continuity of operations plans, emergency response and recovery plans, evacuation plans, and other emergency plans between agencies. This includes general plans that are coordinated prior to an incident and shorter duration tactical plans that are prepared during an incident.Information on transit schedule and service changes that adapt the service to better meet needs of responders and the general public in an emergency situation, including special service schedules supporting evacuation.Current status and condition of transportation infrastructure (e.g., tunnels, bridges, interchanges, TMC offices, maintenance facilities). In case of disaster or major incident, this flow provides an assessment of damage sustained by the surface transportation system including location and extent of the damage, estimate of remaining capacity and necessary restrictions, and time frame for repair and recovery.KLVAL#;U 3   _:+ !Transit user guidance application status reported by the RSE. This includes cTransit user guidance application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of system operation.Information sent from bus stop infrastructure to portable devices that includes stop-specific bus schedules and routes.General and personalized transit information for a particular fixed route, flexible route, or paratransit system.Information about the transit vehicle route and stops, including current location along the route and next stop.Information provided by transit management that supports fare payment transactions.Transit fare information and transaction data used to manage transit fare processing.Information updated concerning traveler's personal data including name, address, user account information, trip records, and profile data.The traveler personal information such as name, address, license number, user account information, trip records and profile data.Status of dynamic lane request, identifying if the request can be met, and the specific lane, start, end location, and time period where priority or exclusive access is to be granted.Information provided at the conclusion of a trip that supports performance monitoring and system optimization. Information provided may include a record of the trip including HOV/HOT lane usage and user provided feedback at the conclusion of the trip.Information provided to register for a travel service and create a user account. The provided information includes personal identification, traveler preferences (e.g., maximum transfer wait time, maximum walking distance, mode preferences, special needs), device information, a user ID and password, and information to support payment transactions, if applicable.Traffic monitoring application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of system operation.Traffic monitoring application parameters and thresholds that control the filtering, aggregation, and range of measures that are collected, derived, and reported. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.Information gathered at the incident site that more completely characterizes the incident and provides current incident response status. This includes notification of medical facility transport and details about the vehicle occupants being transported.Information provided to support effective and safe incident response, including local traffic, road, and weather conditions, hazardous material information, and the current status of resources (including vehicles, other equipment, supplies) that have been allocated to an incident.Suggested ingress and egress routes for access to and between the scene and staging areas or other specialized emergency access routes.Request for access routes for emergency response vehicles and equipment. This may be a request for ingress or egress routes or other emergency routes.Assessment of damage sustained by the road network including location and extent of the damage, estimate of remaining capacity, required closures, alternate routes, necessary restrictions, and time frame for repair and recovery.Information provided to emergency response organizations when cargo sensors detect a release of hazardous material. This information will include sensor information, vehicle location and identification, and carrier identification.Information that supports assessment of the incident victim's (patient's) status. Information could include general categorization of their status, vital signs, pertinent medical history, and emergency care information.F:5k( = ^  w 2 ]  w 0 Fp)Yw1^Jh"Kborder clearance status@WNational=3'oarrival notificationW@WNational:0$orequest tag dataC@WNational6, otraveler border clearance statusy@WNationalF<0oelectronic lock datab@WNational:0$oborder clearance data@WNational;1%oelectronic lock data requestY@VNationalB8,oborder clearance event@WNational<2&oborder clearance data request@WNationalC9-olocal border wait timesi@VNational=3'otraveler credentialsY@VNational:0$oborder card dataS@VNational6, ocontainer seal status@VNational;1%ocontainer manifest6@VNational8."ocontainer seal interrogation@ VNationalB8,oinspection results>@ VNational8."oborder security inputH@ VNational;1%otraveler personal informationP@ VNationalC9-oconsolidated agency responseK@ VNationalB8,oclearance notification;@VNational<2&oborder pass/pull-inP@UNational9/#otag data0@UNational.$oborder crossing status information@VNationalH>2oborder wait times data@VNational<2&ointersection control status@UNationalA7+olocal situation datab@VNational:0$oparking availability@VNational:0$ospecial needs data'@VNational8."osituation data collection parametersz@VNationalJ@4ovehicle situation data parameters\@VNationalG=1ovehicle situation dataI@VNational<2&otraveler information for media@UNationalD:.oalternate mode informationy@UNational@6*otransit service information@UNationalA7+osocial media presence @ UNational;1%ovehicle path prediction@ UNational=3'otransit stop locations@ UNational<2&otransit stop request@ UNational:0$otransit vehicle location datai@ UNationalC9-odemand response passenger and use datam@UNationalLB6otransit trip planU@UNational7-!oparking management application infog@UNationalI?3oparking facility geometry@UNational?5)otraveler request:@UNational6, ointeractive traveler information#@UNationalF<0oparking informationQ@UNational9/#oparking management application status@UNationalKA5otransit user guidance application info/@UNationalLB6otransit user guidance application status@SNationalND8otransit stop guidancey@SNational;1%opersonal transit informations@SNationalB8,otransit vehicle informationr@SNationalA7+otransit fare informationU@SNational>4(o9LVAL } Z {  RJZKA!noCommand to commercial vehicle to pull Command to commercial vehicle to pull into or bypass border inspection stationUnique tag ID and related vehicle information.Status data provided by the traffic signal controller including phase information, alarm status, and priority/preempt status.General traveler information regarding incidents, unusual traffic conditions, transit issues, or other advisory information that has been desensitized and provided to the media.Schedule information for alternate mode transportation providers such as air, ferry, and passenger-carrying heavy rail.Transit service information including routes, schedules, and fare information as well as dynamic transit schedule adherence and transit vehicle location information.Each social media platform offers its own tools and API that allow integration of web content into a social media experience. This interface establishes a social media presence for traveler information sites, providing current traveler information to subscribers.The predicted future vehicle path of travel. This flow includes an indication of the future positions of the transmitting vehicle that can be used by receiving vehicles to support coordinated driving manuevers and enhance in-lane and out-of-lane threat classification.The current geographic location and dimensions of transit stops. This flow may also include the road geometry in the vicinity of the stops as needed to support transit vehicle safety applications when arriving at or departing from stops.Notification that a transit stop has been requested by a transit user at a roadside stop. This flow identifies the route, stop, and the time of the request.Current transit vehicle location and related operational conditions data provided by a transit vehicle.Data collected on board a demand response vehicle relating to the picking up and discharging of passengers.An origin-destination transit trip that may involve multiple modes and connections.Parking management application information including parking lot configuration and status and associated parameters and thresholds that control the algorithms that monitor parking occupancy and the parking information that is delivered. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.Precise spatial description of a parking facility that locates each parking space and the ingress and egress routes that are used to travel to and from the spaces.A request for traveler information including traffic, transit, toll, parking, road weather conditions, event, and passenger rail information. The request identifies the type of information, the area of interest, parameters that are used to prioritize or filter the returned information, and sorting preferences.Traveler information provided in response to a traveler request. The provided information includes traffic and road conditions, advisories, incidents, payment information, transit services, parking information, weather information, and other travel-related data updates and confirmations.General parking information and status, including current parking availability.Parking management application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and current, aggregate parking data collected from connected vehicles that can be used to monitor parking space usage and availability.Transit user guidance application information including current transit traveler information and associated parameters and thresholds that control the delivery of this information. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.%LVAL [ v;XLv[Request from roadside for data regarding prRequest from roadside for data regarding presence and status of electronic cargo locks.Current border wait time calculated by the RSE based on data collected from passing connected vehicles.Traveler identification, including trusted traveler program information, if applicable.Personal identification data from ID cards used by travelers at border crossings.The status of an electronic seal on a container, indicating sealing time, location, and authority, and any openings or tampering.Official statement of the cargo held in a container.Customs inspection of the electronic seal on a container to verify the container has not been opened or tampered with; requires proper authentication.Report of results of border inspection on a particular load.Information regarding security related events occurring at the border.This flow includes biometric and other data to allow recognition of travelers.Electronic manifest data as well as commercial vehicle screening results.Notification that cargo has been cleared through customs.Port of entry status including current wait-times, lane configuration and status including closures and restrictions, and notification of incidents at the borderMeasure of current, actual, or predicted wait time at border. Measurement provided by vehicle type, lane, and type of lane (e.g., NEXUS vs. regular).This general flow represents the traffic, environmental, and emissions situation data that is collected from connected vehicles by an RSE, aggregated, filtered, and provided to a back-office center. It also includes data collected from ITS roadway equipment that provides current intersection and road network status for the area proximate to the RSE.Information on available parking. This flow identifies available spaces with associated information about parking restrictions and location for each available space.Information on special needs populations used to support evacuation planning and resource delivery when an evacuation is required. This flow includes names, contact information (address and phone #), type of disability or impairment, and type of transportation or assistance that is required.The parameters that are used to control the flow of situation data from the RSE. This flow identifies the type of data/snapshots that are requested from passing vehicles and reporting parameters such as snapshot frequency, filtering criteria (data thresholds for reporting), and reporting interval that control the type and volume of data reported to the back office center.A request for vehicle situation data that includes parameters used to control the data that is reported and the flow of data reported by the vehicle. This flow identifies the type of data/snapshots that are requested and reporting parameters such as snapshot frequency, filtering criteria (data thresholds for reporting), and reporting interval.This flow represents vehicle snapshots that may be provided by the vehicle to support traffic and environmental conditions monitoring. Snapshots are collected by the vehicle for specific events (e.g., when a sensor exceeds a threshold) or periodically and reported based on control parameters when communications is available. Traffic-related data includes snapshots of measured speed and heading and events including starts and stops, speed changes, and other vehicle control events. Environmental data may include measured air temperature, exterior light status, wiper status, sun sensor status, rain sensor status, traction control status, anti-lock brake status, and other collected vehicle system status and sensor information. The collected data is reported along with the location, heading, and time that the data was collected.LVAL6  z C i # S*SwGThis flow represents the visual or auditory interface with ITS equipment containing a message sent to commercial vehicle driver indicating whether to bThis flow represents the visual or auditory interface with ITS equipment containing a message sent to commercial vehicle driver indicating whether to bypass or requesting pull in to inspection/verification stop along with inspection results (e. g., LED indicator on transponder or variable message sign).Command to commercial vehicle to pull into or bypass inspection station.Notification to activate wireless roadside inspection safety data message collection.Controls to enable or disable a particular trigger.Safety data measured by on-board sensors. Includes information about the vehicle, vehicle components, cargo, and driver. The query flow is not explicitly shown.A daily log showing hours in service for the current driver. The query flow is not explicitly shown.Data set collected by roadside sensors to identify and characterize a vehicle, carrier, and (potentially) driver.This flow represents the tactile or auditory interface with ITS equipment containing requests from the commercial vehicle inspector to operate the commercial vehicle inspection station.Traveler information preferences from fleet and freight management systems or commercial vehicle drivers including: area covered by fleet/driver, types of freight managed (including special restrictions), preferred routes, other travel preferences pertaining to trip costs or tolls.Traveler information customized for freight users to indicate truck routes, permit information, truck stops, inspection stations, steep grades, high-profile vehicle advisories, etc. Information provided includes freight-related road and weather conditions, parking information, and route plans.Current status of the commercial vehicle and associated freight equipment. This includes temperature, humidity, power, battery levels, brake wear data, door open/closed status, chassis bare/covered status)Information about a Commercial Vehicle or Freight Equipment breach, non-permitted security sensitive hazmat detected at the roadside, route deviation, or Commercial Vehicle Driver / Commercial Vehicle / Freight Equipment assignment mismatches which includes the location of the Commercial Vehicle and appropriate identities.Identifies Port of Entry, date, and information on carrier and goods, origin, etc.Includes directions for commercial driver to proceed to nearest vehicle weigh and inspection station for further review if required.Notification regarding the granting of permission for commercial freight shipment to enter the U.S.Notification regarding the crossing status of commercial freight shipment scheduled to enter the U.S. Includes portions of border agency and transportation agency clearance results, as they become available.Notification of arrival (and departure) of a motor vehicle at the inspection station.Request for tag information including tag id and associated data.Information indicating whether border clearance has been granted and instructions if additional processing is required.Notification to roadside (via transponder) of the presence and status of electronic cargo locks.Trip specific data regarding the movement of goods across international borders. Includes trip identification number. May also include results from recent border crossing screening events.Reports clearance event data regarding action taken at border, including acceptance or override of system decision, and date/time stampRequest for trip specific data regarding the movement of goods across international borders. Includes trip identification number. May also include results from recent border crossing screening events.:5Ut ; { 1 n % J z 0 Xz8g|9VWLVzarchive status@[National4*oarchive requests9@[National6, omaint and constr administrative information@[NationalQG;omaint and constr work performancef@[NationalG=1oinfrastructure conditions data@[NationalD:.omaintenance materials storage statusM@[NationalJ@4ocommercial vehicle driver updates@[NationalG=1oroad weather advisories for emergency response<@[NationalTJ>o maint and constr vehicle operational datap@ZNationalOE9o maint and constr dispatch statusv@ ZNationalF<0o maint and constr vehicle system control@ ZNationalMC7o maint and constr dispatch information@ ZNationalKA5o equipment status presentationx@ ZNationalC9-ofield personnel equipment inputg@ ZNationalE;/ouser permission sets@ZNational:0$opermission request@ZNational8."oequipment maintenance status8@ZNationalB8,oequipment maintenance requestg@ZNationalC9-oRSE application install/upgrade@ZNationalE;/oequipment control commandsW@ZNational@6*oRSE statusD@ZNational0&oRSE configuration settingsP@ZNational@6*oCVC override mode@ZNational7-!oCVO inspector information@YNational?5)oelectronic screening requestB@ YNationalB8,oscreening event record/@ YNational<2&ocv driver record@ YNational6, ocredentials status informationL@ YNationalD:.ocredentials information@ YNational=3'osafety status informationN@YNational?5)odaily site activity dataz@YNational>4(oinformation on violatorsL@YNational>4(otargeted listR@YNational3)ocommercial vehicle violation notifications@YNationalOE9ocitation@YNational.$otrigger area definitiont@YNational=3'osafety inspection recordD@YNational>4(otrigger area@YNational2(oCVO pass/pull-in message2@WNational>4(opass/pull-inJ@WNational2(otrigger area notificationW@WNational?5)otrigger control5@WNational5+oon-board safety data@WNational:0$odriver logi@WNational0&oroadside data messages@WNational;1%oCVO inspector input@WNational9/#ofreight traveler information preferences@WNationalND8ofreight-specific traveler information)@ WNationalKA5ocommercial vehicle status@ WNational?5)ocommercial vehicle incident notificationF@ WNationalND8omanifest dataT@ WNational3)otransportation border clearance assessment@ WNationalPF:oborder agency clearance resultse@WNationalE;/oLVALU : t &<This flow represents the visual or auditory interface with ITS equipment containing credentiThis flow represents the visual or auditory interface with ITS equipment containing credential, safety, and preclearance information and instructions to the commercial vehicle inspector.Request for identification data to support electronic screening.Results of CVO electronic screening activity.Information typically maintained by a state driver licensing agency about a driver of a commercial vehicle including driver identification data, license data, permit data, and driving history details. The query flow is not explicitly shown.Credentials information such as registration, licensing, insurance, check flags, and electronic screening enrollment data. A unique identifier is included. Corresponds to the credentials portion of CVISN "snapshots." The status information may be provided as a response to a real-time query or as a result of a standing request for updated information (subscription). This may also include information about non-U.S. fleets for use by U.S. authorities, and information regarding U.S. fleets made available to Mexican and Canadian authorities. The query flow is not explicitly shown.Response containing full vehicle fuel tax and registration credentials information. "Response" may be provided in reaction to a real-time query or a standing request for updated information. The query flow is not explicitly shown.Safety information such as safety ratings, security ratings or flags, inspection summaries, and violation summaries. A unique identifier is included. Corresponds to the safety and security portion of CVISN "snapshots." The status information may be provided as a response to a real-time query or as a result of a standing request for updated information (subscription). This may also include information about non-U.S. fleets for use by U.S. authorities, and information regarding U.S. fleets made available to Mexican and Canadian authorities. The query flow is not explicitly shown.Record of daily activities at commercial vehicle check stations including summaries of screening events and inspections.Information on violators provided by a law enforcement agency. May include information about commercial vehicle violations or other kinds of violations associated with the particular entity. The information may be provided as a response to a real-time query or proactively by the source. The query flow is not explicitly shown.List of carriers, drivers, and/or vehicles of interest for enforcement purposes.Notification to enforcement agency of a violation. The violation notification flow describes the statute or regulation that was violated and how it was violated (e. g., overweight on specific axle by xxx pounds or which brake was out of adjustment and how far out of adjustment it was). A violation differs from a citation because it is not adjudicated by the courts.Report of commercial vehicle citation. The citation includes references to the statute(s) that was (were) violated. It includes information on the violator and the officer issuing the citation. A citation differs from a violation because it is adjudicated by the courts. The information may be provided as a response to a real-time query or proactively by the source. The query flow is not explicitly shown.Information that defines the desired trigger area for wireless roadside inspection safety data message submission.Record containing results of commercial vehicle safety inspection.A geographic area a commercial motor vehicle crosses into, which initiates a request to compile and transmit a safety data message. May be associated with a time period.LVAL? T j  6 W$Data that describes the maintenance and construction activity performed by the vehicle. Operational data includes materials usage (amount stored and current application rate), operational state of the maintenance equipment (e.g., blade up/down, spreader pattern), vehicle safety status, and other measures assData that describes the maintenance and construction activity performed by the vehicle. Operational data includes materials usage (amount stored and current application rate), operational state of the maintenance equipment (e.g., blade up/down, spreader pattern), vehicle safety status, and other measures associated with the operation of a maintenance, construction, or other special purpose vehicle. Operational data may include basic operational status of the vehicle equipment or a more precise record of the work performed (e.g., application of crack sealant with precise locations and application characteristics).Current maintenance and construction status including work data, operator status, crew status, and equipment status.Configure and control data that supports remote control of on-board maintenance and construction vehicle systems and field equipment that is remotely controlled by the vehicle. For example, the data can be used to adjust material application rates and spread patterns.Information used to dispatch maintenance and construction vehicles, equipment, and crews and information used to keep work zone crews informed. This information includes routing information, traffic information, road restrictions, incident information, environmental information, decision support information, maintenance schedule data, dispatch instructions, personnel assignments, alert notifications, and corrective actions.Presentation of operational status of field equipment (sensors, signals, signs, controllers, etc.) to field personnel.User input from field personnel that supports querying, controlling, and configuring field equipment.This flow identifies users, user groups, and associated user permission sets for a geographic area or jurisdiction and set of connected vehicle applications or services.A request for permission to access or use connected vehicle applications or services. The request identifies the users that require permission, the applications or services that are requested, and the geographic coverage where the permission is required. In this context, the 'users' may be a center, infrastructure equipment (e.g., RSEs), or vehicles that are owned and operated by the requestor. This request is for an initial set of permissions. See also permission update request.Current status of field equipment maintenance actions.Identification of field equipment requiring repair and known information about the associated faults.This flow supports remote installation and update of software applications residing in the RSE. It supports transmission of the secure software installation files, including executable application code and associated support files.System-level control commands issued to the RSE such as reset and remote diagnostics.Monitoring of RSE device status including current mode, operational status, and configuration settings. It includes device housekeeping/heartbeat monitoring and includes network information, the status of installed applications, the configuration of managed devices, cybersecurity and physical security status of the RSE.Control settings and parameters that are used to configure roadside equipment.This flow represents the tactile or auditory interface with ITS equipment containing the manual override of automated pass/pull-in decisions generated by the Commercial Vehicle Check station.LVAL6 i |Pa!iProcessed information products, supporting meta data, and any associated transaction information resulting from data mining, anProcessed information products, supporting meta data, and any associated transaction information resulting from data mining, analytical processing, aggregation or summarization, report formulation, or other on-line processing and analysis of archived data.Confirmation that an archive request has been received and processed with information on the disposition of the request.Raw or processed data, meta data, data catalogs and other data products provided to a user system upon request. The response may also include any associated transaction information.A user request that initiates data mining, analytical processing, aggregation or summarization, report formulation, or other advanced processing and analysis of archived data. The request also includes information that is used to identify and authenticate the user and support electronic payment requirements, if any.A user-specified request for archived data products (i.e., data, meta data, or data catalogs). The request also includes information that is used to identify and authenticate the user and support electronic payment requirements, if any.The acknowledgement of satisfactory receipt of information used as input to government data systems or a report identifying problems or issues with the data submittal.Information provided by an ITS archive, formatted as appropriate, that can be used as input to government data reporting systems.Information describing center operations and measures that reflect the impact of these operations on the transportation system. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.Notification that data provided to an archive contains erroneous, missing, or suspicious data or verification that the data provided appears valid. If an error has been detected, the offending data and the nature of the potential problem are identified.A request to a data source for information on available data (i.e., "catalog") or a request that defines the data to be archived. The request can be a general subscription intended to initiate a continuous or regular data stream or a specific request intended to initiate a one-time response from the recipient.Administrative information that is provided to support maintenance and construction operations. This information includes: equipment and consumables resupply purchase request status, personnel qualifications including training and special certifications, environmental regulations and rules that may impact maintenance activities, and requests and project requirements from contract administration.Overall project status and work performance information provided to support contract administration.Current condition of pavement, bridges, culverts, signs, and other roadway infrastructure as measured by on-board sensors or read from infrastructure-based sensors. The data may include raw data or images (e.g., photo logs) that indicate the current status of the infrastructure.The amount and availability of maintenance materials in storage facilities.General advisories and information provided to the commercial driver regarding current traffic and road conditions and service availability.Segment-specific weather and road conditions including real-time advisories of deteriorating road and weather conditions, medium-term advisories for the next 2 12 hours, and long-term advisories more than 12 hours into the future. This flow is filtered, tailored, and augmented to support emergency responders.:5k9 [  , D b  ? hF@WMIy9i|rrail crossing warningM@_National;1%opcommercial vehicle trip information@_NationalI?3onload matching systems coordinationL@_NationalH>2omload appointment status@^National=3'okhazmat information@^National8."ojoccupant information@^National:0$oitime local form@^National5+ohtimea@^National* oglocation and timel@^National7-!ofwide area broadcast traveler information@^NationalND8oemaint and constr material informationa@^NationalKA5odmaint and constr vehicle control@^NationalF<0occredentials management operator presentation@^NationalRH<observice monitor information presentation@ ^NationalND8oaORDS operations information presentation@ ^NationalND8o`DDS operations information presentationw@ ^NationalMC7o_credentials management operator input@ ^NationalKA5o^service monitor operator input@ ^NationalD:.o]ORDS operator input@^National9/#o\DDS operator input@^National8."oXobject registration@^National9/#oWobject discovery@^National6, oVcenter status@^National3)oUtraffic control information@^NationalA7+o<unique identifiers@^National8."o;route restrictions@^National8."o:security credential revocations_@^NationalE;/o9misbehavior report@]National8."o8security credentials@]National:0$o7permission application receiptl@]NationalD:.o6permission application@]National<2&o5permission request coordination@ ]NationalE;/o4device identification|@ ]National;1%o3on-board vehicle data@ ]National;1%o2container location^@ ]National8."o.stop sign gap assist RSE status@ ]NationalE;/o-host commercial vehicle statusk@]NationalD:.o,host emergency vehicle statusj@]NationalC9-o+host transit vehicle statush@]NationalA7+o)access violation notification@]NationalC9-o&vehicle location and motion for surveillance]@]NationalRH<o%alert response@]National4*o$driver input information@]National>4(o#driver update information@]National?5)o"regional situation data@]National=3'o!archive analysis results@[National>4(o archive request confirmationz@[NationalB8,oarchived data products@ [National<2&oarchive analysis requests@@ [National?5)oarchived data product requests@ [NationalD:.ogovernment reporting data receipt@ [NationalG=1ogovernment reporting system data@ [NationalF<0ocenter archive data#@[National9/#oLVALJ ^ @  G1rmNotification of potential security issues encountered in processing messages, including message authenticatNotification of potential security issues encountered in processing messages, including message authentication or integrity failures, plausibility failures, or other issues appropriate to the CCMS misbehavior policies.The material used by an end-entity (vehicle, personal device, field device, center system etc.) to ensure privacy, integrity and authenticability of its data transmissions. This includes certificates with associated public and private verifying/signing and decrypting/encrypting keys.An acknowledgment that an end-user application for a Connected Vehicle service was received and processed.A request for permission to access a Connected Vehicle service by an end-user that requires enrollment. This may include services granted to drivers of low emissions vehicles or pedestrians with special needs that require extended crossing times for example.Coordination of permission requests between jurisdictions or regions that allow permissions to be managed that may span more than one jurisdiction.An identifier and device type designation that is used to uniquely identify a device in the Connected Vehicle Environment.Information about the commercial vehicle stored on-board (for maintenance purposes, gate access, cargo status, lock status, etc.). The request flow is not explicitly shown.The location of a container, to sufficient accuracy to allow efficient container management.Stop sign gap assist application status. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a log of stop sign gap assist events including alerts and warnings issued.Information provided to the ITS on-board equipment from other systems on the Commercial Vehicle Platform.Information provided to the ITS on-board equipment from other systems on the Emergency Vehicle Platform.Information provided to the ITS on-board equipment from other systems on the Transit Vehicle Platform.Notification to an individual vehicle that it has committed a lane violation. The flow identifies the nature of the violation and the time and location where the violation was recorded.Data describing the vehicle's position, heading, speed, acceleration, transmission, steering wheel angle, braking status, size information, and trajectory. This flow represents monitoring of basic safety data ('vehicle location and motion') broadcast by passing connected vehicles for use in vehicle detection and traffic monitoring applications.This flow represents the tactile or auditory interface with ITS equipment. It contains the response by a Commercial Vehicle Driver or Fleet-Freight Manager that confirms or cancels an alert.Driver input received from the driver-vehicle interface equipment via the vehicle bus. It includes configuration data, settings and preferences, interactive requests, and control commands for the connected vehicle on-board equipment.Information provided to the driver-vehicle interface to inform the driver about current conditions, potential hazards, and the current status of vehicle on-board equipment. The flow includes the information to be presented to the driver and associated metadata that supports processing, prioritization, and presentation by the DVI as visual displays, audible information and warnings, and/or haptic feedback.This general flow represents the traffic, environmental, and emissions situation data that is collected from connected vehicles and aggregated, filtered, and distributed to other centers as a regional information product for use in operations, performance monitoring, and analysis.>LVALL # "  ImA]'|Information about the status of load appointments made through the drayage appointmeInformation about the status of load appointments made through the drayage appointment system including any exceptions or changes that are needed by the freight company.Information about a particular hazmat load including nature of the load and unloading instructions. May also include hazmat vehicle route and route update information.Identification of significant medical conditions of each occupant that would influence critical care decisions made by emergency respondersTime local form includes UTC time synchronized with the external source in a format usable by connected vehicle center functions.Current time expressed in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) format from a Stratum-2 time server.The current geographic location in three dimensions (latitude, longitude, elevation) and the current time.Traveler information relevant over a wide area, suitable for broadcast distribution. Typical content would include major incidents and road closures, evacuations, and disaster notifications.Information on materials stored on the vehicle including quantity and current application rate.Control data sent from on-board ITS systems to control maintenance and construction vehicle equipment, including control of materials dispersion rate and other control functions that will vary with vehicle type and application.Presentation of information to the credentials management system operator including current operational status of the credentials management system.Presentation of information to the System Monitoring Operator including current operational status of the System Monitoring function and the connected vehicle environment that is monitored.Presentation of information to the ORDS Operator including current operational status of the Object Registration and Discovery Service.Presentation of information to the DDS Operator including current operational status of the Data Distribution System.User input from the credentials management system operator including requests to monitor current system operation and inputs to affect system operation.User input from the SMS operator including requests to monitor current system operation and inputs to affect system operation.User input from the ORDS operator including requests to monitor current system operation and inputs to affect system operation.User input from the DDS operator including requests to monitor current system operation and inputs to affect system operation.Represents the provision of information related to communications, service and service metric information from a service provider end entity to the ORDS.Represents the interactive discovery of network communications related information by any end entity, querying the ORDS. Information exchange could be as simple as a Domain Name Service (DNS) query, or it could include service and service metric information.Represents the interactive monitoring of system operations by the Service Monitor. It includes device housekeeping/heartbeat monitoring and network monitoring information, the status of installed applications, and the configuration of managed devices.Represents the flow of traffic control and status information from a TMC to a third party TIC. This is reporting only, not actual control.Unique identifiers for the motor carrier, driver, and vehicle. This flow identifies the driver actually operating the vehicle in multi-driver scenarios.Information about routes, road segments, and areas that do not allow the transport of security sensitive hazmat cargoes or include other restrictions (such as height or weight limits).Certificate Revocation List; lists the certificates whose trust has been revoked by the CCMS.vLVAL0 :  Y k &Notification of a potential hazard that is detected by the vehicle, including hazards posed by the vehicle itself. Self-reported hazards include notification that the vehicle is being operated in an unsafe manner or is stopped in the travel lanes or on the shoulder. Detected hazards Notification of a potential hazard that is detected by the vehicle, including hazards posed by the vehicle itself. Self-reported hazards include notification that the vehicle is being operated in an unsafe manner or is stopped in the travel lanes or on the shoulder. Detected hazards include unequipped vehicles operating unsafely, traffic queues, and foreign objects (people, animals, debris, other obstacles) in the travel lanes. It includes vehicle location and status, path, current control actions, and additional information on the detected hazard, if applicable.Notification that a vehicle is in the vicinity that requires special attention from drivers. In this context, 'special vehicle' refers to any type of vehicle that uses lights or placards to alert drivers including public safety vehicles, oversize vehicles, slow vehicles, and service vehicles that stop and back up frequently.Information provided by adjacent field equipment to support in-vehicle signing of dynamic information that is currently being displayed to passing drivers. This includes the dynamic information (e.g., current signal states, grade crossing information, local traffic and road conditions, detours, advisories, parking availability, etc.) and control parameters that identify the desired timing, duration, and priority of the signage data.Sharing of revocation policies, Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs), and internal blacklists, and other information that supports revocation process coordination with another CCMS.Sharing of misbehavior policy, reports, and analysis results, including suspected and convicted end entities and other information that coordinates misbehavior detection, analysis, and resolution with another CCMS.Sharing of enrollment policies, certification mechanisms, registration and deregistration identifier types, registered and deregistered end entities, and other information that supports enrollment process coordination with another CCMS.Sharing of pseudonym certificate policies and end entity enrollments and revocations to support authorization of end entities that are enrolled with another trusted CCMS.Security policy information describing the CCMS enrollment, authorization, misbehavior and revocation policies, and communications information related to CCMS components; including contact information and public credentials of those components.Information provided by an end entity to support enrollment and authorization for the Connected Vehicle environment. This includes device identification, requested permissions and restrictions, and security credentials used to establish the current level of trust and eligibility for enrollment and authorization.Current road (e.g., surface conditions, icing, snow depths) and surface weather conditions (e.g., visibility, precipitation) as reported by the driver.Data written to vehicle equipment to support electronic toll collection or parking payment.The status of an electronic payment transaction provided directly to the driver via sign or other roadside infrastructure.A warning of a train approaching or already in a highway rail intersection.Information about vehicle trips including load information, location, speed, and routing. The information would be sanitized for distribution outside of the commercial vehicle company.Coordination of intermodal load-matching information between peer systems.:6n#z/ M Y  n % E  u - A=m'N @z4P{.client verification requestc@jNationalA7+oclient verification information@jNationalE;/ocarrier participation report@jNationalB8,obroadcast advisoriesV@jNational:0$obreach response@jNational5+oborder information archive data@jNationalE;/oborder incident response status6@jNationalE;/oborder incident information@jNationalA7+otransit vehicle control@jNational=3'obarrier system status@ iNational;1%obarrier system control@ iNational<2&oaudit data%@ iNational0&oasset status update@ iNational9/#oasset restrictions(@ iNational8."oasset inventory+@iNational5+oasset damage assessment@iNational=3'oasset archive data@iNational8."oarchive management requests@iNationalA7+oarchive management dataw@iNational=3'oarchive coordination@iNational:0$oalerts and advisories@iNational;1%oalert status@iNational2(oalert notification coordination@iNationalE;/oalert notification@hNational8."oalarm notification@hNational8."oalarm acknowledge@hNational7-!oaccident report@hNational5+oaccess requestE@ hNational4*oaccess permissionk@ hNational7-!ovehicle location data for mappingX@ hNationalG=1ovehicle location and motion for mapping@ hNationalMC7omap update notification%@ hNational=3'omap update coordinationA@hNational=3'omap operator updates@hNational:0$omap operator input@hNational8."oconflict monitor status@hNational=3'ointersection status monitoring@hNationalD:.oroad closure information@hNational>4(olane closure information@hNational>4(oprotected location and address flow@hNationalI?3oprivate location and address flowY@hNationalG=1ovehicle hazard event;@_National:0$ospecial vehicle alertI@ _National;1%ovehicle signage local data@ _National@6*ocommercial vehicle permitAustralia-specific flowNationalXN)o{revocation coordination@ _National=3'ozmisbehavior analysis coordination@ _NationalG=1oyenrollment coordination@ _National=3'oxauthorization coordination@_National@6*owsecurity policy and networking information@_NationalPF:ovdevice enrollment information;@_NationalC9-oudriver environmental input@_National@6*otvehicle payment update]@_National<2&ospayment transaction status|@_National@6*o:c ob==== = = = = = = = = = ==========="=#=%=&='=.=/=0= 1=!2="3=#4=$5=%9=&:=';=(<=)==*>=+?=,B=-C=.D=/E=0F=1G=2H=3I=4J=5K@L@M@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@ n@ q@ r@ t@ u@v@~@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@3EEEEEEEEEE E E E E EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE E!E"E#E$E%E&E'E(E)E*E+E,E-E.E/E0E1E2IIIIIIIIII I I I I IIIIIIIIII I I I I IIIII I!I"I#I$I%I&I'I(I)I*I+I,I- I.!I/"I0#I1$I2%I3&L'L(L*L+L,L-L.L/L0L 1L 2L 3L 4L 5L6L9L:L;L<L=L?L@LALBLCLDLELFLGLHLJLKL LL!ML"NL#OL$PL%QL&RL'SL(TL)UL*VL+WL,XL-YL.ZL/[L0\L1^L2_Q`QaQbQdQeQfQgQhQiQ jQ kQ lQ mQ nQoQpQqQrQsQtQuQvQwQxQyQzQ{Q|Q}Q~QQQ Q!Q"Q#Q$Q%Q&Q'Q(Q)Q*Q+Q,Q-Q.Q/Q0Q1Q2Q3Q4TTTTTTTTTT T T T T TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 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The flow identifies the alert originator, the nature of the emergency, the geographic arNotification of a major emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil emergency, or child abduction for distribution to the public. The flow identifies the alert originator, the nature of the emergency, the geographic area affected by the emergency, the effective time period, and information and instructions necessary for the public to respond to the alert. This flow may also identify specific information that should not be released to the public.Notification of activation of an audible or silent alarm by a traveler in a public area or by a transit vehicle operator using an on-board device.Confirmation that alarm was received, instructions and additional information for the alarm initiator, and requests for additional information.Report of commercial vehicle safety accident. The information may be provided as a response to a real-time query or proactively by the source. The query flow is not explicitly shown.Request for access to an access-controlled transportation facility.Information returned indicating whether permission for access is granted and instructions for proceeding.Aggregate vehicle location data collected to support map data creation and refinement.Vehicles may provide location and motion data independently using wide-area wireless communications to application/service providers who use the provided data to update their maps and maintain real-time traffic and road conditions information sourced from their client-base.Notification of maintenance, construction, and other activities that will result in medium to long term changes to road location and configuration that may impact navigable maps. This flow includes the timing of the changes and precise enumeration of the location and configuration changes. Exchange of geographic information between map update systems.Interactive display of base map and information layers and associated information that supports map development, management, and dissemination.The range of GIS operator inputs that support creation and update of navigable maps and management and distribution of the map data to end users.A control flow that supports failsafe operation in the event that a conflict is detected that requires the RSE to enter a failsafe operating mode.Current signal phase and timing information for all lanes at a signalized intersection. This flow represents monitoring of communications by a receiver at the intersection to support monitoring for conflicts between actual signal states and RSE communications about those states.Road closure information provided to passing vehicles. This flow provides information about the road closure with diversion information.Lane closure information provided to passing vehicles. This flow provides information about roadway configuration changes such as lane closures and shifts.Information flow that has had its geographic location information removed and network address information proxied to protect the privacy of the originator.Any information flow between Vehicle/PID and Center or CCMS that the initiator needs to be kept private. Privacy in this sense means that the receiver does not receive the network address of the initiator, nor does it receive the geographic location of the initiator. Flows that depend on initiator geographic location cannot use this service.LLVALF  FYS.vvCurrent operating status of barrier systems. Barrier systems represent gates, barriers and other automated or remotely controCurrent operating status of barrier systems. Barrier systems represent gates, barriers and other automated or remotely controlled systems used to manage entry to roadways. Status of the systems includes operating condition and current operational state.Information used to configure and control barrier systems that are represented by gates, barriers and other automated or remotely controlled systems used to manage entry to roadways.Information to support a tax audit.Changes to status of pavement, bridges, signs and other assets resulting from maintenance or construction activities or infrastructure monitoring. The updates may include changes in installation information, materials information, vendor/contractor information, condition, and current maintenance status. In addition to infrastructure asset updates, the information provided may also include status of the maintenance and construction support assets, including vehicle and equipment utilization and repair records.Restrictions levied on transportation asset usage based on infrastructure design, surveys, tests, or analyses. This includes standard height, width, and weight restrictions by facility as well as special restrictions such as spring weight restrictions and temporary bridge weight restrictions.Information on pavement, bridges, signs and other assets. This includes asset location, installation information, materials information, vendor/contractor information, current maintenance status, and a variety of other information (e.g., video logs) that define the transportation infrastructure.Information indicating the damage sustained by transportation assets, derived from aerial surveillance, field reports, inspections, tests, and analyses.Information describing transportation assets including pavements, bridges, and all other infrastructure included in the transportation network. In addition, information can cover support assets (support equipment and systems, software, etc.). Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.User input from the administrator including commands, requests, and queries that support data collection, administration, and management of an ITS data archive.Presentation of information to the administrator to support the management of an ITS archive including database reports on the condition and quality of the archived data, status of the import and collection process, reports that monitor archive usage, and any special requests that require direct action by the administrator (e.g., requests for access to new data sources).Catalog data, meta data, published data, and other information exchanged between archives to support data synchronization and satisfy user data requests.Assessments (general incident and vulnerability awareness information), advisories (identification of threats or recommendations to increase preparedness levels), and alerts (information on imminent or in-progress emergencies). This flow also provides supporting descriptive detail on incidents, threats, and vulnerabilities to increase preparedness and support effective response to threats against the surface transportation system.Information indicating the current status of the emergency alert including identification of the traveler and driver information systems that are being used to provide the alert.Coordination of emergency alerts to be distributed to the public. This includes notification of a major emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil emergency, or child abduction for distribution to the public and status of the public notification.?LVALhc- g P v@c{Driver identification information e.g., encrypted PIN codeDriver identification information e.g., encrypted PIN codes issued to drivers, encrypted driver biometric parameters.Commercial Vehicle Driver response to a breach alert for a Freight Equipment breach or tamper event, or other alerts provided to the driver.A request that a specific commercial vehicle should be safely disabled.Information used to configure and control data collection and monitoring systems.Information about the completion of a repair to a commercial vehicle.Driver information (e.g., identity, biometrics, address, date of birth, endorsements, restrictions) stored on a driver s license or other official identification card used to identify a driver of commercial vehicles.Jurisdiction's rates for various credentials (IRP, IFTA, etc.) that are exchanged between agencies.Application for commercial vehicle credentials. Authorization for payment is included.Report containing results of carrier compliance review, including concomitant out-of-service notifications, carrier warnings/notifications. The information may be provided as a response to a real-time query of proactively by the source. The query flow is not explicitly shown.Information about commercial vehicle permits for oversize, overweight, or for dangerous goods.This flow provides the status of the disable flag in the commercial vehicle.This flow safely disables a specific commercial vehicle.Information about a breach or tamper event on a Commercial Vehicle or its attached freight equipment which includes identity, type of breach, location, and time.Information describing commercial vehicle travel and commodity flow characteristics. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.Request for information such as commercial drivers license information and carrier safety status.Information about carriers who have made border credential applications such as commercial drivers license information and carrier safety status.Report that summarizes motor carrier participation in CVO programs. Used to identify the level of active participation and to report which enrolled carriers are not participating as expected.General broadcast advisories that are provided over wide-area wireless communications direct to the vehicle radio. These analog advisory messages may provide similar content to ITS broadcast information flows, but include no digital data component. Existing Highway-Advisory Radio (HAR) advisory messages are a prime example of this flow.This is an Intermodal Freight Shipper's response to a breach or tamper event of their freight equipment. There maybe instructions for handling of the shipment, possible re-routing or pickup.Border inspection activities data. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.Status of the current incident response at a border crossing, including a summary of incident status and its impact on the transportation system, traffic management strategies implemented at the site (e.g., closures, diversions, traffic signal control overrides), and current and planned response activities.Notification of existence of incident in the vicinity of the border. Information would include expected severity, location, time and nature of incident. As additional information is gathered and the incident evolves, updated incident information is provided.Control signal disabling or enabling transit vehicle sent as a result of a transit vehicle operator authentication action or a remote disable command.P:3fs* R  o ) G j  > Dm&Inr#?Gjmaint and constr archive data8@nNationalC9-omaint and constr administrative request@nNationalMC7ologged vehicle routes@mNational;1%olane management inputsu@mNational<2&ointermodal freight archive data$@mNationalE;/oinfrastructure monitoring sensor data8@mNationalKA5oinfrastructure monitoring sensor controlG@ mNationalND8oincident response status @ mNational>4(oincident response coordination@ mNationalD:.oincident notification response@ mNationalD:.oincident notificationO@ mNational;1%oincident information for mediaj@mNationalD:.oincident command inputsx@mNational=3'oincident command information presentation@mNationalOE9oincident command information coordinationE@mNationalOE9orail crossing advisories@mNational>4(ohighway control status@mNational<2&ohazmat information request9@mNational@6*ofreight breach~@mNational4*ofleet and freight threat informationW@mNationalJ@4ofleet and freight alerts@lNational>4(ofield equipment statusv@lNational<2&ofare and price information>@lNational@6*oexternal reports@ lNational6, oexpedited clearance status-@ lNational@6*oexpedited clearance registration@ lNationalF<0oexpedited clearance information@ lNationalE;/oexpected driver identity characteristicsw@jNationalND8oevent information@ lNational7-!oequipment availability^@lNational<2&oenvironmental conditions data status@lNationalJ@4oenvironmental conditions data@lNationalC9-oemissions archive data@lNational<2&oemergency traffic coordination'@lNationalD:.oemergency data request@lNational<2&oemergency archive data@lNational<2&odriver parking information@lNational@6*odriver identity characteristics@lNationalE;/odriver alert response@jNational;1%odisable commercial vehicleI@jNational@6*odata collection and monitoring controlS@jNationalLB6ocv repair statusG@jNational6, ocv driver credential@jNational:0$ocredential fee coordinatione@jNationalA7+ocredential applicationY@jNational<2&ocompliance review report@jNational>4(ocommercial vehicle permit information`@ jNationalKA5ocommercial vehicle disable statusN@ jNationalG=1ocommercial vehicle disable:@ jNational@6*ocommercial vehicle breach@ jNational?5)ocommercial vehicle archive data@ jNationalE;/oRLVAL k  `:i4This flow represents the visual or auditory interface with ITS equipment containing secThis flow represents the visual or auditory interface with ITS equipment containing security alert status information regarding commercial vehicle fleets and freight equipment.Reports from field equipment (sensors, signals, signs, controllers, etc.) which indicate current operational status.Current transit, parking, and toll fee schedule information.Traffic and incident information that is collected by the media through a variety of mechanisms (e.g., radio station call-in programs, air surveillance).Status of expedited clearance registration.Registration of the importer, carrier, conveyance, and driver, as applicable, for border clearance programs such as FAST, Customs Self Assessment (Canada), C-TPAT (US), PIP (Canada), ACI (Canada), and ACE (US). Includes electronic filing of forms and associated payment.Includes carrier ID, importer ID, broker ID, conveyance ID, driver ID, service options, and associated information that is used to support expedited border clearance.Special event information for travelers. This would include a broader array of information than the similar "event plans" that conveys only information necessary to support traffic management for the event.An inventory of the maintenance and construction equipment available at the storage facility. This flow includes the type of equipment, enough descriptive information to indicate its suitability for use, and its current status. This flow may contain information for a specific type of equipment or include all equipment available at the facility.Status of the data quality of environmental conditions data provided by a data contributor. Includes not only status by sensor, but statistical data regarding the quality checking of data provided.Current road conditions (e.g., surface temperature, subsurface temperature, moisture, icing, treatment status) and surface weather conditions (e.g., air temperature, wind speed, precipitation, visibility) as measured and reported by fixed and/or mobile environmental sensors and aggregated by the data collector. Attributes relating to the data collection (and aggregation) are also included.Air quality and vehicle emissions information that is collected by sensors or derived from models. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.Coordination supporting disaster response including evacuation and reentry. Includes coordination of special traffic control strategies that support efficient evacuation and reentry while protecting and optimizing movement of response vehicles and other resources responding to the emergency.A request for additional information or a control command issued by the emergency response agency in response to an emergency request for assistance from a traveler.Logged emergency information including information that characterizes identified incidents (routine highway incidents through disasters), corresponding incident response information, evacuation information, surveillance data, threat data, and resource information. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.Presentation of general parking information to drivers including lot status, parking availability, and directions to available spaces, entrances, and exits.The physical or visible characteristics of a commercial vehicle driver that can be measured to uniquely identify a driver. Could be an Identification Card with a Personal Identification Number, biometrics, or visual verification by an operator.LVAL+ G C 0 w u=Anticipated route information for guided vehicles, special vehicles (e.g., oversize vehicles) or gAnticipated route information for guided vehicles, special vehicles (e.g., oversize vehicles) or groups of vehicles (e.g., governor's motorcade) that may require changes in traffic control strategy.This flow provides inputs to dynamic lane management systems including the types of vehicles to allow in each lane.Information describing demand at intermodal freight terminals including loading/unloading activities of trailers and containers. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.Data read from infrastructure-based sensors that monitor the condition or integrity of transportation infrastructure including bridges, tunnels, interchanges, pavement, culverts, signs, transit rail or guideway, and other roadway infrastructure. Includes sensor data and the operational status of the sensors.Data used to configure and control infrastructure monitoring sensors.Status of the current incident response including a summary of incident status and its impact on the transportation system, traffic management strategies implemented at the site (e.g., closures, diversions, traffic signal control overrides), and current and planned response activities.Incident response procedures and current incident response status that are shared between allied response agencies to support a coordinated response to incidents. This flow provides current situation information, including a summary of incident status and its impact on the transportation system and other infrastructure, and current and planned response activities. This flow also coordinates a positive hand off of responsibility for all or part of an incident response between agencies.Interactive acknowledgement and verification of the incident information received, requests for additional information, and general information on incident response status.The notification of an incident including its nature, severity, and location.Report of current desensitized incident information prepared for public dissemination through the media.User input from emergency personnel including incident command status, incident information and resource coordination.Presentation of information to emergency personnel in the field that supports local tactical decision-making within an incident command system structure.Information that supports local management of an incident. It includes resource deployment status, hazardous material information, traffic, road, and weather conditions, evacuation advice, and other information that enables emergency or maintenance personnel in the field to implement an effective, safe incident response.Notification of Highway-Rail Intersection equipment failure, intersection blockage, or other condition requiring attention, and maintenance activities at or near highway rail intersections.Current traffic control equipment status that indicates operational status and right-of-way availability to the non-highway transportation mode at a multimodal crossing.Request for information about a particular hazmat load.Information about a breach or tamper event on Freight Equipment which includes identity, type of breach, location, and time.Information about threats detected by commercial vehicle fleet and freight operators. The threats include incidents involving commercial vehicles (i.e., hijacking), unusual activities observed by commercial vehicle operators (i.e., truck parked under a bridge), and incidents involving freight equipment (i.e., freight equipment tampering).QLVAL t =0}Data extracted from other data sources. A wide range of ITData extracted from other data sources. A wide range of ITS and non-ITS data and associated meta data may be provided.Confirmation that a shippers manifest has been received.Recommended strategies and schedules for maintenance of the transportation infrastructure.The current location and related status (e.g., direction and speed) of the maintenance/construction vehicle.Vehicle diagnostics information that is collected, filtered, and selectively reported by a maintenance and construction vehicle. The information includes engine temperature, mileage, tire wear, brake wear, belt wear, and any warnings or alarms concerning the operational condition of the vehicle and ancillary equipment.Presentation of vehicle diagnostics and operating status information to maintenance and construction field personnel including speed, engine temperature, mileage, tire wear, brake wear, belt wear, maintenance and construction system status, environmental sensor information, and other measures associated with the operation of a maintenance vehicle.Current status of maintenance and construction resources including availability and deployment status. General resource inventory information covering vehicles, equipment, materials, and people and specific resource deployment status may be included.Request for road maintenance and construction resources that can be used in the diversion of traffic (cones, portable signs), clearance of a road hazard, repair of ancillary damage, or any other incident response. The request may poll for resource availability or request pre-staging, staging, or immediate dispatch of resources.Request for road maintenance and construction resources that can be used in the diversion of traffic (cones, portable signs), clearance of a road hazard, repair of ancillary damage, or any other incident response.Information supporting maintenance of the maintenance and construction vehicle fleet and other support equipment. This information includes vehicle status and diagnostic information, vehicle utilization, and coordination of when vehicles will be available for preventative and corrective maintenance.User input from field personnel including current maintenance and construction status information as well as on-board device control.Information presented to maintenance and construction field personnel including vehicle routing and traffic information, road restrictions, environmental information, decision support information, maintenance schedules, dispatch instructions, maintenance personnel assignments, vehicle maintenance information, work zone status information, and corrective actions.Current maintenance and repair status of the maintenance and construction vehicle fleet and other support equipment. This information includes a record of all maintenance and repair activities performed.Information describing road construction and maintenance activities identifying the type of activity, the work performed, and work zone information including work zone configuration and safety (e.g., a record of intrusions and vehicle speeds) information. For construction activities, this information also includes a description of the completed infrastructure, including as-built plans as applicable. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.Requests for maintenance and construction administrative information or services. Requests include: requests to purchasing for equipment and consumables resupply and requests to human resources that manage training and special certification for field crews and other personnel.-:3HF A D L  j % C O`?h%S z@Wu/Asafeguard system control@qNational>4(o@safe vehicle disable:@ qNational:0$o?route deviation alert@ qNational;1%o>route assignment<@ qNational6, o=roadway treatment system status_@ qNationalE;/o<roadway treatment system controlr@ qNationalF<0o:roadway equipment coordination@qNationalD:.o8roadside archive data@qNational;1%o5road network traffic situation data@qNationalI?3o4road dataX@qNational/%o3road closure notificationp@qNational?5)o2reversible lane status@qNational<2&o1reversible lane controlT@qNational=3'o0resource request@qNational6, o/resource deployment status@qNational@6*o.resource coordination@pNational;1%o+request for permitI@pNational8."o)request for enforcement@pNational=3'o(request for data reviewu@pNational=3'o&remote vehicle disable4@pNational<2&o%remote surveillance control@pNationalA7+o$railroad schedulesy@pNational8."o#railroad advisoriesA@pNational9/#o"rail system status assessment@ pNationalC9-o!rail incident response status?@ pNationalC9-o qualified environmental conditions data@ pNationalMC7opre-arrival notificationN@ pNational>4(oparking statusk@ pNational4*oparking reservation request"Reservation request for parking.NationalcY+oparking operator inputz@pNational<2&oparking reservation confirmation'@pNationalF<0oparking traffic information@pNationalA7+oparking coordination@pNational:0$oparking archive data@pNational:0$oother data source archive datay@nNationalD:.o multimodal crossing status@pNational@6*o multimodal archive data@pNational=3'o manifest receipt confirmation:@ nNationalC9-omaintenance and repair needs\@ nNationalB8,omaint and constr vehicle status coordination@pNationalRH<omaint and constr vehicle measuresa@pNationalG=1omaint and constr vehicle location datan@ nNationalLB6omaint and constr vehicle conditionsC@ nNationalI?3omaint and constr vehicle condition presentation_@ nNationalUK?omaint and constr resource response@nNationalH>2omaint and constr resource requestM@nNationalG=1omaint and constr resource coordination@nNationalLB6omaint and constr fleet information/@nNationalH>2omaint and constr vehicle operator input@nNationalMC7omaint and constr vehicle operator presentationn@nNationalTJ>omaint and constr equipment repair status@nNationalND8oLVAL G G |  I]6Coordination of resource inventory information, specific resource status information, resource prioritization andCoordination of resource inventory information, specific resource status information, resource prioritization and reallocation between jurisdictions, and specific requests for resources and responses that service those requests.Request by fleet management for oversize, overweight, or hazmat permit.Request for traffic enforcement of speed limits, lane controls, etc. on a roadway including in a work zone or other special situations.Request that data reported about a motor carrier or driver be reviewed for potential mis-assignment or other error.Signal used to remotely disable a transit vehicle.The control commands used to remotely operate another center's sensors or surveillance equipment so that roadside surveillance assets can be shared by more than one agency.Train schedules, maintenance schedules, and other information from the railroad that supports forecast of HRI closures.Real-time notification of railway-related incident or advisory.Assessment of damage sustained by rail lines and associated railroad infrastructure including location and extent of the damage, impact on current operations and necessary restrictions, and time frame for repair and recovery.Status of the rail system s response to current incidents.Current road conditions (e.g., surface temperature, subsurface temperature, moisture, icing, treatment status) and surface weather conditions (e.g., air temperature, wind speed, precipitation, visibility) that has had quality checks performed on it and has been formatted and consolidated by the Clarus system. Attributes relating to the data collection (and aggregation) are also included.Identification of a vehicle or driver that is approaching a border crossing.Presentation of information to the parking operator including operational status and transaction reports.User input from the parking operator to query current status and control the operation of the parking management system.Confirmation for parking reservation.Instructions for operation of local parking facilities to support regional traffic management objectives (e.g., which parking lot exits to use). Also, includes inputs from traffic sensors to monitor parking queues and support more effective management of parking entrances and exits.Information that enables parking management activities to be coordinated between different parking operators or systems in a region.Data used to analyze and monitor trends in parking demand, pricing, and operational actions. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.Indication of operational status and pending requests for right-of-way from equipment supporting the non-highway mode at multimodal crossings.Operational information from alternate passenger transportation modes including air, rail transit, taxis, and ferries. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.Maintenance and construction vehicle status information that is shared between vehicles. This includes environmental conditions and the operational status of the vehicles.Raw vehicle diagnostics and operating status data reported by the maintenance vehicle platform including engine temperature, mileage, tire wear, brake wear, belt wear, and other operational status measures. In addition to this general vehicle status, this flow also includes the status of maintenance and construction-specific systems on the vehicle.LVAL : - =  h[Information used to configure and control threat sensors (e.g., thermal, acoustic, radiological, chemical), object, motion and intruInformation used to configure and control threat sensors (e.g., thermal, acoustic, radiological, chemical), object, motion and intrusion detection sensors. The provided information controls sensor data collection, aggregation, filtering, and other local processing.Results of commercial vehicle screening event at a border crossing - reports clearance event data regarding action taken at border, including acceptance or override of system decision, and date/time stamp.Request for safety inspection record.Report containing results of commercial vehicle safety inspection. The information may be provided as a response to a real-time query or proactively by the source. The query flow is not explicitly shown.Current operating status of safeguard systems (remotely controlled equipment used to mitigate the impact of incidents on transportation infrastructure, such as blast shields, exhaust systems, etc.). Status of the systems includes operating condition and current operational state.Data that controls safeguard systems (remotely controlled equipment used to mitigate the impact of incidents on transportation infrastructure, such as blast shields, exhaust systems, etc.).Control signal disabling or enabling commercial vehicle.An alert that indicates a deviation from a planned route has been detected. The alert will contain the current Commercial Vehicle location and identity.Route assignment information for transit vehicle operator.Current operational status of automated roadway treatment devices (e.g., anti-icing systems).Control data for remotely located, automated devices, that treat the road surface (e.g., de-icing applications).The direct flow of information between field equipment. This includes transfer of information between sensors and driver information systems (e.g., DMS, HAR, variable speed limit signs, dynamic lane signs) or control devices (e.g., traffic signals, ramp meters), direct coordination between adjacent control devices, interfaces between detection and warning or alarm systems, and any other direct communications between field equipment.A broad set of data derived from roadside sensors that includes current traffic conditions, environmental conditions, and any other data that can be directly collected by roadside sensors. This data also indicates the status of the sensors and reports of any identified sensor faults.Aggregated route usage, travel times, and other aggregated data collected from probe vehicles that can be used to estimate current traffic conditions.Basic road facility and treatment information that supports road conditions forecasts.Notification that agency personnel have closed a road due to adverse weather, major incident, or other reason.Current reversible lane status including traffic sensor and surveillance data and the operational status and mode of the reversible lane control equipment.Control of automated reversible lane configuration and driver information systems.A request for resources to implement special traffic control measures, assist in clean up, verify an incident, etc. The request may poll for resource availability or request pre-staging, staging, or immediate deployment of resources. Resources may be explicitly requested or a service may be requested and the specific resource deployment may be determined by the responding agency.Status of resource deployment identifying the resources (vehicles, equipment, materials, and personnel) available and their current status. General resource inventory information and specific status of deployed resources may be included.C:5o%P e  O  s / n , L e Caw^ s+X Mroad pricing equipment fault@uNationalB8,oroad use charge info>@uNational:0$ovehicle occupancy2@uNational7-!otrip log information@tNational:0$otrip log@tNational.$otrip identification numberC@tNational@6*otrip declaration identifiers@tNationalB8,o}traveler archive data=@tNational;1%o|traveler alertsR@tNational5+o{travel services requestX@tNational=3'oztravel services information@tNationalA7+oytravel service reservations@ tNationalA7+oxtravel service reservation request|@ tNationalH>2ovtransit vehicle operator availability@ tNationalKA5outransit vehicle operator authentication updateR@ tNationalTJ>ottransit vehicle operator authentication information@@ tNationalYOCostransit vehicle conditionse@tNational@6*ortransit trip requestr@tNational:0$oqtransit traveler information coordination@tNationalOE9optransit system status assessment@tNationalF<0ontransit probe data@tNational8."oltransit information for mediaS@tNationalC9-oktransit incidents for media`@tNationalA7+ojtransit fare coordinationS@tNational?5)oitransit emergency data@tNational<2&oftransit archive data@sNational:0$octraffic information for media@sNationalC9-oatoll service change responseW@sNationalB8,o`toll service change request^@sNationalA7+o_toll probe data@sNational5+o^field equipment commands_@sNational>4(o]field equipment configuration settingsM@sNationalLB6o\toll data request@sNational7-!o[toll dataf@sNational/%oZtoll coordination@ sNational7-!oYpayment archive data@ sNational:0$oWthreat support data}@ sNational9/#oVthreat information coordination@ sNationalE;/oUthreat information@ sNational8."oTthreat data for analysis[@sNational>4(oStax filingM@sNational0&oRstorage facility requestk@sNational>4(oQsignal fault data6@sNational7-!oPshoulder management informationW@sNationalE;/oOshoulder management controlq@sNationalA7+oKsecure area surveillance data@sNationalC9-oJsecure area surveillance control@sNationalF<0oIsecure area sensor data@sNational=3'oHsecure area sensor control @qNational@6*oFscreening results@qNational7-!oDsafety inspection request'@qNational?5)oCsafety inspection report@qNational>4(oBsafeguard system status@qNational=3'o!LVAL  H  Z C . 5,aO]]Data used to describe and monitor transit demand, fares, operations, and system performance. Content may include a catalog ofData used to describe and monitor transit demand, fares, operations, and system performance. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.Report of traffic conditions including traffic incident reports for public dissemination through the media. The reports may also include information on diversions and alternate routes, closures, and special traffic restrictions in effect.Response to toll service change requests indicating level of compliance with request.Request to change pricing, modify restrictions, or modify operations of a toll road facilityAggregate probe data derived from electronic toll collection operations. Data collected could include vehicle speeds and travel times for a given link or collection of links.System-level control commands issued to field equipment such as reset and remote diagnostics.Control settings and parameters that are used to configure field equipment.Request made to obtain toll schedule information or pay a toll in advance. The request can be a subscription that initiates as-needed information updates as well as a one-time request for information.Current toll schedules for different types of vehicles as well as advanced toll payment information.This flow supports reciprocity between toll agencies/service centers by exchanging information that supports reconciliation of toll charges by customers that are enrolled with other toll service centers. In addition to toll charge reconciliation, exchanged information may include toll schedule information, customer information and other toll service information that is coordinated between toll agencies or centers.Data indicating roadway payments including toll facility usage and pricing schedules. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.Information provided to help receiving agency identify possible threats, including biometric image processing support data.Sensor, surveillance, and threat data including raw and processed data that is collected by sensor and surveillance equipment located in secure areas.Threats regarding transportation infrastructure, facilities, or systems detected by a variety of methods (sensors, surveillance, threat analysis of advisories from outside agencies, etc.Data from surveillance or sensor equipment in secure areas provided for further analysis.Commercial vehicle tax filing data. Authorization for payment is included.Request for information about the equipment and/or materials available at a maintenance storage facility.Faults reported by traffic signal control equipment.System status including current operational state, violations and logged information.Information used to configure and control systems that allow use of a shoulder as a lane for vehicular traffic.Data collected from surveillance systems used to monitor secure areas. Includes video, audio, processed surveillance data, equipment operational status, and alarm indicators when a threat has been detected.Information used to configure and control audio and video surveillance systems used for transportation infrastructure security in secure areas. The provided information controls surveillance data collection, aggregation, filtering, and other local processing.Data provided by threat sensors (e.g., thermal, acoustic, radiological, chemical), and intrusion, motion, and object detection sensors in secure areas indicating the sensor's operational status, raw and processed sensor data, and alarm indicators when a threat has been detected.LVALKE i  r n e(h%]This flow represents the tactile or auditory interface with ITS equipment This flow represents the tactile or auditory interface with ITS equipment containing the information entered into the trip log, or request for update.Driver's daily log, vehicle location, mileage, and trip activity (includes screening, inspection and border clearance event data as well as fare payments). The request flow is not explicitly shown.The unique trip load number for a specific cross-border shipment.Specific identifiers extracted from notification containing information regarding pending commercial freight shipment into the U.S. Includes carrier, vehicle, and driver identification data.Data associated with traveler information services including service requests, facility usage, rideshare, routing, and traveler payment transaction data. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.Traveler information alerts reporting congestion, incidents, adverse road or weather conditions, parking availability, transit service delays or interruptions, and other information that may impact the traveler. Relevant alerts are provided based on traveler-supplied profile information including trip characteristics and preferences.Request for travel service information including tourist attractions, lodging, restaurants, service stations, and emergency services. The request identifies the type of service, the area of interest, optional reservation request information, parameters that are used to prioritize or filter the returned information, and sorting preferences.Travel service information and reservations for tourist attractions, lodging, dining, service stations, emergency services, and other services and businesses of interest to the traveler.Traveler service (e.g., for a hotel or restaurant) reservation information and status, including information on associated billing transactions, when applicable.Reservation request for traveler services (e.g., for a hotel or restaurant) including billing information when applicable.Transit vehicle operator availability data that can be used to develop vehicle operator assignments and detailed operations schedules.Results of authentication process or update of on-board authentication database.Information regarding on-board transit operator authenticationOperating conditions of transit vehicle (e.g., engine running, oil pressure, fuel level and usage).Request for a transit trip plan that is responsive to traveler requirements such as schedule, cost, or duration.Transit schedules, real-time arrival information, fare schedules, and general transit service information shared between transit organizations to support transit traveler information systems.Assessment of damage sustained by the public transportation system including location and extent of the damage, current operational status including an estimate of remaining capacity and necessary restrictions, and time frame for repair and recovery.Aggregate probe data derived from tracking transit vehicles. Data collected could include transit vehicle speeds and travel times for a given link or collection of links.Report of transit schedule deviations for public dissemination through the media.Report of an incident impacting transit operations for public dissemination through the media.Fare and pricing information shared between local/regional transit organizations.Initial notification of transit emergency at a transit stop or on transit vehicles and further coordination as additional details become available and the response is coordinated.LVAL Q eG0Identification information for the Commercial Vehicle (e.g., license plate number or USDOT numbeIdentification information for the Commercial Vehicle (e.g., license plate number or USDOT number), Freight Equipment (e.g., container, chassis, or trailer identification), Carrier, and Driver.Presentation of information to the commercial vehicle driver that includes current status of on-board systems.Request for fare information and transit fare payment.Confirmation that traveler is going to use the shared use asset now or at a future time.Request for shared use asset (e.g., car or bicycle) now or as a reservation for future use.Time stamped identifiers that identify the vehicles that have passed through a detection zone.Presentation of operational status of field equipment (sensors, signals, signs, controllers, etc.) to field personnel.Comments and suggested changes to proposed construction and maintenance work schedules and activities. This information influences work plan schedules so that they minimize impact to other system operations and the overall transportation system.Coordination of work plan schedules and activities between maintenance and construction organizations or systems. This information includes the work plan schedules and comments and suggested changes that are exchanged as work plans are coordinated and finalized.Information from commercial vehicle virtual weigh-in-motion systems including vehicle weight, vehicle dimensions, vehicle identification and driver identification.Accumulated forecasted and current weather data (e.g., temperature, pressure, wind speed, wind direction, humidity, precipitation, visibility, light conditions, etc.) as well as qualified environmental sensor data. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.The electronic traveler information request from the telecommunications systems for traveler information terminator. It may be specifically formatted for voice-based traveler requests. The request can be a general subscription intended to initiate a continuous or regular data stream or a specific request intended to initiate a one-time response from the recipient.Traveler information sent to the telecommunications systems for traveler information terminator. This flow may represent the bulk transfer of traveler information, including traffic conditions, incident information, transit information and weather and road condition information. It may be specially formatted for voice-based traveler information.Information to be distributed to the traveling public via voice regarding a major emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil emergency, severe weather or child abduction. The flow may identify the alert originator, the nature of the emergency, the geographic area affected by the emergency, the effective time period, and information and instructions necessary for the public to respond to the alert. The content of this architecture flow may be specially formatted for voice-based traveler information.Provides an indication of the operational status of the road pricing data collection equipment in a vehicle. Also indicates vehicle ID (VIN) so that the registration of the equipment to a specific vehicle can be verified and confirmed by comparison with vehicle characteristics.Provides fault status of the road pricing data collection equipment in a vehicle and vehicle image and other characteristics to allow independent identification of the vehicle and its owner.Road use charge rate policies for distribution to travelers.The number of occupants detected by the vehicle.J:3c4 a  v " 1 b O  ^:t&|56Z2xcooperative adaptive cruise control status@yNationalPF:ocooperative adaptive cruise control parameters7@yNationalTJ>ocooperative cruise control application status@yNationalSI=ocooperative cruise control application data@yNationalQG;ovehicle cluster coordination*@yNationalB8,oproxied personal location@yNational?5)oreduced speed warning infoi@yNational@6*osupport system status@xNational;1%oPID status"@xNational0&oservice patrol dispatch responseO@ xNationalF<0oservice patrol dispatch requestu@ xNationalE;/oservice patrol incident status@ xNationalD:.oincident scene safety application info@ xNationalLB6oincident scene safety application status@ xNationalND8oincident scene warning@xNational<2&oincident scene warning device controlZ@xNationalKA5oincident scene warning notification@xNationalI?3oincident scene warning status@xNationalC9-oOBE status@xNational0&oRSE application information @xNationalA7+oRSE fault data@xNational4*oRSE application status@xNational<2&otraffic archive data#@xNational:0$ocommercial vehicle identities@uNationalC9-ofield device coordination@ wNational?5)ocv driver information presentationp@uNationalH>2otransit park and ride information@ wNationalG=1oparking arrival information@ wNationalA7+ovehicle control!@ wNational5+oevent transit service plans@wNationalA7+otransit fare request8@uNational:0$oshared use status@wNational7-!oshared use response@wNational9/#oshared use confirmationZ@uNational=3'oshared use request]@ uNational8."opassive vehicle monitoring data`@ uNationalE;/opassive vehicle monitoring controlJ@wNationalH>2oinfrastructure situation data@wNationalC9-ofield equipment status presentationx@ uNationalI?3oroad closure application statusS@wNationalE;/oroad closure application info@wNationalC9-ospeed violation notification@wNationalB8,ocommunications signature@wNational>4(owork plan feedback@ uNational8."owork plan coordination @ uNational<2&oweigh-in-motion information@uNationalA7+oweather archive dataz@uNational:0$ovoice-based traveler requestr@uNationalB8,ovoice-based traveler information_@uNationalF<0ovoice-based alert notification@uNationalD:.oroad pricing equipment status@uNationalC9-oqLVAL { 4 <C"*YCoordination between operating centers that share control of the same field devices. This floCoordination between operating centers that share control of the same field devices. This flow supports coordination to prevent conflicts and allow cooperative management of shared devices.Detailed transit information to support parking and ride operations. This includes transit scheduled and actual arrival times at the park and ride facility and services offered by arriving transit vehicles.Detailed parking information to support park and ride operations. This includes information on entrances available to transit and detailed arrival information indicating where vehicles are currently arriving in the lot for park and ride service.Control commands issued to vehicle actuators that control steering, throttle, and braking and other related commands that support safe transition between manual and automated vehicle control. This flow can also deploy restraints and other safety systems when a collision is unavoidable.Transit service plans to support the special event. This may include additional runs, tighter headways, stop changes, and other changes to standard operations to accommodate the special event.Status of usage by shared use providers. Includes asset inventory and status. Could also include information on specific travelers to support multimodal trip planning.Response from shared use provider regarding availability of the shared use asset now or in the future. Includes any payment requirements.Control commands used to control detection systems that rely on infrastructure-based identification of individual vehicles to measure travel times and other related measures by identifying the same vehicle at different points in the network. Related technologies include bluetooth readers and license plate recognition systems.Aggregated and filtered vehicle data collected from vehicle safety and convenience systems that are indicative of insfrastructure condition including traction control status, anti-lock brake status, accelerometer status, and other collected vehicle system status and sensor information. This information flow represents the aggregated and filtered environmental data sets that are provided by the RSE to the back office center.Road closure application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE, closure status, and a log of closure commands received and issued. For closures that allow entry by selected vehicles, this flow provides an access log identifying vehicles that have requested access with access status.Road closure signing application configuration data and messaging parameters. This flow identifies the vehicles that may initiate the road closure. This flow also provides access lists, groups, or classifications where selected vehicles are to be allowed access to the closed area.Notification to enforcement agency of detected speed violations. This notification identifies the vehicle and documents the infraction date, time, and location, the measured speed, and current posted speed limit.Communications from devices on-board a vehicle, including personal devices that are carried into the vehicle, that can be monitored by ITS field equipment to uniquely identify the vehicle. This flow represents communications from Bluetooth device(s) on-board a vehicle that may be monitored by ITS field equipment or any other passive or active communications from the vehicle that can be used to identify a vehicle to support traffic monitoring. This flow specifically covers passive monitoring of vehicle communications. Other information flows cover active communications between ITS equipment on-board a vehicle and ITS field equipment.LVAL   2 T  d7sQ5Monitoring of support system device status including current mode, operational status, and configuration settings. It includes device houseMonitoring of support system device status including current mode, operational status, and configuration settings. It includes device housekeeping/heartbeat monitoring and includes network information, the status of installed applications, and the configuration of managed devices.Monitoring of Personal Information Device status including current mode, operational status, and configuration settings. It includes device housekeeping/heartbeat monitoring and includes network information, the status of installed applications, and the configuration of managed devices.Request for additional dispatch information and provision of en route status.Service patrol dispatch instructions including incident location and available information concerning the incident.Information gathered at the incident site by a service patrol vehicle that more completely characterizes the incident, the services provided, and clearance status.Incident scene safety application configuration data and warning parameters and thresholds. This includes incident scene configuration including geofenced safe areas and travel lanes that provide a safety boundary between public safety responders and passing vehicles. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.Incident scene safety application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of identified safety alerts and warnings issued.Warnings provided to public safety responders working at an incident scene indicating a safety issue such as the intrusion of a vehicle into the traffic-restricted area or movement of personnel into the travel lanes.Data used to configure and control incident scene safety monitoring and warning devices.Notification of an incident scene emergency or safety issue. This flow identifies that an incident scene emergency or safety issue has occurred so that warnings may be generated by more than one system in the work zone.Status of incident scene safety monitoring and warning devices. This flow documents system activations and includes additional supporting information (e.g., an image) that allows verification of the alarm.Monitoring of OBE device status including current mode, operational status, and configuration settings. It includes device housekeeping/heartbeat monitoring and includes network information, the status of installed applications, and the configuration of managed devices.RSE application configuration data and parameters that are used to control applications and configure the application for a specific local use. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.RSE fault information that can be used to identify RSEs that require initialization, reconfiguration, repair or replacement. This flow identifies the device, the nature of the fault, and associated error codes and diagnostic data.Monitoring of RSE application status including current mode, operational status, and configuration settings. It includes the status of installed applications and the application-specific data provided by the RSE.Information describing the use and vehicle composition on transportation facilities and the traffic control strategies employed. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information. LVAL f rR=V6Reports from center equipment (computers, networks, videReports from center equipment (computers, networks, video walls, etc.) which indicate current operational status.Input from a center operator. This flow represents operator input that broadly applies to transportation centers.Ground based reference station positioning correctionsEmissions monitoring application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of emissions data collected.Environmental monitoring application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of system operation.Environmental monitoring application parameters and thresholds that control the filtering, aggregation, and range of measures that are collected, derived, and reported. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.This flow represents the human interface with ITS equipment that presents commercial vehicle administration information.This flow represents the human interface with ITS equipment containing an administrator request or data input.Data provided by a connected vehicle identifying it's current mode and operational status and information provided to support CACC string creation and dissolution.Information, instructions, and control parameters for CACC operations including current system conditions and advisories, control parameters (e.g., target speeds, required vehicle profiles, recommended gaps, lane information) and cluster instructions that support CACC vehicle string creation and dissolution.Current operational status of the infrastructure enhanced cooperative adaptive cruise control application. The flow includes the status of the RSEs, associated field equipment, and CACC-equipped vehicle strings using the facility.Control commands and operating parameters provided to RSEs that monitor and assist the formation, disolution, and operation of strings of CACC-equipped vehicles. This flow includes recommended CACC operating parameters including maximum string size, target speeds, gaps, and restrictions. In implementations that support destination-based and optimum performance based formation of strings, this flow also supports regional coordination that assists in the assignment of vehicles to CACC strings.Coordination between CACC-equipped vehicles that enable formation and management of strings of adjacent equipped vehicles that coordinate speed management across the string. This flow includes coordination between CACC-equipped vehicles that enable adjacent vehicles in the same lane to identify each other and couple. Depending on the CACC implementation, this flow also supports identification of the lead vehicle in the string, operating performance parameters for the string, destination information so that drivers can join strings that share their destination, and coordination so that strings of vehicles are ordered based on the individual weight and performance profile of each participating vehicle. This flow also supports dissolution of CACC vehicle strings as vehicles depart from the string.Relay of pedestrian, bicyclist, and other non-motorized user locations at an intersection. This relay or rebroadcast of personal locations supports coordination between motorized and non-motorized users that do not have interoperable communications capability.Real time notification of vehicle detections, measured vehicle characteristics (e.g., vehicle height), speed measurements, and warnings issued by roadway infrastructure. This flow can also include roadway configuration data, current speed limits, and warning parameters and thresholds enabling local speed management application configuration and management.:2;- K a  C G  ]  4WO6O^a9commercial vehicle incident response information@}NationalVL@oloading zone use requestf@|National>4(owrong way vehicle detectedm@}National@6*o permission request received[@|NationalA7+o permission update request@}National?5)odata query publication(@}National<2&odata query@|National0&odata provisionD@|National4*odata publicationN@|National6, odata subscription@|National7-!orestricted lanes information@|NationalB8,opersonal device fault data@ |National@6*opersonal device software install/upgrade@ |NationalND8opersonal device commands_@ |National>4(opersonal device configuration settings|@ |NationalLB6opersonal device status@ |National<2&otraveler support equipment fault data@|NationalKA5otraveler support equipment software install/upgrade@|NationalYOCotraveler support equipment status presentation@|NationalTJ>otraveler support equipment commandsj@|NationalI?3otraveler support equipment configuration settingsX@|NationalWMAotraveler support equipment status@|NationalG=1ovehicle service information@|NationalA7+ovehicle service response0@|National>4(ovehicle service request=@|National=3'ovehicle software install/upgrade@{NationalF<0ovehicle commandsa@{National6, ovehicle configuration settingsO@{NationalD:.ovehicle diagnostic datap@ {National=3'osupport personnel equipment input@ {NationalG=1osupport equipment status presentationv@ {NationalKA5ocenter fault data@ {National7-!ocenter equipment software install/upgrade@ {NationalOE9ocenter equipment commands`@{National?5)ocenter equipment configuration settingsN@{NationalMC7ocenter equipment statuss@yNational=3'ocenter operator inputu@ yNational;1%ofield equipment fault data@{National@6*ocenter operator data@{National:0$oposition corrections8@ yNational:0$ofield equipment software install/upgrade@{NationalND8orestricted lanes parameters@{NationalA7+otransit emissions data@{National<2&opayment application status@{National@6*opayment application information@{NationalE;/oemissions monitoring application status@ yNationalMC7oenvironmental monitoring application status@ yNationalQG;oenvironmental monitoring application info#@ yNationalOE9ocommercial vehicle administration information presentationz@yNational`VJocommercial vehicle administrative requestp@yNationalOE9orLVAL#g 8 k +k$tThis flow supports installation and update of software residing in vehicle on-board equipment. It suppThis flow supports installation and update of software residing in vehicle on-board equipment. It supports download of the software installation files, including executable code and associated support files.System-level control commands issued to vehicle equipment such as reset and remote diagnostics.Control settings and parameters that are used to configure vehicle equipment.Information about the vehicle and its current operational status that supports vehicle performance monitoring, service, and repair. The flow identifies the vehicle and vehicle type and provides information about the vehicle's current operational status, the current performance of engine-related and other components, and notification of any identified malfunctions.User input from support system maintenance personnel that supports querying, controlling, and configuring support system equipment.Presentation of operational status of support system equipment (computers, networks, etc.) to maintenance personnel.Fault information that can be used to identify centers that require initialization, reconfiguration, or repair. This flow identifies the center, the nature of the fault, and associated error codes and diagnostic data.This flow supports installation and update of software residing in centers. It supports download and installation of center software, including executable code and associated support files.System-level control commands issued to center equipment such as reset and remote diagnostics.Control settings and parameters that are used to configure center equipment.Field equipment fault information that can be used to identify field equipment that requires initialization, reconfiguration, repair or replacement. This flow identifies the device, the nature of the fault, and associated error codes and diagnostic data.Data presented to a center operator. This flow represents general status output and other data that broadly applies to transportation centers.This flow supports installation and update of software residing in ITS roadway equipment. It supports download of the software installation files, including executable code and associated support files.The location, duration, and operating parameters for lanes that are reserved for the exclusive use of certain types of vehicles (e.g., transit vehicles) or vehicles that meet other qualifications (e.g., number of occupants, low emissions criteria). It identifies the lane(s), the start and stop locations, start and end times, vehicle restrictions, speed limits and platooning parameters.Aggregate and/or summarized transit emissions data, including greenhouse gas (GHG) and criteria air pollutant emissions for one or more vehicles in the transit fleet.Application status for electronic payment applications for tolls, road use, and other user-pay transportation applications. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and a record of payments collected with identification that can be used to identify the payment account or source and related vehicle and service information that were used to calculate the payment. The flow also includes a record of detected violations.Application configuration data and messaging parameters for electronic payment applications for tolls, road use, and other user-pay transportation applications. This flow provides information on services provided, user information, rates and rate criteria, including variable pricing based on calendar, time of day, vehicle type and passenger occupancy. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.<LVALc  + + QD{ vLoading zone reservation confirmLoading zone reservation confirmation and associated instructions.Request, booking, and confirmation that supports reservation for use of a loading or unloading area.An acknowledgement that the permission request or permission update request was received.Data query includes those dialogs necessary to determine what data is available for and also submit a query for near-term response.Data provision provides the source material for a publish-subscribe or query-retrieval data distribution scheme. This is the 1 of the 1:N data distribution architecture. This flow is a super-flow; it does not define data elements but is inclusive of any flow implemented using publish-subscribe or query-retrieval methods.Data publication includes those dialogs necessary to satisfy the publication portion of a data distribution architecture. At its core, it provides data, organized by the sender as a one-to-many. This is a super-flow, meaning that it does not define data elements and is inclusive of any flow that is design to use publish-subscribe.Data subscription includes those dialogs necessary to determine what data is available for subscription/query, and also the dialogs necessary to create or modify data subscriptions/queries.This flow defines the location, duration, and operating parameters for lanes that are reserved for the exclusive use of certain types of vehicles (e.g., transit vehicles) or vehicles that meet other qualifications (e.g., number of occupants, low emissions criteria). It identifies the lane(s), the start and stop locations, start and end times, vehicle restrictions, speed limits and platooning parameters.Personal device fault information that can be used to identify PIDs that require initialization, reconfiguration, repair or replacement. This flow identifies the device, the nature of the fault, and associated error codes and diagnostic data.This flow supports installation and update of software residing in ITS roadway equipment. It supports download of the software installation files, including executable code and associated support files.System-level control commands issued to field equipment such as reset and remote diagnostics.Control settings and parameters that are used to configure personal devices that are used by transportation professionals.Reports from personal devices (smart phones, tablets, laptops, etc.) that are used by transportation professionals. The flow provides current operational status.Traveler Support Equipment fault information that can be used to identify TSEs that require initialization, reconfiguration, repair or replacement. This flow identifies the device, the nature of the fault, and associated error codes and diagnostic data.This flow supports installation and update of software embedded in traveler support equipment. It supports download and installation of software, including executable code and associated support files.Presentation of operational status of traveler support equipment (e.g., dynamic information dispays including arrival/departure signs, kiosks) to maintenance personnel.System-level control commands issued to traveler support equipment such as reset and remote diagnostics.Control settings and parameters that are used to configure traveler support equipment.Reports from traveler support equipment (e.g., dynamic information dispays including arrival/departure signs, kiosks) which indicate current operational status.Vehicle problem diagnosis information and available vehicle service options, along with information about how to make a service reservation.Response to a request for service reservation.Request for a service reservation from a connected vehicle.LVAL  f oF&System-level control commands issued to thSystem-level control commands issued to the RSE such as reset and remote diagnostics.Request for the location within an intermodal facility for the transfer of a container.Request for a loading zone space that identifies the requestor and vehicle, the requested date/time, the vehicle type, the estimated duration, and associated identification and payment information.Information about a loading zone including static information (operating hours, rules, restrictions, and fee schedule as applicable) and real time information about current occupancy.Loading zone application status reported by the RSE. This includes current operational state and status of the RSE and current, aggregate loading zone data collected from connected vehicles that can be used to monitor loading zone space usage and availability.Loading zone application information including laoding zone parking configuration and associated parameters and thresholds that control the algorithms that monitor loading zone occupancy and the loading zone information that is delivered. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.An advertisement of available services and identification of how those services may be accessed (e.g., RF parameters, identifiers, etc.). Services include network services such as IPv6 routing, public roadside services such as intersection safety, back office services including situation data services and security credentials, or private services.Traffic rules, regulations, ordinances and statutes that have official status and must be understood by all motor vehicle operators and intelligent vehicles that operate at higher automation levels. The flow includes the regulations and the associated locations, effective date and time periods, and applicable vehicle classes. This flow supports bulk transfer of regulations, rules, statutes, and related attributes between backoffice systems.Information provided for a loading zone and associated holding areas. It includes parking reservation(s), confirmation (or non-confirmation) information, alternative options, and detailed information on the holding parking areas, and the loading zone, including guidance within and between the holding and loading zone areas.This flow provides data containing an acknowledgement of the commercial vehicle incident notification and provides post-incident instructions.Notification that a vehicle has been detected traveling in the wrong direction. This can be a direct report by an equipped vehicle that is being driven in the wrong direction or a report of a non-equipped vehicle that has been detected traveling in the wrong direction. It includes the current location, speed, acceleration, and heading of the wrong way vehicle.A request for an update to current permission to access or use connected vehicle applications or services. The request identifies the users that require updated permissions, the applications or services that are requested, and the geographic coverage where the permission is required. In this context, the 'users' may be a center, infrastructure equipment (e.g., RSEs), or vehicles that are owned and operated by the requestor. This request is for an update to existing permissions. See also permission request.Data query publication includes those dialogs necessary to satisfy the retrieval portion of a query-response action using the data distribution architecture. This is a super-flow, meaning that it does not define data elements and is inclusive of any flow that is design to use query-retrieval. :c6 @  t $ 5 5 (traffic monitoring application statusUserDefinedOB6o'traffic monitoring application infoUserDefinedM@4o&situation data collection parametersUserDefinedNA5o%equipment control commandsW@ }UserDefinedD7+o$RSE application install/upgrade@UserDefinedI<0o#RSE application information @UserDefinedE8,o"RSE application status@UserDefined@3'o!request transfer location_udY@ }UserDefinedE8,o container transfer location_ud@UserDefinedG:.oTSE status.@National0&oOBE fault data@National4*otraffic regulation informationG@NationalD:.oloading zone reservation confirmationD@|NationalKA5oloading zone reservation request@ }NationalF<0oloading zone information@ }National>4(oloading zone application status@}NationalE;/oloading zone application infoi@}NationalC9-oservice advertisement_@}National;1%otraffic-related regulations@}NationalA7+oloading zone parking informationH@}NationalF<0o5LVAL  C : QThis flow supports remote installation and update of software applications residing in the RSE. It supports transmiThis flow supports remote installation and update of software applications residing in the RSE. It supports transmission of the secure software installation files, including executable application code and associated support files.RSE application configuration data and parameters that are used to control applications and configure the application for a specific local use. This flow also supports remote control of the application so the application can be taken offline, reset, or restarted.Monitoring of RSE application status including current mode, operational status, and configuration settings. It includes the status of installed applications and the application-specific data provided by the RSE.Location within an intermodal facility that a container is to be received at or delivered to; may include guidance as well as location.Monitoring of Traveler Support Equipment (TSE) device status including current mode, operational status, and configuration settings. It includes device housekeeping/heartbeat monitoring and includes network information, the status of installed applications, and the configuration of managed devices.OBE fault information that can be used to identify OBEs that require initialization, reconfiguration, repair or replacement. This flow identifies the device, the nature of the fault, and associated error codes and diagnostic data.Traffic rules, regulations, ordinances and statutes that have official status and must be understood by all motor vehicle operators and intelligent vehicles that operate at higher automation levels. The flow includes the regulations and the associated locations, effective date and time periods, and applicable vehicle classes. This flow supports targeted transfer of regulations to end user systems and may be initiated based on a query or pushed so that vehicles have access to relevant regulations for their vehicle classification at the current location, date, and timeframe.: ~======= = = = = =============== ="=#=$=%='=)=*=+=-=.=/=0=1=2=3=5@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2EEEEEEEEE E E E E EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE E"E#E$E%E&E'E(E)E*E+E,E-E.E/E0E1E2IIIIIIIIII I I I IIIIIIIIIIIIII I"I#I$I%I&I'I(I)I*I+I,I.I/I0I1I2I3LLLLLLLLLL L L L L LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL L!L"L#L$L%L&L'L(L)L*L+L,L-L.L/L0L1QQQQQQQQQ Q Q QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ!Q#Q$Q&Q'Q(Q)Q*Q,Q-Q.Q0Q1Q2Q3Q4TTTTTTTTTT T T T TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T!T"T#T$T%T&T'T(T)T*T+T-T/T0T1T3T4XXXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X!X"X#X$X%X&X'X(X)X*X+X,X-X.X/X0X1X2X4\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \!\"\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\-\.\/\0\1\2\3\4`````````` ` ` ` ` ``````````````````` `!`"`#`%`&`'`(`)`*`+`,`-`.`/`0`1`2`3`4kkkkkkkkkk k k k k kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk k"k#k$k%k&k'k(k)k*k+k-k.k/k0k2ooooooooo o o o o oooooooooooooooooo o!o"o#o$o&o'o(o)o*o+o,o-o.o/o0o1o2rrrrrrrrr r r r rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r!r"r#r$r%r&r'r)r*r,r-r.r/r0r1r2r3r4vvvvvvvvv v v v v vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv v!v"v#v$v%v&v'v)v*v+v,v-v.v/v0v1v2zzzzzzzzzz z z z z zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz z!z"z#z$z%z&z'z(z)z*z+z,z-z.z/z0z1~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~IIIIII I"I#I$I%I&I'I(I)I*I+I,I.I/I0I1I2I3LLLLLLLLLL L L L L LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL L!L"L#L$L%L&L'L(L)L*L+L,L-L.L/L0L1QQQQQQQQQ Q Q QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ!Q#Q$Q&Q'Q(Q)Q*Q,Q-Q.Q0Q1Q2Q3Q4TTTTTTTTTT T T T TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T!T"T#T$T%T&T'T(T)T*T+T-T/T0T1T3T4XXXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X!X"X#X$X%X&X'X(X)X*X+X,X-X.X/X0X1X2X4\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\U: ========== = = = = =============== ="=#=$=%='=)=*=+=-=.=/=0=1=2=3=5@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2EEEEEEEEE E E E E EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE E"E#E$E%E&E'E(E)E*E+E,E-E.E/E0E1E2IIIIIIIIII I I I IIIIIIIIIIIIII I"I#I$I%I&I'I(I)I*I+I,I.I/I0I1I2I3LLLLLLLLLL L L L L LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL L!L"L#L$L%L&L'L(L)L*L+L,L-L.L/L0L1QQQQQQQQQ Q Q QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ!Q#Q$Q&Q'Q(Q)Q*Q,Q-Q.Q0Q1Q2Q3Q4TTTTTTTTTT T T T TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T!T"T#T$T%T&T'T(T)T*T+T-T/T0T1T3T4XXXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X!X"X#X$X%X&X'X(X)X*X+X,X-X.X/X0X1X2X4\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \!\"\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\-\.\/\0\1\2\3\4`````````` ` ` ` ` ``````````````````` `!`"`#`%`&`'`(`)`*`+`,`-`.`/`0`1`2`3`4kkkkkkkkkk k k k k kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk k"k#k$k%k&k'k(k)k*k+k-k.k/k0k2ooooooooo o o o o oooooooooooooooooo o!o"o#o$o&o'o(o)o*o+o,o-o.o/o0o1o2rrrrrrrrr r r r rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r!r"r#r$r%r&r'r)r*r,r-r.r/r0r1r2r3r4vvvvvvvvv v v v v vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv v!v"v#v$v%v&v'v)v*v+v,v-v.v/v0v1v2zzzzzzzzzz z z z z zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz z!z"z#z$z%z&z'z(z)z*z+z,z-z.z/z0z1~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~IIIIII I"I#I$I%I&I'I(I)I*I+I,I.I/I0I1I2I3LLLLLLLLLL L L L L LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL L!L"L#L$L%L&L'L(L)L*L+L,L-L.L/L0L1QQQQQQQQQ Q Q QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ!Q#Q$Q&Q'Q(Q)Q*Q,Q-Q.Q0Q1Q2Q3Q4TTTTTTTTTT T T T TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T!T"T#T$T%T&T'T(T)T*T+T-T/T0T1T3T4XXXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X!X"X#X$X%X&X'X(X)X*X+X,X-X.X/X0X1X2X4\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ : @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @=====!=&=(=,=4@@3EEE!I IIIIII!I-LLLL2QQ Q QQQQQ Q"Q%Q+Q/T T,T.T2XX3\\`$`5kk!k,k1ooo%rr rrr(r+vv(z lY49N4b444444o4.Y Y Y Y  Y Y Y EntityFlowStdIDSourceEntityID&DestinationEntityID FlowIDStandardIDStandardUserDefinedppppppppppppppppppYYYYYY&DestinationEntityIDEntityFlowStdID FlowIDPrimaryKeySourceEntityIDStandardID v1b ?v_H1ybK4 | e N 7  h Q : # k T = &  n W @ )  q Z C ,  t]F/w`I2zcL5}fO8! iR;$ lU>'oXA*r[ ' ? 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It may coordinate with the Traffic Management Center to provide transit prio'Transit Center Priority Management' monitors transit schedule performance and generates requests for transit priority on routes and at certain intersections. It may coordinate with the Traffic Management Center to provide transit priority along the selected route, including allocation of dynamic lanes and granting signal priority. It also coordinates with the Transit Vehicle OBE to monitor and manage local transit signal priority requests at individual intersections.'TIC Road Weather Advisories and Warnings' provides road weather advisories to drivers and other travelers.'Roadway Basic Surveillance' monitors traffic conditions using fixed equipment such as loop detectors and CCTV cameras.'Freight Administration and Management' manages the movement of freight from source to destination. It interfaces to intermodal customers to setup and schedule transportation and coordinates with intermodal terminals and freight consolidation stations to coordinate the shipment. It coordinates with the appropriate government agencies to expedite the movement of trucks, their drivers, and their cargo across international borders. The application monitors the status of the freight and freight equipment (container, trailer, or chassis) and monitors freight location and compares it against the planned route.'Vehicle Speed Management Assist' assists the driver in operating the vehicle within the current speed limit. It monitors current vehicle speed and communicates with the infrastructure to receive current speed limits and associated road configuration change notifications. Driver warnings are issued when unsafe or excessive speeds are detected based on the provided speed limits and current conditions.'Roadway Speed Monitoring and Warning' includes the field elements that monitor vehicle speeds. If the speed is determined to be excessive, an advisory or warning is displayed. The characteristics of individual vehicles may also be monitored and used to warn vehicles with specific limitations that reduce safe operating speeds, e.g., rollover risk for tall vehicles. The operational status (state of the device, configuration, and fault data) is provided to the center. This application can also provide an enforcement function, reporting speed violations to an enforcement agency.'RSE Speed Warning' notifies connected vehicles that are approaching a reduced speed zone, providing: (1) the zone s current posted speed limit and (2) any roadway configuration changes associated with the reduced speed zone (e.g., lane closures, lane shifts) if applicable, and (3) associated warning information (i.e., the reason for the reduced speed warning). Configuration parameters that define the applicable speed limit(s), geographic location and extent of the reduced speed zone, and roadway configuration information are received from a center or provided through a local interface. This service object works in conjunction with the 'Roadway Speed Monitoring and Warning' service object, which uses traditional ITS field equipment to warn non-equipped vehicles.'Vehicle Intersection Warning' uses V2V and V2I communications to monitor other connected vehicles at intersections and support the safe movement of the vehicle through the intersection. Driver warnings are provided and the application may also optionally take control of the vehicle to avoid collisions. The application will also notify the infrastructure and other vehicles if it detects an unsafe infringement on the intersection.74b | % M  w 6 H  d " Gb>W 8\ZD|< Roadway Signal Control@US2.." 7; RSE Rail Crossing Warningb@US511% 7: Roadway Advanced Rail Crossingt@US:66* 79 RSE Intersection Safety?@US3//# 77TIC Traveler Information Broadcasta@US>::. 75MCM Work Zone Managementu@US400$ 74 Roadway Work Zone Traffic ControlX@ US=99- 73"MCV Work Zone Support@ US1--! 72 RSE Work Zone SafetyU@US0,, 71"MCV Vehicle Safety Monitoring@US955) 70 Roadway Work Zone Safety @US400$ 7. RSE Infrastructure Restriction Warning@USB>>2 7- Roadway Traffic Gap Assist,@US622& 7+ Roadway Mixed Use Crossing Safety@US=99- 7* Roadway Restriction Monitoring and Warning@USFBB6 7)MCM Reduced Speed Zone Warningf@US:66* 7(TMC Speed Warning@US-)) 7'Vehicle Basic Safety Communication@US>::. 7&MCM Environmental Information Processingr@USD@@4 7$TMC Environmental Monitoring\@US844( 7#MCM Environmental Information CollectionY@USD@@4 7""MCV Environmental Monitoring{@US844( 7! Roadway Environmental Monitoring@US<88, 7 TIC Road Weather Advisories and Warningsm@USD@@4 7 RSE Environmental Monitoring@US844( 7Vehicle Environmental Monitoring@US<88, 7Emissions Connected Vehicle Monitoring@USB>>2 7Vehicle Restricted Lanes Application@US@<<0 7 RSE Restricted Lanes Application0@US<88, 7TMC Restricted Lanes CV Application@US?;;/ 7 Roadway Variable Speed LimitsO@US955) 7TMC Variable Speed Limits@US511% 7Vehicle Roadside Information Reception@USB>>2 7 RSE Traveler Information CommunicationsL@USC??3 7 Roadway Emissions Monitoring_@US844( 7 Roadway Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Use@USLHH< 7 Roadway Basic Surveillancey@US622& 7 Roadway Traffic Information Dissemination@USEAA5 7 Roadway Traffic Metering:@US400$ 7Emissions Data Management@US511% 7TMC Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Uset@USHDD8 7TMC Basic Surveillance@US2.." 7 TMC Traffic Information Dissemination@USA==1 7 TMC Traffic Metering@US0,, 7 Transit Center Connection Protection@US@<<0 7 Transit Vehicle On-Board Connection Protection@USJFF: 7 Personal Trip Planning and Route Guidance@USEAA5 7Drayage Operations Optimization Service@USC??3 7CV On-Board Drayage Support@US733' 7Terminal Management@US/++ 7Freight Administration and Managementh@USA==1 7Vehicle Speed Management Assist@US;77+ 7 Roadway Speed Monitoring and WarningL@US@<<0 7 RSE Speed Warning @US-)) 7Vehicle Intersection Warning@US844( 7LVAL$ [ F 7'TMC Multi-Modal Coordination' supports center-to-center coordination between the Traffic Management and Transit Management Centers. 'TMC Multi-Modal Coordination' supports center-to-center coordination between the Traffic Management and Transit Management Centers. It monitors transit operations and provides traffic signal priority for transit vehicles on request from the Transit Management Center.'TMC Restricted Lanes CV Application' manages dynamic lanes for connected vehicles. The application provides the back office functions and supports the TMC operator in establishing and managing dynamic lanes using communications to manage lane use for connected vehicles.'Roadway Traffic Information Dissemination' includes field elements that provide information to drivers, including dynamic message signs and highway advisory radios.'Transit Vehicle On-Board Connection Protection' monitors vehicle schedule performance and provides it to the transit center for connection protection processing. It receives operator instructions relating to managing connection protection and recognizes individual travelers who have arranged for connection protection and provides connection protection information to the transit center.'Personal Trip Planning and Route Guidance' provides a personalized trip plan to the traveler. The trip plan is calculated based on preferences and constraints supplied by the traveler and provided to the traveler for confirmation. Coordination may continue during the trip so that the route plan can be modified to account for new information. Many equipment configurations are possible including systems that provide a basic trip plan to the traveler as well as more sophisticated systems that can provide transition by transition guidance to the traveler along a multi-modal route with transfers. Devices represented by this functional object include desktop computers at home, work, or at major trip generation sites, plus personal devices such as tablets and smart phones.The 'Drayage Operations Optimization Service' provides a portal for shippers and receivers to post their loads in need of transport and provide an opportunity for commercial vehicles to find a load to haul on their trip back to/from an intermodal facility. It connects load matching services with container and chassis/equipment availability information and appointment/reservations services from the intermodal terminals to provide an optimized, regionally integrated view of intermodal container transport for drayage operators.'CV On-Board Drayage Support' communicates with the Intermodal Terminal, Fleet and Freight Management (dispatch), and third party services to support efficient drayage operations. This application provides information to the commercial vehicle driver identifying loads and efficient schedules and routes for transport to avoid terminal congestion and minimize bobtail/dry runs. It provides information to dispatch on current truck/equipment/load status.'Terminal Management' supports the operation of the roadway aspects of an intermodal terminal. The key capabilities include the ability to identify and control vehicle traffic entering and departing the facility, guide vehicles to loading and unloading points, maintain site security and monitor container integrity, provide an interface to Customs as appropriate, and acknowledge container pickup and drop-off. Other capabilities include the ability to track container locations within the facility, manage any other required assets, like truck chassis, and provide reservation services to manage congestion at busy terminals. This application also provides information to support load matching services for drayage operators.LVALm s@'Roadway Traffic Metering' includes the field equipment used to meter traffic on ramps, through interchanges, and on the mainline roadway. The equipment i'Roadway Traffic Metering' includes the field equipment used to meter traffic on ramps, through interchanges, and on the mainline roadway. The equipment includes dynamic messages signs to provide guidance and information to drivers at and approaching a meter, including information for any special bypass lanes.'Emissions Data Management' collects and stores air quality and vehicle emissions information by remotely monitoring and controlling area wide and point sensors. General air quality measures are distributed as general traveler information and also may be used in demand management programs. Collected roadside emissions are analyzed and used to detect, identify, and notify concerned parties regarding vehicles that exceed emissions standards.'TMC Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Use' remotely monitors and controls the system that is used to dynamically manage travel lanes, including temporary use of shoulders as travel lanes. It monitors traffic conditions and demand measured in the field and determines when the lane configuration of the roadway should be changed, when intersections and/or interchanges should be reconfigured, when the shoulders should be used for travel (as a lane), when lanes should be designated for use by special vehicles only, such as buses, high occupancy vehicles (HOVs), vehicles attending a special event, etc. and/or when types of vehicles should be prohibited or restricted from using particular lanes. It controls the field equipment used to manage and control specific lanes and the shoulders. It also can automatically notify the enforcement agency of lane control violations.'TMC Basic Surveillance' remotely monitors and controls traffic sensor systems and surveillance (e.g., CCTV) equipment, and collects, processes and stores the collected traffic data. Current traffic information and other real-time transportation information is also collected from other centers. The collected information is provided to traffic operations personnel and made available to other centers.'TMC Traffic Information Dissemination' disseminates traffic and road conditions, closure and detour information, incident information, driver advisories, and other traffic-related data to other centers, the media, and driver information systems. It monitors and controls driver information system field equipment including dynamic message signs and highway advisory radio, managing dissemination of driver information through these systems.'TMC Traffic Metering' provides center monitoring and control of traffic metering systems including on ramps, through interchanges, and on the mainline roadway. All types of metering are covered including pre-timed/fixed time, time-based, dynamic and adaptive metering strategies and special bypasses. Metering rates can be calculated based upon historical data or current conditions including traffic, air quality, etc.'Transit Center Connection Protection' manages the coordination of transit transfers between routes within a single transit agency, between routes of different transit agencies, or between different modes (e.g. a bus transit route and a ferry route). This functional object also supports the capability for an individual traveler to obtain connection protection throughout a specific transit trip. This application may be implemented through peer-to-peer sharing between agencies control systems or as a central transit transfer request brokerage that facilitates the management and coordination of transfers across multiple agencies and control systems.LVALe  8'Roadway Variable Speed Limits' includes the field equipment, physical overhead lane signs and associated control electronics that are used to manage and control variable speed limits systems. This equipment monitors traffic and environmental conditions along the roadway. The system can be c'Roadway Variable Speed Limits' includes the field equipment, physical overhead lane signs and associated control electronics that are used to manage and control variable speed limits systems. This equipment monitors traffic and environmental conditions along the roadway. The system can be centrally monitored and controlled by a Traffic Management Center or it can be autonomous, calculating and setting suitable speed limits, usually by lane. This application displays the speed limits and additional information such as basic safety rules and current traffic information to drivers.'TMC Variable Speed Limits' provides center monitoring and control of variable speed limits systems. It monitors data on traffic and environmental conditions collected from sensors along the roadway. Based on the measured data, it calculates and sets suitable speed limits usually by lane. It controls equipment that posts the current speed limits and displays additional information such as basic safety rules and current traffic information to drivers.'Vehicle Roadside Information Reception' receives advisories, vehicle signage data, and other driver information and presents this information to the driver using in-vehicle equipment. Information presented may include fixed sign information, traffic control device status (e.g., signal phase and timing data), advisory and detour information, warnings of adverse road and weather conditions, travel times, and other driver information.'RSE Traveler Information Communications' includes field elements that distribute information to vehicles for in-vehicle display. The information may be provided by a center (e.g., variable information on traffic and road conditions in the vicinity of the field equipment) or it may be determined and output locally (e.g., static sign information and signal phase and timing information). This includes the interface to the center or field equipment that controls the information distribution and the short range communications equipment that provides information to passing vehicles.'Roadway Emissions Monitoring' monitors emissions and general air quality and communicates the collected information back to the Emissions Management Center where it can be monitored, analyzed, and used. This functional object supports point monitoring of individual vehicle emissions as well as general monitoring of standard air quality measures.'Roadway Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Use' includes the field equipment, physical overhead lane signs and associated control electronics that are used to manage and control specific lanes and/or the shoulders. This equipment can be centrally controlled by a Traffic Management Center or it can be autonomous and monitor traffic conditions and demand along the roadway and determine how to change the lane controls to respond to current conditions. Lane controls can be used to change the lane configuration of the roadway, reconfigure intersections and/or interchanges, allow use of shoulders as temporary travel lanes, designate lanes for use by special vehicles only, such as buses, high occupancy vehicles (HOVs), vehicles attending a special event, etc. and/or prohibit or restrict types of vehicles from using particular lanes. Guidance and information for drivers can be posted on dynamic message signs.LVAL ^ F-'Transit Vehicle Signal Priority' provides the capability for transit vehicles to determine eligibility for priority and request signal pri'Transit Vehicle Signal Priority' provides the capability for transit vehicles to determine eligibility for priority and request signal priority at signalized intersections, ramps, and interchanges through short range communication with traffic control equipment at the roadside.'MCV Environmental Monitoring' collects current road and surface weather conditions from sensors on-board the maintenance and construction vehicle or by querying fixed sensors on or near the roadway. Environmental information including road surface temperature, air temperature, and wind speed is measured and spatially located and time stamped, and reported back to a center.'Roadway Environmental Monitoring' measures environmental conditions and communicates the collected information back to a center where it can be monitored and analyzed or to other field devices to support communications to vehicles. A broad array of general weather and road surface information may be collected. Weather conditions that may be measured include temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and visibility. Surface and sub-surface sensors can measure road surface temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures.'RSE Environmental Monitoring' collects environmental situation (probe) data from passing vehicles that are equipped with short range communications capability. The collected data includes current environmental conditions as measured by on-board sensors (e.g., ambient temperature and precipitation measures), current status of vehicle systems that can be used to infer environmental conditions (e.g., status of lights, wipers, ABS, and traction control systems), and emissions measures reported by the vehicle. The functional object collects the provided data, aggregates and filters the data based on provided configuration parameters, and sends the collected information back to a center for processing and distribution. This functional object may also process the collected data locally and issue short-term road weather advisories for the road segment using short range communications.'Vehicle Environmental Monitoring' collects data from on-board sensors and systems related to environmental conditions and sends the collected data to the infrastructure as the vehicle travels. The collected data is a byproduct of vehicle safety and convenience systems and includes ambient air temperature and precipitation measures and status of the wipers, lights, ABS, and traction control systems.'Emissions Connected Vehicle Monitoring' collects emissions data reported by passing vehicles and uses this data to support air quality management and planning. Coordination with traffic management supports air quality-responsive management of traffic.The 'Vehicle Restricted Lanes Application' monitors and reports its own operating parameters and communicates with roadside equipment to safely enter, operate within, and exit eco-lanes and other controlled-access lanes.The 'RSE Restricted Lanes Application' uses short range communications to monitor and manage dynamic and static restricted lanes. It collects vehicle profile information from vehicles entering the lanes and monitors vehicles within the lanes, providing aggregate data to the back office center. It provides lane restriction information and signage data to the vehicles and optionally identifies vehicles that violate the current lane restrictions. These functions are performed based on operating parameters provided by the back office managing center(s).>LVAL K T'Vehicle Basic Safety Communication' exchanges current vehicle location and motion information with other vehicles in the vicinity, uses that information to calculate vehicle paths, and warns the driver when the potential for an impending collision is detected. If available, map data is used to filter and interpret the relative location and motion of vehicles in the vicinity. Information from on-board sensors (e.g., radars and image processing) are also used, if available, in combination with the V2V communications to detect non-equipped vehicles and corroborate connec'Vehicle Basic Safety Communication' exchanges current vehicle location and motion information with other vehicles in the vicinity, uses that information to calculate vehicle paths, and warns the driver when the potential for an impending collision is detected. If available, map data is used to filter and interpret the relative location and motion of vehicles in the vicinity. Information from on-board sensors (e.g., radars and image processing) are also used, if available, in combination with the V2V communications to detect non-equipped vehicles and corroborate connected vehicle data. Vehicle location and motion broadcasts are also received by the infrastructure and used by the infrastructure to support a wide range of roadside safety and mobility applications. This object represents a broad range of implementations ranging from basic Vehicle Awareness Devices that only broadcast vehicle location and motion and provide no driver warnings to advanced integrated safety systems that may, in addition to warning the driver, provide collision warning information to support automated control functions that can support control intervention.'MCM Environmental Information Processing' processes current and forecast weather data, road condition information, local environmental data, and uses internal models to develop specialized detailed forecasts of local weather and surface conditions. The processed environmental information products are presented to center personnel and disseminated to other centers.'TMC Environmental Monitoring' assimilates current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information using a combination of weather service provider information, information collected by other centers such as the Maintenance and Construction Management Center, data collected from environmental sensors deployed on and about the roadway, and information collected from connected vehicles. The collected environmental information is monitored and presented to the operator. This information can be used to issue general traveler advisories and support location specific warnings to drivers.'MCM Environmental Information Collection' collects current road and weather conditions using data collected from environmental sensors deployed on and about the roadway. In addition to fixed sensor stations at the roadside, this functional object also collects environmental information from sensor systems located on Maintenance and Construction Vehicles. It also collects current and forecast environmental conditions information that is made available by other systems. The functional object aggregates the sensor system data and provides it, along with data attributes to other applications.LVAL  ] 8%'Roadway Work Zone Traffic Control' controls traffic in areas of the roadway where maintenance and construction activities are underway, monitoring and controlling traffi'Roadway Work Zone Traffic Control' controls traffic in areas of the roadway where maintenance and construction activities are underway, monitoring and controlling traffic using field equipment such as CCTV cameras, dynamic messages signs, and gates/barriers. Work zone speeds and delays are provided to the motorist prior to the work zones.'MCV Work Zone Support' provides communications and support for local management of a work zone. It supports communications between field personnel and the managing center to keep the center appraised of current work zone status. It controls vehicle-mounted driver information systems (e.g., dynamic message signs) and uses short range communications to monitor and control other fixed or portable driver information systems in the work zone.'RSE Work Zone Safety' communicates with Connected Vehicles and Personal Information Devices carried or worn by the work crew to detect vehicle intrusions in work zones and warn crew workers and drivers of imminent encroachment. Crew movements are also monitored so that the crew can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.'MCV Vehicle Safety Monitoring' detects vehicle intrusions in the vicinity of the vehicle and warns crew workers and drivers of imminent encroachment. Crew movements are also monitored so that the crew can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone. It can be used for stationary work zones or in mobile applications where a safe zone is maintained around the moving vehicle.'Roadway Work Zone Safety' includes field elements that detect vehicle intrusions in work zones and warns crew workers and drivers of imminent encroachment. Crew movements are also monitored so that the crew can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.'RSE Infrastructure Restriction Warning' uses short range communications to warn vehicles of infrastructure dimensional and weight restrictions.'Roadway Traffic Gap Assist' measures the headway to the next approaching vehicle. Based on programmed thresholds, unsafe gaps are identified and reported via roadside signs. Traffic gaps and associated advisories and warnings are also provided to the RSE for communication to connected vehicles.'Roadway Mixed Use Crossing Safety' is an advanced infrastructure application that detects pedestrians, cyclists, and other non-motorized users and provides active safety warnings to drivers when cross walks or other intersecting mixed use paths are occupied.'Roadway Restriction Monitoring and Warning' measures the size and weight of passing vehicles and displays warnings to vehicles if the size exceeds the current infrastructure restrictions. The measured vehicle dimensions are also made available to other applications.'MCM Reduced Speed Zone Warning' supports remote control and monitoring of reduced speed zone warning roadside equipment. It provides posted speed limits and associated schedules and information about associated road configuration changes including lane merges and shifts. It monitors field equipment operation and reports current status to the operator.'TMC Speed Warning' supports remote control and monitoring of reduced speed zone warning roadside equipment. It provides the location and extent of the reduced speed zone, the posted speed limit(s) with information about the applicability of the speed limit(s) (e.g., time of day, day of week, seasonality, relevant vehicle types) and information about associated road configuration changes including lane merges and shifts. It monitors field equipment operation and reports current status to the operator./LVAL * wK'TMC Lighting System Control' provides the capability for traffic managers to monitor and manage the electrical lighting systems along the roadside. This capability in'TMC Lighting System Control' provides the capability for traffic managers to monitor and manage the electrical lighting systems along the roadside. This capability includes implementing control plans for lighting systems that may be activated by time-of-day plans or by activating changes to the lighting based on traffic or incidents.'TMC Work Zone Traffic Management' coordinates work plans with maintenance systems so that work zones are established that have minimum traffic impact. Traffic control strategies are implemented to further mitigate traffic impacts associated with work zones that are established, providing work zone information to driver information systems such as dynamic message signs.'RSE Rail Crossing Warning' is a connected vehicle application that improves safety at rail crossings. It communicates with wayside equipment that detects or communicates with approaching trains. It provides rail crossing warnings and train arrival information to approaching vehicles and monitors connected vehicles that may intrude on the crossing.'Roadway Advanced Rail Crossing' manages highway traffic at highway-rail intersections (HRIs) where operational requirements demand advanced features (e.g., where rail operational speeds are greater than 80 miles per hour). The active warning systems supported by this application include positive barrier systems which preclude entrance into the intersection when the barriers are activated. This application is activated on notification by wayside interface equipment which detects, or communicates with the approaching train. In this application, additional information about the arriving train is also provided by the wayside interface equipment so that the train's direction of travel, its estimated time of arrival, and the estimated duration of closure may be derived. This enhanced information may be conveyed to the driver prior to, or in context with, warning system activation. This application also includes detection capabilities which enable it to detect an entrapped or otherwise immobilized vehicle on the grade crossing and provide an immediate notification to the wayside interface equipment and traffic management.'RSE Intersection Safety' uses short range communications to support connected vehicle applications that improve intersection safety. It communicates with approaching vehicles and ITS infrastructure to alert and warn drivers of potential stop sign, red light, and non-motorized user crossing conflicts or violations.'TIC Traveler Information Broadcast' disseminates traveler information including traffic and road conditions, incident information, maintenance and construction information, event information, transit information, parking information, and weather information. The same information is broadcast to all equipped traveler interface systems and vehicles.'MCM Work Zone Management' remotely monitors and supports work zone activities, controlling traffic through dynamic message signs (DMS), Highway Advisory Radio (HAR), gates and barriers, and informing other groups of activity (e.g., traveler information, traffic management, other maintenance and construction centers) for better coordination management. Work zone speeds, and delays, and closures are provided to the motorist prior to the work zones. This application provides control of field equipment in all maintenance areas, including fixed and portable field equipment supporting both stationary and mobile work zones.5LVAL SOThe 'Personal Work Zone Safety' application improves maintenance and construction crew safety by providing crew location information to the infrastructure that can be used to avoid collisions involving the work crew. The application may also alert workersThe 'Personal Work Zone Safety' application improves maintenance and construction crew safety by providing crew location information to the infrastructure that can be used to avoid collisions involving the work crew. The application may also alert workers if they travel beyond the designated safe zone. The information provided and the user interface delivery mechanism (visual, audible, or haptic) can also be tailored to the needs of the user that is carrying or wearing the device that hosts the application.'Personal Intersection Safety' improves pedestrian, cyclist, and other non-motorized user safety by providing personal location information to the infrastructure that can be used to avoid collisions involving non-motorized travelers. It may also alert the non-motorized user of unsafe conditions, augmenting or extending information provided by signals and signs. The information provided and the user interface delivery mechanism (visual, audible, or haptic) can also be tailored to the needs of the user that is carrying or wearing the device that hosts the application.'EV On-Board En Route Support' provides communications functions to responding emergency vehicles that reduce response times and improve safety of responding public safety personnel and the general public. It supports traffic signal preemption via short range communication directly with signal control equipment and sends alert messages to surrounding vehicles.'RSE Traffic Gap Assist' provides advisory information to minor road drivers at a stop-sign controlled intersection to facilitate gap selection to proceed through the intersection. The application can be configured depending on the intersection geometry. It monitors Connected Vehicle traffic on the major road, augmenting infrastructure traffic detectors, to identify and measure traffic gaps. The intersection geometry, measured traffic gaps, and current gap assist sign displays are communicated to the connected vehicle that is navigating the intersection for use in driver advisories and warnings. The application may also collect vehicle size and performance profile from the connected vehicle to optimize the alerts and warnings to the capabilities of the vehicle and driver preferences.'Vehicle Gap Assist' uses V2I communications to collect traffic gap information and associated alerts and warnings that are displayed to the driver who is navigating a stop-sign controlled intersection with a major road.'Roadway Signal Control' includes the field elements that monitor and control signalized intersections. It includes the traffic signal controllers, detectors, conflict monitors, signal heads, and other ancillary equipment that supports traffic signal control. It also includes field masters, and equipment that supports communications with a central monitoring and/or control system, as applicable. The communications link supports upload and download of signal timings and other parameters and reporting of current intersection status. It represents the field equipment used in all levels of traffic signal control from basic actuated systems that operate on fixed timing plans through adaptive systems. It also supports all signalized intersection configurations, including those that accommodate pedestrians. In advanced, future implementations, environmental data may be monitored and used to support dilemma zone processing and other aspects of signal control that are sensitive to local environmental conditions.9Aq" Y  A n , W  V  Fda'i!QjPm  RSE Position Correction Support@US;77+ 7Transit Center Passenger Counting@US=99- 7Transit Vehicle Emissions Monitoring@US@<<0 7Transit Vehicle Passenger Countingr@US>::. 7~Transit Center Multi-Modal Coordination;@USC??3 7|TMC Regional Traffic Management@US;77+ 7{Transit Center Emissions Monitoringg@US?;;/ 7y9Emergency Routing@US-)) 7xTMC Automated Vehicle Operations @US<88, 7wVehicle Cooperative Cruise Controlw@US>::. 7v RSE Automated Vehicle Operations@US<88, 7uTransit Center Information Services@US?;;/ 7tPersonal Interactive Traveler Informationq@USEAA5 7s0Roadway Payment Supporti@US3//# 7pTransit Center Priority Management@US>::. 7oTMC Multi-Modal Coordination@US844( 7nTransit Vehicle Signal Priority@US;77+ 7mCV On-Board Signal Priority@US733' 7lTMC Roadway Warning@US/++ 7kVehicle Queue Warning@US1--! 7j RSE Queue Warning+@US-)) 7i Roadway Warning@US+'' 7h RSE Traffic Monitoring@US2.." 7g RSE Lighting System Support@US733' 7f Roadway Lighting System Control@US;77+ 7eTMC Lighting System ControlS@US733' 7dTIC Travel Services Information and Reservatione@USKGG; 7c RSE Electric Charging Support@US955) 7bVehicle Electric Charging Assist@US<88, 7aVehicle Trip Planning and Route Guidance@USD@@4 7`TIC Trip PlanningX@US-)) 7_TIC Data Collection@US/++ 7^ RSE Traffic Metering@US0,, 7Z RSE Intersection Management@US733' 7X RSE Speed Managementk@US0,, 7WVehicle Eco-Driving Assist@@US622& 7U RSE Payment Support@US/++ 7TVehicle Payment Servicew@US3//# 7STIC Connected Vehicle Traveler Info Distribution@USLHH< 7REmissions Zone Managementa@US511% 7P/PAC Payment Administration@US622& 7O RSE Low Emissions Zone Application@US>::. 7NVehicle Emissions Monitoring@US844( 7MVehicle Emergency Notification@US:66* 7LTMC In-Vehicle Signing Managementf@US=99- 7KMCM Work Zone Safety Management'@US;77+ 7JTMC Traffic Gap Assist@US2.." 7ITMC Signal Control[@US.** 7HTMC Advanced Rail Crossing Management@USA==1 7GTMC Intersection Safety@US3//# 7FTMC Infrastructure Restriction Warning@USB>>2 7ETMC Work Zone Traffic Managementw@US<88, 7CPersonal Work Zone Safety@US511% 7BPersonal Intersection Safety@@US844( 7A*EV On-Board En Route Supportm@US844( 7? RSE Traffic Gap Assist @US2.." 7>Vehicle Gap Assist@US.** 7gLVAL+I :''TIC Travel Services Information' disseminates information about traveler services such as lodging, restaurants, and service stations. Tailored traveler service information is 'TIC Travel Services Information' disseminates information about traveler services such as lodging, restaurants, and service stations. Tailored traveler service information is provided on request that meets the constraints and preferences specified by the traveler. This application also supports reservations and advanced payment for traveler services.'RSE Electric Charging Support' uses short range communications to coordinate with a vehicle that is being charged, receiving information about the operational state of the electrical system, the maximum charge rate, and the percentage-complete of the charge from the vehicle.'MCM Work Zone Safety Management' remotely monitors work zone safety systems that detect vehicle intrusions in work zones and warns crew workers and drivers of imminent encroachment. Crew movements are also monitored so that the crew can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.'TMC Traffic Gap Assist' supports remote control and monitoring of traffic gap assist infrastructure equipment. It provides configuration information for the equipped intersection and the operating parameters for the traffic detection system that measures traffic gaps on the major road and the signs and Connected Vehicle communications that provide advisories and warnings to vehicles on the minor road attempting to navigate the intersection. It monitors field equipment operation and reports current status to the operator.'TMC Signal Control' provides the capability for traffic managers to monitor and manage the traffic flow at signalized intersections. This capability includes analyzing and reducing the collected data from traffic surveillance equipment and developing and implementing control plans for signalized intersections. Control plans may be developed and implemented that coordinate signals at many intersections under the domain of a single Traffic Management Center and are responsive to traffic conditions and adapt to support incidents, preemption and priority requests, pedestrian crossing calls, etc.'TMC Advanced Rail Crossing Management' monitors and controls rail crossing traffic control equipment at advanced crossings that provide additional information on approaching trains, detect and report obstructions on the grade crossing, and communicate directly with equipped vehicles approaching the crossing. It remotely monitors and reports the status of the rail crossing equipment and sends control plan updates to the equipment. It also provides enhanced coordination between rail operations and traffic management centers that supports forecast of closure times and durations that may be applied to advanced traffic control strategies or delivered as enhanced traveler information.'TMC Intersection Safety' controls and monitors RSEs that support stop sign, red light, and mixed use crossing violations. It configures the RSEs for the current intersection geometry and traffic signal control equipment at the intersection. Information that is currently being communicated to passing vehicles and the operational status of the field equipment is monitored by this application. The operational status of the field equipment is reported to operations personnel.'TMC Infrastructure Restriction Warning' controls and monitors RSEs that support Infrastructure Restriction Warnings. It configures the RSEs to define tunnel/bridge geometry and design and temporary size and weight restrictions. Information that is currently being communicated to passing vehicles and the operational status of the field equipment is monitored by this application. The operational status of the field equipment is reported to operations personnel.LVAL   \'Vehicle Electric Charging Assist' uses short range communications to coordinate with electric charging stations, providing information about the operational state of the electrical system, the maximum charge'Vehicle Electric Charging Assist' uses short range communications to coordinate with electric charging stations, providing information about the operational state of the electrical system, the maximum charge rate, and the percentage-complete of the charge. This application also receives current information about electric charging systems in the region and makes this information available to the driver on request.In support of connected vehicle applications, 'TIC Connected Vehicle Traveler Info Distribution' disseminates traveler information including traffic and road conditions, incident information, maintenance and construction information, event information, transit information, parking information, and weather information. Location-specific or situation-relevant traveler information is sent to short range communications transceivers at the roadside.'Emissions Zone Management' identifies existing and potential emissions hot spots and coordinates with transportation agencies and their systems to establish low emissions zones to manage air quality in these areas. Through this coordination, the geographic boundary, restrictions, and pricing for the low emissions zone are established and adjusted.'PAC Payment Administration' provides administration and management of payments associated with electronic toll collection, parking payments, and other e-payments. It provides the back office functions that support enrollment, pricing, payment reconciliation with financial institutions, and violation notification to enforcement agencies. It also supports dynamic pricing to support demand management. Secure communications with the financial infrastructure and distributed payment infrastructure, including toll plazas, support electronic payments and other ancillary requirements such as lost payment device identification and management.'RSE Low Emissions Zone Application' provides information to vehicles regarding low emissions zones and checks vehicle profiles on entry to a designated low emissions zone to verify they are in compliance with the parameters established for the zone.'Vehicle Emissions Monitoring' directly measures or estimates current and average vehicle emissions and makes this data available to the driver and connected vehicle infrastructure systems.'Vehicle Emergency Notification' provides the capability for drivers or collision detection sensors to report an emergency and summon assistance. It gathers data from on-board collision detection sensors, provides a mechanism for the driver to summon assistance, and includes a communications capability to report the collision including indicators of collision severity, the number of passengers involved, and information about the vehicle that may affect the response.'TMC In-Vehicle Signing Management' controls and monitors RSEs that support in-vehicle signing. Sign information that may include static regulatory, service, and directional sign information as well as variable information such as traffic and road conditions can be provided to the RSE, which uses short range communications to send the information to in-vehicle equipment. Information that is currently being communicated to passing vehicles and the operational status of the field equipment is monitored by this application. The operational status of the field equipment is reported to operations personnel.LVAL q 'Vehicle Trip Planning and Route Guidance' includes the in-vehicle system that coordinates with a traveler information center to provide a personalized trip plan to the driver. The trip plan is calculated by the Transportation Information Center (TIC) based on preferences and constraints supplied by the driver and provided to the driver for confirmation. Reservations and advanced payment may'Vehicle Trip Planning and Route Guidance' includes the in-vehicle system that coordinates with a traveler information center to provide a personalized trip plan to the driver. The trip plan is calculated by the Transportation Information Center (TIC) based on preferences and constraints supplied by the driver and provided to the driver for confirmation. Reservations and advanced payment may also be processed to confirm the trip plan. Coordination with the TIC may continue during the trip so that the route plan can be modified to account for new information. Many equipment configurations are possible including in-vehicle systems that provide a basic trip plan to the driver as well as more sophisticated systems that can provide turn by turn guidance to the driver along the route.'TIC Trip Planning' provides pre-trip and en-route trip planning services for travelers. It receives origin, destination, constraints, and preferences and returns trip plan(s) that meet the supplied criteria. Trip plans may be based on current traffic and road conditions, transit schedule information, and other real-time traveler information. Candidate trip plans are multimodal and may include vehicle, transit, and alternate mode segments (e.g., rail, ferry, bicycle routes, and walkways) based on traveler preferences. It also confirms the trip plan for the traveler and supports reservations and advanced payment for portions of the trip. The trip plan includes specific routing information and instructions for each segment of the trip and may also include information and reservations for additional services (e.g., parking) along the route.'RSE Payment Support' manages vehicle payments for road use based on fee structures and payment strategies based on vehicle-reported data including VMT, emissions, vehicle class or type. Fees may vary by time or location and may include incentives or credits to reward desirable driving behavior. To support payment, it receives vehicle data (e.g., time stamped roadways used by the vehicle since the last transmission) and forwards this to the Payment Administration Center. It also receives equipment status from the vehicle and vehicle characteristics sensed from the vehicle (number of axles, weight, vehicle tag image/ID). Faults are identified and forwarded to the Payment Administration Center. Finally, it requests, receives, processes, and reports vehicle payment information.'Vehicle Payment Service' supports vehicle payments including VMT- and zone-based payments and payments for other services including fuel/charging services, tolls, and parking. To support VMT-based payment, this application tracks the location of the vehicle at specific times and reports this VMT data along with vehicle identification. A variety of pricing strategies are supported, including strategies that include credits or incentives that reward desired driving patterns and behavior. The onboard equipment supports secure short range communications with connected vehicle roadside equipment to support secure payments.%LVAL U ='TIC Data Collection' collects transportation-related data from other centers, performs data quality checks on the collected data and then consolidates, verifies, and refines the data and makes it available in a consistent format to applications that support operational data sharing between centers and deliver traveler inf'TIC Data Collection' collects transportation-related data from other centers, performs data quality checks on the collected data and then consolidates, verifies, and refines the data and makes it available in a consistent format to applications that support operational data sharing between centers and deliver traveler information to end-users. A broad range of data is collected including traffic and road conditions, transit data, emergency information and advisories, weather data, special event information, traveler services, parking, multimodal data, and toll/pricing data. It also shares data with other transportation information centers.'RSE Traffic Metering' uses V2I communications to support ramp metering and other traffic metering applications. Data is collected from connected vehicles on both the mainline and approach to the traffic meters. The collected data is processed and filtered and provided to the metering controller. Status and current signal indications from the ramp meter are also collected and provided to approaching and queued connected vehicles.'RSE Intersection Management' uses short range communications to support connected vehicle applications that manage signalized intersections. It communicates with approaching vehicles and ITS infrastructure (e.g., the traffic signal controller) to enhance traffic signal operations. Coordination with the ITS infrastructure also supports conflict monitoring to ensure the RSE output and traffic signal control output are consistent and degrade in a fail safe manner.'RSE Speed Management' provides infrastructure information including road grade, roadway geometry, road weather information, and current speed limits to assist vehicles in maintaining safe speeds and headways. It also provides speed recommendations to vehicles based on current conditions and overall speed limits and strategies established by the back office.'Vehicle Eco-Driving Assist' provides customized real-time driving advice to drivers, allowing them to adjust behaviors to save fuel and reduce emissions. This advice includes recommended driving speeds, optimal acceleration and deceleration profiles based on prevailing traffic conditions, and local interactions with nearby vehicles, i.e., processing Basic Safety Messages (BSMs) to determine position and speed of vehicles that are between the host vehicle and the intersection. When approaching and departing signalized intersections, it uses intersection geometry information, the relative position and speed of vehicles ahead of it, and signal phase movement information to provide speed advice to the driver so that the driver can adapt the vehicle s speed to pass the next traffic signal on green, decelerate to a stop in the most eco-friendly manner, or manage acceleration as the vehicle departs from a signalized intersection. It also provides feedback to drivers on their driving behavior to encourage them to drive in a more environmentally efficient manner. It may also support vehicle-assisted strategies, where the vehicle automatically implements the eco-driving strategy (e.g., changes gears, switches power sources, or reduces its speed in an eco-friendly manner as the vehicle approaches a traffic signal or queue).LVAL+ 'CV On-board Signal Priority' provides the capability for commercial vehicles to determine eligibility for priority and request signal pri'CV On-board Signal Priority' provides the capability for commercial vehicles to determine eligibility for priority and request signal priority at signalized intersections, ramps, and interchanges through short range communication with traffic control equipment at the roadside.'TMC Roadway Warning' remotely monitors and controls the systems used to warn drivers approaching hazards on a roadway. It monitors data on roadway conditions from sensors in the field and generates warnings in response to roadway weather conditions, road surface conditions, traffic conditions including queues, obstacles or animals in the roadway, and any other transient events that can be sensed.'Vehicle Queue Warning' detects vehicle queues and reports queues to other vehicles using V2V communications and to the infrastructure using V2I communications. Vehicle-based queue warning builds on the exchange of vehicle location and motion and maneuvers that supports connected vehicle safety applications. This application also receives information about downstream queues using I2V communications. Individualized queue warnings and queue characteristics relevant to the vehicle are provided to the driver.'RSE Queue Warning' provides V2I communications to support queue warning systems. It monitors connected vehicles to identify and monitor queues in real-time and provides information to vehicles about upcoming queues, including downstream queues that are reported by the Traffic Management Center.'Roadway Warning' includes the field equipment used to warn drivers approaching hazards on a roadway. Warnings may be generated in response to roadway weather conditions, road surface conditions, traffic conditions including queues, obstacles or animals in the roadway, and any other transient events that can be sensed. The equipment monitors traffic and roadway conditions and may send data to a Traffic Management Center for processing or may process it to determine when a warning should be issued. When it is determined that a warning should be issued, the equipment is used to alert approaching drivers via dynamic warning signs, flashing lights, in-vehicle messages, etc.'RSE Traffic Monitoring' monitors the basic safety messages that are shared between connected vehicles and distills this data into traffic flow measures that can be used to manage the network in combination with or in lieu of traffic data collected by infrastructure-based sensors. As connected vehicle penetration rates increase, the measures provided by this application can expand beyond vehicle speeds that are directly reported by vehicles to include estimated volume, occupancy, and other measures. This object also supports incident detection by monitoring for changes in speed and vehicle control events that indicate a potential incident.'RSE Lighting System Support' uses V2I communications to monitor vehicle presence and collect environmental information from passing connected vehicles. The collected data is processed and filtered and provided as an input to support adjustment of roadside lighting systems.'Roadway Lighting System Control' includes field equipment that controls lighting systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure. It includes the sensors, lighting controllers, and supporting field equipment that monitors and controls lighting systems. The equipment supports control based on sensed local conditions, stored timing plans, and remote commands from a center. It monitors lighting system status and reports status to the controlling center.LVAL& H /='Vehicle Cooperative Cruise Control' uses V2V communications to share speeds and coordinate maneuvers with adjacent vehicles in the same lane (a CACC 'str'Border Inspection' manages and supports primary'Border Inspection' manages and supports primary and secondary inspections at the border crossing.'Transit Vehicle Passenger Counting' collects transit vehicle loading data and makes it available to the center.'TMC Automated Vehicle Operations' remotely monitors and controls automated lanes. It monitors system operation and provides parameters that control system operation including system parameters that govern vehicle platoon formation, speeds, and gaps or headways.'Vehicle Cooperative Cruise Control' uses V2V communications to share speeds and coordinate maneuvers with adjacent vehicles in the same lane (a CACC 'string'), maintaining vehicle speed and a safe gap with the predecessor vehicle. It provides the capability for vehicles to cluster into strings of CACC-equipped vehicles with compatible performance characteristics and share speed, location, acceleration/deceleration, path predictions (e.g., intended acceleration/deceleration) with other vehicles in the string. These capabilities are provided by systems on board the vehicle that coordinate with other vehicles and control acceleration and braking. In advanced implementations, the capability to coordinate with the infrastructure to support more advanced clustering strategies and use infrastructure provided target speed and traffic control information to improve performance.'RSE Automated Vehicle Operations' includes the field elements that monitor and control access to and egress from automated lanes. It monitors and coordinates automated vehicle operations within the lanes. These lanes support vehicles operating in platoons with short headways.'Transit Center Information Services' collects the latest available information for a transit service and makes it available to transit customers and to Transportation Information Centers for further distribution. Customers are provided information at transit stops and other public transportation areas before they embark and on-board the transit vehicle once they are enroute. Information provided can include the latest available information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, yellow pages, and special events. In addition to general service information, tailored information (e.g., itineraries) are provided to individual transit users.'Personal Interactive Traveler Information' provides traffic information, road conditions, transit information, yellow pages (traveler services) information, special event information, and other traveler information that is specifically tailored based on the traveler's request and/or previously submitted traveler profile information. It also supports interactive services that support enrollment, account management, and payments for transportation services. The interactive traveler information capability is provided by personal devices including personal computers and personal portable devices such as smart phones.'Roadway Payment Support' represents the equipment that works in conjunction with the RSE to detect vehicles and identify and process violators when the RSE is used to support electronic payment. Various fee structures and payment strategies are supported including strategies that support reimbursements or credits that incentivize desired driving behavior.[LVAL p+w'RSE Position Correction Support' broadcasts differential positioning data to enable precise locations to be determined by passing vehicles, supporting Connected Vehicle applications that require highly accurate posi'RSE Position Correction Support' broadcasts differential positioning data to enable precise locations to be determined by passing vehicles, supporting Connected Vehicle applications that require highly accurate positioning. The differential positioning data may be calculated directly by a precisely located RSE that is operating as a reference station or received from an external reference station and relayed to passing vehicles.'Transit Center Passenger Counting' receives and processes transit vehicle loading data using two-way communications from equipped transit vehicles.'Transit Vehicle Emissions Monitoring' directly measures or estimates vehicle emissions and provides current and average emissions measures to the Transit Management Center.'Transit Center Multi-Modal Coordination' supports transit service coordination between transit properties and coordinates with other surface and air transportation modes. As part of service coordination, it shares schedule and trip information, as well as transit transfer cluster (a collection of stop points, stations, or terminals where transfers can be made conveniently) and transfer point information between Multimodal Transportation Service Providers, Transit Agencies, and ISPs. An interface to Traffic Management also supports demand management strategies.'TMC Regional Traffic Management' supports coordination between Traffic Management Centers in order to share traffic information between centers as well as control of traffic management field equipment. This coordination supports wide area optimization and regional coordination that spans jurisdictional boundaries; for example, coordinated signal control in a metropolitan area or coordination between freeway operations and arterial signal control within a corridor.'Transit Center Emissions Monitoring' collects and/or estimates current transit fleet emissions and forecasts future fleet emissions in the context of overall air quality measures for the region. The collected, estimated, and forecast emissions is monitored and forwarded to other agencies to more effectively manage transit operations to reduce emissions.'Emergency Routing' supports routing of emergency vehicles and enlists support from the Traffic Management Center to facilitate travel along these routes. Routes may be determined based on real-time traffic information and road conditions or routes may be provided by the Traffic Management Center on request. Vehicles are tracked and routes are based on current vehicle location. It may coordinate with the Traffic Management Center to provide preemption or otherwise adapt the traffic control strategy along the selected route.LVAL1 R E'Emergency Evacuation Support' coordinates evacuation plans among allied agencies and manages ev'Transit Vehicle On-board Fare Management' supports fare collection using a standard fare card or other non'Transit Vehicle On-board Fare Management' supports fare collection using a standard fare card or other non-monetary fare medium and detects payment violations. Collected fare data are made available to the center.'Emergency Incident Scene Safety Management' remotely monitors incident scene safety systems that detect vehicle intrusions in designated areas at the incident scene and warns on-scene personnel and drivers of imminent encroachment. Public safety responder movements are also monitored so that the responders can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.'EV On-Board Safety Monitoring' detects vehicle intrusions in the vicinity of the vehicle and warns emergency personnel of imminent encroachment. Personnel movements in the vicinity of the vehicle are also monitored so that the personnel can be warned of movement beyond a designated safe zone.'Emergency Evacuation Support' coordinates evacuation plans among allied agencies and manages evacuation and reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency that poses a risk to public safety. Where appropriate, the affected population is evacuated in shifts, using more than one evacuation route, and including several evacuation destinations to spread demand and thereby expedite the evacuation. All affected jurisdictions (e.g., states and counties) at the evacuation origin, evacuation destination, and along the evacuation route are informed of the plan. The public is provided with real-time evacuation guidance including basic information to assist potential evacuees in determining whether evacuation is necessary. Resource requirements are forecast based on the evacuation plans, and the necessary resources are located, shared between agencies if necessary, and deployed at the right locations at the appropriate times. The evacuation and reentry status are monitored and used to refine the plan and resource allocations during the evacuation and subsequent reentry. It communicates with public health systems to develop evacuation plans and recommended strategies for disasters and evacuation scenarios involving biological or other medical hazards.'Emergency Call-Taking' supports the emergency call-taker, collecting available information about the caller and the reported emergency, and forwarding this information to other objects that formulate and manage the emergency response. It receives 9-1-1, 7-digit local access, and motorist call-box calls and interfaces to other agencies to assist in the verification and assessment of the emergency and to forward the emergency information to the appropriate response agency.'Emergency Notification Support' receives emergency notification messages from vehicles or personal handheld devices, determines an appropriate response, and either uses internal resources or contacts a local agency to provide that response. The nature of the emergency is determined based on the information in the received message as well as other inputs. This object effectively serves as an interface between automated collision notification systems and the local public safety answering point for messages that require a public safety response. This capability depends on an up-to-date registry of public safety answering points/response agencies by coverage area, the type of emergency, and hours of service.7{6b# E  q 1 M = m  v3Seb;_M t~QCVAC Credentials and Taxes Administrationq@USEAA5 7PCVCE Safety and Security Inspection@US?;;/ 7PCVCE Citation and Accident Electronic RecordingQ@USKGG; 7CV On-Board Safety and Security@US;77+ 7TIC Freight-Specific Travel Planning@US@<<0 7CV On-Board Trip Monitoring@US733' 7Fleet Administration@US0,, 7 Freight Equipment Monitoring@US844( 7 RSE Commercial Vehicle Services@US;77+ 7Vehicle Border Crossing Support@US;77+ 7CV On-Board Electronic Screening SupportS@USD@@4 7MBorder Inspection Administration@US<88, 7PCVCE Electronic Screening@US511% 7QCVAC Safety and Security Administration@USC??3 7QCVAC Information Exchange@US511% 7QCVAC International Administration@US=99- 7PCVCE International Border CrossingT@US>::. 7NBorder Inspectiond@US-)) 7 RSE Border ManagementK@US1--! 7 RSE Situation Monitoring@US400$ 7Vehicle Situation Data Monitoring&@US=99- 7TIC Interactive Traveler Information`@US@<<0 7Vehicle Interactive Traveler Information@USD@@4 7Personal Traveler Information Reception@USC??3 7Vehicle Traveler Information Reception`@USB>>2 7TMC Incident Dispatch Coordination@US>::. 7TIC Situation Data Management@US955) 7Transit Vehicle V2V Safety@US622& 7Transit Vehicle On-Board Paratransit Operations@USKGG; 7Transit Center Paratransit Operations@USA==1 7Transit Vehicle On-Board Trip Monitoring@USD@@4 7GParking Management@US.** 7 RSE Parking Management@US2.." 7Transit Vehicle On-Board Information Services@USIEE9 7HTransit Stop Information Services%@US=99- 7 RSE Transit User GuidanceC@US511% 7GParking Electronic Payment6@US622& 7HTraveler Fare Management:@US400$ 7Transit Vehicle On-Board Fare Management@USD@@4 7Transit Center Fare ManagementP@US:66* 7Transit Vehicle Schedule Management+@US?;;/ 7TIC Dynamic Ridesharing@US3//# 79Emergency Dispatch@US.** 7*EV On-Board Incident Management Communication@USIEE9 79Emergency Incident Commandr@US622& 79Emergency Incident Scene Safety Managementr@USFBB6 7*EV On-Board Safety Monitoring)@US955) 7CV On-Board Cargo Monitoring@US844( 7TMC Evacuation SupportH@US2.." 7Transit Evacuation Support{@US622& 7TIC Emergency Traveler Information@US>::. 79Emergency Response Management@US955) 79Emergency Evacuation Support @US844( 79Emergency Call-Taking@US1--! 79Emergency Notification Support@US:66* 7LVAL@ 9v'CV On-Board Cargo Monitoring' monitors the location and status of the commercial vehicle and its cargo. It sends the collected data to appropriate centers and roadside facilities, including emergency m'CV On-Board Cargo Monitoring' monitors the location and status of the commercial vehicle and its cargo. It sends the collected data to appropriate centers and roadside facilities, including emergency management in the case of HAZMAT incidents. Depending on the nature of the cargo, it may include sensors that measure temperature, pressure, load leveling, acceleration, and other attributes of the cargo.'TMC Evacuation Support' supports development, coordination, and execution of special traffic management strategies during evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or major emergency. A traffic management strategy is developed based on anticipated demand, the capacity of the road network including access to and from the evacuation routes, and existing and forecast conditions. The strategy supports efficient evacuation and also protects and optimizes movement of response vehicles and other resources that are responding to the emergency.'Transit Evacuation Support' manages transit resources to support evacuation and subsequent reentry of a population in the vicinity of a disaster or other emergency. It supports coordination of regional evacuation plans, identifying the transit role in a regional evacuation and identifying transit resources that would be used. During an evacuation, it coordinates the use of transit and school bus fleets, supporting evacuation of those with special needs and the general population. Transit service and fare schedules are adjusted and updated service and fare information is made available through traveler information systems.'TIC Emergency Traveler Information' provides emergency information to the public, including wide-area alerts and evacuation information. It provides emergency alerts, information on evacuation zones and evacuation requirements, evacuation destinations and shelter information, available transportation modes, and traffic and road conditions at the origin, destination, and along the evacuation routes. In addition to general evacuation information, personalized information including tailored evacuation routes, service information, and estimated travel times is also provided based on traveler specified origin, destination, and route parameters. Updated information is provided throughout the evacuation and subsequent reentry as status changes and plans are adapted.'Emergency Response Management' provides the strategic emergency response capabilities and broad inter-agency interfaces that are implemented for extraordinary incidents and disasters that require response from outside the local community. It provides the functional capabilities and interfaces commonly associated with Emergency Operations Centers. It develops and stores emergency response plans and manages overall coordinated response to emergencies. It monitors real-time information on the state of the regional transportation system including current traffic and road conditions, weather conditions, special event and incident information. It tracks the availability of resources and assists in the appropriate allocation of these resources for a particular emergency response. It also provides coordination between multiple allied agencies before and during emergencies to implement emergency response plans and track progress through the incident. It also coordinates with the public through the Emergency Telecommunication Systems (e.g., Reverse 911). It coordinates with public health systems to provide the most appropriate response for emergencies involving biological or other medical hazards.LVAL  Oq!'Transit Center Fare Management' manages fare collection and passenger load management at the transit center. It provides the back office functions that support transit fare collection, supporting payment reconciliation with links to financial institutions and enforcement agencies for fare vi'Transit Center Fare Management' manages fare collection and passenger load management at the transit center. It provides the back office functions that support transit fare collection, supporting payment reconciliation with links to financial institutions and enforcement agencies for fare violations. It collects data required to determine accurate ridership levels, establish fares, and distribute fare information. It loads fare data into the vehicle prior to the beginning of normal operations and unloads fare collection data from the vehicle at the close out of normal operations.'Transit Vehicle Schedule Management' monitors schedule performance and identifies corrective actions when a deviation is detected. It provides two-way communication between the transit vehicle and center, enabling the center to communicate with the vehicle operator and monitor on-board systems.'TIC Dynamic Ridesharing' provides dynamic rideshare matches for eligible travelers, connecting riders and drivers for specific trips based on preferences. This ridesharing/ride matching capability also arranges connections to transit or other multimodal services for portions of a multi-segment trip that includes ridesharing. Reservations and advanced payment are also supported so that each segment of the trip may be confirmed.'Emergency Dispatch' tracks the location and status of emergency vehicles and dispatches these vehicles to incidents. Pertinent incident information is gathered from the public and other public safety agencies and relayed to the responding units. Incident status and the status of the responding units is tracked so that additional units can be dispatched and/or unit status can be returned to available when the incident is cleared and closed.'EV On-board Incident Management Communication' provides communications support to first responders. Information about the incident, information on dispatched resources, and ancillary information such as road and weather conditions are provided to emergency personnel. Emergency personnel transmit information about the incident such as identification of vehicles and people involved, the extent of injuries, hazardous material, resources on site, site management strategies in effect, and current clearance status. Emergency personnel may also send in-vehicle signing messages to approaching traffic using short range communications.'Emergency Incident Command' provides tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration for Incident Commands that are established by first responders at or near the incident scene to support local management of an incident. It supports communications with public safety, emergency management, transportation, and other allied response agency centers, tracks and maintains resource information, action plans, and the incident command organization itself. Information is shared with agency centers including resource deployment status, hazardous material information, traffic, road, and weather conditions, evacuation advice, and other information that enables emergency or maintenance personnel in the field to implement an effective, safe incident response. It supports the functions and interfaces commonly supported by a mobile command center.LVAL M ( 'Transit Vehicle On-Board Trip Monitoring' tracks vehicle location, monitors fuel usage, collects operational status 'Transit Vehicle On-Board Trip Monitoring' tracks vehicle location, monitors fuel usage, collects operational status (doors opened/closed, running times, etc.) and sends the collected, time stamped data to the Transit Management Center.'Parking Management' detects and classifies vehicles at parking facility entrances, exits, and other designated locations within the facility. Current parking availability is monitored and used to inform drivers through dynamic message signs/displays so that vehicles are efficiently routed to available spaces. Parking facility information, including current parking rates and directions to entrances and available exits, is also provided to drivers.'RSE Parking Management' monitors the basic safety messages generated by connected vehicles to detect vehicles parking and maintain and report spaces that are occupied by connected vehicles. It also uses short range communications to provide parking information to vehicles.'Transit Vehicle On-board Information Services' furnishes en-route transit users with real-time travel-related information on-board a transit vehicle. Current information that can be provided to transit users includes transit routes, schedules, transfer options, fares, real-time schedule adherence, current incidents, weather conditions, non-motorized transportation services, and special events are provided. In addition to tailored information for individual transit users, it also supports general annunciation and/or display of general schedule information, imminent arrival information, and other information of general interest to transit users.'Transit Stop Information Services' furnishes transit users with real-time travel-related information at transit stops, multi-modal transfer points, and other public transportation areas. It provides transit users with information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, available services, fares, and real-time schedule adherence. In addition to tailored information for individual transit users, it supports general annunciation and/or display of imminent arrival information and other information of general interest to transit users.'RSE Transit User Guidance' uses short range communications to provide terminal or stop-specific guidance to transit user devices that assists users in finding the right stop and the right bus. Optionally, this object can collect the transit user location and planned itinerary so that tailored guidance can be provided.'Parking Electronic Payment' supports electronic payment of parking fees using in-vehicle equipment (e.g., tags) or contact or proximity cards. It includes the field elements that provide the interface to the in-vehicle or card payment device and the back-office functionality that performs the transaction.'Traveler Fare Management' provides the capability for the traveler to access and use a common fare medium for transit fares, tolls, and/or parking lot charges using a public device at or near the point of service. It accepts a service request and means of payment, verifies eligibility, calculates the amount due, collects payment, and identifies payment problems. It may be implemented using a card reader/dispenser in a point of sale device that includes a communications interface to the financial infrastructure to support payment collection and reconciliation.LVAL g'Vehicle Traveler Information Reception' provides the capability for drivers to receive general transportation information including traffic and road conditions, traffic regu'Vehicle Traveler Information Reception' provides the capability for drivers to receive general transportation information including traffic and road conditions, traffic regulations, incident information, maintenance and construction information, event information, transit information, parking information, weather information, and broadcast alerts.'TMC Incident Dispatch Coordination' formulates and manages an incident response that takes into account the incident potential, incident impacts, and resources required for incident management. It provides information to support dispatch and routing of emergency response and service vehicles as well as coordination with other cooperating agencies. It provides access to traffic management resources that provide surveillance of the incident, traffic control in the surrounding area, and support for the incident response. It monitors the incident response and collects performance measures such as incident response and clearance times.'TIC Situation Data Management' manages connected vehicle situation data collection, quality controls, filtering, aggregation, and storage. Through this process, raw data reported by connected vehicles are transformed into information products that can be accessed and used to support transportation operations and traveler information. The distribution of the connected vehicle-derived information products is handled by other functional objects.'Transit Vehicle V2V Safety' exchanges current vehicle location and motion information with other vehicles in the vicinity, uses that information to predict vehicle paths, and notifies the driver when the potential for an impending collision is detected. Information from on-board sensors (e.g., radars and image processing) are used to augment the V2V communications, if available. In addition to notifying the driver, control information can also be provided to support automated control functions that can avoid the collision. This object is similar to the 'Vehicle Basic V2V Safety', but it accounts for crash scenarios that are unique to transit vehicles (e.g., Vehicle Turning Right in Front of Bus). It is also stop-aware since stop locations pose specific crash threats for transit vehicles. Finally, the detection and control algorithms, filters, and timing account for bus performance and risk profiles associated with remote vehicles that are unique to transit.'Transit Vehicle On-board Paratransit Operations' forwards paratransit and flexible-route dispatch requests to the operator and forwards acknowledgements to the center. It coordinates with, and assists the operator in managing multi-stop runs associated with demand responsive transit services including paratransit. It collects transit vehicle passenger data and makes it available to the center.'Transit Center Paratransit Operations' manages demand responsive transit services, including paratransit services. It supports planning and scheduling of these services, allowing paratransit and other demand response transit services to plan efficient routes and better estimate arrival times. It also supports automated dispatch of paratransit vehicles and tracks passenger pick-ups and drop-offs. Customer service operator systems are updated with the most current schedule information.LVALj .  v+%'CVAC International Administration' generates and processes the entry documentation necessary to obtain release of vehicle, cargo, and driver across an international border, report the results of the crossing event,'CVAC International Administration' generates and processes the entry documentation necessary to obtain release of vehicle, cargo, and driver across an international border, report the results of the crossing event, and handle duty fee processing. It interfaces with the systems used by customs and border protection, immigration, carriers, and service providers (e.g., brokers) to generate, process, and store entry documentation.'CVCE International Border Crossing' checks compliance with import/export and immigration regulations to manage release of commercial vehicle, cargo, and driver across an international border. It includes interfaces to the equipment at international border crossings operated by government agencies such as Customs and Border Protection.'RSE Border Management' supports border operations, providing functions that measure border wait times and provide wait times and other traveler information to approaching vehicles. Short range communications with vehicles and associated equipment supports collection of traveler, vehicle, and cargo information and credentials.'RSE Situation Monitoring' is a general functional object that supports collection of traffic, environmental, and emissions data from passing vehicles. The data is collected, filtered, and forwarded based on parameters provided by the back office. Parameters are provided to passing vehicles that are equipped to collect and send situation data to the infrastructure in snapshots. In addition, this object collects current status information from local field devices including intersection status, sensor data, and signage data, providing complete, configurable monitoring of the situation for the local transportation system in the vicinity of the RSE.'Vehicle Situation Data Monitoring' is the highest-level representation of the functionality required to collect traffic and environmental situation data by monitoring and storing the experience of the vehicle as it travels through the road network. Collected data is aggregated into snapshots that are reported when communications is available and with flow control based on parameters provided by the infrastructure. Note that this functional object supports collection of data for areas remote from RSEs or other communications infrastructure.'TIC Interactive Traveler Information' disseminates personalized traveler information including traffic and road conditions, transit information, maintenance and construction information, multimodal information, event information, and weather information. Tailored information is provided based on the traveler's request in this interactive service.'Vehicle Interactive Traveler Information' provides drivers with personalized traveler information including traffic and road conditions, transit information, maintenance and construction information, multimodal information, event information, and weather information. The provided information is tailored based on driver requests. Both one-time requests for information and on-going information streams based on a submitted traveler profile and preferences are supported.'Personal Traveler Information Reception' receives formatted traffic advisories, road conditions, traffic regulations, transit information, broadcast alerts, and other general traveler information broadcasts and presents the information to the traveler. The traveler information broadcasts are received by personal devices including personal computers and personal portable devices such as smart phones.LVAL= 4|'Freight Equipment Monitoring' includes the on-board devices used to monitor intermodal freight equipment. 'Freight Equipment Monitoring' includes the on-board devices used to monitor intermodal freight equipment. These devices provide freight equipment location and status of the freight, container, or chassis equipment.'RSE Commercial Vehicle Services' provides two-way communication with approaching properly equipped commercial vehicles at mainline speeds for automated vehicle identification and credential checking.'Vehicle Border Crossing Support' uses connected vehicle technology to exchange traveler credentials with border systems to support expedited clearance through international borders.'CV On-Board Electronic Screening Support' exchanges information with roadside facilities, providing information such as driver, vehicle, and carrier identification to roadside facilities that can be used to support electronic screening. Pass/pull-in messages are received and presented to the commercial vehicle driver and screening events are recorded. Additional information, including trip records (e.g., border clearance information), safety inspection records, cargo information, and driver status information may also be collected, stored, and made available to the roadside facility.'Border Inspection Administration' performs administrative functions relating to the inspection of goods and vehicles at the border.'CVCE Electronic Screening' supports electronic credentials and safety screening of commercial vehicles at mainline speeds. It processes the data from the commercial vehicles along with accessed database information to determine whether a pull-in message is needed. It may also generate random pull-in messages with provisions for facility operators and enforcement officials to have manual override capabilities.'CVAC Safety and Security Administration' provides commercial vehicle safety and security criteria to roadside check facilities, collects and reviews safety and security data from the field and distributes safety and security information to other centers, carriers, and enforcement agencies. It also supports wireless roadside inspections, including carrier enrollment, managing and distributing information about trigger areas where wireless inspections may occur, and monitoring the condition of the commercial vehicle and driver using wireless communications at identified trigger areas. It supports the collection and review of carrier and driver safety and security data and supports determination of the carrier and driver safety and security ratings. It clears the out-of-service status when the responsible carrier or driver reports that deficiencies flagged during inspections have been corrected.'CVAC Information Exchange' supports the exchange of safety, credentials, permit data, and other data concerning the operation of commercial vehicles among jurisdictions. The object also supports the exchange of safety, credentials, permit, and operations data between systems (for example, an administrative center and the roadside check facilities) within a single jurisdiction. Data are collected from multiple authoritative sources and packaged into snapshots (top-level summary and critical status information) and profiles (detailed and historical data). Data is made available to fleet operators and other information requestors on request or based on subscriptions established by the requestor.LVAL9 'Emergency Secure Area Alarm Support' receives traveler or transit vehicle operator alarm messages, notifies the system operator, and provides acknowledgement of alarm receipt back to the originator of the alarm. The alarms received can be generated by silent or a'Emergency Secure Area Alarm Support' receives traveler or transit vehicle operator alarm messages, notifies the system operator, and provides acknowledgement of alarm receipt back to the originator of the alarm. The alarms received can be generated by silent or audible alarm systems and may originate from public areas (e.g. transit stops, park and ride lots, transit stations, rest areas) or transit vehicles. The nature of the emergency may be determined based on the information in the alarm message as well as other inputs.'CVCE Citation and Accident Electronic Recording' documents accidents, citations, and violations identified during roadside safety inspections and forwards the information to the Commercial Vehicle Administration Center for processing. It collects data from the vehicle to help characterize the circumstances surrounding the accident.'CV On-Board Safety and Security' collects and processes vehicle and driver safety and security information and provides safety and security information to the Fleet and Freight Management Center. It also supplies this information to the roadside facilities both at mainline speeds and while stopped for inspections. Safety information may also be provided at predetermined trigger areas using wireless communications. The capability to alert the commercial vehicle driver whenever there is a critical safety or security problem or potential emergency is also provided. It also supports on-board driver safety log maintenance and checking.'TIC Freight-Specific Travel Planning' provides traveler information and trip planning services for freight routes from source to destination, customized for freight users to indicate truck routes, truck stops, inspection stations, steep grades, etc.'CV On-Board Trip Monitoring' provides the capabilities to support fleet management with automatic vehicle location and automated mileage and fuel reporting and auditing. In addition, this equipment is used to monitor the planned route and notify the Fleet and Freight Management Center of any deviations. Freight-specific traveler information and restrictions are also collected and reported to the driver to support the trip.'Fleet Administration' provides vehicle tracking, dispatch, and reporting capabilities to fleet management personnel. It gathers current road conditions and traffic information, prepares vehicle routes, and provides a fleet interface for toll collection. It also provides route plan information for network performance evaluation. As part of the tracking function, it monitors commercial vehicle location, compares it against the known route and notifies the Emergency Management Center and Fleet-Freight Manager of any deviations, including HAZMAT route restriction violations. It supports carrier participation in wireless roadside inspection programs, monitoring geographic trigger areas and providing current safety data on behalf of the commercial vehicles it manages. It supports pre-hiring checks for potential drivers and monitors the performance of each driver who is hired. It also supports ongoing monitoring of the company s safety performance.LVALA W'TMC Barrier System Management' remotely monitors and controls barrier systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure under control of center personnel. Barrier systems include automatic or remotely controlle'TMC Barrier System Management' remotely monitors and controls barrier systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure under control of center personnel. Barrier systems include automatic or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other access control systems. It also provides an interface to other centers to allow monitoring and control of the barriers from other centers (e.g., public safety or emergency operations centers).'Center Connected Vehicle Infrastructure Management' is the back office application that supports monitoring and maintenance of the Connected Vehicle infrastructure (RSEs, support systems, and associated communications links). It monitors the performance and configuration of the infrastructure portion of the Connected Vehicle Environment. This includes tracking and management of the infrastructure configuration as well as detection, isolation, and correction of infrastructure service problems. The application also includes monitoring of performance of the infrastructure equipment, including RSEs and communications links.'CVAC Credentials and Taxes Administration' issues credentials, collects fees and taxes, and supports enforcement of credential requirements. It manages driver licensing and enrolls carriers in additional CVO programs such as wireless roadside inspection programs. It communicates with the Fleet and Freight Management Centers associated with the motor carriers to process applications and collect fuel taxes, weight/distance taxes, and other taxes and fees associated with commercial vehicle operations. It also receives applications for, and issues special Oversize/Overweight and HAZMAT permits in coordination with other cognizant authorities. It supports user account management and receives and processes requests for review of carrier and driver status. It communicates with peer functional objects in other jurisdictions to exchange credentials database information.'CVCE Safety and Security Inspection' supports the roadside safety inspection process, including wireless roadside inspections that are conducted remotely. It reads on-board safety data at mainline speeds to rapidly check the vehicle and driver and accesses historical safety data after identifying vehicles at mainline speeds or while stopped at the roadside. The capabilities to process safety data and issue pull-in messages or provide warnings to the driver, carrier, and enforcement agencies are also provided. It includes hand held or automatic devices to rapidly inspect the vehicle and driver. Results of screening and summary safety inspection data are stored and maintained. Since a vehicle may cross jurisdictional boundaries during a trip, it supports the concept of a last clearance event record carried on the vehicle tag. The last clearance event record reflects the results of the roadside verification action. For example, if the vehicle is pulled over in State A and undergoes credential, weight, and safety checks, the results of the clearance process are written to the vehicle s tag. If the vehicle continues the trip and passes a roadside station in State B, the State B station has access to the results of the previous pull-in because it can read the last clearance event record written by the State A roadside station. It associates high-risk cargo with the container/chassis, manifest, carrier, vehicle and driver transporting it.*:gX I w & R  B b  TH DH Q }=p'm2VCCMS Revocation1@US+'' 7VCCMS Misbehavior Reporting and Action@USA==1 7VCCMS Authorization1@US.** 7VCCMS Enrollmentq@US+'' 7VCCMS Provisioning@US-)) 70Roadway Toll Collection SupportY@US;77+ 7HTraveler Interactive Information4@US<88, 7Vehicle Basic Toll/Parking Paymentk@US>::. 7 RSE Toll Collection@US/++ 7Vehicle Rail Crossing Warning@US955) 7eSM Time Synchronization@US3//# 7 fWAID Broadcast Servicesv@US3//# 7 4Electric Charging Station Managementg@US@<<0 7  Roadway Communications Support~@US:66* 7 dORDS Trust Managementw@US1--! 7 fWAID Support Services@US1--! 7fWAID Trust Management@US1--! 7bDDS Trust Management~@US0,, 7eSM Trust Managementu@US/++ 7Personal Support Services@US511% 7Vehicle Support Servicesw@US400$ 7 RSE Support Services@US0,, 7TCenter Support Services@US3//# 7eSM Device Management@US0,, 7dObject Registration and Discovery@US=99- 7bDDS Support Services@US0,, 7bDDS Data Access Management@US622& 7bDDS Data Collection and AggregationM@US?;;/ 7MCM Incident Management2@US3//# 7 RSE Trust Management@US0,, 7Personal Trust Management@US511% 7Vehicle Trust Management@US400$ 7TCenter Trust Management~@US3//# 7 RSE Intermodal Terminal Management@US>::. 79Emergency Commercial Vehicle Response#@USA==1 79Emergency Environmental Monitoring@US>::. 7MCM Work Activity Coordination|@US:66* 7TCenter Data Collection@US2.." 7$Archive Government Reporting+@US844( 7$Archive Data Repository@US3//# 7$Archive On-Line Analysis and Mining@US?;;/ 7$Archive Situation Data Archival_@US;77+ 7"MCV Infrastructure Monitoring@US955) 7MCM Infrastructure Monitoring@US955) 7"MCV Roadway Maintenance and Construction@USD@@4 7"MCV Winter Maintenance@US2.." 7MCM Winter Maintenance Management@US=99- 7MCM Maintenance Decision SupportW@US<88, 7MCM Roadway Maintenancer@US3//# 7WFME On-Site Maintenance@US3//# 7Personal Communications Support@US;77+ 7Vehicle Communications Support~@US:66* 7 RSE Communications Supportz@US622& 7TCenter Permission Management@US844( 7UCore Authorization@US.** 7TCenter Data Subscription Management^@US?;;/ 7 RSE Device Management[@US1--! 7TCenter Connected Vehicle Infrastructure Managementy@USNJJ> 7LVAL G T Zb'Personal Map Management' supports map updates and makes current map and geometry data available to other applications.'Personal Map Management' supports map updates and makes current map and geometry data available to other applications. It manages map data for the device and provides map data to end-user applications that provide location-based services.'FME On-Site Maintenance' provides field personnel with diagnostic information from field equipment and provides the capability for field personnel to locally control and configure this equipment to support on-site installation, repair, and maintenance.'Personal Communications Support' supports secure, reliable communications with other connected devices. It provides the communications functions that add a timestamp, the message origin, and a digital signature in outbound messages and processes, verifies, and authenticates the same fields in inbound messages. It also encrypts (outbound) and decrypts (inbound) sensitive data.'Vehicle Communications Support' supports secure, reliable communications with other connected devices. It provides the communications functions that add a timestamp, the message origin, and a digital signature in outbound messages and processes, verifies, and authenticates the same fields in inbound messages. It also encrypts (outbound) and decrypts (inbound) sensitive data.'RSE Communications Support' supports secure, reliable communications with other connected devices. It provides the communications functions that add a timestamp, the message origin, and a digital signature in outbound messages and processes, verifies, and authenticates the same fields in inbound messages. It also encrypts (outbound) and decrypts (inbound) sensitive data.'Center Permission Management' enables Connected Vehicle system users to request permission to access connected vehicle services. A center may request permission for the center or the infrastructure devices and vehicles associated with the center.'Core Authorization' manages authorization mechanisms to define permissions for System Users. This enables the Core System to establish operational environments where different System Users may have different capabilities in terms of accessing Core services and interacting with one another. For instance, some Mobile elements may be authorized to request signal priority, or some Centers may be permitted to use the geographic broadcast service, while those without those permissions would not.'Center Data Subscription Management' manages data subscriptions for an end user. It provides access to a catalog of available data, manages the necessary user information and rules that govern the data subscriptions, supports communications with data providers to collect data per the subscription rules, and makes the data available to the end user. It provides the local user interface through which a user can specify and manage subscriptions. It supports different mechansims for collecting subscribed data for the end-user including one-time query-response as well as publish-subscribe services.'RSE Device Management' provides executive control and monitoring of the RSE hardware and installed software applications. It monitors the operational status of the hardware and other attached field devices and detects and reports fault conditions. A back office interface supports application installation, upgrade, and configuration as well as remote control of the operating mode and hardware configuration settings and initiation of remote diagnostics. A local interface is provided to field personnel for local monitoring and diagnostics, supporting field maintenance, repair, and replacement.LVAL 7 k 'MCV Infrastructure Monitoring' monitors the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation-related infrastructure (e.g., culverts). It includes vehicle-based sensors that directly monitor th'MCV Infrastructure Monitoring' monitors the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation-related infrastructure (e.g., culverts). It includes vehicle-based sensors that directly monitor the infrastructure, communications that allow roadway-based infrastructure monitoring sensors to be controlled and read, and data communications that allows collected infrastructure condition information to be reported back to a center.'MCM Infrastructure Monitoring' monitors the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation-related infrastructure (e.g., culverts). It monitors the infrastructure, collecting data from both fixed and vehicle-based sensors. In addition to specialized infrastructure monitoring sensors, it also monitors the broader population of equipped vehicles for vertical acceleration data and other situation data that may be used to determine current pavement condition.'MCV Roadway Maintenance and Construction' includes the on-board systems that support routine non-winter maintenance on a roadway system or right-of-way. Routine maintenance includes landscape maintenance, hazard removal (roadway debris, dead animals), routine maintenance activities (roadway cleaning, grass cutting), and repair and maintenance of both ITS and non-ITS equipment on the roadway (e.g., signs, traffic controllers, traffic detectors, dynamic message signs, traffic signals, etc.).'MCV Winter Maintenance' supports snow plow operations and other roadway treatments (e.g., salt spraying and other material applications). It supports communications with the center to receive information and instructions that are provided to the vehicle operator and also supports remote control of on-board systems. It tracks operational status of snow and ice control operations and provides this information back to the center.'MCM Winter Maintenance Management' manages winter road maintenance, tracking and controlling snow plow operations, roadway treatment (e.g., salt spraying and other material applications), and other snow and ice control operations. It monitors environmental conditions and weather forecasts and uses the information to schedule winter maintenance activities, determine the appropriate snow and ice control response, and track and manage response operations.'MCM Maintenance Decision Support' recommends maintenance courses of action based on current and forecast environmental and road conditions and additional application specific information. Decisions are supported through understandable presentation of filtered and fused environmental and road condition information for specific time horizons as well as specific maintenance recommendations that are generated by the system based on this integrated information. The recommended courses of action are supported by information on the anticipated consequences of action or inaction, when available.'MCM Roadway Maintenance' provides overall management and support for routine maintenance on a roadway system or right-of-way. Services managed include landscape maintenance, hazard removal (roadway debris, dead animals), routine maintenance activities (roadway cleaning, grass cutting), and repair and maintenance of non-ITS equipment on the roadway (e.g., signs, gantries, cabinets, guard rails, etc.). Environmental conditions information is also received from various weather sources to aid in scheduling routine maintenance activities. See also MCM Field Equipment Maintenance for maintenance of ITS field equipment.LVAL O=%'WAID Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Cooperative ITS Credentials'WAID Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Cooperative ITS Credentials Management System to maintain a current, valid set of security certificates and identifies, logs, and reports events that may indicate a threat to the Connected Vehicle Environment security.'DDS Data Access Management' defines the access mechanisms, structures and restrictions for inbound (from providers) and outbound (to consumers) data.'Emergency Environmental Monitoring' collects current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information from a variety of sources. The collected environmental information is monitored and presented to the operator and used to more effectively manage incidents.'MCM Work Activity Coordination' disseminates work activity schedules and current asset restrictions to other agencies. Work schedules are coordinated with operating agencies, factoring in the needs and activities of other agencies and adjacent jurisdictions. Work schedules are also distributed to Transportation Information Centers for dissemination to the traveling public.'Center Data Collection' collects and stores information that is created in the course of center operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'Archive Government Reporting' selects and formats data residing in an ITS archive to facilitate local, state, and federal government data reporting requirements. It provides transportation system statistics and performance measures in required formats to support investment and policy decisions.'Archive Data Repository' collects data and data catalogs from one or more data sources and stores the data in a focused repository that is suited to a particular set of ITS data users. It includes capabilities for performing quality checks on the incoming data, error notification, and archive to archive coordination. It supports a broad range of implementations, ranging from simple data marts that collect a focused set of data and serve a particular user community to large-scale data warehouses that collect, integrate, and summarize transportation data from multiple sources and serve a broad array of users within a region. Repositories may be established to support operations planning, performance monitoring and management, and policy and investment decisions.'Archive On-Line Analysis and Mining' provides advanced data analysis, summarization, and mining features that facilitate discovery of information, patterns, and correlations in large data sets. Multidimensional analysis, selective summarization and expansion of data details, and many other advanced analysis services may be offered. Complex performance measures that are derived from multiple data sources may also be produced.'Archive Situation Data Archival' collects and archives traffic, roadway, and environmental information for use in off-line planning, research, and analysis. It controls and collects information directly from equipment at the roadside, reflecting the deployment of traffic detectors that are used primarily for traffic monitoring and planning purposes, rather than for traffic management. It also collects situation data from connected vehicles. The data collected, quality checks performed, and aggregation strategies are defined to support transportation system performance monitoring and management.VLVAL r st'DDS Data Collection and Aggregation' collects data 'deposits' from producers including meta data such as the generation location and time. It authenticates and validates the data deposits and logs all associated meta data. Authenticated, valid data is bundled based on information type and 'DDS Data Collection and Aggregation' collects data 'deposits' from producers including meta data such as the generation location and time. It authenticates and validates the data deposits and logs all associated meta data. Authenticated, valid data is bundled based on information type and location and made available as data products to consumers who are interested in the data. It establishes delivery parameters for data consumers that subscribe based on parameters including content type and geographic region of interest and delivers data to consumers based on these parameters.'MCM Incident Management' supports maintenance and construction participation in coordinated incident response. Incident notifications are shared, incident response resources are managed, and the overall incident situation and incident response status is coordinated among allied response organizations.'RSE Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Security and Credentials Management System to maintain a current, valid set of security certificates and keys and identifies, logs, and reports events that may indicate a threat to Connected Vehicle Environment security.'Personal Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Security and Credentials Management System to maintain a current, valid set of security certificates and identifies, logs, and reports events that may indicate a threat to the Connected Vehicle Environment security.'Vehicle Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Security and Credentials Management System to maintain a current, valid set of security certificates and identifies, logs, and reports events that may indicate a threat to the Connected Vehicle Environment security.'Center Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Security and Credentials Management System to maintain a current, valid set of security certificates and identifies, logs, and reports events that may indicate a threat to the Connected Vehicle Environment security.'RSE Intermodal Terminal Management' manages communications with commercial vehicles on behalf of an Intermodal Terminal. This functional object manages entry to and exit from the facility and supports identification of entering vehicles and associated freight equipment, including containers. It also supports identification and tracking of containers within the terminal and identifies container pickup and drop-off locations, including optional routing instructions within the terminal.'Emergency Commercial Vehicle Response' identifies and initiates a response to commercial vehicle and freight equipment related emergencies. These emergencies may include incidents involving hazardous materials as well as the detection of non-permitted transport of security sensitive hazmat. It identifies the location of the vehicle, the nature of the incident, the route information, and information concerning the freight itself. The information supports the determination of the response and identifies the responding agencies to notify.LVAL ( w _='DDS Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Cooperative ITS Credentials'DDS Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Cooperative ITS Credentials Management System to maintain a current, valid set of security certificates and identifies, logs, and reports events that may indicate a threat to the Connected Vehicle Environment security.'SM Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Cooperative ITS Credentials Management System to maintain a current, valid set of security certificates and keys and identifies, logs and reports events that may indicate a threat to Connected Vehicle security.'Personal Support Services' provides foundational functions that supports data collection, management, and distribution. It coordinates with Object Registration and Discovery to maintain its registration with respect to location/geographic scope and credentialing information. It maintains the necessary security credentials, authorizations, and associated keys to support communications in the connected vehicle environment.'Vehicle Support Services' provides foundational functions that supports data collection, management, and distribution. It coordinates with Object Registration and Discovery to acquire necessary communications information. It maintains the necessary security credentials, authorizations, and associated keys to support communications in the connected vehicle environment.'RSE Support Services' provides foundational functions that supports data collection, management, and distribution. It coordinates with Object Registration and Discovery to maintain its registration with respect to location/geographic scope and credentialing information. It maintains the necessary security credentials, authorizations, and associated keys to support communications in the connected vehicle environment. It maintains precise location and time information to support other services.'Center Support Services' provides foundational functions that support data collection, management, and distribution. It coordinates with Object Registration and Discovery to maintain its registration with respect to location/geographic scope and credentialing information. It maintains the necessary security credentials, authorizations, and associated keys to support communications in the connected vehicle environment.'SM Device Management' provides the functions necessary to manage devices, including network management, operational status monitoring, and application performance monitoring.'Object Registration and Discovery' facilitates the registration of services by the respective service providers and the subsequent query-based discovery of these registered services. Many of the services offered by roadside or center-based service providers operating within the project geographic boundary will require an advertisement of their existence and cyber location to potential users; which consist primarily of PIDs and vehicles, but could include roadside or other center based services.'DDS Support Services' provides foundational functions that support data collection, management, and distribution. It coordinates with Object Registration and Discovery to maintain its registration with respect to location/geographic scope and credentialing information. It maintains the necessary security credentials, authorizations, and associated keys to support communications in the connected vehicle environment. It also provides an overall service monitoring function.LVAL  ) LbC/'RSE Map Management' provides the map functionality necessary to support map data updates to passing vehicles'RSE Map Management' provides the map functionality necessary to support map data updates to passing vehicles. It collects current map and geometry data and provides current map and geometry data to connected vehicles.'Vehicle Basic Toll/Parking Payment' includes the traditional on-board systems that pay for tolls and parking electronically. It includes the 'tag' in-vehicle equipment that communicates with the toll/parking plaza and an optional interface to a carry-in payment device. See also 'Vehicle Payment Services', which provides a broader range of payment services.'RSE Toll Collection' collects electronic tolls using V2I communications in toll plazas and other designated toll collection locations. The RSE is connected with other field equipment that detects vehicles, identifies violators, and provides other toll plaza functionality.'Vehicle Rail Crossing Warning ' uses I2V communications to receive alerts of trains entering HRIs and to provide warnings to drivers regarding the trains. The warning can include second train warning (meaning the HRI gates are about to lower, or remain lowered due to the arrival of a second train). The application can also provide vehicle infringement warnings by using the alert information along with vehicle trajectory information to determine that the vehicle will infringe upon a crossing that is (or will be) occupied by a train.'SM Time Synchronization' provides the functions necessary to receive accurate time from an external Network Time Server and provide that Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as Time Local Form to other center systems and field devices.'WAID Broadcast Services' provides wide-area digital broadcast of traveler information to transportation users across a region. It collects traveler information of interest to clientele (either subscribers or the general public) and distributes the traveler information using broadcast data services that are offered in context with entertainment and other data services.'Electric Charging Station Management' manages vehicle charging. It communicates with the vehicle during charging and provides charge status information to the driver. A connection with Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment provides the capability to integrate charging station coordination and communication into the broader Connected Vehicle Environment.'Roadway Communications Support' supports secure, reliable communications with other connected devices. It provides the communications functions that add a timestamp, the message origin, and a digital signature in outbound messages and processes, verifies, and authenticates the same fields in inbound messages. It also encrypts (outbound) and decrypts (inbound) sensitive data.'ORDS Trust Management' manages the certificates and associated keys that are used to sign, encrypt, decrypt, and authenticate messages. It communicates with the Cooperative ITS Credentials Management System to maintain a current, valid set of security certificates and keys and identifies, logs and reports events that may indicate a threat to Connected Vehicle security.'WAID Support Services' provides foundational functions that support data collection, management, and distribution. It coordinates with Object Registration and Discovery to maintain its registration with respect to location/geographic scope and credentialing information. It maintains the necessary security credentials, authorizations, and associated keys to support communications in the connected vehicle environment. It also provides an overall service monitoring function. LVAL s S "'CCMS Authorization' components provide authorization credentials (e.g., pseudonym certificates) to end entities. The end entity applies for and obtains authorization credentials, enabling the end entity to enter the  Operational state. This function requires an interactive dialog, including at minimum a Certificate Request from the end entity desiring certificates. This request will be checked for validity, with the embedded enrollment certificate checked against an internal blacklist. If all checks are passe'CCMS Authorization' components provide authorization credentials (e.g., pseudonym certificates) to end entities. The end entity applies for and obtains authorization credentials, enabling the end entity to enter the  Operational state. This function requires an interactive dialog, including at minimum a Certificate Request from the end entity desiring certificates. This request will be checked for validity, with the embedded enrollment certificate checked against an internal blacklist. If all checks are passed, this function will distribute a bundle of linked pseudonym certificates suitable for use by the requesting end entity, with the characteristics and usage rules of those certificates dependent on the operational policies of the CCMS. It also provides the secure provisioning of a given object s Decryption Key in response to an authorized request from that object. The retrieved Decryption Key will be used by the receiving object to decrypt the  next valid batch within the set of previously retrieved Security Credential batches.'CCMS Enrollment' components provide enrollment credentials to end entities. The end entity applies for and obtains enrollment credentials that can be used to communicate with other CCMS components, entering the  Unauthorized state. CCMS Enrollment components also participate in de-registration processes through interaction with CCMS Revocation components.'CCMS Provisioning' components provide the end entity with material that allows it to enter the 'Unenrolled' state. This consists of root certificates and the crypto material that allows it to communicate securely with the Enrollment components. This function ensures the requesting entity meets requirements for provisioning and provides the certificates and relevant policy information to entities that meet the requirements.'Roadway Toll Collection Support' provides toll plazas the capability to identify properly equipped vehicles, collect electronic tolls, and provide a positive indication to the driver that a toll was collected. Violators are identified and images are collected. Toll transactions are stored and reported to the Payment Administration Center.'Traveler Interactive Information' provides traffic information, road conditions, transit information, yellow pages (traveler services) information, special event information, and other traveler information that is specifically tailored based on the traveler's request and/or previously submitted traveler profile information. It also supports interactive services that support enrollment, account management, and payments for transportation services. The interactive traveler information capability is provided by a public traveler interface, such as a kiosk.:LVAL N h-Bb'Center Map Management' provides the map functionality necessary to support map updates and use within an oper'Center Map Management' provides the map functionality necessary to support map updates and use within an operational center. It manages map data for the center and provides map data to center applications that use a map.'Vehicle Map Management' supports map updates and makes current map and geometry data available to other applications. It manages map data on-board and provides map data to end-user applications that provide location-based services.'Map Management' provides the GIS functionality necessary to support map data creation and management. It provides an operator interface that supports management of the map data and rendering of the maps under operator control and interfaces to external data sources, including the connected vehicle environment.'RSE Privacy Services' operates as a proxy, replacing the mobile device's network address with the RSE's, and tagging the message so that it can return replies to the mobile device.'PPG Privacy Services' operates as a proxy, replacing the mobile device's network address with the PPG s, and tagging the message so that it can return replies to the mobile device.'CV On-Board Access Monitoring' is an Australia-specific functional object that monitors vehicle access and collects information from the driver. It collects the basic commercial vehicle declarations and information associating trailer with cab, and provides that information to third party monitoring services.'CV On-Board Mass Monitoring' is an Australia-specific functional object that monitors the weight of the cargo load and provides this information along with driver input to third party monitoring services.'CV On-Board Speed Monitoring' is an Australia-specific functional object that monitors commercial vehicle speed and provides this information to third party monitoring services.'CV Driver Work Records' is an Australia-specific functional object that monitors the commercial vehicle driver's working hours and hours of rest. The collected driver log information is made available to third party monitoring services.'CVOBE-SP Information Exchange' is an Australia-specific functional object that provides the data collection functions necessary for the third party monitoring service to collect information from commercial vehicles and provide it to the appropriate commercial vehicle administrator.'CVOBE-SP Safety and Security Administration' is an Australia-specific functional object that provides the rules by which commercial vehicle monitoring data is collected and exchanged. It facilitates changing of those rules, access management and authorization management functions. It collects commercial vehicle information including vehicle speeds, weights, and operating parameters, and a log of driver activity. The information is shared with regulators as well as fleet managers, while operating under various privacy regimes including that of the fleet manager, the local government and the Australian national government.'CCMS Revocation' components generate the internal blacklist and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) and distribute them to other CCMS components and end entities. Once placed on the CRL, an end entity is in the Unauthorized state. Once placed on the blacklist, an end entity is in the Unenrolled state.'CCMS Misbehavior Reporting and Action' components process misbehavior reports from end entities. Misbehavior reports are analyzed and investigated if warranted. Investigated misbehavior reports are correlated with end entities and systemic issues are identified. If revocation is warranted, this component provides information to Authorization or Revocation components to initiate revocation and/or blacklisting, as appropriate.9f'X h * i  E  z 3 K  `F *Rd'YRUl Roadway Reversible Lanes@US400$ 7f Roadway Infrastructure MonitoringM@US=99- 7d Roadway Incident Detection@US622& 7b Roadway HOV Control@US/++ 7^ Roadway Data Collection@US3//# 7\ Roadway Automated Treatment@US733' 7[PCVCE Weigh-In-Motion@US0,, 7ZPCVCE HAZMAT Detection@US1--! 7YHTraveler Security@US-)) 7XHTraveler Information Receptiono@US:66* 7VPersonal Emergency Notification@ US;77+ 7UPersonal Location DeterminationR@ US;77+ 7TPersonal Local Route Guidanced@ US955) 7RGParking Data Collection@ US3//# 7QGParking Coordination@ US0,, 7PTransit Vehicle Securityt@ US400$ 7OTransit Vehicle On-Board Vehicle Signing CommunicationsY@ USSOOC 7NTransit Vehicle On-Board Maintenance)@ US@<<0 7M*EV Barrier System Control*@ US511% 7LCV On-board Driver AuthenticationR@ US=99- 7J Roadway Multimodal Crossing Control@ US?;;/ 7I"MCV Vehicle System Monitoring and Diagnosticsh@ USIEE9 7H"MCV Vehicle Location Tracking@ US955) 7G"MCV Barrier System Control}@ US622& 7FMCM Vehicle Tracking@ US0,, 7EMCM Vehicle Maintenance Management@ US>::. 7BMCM Data Collection=@ US/++ 7AMCM Automated Treatment System Control@ USB>>2 7@Fleet Driver Authentication@ US733' 7>TIC Operations Data Collection[@ US:66* 7<Fleet Credentials and Taxes Management and Reporting@ USPLL@ 7;}Field Secure Area Surveillance@ US:66* 7:}Field Secure Area Sensor MonitoringP@ US?;;/ 78 Roadway Safeguard System Control,@ US<88, 76 Roadway Field Management Station Operation@ USFBB6 74 Roadway Barrier System Control@ US:66* 73Emissions Data Collection1@ US511% 719Emergency Early Warning System@ US:66* 709Emergency Data Collection@ US511% 7-QCVAC Data Collection'@ US0,, 7+9Emergency Secure Area Surveillance7@ US>::. 7*9Emergency Secure Area Sensor Management*@ USC??3 7)9Emergency Secure Area Alarm Support@US?;;/ 7(TMC Barrier System Management@US955) 7'Personal Map Management@US3//# 7& RSE Map Management@ US.** 7%TCenter Map Management@ US1--! 7$Vehicle Map Management@ US2.." 7#Map Management;@ US*&& 7! RSE Privacy Services@ US0,, 7 wPPG Privacy Services@US0,, 7CV On-Board Access Monitoring:@AU955) 7CV On-Board Mass Monitoring@AU733' 7CV On-Board Speed Monitoring@AU844( 7CV Driver Work Records@AU2.." 7tCVOBE-SP Information Exchange@AU955) 7tCVOBE-SP Safety and Security Administrationz@AUGCC7 7LVAL x[y'Roadway Safeguard System Control' includes field equipment that controls safeguard systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure. Safeg'Roadway Safeguard System Control' includes field equipment that controls safeguard systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure. Safeguard systems include blast shields, exhaust systems and other automatic or remotely controlled systems intended to mitigate the impact of an incident.'Roadway Field Management Station Operation' supports direct communications between field management stations and the local field equipment under their control.'Roadway Barrier System Control' includes the field equipment that controls barrier systems used to control access to transportation facilities and infrastructure. Barrier systems include automatic or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other access control systems.'Emissions Data Collection' collects and stores air quality and emissions management information that is collected in the course of Emissions Management Center operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'Emergency Early Warning System' monitors alerting and advisory systems, information collected by ITS surveillance and sensors, and reports from other agencies and uses this information to identify potential, imminent, or in-progress major incidents or disasters. Notification is provided to initiate the emergency response, including public notification using ITS traveler information systems, where appropriate.'Emergency Data Collection' collects and stores emergency information that is collected in the course of operations by the Emergency Management Center. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'CVAC Data Collection' collects and stores commercial vehicle information that is collected in the course of Commercial Vehicle Administration Center operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'Emergency Secure Area Surveillance' monitors surveillance inputs from secure areas in the transportation system. The surveillance may be of secure areas frequented by travelers (i.e., transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities, on-board a transit vehicle, etc.) or around transportation infrastructure such as bridges, tunnels and transit railways or guideways. It provides both video and audio surveillance information to emergency personnel and automatically alerts emergency personnel of potential incidents.'Emergency Secure Area Sensor Management' manages sensors that monitor secure areas in the transportation system, processes the collected data, performs threat analysis in which data is correlated with other sensor, surveillance, and advisory inputs, and then disseminates resultant threat information to emergency personnel and other agencies. In response to identified threats, the operator may request activation of barrier and safeguard systems to preclude an incident, control access during and after an incident or mitigate impact of an incident. The sensors may be in secure areas frequented by travelers (i.e., transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities, on-board a transit vehicle, etc.) or around transportation infrastructure such as bridges, tunnels and transit railways or guideways. The types of sensors include acoustic, threat (e.g. chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors), infrastructure condition and integrity, motion and object sensors.MLVAL ' Ie'Fleet Driver Authentication' collects and stores driver identification records including driver issued PINS and/or individual driver biometric measurements. It manages the storage of driver PINs, data from a driver identification card, and/or biometric measurements for authorized drivers on individual commercial vehicles. Based on information reported by the commercial vehicle, it will determine if the driver is authorized, and notify the Commercial Vehicle Manager when an unauthorized 'Fleet Driver Authentication' collects and stores driver identification records including driver issued PINS and/or individual driver biometric measurements. It manages the storage of driver PINs, data from a driver identification card, and/or biometric measurements for authorized drivers on individual commercial vehicles. Based on information reported by the commercial vehicle, it will determine if the driver is authorized, and notify the Commercial Vehicle Manager when an unauthorized driver is detected. The Commercial Vehicle Manager may override the disable vehicle action. When an unauthorized driver is detected and the system is not overridden, it will issue a message to the commercial vehicle to safely disable the vehicle. If an unauthorized driver is detected, it will send the Emergency Management Center an alert that includes: incident location, current location of the CV, Vehicle ID, Carrier ID, Driver ID, CV Credentials information, and cargo manifest (if known).'TIC Operations Data Collection' collects and stores information that is collected about the transportation information service including data on the number of clients serviced and the services that were provided. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'Fleet Credentials and Taxes Management and Reporting' provides the capability to purchase credentials, file taxes and trip reports electronically, apply for permits, and perform electronic enrollment in expedited border crossing programs. It tracks and manages credentials and provides electronic interfaces to appropriate state and federal commercial vehicle administration centers.'Field Secure Area Surveillance' includes video and audio surveillance equipment that monitors conditions of secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards), transportation infrastructure (e.g. as bridges, tunnels, interchanges, and transit railways or guideways), and public areas (e.g., transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities). It provides the surveillance information to the Emergency Management Center for possible threat detection. It also provides local processing of the video or audio information, providing processed or analyzed results to the Emergency Management Center.'Field Secure Area Sensor Monitoring' includes sensors that monitor conditions of secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards), transportation infrastructure (e.g. Bridges, tunnels, interchanges, and transit railways or guideways), and public areas (e.g., transit stops, transit stations, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities). A range of acoustic, environmental threat (e.g. Chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors), infrastructure condition and integrity and motion and object sensors are included.8LVAL  / , \'Transit Vehicle On-Board Maintenance' collects and processes transit vehicle maintenance data on-board the vehicle, including mileage and vehicle 'Transit Vehicle On-Board Maintenance' collects and processes transit vehicle maintenance data on-board the vehicle, including mileage and vehicle operating conditions. This maintenance information is provided to the management center and used to schedule future vehicle maintenance and repair.'EV Barrier System Control' provides local control of automatic or remotely controlled gates and other barrier systems from an emergency vehicle. Using this capability, emergency personnel can open and close barriers without leaving the vehicle, using V2I Communications to control the barriers.'CV On-board Driver Authentication' monitors the identity of the commercial vehicle driver and compares it with the planned drivers for the commercial vehicle. Any change in driver is sent to the Fleet and Freight Management Center. Notification of any unexpected drivers will also be sent to the Fleet and Freight Management Center which, in turn, may send a disable vehicle command to cause the vehicle to stop. On receipt of a disable vehicle message from the Fleet and Freight Management Center or on detection of an unauthorized driver, the commercial vehicle will be safely disabled.'Roadway Multimodal Crossing Control' monitors multimodal crossings and monitors and controls traffic control equipment in the vicinity of the crossing. Equipment controlled includes warning lights, gates, dynamic message signs, and other systems associated with multimodal crossings. It manages draw bridges and miscellaneous other crossings between highway traffic and other modes. Railroad grade crossings are covered by other service objects.'MCV Vehicle System Monitoring and Diagnostics' includes on-board sensors capable of monitoring the condition of each of the vehicle systems and diagnostics that can be used to support vehicle maintenance. The status of the vehicle and ancillary equipment and diagnostic information is provided to the vehicle operator, repair facility, and dispatch center.'MCV Vehicle Location Tracking' monitors vehicle location and reports the position and timestamp information to the dispatch center.'MCV Barrier System Control' provides local control of automatic or remotely controlled gates and other barrier systems from a maintenance and construction vehicle. This allows maintenance and construction field personnel (e.g., snow plow operators) to open and close gates and other barrier systems without leaving the vehicle, using V2I Communications to control the barriers.'MCM Vehicle Tracking' tracks the location of maintenance and construction vehicles and other equipment. Vehicle/equipment location and associated information is presented to the operator.'MCM Vehicle Maintenance Management' monitors vehicle and equipment condition, tracks maintenance history, and schedules routine and corrective maintenance based on vehicle/equipment utilization and availability schedules.'MCM Data Collection' collects and stores maintenance and construction information that is collected in the course of operations by the Maintenance and Construction Management Center. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'MCM Automated Treatment System Control' remotely monitors and controls automated road treatment systems that disperse anti-icing chemicals or otherwise treat a road segment. The automated treatment system may be remotely activated by this object or it may include environmental sensors that activate the system automatically based on sensed environmental conditions. This object monitors treatment system operation, sets operating parameters, and directly controls system activation if necessary.^LVAL 3 d_|'PAC Data Collection' collects and stores toll, road use, parking, and other payment information that is collected in the course of operations performed by the 'PAC Data Collection' collects and stores toll, road use, parking, and other payment information that is collected in the course of operations performed by the Payment Administration Center. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'Personal Emergency Notification' provides the capability for travelers to report an emergency or activate a panic button to summon assistance. The personal mayday capability is provided by a portable device such as a smart phone.'Personal Location Determination' receives current location information and provides this information to other applications that use the location information to provide guidance and emergency notification services. It interfaces with and encapsulates positioning technology such as a GPS receiver that is embedded in the user's device.'Personal Local Route Guidance' provides multi-modal route planning and transition by transition route guidance capabilities that are self-contained on the personal device. It provides autonomous route guidance in the absence of real-time information or factors in real-time information provided by the infrastructure into its route selection and guidance algorithms if available. It also includes truly autonomous systems that are not configured to receive or process any external data. The route guidance capabilities are hosted on personal devices including smart phones, tablets, and personal computers.'Parking Data Collection' collects and stores parking information that is collected in the course of parking system operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'Parking Coordination' supports communication and coordination between equipped parking facilities and also supports regional coordination between parking facilities and traffic management systems. Coordination with traffic management supports local traffic control coordination in and around the parking facility and broader regional coordination. It also shares information with transit management systems and information providers to support multimodal travel planning, including parking reservations capabilities. Information including current parking availability, system status, and operating strategies are shared to enable local parking facility management that supports regional transportation strategies.'Transit Vehicle Security' provides security and safety functions on-board the transit vehicle. It includes surveillance and sensor systems that monitor the on-board environment, silent alarms that can be activated by transit user or vehicle operator, operator authentication, and a remote vehicle disable function. The surveillance equipment includes video (e.g. CCTV cameras), audio systems and/or event recorder systems. The sensor equipment includes threat sensors (e.g. chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors) and object detection sensors (e.g. metal detectors).'Transit Vehicle On-Board Vehicle Signing Communications' provides the capability for the transit vehicle to distribute information to vehicles in the vicinity for in-vehicle display. The information provided supplements external signs and signals on the transit vehicle and may include notification that the vehicle (e.g., a school bus) is making a passenger stop or notice that the transit vehicle is attempting to merge and is requesting gap assistance. It includes an interface to the transit operator and the short range communications equipment that provides information to passing vehicles.LVAL  'Roadway Infrastructure Monitoring' monitors the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation-related infrastructure (e.g.,'Roadway Infrastructure Monitoring' monitors the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation-related infrastructure (e.g., culverts). It includes sensors that monitor the infrastructure and the communications necessary to report this data to a center or vehicle-based maintenance system.'Roadway Incident Detection' provides incident detection using traffic detectors and surveillance equipment. It monitors for unusual traffic conditions that may indicate an incident or processes surveillance images, watching for potential incidents. It provides potential incident information as well as traffic flow and images to the center for processing and presentation to traffic operations personnel.'Roadway HOV Control' monitors and controls high occupancy vehicle (HOV) and high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes. It includes traffic sensors that monitor HOV lane usage and display equipment such as lane control signals that provide lane status to drivers.'Roadway Data Collection' collects traffic, road, and environmental conditions information for use in transportation planning, research, and other off-line applications where data quality and completeness take precedence over real-time performance. It includes the sensors, supporting roadside infrastructure, and communications equipment that collects and transfers information to a center for archival.'Roadway Automated Treatment' automatically treats a roadway section based on environmental or atmospheric conditions or under center control. Treatments include fog dispersion, anti-icing chemicals, etc. It communicates with the center and environmental sensors to support system activation and optionally with sign(s) that warn the driver in adverse conditions when the system is activated.'CVCE Weigh-In-Motion' measures and records axle weights and gross vehicle weight without requiring the vehicle to come to a stop. Both permanent and portable installations are supported and may be performed in conjunction with electronic clearance or as a separate application.'CVCE HAZMAT Detection' detects and identifies commercial vehicles carrying security sensitive hazardous materials. It assesses the likelihood of the presence of security sensitive HAZMAT materials based on remote sensed data as well as other physical information acquired about the commercial vehicle. It then determines if any detected HAZMAT is authorized. If unauthorized HAZMAT material is detected, a pull-in message is generated. It may also issue a message to the Emergency Management Center (Police Dispatch) that includes: location of the incident, current location of the commercial vehicle, timestamp, Vehicle ID, Carrier ID, Driver ID, CV Credentials information, HAZMAT material or category detected, and cargo manifest (if known).'Traveler Security' provides the capability to report an emergency or summon assistance from secure areas such as transit stops, transit stations, modal transfer facilities, rest stops and picnic areas, park-and-ride areas, tourism and travel information areas, and emergency pull off areas. This object includes interfaces that support initiation of an alarm and presentation of the returned alarm acknowledgement as well as a broadcast message to advise or warn the traveler.'Traveler Information Reception' receives formatted traffic advisories, road conditions, transit information, broadcast alerts, and other general traveler information broadcasts and presents the information to the traveler with a public traveler interface. It includes the receiver and public display device such as a large display monitor or other public display.LVAL^5 'TMC Incident Detection' identifies and reports incidents to Traffic Operations Personnel. It remotely monitors and controls traffic sensor and surveillance systems that support incident detection and verification. It analyzes and reduces the collected sen'TMC Incident Detection' identifies and reports incidents to Traffic Operations Personnel. It remotely monitors and controls traffic sensor and surveillance systems that support incident detection and verification. It analyzes and reduces the collected sensor and surveillance data, external alerting and advisory and incident reporting systems, anticipated demand information from intermodal freight depots, border crossings, special event information, and identifies and reports incidents and hazardous conditions'TMC HOV Lane Management' provides center monitoring and control of HOV lanes. It coordinates freeway ramp meters and connector signals with HOV lane usage signals to provide preferential treatment to HOV lanes. In advanced implementations, it automatically detects HOV violators.'TMC Demand Management Coordination' provides the capability to gather information on regional toll, parking, and transit usage and request changes to pricing and other mechanisms to manage overall transportation demand.'Roadway Standard Rail Crossing' manages highway traffic at highway-rail intersections (HRIs) where operational requirements do not dictate advanced features (e.g., where rail operational speeds are less than 80 miles per hour). Either passive (e.g., the crossbuck sign) or active warning systems (e.g., flashing lights and gates) are supported depending on the specific requirements for each intersection. These traditional HRI warning systems may also be augmented with other standard traffic management devices. The warning systems are activated on notification of an approaching train by interfaced wayside equipment. The equipment at the HRI may also be interconnected with adjacent signalized intersections so that local control can be adapted to highway-rail intersection activities. Health monitoring of the HRI equipment and interfaces is performed; detected abnormalities are reported through interfaces to the wayside interface equipment and the Traffic Management Center.'TMC Service Patrol Management' supports dispatch and communication with service patrol vehicles that monitor roads to aid motorists, offering rapid response to minor incidents.'TMC Safeguard System Management' remotely monitors and controls safeguard systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure. Safeguard systems include blast shielding, exhaust systems and other automatic or remotely controlled systems intended to mitigate the impact of an incident. When access to a transportation facility is impacted by the activation of a safeguard system, impacted systems and travelers are notified.'Roadway Signal Preemption' includes the field elements that receive signal preemption requests from emergency vehicles approaching a signalized intersection and overrides the current operation of the traffic signals to stop conflicting traffic and grant right-of-way to the approaching vehicle.'Roadway Reversible Lanes' includes field elements that monitor and control reversible lane facilities. It includes the traffic sensors, surveillance equipment, lane control signals, physical lane access controls, and other field elements that manage traffic on these facilities. It provides current reversible lane facility status information and accepts requests and control commands from the controlling center.@8v0^ G h  I  u * W  Do*d-Ow6^QITerminal Data Collection@US400$ 7Transit Vehicle Pedestrian Safety@US=99- 7/PAC Road Pricing Administration@US;77+ 7 RSE Emissions Monitoring@US400$ 7Vehicle Platoon Operations@US622& 7TMC CACC Operations)@US/++ 7 RSE CACC Operations@US/++ 7MBIAC Data Collection%@US0,, 7*EV Service Patrol Vehicle Operations)@US@<<0 7Personal Incident Scene Safety@US:66* 7 RSE Incident Scene Safety@US511% 7 Roadway Incident Scene Safetyf@US955) 7Transit Center Environmental Monitoring2@USC??3 7 Roadway Support Services@US400$ 7TMC Data Collection@ US/++ 7TMC Road Weather Advisories and Warnings@USD@@4 7CV On-Board Special Vehicle Safety@US>::. 7GParking Park and Ride Operations/@US<88, 7Transit Center Park and Ride Operations@USC??3 7Personal Shared Use Planning@US844( 7TIC Shared Use@US*&& 7HTraveler Trip PlanningH@US2.." 7TMC Passive Surveillance@US400$ 7 RSE Infrastructure Monitoring@US955) 7 Roadway Field Device Support@US844( 7 RSE Road Closure ManagementX@US733' 7TMC Standard Rail Crossing ManagementB@USA==1 7 Roadway Passive Monitoring@US622& 7Vehicle Secure Area Access Systeme@US=99- 7Vehicle Safety Monitoring]@US511% 7Vehicle Location Determination@US:66* 7Vehicle Control Warning@US3//# 7Vehicle Control Automation@US622& 7Vehicle Local Route Guidance@US844( 7TIC Traveler Telephone Information7@US>::. 7Transit Center Operator Assignment"@US>::. 7Transit Center Vehicle Assignment@US=99- 7Transit Garage Maintenance(@US622& 7Transit Center Data Collection0@US:66* 7Transit Center Vehicle Tracking2@US;77+ 7Transit Center Securityy@US3//# 7Transit Center Fixed-Route OperationsM@USA==1 7TMC Roadway Equipment Monitoring@US<88, 7/PAC Data CollectionD@ US/++ 7TMC Traffic Network Performance Evaluation @USFBB6 7TMC Traffic Management Decision Support@USC??3 7}TMC Reversible Lane ManagementX@US:66* 7|TMC Situation Data Managementw@US955) 7{TMC Multimodal Crossing Management@US>::. 7zTMC Incident Detection@US2.." 7yTMC HOV Lane Management@US3//# 7xTMC Demand Management Coordination@US>::. 7v Roadway Standard Rail Crossing@US:66* 7uTMC Service Patrol Management@US955) 7tTMC Safeguard System Management@US;77+ 7p Roadway Signal Preemption)@US511% 7LVALf  'TMC Traffic Network Performance Evaluation' measures traffic network performance and predicts travel demand patterns to support traffic flow optimization, demand management, and incident management. It collects traffic data from sensors and surveillance equipment as well as input from other Traffic Management Centers, emissions management, transit operations, and event promoters and'TMC Traffic Network Performance Evaluation' measures traffic network performance and predicts travel demand patterns to support traffic flow optimization, demand management, and incident management. It collects traffic data from sensors and surveillance equipment as well as input from other Traffic Management Centers, emissions management, transit operations, and event promoters and uses this information to measure traffic network performance. It collects route planning information from transportation information centers and integrates and uses this information to predict future traffic conditions. The planned control strategies can be passed back to the transportation information center so that the intended strategies can be reflected in future route planning.'TMC Traffic Management Decision Support' recommends courses of action to the traffic operator based on current and forecast road and traffic conditions. Traffic incidents, special events, maintenance activities and other events or conditions that impact capacity or demand are monitored. Historical data and models are used to compare the impact of potential courses of action and make recommendations to the operator. Decisions are supported through presentation of filtered and fused network-wide road and traffic conditions that identify network imbalances and recommended courses of action. The recommended actions may include predefined incident response plans, signal timing plan changes, DMS/HAR messages, truck restrictions, lane control strategies, metering strategies, and adjustment of variable speed limits. Multimodal strategies may also be recommended that include suggested transit strategies and suggested route and mode choices for travelers. Once a course of action is selected, traffic operations personnel implement these actions within the Traffic Management Center and coordinate the response with other centers in the region.'TMC Reversible Lane Management' remotely monitors and controls reversible lanes. It provides an interface to reversible lane field equipment (traffic sensors, surveillance equipment, lane control signals, physical lane access controls, etc.) and to traffic operations personnel to support central monitoring and control of these facilities.'TMC Situation Data Management' collects, assimilates, and disseminates vehicle probe data collected from roadside short range communications equipment and centers controlling transit vehicles, toll collection points, and route-guided vehicles. It estimates traffic and road conditions based on the aggregated probe data and disseminates this information to other centers.'TMC Multimodal Crossing Management' remotely monitors and manages multimodal crossings, including draw bridges and other crossings between highway traffic and other modes. Equipment controlled includes warning lights, gates, dynamic message signs, and other systems that provide driver information and control traffic at multimodal crossings. Railroad grade crossings are covered by other service objects.xLVALJ R"'Roadway Incident Scene Safety' includes field elements that detect vehicle intrusions in geofenced areas at an incident scene and warns public safety responders and drivers of 'Roadway Incident Scene Safety' includes field elements that detect vehicle intrusions in geofenced areas at an incident scene and warns public safety responders and drivers of imminent encroachment. Responder movements relative to the geofence are also monitored so that public safety responders can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.'Transit Garage Maintenance' provides advanced maintenance functions for the transit property. It collects operational and maintenance data from transit vehicles, manages vehicle service histories, and monitors operators and vehicles. It collects vehicle mileage data and uses it to automatically generate preventative maintenance schedules for each vehicle by utilizing vehicle tracking data. In addition, it provides information to service personnel to support maintenance activities and records and verifies that maintenance work was performed.'Transit Center Data Collection' collects and stores transit information that is collected in the course of transit operations performed by the Transit Management Center. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'Transit Center Vehicle Tracking' monitors transit vehicle location. The location information is collected via a data communication link between the transit vehicles and the transit center. The location information is presented to the transit operator on a digitized map of the transit service area. The location data may be used to determine real time schedule adherence and update the transit system s schedule in real-time. The real-time schedule information is disseminated to other information providers, which furnish the information to travelers.'Transit Center Security' monitors transit vehicle operator or traveler activated alarms received from on-board a transit vehicle. It supports transit vehicle operator authentication and provides the capability to remotely disable a transit vehicle. It also includes the capability to alert operators and police to potential incidents identified by these security features.'Transit Center Fixed-Route Operations' manages fixed route transit operations. It supports creation of schedules, blocks and runs for fixed and flexible route transit services. It allows fixed-route and flexible-route transit services to disseminate schedules and automatically updates customer service operator systems with the most current schedule information. It also supports automated dispatch of transit vehicles. Current vehicle schedule adherence and optimum scenarios for schedule adjustment are also provided. It also receives and processes transit vehicle loading data.'TMC Roadway Equipment Monitoring' monitors the operational status of field equipment and detects failures. It presents field equipment status to Traffic Operations Personnel and reports failures to the Maintenance and Construction Management Center. It tracks the repair or replacement of the failed equipment. The entire range of ITS field equipment may be monitored including sensors (traffic, infrastructure, environmental, security, speed, etc.) and devices (highway advisory radio, dynamic message signs, automated roadway treatment systems, barrier and safeguard systems, cameras, traffic signals and override equipment, ramp meters, beacons, security surveillance equipment, etc.).LVALc A >'Transit Center Environmental Monitoring' assimilates current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information from a variety of sources, i'Transit Center Environmental Monitoring' assimilates current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information from a variety of sources, including both weather service providers and vehicle probes. The collected environmental information is monitored and used to support transit operations.'Roadway Support Services' provides foundational functions that supports data collection, management, and distribution. It coordinates with Object Registration and Discovery to maintain its registration with respect to location/geographic scope and credentialing information. It maintains the necessary security credentials, authorizations, and associated keys to support communications in the connected vehicle environment.'Vehicle Control Automation' provides lateral and/or longitudinal control of a vehicle to allow 'hands off' and/or 'feet off' driving, automating the steering, accelerator, and brake control functions. It builds on the sensors included in 'Vehicle Safety Monitoring' and 'Vehicle Control Warning' and uses the information about the area surrounding the vehicle to safely control the vehicle. It covers the range of incremental control capabilities from driver assistance systems that take over steering or acceleration/deceleration in limited scenarios with direct monitoring by the driver to full automation where all aspects of driving are automated under all roadway and environmental conditions.'Vehicle Local Route Guidance' provides route planning and turn by turn route guidance to a driver using computational resources and a digital map on-board the vehicle. It includes autonomous systems that are not configured to receive or process real-time information as well as systems that are equipped to receive real-time traffic and road conditions information from the infrastructure that are factored into the route selection and guidance algorithms.'TIC Traveler Telephone Information' services voice-based traveler requests for information that supports traveler telephone information systems like 511. It takes requests for traveler information, which could be voice-formatted traveler requests, dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF)-based requests, or a simple traveler information request, and returns the requested traveler information in the proper format. In addition to servicing requests for traveler information, it also collects and forwards alerts and advisories to traveler telephone information systems.'Transit Center Operator Assignment' automates and supports the assignment of transit vehicle operators to runs. It assigns operators to runs in a fair manner while minimizing labor and overtime services, considering operator preferences and qualifications, and automatically tracking and validating the number of work hours performed by each individual operator. It also provides an exception handling process for the operator assignment function to generate supplemental operator assignments when required by changes during the operating day.'Transit Center Vehicle Assignment' assigns individual transit vehicles to vehicle blocks and downloads this information to the transit vehicle. It also provides an exception handling process for the vehicle assignment function to generate new, supplemental vehicle assignments when required by changes during the operating day. It provides an inventory management function for the transit facility which stores functional attributes about each of the vehicles owned by the transit operator. These attributes permit the planning and assignment functions to match vehicles with routes based on suitability for the types of service required by the particular routes.LVALm T g'Roadway Field Device Support' monitors the operational status of field devices and detects and reports fault conditions. Consolidated operational status (device status, configuration, and fault information)'Roadway Field Device Support' monitors the operational status of field devices and detects and reports fault conditions. Consolidated operational status (device status, configuration, and fault information) are reported for resolution and repair. A local interface is provided to field personnel for local monitoring and diagnostics, supporting field maintenance, upgrade, repair, and replacement of field devices.'RSE Road Closure Management' communicates with qualified Connected Vehicles and barrier control systems to support local road closure management. It validates and requests implementation of road closure requests. During a closure, it can also support selective access to the closed area, only granting entry permission to allowed vehicles.'TMC Standard Rail Crossing Management' monitors and controls rail crossing traffic control equipment. This version provides basic support for standard active warning systems at grade crossings. It remotely monitors and reports the status of the rail crossing equipment and sends control plan updates to the equipment.'Roadway Passive Monitoring' monitors passing vehicles for a signature that can be used to recognize the same vehicle at different points in the network and measure travel times. Depending on the implementation and the penetration rate of the technology that is monitored, other point traffic measures may also be inferred by monitoring the number of vehicles within range over time. Today this approach is implemented most commonly using a Bluetooth receiver that passively monitors Bluetooth devices on-board passing vehicles and license plate readers that record the vehicle license plate number, but any widely deployed vehicle communications technology or feature that can be passively monitored to uniquely identify a vehicle could be used.'Vehicle Secure Area Access System' provides access to secure areas such as shipping yards, warehouses, airports, transit-only ramps, parking gates and other areas. It accepts inputs from the vehicle driver that include the necessary identity information and uses this information to generate the request to activate a barrier to gain access to the area.'Vehicle Safety Monitoring' monitors critical components of the vehicle and warns the driver of safety issues. These capabilities are provided by on-board sensors that monitor vehicle condition and performance, including steering, braking, acceleration, emissions, fuel economy, engine performance, etc. This service object can also monitor the driver s condition and warn the driver of potential safety issues. It includes sensors and behavior monitoring capabilities that assess the suitability of the driver (e.g., fitness and alertness) to assume or maintain manual control of the vehicle.'Vehicle Location Determination' receives current location of the vehicle and provides this information to vehicle applications that use the location information to provide ITS services.'Vehicle Control Warning' monitors areas around the vehicle and provides warnings to a driver so the driver can take action to recover and maintain safe control of the vehicle. It includes lateral warning systems that warn of lane departures and obstacles or vehicles to the sides of the vehicle and longitudinal warning systems that monitor areas in the vehicle path and provide warnings when headways are insufficient or obstacles are detected in front of or behind the vehicle. It includes on-board sensors, including radars and imaging systems, and the driver information system that provides the visual, audible, and/or haptic warnings to the driver.LVAL E "@/'TMC Data Collection' collects and stores information that is created in the course of traffic operations performed by the Traffic Managemen'TMC Data Collection' collects and stores information that is created in the course of traffic operations performed by the Traffic Management Center. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'TMC Road Weather Advisories and Warnings' provides road weather advisories to drivers and other travelers. Advisories are based on environmental information collected from a variety of data sources, including data collected from roadside sensors and connected vehicles.'CV On-Board Special Vehicle Safety' alerts vehicles in the vicinity of a commercial vehicle that is oversized, slow, or performs maneuvers that may impact surrounding vehicles.'Parking Park and Ride Operations' manages parking lots specifically to support park and ride operations, providing additional coordination with transit operations on parking arrivals and transit arrivals and departures, smoothing the transition between parking and riding for park and ride customers.'Transit Park and Ride Operations' supports additional coordination required for park and ride operations. It monitors park and ride customer arrivals in the parking facility and manages the transit services for those park and ride customers.'Personal Shared Use Planning' provides a personalized connection to shared use mobility including vehicle shared use and arranging person trips. The shared use plan is calculated based on preferences and constraints supplied by the traveler and provided to the traveler for confirmation. Many equipment configurations are possible including systems that provide a basic trip plan to the traveler as well as more sophisticated systems that can provide transition by transition guidance to the traveler along a multi-modal route with transfers. Devices represented by this functional object include desktop computers at home, work, or at major trip generation sites, plus personal devices such as tablets and smart phones.'TIC Shared Use' provides shared use services for eligible travelers, connecting with travelers for specific trips or vehicle usage based on preferences. Reservations and advanced payment are also supported so that each segment of the shared use/ trip may be confirmed.'Traveler Trip Planning' provides a personalized trip plan to the traveler. The trip plan is calculated based on preferences and constraints supplied by the traveler and provided to the traveler for confirmation. It represents kiosks and other fixed public interactive displays that may be used by travelers in public areas.'TMC Passive Surveillance' collects time stamped vehicle identities from different detection zones, correlates the identities, and calculates link travel times and derives other traffic measures.'RSE Infrastructure Monitoring' collects environmental situation (probe) data from passing vehicles that are equipped with short range communications capability with particular focus on measures that may indicate infrastructure condition. The collected data includes current environmental conditions as measured by on-board sensors (e.g., ambient temperature and precipitation measures) and current status of vehicle systems that can be used to infer infrastructure condition (e.g., status of ABS, traction control systems, vertical acceleration measures) as reported by the vehicle. This service object also supports short range communications with maintenance and construction vehicles, providing local control and monitoring of infrastructure sensors.ILVALdN %  ag'RSE Emissions Monitoring' collects emissions data from passing vehicles that are equipped with short range communications capability and have the capability to collect and report emissions data. The collected data includes current emissions as measu'RSE Emissions Monitoring' collects emissions data from passing vehicles that are equipped with short range communications capability and have the capability to collect and report emissions data. The collected data includes current emissions as measured or calculated by on-board equipment. The functional object collects the provided data, aggregates and filters the data based on provided configuration parameters, and sends the collected information back to a center for processing and distribution.'Vehicle Platoon Operations' provides the capability for vehicles to operate in cooperative platoons with short fixed gaps and a designated lead vehicle. These capabilities are provided by systems on board the vehicle that coordinate with other vehicles and regulate acceleration and braking and provide higher-level functions that enable vehicles to join and depart from vehicle platoons.'TMC CACC Operations' provides the back office functionality that supports formation and dissolution of strings of CACC-equipped vehicles and provides operating parameters including string length, recommended speeds, and gaps that take into account regional traffic and environmental conditions.'RSE CACC Operations' provides infrastructure support for formation and dissolution of strings of CACC-equipped vehicles and provides operating parameters to the strings of vehicles including string length, recommended speeds, and gaps.'BIAC Data Collection' collects and stores border inspection information that is collected in the course of Border Inspection Administration Center operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'EV Service Patrol Vehicle Operations' provides on-board processing and communications to service patrol vehicles that reduce response times and improve safety of responding personnel. It supports service patrol vehicle dispatch and provides incident information back to the dispatching center.The 'Personal Incident Scene Safety' application improves public safety responder safety by providing responder location information to the infrastructure that can be used to avoid collisions involving the public safety responders. The application may also alert responders if they travel beyond the designated safe zone. The information provided and the user interface delivery mechanism (visual, audible, or haptic) can also be tailored to the needs of the user that is carrying or wearing the device that hosts the application.'RSE Incident Scene Safety' communicates with Connected Vehicles and Personal Information Devices carried or worn by public safety responders to detect vehicle intrusions in designated work areas at an incident scene and warn responders and drivers of imminent encroachment. Public safety responder movements are also monitored so that the responders can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.LVALM V S'Field System System Monitoring and Diagnostics' includes background self-tests, diagostics, watch dog timers, and other hardware and software that monitors the o'Field System System Monitoring and Diagnostics' includes background self-tests, diagostics, watch dog timers, and other hardware and software that monitors the operating condition of field equipment. The status of the equipment and diagnostic information is provided to local maintenance personnel and the operating center.'Vehicle System Monitoring and Diagnostics' includes on-board sensors and integrated self test software that monitors the condition of each of the vehicle systems and diagnostics that can be used to support vehicle maintenance. The status of the vehicle and ancillary equipment and diagnostic information is provided to the driver and service center.'Traveler System System Monitoring and Diagnostics' includes background self-tests, diagostics, watch dog timers, and other hardware and software that monitors the operating condition of the Traveler Support Equipment. The status of the equipment and diagnostic information is provided to local maintenance personnel and the operating center.'Center System System Monitoring and Diagnostics' includes background self-tests, diagostics, watch dog timers, and other hardware and software that monitors the operating condition of the center. The status of the center equipment and diagnostic information is provided to center operations personnel and maintenance personnel that may be operating remotely from the center.'Terminal Data Collection' collects and stores information that is collected in the course of intermodal terminal operations. This data can be used directly by operations personnel or it can be made available to other data users and archives in the region.'Transit Vehicle Pedestrian Safety' exchanges current location and motion information with pedestrian-carried devices in the vicinity and uses that information to warn the driver of pedestrians in the vehicle's path. Information from on-board sensors (e.g., radars and image processing) are used to augment the short range communications, if available. In addition to notifying the driver, control information can also be provided to support automated control functions that can avoid the collision.'PAC Road Pricing Administration' enables payment for road use based on VMT, vehicle type, vehicle emissions, or other parameters. It establishes a price schedule based on these parameters that may vary by time, location or zone, vehicle type, and/or vehicle behavior. Pricing strategies may also include incentives that allow reimbursement of fees previously paid for good behavior (e.g., VMT reductions, economical driving behavior, avoidance of peak periods or congested zones). It receives vehicle data (e.g., time stamped roadways used by the vehicle since the last transmission) and computes the total cost to the vehicle owner for payment. Based on owner preference, this cost is either billed to the owner or requested from an in-vehicle payment instrument. Payment for use of roadways not operated by the specific instance of the VMT Payment Administration that the vehicle is registered with, will be reconciled. Payment violations can be reported to Enforcement Agencies when appropriate. Finally, vehicle owners can interact with this object using personal devices or public terminals to setup and edit account preferences for owned vehicles, get account reports, and make payments.\ u6 d ( D  d  E a 0 'Re(User Defined Start)US$ cTCenter Personal Information Device Management@USIEE9 7 RSE Communications Relay@US400$ 7TIC Traffic Regulation Dissemination@US@<<0 7 RSE Loading Zone Management @US733' 7GLoading Zone Management@US3//# 7Vehicle Data Subscription ManagementT@US@<<0 7Personal Data Subscription ManagementU@USA==1 7 RSE Data Subscription Management@US<88, 7TCenter Traveler Support Equipment Management@ USHDD8 7HTraveler System Executive@ US511% 7Personal Device System Monitoring and Diagnostics2@USMII= 7Personal Device System Executive-@US<88, 7Vehicle System Executive@US400$ 7SME IT Maintenancen@US/++ 7TCenter System Executive@US3//# 7TCenter Field Equipment Management@US=99- 7MCM Field Equipment MaintenanceS@US;77+ 7Field System Executive @US2.." 7Fleet Maintenance Managementi@US844( 7Field System Monitoring and DiagnosticsG@USC??3 7Vehicle System Monitoring and Diagnosticsa@USEAA5 7HTraveler System Monitoring and DiagnosticsY@USFBB6 7TCenter System Monitoring and Diagnosticsz@USD@@4 7LVAL  7 s 2'Center Traveler Support Equipment Management' is the back office application that supports monitoring and maintenance of traveler support equipment. It monitors the performance and configuration of the equipment. This inclu'Center Traveler Support Equipment Management' is the back office application that supports monitoring and maintenance of traveler support equipment. It monitors the performance and configuration of the equipment. This includes management of the infrastructure configuration as well as detection, isolation, and correction of equipment problems. The application also includes monitoring of performance of the equipment, including communications links.'Traveler System Executive' provides the operating system kernal and executive functions that manage the overall device software configuration and operation and support configuration management, resource management, and govern software installation and upgrade.'Personal Device Monitoring and Diagnostics' includes background self-tests, diagostic software, and other hardware and software that monitors the operating condition of a personal information device. The status of the device and diagnostic information is provided to the user and the associated center.'Personal Device System Executive' provides the operating system kernal and executive functions that manage the hardware and software configuration and settings, manages installed applications, and manages device resources. It provides device security and governs software installation and upgrade.'Vehicle System Executive' provides the operating system kernal and executive functions that manage the software configuration and operation and support computer resource management, security, and software installation and upgrade.'SME IT Maintenance' provides diagnostics and troubleshooting capabilities for information technology equipment that supports backoffice operations for intelligent transportation systems. It also provides the capability to control and configure this equipment to support on-site installation, repair, and maintenance and remote software configuration and upgrade.'Center System Executive' provides the operating system and executive functions that manage computer resources, user accounts, and installed applications. It provides security features and manages software installation and upgrade.'Center Field Equipment Management' is the back office application that supports monitoring and maintenance of field equipment. It monitors the performance and configuration of the field equipment. This includes management of the infrastructure configuration as well as detection, isolation, and correction of field equipment problems. The application also includes monitoring of performance of the field equipment, including communications links.'MCM Field Equipment Maintenance' provides overall management and support for maintenance of field equipment on a roadway system or right-of-way. Services include repair and maintenance of ITS field equipment on the roadway (e.g., electronic toll collection equipment, electronic clearance equipment, weigh-in-motion sensors, , etc.).'Field System Executive' includes the operating system kernal and executive functions that manage the overall device software configuration and operation and support configuration management, computer resource management, and govern software installation and upgrade.'Fleet Maintenance Management' tracks and monitors diagnostic results, vehicle mileage, inspection records, driver logs, and repair and service records collected from a commercial vehicle fleet equipped with on-board monitoring equipment. The data is used to develop preventative maintenance and repair schedules and repair and service records are maintained.LVAL j }'RSE Communications Relay' provides message relay services that extend effective communications range to improve communications systems performance and robustness. It also supports safey applications 'RSE Communications Relay' provides message relay services that extend effective communications range to improve communications systems performance and robustness. It also supports safey applications such as wrong way vehicle detection and other applications where roadside communication of warnings beyond DSRC range are needed to compensate for high speeds or line of site/RF interference challenges.'TIC Traffic Regulation Dissemination' disseminates rules, regulations, and statutes that govern motor vehicle operation. It aggregates regulations from regulatory authorities and then disseminates the relevant regulations to vehicles and other mobile devices.'RSE Loading Zone Management' uses I2V communications to monitor and communicate with equipped vehicles approaching and/or in the loading zone. It monitors loading zone space occupancy by equipped vehicles and makes this information available to arriving vehicles and other applications. It monitors the time each vehicle spends in the loading zone and provides this information to drivers in the zone and other applications. Vehicles that have a reservation are identified on arrival and directed to the reserved spot.'Loading Zone Management' manages loading zones. It monitors loading zone space occupancy and makes this information available to arriving vehicles and other applications. It monitors the time each vehicle spends in the loading zone and provides this information to drivers in the zone and other applications. Day and time specific management is supported for loading zones that revert to normal vehicle parking spaces in off hours and other day/time specific management strategies. In advanced implementations, reservations are accepted so that a loading zone spot can be reserved with an optional accompanying payment. Vehicles associated with the reservation are identified on arrival and directed to the reserved spot.'Vehicle Data Subscription Management' manages data subscriptions for an end user. It provides access to a catalog of available data, manages the necessary user information and rules that govern the data subscriptions, supports communications with data providers to collect data per the subscription rules, and makes the data available to the end user. It provides the local user interface through which a user can specify and manage subscriptions. It supports different mechansims for collecting data for the end-user including one-time query-response as well as publish-subscribe services.'Personal Data Subscription Management' manages data subscriptions for an end user. It provides access to a catalog of available data, manages the necessary user information and rules that govern the data subscriptions, supports communications with data providers to collect data per the subscription rules, and makes the data available to the end user. It provides the local user interface through which a user can specify and manage subscriptions. It supports different mechansims for collecting data for the end-user including one-time query-response as well as publish-subscribe services.'RSE Data Subscription Management' manages data subscriptions for an RSE. It provides access to a catalog of available data, manages the necessary identification information and rules that govern the data subscriptions, supports communications with data providers to collect data per the subscription rules, and makes the data available to other RSE applications. It supports different mechansims for collecting data including one-time query-response as well as publish-subscribe services.# LVAL3 'Center Personal Information Device Management' is the back office application that supports monitoring and maintenance of Personal Information Devices. Most Personal Information Device management is the province of device manufacturers, service providers, and their clients, which is beyond the scope of an ITS architecture. For roadside safety applicat'Center Personal Information Device Management' is the back office application that supports monitoring and maintenance of Personal Information Devices. Most Personal Information Device management is the province of device manufacturers, service providers, and their clients, which is beyond the scope of an ITS architecture. For roadside safety applications, particularly those that are operated by field personnel working on or close to the right of way, the operating center may manage the devices and the hosted safety applications. For these devices and applications, this functional object monitors the performance and configuration of the devices and installed applications, and the communications links.f @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @           ! "!#"$#&$'%(&)'*(+)-*.+0,1-2.3/40517293:4;5<6>?ABCEFGHI J K L M NOPRSTUWXZ^_`abcdef g!h"i#j$k%l&m'n(o)p*s+t,u-v.w/x0y1{2|3~45678      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456      !"#$%&'() * + , - ./0123456789        ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - 0 1 3 4 6 8 : ; < > @ A B E F G !H "I #J $L %M &N 'O (P )Q *R +T ,U -V .X /Y 0Z 1[ 2\ 3^ 4b 5d 6f 7l 8ptuvxyz{|}      !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567     'f @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @           ! 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( Improve the security of the transportation system9Improve the national freight network, strengthen the ability of rural communities to access national and international trade markets, and support regional economic developmentMaintain the highway infrastructure asset system in a state of good repairRImprove the efficiency of the surface transportation systemCAchieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roadsfEnhance the performance of the transportation system while protecting and enhancing the natural environmentsEnhance the integration and connectivity of the transportation systemMAchieve a significant reduction in congestion5 & @(((((((( & @((((((((MYN,,Y  Y e KindIDKindName,/YYY.rB.rCPrimaryKeyv1((@(@*O.p M # M k J 0 \ H#=OC?EU$B:dt&%Ї@ vI,@tblRRAreaStakeholdersRRs@O^^^RRRRRRRP @Ї@~Tv4@tblRRAreaStakeholders@NXXXLLLLLLLJ @ v@(l@tblRRAreaSPsDefaults@NVVVJJJJJJJH @fЇ@Tv4@tblRRAreaSPs@MFFF:::::::8 @s@Js+@tblRRAreasDefaultsB@MRRRFFFFFFFD @ 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multimodal travel planning, including parking reservation capabilities.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to create enhanced treatment plans for use by agency maintenance personnel.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to process current and historical data from multiple sources in order to provide enhanced support for winter maintenance operations.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to collect environmental situation data from centers, field devices and private, commercial, specialty and public fleet vehicles in order to schedule winter maintenance activities, determine the appropriate response to weather events/conditions, and track and manage response operations.Traveler Information needs to be able to provide electric charging station information to travelers.Electric Charging Station Operators need to be able to provide electric charging of vehicles at designated charging stations.The vehicle drivers need their connected vehicle to provide recommendations for movement approaching or departing a signalized intersection in order to reduce the environmental impact of their vehicle s operations.Traffic Operations need to be able to manage and implement control plans using collected data, including environmental data, in order to coordinate signalized intersections.Traffic Operations need to process collected data, including environmental data, to accurately know current and forecasted conditions in order to improve the traffic signal system.Traffic Operations needs to be able to provide both intersection geometry and signal phase and timing information to vehicles.Transit Operations needs to provide approaching Transit Vehicle location and heading to traffic operations so that they can adjust the signal controller signal timing in favor of the transit vehicle.Traffic Operations need to collect data, including environmental data, to accurately know current and forecasted conditions in order to improve the traffic signal system.Drivers need to be able to set up accounts and pay fees for the ability to operate their vehicles in a low emissions zone.Payment Operations need to be able to collect fees from drivers for entry into a low emissions zone.Emissions Management Operations need to be able to monitor emissions hot spots and coordinate with Traffic Operations for the establishment of low emission zones.Traffic Operations needs to be able to inform drivers, both pretrip and en-route, about low emissions zone operation and the restrictions or fees for driving into the low emissions zones.Traffic Operations need to be able to set up a low emissions zone in order to reduce emissions within the zone.Traffic Operations need to be able to collect environmental, traffic, and emissions data in order to determine whether a low emissions zone should be set up.Traffic Operations needs be able to provide actionable information and eco-lane direction to the driver to drive in a more environmentally friendly manner.Traffic Operations need to be able to process current and historical data from multiple sources in order to develop current and forecasted conditions to support dynamic eco-lane operations.Traffic Operations need to be able to collect traffic data in order to support eco operation of HOV/HOT lane equipment.Traffic Operations need to be able to collect vehicle emissions data in order to support eco operation of HOV/HOT lane equipment.;cd=zS, i B   X 1 n G ] 6  s L % b;xQ*g@}V/lE[4 qJ#`9D02@ B01@ B=03q@ B=02@ B=01@B704@B703@B702@B701@B405@B404e@B403@B402@B401@A204@A203@A202@A201@A+02@A+03@A&04@ A&03@ A&02@ A&01@ A%03@ A%02h@A%01@A#02j@A#01@A!03@A!02@A!01@A`02@A 04@A 03@@ 02@@ 01@@05@@04@@03@@02@ @04@ @03@ @02@ @01~@ @05Z@@04M@@03B@@02@@01@@02@@01@@04@@02@@t05@?p04@?n03@?m02@?l01@?^06@?]05|@?\04@?Y03z@?X02@ ?V01@ ?S03Q@ ?R02@ ?Q01@ ?LB03@?K.03g@?I.02@?H.01@?E05u@?D04@?>'03X@?='02g@?<'01@?:01@=,03@=+02@=*01Y@='02f@=&01@=$B02@= 03@=02@ =B01@ =O02@ =01@ =06|@ =05f@=04@=03@=02q@= 01@=05@=04@=03y@=02@=]LVALRi D B k C "?fNTraffic Operation centers, and other border stakeholders need to be able to monitor the tTraffic Operation centers, and other border stakeholders need to be able to monitor the traffic flow data at or near a border crossing using data from vehicles and mobile devices.Traffic Operations need to be able to provide border status for drivers approaching the border crossing or planning to cross.Border Inspection Operations need to be able to verify if the vehicle coming into the country have proper credentials to allow them to enter and comply with federal laws and regulations.Border Inspection Operations need to be able to verify if the people crossing into the country have proper credentials to allow them to enter.Traffic Operation needs to be able to collect transportation related data, including border crossing data in order to support planning and research activities that span the US land border crossings.Emergency management needs to verify the crash alert message and/or provide additional notification to the appropriate authorities.Emergency Management needs to be able to route crash alerts to the appropriate emergency communications center for action.Drivers need to be able to rebroadcast crash alerts to remote connected vehicles as well as roadside  hotspots in order to forward mayday requests even in areas where no vehicle to infrastructure communications exists.Pedestrians need to be able to send a mayday alert to Emergency Management in order to get help from emergency services.Drivers need to be able to automatically or manually send a mayday alert or emergency requests and provide data about the crash and the vehicle s occupants in order to facilitate the quickest and most appropriate response.Emergency Management needs to be able to determine that a crash or emergency situation has taken place, based on on-board sensor data that detect changes in velocity, vehicle orientation, and airbag status.Traffic Operations need to be able to display variable speed limits to drivers.Traffic Operations need to be able to process current and historical data in order to provide recommended variable speed limits.Traffic Operations need to be able to collect data from multiple sources to actively recommend variable speed limits which can be based on environmental conditions.The connected vehicle needs to be able to automatically adjust its operating parameters approaching or departing a signalized intersection in order to reduce the environmental impact of the vehicle s operation.The Driver needs to be able to receive road weather warnings and advisories from Traffic Operations .Traffic Operations needs to process current and historical data from multiple sources in order to generate road weather motorist warnings and advisories.Traffic Operations needs to collect environmental data from private, commercial, specialty and public fleet vehicles in order to provide motorists with advisories and alerts.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to provide winter road maintenance status to other centers.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to provide winter maintenance instructions including treatment route, treatment application rates, start and end times, and other treatment instructions for vehicle operators.Emergency Management needs to provide routing information to the emergency responders.Emergency Management needs to provide emergency responders with road weather warnings and advisories.Emergency Management needs to process current and historical weather and road conditions data from multiple sources in order to generate warnings and route advisories for individual emergency responders or emergency response dispatchers.LVALkM\ { P  + t N{Traveler Information needs to provide freight-specific routing, travel timing, and schedulingTraveler Information needs to provide freight-specific routing, travel timing, and scheduling for logistics intermediaries so they have a complete data packet for informed decision making.Traveler Information needs to provide fleet and freight management with incident and road condition information to drivers and dispatchers so they can make route planning and navigation decisions internally in keeping with prevailing business practices in the industry.Commercial Vehicle Fleet and Freight Management, including logistics suppliers need access to traveler information that covers the supply chain (from marine/rail terminal, to warehouse, to customers), so their dispatchers and managers can adequately plan and manage their assets.Emergency Management and Traveler Information need to be able to provide evacuees with information regarding when they can return to their area, including routes and road conditions.Emergency Management and Traveler Information need to be able to provide information concerning roadside resources including information provided by other evacuees to help understand availability of resources.Emergency Management and Traveler Information need to be able to provide evacuees with information including a shelter that matches their needs, including location, availability, and routing.Traveler Information needs to be able to collect disaster related information from multiple sources including traffic, transit, public safety, emergency management, shelter provider, and travel service provider organizations.Traffic Management needs to be able to support local adjustments to signal timing based upon a local preemption request and transition back to normal traffic signal operations after providing emergency vehicle preemption.Traffic Management needs to be able to adjust signal timing to provide signal preemption for an emergency vehicle based upon a request from Emergency Management.Emergency Management needs to be able request signal preemption locally for one or more signals the vehicle is approaching so that it may quickly and safely cross the intersections.Emergency Management needs to be able to request signal preemption from Traffic Operations for a specific emergency vehicle.Traveler information needs to provide a mechanism for the confirmation of ride matching.Commuters need to be able to request and confirm shared use transportation.Traveler Information needs to match riding commuters to drivers.Traveler Information needs to accept commuter and driver information for ridesharing, including preferences, payment options, origin/destination, arrival time, departure time, number of riders, number of available passenger spaces.Traveler Information needs access to timely, accurate, and reliable transit and multimodal operations data, including available parking, in order to support ridematching by locating and managing meeting and drop-off points.Fleet and Freight Management needs to provide the operating status of its freight equipment, including trucks, trailers, containers, and chassis to its commercial vehicle operators, intermodal freight services, and other authorized agents.Fleet and Freight Management needs to determine the operating status of its freight equipment, including trucks, trailers, containers, and chassis.Fleet and Freight Management needs to be able to provide the contents and status of a container to security and public safety agencies.Fleet and Freight Management needs to determine the status of the contents of a container in order to provide safe and efficient movement of goods.BLVAL= R  1 =LzTraffic Operations needs to be able to detect a queue formation usiTraffic Operations needs to be able to detect a queue formation using both infrastructure and connected vehicle sources of information.Traffic Operations needs to be able to inform pedestrians and bicyclists of the status of the intersection including the amount of time left for crossing the intersection.Traffic Operations needs to be able to provide intersection priority for pedestrians or bicyclists based upon requests from the pedestrians or bicyclists.Traffic Operations needs to be able to warn pedestrians about crossing status or potential vehicle infringement into the crosswalk in order to allow the pedestrian to safely cross an intersection.Traffic Operations needs to be able to provide to connected vehicles an indication that pedestrians may be crossing or are crossing an intersection in order to reduce the likelihood of the vehicle striking the pedestrian.Traffic Operations need to be able to disseminate signal phase and timing data to connected vehicles to facilitate improved movement through intersections.Traffic Operations need to be able to monitor and control pedestrian crossing aspects of traffic signals in order to facilitate safe pedestrian crossings at the intersectionEmergency Management needs to be able to provide real-time information on the current conditions at the incident scene to arriving responders and to other information assets.Emergency Management needs to be able to maintain location and situational information about the emergency vehicles responding to or on the scene of an incident to be able to provide a complete picture of the response and share the status with other responding vehicles en-route.Emergency Personnel need to be able to receive alerts whenever a vehicle is entering an incident zone and represents a potential threat to their safety.Emergency Management needs to be able to alert drivers when they have entered an incident zone and direct them to change course (merge, change lanes) as needed in order to maintain a safe distance between them and the emergency personnel.Regional Transportation Agencies need to be able to perform payment reconciliation in order to obtain their share of payments from the regional payment system.Travelers need to be able to set up and update user accounts for a regional multimodal payment system.Regional Transportation Operations need to have an electronic payment functionality that operates across different modes or systems.Traffic Operations needs to be able to notify drivers regarding the status of the intermittent bus lane.Traffic Operations needs to be able to open and close intermittent bus lanes based on fixed times or based on request from Transit Operations in order to improve the efficiency of transit operations.Traffic Management needs to communicate with field equipment to provide commercial vehicle signal priority commands to the intersection.Traffic Management needs to process traffic and commercial vehicle data in order to provide commercial vehicle signal priority for the efficient movement of freight.Traffic Management needs to collect data from freight facilities and commercial vehicle fleet management in order to support traffic signal system optimization for commercial vehicles.Freight Distribution and Logistics Providers need to support load matching for empty containers and chassis in order to maximize congestion avoidance, air quality, and efficiency benefits.Traveler Information needs to provide real-time information about required permits, locations and availability of truck rest areas or parking to drivers and dispatchers to improve routing, vehicle and driver safety, and compliance with hours of service rules.lLVALn / i 7 E:b <Transit Travelers need to be able to provide a trip plan to Transit OperaTransit Travelers need to be able to provide a trip plan to Transit Operations and request they be provided with connection protection for the trip.Transit Operations needs to be able to adjust the real time schedule of a transit vehicle in order to protect the connections made from other transit vehicles to the subject vehicle at a station or stop.Transit Operations needs to be able to determine when connections between transit routes are in jeopardy due to late arrival of one transfer vehicle in order to develop corrective actions to prevent missed connections.Parking operators need to be able to provide available space information to transit systems operating near to those spaces.Parking operators need to be able to provide available space information to travelers requesting that information in order to assist their decision-making on where best to park and make use of transit alternatives.Parking operators need to be able to monitor the number of available spaces in part and ride lots.Traffic Operations need to be able to disseminate recommended speed information to other centers.Traffic Operations need to be able to analyze performance of transportation system in order to develop strategies to improve the performance of the system.Traffic Operations need to be able to inform the Driver of why the given speed is being recommended to increase their willingness to comply with the recommendations.Traffic Operations need to be able to inform the Driver of the recommended speed to travel, allowing the driver to make adjustments to maximize traffic throughput and reduce crashes.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to be able to issue credentials to commercial vehicle carriers or Fleet and Freight Management in order to reduce an agency's and a carrier's paperwork burden.Transit Operations needs to provide bus arrival information at the stop to support visually impaired travelers.Transit Operations needs to be able to provide transit vehicle route and stop information to the traveler via their personal device.Transit Operations needs to know the location and destination of the visually impaired traveler in order to identify the correct route and stop information to provide to the traveler via their personal device.Emergency Management needs to be able to maintain location and situational information about the emergency vehicles responding to or on the scene of an incident in order to provide a complete picture of the response and share the status with other responding vehicles en route.Emergency Management needs to be able to provide emergency responders with real-time navigation instructions that use all available data sources to quickly and efficiently route the responder.Emergency Management needs to be able to provide situational awareness information to emergency responders about an incident to support decisions of how to stage the personnel and their equipment.Emergency Management needs to be able to collect information external to the incident scene to support staging of emergency responder personnel and their equipment.The Driver needs to be able to receive queue information and queue response strategies based on information received from the infrastructure or other connected vehiclesThe Driver needs to be able to send queue information and response strategies to upstream vehicles.Traffic Operations needs to be able to generate queue warning response strategies, including speed reduction, lane change, or diversion.Traffic Operations needs to be able to develop predicted queue formation using both infrastructure and connected vehicle sources of information.;cd=zS, i B   X 1 n G ] 6  s L % b;xQ*g@}V/lE[4 qJ#`9+x02@H*x01@H)s02@H(s01@H!l01\@Hj017@H04@H O03@G O01@Gf02n@Gf01@G001@G05~@G04@G04@G03@ G02@ G01@ Gd03b@ Gd02@ Gd01@Gc02@Gc01@GD01@Gb02@Gb01@G`03@G`01@G?10@G?09@F?08@F?07@F?06@F?05@F?04@F?03@ F?02@ F?01@ F 02@ F 01@ F02@F\02b@F\01@F[01@FR01@FQ01@FN02@FN01@FuF02@FsF01@Ep>01@En<03@Em<02@El<01@Ej:02@ Ei:01@ Eh903@ Eg902k@ Ef901@ Ec506@Eb503@E^502@E]501@ET003@ER002@EH01@E8 03i@E7 02@E6 01@D103@D/02@D,01@DX02@@DX01@DW04o@DW03@DW02@ DW01@ D03@ D02@ DP02@ DP01@D M05@D M04l@DM03@DM02v@DM01@DL06@DL05@DL04@DL03@BL02@BL01@BE03}@BE02@BE01d@BD05c@BD04@BD03@ B LVAL0    ? f0B26CTraffic Operations needs to be able to determine if, based on the current environmental conditions, a Traffic Operations needs to be able to determine if, based on the current environmental conditions, a vehicle is moving at a speed that would indicate an increased risk of not safely negotiating the curve.The Driver needs the connected vehicle to be able to perform vehicle control actions toavoid safety compromising situations with nearby remote vehicles.The Driver needs to be receive warnings from the vehicle in order to avoid a safety compromising situations with nearby remote vehicles.The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to send data to and receive data from other connected vehicles in order to provide safety warnings to the driver or control actions to the vehicle.System operators need to be able to process vehicle data sourced by themselves and other system operators to support performance monitoring, infrastructure conditions reporting, and environmental monitoring. This supports system operator reporting needs and provides the source data and metrics for government reports.System operators need to be able to store vehicle data, transit data, weather data, freight data and other transportation-related data to support traffic data analysis, transportation network performance monitoring, transportation planning, safety analyses and research.Traffic Operations need to be able to monitor the road network using probe data from toll or transit systems.Traffic Operations need to be able to send network monitoring data to other centers in order to support traveler information.Traffic Operations need to be able to monitor the roadside equipment in order to detect faults in equipment or communications.Traffic Operations and Traveler Information Providers need to be able to monitor the road network using information from connected vehicles in order to detect and verify incidents.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to be able to exchange hazardous materials (HAZMAT) route restrictions with other jurisdictions and Fleet and Freight Management in order to maintain safe use of the roadways.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to exchange safety and credentials, fuel, and mileage tax information with other commercial vehicle administrations to support electronic credentialling.Transit Vehicles Operators need to be able to receive transit stop requests submitted from the roadside or from Transit Operations.Transit Operations needs to be able to accept stop requests from transit users at roadside stops or directly from their personal devices.Transit Operations need to have real time information about the road network in order to increase the effectiveness of operations for demand response transit.Transit Operations needs to be able to monitor the real-time location of demand response transit vehicles.Transit Operations needs to provide and update manifests to properly manage demand response transit vehicles based upon traveler requests.Transit Operations needs to be able to schedule demand response transit vehicles based upon travelers trip requests.Transit Operations needs to be able to take reservations for demand response trips that include the travelers origin, destination, and departure time in order to do demand response scheduling.Transit Operations needs to be able to provide a traveler with updates regarding their transit trip, including connection protection actions taken by Transit Operations.Transit Operations needs to be able to adjust the real time schedule of a transit vehicle in order to provide connection protection for a traveler s trip.Transit Operations needs to be able to track a specific traveler s trip through the system and provide connection protection actions to give the traveler the best chance of making their trip connections.nLVALf  O K M n`'Traffic Operations needs to be able to monitor traffic on a major road so that it can determine the gaps in the trTraffic Operations needs to be able to monitor traffic on a major road so that it can determine the gaps in the traffic in order to support stop gap assistance systems used by vehicles on minor roadways crossing the major roadway.The Driver needs to be able to receive indications of road conditions measured by remote vehicles that represent a potential safety hazard for the vehicle.Drivers need to be able to receive warnings that the vehicle is approaching a reduced speed limit zone or that there are lane closures or roadway configuration changes in the upcoming roadway.Traffic Operations or Maintenance Operations need to be able to warn connected vehicles that they are driving above the posted reduced speed zone speed limit and/or the vehicle is impacted by changed roadway configurations in order for the connected vehicle to take appropriate action.Traffic Operations or Maintenance Operations need to be able to provide to Connected Vehicles information about speed reductions, lane closures or roadway configuration changes.Traffic Operations needs to be able to provide information about lane restrictions (such as HOV, eco-lanes, transit or emergency vehicle only) directly to drivers.Traffic Operations needs to be able to provide information about lane restrictions (such as HOV, eco-lanes, transit or emergency vehicle only) to connected vehicles.Drivers need to be able receive warnings if, based on information received from the intersection, it looks like the vehicle will go through the intersection after the signal has turned red in order to reduce the occurrence of intersection violations.Traffic Operations needs to be able to warn vehicles if an intersection violation appears to be imminent.Traffic Operations needs to be able to send to Connected Vehicles intersection signal timing information in order for the vehicle to determine if it will safely cross the intersection given its current speed and location.Traffic Operations need to be able to calculate an appropriate deceleration required to stop at the intersection given a collected set of data elements: road geometry, environmental road conditions, vehicle configuration data, and available telematics.Traffic Operations need to be able to know when an approaching or crossing train(s) will cross or is crossing the at-grade crossing.Traffic Operations need to be able to modify traffic signal timing in order to allow safe movement of vehicles away or towards a highway rail intersection when a train is approaching.Traffic Operations need to be able to warn drivers of crossing closures or potential crash-imminent situations with a crossing or oncoming train in time for the driver to take appropriate action.Maintenance Operations needs to be able to provide height or weight restriction information on tunnels, bridge, overpass, or section of roadway to other centers to support their operations.Traffic Operations needs to be able to determine if a vehicle exceeds the height or weight restrictions of a tunnel, bridge, overpass, or section of roadway in order to provide warning to the vehicle or driver.The Driver needs to receive warnings of nearby special vehicles (which can include emergency vehicles, maintenance vehicles, or oversize commercial vehicles) if those special vehicles are approaching the Driver s Vehicle in order to allow the driver to take appropriate actions.The Driver needs to receive a warning when the Vehicle is moving at an excessive speed through a curve.Traffic Operations needs to be able to provide a warning, along with a recommended speed, to a vehicle that is moving at excessive speed around a curve.pLVAL}b  %Vehicle operators, field system operators, PID users, system operators and support system operators need to be able to determine the prVehicle operators, field system operators, PID users, system operators and support system operators need to be able to determine the privileges a message sender is entitled to so that they can determine if the originator's suggested action should be considered for action.Vehicle operators, field system operators, PID users, system operators and support system operators need to be able to authenticate messages received so that they can determine if the originator is a trusted source.The CCMS Operator needs to provide a mechanism for a user without credentials to request credentials, so that the user may participate in the CVE.The CCMS Operator needs to accept misbehavior reports from users, so that malfunctioning and misbehaving users may be identified and their privileges within the CVE revoked if necessary.The CCMS Operator needs its systems to be constructed in such a way that the cooperation of at least two parties within the CCMS' structure are required to associate multiple credentials that were distributed to a user, to protect user privacy.The CCMS Operator needs its systems to be constructed in such a way that the cooperation of at least two parties within the CCMS' structure are required to link the identity of a user with a set of trust credentials, to protect user privacy.The CCMS Operator needs to secure the exchange of trust credentials between itself and its intended user, so that no other party can intercept and use those credentials illegitimately.The CCMS Operator needs to be able to revoke the credentials it distributes, so that a misbehaving or malfunctioning device can be recognized as such.The CCMS Operator needs to grant trust credentials to qualified end entities including mobile devices so that those devices may be considered trusted by other devices that receive trust credentials from the CCMS.Credential managers and authorization system operators need to be able to verify the identity and justification for system users that request permissions.System users need to be able to demonstrate that they are authorized to perform ITS functions without divulging their identity.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to inform the driver of upcoming work zones, including reduced speeds, lanes affected, and delays.Maintenance and Construction operations need to be able to monitor for hazards in the work zone.Maintenance and Construction operations need to be able to provide warnings about hazards in the work zone to maintenance personnel, such as a vehicle moving in a manner that appears to create an unsafe condition.Emergency Response Personnel need to be able to collect information regarding a crash directly from connected vehicles in order to respond safely and effectively to the vehicle crash.Transit Operations needs to be able to alert other vehicles that a transit vehicle is preparing to leave a station or stop in order to reduce risk of accidents with the departing transit vehicle.Transit vehicle operators need to receive a warning if surrounding vehicles are a collision threat as the transit vehicle prepares to leave a stop or station.Pedestrians need to know the proximity of a transit vehicle to a transit stop and whether the transit vehicle is the one they want to board (i.e., the correct route).Transit Vehicle Operators need to be aware of nearby pedestrians, including those who would like to board the transit vehicle in order to reduce the likelihood of pedestrian accidents with the transit vehicle.The Driver needs to be provided with an indication of when it is safe to enter the flow of traffic from a stop sign intersection.HLVALP & ~ ,  '-VByTransit Operations needs to provide transit vehicle data to Traffic Operations including loading information and schedule Transit Operations needs to provide transit vehicle data to Traffic Operations including loading information and schedule performance in order to support decision making regarding whether to give the transit vehicle priority at the intersection.Transit Operations needs to provide approaching Transit Vehicle location and heading to the roadside signal controller so that the controller can modify signal timing in favor of the transit vehicle.The connected vehicle needs to be able to automatically perform actions to implement eco-driving strategies.The vehicle driver needs to be able to receive customized real-time driving advice so that they can adjust their driving behavior to save fuel and reduce emissions.Traffic Operations needs to be able to warn potential violators of weight- or size- restricted roadways (e.g. roads or bridges, overpasses) in time for the driver to take appropriate action.The Connected Vehicle Driver needs to be able to engage and disengage advanced cruise control and adjust control strategies.The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to implement cruise controls strategies in order to provide advanced cruise control in normal vehicle operation.Traffic Operations needs to be able to needs to disseminate speed and gap recommendations and other information to connected vehicles in a platoon on roads instrumented to allow infrastructure support of platooning.The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to leave a platoon and return manual throttle control to the driver so they can change lanes safely.The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to operate in a platoon, including coordination of speed and gap policy with other vehicles in the platoon.The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to move into a platoon and inform the vehicle driver of how, when, and where to safely join a platoon.System operators need to be able to monitor the performance of equipment providing ITS services.System operators and maintenance personnel need to be able to detect, isolate and correct infrastructure field equipment service problems.Maintenance personnel and system operators need to to be able to track and manage the configuration of infrastructure field equipment.Traffic Operations need to be able to monitor and control roadway lighting systems in order to adjust lighting levels based on operational conditions.Traffic Operations need to be able to monitor operational conditions on the roadway including vehicle presence and weather conditions, in order to determine lighting strategies to implement.Traffic Operations need to be able to collect and process current and historical traffic and environmental data from multiple sources in order to determine speed recommendations based on traffic conditions and weather and environmental information.Traffic Operations need to be able to use collected vehicle emissions and environmental data to regulate the flow of traffic on ramps, interchanges, and the mainline.Traffic Operations need to be able to collect vehicle emissions and environmental data from both connected vehicles as well as roadside sensors in order to support eco operation of traffic metering.Freight Distribution and Logistics Providers need to interface with intermodal terminal, fleet and freight management and other freight dispatch systems to provide a seamless integration of freight movement.Freight Distribution and Logistics Providers need to track and dispatch drayage operations in order to optimize movement of freight operations.Vehicle operators need to be able to communicate with other users in such a way as to make it difficult to associate messages with one another, to help maintain user privacy.FLVALW  * {  &V$IvTraffic Operations need to be able to designate lanes for use by special vehicles only, such as buses, high occupancy vehicles (HOVs), vTraffic Operations need to be able to designate lanes for use by special vehicles only, such as buses, high occupancy vehicles (HOVs), vehicles attending a special event, etc, in order to increase roadway throughput during times of peak traffic, incidents or special events.Traffic operations needs to be able to prohibit or restrict of types of vehicles from using particular lanes in order to manage roadway throughput during times of peak traffic or incidents.Traffic Operations needs to be able to reconfigure intersections and interchanges and manage right-of-way dynamically including merges in order to increase roadway throughput during times of peak traffic or incidents.Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage lane usage on highways and arterials including approaches to border crossings, multimodal crossings, or intermodal terminals.Traffic operations needs to be able to change the lane configuration including lane destination and use of shoulder lanes on the roadway according to traffic demand in order to actively manage the trafficTraffic Operations need to be able to dynamically warn drivers approaching hazards on a roadway in order to increase the safety of a roadway by reducing the occurrence of incidents.Traffic Operations need to be able to use both information from connected vehicles as well as infrastructure measurement of non-equipped vehicles to improve the operations of traffic signal control systems.System operators, vehicle operators, support system operators, PID users need to be able communicate with other users without divulging their identity, location or other Personally Identifiable Information (PII).Road Use Charging Operators need to be able to implement a road use charging scheme which charges fees to roadway vehicle owners for using specific roadways.Electronic Toll Collection needs to allow toll payment without the vehicle stopping at a toll plaza.Mapping operators need real-world observations of roadway geometry, intersection geometry and parking geometry to feed their map update processes.System operators, vehicle operators and PID users need map data that is accurate and consistent between one another. This includes roadway maps and geometry, intersection maps and gemoetry and parking facility maps and geometry.Drivers need a visual display of static sign information or dynamic roadway condition information to see the contents of the road signage during times of reduced visibility.Drivers need in-vehicle access to the information available on static signs (e.g., stop, curve warning, guide signs, service signs, and directional signs) and dynamic information (e.g., current signal states including highway intersection and highway-rail intersection status and local conditions warnings identified by local environmental sensors) in order to increase awareness of situations while driving.System operators, vehicle operators, support system operators, PID users, maintenance personnel need their devices to operate on a common time base. Coordination of time between the internal systems that comprise the connected vehicle environment prevents internal synchronization errors and enables time sensitive interactions between all users.System operators, vehicle operators, support system operators, PID users need to be able to identify the cyber addresses and services provided of other users. This is essentially a list of  what services are supported,  who provides each service and  where to go to obtain these services.Fleet and Freight Management need to be able verify the contents and accuracy of the records maintained by Commercial Vehicle Administration concerning its operations.;cd=zS, i B   X 1 n G ] 6  s L % b;xQ*g@}V/lE[4 qJ#`901@N02@N03@N01@M02@M01@Mn03c@Mn02v@Mm04@Mm03@Mm01]@M05@M04@M03@ M02@ M01@ M05@ M04Z@ M03x@M02x@M01b@M~02@M~01@M}04@M}03p@M}02}@M}01@M{03@L{02N@L{01@Lz04T@Lz03@Lz02{@Lz01r@Ly03@Ly02@Ly01@L~04@ L}03@ L|02@ L{05e@ Lz01\@ Ly01@Lw04@Lu03@Lt02@Ls01@Lr02_@Lq03@Lo01y@Ln02@Lm04@Kl03@Kk02i@Kh01@Kg03@Kf01@Kd02@ K_02@ K^01@ K\01@ KZ01@ KX04@KV03@KU01@KT02@KS01@KR02w@KP01@KO02@KN01@KM01@JL505@JK504@@JJ01t@JI04f@ JH03@ JG02@ JF01@ JE03@ JD02S@JC01l@JB02a@JA01@J@02@J?04;@J>03@J=01@J<02@J;05@H:04@H903@H802@ H701@ H601@ H5+01@ H4w01@ H2n01@H,m02f@HLVALMi Y ? U 3fMaintenance and construction operations need to be able to track the location of maintenancMaintenance and construction operations need to be able to track the location of maintenance and construction vehicles and other equipment in order to ascertain where their assets are.Traffic Operations need to be able to have detection capabilities that enable it to detect an entrapped or otherwise immobilized vehicle within the HRI and provide an immediate notification to highway and railroad officials.Traffic Operations need to be able to alert and/or warn drivers who are approaching an at-grade railroad crossing if they are on a crash-imminent trajectory to collide with a crossing or approaching train. This enhanced information may be conveyed to the driver prior to, or in context with, warning system activationTraffic Operations need to be able to receive from Rail Operations train schedules, maintenance schedules, and any other forecast events that will result in highway-rail intersection (HRI) closures, in order to develop forecasts of HRI closure times and durations that may be used in advanced traffic control strategies or to enhance the quality of traveler information.Traffic Operations need to be able to provide current reversible lane status information to drivers.Traffic Operations need to be able to control the field equipment, physical lane access controls, and associated control electronics that manage and control these special lanes.Traffic Operations need to be able to ensure safe operation of reversible lanes through wrong-way vehicle detection and other special surveillance capabilities in order to mitigate safety hazards associated with reversible lanes.Traffic Operations need to be able to manage reversible lane facilities in order to allow lanes to be signed for operation in different directions at different times of the day.Traffic Operations need to be able to notify an enforcement agency that vehicles are traveling at excessive speed and to be able to request that the enforcement agency respond to the excessive speed.Traffic Operations need to be able to warn drivers when their speed is excessive.Traffic Operations need to be able to monitor vehicle speeds to determine when vehicle speed is excessive.Traffic Operations need to be able to issue drawbridge crossing status information for drivers.Traffic Operations need to be able to manage traffic control equipment at drawbridges at rivers, canals and other multimodal crossings.Traffic Operations need to be able to receive road condition data from multiple sources in order to generate roadways closure to vehicular traffic when driving conditions are unsafe, maintenance must be performed, or other scenarios where access to the roadway must be prohibited.Traffic Operations need to be able to allow the gates to be remotely controlled from a central location or from a vehicle at the gate/barrier location, in order to improve system efficiency and reducing personnel exposure to unsafe conditions during severe weather and other situations where roads must be closed.Traffic Operations need to be able to visually verify the safe activation of the closure system and driver information systems in order to provide closure information to motorists in the vicinity of the closure.Traffic Operations needs to be able to close roadways to vehicular traffic and notify drivers when driving conditions are unsafe, maintenance must be performed or other scenarios where access to the roadway must be prohibited.Traffic Operations need to be able to receive and process data from multiple sources in order to generate warning for drivers based on the collected traffic and road conditions.SLVAL)N C * W f )VCVTraffic Operations in response to threats needs to be able to activate the barrier and/or safeguard sTraffic Operations in response to threats needs to be able to activate the barrier and/or safeguard systems in order to deter an incident, control access to an area or mitigate the impact of an incident.Traffic Operations and Emergency Management need to be able to collect advisories from other agencies related to detected threats.Traffic Operations and Emergency Management need to be able to notify agencies if a threat is detected.Traffic Operations and Emergency Management need to be able to monitor transportation infrastructure (e.g., bridges, tunnels and management centers) for potential threats in order to control access, preclude an incident, and mitigate the impact of an incident if it occurs.Roadway Service Patrol Operations need to be able to share incident information collected by the service patrol with traffic, maintenance and construction, and traveler information systems.Roadway Service Patrol Operations need to be able to monitor service patrol vehicle locations and dispatch service patrol vehicles to identified incident locations.Roadway Service Patrol Operations need to be able to monitor roads and aid motorists, offering rapid response to minor incidents (flat tire, accidents, out of gas) in order to minimize disruption to the traffic stream.Emergency Management needs to coordinate with other emergency management operations in order to support emergency notification between agencies.Emergency Management needs to provide basic public safety call-taking and dispatch of emergency vehicles in order to provide safe and rapid deployment of appropriate resources to an emergency.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to monitor the condition of transportation-related infrastructure using both fixed and vehicle-based infrastructure monitoring sensors.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to disseminate maintenance and construction activity to transportation agencies that can utilize it as part of their operations.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to provide control of field equipment in all maintenance and construction areas, including fixed, portable, and truck-mounted devices supporting both stationary and mobile work zones.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to coordinate work zone information with other agencies (e.g., traveler information, traffic operations, and other maintenance and construction centers).Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to manage work zones and control traffic in areas of the roadway where maintenance, construction, and utility work activities are underway.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to collect environmental conditions information from various weather sources in order to aid in scheduling maintenance and construction activities.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to schedule maintenance and construction on a roadway system or right-of-way.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to warn drivers when a roadway treatment system is activated.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to automatically treat a roadway section based on environmental or atmospheric conditions.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to automatically collect diagnostics data from maintenance and construction vehicles in order to use it to schedule and manage vehicle and equipment maintenance.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to manage vehicle maintenance scheduling for both routine and corrective maintenance activities on vehicles and other maintenance and construction equipment.LVALo 1 D ; e &s  Traffic Operations need to be able to implement control strategies utilizinTraffic Operations need to be able to implement control strategies utilizing the traffic metering equipment on ramps, interchanges, and on the mainline.Traffic Operations need to monitor the status of traffic metering equipment.Traffic Operations need to be able to monitor and control traffic metering equipment in order to regulate the flow of traffic on ramps, interchanges, and the mainline.Traffic Operations need to monitor the status of traffic signal control equipment.Traffic Operations need to be able to monitor and control pedestrian crossing aspects of traffic signals in order to facilitate safe pedestrian crossings at the intersection.Traffic Operations need to be able to manage and implement control plans in order to coordinate signalized intersections.Traffic Operations need to be able to remotely control traffic signals at intersections under their jurisdictionTraffic Operations need to be able to send network monitoring data to other centers in order to support traveler information.Traffic Operations need to be able to monitor the infrastructure devices used for road network monitoring in order to detect faults in equipment or communications.Traffic Operations need to be able to monitor the road network using infrastructure devices in order to detect and verify incidents and support implementation of traffic operational strategies.Emergency Management needs to share evacuation information with transit agencies in order to remove people from an evacuated area while making efficient use of limited capacity.Emergency Management needs to share evacuation information with traffic management agencies in order to implement special traffic control strategies to control evacuation traffic.Emergency Management needs to coordinate evacuation plans among the federal, state, and local transportation, emergency, and law enforcement agencies that may be involved in a large-scale evacuation.Emergency Management needs to manage subsequent reentry of the general public to the disaster area.Emergency Management needs to support evacuation of the general public from disaster area.Emergency Management needs to support integration between transportation systems and the public safety, emergency management, public health, and other allied organizations that form the overall disaster response.Emergency Management needs to be able to provide to other regional centers information about the transportation system in the vicinity of the disaster.Emergency Management needs to be able to track and coordinate the transportation professionals, equipment, and materials that constitute the disaster response in order to respond to and recover from disasters.Emergency Management needs to support coordination of emergency response plans issued by various agencies in order plan for regional response to disasters.Emergency Management needs to be able to collect potential threats, alerts, and advisories from various ITS systems to identify emergencies.Emergency Management needs to be able to alert all relevant agencies of detected emergencies.Emergency Management needs to be able to broadcast emergency information to traffic agencies, transit agencies, information service providers, toll operators, and others that operate ITS systems.Emergency Management needs to be able to verify the reported emergency situation in order to activate the alert system.Emergency Management needs to be able to alert the public in emergency situations such as child abductions, severe weather events, civil emergencies, and other situations that pose a threat to life and property, using ITS technologies such as dynamic message signs, highway advisory radios, in-vehicle displays, transit displays, 511 traveler information systems, and traveler information web sites.LVALTg # Q ; NKw :Traveler Information needs to be able to collect timely, accurate, and reliable traffic, transit, and other road Traveler Information needs to be able to collect timely, accurate, and reliable traffic, transit, and other road conditions data from multiple sources in order to inform travelers of the latest conditions affecting their travel.Traffic Operations need to be able to modify traffic signal timing in order to allow safe movement of vehicles away or towards a highway rail intersection when a train is approaching.Traffic Operations need to be able to warn drivers of crossing closures or potential crash-imminent situations with a crossing or oncoming train in time for the driver to take appropriate action.Road Use Charging Operators need to be able to allow users to set up and maintain a user account.Road Use Charging Operators need to be able to allow vehicles (either connected or regular) to pay road use charges.Electronic Toll System Operators need to be able to support interagency coordination and financial clearinghouse operations so that multiple toll agencies are able to operate with the same type of user devices.Electronic Toll System Operators need to be able to detect, process, and notify users of toll violations in order to prevent loss of revenue due to toll violations.Electronic Toll System Operators need to allow users to set up and maintain a user account.Traffic Operations needs to be able to implement demand management strategies in order to correct network imbalances and effectively manage available capacity.Traffic Operations needs to be able to collect information from transit, parking, and toll operations in order to support development of demand management strategies.Traffic Operations need to be able to collect information describing multi-source, real-time data (both infrastructure and vehicle based) on arterials, freeways, and transit systems to develop operational decisions that can be applied to corridors or to the region as a whole.Traffic Operations need to be able to develop operational decisions based upon analysis of current and forecast road and traffic conditions.Traffic Operations need to be able to use current and forecast road and traffic conditions to develop traffic management plans.Traffic Operations need to coordinate requests for resources with emergency and maintenance centers in order to support cleanup after the incident.Emergency Operations need to be able to dispatch emergency assets to a traffic incident.Traffic Operations need to obtain incident information from other ITS centers in order to coordinate incident responseTraffic Operations need to share incident information with other ITS centers in order to coordinate incident response.Traffic Operations need to detect and verify incidents on roadways using CCTV and field sensors.Traffic Operations need to exchange traffic control data with other traffic management centers to support inter-jurisdictional, real-time coordinated traffic signal control systems and coordination between freeway operations and traffic signal control within a corridor.Traffic Operations need to exchange traffic and incident data with other Traffic Management Centers in order to support regional coordination spanning jurisdictional boundaries.Traffic Operations need to be able to provide traffic and incident information, including images to traveler information, transit, maintenance and emergency centers.Traffic Operations need to be able to provide traffic and incident information, including images to the media.Traffic Operations need to be able to monitor roadside devices used to provide traffic and traveler information to drivers.Traffic Operations need to be able to provide traffic and incident information to drivers using roadside devices such as dynamic message signs and highway advisory radio. LVALa  T  5AUBTransit operations need to be able to provide tTransit operations need to be able to provide transit information to nearby parking operations.Parking operators need to be able to determine availability of parking spaces.Traveler Information needs travel parameters from a traveler in order to develop dynamic routes.Traffic management operations need to be able to control environmental sensors and aggregate the environmental information.Traffic operations need to be able to collect road conditions and weather data from vehicle on-board sensors.Traffic operations or maintenance and construction operations need be able to collect road conditions and weather data from environmental sensors on or in the vicinity of the roadway.Maintenance and construction operations needs to process collected environmental information to issue road weather alerts, warnings and advisories derived from roadway environmental sensor data, vehicle on-board sensor data and weather service operations to share the road weather information with emergency management operations, transit management operations, rail operations, weather service operations and other maintenance and construction operations.Drivers need an audible alternative presentation of static sign information or dynamic roadway condition information to see the contents of the road signage during times of reduced visibility to increase their safety on the road.Traveler Information needs to support secure payment transactions in order to provide complete and trusted services for their travelers.Travelers need to be able to request and reserve services in advance to reduce the amount of time waiting and increase their mobility.Travelers need to quickly locate nearby support facilities such as car service/repair stations, hospitals or police stations, etc. in order to feel safer and more confident when traveling to new areas.Travelers need guidance to their destination that is timely, accurate, and reliable in order for them to arrive safely in as little time as possible.Traveler Information needs access to timely, accurate, and reliable traffic, transit, and other road conditions data from multiple sources in order to generate accurate and appropriate routes for travelers.Travelers need guidance to their destination that is timely, accurate, and reliable, and responsive to changes in travel conditions in order for them to arrive safely in as little time as possible.Traveler Information needs access to timely, accurate, and reliable traffic, transit, and other road conditions data from multiple sources in order to support accurate and appropriate routes for travelers.Travelers, including drivers or passengers, need to be able to request specific and customized information concerning current and future travel conditions in order to make decisions about their own travel.Traveler Information needs to be able to inform as much of the traveling public as possible using any available means to increase mobility and safety through better information.Travelers, including drivers or passengers, need access to timely, accurate, and reliable traffic, transit, and other travel conditions in order to make informed decisions about their travel.Traveler Information needs to be able to collect timely, accurate, and reliable traffic, transit, and other road conditions data from multiple sources in order to inform travelers of the latest conditions affecting their travel.Traveler Information needs to be able to inform as much of the traveling public as possible using any available means to increase mobility and safety through better information.Travelers need access to timely, accurate, and reliable traffic, transit, and other travel conditions in order to make informed decisions about their travel.;cd=zS, i B   X 1 n G ] 6  s L % b;xQ*g@}V/lE[4 qJ#`903@T02@S01@S03Y@ S02,@ S01@ S01@ S04@ S03*@S02@S01%@S03@S\03t@S02@S01@S 04@S 03@S 03@R+05T@R+04{@Rm05@R03@R02@R01@R#03c@R03@R02@R01@ R01@ R03s@ R02@ R01@ R06@R05@R04@R03@R02@R01@R05@R04x@R03@R02@Q01@Q06@Q05@Q04@Q03j@Q02@Q01@ Q03@ Q02l@ Q01@ Q04@ Q05@Q03@Q02@Q01@Q02@Q04@Q03@Q02@Q01@Q05@P04@P03@P02@P01@P03@ P02@ P01@ P06q@ P03t@ P02`@P01@PE05m@PE04a@N03@P02P@N01@P03b@NJ04@PJ03@PJ02}@NJ01@P02@P02o@N01@N03@Ns03@ N03@ N02@ N01@ N02@ N01@N02@N01@N04@N02@N03@NVLVALf u  ` |C~coCommercial Vehicle Administration needs to be able to inform the appropriate parties of issues dealing with the cCommercial Vehicle Administration needs to be able to inform the appropriate parties of issues dealing with the clearance of a commercial vehicle or its driver in order to maintain the smooth flow of goods through its roadways.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to be able to perform electronic clearance of commercial vehicle credentials and safety records of a commercial vehicle and its driver in order to maintain the smooth flow of goods through its roadways.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to be able to coordinate electronic credentials and safety records with other commercial vehicle administration agencies concerning commercial vehicles and drivers operating on its roadways in order to support efficient clearance operations.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to collect and maintain electronic records of commercial vehicles and drivers operating on its roadways in order to support efficient clearance operations.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to be able to determine the weight and other characteristics of commercial vehicles operating on its roadways as part of the clearance process.Fleet and Freight Management needs to provide accurate and appropriate routes for its drivers and vehicles that include such factors as size and weight restrictions, times of day, and type of load, e.g. Hazmat loads.Fleet and Freight Management needs access to accurate and current information about traffic road conditions in order to make informed decisions regarding its fleet.Fleet and Freight Management needs to know the location and status of its vehicles, drivers, and loads in order to efficiently manage and maintain its fleet.Traffic Operations need to be able to disseminate the current lane configurations to drivers and other centers.Parking operators need to be able to provide notification to an enforcement agency of a parking payment violation.Parking operators need to be able to set up and manage electronic user accounts for customers.Parking operators need to be able to support electronic collection of parking fees from in-vehicle equipment, contact or proximity cards, or any smart payment device.Parking operators need to be able to provide available space information to traveler information providers.Parking operators need to be able to share the collected parking information with local drivers and Traveler Information for broader distribution.Parking operators need to be able to collect information from Infrastructure-based detectors and/or connected vehicles in order to monitor parking lot ingress and egress, and availability in lots, garages, and other parking areas and facilities.Traffic management operations need to be able to monitor traffic and environmental information, calculate appropriate variable speed limits and provide this information to the connected vehicle or on roadway signage.Transportation information operations need to be able to disseminate road weather advisories and warnings at specific points on the downstream roadway to non-equipped vehicles via roadway signage.Transportation information operations need to be able to disseminate road weather advisories and warnings at specific points on the downstream roadway to connected vehicles via in vehicle signage.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to process collected environmental information to issue location specific road weather warnings derived from roadway environmental sensor data, vehicle on-board sensor data and weather service operations to make decisions regarding efficient deployment of road maintenance resources based on historical, current and forecasted environmental conditions.%LVAL*IX V n  M-W ]Transit Operations needs to be able to collect transit fares at transit stations usiTransit Operations needs to be able to collect transit fares at transit stations using electronic payment methods in or der to support bus rapid transit or train systems.Transit Operations needs to be able to collect transit fares on-board transit vehicles using electronic payment methods in order to improve transit operation.Transit Operations need to have real time information about the road network in order to increase the effectiveness of operations for fixed route or flexible route transit.Transit Operations need to be able to monitor transit vehicle schedule adherence in order to manage fixed route or flexible route transit operations.Transit Operations need to be able to schedule blocks (vehicle assignments) and runs (operator assignments) for fixed route or flexible route transit operations.Transit Operations needs to be able to dispatch transit vehicles for fixed route or flexible route runs.Transit Operations needs to be able to disseminate transit schedules for fixed route or flexible route transit routes to traveler information centers.Transit Operations needs to be able to create and update schedules for fixed route or flexible route transit routes in order to plan transit operations.Transit Operations needs to be able to send transit vehicle location and schedule adherence data to other centers in order to support traveler information and traffic operations.Transit Operations needs to be able to determine whether each transit vehicle is adhering to its schedule.Transit Operations needs to be able to monitor the location of transit vehicles in order to improve decision making by transit operators and provide more accurate information to travelers .Commercial Vehicle Management needs to be able to securely exchange information on violators with the appropriate authorities and affected fleet managers.Commercial Vehicle Management needs to know when a certain area has been identified as an area of focus or trigger areas by enforcement in order to inform the appropriate systems and stakeholders.Commercial Vehicle Management needs to issue safety inspection reports for trucks and share them with the field, the trucks, the carrier, and other commercial vehicle management entities in order to promote safe movement of goods.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to exchange safety inspection reports, accident data, citations, credentials, and other data with Fleet and Freight Management.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to be able to manage safety inspections for commercial vehicles using electronic communications and automated sensors in order to provide safer highways.Regional parking management needs to coordinate activities with other parking operations, including sharing of availability, hours, and other information to facilitate efficient regional transportation strategies.Commercial Vehicle Administration and Border Administration need to provide electronic communications with commercial vehicles to support security inspections and weigh-in-motion detection.Commercial Vehicle Administration and Border Administration need to exchange commercial vehicle records with other agencies and stakeholders along a border including credentials, status of the credentials, and records of fuel tax payments.Commercial Vehicle Administration and Border Administration need to be able to verify that vehicles, freight equipment, cargo, and drivers coming into the country are admissible and comply with federal laws and regulations.Commercial Vehicle Administration and Border Administration need to collect transportation related data, including border crossing data to support planning and research activities that span land border crossings.LVAL@,  S ( ~i_%R9Maintenance and construction vehicles need to be able to collect vehicle diagnostics and operatinMaintenance and construction vehicles need to be able to collect vehicle diagnostics and operating status data from the maintenance vehicle and send it to maintenance and construction operations.Traffic Operations need to monitor the status of traffic signal control equipment.Traffic Operations need to be able to manage and implement control plans in order to coordinate signalized intersections.The toll operations need to be able to set the road pricing based on the time of the day, traffic condition and vehicle characteristics (vehicle size, weight, axle count, etc.) and stored toll prices.Transit Operations needs to coordinate with other centers (e.g. traffic, parking, and event promoters) in order to share system information.Transit Operations needs to be able to coordinate with other transportation modes (e.g. ferry operations, airports) in order to improve service connections with these other modes.Transit Operations needs to be able to coordinate service information with other Transit Operations in order to improve operations.Traffic Operations needs to be able to notify enforcement of vehicle violations in the bus lanes.Transit Operations needs to be able to share static and real time transit information with other transit operations in order to facilitate multisystem trip planning.Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information directly to travelers either pretrip or enroute in order to support traveler trip decisions.Transit Operations needs to be able to provide static and real time transit information to traveler information systems and the media in order to increase travelers ability to plan and manage their trips.Transit Operations needs to be able to count the passengers entering or exiting a transit vehicle in order to support efficient operations.Transit Operations needs to be able to assign specific vehicles to blocks in order to perform vehicle allocation.Transit Operations needs to be able to perform maintenance scheduling of transit vehicles including real time requests for actions by the vehicle operator.Transit Operations needs to able to remotely monitor transit vehicle operating conditions in order to determine if maintenance of the vehicle is needed.Transit Operations needs to be able to inform traveler information systems or the media regarding transit related incidents in order to keep the traveling public informed of the impacts these incidents may have on their trips.Transit Operations needs to be able to alert emergency services to incidents on vehicles, at stations/stops, or other monitored assets.Transit Operations needs to be able to authenticate operators of transit vehicles and perform remote disabling of vehicles if necessary in order to ensure secure operation of the vehicles.Transit Operations needs to be able to monitor transit secure areas such as bus or rail yards and transit infrastructure such as tracks and tunnels in order to provide security for transit assets.Transit Operations needs to be able to monitor transit stops and transit stations in order to provide a secure environment for travelers.Transit Operations needs to be able to monitor conditions on a transit vehicle in order to provide a secure environment for travelers.Transit Operations needs to be able to support transit fare reconciliation with other transit agencies participating in a regional fare collection system.Travelers need to be able to add value to payment instruments in order to use them as part of fare collection systems.Transit Operations needs to be able to download transit fare collection information from transit vehicles or transit fare gates at stations in order to manage the fare collection operations.rLVALp   nq"Fleet and Freight Management need to be able to remotely disabFleet and Freight Management need to be able to remotely disable a commercial vehicle when an unauthorized driver is detected.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to be able to read vehicle and driver identification information in order to determine if based on vehicle credentials, the vehicle is authorized to transport the detected hazardous materials (HAZMAT).Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to be able to detect the presence of hazardous materials (HAZMAT) as commercial vehicles pass their roadside facilities in order to quickly determine that the commercial vehicle is authorized to carry the HAZMAT load.Emergency Management needs to collect information from Fleet and Freight Management or directly from equipped vehicles in order determine the status, location, and specific contents of loads with hazardous materials (HAZMAT) when they are involved in an incident in order to protect the public's safety and ensure the safety of its responders.Fleet and Freight Management needs to provide the status, location, and specific contents of loads that have hazardous materials (HAZMAT) or dangerous goods to the appropriate emergency management when they are involved in an incident in order to ensure the safety of the public and the responders.Fleet and Freight Management needs to monitor the status of its freight, including the drivers, vehicles, and the cargo in order to determine if an issue involving hazardous materials occurs and where it is.Emergency Management and Traveler Information need to be able to provide general public real-time disaster and evacuation information using ITS traveler information systems.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to measure the weight or dimensions of commercial vehicles while moving at mainline speeds in order to monitor and enforce weight or dimension restrictions.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to have a vehicle credentialing capability that acquires electronic clearance information (including the commercial vehicle and clearance status) from vehicle as it passes the inspection site and allows exchange of relevant information with center systems.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to have a safety screening capability that acquires safety inspection data from commercial vehicles using electronic communications with fleets and with vehicles along the roadside.Commercial Vehicle Administration agencies need to work in conjunction with enforcement agencies to define geographic areas for targeted safety and credentials screening and share that information with commercial fleets and their drivers in order to facilitate smoother and safer operations.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to monitor operational status of the environmental sensors that detect adverse conditions.Maintenance and Construction operations need to be able to monitor operational status of work zone safety devices.The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform actions that transition the vehicle from driver operation to autonomous operation and back to driver operation when the automated portion of the drive is completed.The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to perform lateral and longitudinal control actions in order to operate the vehicle without direct driver intervention either independently or as part of a platoon.Maintenance and construction operations need to be able to monitor the status of ITS field equipment and coordinate with Traffic Operations on the maintenance of the equipment.Maintenance and construction operations need to coordinate maintenance and construction activities with traffic and other management agencies.LVAL f  v qk.Drivers need their vehicle to monitor the vehicle systems and the traffic in the vicinity of the vehicle iDrivers need their vehicle to monitor the vehicle systems and the traffic in the vicinity of the vehicle in order determine if there are situations that require intervention by the driver or on-board safety system.Fleet and Freight Management needs to be able to provide the status of a freight shipment to customers, terminals, and other distribution and logistics systems.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to be able to request a commercial vehicle to pull in for inspection if the vehicle is determined to be carrying a hazmat load that it is not properly permitted to carry.Emergency Management needs to provide remote monitoring and control of incident scene safety devices that detect vehicle intrusions in designated areas at the incident scene.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to collect and monitor data about the speed of commercial vehicles, including data about the configuration of the vehicle and its trailers in order to ensure vehicles are being operated safely on its roadways and support electronic permitting.Fleet and Freight Management needs to allow Commercial Vehicle Service Providers to electronically monitor its vehicles' speed in order to efficiently move goods to their destinations using electronic permits.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to monitor the weight of commercial vehicles, including data about the configuration of the vehicle and its trailers in order to support electronic permitting.Fleet and Freight Management need to provide electronic readings of its vehicles weight, including data about the configuration of the vehicle and its trailers to a Commercial Vehicle Service Provider in order to facilitate the provision of electronic permits.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to monitor and collect on-board commercial vehicle data including mass and other declarations to support the provision of commercial vehicle permits in order to ensure vehicles are being operated safely on its roadways.Fleet and Freight Management need access to electronic commercial vehicle permits in order to efficiently move goods to their destinations using electronic permits.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to securely access driver log information in order to support roadside inspections to ensure vehicles are being operated safely.Commercial Vehicle Service Providers need to collect and manage driver log information in order provide the information to the appropriate regulators and to make Fleet and Freight Management aware that their vehicles are being operated safely.Fleet and Freight Management needs to be able to alert the appropriate emergency management center if a breach or problem is detected with the container or its contents.Fleet and Freight Management needs to be able to track the location and monitor the status of its freight being carried in order to provide efficient movement of goods for its clients.Fleet and Freight Management need to be able to warn the appropriate emergency management when an unauthorized driver attempts to operate one of its commercial vehicles in order to be able to prevent theft or harm to its property and personnel.Fleet and Freight Management need to be able to determine when an unauthorized driver attempts to operate one of its commercial vehicles in order to be able to prevent theft or harm to its property and personnel.Commercial Vehicle Administration needs to warn the appropriate emergency management when it has detected the presence of an unauthorized hazardous materials (HAZMAT) shipment as commercial vehicles pass their roadside facilities in order to speed up the emergency response.;Wd=zS, i B   X 1 n G ] 6  s L % b;xQ*g@}V/lE[4 04Z@X03@X02@X01@X04@X03@ X02t@ X01@ X02@ X01u@ X04@X~03@X}02h@X|01@X{03@Xz02@Xy01@Xx04@Xw03a@Xv02|@Wu01g@Wts04z@Ws06@Wr06w@Wq04@Wp06@Wo.04@Wnl03f@Wl?11@Wkl02u@Wh03i@Wg05@Wf03@ We02@ Wd01@ Wc904@ Wb205@ Wa02@W`>02@WY05@WW04|@WV03|@WUb03g@WT01z@WS03e@WR05@WQ04@VO(03@VN(02@VM(01r@VL|04]@VK|03\@VJ|02@VI|01_@VG05@VF04@VE02@ VD01{@ VCx03@ V@04@ V?03b@ V>02U@V=01@V< 03@V:d04z@V703@V602G@V501h@V403@V302@V201@T105@T003@S/04@T.&05@ T,p02@ T+p01@ T*r02@ T)r01@ T(q02@T'q01@T&o02@T%o01@T#03@T"01@T!02@T 01@TLVAL{6 X + t XO$|\Fleet and Freight Management needs to monitor and record the mileage, repairs,Fleet and Freight Management needs to monitor and record the mileage, repairs, and safety violations of its vehicles in order to efficiently manage its fleet.Fleet and Freight Management needs to provide commercial vehicles and their drivers with road weather warnings and advisories.Fleet and Freight Management needs to collect data from private, commercial, specialty and public fleet vehicles to determine the impact of weather on its operations.Transportation agencies need to gather data from vehicles or infrastructure to support environmental monitoring.Travelers need to be able to sign up for an HOT account and use it to pay for HOT services.Traffic Operations need to be able to operate High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes on highways.Traffic Operations need to be able to measure the number of passengers in a vehicle in order to determine if the vehicles are violating the HOV lane usage requirements.Traffic Operations need to be able to operate High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes on highways.Emissions Management needs to be able to send information about vehicles with excessive emissions to the appropriate Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or law enforcement.Emissions Management needs to be able to provide wide area pollution information to the media, traveler information centers, and other transportation centers in order to support traveler information and transportation operations.Emissions Management needs to be able to measure vehicle emissions data collected from individual vehicles at the roadside in order to identify high emitting vehicles.Emissions Management needs to be able to measure wide area pollution data in order to monitor wide area pollution levels.Mapping operators need to be able to exchange mapping information (map data and update coordination) with other mapping operators.Data Distribution Operators need to be able to establish and maintain data processing algorithms, rules and related metadata, including all those processes related to Validation, Integration, Sanitization, and Aggregation.Data Distribution Operators need to be able to exchange data with other data distrution systems.System Operators need to be able to provide data to a geographically selected area.System Operators, Vehicle Operators, and PID Operators need to be able to request and receive information without establishing formal relationships with data providers.Credential managers need to be able to issue credentials to system users; these credentials must in turn serve system user needs.System operators need to be able to monitor the physical security and cybersecurity of equipment providing ITS services.System operators need to be able to manage data processing with regard to data archive functions, including data aggregation, data tagging (processed, edited, raw, transformed, etc.), data storage timing and longevity, data quality analysis, data formatting and metadata assignments.System operators need to be able to query for and receive archive data products containing freeway data, tolling data, arterial data, parking data, transit and ridesharing data, incident management data, safety-related data, CVO data, environmental and weather data, vehicle and passenger data and intermodal operations data.System operators need to be able to store data for long term access by themselves and other operators.Drivers need their vehicles to provide the vehicle control actions ranging from basic safety system intervention to prevent crashes leading up to complete operation of the vehicle depending upon the level of automation.Drivers need their vehicle to provide safety warnings to them when a safety compromising situation is detected by on board systems.LVALFg  x  M  Uw( 0Parking Operations needs to be capable of accepting future rParking Operations needs to be capable of accepting future reservations for the use of spaces in a loading/unloading zone.Parking Operations needs to be capable of monitoring occupancy of spaces in a loading/unloading zone.Drivers need in-vehicle access to the information about the movement of transit vehicles in the vicinity of the vehicle.Transit operations needs to be able to share fare information with traveler information systems and other transit operations.Traffic Operations needs to be able to collect emissions data to support development of demand management strategies.Enforcement agenies need to be able to monitor vehicle speeds as measured by field equipment to determine when vehicle speed is excessive.Weather Systems need be able to collect road conditions and weather data from environmental sensors on or in the vicinity of the roadway.Traffic operations need be able to collect road conditions and weather data from environmental sensors on or in the vicinity of the roadway.Vehicle Operators and PID users need their vehicles and devices to determine their current location.Vehicle operators, field system operators, PID users, system operators and support system operators need to be able to exchange messages in a secure fashion, so that no other party can easily understand the contents of the message.Vehicle Operators, PID users and system operators need their devices to operate from a common geographic reference.Traffic Operations needs to be able to manage the operation of automated lanes on highways or roadways.Traffic Operations needs to monitor platoon vehicles to enable strings of vehicles to be more efficiently formed by sharing performance parameters and destinations.The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to leave a platoon and return manual throttle control to the driver so they can change lanes safely.The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to operate in a platoon, including coordination of speed and gap policy with other vehicles in the platoon.The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to move into a platoon and inform the vehicle driver of how, when, and where to safely join a platoon.Drivers need the vehicle to be able to take automated control actions if it looks like an unsafe situation occurs as the vehicle is approaching an intersection.The Driver needs to receive warnings or have the vehicle automatically perform control actions relating to pedestrians, cyclists, and other non-motorized users that are sharing the roadway with the vehicle.The Connected Vehicle needs to be able to provide warnings to the driver or control actions to the vehicle based upon warnings received from nearby special vehicles.The Driver needs to be warned by the connected vehicle or have control actions taken based on information received regarding potentially hazardous road conditions or road hazardsMaintenance and construction operations need to be able to collect road conditions and weather data from maintenance vehicle on-board sensors.Traffic operations and Maintenance and construction need to be able to receive environmental data from Weather operations.Traffic operations and maintenance and construction operations need to share collected environmental data with each other.Traffic Operations need to be able to disseminate traffic metering timing plan to connected vehicles.Traffic operations need to be able to determine whether an eco-lane should be created or decommissioned along a roadway.Emission Management needs to be able to provide summary emission information or warning to drivers.Fleet and Freight Management needs to make its fleet vehicle repair status available to the appropriate commercial vehicle administration agencies in order to update their credentials.LVALd ; B   8qVehicle and Personal device operators need Vehicle and Personal device operators need to be able to validate and use traffic codes.Traffic regulatory agencies need to be able to provide current local statutes, regulations, ordinances, and rules to both traffic agencies and to traveler information.Traveler Information needs to be able to disseminate to personal device applications the current local statutes, regulations, ordinances, and rules.Traveler Information needs to be able to disseminate to connected vehicles current local statutes, regulations, ordinances, and rules.Transportation agencies need to be able to monitor the status of applications running on personal devices and support the installation, reconfiguration, or upgrade of the applications. Transportation agencies need to be able to perform maintenance on ITS public devices such as configuration adjustments or software installation or upgrade.Transportation agencies need to be able to perform the maintenance on ITS public devices remotely or in the field.Transportation agencies need to be able to support both hardware and software maintenance of ITS public devices that are installed in traveler environments like transit stations and other public areas frequented by travelersVehicle service agencies need to be able to remotely perform maintenance actions to vehicle on board equipment such as configuration adjustments or software installation or upgrade.Vehicle service agencies need to be able to remotely diagnose maintenance issues within vehicle on board equipment.Operating agencies need to be able to adjust configuration of field equipment as well as perform installation or upgrade of software used by the field equipment.Operating agencies need to be able to monitor the status of field equipment in order to diagnose problems that may occur during operations.Operating agencies need to be able to perform the maintenance on ITS devices remotely or in the field.Operating agencies need to be able to maintain ITS devices that are installed in the field so that the devices continue to operate as designed.Operating agencies need to be able to reconfigure center assets as well as perform installation or upgrade of software used to support operations. Operating agencies need to be able to monitor the status of center hardware assets in order to diagnose problems that may occur during operations.Operating agencies need to be able to maintain the hardware and software assets installed in the center so that the assets continue to operate as designed.Parking Operations needs to be able to support a system of electronic payment, either at the time of use, or in advance, for loading/ unloading zone spaces.A driver or fleet operator needs to be able to book in advance a loading/ unloading zone space.S ;*>>>>>>>>>> > > > > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >!>">#>$>%>&>'>(>)>*>+>,>->.>/>0>1>2>3>4>5>6>7>8>9>:>;><>=>>>?>@>A>B>C>D>E>F>G>H>I>J>K>L>M>N>O>P>Q>R>S>T>U>V>W>X>Y>Z>[>\>]>^>_>`>a>bCCCCCCCCCC C C C C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C!C"C#C$C%C&C'C(C)C*C+C,C-C.C/C0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C:C;CC?C@CACBCCCDCECFCGCHCICJCKCLCMCNCOCPCQCRCSCTCUCVCWCXCYCZC[C\C]C^C_C`CaCbIIIIIIIIII I I I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 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PObjectKindIDYYY+.rCPrimaryKey.tblKindstblPObjectKindsv1ZY'$dN  Y  Y T Y j Y eY Y Y  Y  Y DY  Y  PObjectIDPObjectNamePObjectAbbrev$PObjectDescriptionPObjectKindIDPObjectClassIDPObjectTypeIDPObjectDomainIDPObjectOriginUserDefinedDiscontinuedenoiFulyleRedcrEmtusoNgttfr cY Y Y Y Y YYYYYYYYYY.rJ.rK.rL.rM.rNEntityIDPObjectClassIDPObjectDomainIDPObjectKindIDPObjectTypeIDPrimaryKey8tblPObjectClassestblPObjects8tblPObjectDomainstblPObjects4tblPObjectKindstblPObjects4tblPObjectTypestblPObjects, v1b N @ @iLVAL l V 'Other Commercial Vehicle Service Provider Centers' is an Australia-specific physical object that is used when the transport operator contracts'Other Commercial Vehicle Service Provider Centers' is an Australia-specific physical object that is used when the transport operator contracts more than one service provider or when a driver works for two companies and the operator also needs the driver log from the drivers other work.The 'Commercial Vehicle Service Provider Center' is an Australia-specific physical object that provides data exchange and commercial vehicle tracking services to other parties involved in commercial vehicle management. It also manages CV OBEs and the operational software on those devices.The 'Security Credentials Registry' is an Australia-specific physical object that provides access information (e.g., the network address) of the commercial vehicle driver logs and security credentials that enable secure traceable access to driver logs. The SCR receives frequent updates of driver activity to determine the CVOBE-SP(s) that store the driver logs. In terms of US physical objects, the SCR is a Cooperative ITS Credentials Management System (CCMS) with included Object Registration and Discovery Service (ORDS) functionality and specific driver log monitoring extensions.Representing another Cooperative ITS Credentials Management System (CCMS), 'Other Credentials Management Systems' is intended to provide a source and destination for information exchange between peer credentials management systems. It supports modeling of projects or regions that include multiple interconnected CCMS that manage credentials distribution and management in the connected vehicle environment.Representing another Freight Distribution and Logistics Center, 'Other Freight Distribution and Logistics Center ' provides a source and destination for information exchange between peer centers. It enables sharing of intermodal logistics support information between centers.The 'Network Time Source' represents the external time source the Connected Vehicle Service Monitor System uses as the basis for time. This is likely implemented as a Stratum-2 Network Time Server that is 2 steps removed from a basic time source (e.g., atomic clock).The 'Service Monitor System Operator' represents the person or people that monitor and manage the Service Monitor System.This general physical object is used to model core capabilities that are common to any center.The 'Traffic Management Center' monitors and controls traffic and the road network. It represents centers that manage a broad range of transportation facilities including freeway systems, rural and suburban highway systems, and urban and suburban traffic control systems. It communicates with ITS Roadway Equipment and Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment (RSE) to monitor and manage traffic flow and monitor the condition of the roadway, surrounding environmental conditions, and field equipment status. It manages traffic and transportation resources to support allied agencies in responding to, and recovering from, incidents ranging from minor traffic incidents through major disasters.The 'Driver' represents the person that operates a vehicle on the roadway. Included are operators of private, transit, commercial, and emergency vehicles where the interactions are not particular to the type of vehicle (e.g., interactions supporting vehicle safety applications). The Driver originates driver requests and receives driver information that reflects the interactions which might be useful to all drivers, regardless of vehicle classification. Information and interactions which are unique to drivers of a specific vehicle type (e.g., fleet interactions with transit, commercial, or emergency vehicle drivers) are covered by separate objects.9/{/. } 2 3 3 y ! v # {g]l x}8E= 3Payment DevicePD/@US:6*& 2Event Promoter SystemEPS@USB>2- 1Emissions Management OperatorEMO,@USJF:5 0ITS Roadway Payment EquipmentRPE@USJF:5 /Payment Administration CenterPAC@USJF:5 .Financial CenterFC@US<8,( -Other Traffic Management CentersOTMCB@USNJ>8 ,Emergency PersonnelEP@US?;/+ +PedestrianPedd@US73'" *Emergency Vehicle OBEEVOBEB@USD@4- )Other MCV OBEsOMCVOBEk@US?;/& (Maint and Constr Field PersonnelMCFP@USNJ>8 'Maint and Constr Center PersonnelMCCP@USOK?9 &Wayside EquipmentWEf@US=9-) %Enforcement CenterEC@US>:.* $Archived Data SystemADSA@USA=1, #TIC OperatorTICO@US:6*$ "Maint and Constr Vehicle OBEMCVOBE@USLH<4 !Surface Transportation Weather ServiceSTWS@USTPD> Weather Service SystemWSS@USC?3. Emissions Management CenterEMMC@USIE93 Traffic Operations PersonnelTOP@USIE94 Other Transit Management CentersOTRMC/@USOK?8 Alternate Mode Transportation CenterAMTC@USRNB< Transit Vehicle OBETVOBE @USB>2+ Transit Operations PersonnelTROPg@USJF:4 Transit Vehicle OperatorTVO@USEA50 Transit Management CenterTRMCr@USGC71 Personal Information DevicePIDG@USHD83 Freight Consolidation StationFCST@USJF:5 Freight Distribution and Logistics CenterFDLC@USWSGA Intermodal Customer SystemICS@USGC72 Fleet-Freight ManagerFFM@USB>2- Commercial Vehicle DriverCVD@USFB61 Transportation Information CenterTICe@USNJ>9 Fleet and Freight Management CenterFFMC@USQMA; Commercial Vehicle OBECVOBE@USEA5. Intermodal TerminalIT@US?;/+ Freight EquipmentFE@US=9-) Connected Vehicle Roadside EquipmentRSE @USQMA< ITS Roadway EquipmentITSREV@USD@4- Maint and Constr Management CenterMCMCY@USPL@: Traffic Management CenterTMC@USFB61 Other Vehicle OBEsOVOBE@USA=1* Map Update SystemMUS2@US>:.) Vehicle OBEVOBE@US95)# DriverD@US0, LVAL %'Other Vehicle OBEs' represents other connected vehicles that are communicating with the host vehicle. This includes all connected motorized vehicles including passenger cars, trucks, and motorcycles and specialty vehicles (e.g., maintenance vehicles, transit vehicles) that also include the basic 'Vehicle OBE' functionality that supports 'Other Vehicle OBEs' represents other connected vehicles that are communicating with the host vehicle. This includes all connected motorized vehicles including passenger cars, trucks, and motorcycles and specialty vehicles (e.g., maintenance vehicles, transit vehicles) that also include the basic 'Vehicle OBE' functionality that supports V2V communications. This object provides a source and destination for information transfers between connected vehicles. The host vehicle on-board equipment, represented by the Vehicle OBE physical object, sends information to, and receives information from the Other Vehicle OBEs to model all connected vehicle V2V communications in ARC-IT.The 'Map Update System' represents a provider of map databases used to support ITS services. It supports the provision of the map data that are used directly by vehicles (e.g., roadway and intersection geometry data sets), travelers (e.g., navigable maps used for route guidance and display maps used at traveler information points), system operators (e.g., map data used by Traffic Operators to monitor and manage the road network, and map data used by Fleet Managers to manage a vehicle fleet). It may represent a third-party provider or an internal organization that produces map data for agency use. Products may include simple display maps, map data sets that define detailed road network topology and geometry, or full geographic information system databases that are used to support planning and operations.The Vehicle On-Board Equipment (OBE) provides the vehicle-based sensory, processing, storage, and communications functions that support efficient, safe, and convenient travel. The Vehicle OBE includes general capabilities that apply to passenger cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Many of these capabilities (e.g., see the Vehicle Safety service packages) apply to all vehicle types including personal vehicles, commercial vehicles, emergency vehicles, transit vehicles, and maintenance vehicles. From this perspective, the Vehicle OBE includes the common interfaces and functions that apply to all motorized vehicles. The radio(s) supporting V2V and V2I communications are a key component of the Vehicle OBE. Both one-way and two-way communications options support a spectrum of information services from basic broadcast to advanced personalized information services. Route guidance capabilities assist in formulation of an optimal route and step by step guidance along the travel route. Advanced sensors, processors, enhanced driver interfaces, and actuators complement the driver information services so that, in addition to making informed mode and route selections, the driver travels these routes in a safer and more consistent manner. This physical object supports all six levels of driving automation as defined in SAE J3016. Initial collision avoidance functions provide 'vigilant co-pilot' driver warning capabilities. More advanced functions assume limited control of the vehicle to maintain lane position and safe headways. In the most advanced implementations, this Physical Object supports full automation of all aspects of the driving task, aided by communications with other vehicles in the vicinity and in coordination with supporting infrastructure subsystems.LVALQThe 'Basic Maint and Constr Vehicle' represents the maintenance, construction, or other specialized vehicle or equipment that hosts the on-board equipment that provides ITS functionality. It includes the databus, actuators, and other access points thaThe 'Basic Maint and Constr Vehicle' represents the maintenance, construction, or other specialized vehicle or equipment that hosts the on-board equipment that provides ITS functionality. It includes the databus, actuators, and other access points that are used by the on-board equipment to monitor and control the host vehicle systems. For example, the interface to this physical object is used to control the operation of the snow plow and monitor the amount of materials (e.g., sand or salt) on-board.The 'Object Registration and Discovery System Operator' represents the person or people that monitor and manage the Object Registration and Discovery System.'ITS Roadway Equipment' represents the ITS equipment that is distributed on and along the roadway that monitors and controls traffic and monitors and manages the roadway itself. This physical object includes traffic detectors, environmental sensors, traffic signals, highway advisory radios, dynamic message signs, CCTV cameras and video image processing systems, grade crossing warning systems, and ramp metering systems. Lane management systems and barrier systems that control access to transportation infrastructure such as roadways, bridges and tunnels are also included. This object also provides environmental monitoring including sensors that measure road conditions, surface weather, and vehicle emissions. Work zone systems including work zone surveillance, traffic control, driver warning, and work crew safety systems are also included.The 'Maint and Constr Management Center' monitors and manages roadway infrastructure construction and maintenance activities. Representing both public agencies and private contractors that provide these functions, this physical object manages fleets of maintenance, construction, or special service vehicles (e.g., snow and ice control equipment). The physical object receives a wide range of status information from these vehicles and performs vehicle dispatch, routing, and resource management for the vehicle fleets and associated equipment. The physical object participates in incident response by deploying maintenance and construction resources to an incident scene, in coordination with other center physical objects. The physical object manages equipment at the roadside, including environmental sensors and automated systems that monitor and mitigate adverse road and surface weather conditions. It manages the repair and maintenance of both non-ITS and ITS equipment including the traffic controllers, detectors, dynamic message signs, signals, and other equipment associated with the roadway infrastructure. Weather information is collected and fused with other data sources and used to support advanced decision support systems. The physical object remotely monitors and manages ITS capabilities in work zones, gathering, storing, and disseminating work zone information to other systems. It manages traffic in the vicinity of the work zone and advises drivers of work zone status (either directly at the roadside or through an interface with the Transportation Information Center or Traffic Management Center physical objects.) Construction and maintenance activities are tracked and coordinated with other systems, improving the quality and accuracy of information available regarding closures and other roadway construction and maintenance activities.LVAL 1 zThe 'Credentials Management System Operator' represents the person or people that monitor and manage the Cooperative ITS CredeThe 'Credentials Management System Operator' represents the person or people that monitor and manage the Cooperative ITS Credentials Management System. These personnel monitor and manage the secure distribution, use, and revocation of trust credentials.The 'Data Distribution System Operator' represents the person or people that monitor and manage the data services provided by the Data Distribution System (DDS). These personnel manage and monitor the systems that support the publish/subscribe services of the DDS.The 'Fleet and Freight Management Center' provides the capability for commercial drivers and fleet-freight managers to receive real-time routing information and access databases containing vehicle and/or freight equipment locations as well as carrier, vehicle, freight equipment and driver information. The 'Fleet and Freight Management Center' also provides the capability for fleet managers to monitor the safety and security of their commercial vehicle drivers and fleet.The Commercial Vehicle On-Board Equipment (OBE) resides in a commercial vehicle and provides the sensory, processing, storage, and communications functions necessary to support safe and efficient commercial vehicle operations. It provides two-way communications between the commercial vehicle drivers, their fleet managers, attached freight equipment, and roadside officials. A separate 'Vehicle OBE' physical object supports vehicle safety and driver information capabilities that apply to all vehicles, including commercial vehicles. The Commercial Vehicle OBE supplements these general ITS capabilities with capabilities that are specific to commercial vehicles.The 'Intermodal Terminal' represents the terminal areas corresponding to modal change points. This includes interfaces between roadway freight transportation and air, rail, and/or water shipping modes. The basic unit of cargo handled by the Intermodal Terminal physical object is the container; less-than-container load handling is typically handled at a different facility (i.e., Freight Consolidation Station). The Intermodal Terminal can include electronic gate control for entrance and exit from the facility, automated guidance of vehicles within the facility, alerting appropriate parties of container arrivals and departures, and inventory and location of temporarily stored containers.'Freight Equipment' represents a freight container, intermodal chassis, or trailer and provides sensory, processing, storage, and communications functions necessary to support safe, secure and efficient freight operations. It provides equipment safety data and status and can alert the appropriate systems of an incident, breach, or tamper event. It also provides accurate position information to support in-transit visibility of freight equipment.'Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment' (CV RSE) represents the Connected Vehicle roadside devices that are used to send messages to, and receive messages from, nearby vehicles using Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) or other alternative wireless communications technologies. Communications with adjacent field equipment and back office centers that monitor and control the RSE are also supported. This device operates from a fixed position and may be permanently deployed or a portable device that is located temporarily in the vicinity of a traffic incident, road construction, or a special event. It includes a processor, data storage, and communications capabilities that support secure communications with passing vehicles, other field equipment, and centers.LVAL X'Archived Data User System' represents the systems users employ to access archived data. The general interface provided allows a broad range of users (e.g. planners, re'Archived Data User System' represents the systems users employ to access archived data. The general interface provided allows a broad range of users (e.g. planners, researchers, analysts, operators) and their systems (e.g. databases, models, analytical tools, user interface devices) to acquire data and analyses results from the archive.The 'Freight Consolidation Station' is an intermediate point (usually an intermodal terminal located at a port) prior to (or after) container-based shipping, where less-than-container load or less-than-truckload cargoes are consolidated into full container loads (or full containers are disbursed), for cost-effective intermodal shipping.The 'Freight Distribution and Logistics Center' provides intermodal logistics support and support for the efficient distribution of freight across transport systems and modes. This can include consolidation arrangements, warehousing, and consignor-to-consignee intermodal shipping arrangements. These capabilities may be provided as part of intermodal fleet management activities or can be provided by an independent logistics specialist.The 'Intermodal Customer System' represents organizations that engage in the shipment of freight, either originator (consigner or shipper) or recipient of the cargo shipment. They enable the movement of goods on routes that require the use of other modes of transportation such as heavy rail, air, sea, etc. The Intermodal Customer System includes those personnel responsible for the movement of freight across international borders.The 'Fleet-Freight Manager' represents the people that are responsible for the dispatching and management of Commercial Vehicle fleets (e.g. traditional Fleet Managers) and Freight Equipment assets. It may be many people in a large tracking organization or a single person (owner driver) in the case of single vehicle fleets. The Fleet-Freight Manager provides instructions and coordination for Commercial Vehicles and Freight Equipment and receives the status of the vehicles and freight equipment in the fleet that they manage.The 'Commercial Vehicle Driver' represents the people that operate vehicles transporting goods, including both long haul trucks and local pick-up and delivery vans. This physical object is complementary to the Driver physical object in that it represents those interactions which are unique to Commercial Vehicle Operations. Information flowing from the Commercial Vehicle Driver includes those system inputs specific to Commercial Vehicle Operations.The 'Transportation Information Center' collects, processes, stores, and disseminates transportation information to system operators and the traveling public. The physical object can play several different roles in an integrated ITS. In one role, the TIC provides a data collection, fusing, and repackaging function, collecting information from transportation system operators and redistributing this information to other system operators in the region and other TICs. In this information redistribution role, the TIC provides a bridge between the various transportation systems that produce the information and the other TICs and their subscribers that use the information. The second role of a TIC is focused on delivery of traveler information to subscribers and the public at large. Information provided includes basic advisories, traffic and road conditions, transit schedule information, yellow pages information, ride matching information, and parking information. The TIC is commonly implemented as a website or a web-based application service, but it represents any traveler information distribution service.LVAL G 'Government Reporting Systems' represents the system and associated personnel that prepare the inputs to support the various local, state, and federal government transportation data reporting requirements (e.g. Highway Performance Monitoring System, Fatality Analysis Reporting Syste'Government Reporting Systems' represents the system and associated personnel that prepare the inputs to support the various local, state, and federal government transportation data reporting requirements (e.g. Highway Performance Monitoring System, Fatality Analysis Reporting System) using data collected by ITS systems. It represents a system interface that provides access to the archived data relevant to these reports. In most cases, this system will combine data collected from ITS archives with data from non-ITS sources to assemble the required information.'Maint and Constr Administrative Systems' represents the various administrative systems that support the operation of ITS systems for maintenance and construction operations. The interfaces to this object support general administrative data interchanges between ITS and non-ITS systems. This includes: interfaces to purchasing for equipment and consumables resupply, interfaces to human resources that manage training and special certification for field crews and other personnel, and interfaces to contract administration functions that administer and monitor the work performance for maintenance and construction contracts.The 'Financial Center' represents the organization that handles electronic fund transfer requests to enable the transfer of funds from the user of the service to the provider of the service. The functions and activities of financial clearinghouses are covered by this physical object.The 'Transit Vehicle Operator' represents the person that receives and provides additional information that is specific to operating the ITS functions in all types of transit vehicles. The information received by the operator would include status of on-board systems. Additional information received depends upon the type of transit vehicle. In the case of fixed route transit vehicles, the Transit Vehicle Operator would receive operator instructions that might include actions to take to correct schedule deviations. In the case of flexible fixed routes and demand response routes the information would also include dynamic routing or passenger pickup information.The 'Transit Management Center' manages transit vehicle fleets and coordinates with other modes and transportation services. It provides operations, maintenance, customer information, planning and management functions for the transit property. It spans distinct central dispatch and garage management systems and supports the spectrum of fixed route, flexible route, paratransit services, transit rail, and bus rapid transit (BRT) service. The physical object's interfaces support communication between transit departments and with other operating entities such as emergency response services and traffic management systems.The 'Personal Information Device' provides the capability for travelers to receive formatted traveler information wherever they are. Capabilities include traveler information, trip planning, and route guidance. Frequently a smart phone, the Personal Information Device provides travelers with the capability to receive route planning and other personally focused transportation services from the infrastructure in the field, at home, at work, or while en-route. Personal Information Devices may operate independently or may be linked with connected vehicle on-board equipment.LVAL W>Representing another Traffic Management Center, 'Other Traffic Management Centers' is intended to provide a source and destination for information exchange betRepresenting another Traffic Management Center, 'Other Traffic Management Centers' is intended to provide a source and destination for information exchange between peer (e.g. inter-regional) traffic management functions. It enables traffic management activities to be coordinated across different jurisdictional areas.'Emergency Personnel' represents personnel that are responsible for police, fire, emergency medical services, towing, service patrols, and other special response team (e.g., hazardous material clean-up) activities at an incident site. These personnel are associated with the Emergency Vehicle during dispatch to the incident site, but often work independently of the Emergency Vehicle while providing their incident response services.'Pedestrian' participates in ITS services that support safe, shared use of the transportation network by motorized and non-motorized transportation modes. Representing those using non-motorized travel modes, pedestrians provide input (e.g. a call signal requesting right of way at an intersection) and may be detected by ITS services to improve safety.The Emergency Vehicle On-Board Equipment (OBE) resides in an emergency vehicle and provides the processing, storage, and communications functions that support public safety-related connected vehicle applications. It represents a range of vehicles including those operated by police, fire, and emergency medical services. In addition, it represents other incident response vehicles including towing and recovery vehicles and freeway service patrols. It includes two-way communications to support coordinated response to emergencies. A separate 'Vehicle OBE' physical object supports the general vehicle safety and driver information capabilities that apply to all vehicles, including emergency vehicles. The Emergency Vehicle OBE supplements these general capabilities with capabilities that are specific to emergency vehicles.'Transit Operations Personnel' represents the people that are responsible for fleet management, maintenance operations, and scheduling activities of the transit system. These different roles represent a variety of individuals in the transit industry. Within the transit industry the person responsible for fleet management is known by many names: Street Supervisor, Starter, Dispatcher, Supervisor, Traffic Controller, Transportation Coordinator. This person actively monitors, controls, and modifies the transit fleet routes and schedules on a day to day basis (dynamic scheduling). The modifications will take account of abnormal situations such as vehicle breakdown, vehicle delay, detours around work zones or incidents (detour management, connection protection, and service restoration), and other causes of route or schedule deviations. Transit operations personnel are also responsible for demand responsive transit operation and for managing emergency situations within the transit network such as silent alarms on board transit vehicles, or the remote disabling of the vehicle. In addition the Transit Operations Personnel may be responsible for assigning vehicle operators to routes, checking vehicle operators in and out, and managing transit stop issues. This object also represents the personnel in the transit garage that are responsible for maintenance of the transit fleets, including monitoring vehicle status, matching vehicles with operators, and maintenance checking of transit vehicles. Finally, it represents the people responsible for planning, development, and management of transit routes and schedules.LVAL Ml~This represents on-board equipment on other maintenance and construction vehicles. It provides a source and destination for ITS information transfers between maintenance and constThis represents on-board equipment on other maintenance and construction vehicles. It provides a source and destination for ITS information transfers between maintenance and construction vehicles. These information transfers allow vehicle operational status, environmental information, and work zone intrusion warnings or alarms to be shared between vehicles.The 'Emissions Management Center' provides the capabilities for air quality managers to monitor and manage air quality. These capabilities include collecting emissions data from distributed emissions sensors (included in ITS Roadway Equipment) and directly from connected vehicles. The sensors monitor general air quality and also monitor the emissions of individual vehicles on the roadway. The measures are collected, processed, and used to support environmental monitoring applications.'Traffic Operations Personnel' represents the people that operate a traffic management center. These personnel interact with traffic control systems, traffic surveillance systems, incident management systems, work zone management systems, and travel demand management systems. They provide operator data and command inputs to direct system operations to varying degrees depending on the type of system and the deployment scenario.Representing another transit operations center, 'Other Transit Management Centers' is intended to provide a source and destination for information flows between peer transit management centers. It enables transit management activities to be coordinated across geographic boundaries or jurisdictions.The 'Alternate Mode Transportation Center' provides the interface through which non-ITS transportation systems (e.g., airlines, ferry services, passenger-carrying heavy rail) can exchange data with ITS.. This two-way interface enables coordination for efficient movement of people across multiple transportation modes. It also enables the traveler to efficiently plan itineraries which include segments using other modes.The Transit Vehicle On-Board equipment (OBE) resides in a transit vehicle and provides the sensory, processing, storage, and communications functions necessary to support safe and efficient movement of passengers. The types of transit vehicles containing this physical object include buses, paratransit vehicles, light rail vehicles, other vehicles designed to carry passengers, and supervisory vehicles. It collects ridership levels and supports electronic fare collection. It supports a traffic signal prioritization function that communicates with the roadside physical object to improve on-schedule performance. Automated vehicle location enhances the information available to the transit operator enabling more efficient operations. On-board sensors support transit vehicle maintenance. The physical object supports on-board security and safety monitoring. This monitoring includes transit user or vehicle operator activated alarms (silent or audible), as well as surveillance and sensor equipment. The surveillance equipment includes video (e.g. CCTV cameras), audio systems and/or event recorder systems. It also furnishes travelers with real-time travel information, continuously updated schedules, transfer options, routes, and fares. A separate 'Vehicle OBE' physical object supports the general vehicle safety and driver information capabilities that apply to all vehicles, including transit vehicles. The Transit Vehicle OBE supplements these general capabilities with capabilities that are specific to transit vehicles.cLVALL ; e L}Represents the people that perform maintenance and construction field activities including vehicle and equipment operators, field supervisory personnel, field crews, and work zone safety personnel. Information flowing from the Maintenance and Construction Field Personnel will include those system inputs specific to maintenance and construction operations,Represents the people that perform maintenance and construction field activities including vehicle and equipment operators, field supervisory personnel, field crews, and work zone safety personnel. Information flowing from the Maintenance and Construction Field Personnel will include those system inputs specific to maintenance and construction operations, such as information regarding work zone status, or the status of maintenance actions. The field personnel are also monitored within the work zone to enhance work zone safety. Information provided to Maintenance and Construction Field Personnel includes dispatch requests, maintenance and construction actions to be performed, and work zone safety warnings.The people that directly interface with a Maintenance and Construction Management Center. These personnel interact with fleet dispatch and management systems, road maintenance systems, incident management systems, work plan scheduling systems, and work zone management systems. They provide operator data and command inputs to direct system operations to varying degrees depending on the type of system and the deployment scenario. 'Wayside Equipment' represents train interface equipment (usually) maintained and operated by the railroad and (usually) physically located at or near a grade crossing. It is a source and destination for information for, or about, approaching trains and their crews (e.g. the time at which the train will arrive and the time it will take to clear a crossing, crossing status or warnings, etc.). Generally one wayside equipment interface would be associated with one highway rail intersection. However, multiple crossings may be controlled using information based on data from one wayside equipment interface.The 'Enforcement Center' represents the systems that receive reports of violations detected by various ITS facilities including individual vehicle emissions, lane violations, toll violations, CVO violations, etc.The 'Surface Transportation Weather Service' represents the providers of value-added sector-specific meteorological services. These providers utilize National Weather Service data and predictions (including the qualified environmental data from the Clarus system), road condition information and local environmental data provided by traffic management or maintenance organizations, and their own models to provide surface transportation related weather observations and forecasts including pavement temperature and conditions.The 'Weather Service System' provides weather, hydrologic, and climate information and warnings of hazardous weather including thunderstorms, flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, winter weather, tsunamis, and climate events. It provides atmospheric weather observations and forecasts that are collected and derived by the National Weather Service, private sector providers, and various research organizations. The interface provides formatted weather data products suitable for on-line processing and integration with other ITS data products as well as Doppler radar images, satellite images, severe storm warnings, and other products that are formatted for presentation to various ITS users. LVAL ` The 'Archived Data System' collects, archives, manages, and distributes data generated from ITS sources for use in transportation administration, policy evaluation, safety, planning, performance monitoring, program assessment, operations, and research applications. The data received is formatted and tagged with attributes that define the data source, conditions under which it was collected, data transformations, and other information (i.e. meta data) necessary to interpret the data. The archive can fuse ITS generated data with data froThe 'Archived Data System' collects, archives, manages, and distributes data generated from ITS sources for use in transportation administration, policy evaluation, safety, planning, performance monitoring, program assessment, operations, and research applications. The data received is formatted and tagged with attributes that define the data source, conditions under which it was collected, data transformations, and other information (i.e. meta data) necessary to interpret the data. The archive can fuse ITS generated data with data from non-ITS sources and other archives to generate information products utilizing data from multiple functional areas, modes, and jurisdictions. The archive prepares data products that can serve as inputs to federal, state, and local data reporting systems. The 'Archived Data System' may reside within an operational center and provide focused access to a particular agency's data archives. Alternatively, it may operate as a distinct center that collects data from multiple agencies and sources and provides a general data warehouse service.This 'TIC Operator' represents the person or people that monitor and manage traveler information services provided by the Transportation Information Center.The 'Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE' resides in a maintenance, construction, or other specialized service vehicle or equipment and provides the processing, storage, and communications functions necessary to support highway maintenance and construction. All types of maintenance and construction vehicles are covered, including heavy equipment and supervisory vehicles. The MCV OBE provides two-way communications between drivers/operators and dispatchers and maintains and communicates current location and status information. A wide range of operational status is monitored, measured, and made available, depending on the specific type of vehicle or equipment. A snow plow for example, would monitor whether the plow is up or down and material usage information. The Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE may also contain capabilities to monitor vehicle systems to support maintenance of the vehicle itself and include sensors that monitor environmental conditions such as road condition and surface weather information. This can include a diverse set of mobile environmental sensing platforms, including wheeled vehicles and any other vehicle that collects and reports environmental information. A separate 'Vehicle OBE' physical object supports the general vehicle safety and driver information capabilities that apply to all vehicles, including maintenance and construction vehicles. The Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE supplements these general capabilities with capabilities that are specific to maintenance and construction vehicles.~LVAL5 : ; 'Storage Facility Data Acquisition System' represents systems that monitor and report the current status of facilities that provide storage and forward staging for equipment and m'Storage Facility Data Acquisition System' represents systems that monitor and report the current status of facilities that provide storage and forward staging for equipment and materials used in maintenance and construction operations. It provides status information on the types and quantities of materials and equipment that are available at the facility.The 'Electric Charging Station' provides access to electric vehicle supply equipment that is used to charge hybrid and all-electric vehicles. This includes public charging stations that support consumers, workplace charging stations, and fleet charging stations.The 'Payment Device' enables the electronic transfer of funds from the user of a service (I.e. a traveler) to the provider of the service. Potential implementations include smart cards that support payment for products and services, including transportation services and general purpose devices like smart phones that support a broad array of services, including electronic payment. In addition to user account information, the payment device may also hold and update associated user information such as personal profiles, preferences, and trip histories.'Event Promoter System' represents Special Event Sponsors that have knowledge of events that may impact travel on roadways or other modal means. Examples of special event sponsors include sporting events, conventions, motorcades/parades, and public/political events. These promoters interface to the ITS to provide event information such as date, time, estimated duration, location, and any other information pertinent to traffic movement in the surrounding area.The 'Emissions Management Operator' represents personnel that monitor, operate, and manage emissions monitoring and management systems. These personnel monitor system operation and monitor collected emissions and air quality information and direct system operation through data and command inputs.'ITS Roadway Payment Equipment' represents the roadway components of a toll collection system. It provides the capability for vehicle operators to pay tolls without stopping their vehicles. It supports use of locally determined pricing structures and includes the capability to implement various variable pricing policies. Typically, transactions are accompanied by feedback to the customer and a record of the transactions is provided to a back office system (e.g., the Payment Administration Center).The 'Payment Administration Center' provides general payment administration capabilities and supports the electronic transfer of funds from the customer to the transportation system operator or other service provider. Charges can be recorded for tolls, vehicle-mileage charging, congestion charging, or other goods and services. It supports traveler enrollment and collection of both pre-payment and post-payment transportation fees in coordination with the financial infrastructure supporting electronic payment transactions. The system may establish and administer escrow accounts depending on the clearinghouse scheme and the type of payments involved. It may post a transaction to the customer account, generate a bill (for post-payment accounts), debit an escrow account, or interface to a financial infrastructure to debit a customer designated account. It supports communications with the ITS Roadway Payment Equipment to support fee collection operations. As an alternative, a wide-area wireless interface can be used to communicate directly with vehicle equipment. It also sets and administers the pricing structures and may implement road pricing policies in coordination with the Traffic Management Center.`.]j a  t % v / 2 y < B-z<1imt- eService Monitor SystemSMS;@USC?3. dObject Registration and Discovery SystemORDSs@USVRF@ cOther Data Distribution SystemsODDS@USMI=7 bData Distribution SystemDDS@USEA50 aTraveler CardTC@US95)% _Other Authorizing CentersOACR@USFB61 ^Basic Commercial VehicleBCVn@USEA50 ]Basic Emergency VehicleBEV@USD@4/ \Basic Transit VehicleBTV@USB>2- [Archived Data User SystemADUSV@USGC71 ZGovernment Reporting SystemsGRS9@USIE94 YMaint and Constr Administrative SystemsMCASv@USUQE? XStorage Facility Data Acquisition SystemSFDASi@USWSG@ WField Maintenance EquipmentFMEu@USHD83 VCooperative ITS Credentials Management SystemCCMSt@US[WKE UAuthorizing CenterAC6@US>:.* TCenterC`@US0,  SOther CV Administration CentersOCVACE@USNJ>7 RCommercial Vehicle InspectorCVI@USIE94 QCommercial Vehicle Administration CenterCVAC@USVRF@ PCommercial Vehicle Check EquipmentCVCEI@USPL@: NBorder Inspection SystemBIS@USEA50 MBorder Inspection Administration CenterBIAC@USUQE? LSpecial Needs RegistrySNR*@USC?3. KSocial MediaSM@US84($ JMediaM@US/+ IOther Transportation Information CentersOTIC@USVRF@ HTraveler Support EquipmentTSE6@USGC72 GParking Management SystemPMS{@USFB61 FEmergency Telecommunications SystemETS@USPL@; EOther EV OBEsOEVOBE@US=9-% DCare FacilityCF@US95)% CPopulation and Housing Data SystemPHDS@USPL@: BRail Operations CenterROC @USC?3. APublic Health SystemPHS@USA=1, @TravelerT@US2."  ?Travel Services Provider SystemTSPSe@USMI=7 =Shelter Provider CenterSPC@USD@4/ <Emergency System OperatorESO@USFB61 ;Other Emergency Management CentersOEMC@USPL@: :Other ITS Roadway EquipmentOIRE@USIE93 9Emergency Management CenterEMC&KUSHD83 7Other Payment Administration CentersOPA;@USQMA< 6DMVDMV@US0,  5Payment AdministratorPA@USA=1- 4Electric Charging StationECS @USFB61LVAL _ $ 'Field Maintenance Equipment' represents the portable equipment used by field personnel to locally troubleshoot, initialize, reprogram, and test infrastructure equipment. It may includ'Field Maintenance Equipment' represents the portable equipment used by field personnel to locally troubleshoot, initialize, reprogram, and test infrastructure equipment. It may include a laptop, specialized diagnostics tools, or any other general purpose or specialized equipment that is interfaced locally to infrastructure equipment to support maintenance and repair.'Emergency System Operator' represents the public safety personnel that monitor emergency requests, (including those from the E911 Operator) and set up pre-defined responses to be executed by an emergency management system. The operator may also override predefined responses where it is observed that they are not achieving the desired result. This also includes dispatchers who manage an emergency fleet (police, fire, ambulance, HAZMAT, etc.) or higher order emergency managers who provide response coordination during emergencies.'Other Emergency Management Centers' provides a source and destination for information flows between various communications centers operated by public safety agencies, emergency management agencies, other allied agencies, and private companies that participate in coordinated management of transportation-related incidents, including disasters. The interface represented by this object enables emergency management activities to be coordinated across jurisdictional boundaries and between functional areas, supporting requirements for general networks connecting many allied agencies. It also supports interface to other allied agencies like utility companies that also participate in the coordinated response to selected highway-related incidents.Representing another set of ITS Roadway Equipment, 'Other ITS Roadway Equipment' supports 'field device' to 'field device' communication and coordination, and provides a source and destination for information that may be exchanged between ITS Roadway Equipment. The interface enables direct coordination between field equipment. Examples include the direct interface between sensors and other roadway devices (e.g., Dynamic Message Signs) and the direct interface between roadway devices (e.g., between a Signal System Master and Signal System Local equipment) or a connection between an arterial signal system master and a ramp meter controller.Representing another Payment Administration Center, 'Other Payment Administration Centers' is intended to provide a source and destination for ITS information flows between payment administration functions. This interface allows reconciliation of toll charges and other payments across different agencies by allowing the exchange of information about clients who have incurred charges in jurisdictions other than their own (billing) customer service center. This interface enables apportioning charges and 'reciprocity' between participating customer service centers.The 'DMV' is a specific (state) public organization responsible for registering vehicles, e.g., the Department of Motor Vehicles.The 'Payment Administrator' represents the person(s) that manage the back office payment administration systems for electronic toll, VMT road use payment, and other services paid for from a vehicle. It monitors the systems that support the electronic transfer of funds from the customer to the system operator. It monitors customer enrollment and supports the establishment of escrow accounts depending on the clearinghouse scheme and the type of payments involved. It also establishes and administers the pricing structures and policies.LVAL&KThe 'Emergency Management Center' represents systems that support incident management, disaster response and evacuation, security monitoring, and other security and public safety-oriented ITS applications. It includes the functions associated with fixed and mobile public safety communications centers including public safety call taker and dispatch centers operated by police (including transit police), fire, and emergency medical services. It includes the functions associated with Emergency Operations Centers that are activated at local, regional, state, and federal levels for emergencies and the portable and transportable systems that support Incident Command System operations at an incident. This Center also represents systems associated with towing and recovery, freeway service patrols, HAZMAT response teams, and mayday service providers. It manages sensor and surveillance equipment used to enhance transportation security of the roadway infrastructure (including bridges, tunnels, interchanges, and other key roadway segments) and the public transportation system (including transit vehicles, public areas such as transit stops and stations, facilities such as transit yards, and transit infrastructure such as rail, bridges, tunnels, or bus guideways). It provides security/surveillance services to improve traveler security in public areas not a part of the public transportation system. It monitors alerts, advisories, and other threat information and prepares for and responds to identified emergencies. It coordinates emergency response involving multiple agencies with peer centers. It stores, coordinates, and utilizes emergency response and evacuation plans to facilitate this coordinated response. Emergency situation information including damage assessments, response status, evacuation information, and resource information are shared The Emergency Management Center also provides a focal point for coordination of the emergency and evacuation information that is provided to the traveling public, L LVAL\ including wide-area alerts when immediate public notification is warranted. It tracks and manages emergency vehicle fleets using real-time road network status and routing information from the other centers to aid in selecting the emergency vehicle(s) and routes, and works with other relevant centers to tailor traffic control to support emergency vehicle ingress and egress, implementation of special traffic restrictions and closures, evacuation traffic control plans, and other special strategies that adapt the transportation system to better meet the unique demands of an emergency.LVAL" BThis represents on-board equipment on other emergency (e.g., law enforcement, fire, EMS, towing and recovery) vehicles. It provides a source and destination for ITS information transfers between emergency vehicles. These infThis represents on-board equipment on other emergency (e.g., law enforcement, fire, EMS, towing and recovery) vehicles. It provides a source and destination for ITS information transfers between emergency vehicles. These information transfers allow information to be shared between emergency vehicles arriving, or involved at, an incident. Vehicle to vehicle communications at incident locations facilitates incident coordination and personal safety.The 'Care Facility' represents a hospital or another emergency care facility. It may also represent a third party quality of care information provider.'Population and Housing Data System' provides U.S. Census data and other local, county, and state population and housing surveys that can be used to support evacuation planning.'Rail Operations Center' represents the (usually) centralized control point for a substantial segment of a freight railroad's operations and maintenance activities. It is roughly the railroad equivalent to a highway Traffic Management Center. It is the source and destination of information that can be used to coordinate rail and highway traffic management and maintenance operations. It is also the source and destination for incident, incident response, disaster, or evacuation information that is exchanged with an Emergency Management Center. The use of a single object for multiple sources and destination for information exchange with railroads implies the need for a single, consistent interface between a given railroad's operations and maintenance activities and ITS.'Public Health System' represents the systems operated by hospitals or regional public health departments that can respond to requests for specific information regarding emergencies involving biohazards - such as biological attacks, hazardous materials spills, or other threats to public health. It can provide recommended courses of action to emergency management to improve the response, quarantining, or evacuation based on the type of hazard involved.The 'Traveler' represents any individual who uses transportation services. The interfaces to the traveler provide general pre-trip and en-route information supporting trip planning, personal guidance, and requests for assistance in an emergency that are relevant to all transportation system users. It also represents users of a public transportation system and addresses interfaces these users have within a transit vehicle or at transit facilities such as roadside stops and transit centers.The 'Travel Services Provider System' represents the individual information systems operated by providers of traveler-oriented services. Example services that could be included are gas, food, lodging, vehicle repair, points of interest, and recreation areas. Also included are services specifically directed toward bicyclists and pedestrians such as bicycle shops and parking locations and bicycle and pedestrian rest areas. The interface with the Service Provider is necessary so that accurate, up-to-date service information can be provided to the traveler and to support electronic reservation capabilities.The 'Shelter Provider Center' provides information about the shelters that open with the threat of a disaster and are operated and maintained until the threat has passed. It may represent individual shelters if they have the capability to provide current information directly to ITS or it may represent a center operated by a managing organization such as the American Red Cross that operates the shelters and collects and provides aggregate shelter information for a region.LVAL< m'Media' represents the information systems that provide traffic reports, travel conditions, and other transportation-related news services to the traveling public through radio, TV, and other media. Traffic and travel advisory i'Media' represents the information systems that provide traffic reports, travel conditions, and other transportation-related news services to the traveling public through radio, TV, and other media. Traffic and travel advisory information that are collected by ITS are provided to this object. It is also a source for traffic flow information, incident and special event information, and other events that may have implications for the transportation system.Representing another Transportation Information Center, this object is intended to provide a source and destination for ITS information flows between peer information and service provider functions. It enables cooperative information sharing between providers as conditions warrant.'Traveler Support Equipment' provides access to traveler information at transit stations, transit stops, other fixed sites along travel routes (e.g., rest stops, merchant locations), and major trip generation locations such as special event centers, hotels, office complexes, amusement parks, and theaters. Traveler information access points include kiosks and informational displays supporting varied levels of interaction and information access. At transit stops this might be simple displays providing schedule information and imminent arrival signals. This may be extended to include multi-modal information including traffic conditions and transit schedules to support mode and route selection at major trip generation sites. Personalized route planning and route guidance information can also be provided based on criteria supplied by the traveler. It also supports service enrollment and electronic payment of transit fares. In addition to the traveler information provision, it also enhances security in public areas by supporting traveler activated silent alarms.The Parking Management System provides electronic monitoring and management of parking facilities. It supports an I2V link to the Vehicle that allows electronic collection of parking fees and monitors and controls parking meters that support conventional parking fee collection. It also includes the instrumentation, signs, and other infrastructure that monitors parking lot usage and provides local information about parking availability and other general parking information. This portion of the functionality must be located in the parking facility where it can monitor, classify, and share information with customers and their vehicles. It also interfaces with the financial infrastructure and broadly disseminates parking information to other operational centers in the region. Note that the latter functionality may be located in a back office, remote from the parking facility.The 'Emergency Telecommunications System' represents the telecommunications systems that connect a caller with a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). These systems transparently support priority wireline and wireless caller access to the PSAP through 9-1-1 and other access mechanisms like 7 digit local access numbers, and motorist aid call boxes. The calls are routed to the appropriate PSAP, based on caller location when this information is available. When available, the caller's location and call-back number are also provided to the PSAP by this interface. This facility may also be used to notify the public - residents and businesses - of emergency situations using a Reverse 911 capability.LVALA 8 c'Commercial Vehicle Check Equipment' supports automated vehicle identification at mainline speeds for credential checking, roadside safety inspections, and weigh-in-motion using two-way data exchange. These capabilities include providing warnings to the commercial vehicle drivers, their fleet managers, and proper authorities of any safety problems that have been identified, accessing and examining historical safety'Commercial Vehicle Check Equipment' supports automated vehicle identification at mainline speeds for credential checking, roadside safety inspections, and weigh-in-motion using two-way data exchange. These capabilities include providing warnings to the commercial vehicle drivers, their fleet managers, and proper authorities of any safety problems that have been identified, accessing and examining historical safety data, and automatically deciding whether to allow the vehicle to pass or require it to stop with operator manual override. Commercial Vehicle Check Equipment also provides supplemental inspection services such as expedited brake inspections, the use of operator hand-held devices, mobile screening sites, on-board safety database access, and the enrollment of vehicles and carriers in the electronic clearance program.'Border Inspection System' represents data systems used at the border for the inspection of people or goods. It supports immigration, customs (trade), agricultural, and FDA inspections as applicable. It includes sensors and surveillance systems to identify and classify drivers and their cargo as they approach a border crossing, the systems used to interface with the back-office administration systems and provide information on status of the crossing or events.'Border Inspection Administration Center' represents back-office systems and databases run by domestic and foreign governmental agencies responsible for the regulation of trade, and the enforcement of customs and immigration laws. These agencies include U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its counterparts in Canada and Mexico. DHS includes components like Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Other agencies include secondary trade agencies (e.g., U.S. Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, other USDOT departments, etc.), and agencies from other trading nations. The systems they manage coordinate activities related to the border crossings. These systems support import/export cargo processing and enforcement operations at the border, including programs such as FAST, Automated Commercial Environment (ACE), Nexus (Canada), SENTRI (Mexico), and US-VISIT.The 'Special Needs Registry' allows residents with medical needs and organizations assisting those with social needs to register special needs populations so that agencies can communicate emergency preparedness, response and recovery resources to vulnerable, at risk, and hard-to-reach residents.'Social Media' provides forums for social interaction and opportunities for gathering and distributing traveler information. These sites provide crowd sourced information and the opportunity to provide traveler information to specific communities of interest. Examples include Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Each social media platform offers its own tools and API that allow integration of web content into a shared social media experience.WLVAL ^ oThe 'Cooperative ITS Credentials Management System' (CCMS) is a high-level aggregate representation of the interconnected systems that enable trusted communications between mobile devices and other mobile devices, roadside devices, and centers and protect data they handle from unauthorized access. RepresentinThe 'Cooperative ITS Credentials Management System' (CCMS) is a high-level aggregate representation of the interconnected systems that enable trusted communications between mobile devices and other mobile devices, roadside devices, and centers and protect data they handle from unauthorized access. Representing the different interconnected systems that make up a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), this physical object represents an end user view of the credentials management system with focus on the exchanges between the CCMS and user devices that support the secure distribution, use, and revocation of trust credentials.The 'Authorizing Center' provides the functionality needed to enable data exchange between and among mobile and fixed transportation users. Its primary mission is to enable safety, mobility and environmental communications-based applications for both mobile and non-mobile users. The Authorizing Center has some jurisdiction over limited access resources; typically this includes roadside application access and radio spectrum licensing. It may be implemented as an autonomous center or as a set of supporting services that are co-located within another center.'Other CV Administration Centers' is intended to provide a source and destination for information flows between peer (e.g. inter-regional) commercial vehicle administration centers. It enables commercial vehicle administration activities to be coordinated across different jurisdictional areas. It encompasses all functions associated with commercial vehicle safety, registration, and operating authority for non-U.S. based commercial motor vehicle carriers. The agencies represented herein may include Federal, state, provincial, and local regulatory entities outside the U.S.The people who perform regulatory inspection of Commercial Vehicles in the field. CVO Inspectors support roadside inspection, weighing, and checking of credentials either through automated preclearance or manual methods. The Commercial Vehicle Inspector is an inspection and enforcement arm of regulatory agencies with frequent direct interface with Commercial Vehicles and their Drivers.The 'Commercial Vehicle Administration Center' performs administrative functions supporting credentials, tax, and safety regulations associated with commercial vehicles. It issues credentials, collects fees and taxes, and supports enforcement of credential requirements. It communicates with motor carriers to process credentials applications and collect fuel taxes, weight/distance taxes, and other taxes and fees associated with commercial vehicle operations. It also receives applications for, and issues special Oversize/Overweight and HAZMAT permits in coordination with cognizant authorities. It coordinates with other Commercial Vehicle Administration Centers (in other states/regions) to support nationwide access to credentials and safety information for administration and enforcement functions. It communicates with field equipment to enable credential checking and safety information collection at the roadside. It makes safety information available to qualified stakeholders to identify carriers and drivers that operate unsafely.qLVAL A gThe 'Wide Area Information Disseminator System' represents the center based systems and communications equipment that is used to send messages toThe 'Wide Area Information Disseminator System' represents the center based systems and communications equipment that is used to send messages to equipped vehicles using wide-area wireless communications such as satellite radio, terrestrial FM broadcast subcarrier, or cellular data networks.The 'Service Monitor System' represents one or more center-based systems that provide monitoring, management and control services necessary to other applications and/or devices operating within the Connected Vehicle Environment. These support services enable other applications to provide transportation services.The 'Object Registration and Discovery System' represents one or more center-based applications that provide registration and lookup services necessary to allow objects to locate (for communications purposes) other objects operating within the Connected Vehicle Environment. These registration and discovery services are support services that enable other applications.Representing another Data Distribution System, 'Other Data Distribution Systems' is intended to provide a source and destination for information exchange between peer (e.g. inter-regional) data distribution systems. It supports modeling of projects or regions that include multiple interconnected data distribution systems that together manage data distribution in the connected vehicle environment.The 'Data Distribution System' collects, processes, and distributes ITS data, connecting data producers with data consumers and facilitating data exchange.The 'Traveler Card' stores traveler identification information, including biometric information, that can be used in trusted traveler programs to expedite clearance through security checkpoints at borders or security-critical areas.'Other Authorizing Centers' provides a source and destination for information flows between multiple authorizing centers that manage permissions for the Connected Vehicle Environment. The interface represented by this object enables coordination of permissions between centers in different regions, jurisdictions, or application areas.The 'Basic Commercial Vehicle' represents the commercial vehicle that hosts the on-board equipment that provides ITS capabilities. It includes the heavy vehicle databus and all other interface points between on-board systems and the rest of the commercial vehicle. This vehicle is used to transport goods, is operated by a professional driver and typically administered as part of a larger fleet. Commercial Vehicle classification applies to all goods transport vehicles ranging from small panel vans used in local pick-up and delivery services to large, multi-axle tractor-trailer rigs operating on long haul routes.The 'Basic Emergency Vehicle' represents the interfaces with on-board equipment on a public safety vehicle. It includes a specialized databus that may be subject to different vehicle databus standards and hosts a broad range of components that are specific to emergency vehicles including the lightbar/siren and on-board apparatus that supports law enforcement, firefighting, emergency medical services, and towing/recovery.The 'Basic Transit Vehicle' represents the transit vehicle that hosts the on-board equipment that provides ITS functions. It includes a specialized and extended databus that is subject to different vehicle databus standards and hosts a broad range of components that are unique to a transit vehicle including the farebox and associated electronics, passenger counters, and transit security systems. The Transit Vehicle may represent a bus, paratransit vehicle, light rail vehicle, or other vehicle designed to carry passengers.)-=6 ! i  2 > {  dme\ _|&GM Traffic Regulatory Authority CenterTRAC@USQMA; Maint and Constr Vehicle OperatorMCVO@USOK?9 Support Maintenance EquipmentSuME@USKG;5 Vehicle Service CenterVSC@USC?3. Field System OperatorFSO9@USB>2- Support Maintenance PersonnelSMP@USJF:5 Center PersonnelCO@US<8,( FieldFr@US/+ Position Corrections SourcePCS@USHD83 Commercial Vehicle AdministratorCVA@USMI=8 CyclistCY@US3/# Basic VehicleBV@US95)% Alerting and Advisory SystemAASn&KUSIE94 Equipment Repair FacilityERF@USFB61 Asset Management SystemAMS@USD@4/ Other Maint and Constr Mgmt CentersOMCMCs@USRNB; Other Parking Management SystemsOPMS?@USNJ>8 Other Data SourcesODS\@US?;/* Archived Data AdministratorADA@USHD83 Other Archived Data SystemsOADS(@USIE93 CVO Information Requestor CenterCIR@USMI=8 Parking OperatorPO@US<8,( Multimodal Crossing EquipmentMCE)@USJF:5 Driver Identification CardDICG@USGC72 ~Traveler Information Voice SystemTIVS@USOK?9 }Security Monitoring EquipmentSME@USJF:5 |Vehicle Location and Time Data SourceVLTDSM@USTPD= {Personal Location and Time Data SourcePLTDSI@USUQE> zField Location and Time Data SourceFLTDS]@USRNB; yOther Map Update SystemsOMUSQ@USFB60 xMAP GIS OperatorMGO@US=9-( wPrivacy Protection GatewayPPG@USGC72 vOn-Board Weight Monitoring EquipmentOBWME@AUSOC< uOther Commercial Vehicle Service Provider CentersOCVSPC!@ AUa]QI tCommercial Vehicle Service Provider CenterCVSPC$@AUYUIB sSecurity Credentials RegistrySCRM@AUJF:5 rOther Credentials Management SystemsOCMS@USRNB< qOther Freight Distribution and Logistics CentersOFDLC@US_[OH pNetwork Time SourceNTS@US@<0+ nBasic Maint and Constr VehicleBMCV@USLH<6 mService Monitor System OperatorSMSO{@USMI=7 lORDS OperatorORDSO@US<8,% kCredentials Management System OperatorCMSO@USTPD> jData Distribution System OperatorDDSO @USOK?9 fWide Area Information Disseminator SystemWAIDS&@ USXTHALVAL4 7 DThe 'Vehicle Location and Time Data Source' provides This general physical object is used to model core capaThis general physical object is used to model core capabilities that are common to any piece of field equipment.The 'Vehicle Location and Time Data Source' provides accurate position information for vehicle-based mobile devices. While a Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver is the most common implementation, this physical object represents any technology that provides a position fix in three dimensions and time with sufficient accuracy.The 'Personal Location and Time Data Source' provides accurate position information for personal mobile devices. While a Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver is the most common implementation, this physical object represents any technology that provides a position fix in three dimensions and time with sufficient accuracy.The 'Field Location and Time Data Source' provides accurate position information for field devices such as Roadside Equipment (RSE). While a Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver is the most common implementation, this physical object represents any technology that provides a position fix in three dimensions and time with sufficient accuracy.Representing other distinct Map Update Systems, this object is intended to provide a source and destination for ITS information flows between peer map update providers. It enables cooperative information sharing between base map and specialized map providers and any other exchange of geographic information between map data providers.The 'Map GIS Operator' represents the person or people that manage GIS updates, supporting import and translation of source data, preparing the base map and information layers, and providing oversight and management for incremental releases of updated map data.The 'Privacy Protection Gateway' is a support system that obscures the network identifiers of mobile devices. A device may communicate to any center using the PPG.'On-Board Weight Monitoring Equipment' is an Australia-specific physical object that automatically collects static and dynamic data about the vehicle mass and configuration from sensors on each trailer.LVALc v/The operator of maintenance, construction, or other specialized service vehicles or equipment. Represents the maintenance and construction vehicle operators. The operator provides input specific to maintenThe operator of maintenance, construction, or other specialized service vehicles or equipment. Represents the maintenance and construction vehicle operators. The operator provides input specific to maintenance and construction vehicle operations, including the status of maintenance actions. Information provided to the operator includes dispatch requests and maintenance and construction actions to be performed.'Support Maintenance Equipment' represents the equipment used by IT personnel and technicians to locally or remotely troubleshoot, initialize, reprogram, and test IT assets that support ITS operations. It may include a laptop, specialized diagnostics tools, or any other general purpose or specialized equipment that is interfaced remotely or locally to support maintenance, repair, and upgrade.'Driver Identification Card' represents the card or device that enables the transfer of electronic identification information for a driver. This may include license information, biometrics, and other data to identify the driver. Typically the card will be issued by a government agency (e.g. a state driver licensing agency).The 'Traveler Information Voice System' provides the caller interface and voice processing (voice recognition/synthesis) that supports voice-enabled traveler telephone information systems. It provides wireline and wireless caller access to 511 systems and other telephone access mechanisms like 7 or 10 digit local access numbers. It represents the boundary of the architecture where a call is received and processed and includes voice portal capabilities in scenarios where a distinct voice portal exists between ITS Centers and telecommunications providers. The terminator gathers traveler information, alerts, and advisories from information service provider(s) and uses this information to support voice-based interactions with a traveler.'Security Monitoring Equipment' includes surveillance and sensor equipment used to provide enhanced security and safety for transportation facilities or infrastructure. The equipment is located in non-public areas of transportation facilities (e.g. maintenance and transit yards), on or near non-roadway parts of the transportation infrastructure (e.g. transit railway and guideways), and in public areas (e.g., transit stops, transit stations, intermodal terminals). This equipment also includes surveillance and sensor equipment located on or near major roadway features such as bridges, tunnels, and interchanges, when the equipment s primary function is one of security and safety. If the primary function of the equipment is traffic surveillance or incident detection, then the surveillance or sensors would be covered as part of the 'ITS Roadway Equipment'. The surveillance equipment includes video (e.g. CCTV cameras) and/or audio systems. The sensor equipment includes threat sensors (e.g. chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors), object detection (e.g. metal detectors), intrusion or motion detection, and infrastructure integrity monitoring (e.g. rail track continuity checking or bridge structural integrity monitoring). Limited processing of collected sensor and surveillance data is also included in this subsystem to support threat detection and classification.LVAL H ,  m_'Vehicle Service Center' represents vehicle service centers that collect vehicle diagnostic information from vehicles and provide service options for drivers of these vehicles. The physical object also inclu'Vehicle Service Center' represents vehicle service centers that collect vehicle diagnostic information from vehicles and provide service options for drivers of these vehicles. The physical object also includes centers operated by vehicle manufacturers that can coordinate with connected vehicles to obtain vehicle operating data and provide software or data updates to connected vehicles that they have manufactured.Representing another Maintenance and Construction Management Center, 'Other Maint and Constr Mgmt Centers' is intended to provide a source and destination for ITS information flows between maintenance and construction management functions. It enables maintenance and construction operations to be coordinated across jurisdictions or between public and private sectors.Representing another parking facility, system or subsystem, 'Other Parking Management Systems' provides a source and destination for information that may be exchanged between peer parking systems. It enables parking management activities to be coordinated between different parking operators or systems in a region.'Other Data Sources' represents the myriad systems and databases containing data not generated by ITS that can provide predefined data sets to the ITS archive. It can provide economic, cost, demographic, land use, law enforcement, and other data that is not collected by ITS systems and would otherwise be unavailable within an ITS data archive.'Archived Data Administrator' represents the human operator who provides overall data management, administration, and monitoring duties for the ITS data archive. Unlike the manager of the operational databases, the archive data administrator's role is focused on the archive and covers areas such as establishing user authentication controls, monitoring data quality, and initiating data import requests.'Other Archived Data Systems' represents distributed archived data systems whose data can be accessed and shared with a local archive. The interface with the Archived Data System allows data from multiple archives to be accessed on demand or imported and consolidated into a single repository.'CVO Information Requestor Center' represents any organization or individual requesting information from the CVO Information Exchange network. It typically represents insurance companies requesting safety information on carriers, a driver requesting his/her own driving record, etc.'Parking Operator' is the human that may be physically present at the parking lot facility to monitor the operational status of the facility.'Multimodal Crossing Equipment' represents the control equipment that interfaces to a non-road based transportation system at an interference crossing with the roadway. The majority of these crossings are railroad grade crossings that are more specifically addressed by the 'Wayside Equipment' terminator. This multimodal crossing terminator addresses similar interface requirements, but for other specialized intersections like draw bridges at rivers and canals. These crossings carry traffic that may take priority over the road traffic at the intersection. The data provided will in its basic form be a simple 'stop road traffic' indication. However more complex data flows may be provided that give the time at which right-of-way will be required and the duration of that right-of-way requirement.LVAL # m_'Field System Operator' represents the operators of field equipment such as parking management systems, intermodal terminals, and other field equipment tha'Field System Operator' represents the operators of field equipment such as parking management systems, intermodal terminals, and other field equipment that is supported by a local operator. The interface supports modeling of general human interface interactions that are common to all staffed field equipment.'Support Maintenance Personnel' represents technicians and IT personnel that support maintenance of information technology assets that support ITS.'Center Personnel' represent system operators and other personnel that work within a transportation center. This interface supports modeling of general human interactions that are common to any center.The  Position Corrections Source represents the external source of land-based position corrections that augment satellite-provided (e.g., GPS) positioning data.The 'Commercial Vehicle Administrator' represents the people who provide overall management, administration, review, and enforcement duties for the Commercial Vehicle Administration Center.'Cyclist' participates in ITS services that support safe, shared use of the transportation network by motorized and non-motorized transportation modes. Representing those using non-motorized travel modes, and in particular bicyclists that sometimes share motor vehicle lanes, cyclists provide input (e.g. a call signal requesting right of way at an intersection) and may be detected by ITS services to improve safety.'Basic Vehicle' represents a complete operating vehicle. It includes the vehicle platform that interfaces with and hosts ITS electronics and all of the driver convenience and entertainment systems, and other non-ITS electronics on-board the vehicle. Interfaces represent both internal on-board interfaces between ITS equipment and other vehicle systems and other passive and active external interfaces or views of the vehicle that support vehicle/traffic monitoring and management. External interfaces may also represent equipment that is carried into the vehicle (e.g., a smartphone that is brought into the vehicle). Internal interfaces are often implemented through a vehicle databus, which is also included in this object. Note that 'Vehicle' represents the general functions and interfaces that are associated with personal automobiles as well as commercial vehicles, emergency vehicles, transit vehicles, and other specialized vehicles.'Equipment Repair Facility' represents the facilities that configure, service, and repair vehicles and other support equipment used in roadway infrastructure construction and maintenance. The equipment repair facility receives preventative and corrective maintenance schedules and vehicle configuration requirements, performs the necessary configuration and maintenance work on the vehicles and equipment, and provides vehicle and equipment status back to the architecture.'Asset Management System' represents the systems that support decision-making for maintenance, upgrade, and operation of physical transportation assets. Asset management integrates and includes the pavement management systems, bridge management systems, and other systems that inventory and manage the highway infrastructure and other transportation-related assets. The types of assets that are inventoried and managed will vary, and may include the maintenance and construction vehicles and equipment as well as 'soft' assets such as human resources and software. Asset management systems monitor the condition, performance, and availability of the infrastructure and evaluate and prioritize alternative reconstruction, rehabilitation, and maintenance strategies.LVAL&K'Alerting and Advisory System' represents the federal, state, and local alerting and advisory systems that provide alerts, advisories, and other potential threat information that is relevant to surface transportation systems. This includes systems such as the Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACS), the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC), the Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS), and other systems that provide intelligence about potential, imminent, or actual attacks on the transportation infrastructure or its supporting information systems. This system also represents the early warning and emergency alert systems operated by federal, state, county, and local agencies that provide advisories and alerts regarding all types of emergencies including natural hazards (floods, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes), accidents (chemical spills, nuclear power plant emergencies) and other civil emergencies such as child abduction alerts that impact transportation system operation and/or require immediate public notification. Note that weather related watches and warnings, such as those issued by the National Hurricane Center, are provided by both this terminator and the Weather Service terminator since many alerting and advisory systems and the National Weather Service both provide severe weather and related hazards information. The alerts and advisories that are provided by the systems represented by this terminator are based on analysis of potential threat information that is collected from a variety of sources, including information collected by ITS systems. The bidirectional interface with this terminator allows potential threat information that is collected by ITS systems to be provided to the alerting and advisory systems to improve their ability to identify threats and provide useful and timely information. The types of information provided by this terminator include general assessments and incident awareness information, advisories that identify potential threats orfLVALv recommendations to increase preparedness levels, alerts regarding imminent or in-progress emergencies, and specific threat information such as visual imagery used for biometric image processing. LVAL/" Representing another Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment, 'Other Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment' supports peer to peer communiRepresenting another Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment, 'Other Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment' supports peer to peer communication and direct coordination between RSEs. It provides a source and destination for information that may be exchanged between RSEs.The 'Traffic Regulatory Authority Center' is the authoritiative source for traffic rules, regulations, ordinances and statutes that have official status and must be understood by all motor vehicle operators and intelligent vehicles that operate at higher automation levels. This center may represent multiple authorities that operate at local, regional, state, and national levels and represents organizations that establish, manage, and enact the traffic code.HZ 'tiveStrat(User Defined Start)US0,,, Other Connected Vehicle Roadside EquipmentOCVRSE @USZVJB4  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @         !"#$% &!'"(#)$*%+&,'-(.)/*0+1,2-3.45679:;<=? @ A B C DEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVW X!Y"Z#[$\%]&^'_(a)b*c+d,e-fjklmnpqrs t u v w xyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,'8  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @   "()*,-    !"#$(   #&), !#+ %(*+,-  $'*&. )"  $%'%&' !+8  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @      !"#$%&'()*+,-.      !"#$%&'(),-     !"#$%&'()*+,*+ 8  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @    %*+ *,-  %*  !"#$&'(),-.     !"#$%&'()+    !"#$&'()+,8  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @     !%)*+-.     !"#$%&')*,-     !$%)*,$((+  "#&', "#&'(+4  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @         !"#$% &!'"(#)$*%+&,'-(.)/*0+1,2-3.45679:;<=? @ A B C DEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVW X!Y"Z#[$\%]&^'_(a)b*c+d,e-fjklmnpqrs t u v w xyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,'J Y? anoN Y Y Y Y  Y Y Y Y Y  Y $Y (Y ,Y 0Y Y Y 4 Y Y 8 Y Y < Y  Y Y Y Y Y Y TripleIDSourcePObjectID(DestinationPObjectID FlowID LinkID TimeIDSpatialID AckIDEncryptIDAuthentID CardID InitIDDefaultStatusIDNew Delete"ConfidentialityID(ConfidentialityBasisIntegrityIDIntegrityBasisAvailabilityID"AvailabilityBasis SecurityCommentsUseFIPSUserDefinedDDEligibleWAIDEligiblePPGEligiblel     p   l    ic  d rd  YYYYYYYYYYY Y Y Y Y  AckIDAuthentIDAvailabilityID CardID"ConfidentialityIDDefaultStatusIDEncryptID InitIDIntegrityID LinkIDPrimaryKeySpatialID TimeIDTripleID J v1b N  : k & W  8xx20\ f p  z ( 2 < F PZdnx&0:D"  YBBBBB?@!  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Information messages are encoded using the eXtensible Markup Language (XML).This profile describes standards applicable to communications between roadside equipment and other field equipment such as traffic signal controllers that is represented by ITS Roadway Equipment in ARC-IT.This profile describes an alternative set of standards used to communicate with ITS Roadway Devices that uses the NTCIP Octet Encoding Rules (OER), a standard developed specifically for the transportation industry. This template is used primarily for communication with traffic signal controllers, where second-per-second communications is required. This template also includes standards for SNMP traps, that allows an ITS Roadway Device to initiate event-driven communications with a receiver.This profile describes applicable standards for communicating between with ITS Roadway devices using the simple network management protocol (SNMP).This partial profile, showing only physical objects and flow, describes communications between equipment that reside on the vehicle. ARC-IT does not contain any specific information on standards for on-board vehicle communications.This profile describes a set of standards applicable to broadcast, near constant, low latency vehicle- to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications using the WAVE Short Messaging Protocol (WSMP) over the 5.9GHz spectrum.This profile describes an alternative set of standards used in vehicle communications where one or more RSEs act as a gateway with the vehicle as source.This profile describes applicable ASN.1 standards used in transmissions over wide area wireless communications.!({5 <  N ; - 06F 'ag(Unspecified) !Wi-FiPassive Wi-Fi Signature Monitoring@' New for v8]E9 VehicleGateway-WAIDSSourceVehicle Cluster from WAIDS\@'Description new for 8.1wRF* VehicleGateway-CenterSourceVehicle Cluster from CenterB@'Description new for 8.1yTH+ BluetoothPassive Bluetooth Signature Monitoring@' New for v8eMA SRC-LegacyLegacy Short Range Comm Using IEEE 1455@ & New for v8gOC CCMSCCMS Communications @'55)_ TimeNetwork Time Protocolr@'77+_ WAB-Via-WAIDWide-Area-Broadcast-Via-WAIDr@'FF:_ RSE-C2F-SNMPRSE - Center to Field Communications - SNMP@&UUI_ RSE-C2FRSE - Center to Field Communications<@&II=_ WAW-WWWBrowser-JSONWide Area Wireless using JSON as encoding methodB@&aaU#_ WAW-XMLWide Area Wireless using XML as encoding method@&TTH_ WABWide-Area-Broadcast@&44(_ Position-Location-InterfacePosition-Location Interfacej@&TTH+_ DSRC-UDPVehicle-to-Vehicle/Infrastructure using UDP(@&QQE_ RSEGateway-VehicleDestinationVehicle Communications via RSEs, Vehicle Destination<@&ooc-_ Contact-Proximity-InterfaceProximity Communication Interface@#ZZN+_ NTCIP-DATEXNTCIP using DATEX@&::._ XMLeXtensible Markup Language:@#;;/_ RSE-F2FRoadside Equipment to ITS Roadway Equipment@#PPD_ NTCIP-SMTPNTCIP using SMTP@#/@%D8, NTCIP-SNMPNTCIP using SNMP&@#88,_ Vehicle-On-BoardVehicle-On-Board@#>>2 _ DSRC-WSMPVehicle-to-Vehicle/Infrastructure using WSMP@#SSG_ RSEGateway-VehicleSourceVehicle Communications via RSEs, Vehicle Source2@#eeY(_ WAW-ASN1Wide Area Wireless using ASN.1 as encoding method@#WWK_LVALFor Traffic Signal andFor Traffic Signal and Ramp Meter ControllersLVAL F x HThis profile supports existing V2I communications using the older suite of standards associated with IEEE 1455.This profile identifies applicable standards for Center to Field communications with RSEs. This profile uses the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), an Internet-standard protocol for managing devices on IP networks.This profile describes applicable standards for Center to Field communications with RSEs. Common internet standards (HTTPS and TCP) are used in this profile.This profile describes applicable IETF JSON and W3C web browser standards (e.g., HTML5 and Web Sockets) for transmissions over wide area wireless communications.This profile describes applicable XML and W3C web services standards used in transmissions over wide area wireless communications.This profile shows a wide area wireless communications system that offers broadcast services with regional, national, or continental coverage, enabling communications with vehicles and traveler mobile devices at any location on or off the road network. Examples of this link include satellite and terrestrial radio digital broadcast services.This partial profile, showing only physical objects and flow, describes communications between connected vehicle equipment and on board geolocation equipment such as a GPS receiver.This profile describes a set of standards applicable to broadcast, frequent (non-constant), medium latency vehicle- to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) over Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) over the 5.9GHz spectrum.This profile describes an alternative set of standards used in vehicle communications where one or more RSEs act as a gateway with the vehicle as destination.This profile describes an alternative set of standards applicable to communications between entities using ISO TC204 WG9 DATa Exchange(DATEX). Information messages are encoded using the NTCIP Octet Encoding Rules (OER).LVAL   &This profile identifies the chiefly lower layer standards required to perform passive monitoring of Wi-Fi devices.This profile describes a set of standards used where a vehicle serves as gateway to other vehicles, transferring information between satellite or HD radio broadcast and DSRC.This profile describes a set of standards used where a vehicle serves as gateway to other vehicles, transferring information between wide-area-wireless and DSRC.This profile identifies the chiefly lower layer standards required to perform passive monitoring of bluetooth devices.This profile identifies applicable standards for secure communications with the Cooperative ITS Credentials Management System (CCMS).This profile includes a collection of standards that support the Network Time Protocol that allows NTP servers to provide time synchronization services to other NTP servers and clients.This profile shows a wide area wireless communications system that offers broadcast services with regional, national, or continental coverage, enabling communications with vehicles and traveler mobile devices at any location on or off the road network. In this profile, the Wide-Area Information Disseminator (WAID) Physical Object provides broadcast communications services enabling transportation centers to communicate with all equipped transportation users in their region. 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It includes regional stakeholders like Los Angeles Department of Transportation, METRO, Caltrans District 7, Alameda Corridor East and all of the surrounding cities.(e8 @LA County Regional ITS Architecture(@h10 YearsLos Angeles County&@gKimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.Los Angeles County8.1wkK;/ Y YNkkY Y Y  Y MarketPackageIDApplicabilityTouchedCommentklkmYkYYYMarketPackageIDPrimaryKeyHtblMarketPackagestblRegionalServiceskkv1b h h j j YN  ooY  Y  Y Y  Y d Y  Y  Y pd Y pd Y  (Y  RelatedArchIDRelatedArchName,RelatedArchDescription"RelatedArchStatus(RelatedArchTimeframe&RelatedArchGeoScope.RelatedArchServiceScope(RelatedArchDeveloper*RelatedArchMaintainer$RelatedArchVersion.RelatedArchRevisionDateppopppp oqpYYPrimaryKeyProjectIDoooooo, v1b N pp n n8YNssY  Y  Y CategoryIDCategory&CategoryDescriptionsusvYYCategoryIDPrimaryKeyv1p@p pp r$  Check Your ArchitectureThese reports identify inconsistencies and potential errors in the current architecture.yAdditional Integration OptionsThese reports identify additional interfaces that can be included in an architecture.}&Region to Project ComparisonThese reports compare a regional ITS architecture and project ITS architecturesu$InterfacesThese reports list interconnects and architecture flows for the current architecture.iService Packages (Transportation Services)These reports show service package related information for the current architecture.2Not CategorizedNot a real category - identifies reports with no categoryR r @tttttt r @tttttt YN  xxY Y  Y  Y  Y Y  Y d Y pd Y pd Y  dY   Y  pReportID DisplayListOrderReportUserNameDescriptionDefaultTitleFilters ReportSystemName"ReportQueryRegion$ReportQueryProjectRequiredArchCategoryIDNoDataMessage pppx|ppppx}ppppx~pYYYCategoryIDNewReportIDPrimaryKeyxxv1bx@x xxxxx LVALw / \ } L Q O ]TDIdentifies differences between the service packages associated Identifies differences between the service packages associated with planning and service packages included in the architecture.Presents planning elements, related performance measures, and their relationship to the architecture.Identifies inventory elements, service packages, functional requirements, and information flows that have newer status values than the current project architecture.Identifies request / response flows that do not have the same status values.Identifies functional requirements with older status than the containing element.Identifies where information flows with older status go between elements with newer status.Identifies any ITS standards differences between the regional and project architectures.Identifies any requirements differences between the regional and project architectures.Identifies any service package differences between the regional and project architectures.Identifies any inventory differences between the regional and project architectures.Presents the list of Stakeholders that are not associated with any inventory elementsPresents the list of inventory elements that are not connected to any other inventory elements on the interfaces tab.Presents the Interconnected elements and interconnected status for each of the interconnects in the current architecturePresents the information about projects in a user selectable sequence orderPresents the Roles and Responsibilities which supports development of an operational concept.Presents the Functional Requirements defined for the currently selected ArchitectureIdentifies regional and project architecture flows that are not supported by the National ITS Architecture or User Defined flow definitions.Identifies the discontinued architecture flows that are included in the regional and project architectures.Identifies all user defined entities and flows that have been defined.Presents relevant standards activities and their relationship to the current architecture.A summary of the integration options identified in the National ITS Architecture that have not been identified in the Project Architecture.A summary of the integration options identified in the National ITS Architecture that have not been identified in the Regional Architecture.Identifies any flow differences between the regional and project architectures.A detailed report of all elements and architecture flows that are included in the project architecture.A detailed report of all elements and architecture flows that are included in the regional architecture.Presents summary information for all regional and project architectures that have been defined.Compares Inventory and Service Package selections. Identifies possible Inventory and/or Service Package selection gaps.Presents service package selections, representing the transportation services for the current architecture.Presents all identified stakeholders.Presents all identified inventory elements with associated entities, stakeholders, and projects.?wGx}    !9f3'q #Project SequencingM@yProject SequencingProjectSequencingqryReportProjectsqryReportProjectsProjectNo projects have been defined.wdQ>*  Operational Concept (Roles & Responsibilities)_@yOperational Concept (Roles & Responsibilities)RolesResponsibilitiesqryReportRRqryReportRRNo roles and responsibilities have been defined for the current architecture.vF:  Functional RequirementsV@yFunctional RequirementsFunctionalRequirementsqryReportFunqryReportFunNo functional areas or requirements have been identified for the current architecture.||n`H/#  !List of Agreements!Presents the list of agreementsList of AgreementsAgreementsNo agreements have been defined for the current architecture.kkkk_K _ *Unsupported Flows@ yUnsupported FlowsConvDiscontinuedqryReportUnsupportedqryReportUnsupportedAll flows are supported by National ITS Architecture or User Defined flow definitions.zzdN<)  )Discontinued Flowsm@ yDiscontinued FlowsConvDiscontinuedqryReportDiscontinuedqryReportDiscontinuedThis file includes no discontinued flows.~~gP>*  %User Defined Flows/EntitiesH@ yExtensions to the National ITS ArchitectureExtensionsqryReportExtensionsqryReportExtensionsNo user defined entities or flows have been defined.l`3'  Standards Activities\@ yRelevant Standards ActivitiesStandardsqryReportStandardsqryReportStandardsNo interfaces have been defined for the current architecture.~~jVK,  Integration Options For Project@ yAdditional Project ITS Architecture Integration OptionsAddlOptsProjectqryReportAdditionalProjectOptions1qryReportAdditionalProjectOptions1Projectp7+  Integration Options For Region@yAdditional Regional ITS Architecture Integration OptionsAddlOptsqryReportAdditionalIntegrationOptionsqryReportAdditionalIntegrationOptionsRegionzp6*  Compare FlowsQ@yFlow Differences between Regional and Project ArchitecturesRtoPCompFlowsqryReportCompFlowsNotInRegionqryReportCompFlowsNotInRegionBothNo flow discrepancies between regional and project architectures.qb%   Project Architecturei@yProject ArchitectureProjArchqryReportProjectArchAllFlowsqryReportProjectArchAllFlowsProjectNo interfaces have been defined for the current project architecture.jLB,   Regional Architecturej@yRegional ArchitectureRegionArchqryReportsRegionalArchqryReportsRegionalArchRegionNo interfaces have been defined for the regional architecture.hPD-!  Architecture Summarya@yArchitecture SummaryArchSummaryqryReportArchSummaryqryReportArchSummaryNo architectures have been defined.{{eOB,  Inventory to Service Package Comparisonz@yInventory to Service Package ComparisonReconqryReportReconqryReportReconAt least one inventory element must be defined for this report.oh?3  Service Packagesm@yService Packages (Transportation Services)MarketPackagesqryReportMPsqryReportMPsProjectAt least one inventory element must be defined before the service packages report will work.rdT(  Stakeholders'@yStakeholders ReportStakeholdersqryReportStakeholdersqryReportStakeholdersNo stakeholders have been identified for the current architecture.uu^G9$  Inventoryb@yInventory ReportInventoryqryReportInventoryqryReportInventoryNo inventory has been defined for the current architecture.ffR>3!  w .9"  '(Planning Gap Analysis@yPlanning Gap AnalysisPlanningGapsqryReportPlanningGapqryReportPlanningGapThe service packages associated with planning are 100% consistent with those included in the architecture.~~hRD-!  &Planningg@yPlanning and the ArchitecturePlanningqryReportPlanningqryReportPlanningPlanning information has not been entered on the planning tab for this architecture.oo\I?   %0Suspicious Project Status Values@ySuspicious Project Status ValuesSuspectStatusProjectqryReportSuspectStatusProjectqryReportSuspectStatusProjectProjectNo suspicious project status values found.pZ8,  $/Suspicious Request / Response Status ValuesN@ySuspicious Request / Response Status ValuesSuspectStatusRequestqryReportSuspectStatusRequestqryReportSuspectStatusRequestNo suspicious request / response status values found.pC7  #.Suspicious Functional Requirement Status ValuesT@ySuspicious Functional Requirement Status ValuesSuspectStatusFuncReqqryReportSuspectStatusFuncReqqryReportSuspectStatusFuncReqNo suspicious functional requirement status values found.xG;  "-Suspicious Information Flow Status Values]@ySuspicious Information Flow Status ValuesSuspectStatusFlowsqryReportSuspectStatusFlowsqryReportSuspectStatusFlowsNo suspicious information flow status values found.lA5  !Compare StandardsZ@yStandards Differences between Regional and Project ArchitecturesRtoPCompStdqryReportCompStdqryReportCompStdBothNo standards tailoring discrepancies between regional and project architectures.xk)  Compare RequirementsY@yRequirements Differences between Regional and Project ArchitecturesRtoPCompFunqryReportCompFunqryReportCompFunBothNo requirements discrepancies between regional and project architectures.~q,   Compare Services (Service Packages)\@yService Package Differences between Regional and Project ArchitecturesRtoPCompMPqryReportCompMPqryReportCompMPBothNo service package discrepancies between regional and project architectures.;/   Compare InventoryV@yInventory Differences between Regional and Project ArchitecturesRtoPCompInvqryReportCompInvWithoutStatusValuesqryReportCompInvWithoutStatusValuesBothNo inventory discrepancies between regional and project architectures.xk)  ,Unconnected StakeholdersW@yUnconnected StakeholdersUnconnectedStakeholdersqryReportUnconnectedStakeholdersqryReportUnconnectedStakeholdersAll stakeholders are associated with at least one inventory element in the architecture.cJ0$  +Unconnected Elementsw@yUnconnected ElementsUnconnectedElementsqryReportUnconnectedElementsqryReportUnconnectedElementsAll inventory elements support at least one interface in the architecture.uWB,  Interconnects{@yInterconnected ElementsInterconnectsqryReportInterconnectsqryReportInterconnectsNo interfaces have been defined for the current architecture.}}eM>%   w @ @ @ @zzzz z zzzz{ zzzz{z{{{{zz z z {{{{{ { { G w@ @ @ @ zzzzzzzz z z  z  z z z zzzz{{{{{ {!{"{#{${ %{ &{ '{ G w@ @ @ @ zzzzzzzz z z  z  z z z zzzz{{{{{ {!{"{#{${ %{ &{ '{  xYcN  c cccY  Y dY  Y Y Y  Y d Y pd Y pdReportIDParameterNameParameterValueSettingNameSettingTypeSettingOrder ReportSystemName"ReportQueryRegion$ReportQueryProjectpppppppppYYYParameterIDPrimaryKeyReportIDv1 03/e1 j " < h  n 4 p ( Xb\`*j.CM AssProjectSortSort by Associated ProjectAgreementsByProjectqryReportAgreementsByAssociatedProjectqryReportAgreementsByAssociatedProjectqI4 ShowFiltersDisplay Filters&&&&? SelectedElementsShowAllTied to the 'Show All' check box on SelectedElements form by softwarehhhh!; SelectedElementsFilter by Element Selections8888; OnlyStandardsDisplay Only Standards////? FlowSortSort by FlowsStandardsByFlowqryReportStandardsByFlowqryReportStandardsByFlowfL2! ShowFiltersDisplay Filters&&&&? ShowCommentDisplay Flow Comments,,,,? SelectedElementsShowAllTied to the 'Show All' check box on SelectedElements form by softwarehhhh!; SelectedElementsFilter by Element Selections8888; ShowFiltersDisplay Filters&&&&? ShowCommentDisplay Flow Comments,,,,; SelectedElementsShowAllTied to the 'Show All' check box on SelectedElements form by softwarehhhh!; SelectedElementsFilter by Element Selections8888; ShowStatusLegendDisplay Status Values Legend8888? IncludeStatusValueDifferencesCompare Status ValuesqryReportCompFlowsqryReportCompFlowsfR>>' ShowStatusLegendDisplay Status Values Legend8888? ShowFiltersDisplay Filters&&&&? SelectedElementsShowAllTied to the 'Show All' check box on SelectedElements form by softwarehhhh!; SelectedElementsFilter by Element Selections8888; ViewCommentsDisplay Flow Comments----; ShowStatusLegendDisplay Status Values Legend8888? ShowFiltersDisplay Filters&&&&? SelectedElementsShowAllTied to the 'Show All' check box on SelectedElements form by softwarehhhh!; SelectedElementsFilter by Element Selections8888; InRegionalArchDisplay Only Flows in Regional ArchitectureEEEE? ShowStatusLegendDisplay Status Values Legend8888? ShowElementsDisplay Associated Elements3333? ShowDescriptionDisplay Description....? ShowChangeLogInclude Change Log Entries3333; ShowNotPlannedShow Not-planned****? ShowElementsDisplay Elements((((? ShowDescriptionDisplay Description....? ShowCommentDisplay Comments''''? IncludeInstancesInclude Service Package Instances====? ShowStakeholderMembersDisplay Stakeholder Group MembersCCCC ; ShowElementsDisplay Associated Elements3333? ShowDescriptionDisplay Description....? IncludeAssociatedStakeholdersInclude All Associated StakeholdersqryReportStakeholdersAllqryReportStakeholdersAllfLL' StakeholderSortSort by StakeholderInventoryByStakeholderFFF.{ ShowStatusLegendDisplay Status Values Legend8888? ShowStakeholderMembersDisplay Stakeholder Group MembersCCCC ? ShowStakeholderDisplay Stakeholder....? ShowFiltersDisplay Filters&&&&? ShowEntityDisplay Entity$$$$; ShowElementStatusDisplay Element Status3333? SelectedElementsFilter by Element Selections8888; OptionalDisplay Element Description////? IncludeInterfacedElementsInclude All Interfaced ElementsDDDD#? 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ShowStatusLegendDisplay Status Values Legend8888? ShowRequirementDisplay Requirement....? ShowNoRequirementDisplay Elements with No Functional AreasFFFF; ShowDescriptionDisplay Description....? TypeSortSort by TypeqryReportAgreementsByTypeqryReportAgreementsByTypeV;  TitleSortSort by TitleqryReportAgreementsByTitleqryReportAgreementsByTitleZ>"" ShowStatusLegendDisplay Status Values Legend8888? ShowStakeholdersDisplay Associated Stakeholders;;;;? ShowStakeholderMembersDisplay Stakeholder Group MembersCCCC ; ShowProjectsDisplay Associated Projects3333? ShowDescriptionDisplay Agreement Description8888? 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It should be invisible to the user. ~'p c O R  c +Security for LA County Regional ITS ArchitectureD8*International Border for LA County Regional ITS ArchitecturePD)Weather for LA County Regional ITS ArchitectureC7(Sustainable Travel for LA County Regional ITS ArchitectureNB'Support for LA County Regional ITS ArchitectureC7&Vehicle Safety for LA County Regional ITS ArchitectureJ>%Road User Payment for LA County Regional ITS ArchitectureMA$Data Management for LA County Regional ITS ArchitectureK?#Emergency Management for LA County Regional ITS ArchitecturePD"Commercial Vehicle Operations for LA County Regional ITS ArchitectureYM!Traveler Information for LA County Regional ITS ArchitecturePD Transit Services for LA County Regional ITS ArchitectureL@Maintenance and Construction for LA County Regional ITS ArchitectureXLParking Management for LA County Regional ITS ArchitectureNBElectronic Toll Collection for LA County Regional ITS ArchitectureVJIncident Management for LA County Regional ITS ArchitectureOCFreeway Management for LA County Regional ITS ArchitectureNBSurface Street Management for LA County Regional ITS ArchitectureUIGeneric@u  @ @ !" # $ % & '()*+u  @ @ !" # $ % & '()*+(YNY  Y  Y RRAreaIDRRAreaName"RRAreaDescriptionuYYYMarketPackageIDPrimaryKeyHv1b k4n4 ~ [ C  SecurityInternational BorderCommercial ServicesWeatherSustainable TravelSupport Vehicle Safety Road User Payment Data Management# Emergency Management( Commercial Vehicle Operations1%Traveler Information(Transit Services$Maintenance and Construction0$Parking Management&Electronic Toll Collection."Incident Management'Freeway Management&Surface Street Management-!u  @ @          u  @ @          E YNY Y RRAreaIDSPIDAamRrscYYYYYMarketPackageIDPrimaryKey:tblMarketPackagestblRRAreaMPs6tblRRAreaMPsMarketPackageID,tblRRAreastblRRAreaMPsv1    YNY Y RRAreaIDSPIDrDYYYMarketPackageIDPrimaryKey6tblRRAreaMPsMarketPackageIDv1@ n|qf[PE:/$ti^SH=2' w l a V K @ 5 *   z o d Y N C 8 - "   } r g \ Q F ; 0 %    u j _ T I > 3 (    w?Jfcxljd     F > 4 .     n  X          [ 7 ' &               r q p o ` 0 ! sRQPONML=%#\Em~}|{ybWD<:~}zyWB<952+ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLM N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+259<BWyz } ~   :<DWby{|}~ !"#$%&m'E()*+\,-./01234#5%6=7L8M9N:O;P<Q=R>?@ABCDEFGsHIJKLM  N !O 0P `Q oR pS qT rU V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c &d 'e 7f [g h i j k l m n o p Xq r ns t u  v w .x 4y >z F{ | } ~ djlxcfJ?w @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @btu  vpGcw N!O#5%6&d'e+.x0P24y57f9:<<=7>z?BDE(F{JL8M9N:O;P<Q=R>WWXq[g\,`Qbcdfjlm'nsoRpSqTrUsHwxyyz {|} }~ ~&  )* !"#$%-./01234?@ABCDEFIJKLMVWXYZ[\]^_`hijklmnor|}~+a >YNY Y Y RRAreaIDStakeholderIDRRAreaStakeIDrsii(,(-YYYYYY' MarketPackageIDPrimaryKeyRRAreaStakeID>tblRRAreastblRRAreaStakeholdersHtblStakeholderstblRRAreaStakeholdersHv1b Eyj[L=.zk\M>/  { l ] N ? 0 !   | m ^ O @ 1 "   } n _ P A 2 #   ~ o ` Q B 3 $    p a R C 4 %   qbSD5&rcTE6' sdUF7( teVG8) ufWH9* vgXI:+ +1+/+(+'+*8*6*1*/*(*'*"***)8)6)1)/)))()')&)%)"))))(8(6(1(/((('(&(%("(((('6'1'/')'('''"'''&8&6&1&/&(&'&&&"&&&%8%6%1%/%(%'%"%%%%$8$6$1$/$)$($'$&~$"}$|${$y#8x#6w#1v#/u#-s#)r#(q#'p#&o#%n#"m#k#j#i#g"8f"6e"1d"/c"-a")`"(_"'^"&]""\"["Z"Y"X"V!8U!6T!1S!/R!-P!(O!'N!&M!%L!"K!J!I!H!F 8E 6D 1C /B -@ )? 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Provide emergency calls taking and dispatching CHP vehicles. Communicate with Caltrans District offices when Caltrans personnel, equipment, or materials are needed to support incident management and response to emergency callsSupport disaster response and recovery, and disaster evacuationCoordinate emergency response with local emergency management agencies, public safety agencies, and/or transportation agenciesCollect incident and emergency dataParticipate in roadside vehicle inspection for law and regulations enforcementOperate roadside inspection equipment for law and regulations enforcementExchange safety and/or security information with other agencies8LVALBX D N  : f jt@j(R~Provide statewide assistance to districts with managing contaminants and wastes encountered on highway projects and Caltrans properties Collect traffic count data countywideOperate Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) Collect and archive traffic, incident and weigh-in-motion data across all metropolitan areas for the state Operate Caltrans Performance Monitoring System (PeMS) Operate CMS and HAR to disseminate traveler informationProvide traveler information to local media outlets Provide traveler information to local media outlets Operate CMS and HAR to disseminate traveler informationManage and control roadside equipment (including traffic signal system, CCTV, CMS, HAR, detection sensors, ramp meters, road weather stations, and others)Communicate traffic related information to other agencies Responsible for traffic control on Interstates and State HighwaysOperate traffic signals on State Highways Manage and control roadside equipment (including traffic signal system, CCTV, CMS, HAR, detection sensors, ramp meters, road weather stations, and others) Communicate traffic related information to other agenciesResponsible for traffic control on Interstates and State HighwaysOperate traffic signals on State HighwaysOperate TMC/Satellite Operations CenterSupport disaster response and recovery, and disaster evacuation Share information and personnel with County Emergency Operations Center for emergency response Operate CCTV cameras to detect, verify and monitor traffic incidentsDisseminate diaster-related information to the publicCommunicate traffic and incident related information to other agenciesCommunicate traffic and incident related information to other agenciesOperate CCTV cameras to detect, verify and monitor traffic incidentsDisseminate diaster-related information to the publicSupport disaster response and recovery, and disaster evacuation Share information and personnel with County Emergency Operations Center for emergency response LVALd  F DPxVFLROperate electronic fare payment system Operate a computer-aided dispatch system for fixed-route and paratransit servicesOperate surveillance cameras on-board buses Manage and maintain bus fleet. Buses are equipped with AVL. Provide information to the public via internet and social media. Operate surveillance cameras on-board buses Manage and maintain bus fleet. Buses are equipped with AVL. Provide information to the public via internet and email.Manage and maintain bus fleet. Buses are equipped with AVL.Operate and maintain agency vehicle fleetMaintain County roads, landscape, and hazard removalOperate and maintain agency vehicle fleetMaintain city streets, landscape, and hazard removalProvide roadway construction and restriction information on websiteOperate and maintain agency vehicle fleetMaintain the 511 traveler information system in Kern CountyProvide information to teh public via internet and social mediaProvide traffic advisories, including roadway construction and restrictions on city website Maintain commuter ridesharing programProvide travel conditions information, including traffic congestion information, lane closures, incidents, posted CMS messages, and camera images to the public Provides funding for state highway litter removal program Operate and maintain motorist aid call box system on state highways in coordination with Caltrans and the California Highway Patrol Operate Emergency Communications Center (ECC)  receives and dispatches all fire, medical and rescue calls within Kern County (ECC receives transferred calls from 21 different law enforcement agencies and gives calls to 7 different private ambulance companies Operate ReadyKern (Emergency Alert Program) Operate Kern County Emergency Operations Center  centralized location to support multi-agency and/or multi-jurisdiction disaster response coordination and communication Manage red light enforcement camerasp LVAL6j Operate traffic signal systems within city jurisdictionsOperate traffic signal systems within county jurisdictionOperate traffic signal systems within city jurisdiction Operate Bakersfield Traffic Operations Center Provide transit information via website, printed materials, kiosks, and a telephone information line   @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @         "$%&')+-/1234 5!7"9#;$=%?&A'C(D)E*F+H,I-J.K/M0N1P2Q3S4T5U6W7Y8[9]:_;a<b=c>e?f@hAiBkCmDoEqFsGtHuIwJxKzL{M|N~OPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcde  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @         "$%&')+-/1234 5!7"9#;$=%?&A'C(D)E*F+H,I-J.K/M0N1P2Q3S4T5U6W7Y8[9]:_;a<b=c>e?f@hAiBkCmDoEqFsGtHuIwJxKzL{M|N~OPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcde YNY  Y d Y  SDOIDSDOSDONameRasR teYYYPrimaryKeysdo listSDO SDOIDv1@@9 i(N ] . E i GTFS Discussion GroupGeneral Transit Feed Specification Discussion GroupRCENEuropean Committee for Standardization3 ISO/IEC/ITU-TConsortium of ISO, IEC, and the ITU-T<ITU-TInternational Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector] IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission6  ISOInternational Organization for Standardization;  W3CWorld Wide Web Consortium&  IETFInternet Engineering Task Force-  APTAAmerican Public Transportation Association8 AASHTO/ITE/NEMAConsortium of AASHTO, ITE, and NEMA<SAESociety of Automotive Engineers, ITEInstitute of Transportation Engineers2 IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers> EIA/CEAElectronics Industry Alliance/Consumer Electronics AssociationOASTMAmerican Society for Testing and Materials8 ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute3 AASHTOAmerican Association of State Highway and Transportation OfficialsR  @ @         4  @@ @JJkWmdJJkWmdYmQbQ`JJbkYJfmJJkm`MQbQYJMQJUmSkOYkMokkYdbUidofYQM YQQQYQmS Ykd YkdYQMYmom3YmQYmom kJQs22 7 STSustainable Travel@>22 7 SUSupportj@( 7 LVSVehicle SafetyP@6** W DMData Management@8,, W ,MCMaintenance and ConstructionFFF  dCVOCommercial Vehicle Operations@UII  PSPublic Safety@4(( W XPTPublic TransportationAPTS becomes PTU88  TITraveler InformationATIS becomes TIS66  TMTraffic Management*@>22   @            @           YNY  Y Y  Y tSPGroupIDSPGroupParentSPGroupIDNoteYYYYYY.rE.rFAppGroupIDParentSPGroupIDPrimaryKey,tblSPGroupstblSPGroupsv1b m@Y8  _ ( w * trTraffic Management.. Incident Management00 trCommercial Vehicle OperationsDD trMaintenance and ConstructionBB trVehicle Safety&& trParking Management.. trElectronic Payment.. Freight V2V Safety V2I Safety trTraveler Information22 Transit Safety&& trTransit  Traffic Signals((  Traffic Network((  trSustainable Travel..  trSecurity trRoad Weather"" trPublic Safety$$ trData Management(( trCore Services$$ trBorder Management,, Z  @ @ @           B!B @     Z  @ @ @          WYNY Y Y  Y rSPGroupIDSPIDAffiliateTypeIDNote~YMaYYYYY AffiliateTypeIDPrimaryKey>tblAffiliateTypestblSPGroupsSPs2tblSPGroupstblSPGroupsSPs(tblSPstblSPGroupsSPs v1b  @oZE0^I4  j U @ +   w b A ,  | g R = (  h @  t S > )  u`K6! mL+nYD/oZE0ydO:%zeP;{fQ<'s^IF@s\RJFB<:95420. @@}yR@WMP@E=.RD@QD@ND@4@R@POMLE=%# z b O B 2 + !   @ h@     @       ~ } | { y n m f c@  W D <V@  5 4 'r@  %@  #   @  Added! @ J@  f c b B       Added!  wAdded! l@ ? L@@J.(p@Added!b@[\@7'&b@IM and PS mostly overlap4XWas in its own group0xwljd? Added!LVALBp v N N r .:~: v0,Vehicle safety rather than V2V safety since there is no V2VEnsure modes/apps covered by integrated payment are reflected in groupsAssuming we keep CV interfaces hereDidn't also include V2V since all of the V2I may include an implicit v2v relay option if we adopt the ITS station option& unless we want to include V2V safety each time there is a remote vehicle interfaceOk. Note I scrubbed the road weather mapping as a bit too tangential.Added for consistency with Vehicle-Based& Assuming we exend SP to include travelerTransit safety's parent is TransitTransit safety's parent is TransitTransit safety's parent is TransitDidn't add to traffic, though I see why (buses as probes), because I think it is not as good/likely to be used as other forms of probe/vehicle-based data.Could also include in parking management.Could downgrade to partial as I think vehicle safety is the stronger correlation.Traffic Network group is child of Traffic ManagementAlso includes signals so this could go to traffic signals also or to higher level combined traffic management.Added to give as many sustainable SPs another group where possible.Added as this seems a key group for this SPcorrelation not as strong as the public safety/IM groups.Ensure modes/apps covered by integrated payment are reflected in groupsCould downgrade to partial as I think vehicle safety is the stronger correlation.Didn't add parking since no parking in this one as currently drawn.Added to capture DM aspect of this SPDemoted. Security critical and supports security, but I'm not sure anyone would look for it here.Didn't also map to Traffic Mgmt groupsI kept this one on road weather instead of changing it to M&C per the spreadsheetAdded to public safety as full rather than IM as partialAdded - probably don't need both IM and PS groupsPS vs. IM. This one is clearly both IM and PS.PS vs. IM, probably more solidly PS than it is IMiHWB-mXC. s ^ -   k V A u ` K 6 ! y X C  e D  ^=F@ F@ @ @ (@ \@P@[ PS vs. IM%7F@'l@&@ PS vs. IM%Added 1/3/2017*@rqpol@z@X@downgraded to partial1\<v@Added 1/3/2017*E%@Added 1/3/2017*nm%Freight is child group of CVO9Freight is child group of CVO9`Freight is child group of CVO9(! Freight is child group of CVO9[RQ>LVAL. : 8 h " IM and public safety groups overlapIM and public safety groups overlapProbably don't need both an IM and Public Safety group - mostly overlappingNot as good a fit for traveler info since it doesn't extend to travelers (though it could& )I suspect wide-area alerts cause more traffic incidents than they mitigate, so I downgraded to partial. Think it is a better fit for public safety.This one fits better in IM than it does in PS.Added - this SP is central to this groupIM and public safety groups overlapDidn't include mapping to road weather& seems secondaryI didn't include the additional M&C mapping& we have another SP for work zone safety monitoring.Added as this is where this SP was included in the NIA and is where the other hazmat related SPs are.Focus of this app is more on M&C than on Traveler InfoDidn't also map to Incident Management and Traffic ManagementDidn't also add to traffic oriented group(s) @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @'(*,679=>DXYelx{|}~ՆՈՒ7BCG      !"#$%&)+-./0123458:;<?@ABCEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWZ[\]^_`abcdfghijkmnopqrstuvwyzՀՁՂՃՄՅՇՉՊՋՌՍՎՏՐՑՓՔՕՖ՗՘ՙ՚՛      !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345689:;<=>?@ADEF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ?djlwx X    &'7[(.J !"#$  % ?& l' w( ) * + , - . / 0 B1 b2 c3 f4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; #< %= '> 4? 5@ <A DB WC cD fE mF nG yH {I |J }K ~L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ !\ +] 2^ B_ O` ba zbc#d%e=fEgLhMiOjPklmnopqrstNuQvRwx.y=zE{M|W}y~}ՀՁՂՃՄՅՆՇՈ Չ.Պ0Ջ2Ռ4Ս5Վ9Տ:Ր<ՑBՒFՓJՔRՕ\Ֆs՗՘ՙ՚՛>QR[ !(`  % m n %E<\ !"#$%&'()o*p+q,r-./0123456789:&;'<7=[>?@ABCDEFG ^Y@)N  @ Y  Y 2 Y  Y  Y  Y Y Y  Y  Y  Y   Y  Y  SPID SPNameSPLongNameSPDescriptionSPServiceAreaIDSPOriginSPOrderSPParentID SPShowSPFirstVersionSPExternalIDSPCommentUserDefinedIEmtm Dni4en at tteleatgne gYYYjYY zY Y Y Y YY YYYYY.rE.rF.rG.rH.rJ.rK.rL.rM.rN.rO.rPMarketPackagePrimaryKeySPExternalIDSPServiceAreaID*tblServiceAreastblSPs , v1b N @  ;-$@@@LVAL@ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁG pJ Local Transit / MET Local Transit / METRO / Regional Tr Local Transit / METRO / Regional Trans Local Transit / METRO / Regional Transit Local Transit / METRO / Region Commercial Fleet Commercial Fleet Operations (Ports) Commercial Fleet Operations (Airports) Private Sector Data/ Personal Device Interface (1 of 4) Private Sector Data/ Personal Device Interface (2 of 4) Private Sector Data/ Personal Device Interface (4 of 4) Private Sector Data/ Personal Device Interface (3 of 4)This service package allows connected vehicles to receive information that it is approaching a curve along with the recommended speed for the curve. This capability allows the vehicle to provide a warning to the driver regarding the curve and its recommended speed. In addition, the vehicle can perform additional warning actions if the actual speed through the curve exceeds the recommended speed.This service package manages the authorization mechanisms to define roles, responsibilities and permissions for connected vehicle applications . This allows system administrators to establish operational environments where different connected vehicle system users may have different capabilities. For instance, some Mobile elements may be authorized to request signal priority, or some Centers may be permitted to use the geographic broadcast service, while those without those permissions would not.This service package adds vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communications to adaptive cruise control (ACC) systems, which provides enhanced information so that groups or 'strings' of CACC-equipped vehicles can follow a lead vehicle with better accuracy, quicker response, and shorter time gaps, enhancing traffic flow stability. In ACC systems, sensors (e.g., radar or lidar) and longitudinal control automation are used to measure and maintain a safe distance from the lead vehicle. V2V communications enables direct communication between the vehicles so that acceleration and deceleration can be more directly coordinated between vehicles in the string.This service package exchanges basic safety messages with surrounding Connected Vehicles to support and augment the safety warning and control automation features identified in VS01. These exchanges support Connected Vehicle safety applications defined in SAE J2945/1: Emergency Electronic Brake Lights, Forward Crash Warning, Blind Spot Warning/Lane Change Warning, Intersection Movement Assist, Left Turn Assist, and Control Loss Warning. It also supports Do Not Pass Warning, Motorcycle Approaching indication, Tailgating Advisory, Stationary Vehicle, and Pre-Crash Actions applications from CVRIA.This service package provides international border crossing management for passenger vehicles and other non-commercial travelers crossing the border. This service package manages traffic at the border crossing, provides technology to support expedited processing of trusted travelers, and collects and disseminates border wait times.This service package provides the capability for a vehicle to automatically transmit an emergency message when the vehicle has been involved in a crash or other distress situation. An automatic crash notification feature transmits key data on the crash recorded by sensors mounted in the vehicle (e.g. deployment of airbags) without the need for involvement of the driver. The emergency message is sent to emergency response services, which determines and carries out the appropriate response. This service package allows passing vehicles to receive and forward mayday requests in areas where no communications infrastructure exists. Emergency notifications from personal devices are also supported.+X Y J F 2 u ! \ %jfsV.3'w OpPT09Transit Signal Priority@USCCC?3 NvPT11Transit Pedestrian Indication@USIIIE9 M^PT03Dynamic Transit Operations@USFFFB6 LPT17Transit Connection Protectionr@USIIIE9 J WX03Spot Weather Impact Warning@USGGGC7 F[VS06Stop Sign Gap Assist@US@@@<0 E PM02Smart Park and Ride System[@USFFFB6 D$TM21Speed Harmonization6@US???;/ B ST08Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections@USbbb^R ? 5SU08Security and Credentials Management@USOOOK? >RVS03Situational Awareness,@USAAA=1 =PT16Route ID for the Visually Impaired@USNNNJ> <dVS09Reduced Speed Zone Warning / Lane Closure@USUUUQE :gVS10Restricted Lane Warningsj@USDDD@4 9pVS13Intersection Safety Warning and Collision Avoidance@US___[O 7PS06Incident Scene Pre-Arrival Staging Guidance for Emergency Responders@USpppl` 5TM14Advanced Railroad Grade Crossing@USLLLH< 4aVS08Queue Warning@US9995) 2mVS12Pedestrian and Cyclist SafetyP@USIIIE9 0jVS11Oversize Vehicle Warning@USDDD@4 .^VS07Road Weather Motorist Alert and Warning@USSSSOC +TM04Connected Vehicle Traffic Signal System@USSSSOC (CVO10Road Weather Information for Freight Carriers@USZZZVJ 'PS02Routing Support for Emergency Responders@USTTTPD &PS07Incident Scene Safety MonitoringF@USLLLH< %PT18Integrated Multi-Modal Electronic Payment@USUUUQE #sPT10Intermittent Bus Lanes@USBBB>2 !sCVO06Freight Signal PriorityR@USDDD@4 |CVO09Freight-Specific Dynamic Travel Planning@USUUUQE UVS04V2V Special Vehicle Alert@USEEEA5 PS03Emergency Vehicle Preemption@USHHHD8  ST05Electric Charging Stations Management@USQQQMA  ST02Eco-Traffic Signal Timingy@USEEEA5  ST10Low Emissions Zone Management@USIIIE9  ST07Eco-Lanes Management@US@@@<0 TI06Dynamic Ridesharing and Shared Use Transportation@US]]]YM  &SU03Data Distribution6@US===9- XVS05Curve Speed Warning@US???;/ #SU02Core Authorization@US>>>:. sVS14Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control@USOOOK? OVS02V2V Basic Safety]@US<<<8, *TM23Border Management SystemsP@USEEEA5 PS04Mayday Notification@US???;/LVAL HThis service package assists visually impaired travelers to identify the appropriate bus and route to their intended destination. It provides information from bus stop infrastructure to visually impaired travThis service package assists visually impaired travelers to identify the appropriate bus and route to their intended destination. It provides information from bus stop infrastructure to visually impaired travelers portable devices that can be converted to audible information regarding the appropriate bus and route. It also allows the visually impaired traveler to query the portable device to identify route options.This service package provides information to support dynamic routing of emergency vehicles. Traffic information, road conditions, and weather advisories are provided to enhance emergency vehicle routing. The Emergency Management Center provides routing information based on real-time conditions and has the option to request an ingress/egress route from the Traffic Management Center.This service package employs communications technologies to provide warnings and alerts relating to incident zone operations. One aspect of the service is an in-vehicle messaging system that provides drivers with merging and speed guidance around an incident. Another aspect is providing in-vehicle incident scene alerts to drivers, both for the protection of the drivers as well as incident zone personnel. A third aspect is a warning system for on-scene workers when a vehicle approaching or in the incident zone is being operated outside of safe parameters for the conditions.The Integrated Multi-Modal Electronic Payment service package provides electronic payment capability for transit fares, tolls, road use, parking, and other areas requiring electronic payments.This service package addresses dynamic ridesharing/ride matching services to travelers and other forms of shared use transportation. Dynamic ridesharing allows travelers to arrange carpool trips through a personal device with a wireless connection to a ride matching system (e.g., a web-based application). It uses inputs from both passengers and drivers pre-trip, during the trip, and post-trip . These inputs are then translated into  optimal pairings between passengers and drivers to provide both with a convenient route between their two origin and destination locations. After the trip, information is provided back to the service package to improve the user s experience for future trips. The shared use aspect of the service package addresses three types of shared use that may be arranged using an internet connected personal device. In the first type, a traveler arranges for the temporary use of a vehicle. In the second type of shared use, a traveler arranges for a vehicle to pick them up at a specific location and take them to another location. The second type of shared use may be implemented as a ride matching or ridesharing service, including those provided by Uber and Lyft. The third type of shared use is a bikeshare capability.This service package manages the distribution of data from data providers to data consumers and protects those data from unauthorized access. It informs data providers of how to provide data, manages data subscriptions, and provides data forwarding capabilities. The service package also maintains a directory of System Users that want data and supports multiple distribution mechanisms including publish-subscribe and directly from data provider to data consumer. It allows data consumers to specify (and change the specification of) data they wish to receive.LVALD dN6This service package provides dedicated bus lanes during peak demand times to enhance transit operations mobility. An intermittent bus lane is a lane that can change its status from regular lane (accessible for all vehicles) to bus lane, for the time strictly necesThis service package provides dedicated bus lanes during peak demand times to enhance transit operations mobility. An intermittent bus lane is a lane that can change its status from regular lane (accessible for all vehicles) to bus lane, for the time strictly necessary for a bus or set of buses to pass. The status of the IBL is communicated to drivers using roadside message signs and through in-vehicle signage. The creation and removal of dedicated bus lanes is managed through coordination between traffic and transit centers.The Freight Signal Priority service package (FSP) provides traffic signal priority for freight and commercial vehicles traveling in a signalized network. The goal of the freight signal priority service package is to reduce stops and delays to increase travel time reliability for freight traffic, and to enhance safety at intersections.This service package provides both pretrip and enroute travel planning, routing, and commercial vehicle related traveler information, which includes information such as truck parking locations and current status. The information will be based on data collected from the commercial fleet as well as general traffic data collection capabilities. The information, both real time and static can be provided directly to fleet managers, to mobile devices used by commercial vehicle operators, or directly to in vehicle systems as commercial vehicles approach roadway exits with key facilities such as parking. The service package can also provide oversize/ overweight permit information to commercial managers.This service package alerts the driver about the location of and the movement of public safety vehicles responding to an incident, slow moving vehicles, oversized vehicles, and other special vehicles that may require special attention from the driver. These public safety, commercial, and maintenance vehicles share their current status and location with surrounding vehicles so that other drivers in the vicinity can avoid interfering with their actions and avoid collisions.The Eco-Lanes Management service package supports the operations of eco-lanes  dedicated lanes similar to high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) or high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes, but optimized for the environment. The service package employs communication technology to gather traffic and environmental information from multiple sources including infrastructure, vehicles, and other systems. The service package then processes these data and determines whether an eco-lane should be created or decommissioned along a roadway. These decisions would be in response to real-time traffic and environmental conditions. While the eco-lanes would have the capability to be flexible and more dynamic, it is envisioned that these parameters would change only as needed to ensure that travelers do not become confused by a system that is too dynamic in nature. Travelers would need to assume some level of consistency with their trip and should not be surprised by constant changing of the eco-lane s parameters. The Eco-Lanes Management service package establishes parameters and defines or geo-fences the eco-lanes boundaries. Eco-lanes parameters may include the types of vehicles allowed in the eco-lanes, emissions parameters for entering the eco-lanes, the number of lanes, and the start and end of the eco-lanes. The service package also conveys this information about eco-lanes to traveler information centers so those centers can provide the information to travelers.aLVAL ohwThis service package provides signal preemption for public safety first responder vehicles. Both traditional signal preemption systems and new systems based on connected vehicle technology are covered. In more advanced systems, movement of publiThis service package provides signal preemption for public safety first responder vehicles. Both traditional signal preemption systems and new systems based on connected vehicle technology are covered. In more advanced systems, movement of public safety vehicles through the intersection can be facilitated by clearing queues and holding conflicting phases. In addition, this SP also covers the transition back to normal traffic signal operations after providing emergency vehicle preemption.The Electric Charging Station Management service package provides an exchange of information between the electric vehicle and charging station to manage the charging operation. The agency or company operating the charging station can use vehicle information such as the capability of the vehicle (e.g. operational status of the electrical system, how many amps can the vehicle handle, and % charge complete) to determine that the charge is being properly applied and determine an estimated time to complete charging.The Eco-Traffic Signal Timing service package is similar to current adaptive traffic signal control systems; however, the service package s objective is explicitly to optimize traffic signals for the environment rather than the current adaptive systems objective, which is to enhance the intersection level of service or throughput, which might improve the intersection s environmental performance. The Eco-Traffic Signal Timing service package processes real-time and historical connected vehicle data at signalized intersections to reduce fuel consumption and overall emissions at the intersection, along a corridor, or for a region. It evaluates traffic and environmental parameters at each intersection in real time and adapts so that the traffic network is optimized using available green time to serve the actual traffic demands while minimizing the environmental impact.The Low Emissions Zone Management service package supports the operation of a low emissions zone that is responsive to real-time traffic and environmental conditions. Low emissions zones are geographic areas that seek to restrict or deter access by specific categories of high-polluting vehicles into the area to improve the air quality within the geographic area. The service package uses data collected from vehicles using connected vehicle technologies and from roadside equipment as input to the system. The Low Emissions Zone Management service package supports the geo-fencing of a cordon that may be scalable and moveable (e.g., created for a day, removable, flexible in its boundaries) and would be less dependent on conventional ITS infrastructure. The service package would establish parameters including the types of vehicles permitted to enter the zone, exemptions for transit vehicles, emissions criteria for entering the zone, fees or incentives for vehicles based on emissions data collected from the vehicle, and geographic boundaries for the low emissions zone. The service package would also include electronic toll collection functions that support payments of fees or collection of incentives for registered vehicles using connected vehicle technologies. Finally, this service package provides information about the low emissions zone to traveler information centers, including information about criteria for entering the zone, expected fees and incentives, current and predicted traffic conditions, and geographic boundaries of the zone.LVAL+ This service package collects road weather data from connected vehicles and uses that data to develop short term warnings or advisories that can be provided to individual motorists. The information may come from either vehicles operated by the general public and commercial entities (including passenger cars and trucks) or specialty vehicles and public fleet vehicles (such as snowplows, maintenance trucks, and other agency pool vehicles). The raw data will be processed in a controlling center to generatThis service package collects road weather data from connected vehicles and uses that data to develop short term warnings or advisories that can be provided to individual motorists. The information may come from either vehicles operated by the general public and commercial entities (including passenger cars and trucks) or specialty vehicles and public fleet vehicles (such as snowplows, maintenance trucks, and other agency pool vehicles). The raw data will be processed in a controlling center to generate road segment-based data outputs. The processing will also include a road weather motorist alerts algorithm to generate short time horizon alerts that will be pushed to user systems and available to commercial service providers. In addition the information collected can be combined with observations and forecasts from other sources to provide medium (next 2-12 hours) or long term (more than 12 hours) advisories through a variety of interfaces including web based and connected vehicle based interfaces.This service package uses both vehicle location and movement information from connected vehicles as well as infrastructure measurement of non-equipped vehicles to improve the operations of traffic signal control systems. The service package utilizes the vehicle information to adjust signal timing for an intersection or group of intersections in order to improve traffic flow, including allowing platoon flow through the intersection. Other service package provide related mobility services such as Transit Signal Priority, Freight Signal Priority, Emergency Vehicle Preemption, and Pedestrian Mobility to maximize overall arterial network performance.The service package is a special case of the Road Weather Advisories and Warnings for Motorists service package that focuses on Freight Carrier users. It provides the capability to collect road weather data from connected vehicles and using that data to develop short term warnings or advisories that can be provided to individual commercial vehicles or to commercial vehicle dispatchers. The information may come from either vehicles operated by the general public and commercial entities (including passenger cars and trucks) or specialty vehicles and public fleet vehicles (such as snowplows, maintenance trucks, and other agency pool vehicles). The raw data will be processed in a controlling center to generate road segment-based data outputs. The processing will also include a road weather commercial vehicle alerts algorithm to generate short time horizon alerts that will be pushed to user systems and available to commercial vehicle dispatchers. In addition the information collected can be combined with observations and forecasts from other sources to provide medium (next 2-12 hours) or long term (more than 12 hours) advisories through a variety of interfaces including web based and connected vehicle based interfaces.LVAL! This service package supports the sensing and warning systems used to interact with pedestrians, cyclists, and other non-motorized users that operate on the main vehicle roadways, or on pathways that intersect the main vehicle roadways. These systems allow automated warning or active protection for this class of users. It integrates traffic, pedestrian, and cyclist information from roadside or intersection detectors and new forms of data from wirelessly connected, non-motorized traveler-carried mobile devices to request right-of-way or to inform non-motorized travelers when to cross and how to remain aligned with the crosswalk or pathway based on real-time Signal PhasThis service package supports the sensing and warning systems used to interact with pedestrians, cyclists, and other non-motorized users that operate on the main vehicle roadways, or on pathways that intersect the main vehicle roadways. These systems allow automated warning or active protection for this class of users. It integrates traffic, pedestrian, and cyclist information from roadside or intersection detectors and new forms of data from wirelessly connected, non-motorized traveler-carried mobile devices to request right-of-way or to inform non-motorized travelers when to cross and how to remain aligned with the crosswalk or pathway based on real-time Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) and MAP information. In some cases, priority will be given to non-motorized travelers, such as persons with disabilities who need additional crossing time, or in special conditions (e.g., weather) where non-motorized travelers may warrant priority or additional crossing time. This service package will enable a service call to be routed to the traffic controller from a mobile device of a registered person with disabilities after confirming the direction and orientation of the roadway that the individual is intending to cross. It also provides warnings to the non-motorized user of possible infringement of the crossing or pathway by approaching vehicles.This service package uses external measurements taken by the roadside infrastructure, and transmitted to the vehicle, to support in-vehicle determination of whether an alert/warning is necessary. Specifically, the infrastructure data equipment detects and measures the approaching vehicle's height and width. The infrastructure component of the service package transmits the vehicle measurements, along with bridge, overpass, or tunnel geometry, to the oversize vehicle. The vehicle application utilizes this data to determine whether the vehicle can clear the bridge or tunnel. If deemed necessary, the driver is alerted to the impending low height and/or narrow horizontal clearance bridge or tunnel prior to a decision point, enabling the vehicle to reroute and avoid a collision. If the driver ignores the alert and continues along the route, the vehicle will generate a warning indicating an impending collision at a point near the bridge or tunnel approach. To support unequipped vehicles the infrastructure will display warning or reroute information when the measurements indicate that a vehicle does not have adequate height or width clearance. This service package can be expanded to consider weight as well as height and width.LVAL = .This service package provides connected vehicles that are approaching a reduced speed zone with information on the zone s posted speed limit and/or if the configuration of the roadway is altered (e.g., lane closures, lane shifts). Reduced speed zones include (but are not be limited to) construction/work zones, school zones, pedestrian crossing areas, and incorporated zones (e.g., rural towns). The connected vehicle uses the revised speed limit along with anyThis service package provides connected vehicles that are approaching a reduced speed zone with information on the zone s posted speed limit and/or if the configuration of the roadway is altered (e.g., lane closures, lane shifts). Reduced speed zones include (but are not be limited to) construction/work zones, school zones, pedestrian crossing areas, and incorporated zones (e.g., rural towns). The connected vehicle uses the revised speed limit along with any applicable changed roadside configuration information to determine whether to provide an alert or warning to the driver. Additionally, to provide warnings to non-equipped vehicles, infrastructure equipment measures the speed of the approaching vehicles and if greater than the reduced speed zone posted speed limit will provide warning signage. It will provide an alert to drivers in advance when aggressive braking is required to reduce to the posted speed limit.This service package provides the connected vehicle with restriction information about the travel lanes, such as if the lane is restricted to high occupancy vehicles (HOV), transit, or public safety vehicles only or has defined eco-lane criteria. A connected vehicle can use this information to determine if the vehicle is in a lane that has lane restrictions.This service package enables a connected vehicle approaching an instrumented signalized intersection to receive information from the infrastructure regarding the signal timing and the geometry of the intersection. The vehicle uses its speed and acceleration profile, along with the signal timing and geometry information to determine if it appears likely that the vehicle will be able to pass safely through the intersection without violating the signal or colliding with other vehicles. If the vehicle determines that proceding through the intersection is unsafe, a warning is provided to the driver and/or collision avoidance actions are taken, depending on the automation level of the vehicle.This service package utilizes connected vehicle technologies, including vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications, to enable vehicles within the queue event to automatically broadcast their queued status information (e.g., rapid deceleration, disabled status, lane location) to nearby upstream vehicles and to centers (such as the TMC). The infrastructure will broadcast queue warnings to vehicles in order to minimize or prevent rear-end or other secondary collisions. This service package is not intended to operate as a crash avoidance system. In contrast to such systems, this service package will engage well in advance of any potential crash situation, providing messages and information to the driver in order to minimize the likelihood of his needing to take crash avoidance or mitigation actions later.It performs two essential tasks: queue determination (detection and/or prediction) and queue information dissemination using vehicle-based, infrastructure-based, or hybrid solutions.LVAL This service package will provide situational awareness to and coordination among emergency responders - upon dispatch, while en route to establish incident scene work zones, upon initial arrival and staging of assets, and afterward if circumstances require additional dispatch and staging. It collects a variety of data from emergency, traffic, and maintenance centers. It includes a vehicle and equipment staging function that supplies the en-route responders with additional information about the scene of an incident that they can use to determine where to stage personnel and equipment prior to their arrivThis service package will provide situational awareness to and coordination among emergency responders - upon dispatch, while en route to establish incident scene work zones, upon initial arrival and staging of assets, and afterward if circumstances require additional dispatch and staging. It collects a variety of data from emergency, traffic, and maintenance centers. It includes a vehicle and equipment staging function that supplies the en-route responders with additional information about the scene of an incident that they can use to determine where to stage personnel and equipment prior to their arrival on-scene. The service package also includes a dynamic routing function which provides emergency responders with real-time navigation instructions to travel from their base to the incident scene, accounting for traffic conditions, road closures, and snowplow reports if needed. In addition it includes an emergency responder status reporting function which continuously monitors the location of the en-route responder vehicles as well as the vehicles already on-scene. The function develops and maintains the current position of the responder s vehicles and provides updates for estimated time of arrival (ETA).This service package manages highway traffic at highway-rail intersections (HRIs) where operational requirements demand advanced features (e.g., where rail operational speeds are greater than 80 miles per hour). This service package includes all capabilities from the Standard Railroad Grade Crossing service package and augments these with additional safety features to mitigate the risks associated with higher rail speeds and leverage Connected Vehicle technologies. The active warning systems supported by this service package include positive barrier systems that preclude entrance into the intersection when the barriers are activated. Like the Standard package, the HRI equipment is activated on notification by wayside interface equipment which detects, or communicates with the approaching train. In this service package, the wayside equipment provides additional information about the arriving train so that the train's direction of travel, estimated time of arrival, and estimated duration of closure may be derived. This service package will alert and/or warn drivers who are approaching an at-grade railroad crossing if they are on a crash-imminent trajectory to collide with a crossing or approaching train. This enhanced information may be conveyed to the driver prior to, or in context with, warning system activation. This service package also includes additional detection capabilities that enable it to detect an entrapped or otherwise immobilized vehicle within the HRI and provide an immediate notification to highway and railroad officials.lLVAL " The Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections service package uses wireless data communications sent from a connected vehicle roadside equipment (RSE) unit to connected vehicles to encourage  green approaches to and departures from signalized intersections. The vehicle collects intersection geometry information and signal phase movement information using V2I communications and data from nearby vehicles using V2V communications. Upon The Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections service package uses wireless data communications sent from a connected vehicle roadside equipment (RSE) unit to connected vehicles to encourage  green approaches to and departures from signalized intersections. The vehicle collects intersection geometry information and signal phase movement information using V2I communications and data from nearby vehicles using V2V communications. Upon receiving this information, the service package performs calculations to provide speed advice to the driver, allowing the driver to adapt the vehicle s speed to pass the next traffic signal on green or to decelerate to a stop in the most eco-friendly manner. The service package also considers a vehicle s acceleration as it departs from a signalized intersection. Finally, the service package may perform engine adjustments that provide increased fuel efficiency.This service package is used to ensure trusted communications between mobile devices and other mobile devices or roadside devices and protect data they handle from unauthorized access. The service package grants trust credentials to qualified mobile devices and infrastructure devices in the Connected Vehicle Environment so that those devices may be considered trusted by other devices that receive trust credentials from the SCM service package. The service package allows credentials to be requested and revoked and secures the exchange of trust credentials between parties, so that no other party can intercept and use those credentials illegitimately. The service package provides security to the transmissions between connected devices, ensuring authenticity and integrity of the transmissions. Additional security features include privacy protection, authorization and privilege class definition, as well as non-repudiation of origin.This service package shares information about potentially hazardous road conditions or road hazards with other vehicles to support enhanced driver warnings and control automation. Vehicles broadcast relevant road condition information that is collected by the vehicle, such as fog or icy roads. This service package supports the capability for connected vehicles to share situational awareness information even in areas where no roadside communications infrastructure exists. It can be useful to vehicles that are not fully equipped with sensors, or vehicles entering an area with hazardous conditions. Roadside communications infrastructure, if available, can extend the situational awareness range to cover wrong way vehicles where closing rates can require notification beyond DSRC communications range.LVAL o )The Transit Vehicle at Station/Stop Warnings service package inform nearby vehicles of the presence of a transit vehicle at a statioThe Transit Vehicle at Station/Stop Warnings service package inform nearby vehicles of the presence of a transit vehicle at a station or stop. The service package also indicates the intention of the transit vehicle in terms of pulling into or out of a station/stop.The Vehicle Turning Right in Front of a Transit Vehicle (VTRFTV) service package determines the movement of vehicles near to a transit vehicle stopped at a transit stop and provides an indication to the transit vehicle operator that a nearby vehicle is pulling in front of the transit vehicle to make a right turn. This service package will help the transit vehicle determine if the area in front of it will not be occupied as it begins to pull away from a transit stop.This service package allows a transit passenger to send a stop request to an approaching transit vehicle. The transit vehicle receives the request and notifies the vehicle operator of the stop request.This service package is intended to improve safety at non-signalized intersections where only the minor road has posted stop signs. It includes both onboard (for connected vehicles) and roadside signage warning systems (for non-equipped vehicles). The service package helps drivers on a minor road stopped at an intersection understand the state of activities associated with that intersection by providing a warning of unsafe gaps on the major road. The SSGA service package collects all available sensor information (major road, minor road, and median sensors) data and computes the dynamic state of the intersection in order to issue appropriate warnings and alerts.This service package provides real-time information on Park and Ride capacity and supports traveler's decision-making on where best to park and make use of transit alternatives. Transit operators are provided arrival information to support efficient pickup and drop offs and drivers switching to transit are offered current transit information.This service package determines speed recommendations based on traffic conditions and weather information and uses connected vehicle technologies to assist in harmonizing speeds to these recommendations. The speed recommendations can be regulatory (e.g. variable speed limits) or advisory. The purpose of speed harmonization is to change traffic speed on links that approach areas of traffic congestion, bottlenecks, incidents, special events, and other conditions that affect flow. Speed harmonization assists in maintaining flow, reducing unnecessary stops and starts, and maintaining consistent speeds. The service package utilizes connected vehicle V2I communication to detect the precipitating roadway or congestion conditions that might necessitate speed harmonization, to generate the appropriate response plans and speed recommendation strategies for upstream traffic, and to broadcast such recommendations to the affected vehicles. The speed recommendations can be provided in-vehicle for connected vehicles, or through roadside signage for non-connected vehicles.7LVAL OThe Transit Signal Priority service package uses transit vehicle to infrastructure communications to allow a transit vehicle to request priority at one or a series of intersections. The service package provides feedback to tThe Transit Signal Priority service package uses transit vehicle to infrastructure communications to allow a transit vehicle to request priority at one or a series of intersections. The service package provides feedback to the transit driver indicating whether the signal priority has been granted or not. This service package can contribute to improved operating performance of the transit vehicles by reducing the time spent stopped at a red light.The Transit Pedestrian Indication service package provides vehicle to device communications to inform pedestrians at a station or stop about the presence of a transit vehicle. In addition, this service package would inform the transit vehicle operator about the presence of pedestrians nearby and those waiting for the bus. It would help prevent collisions between transit vehicles and pedestrians.The Dynamic Transit Operations service package allows travelers to request trips and obtain itineraries using a personal device such as a smart phone, tablet, or personal computer. The trips and itineraries cover multiple transportation services (public transportation modes, private transportation services, shared-ride, walking and biking). This service package builds on existing technology systems such as computer-aided dispatch/ automated vehicle location (CAD/AVL) systems and automated scheduling software, providing a coordination function within and between transit providers that would dynamically schedule and dispatch or modify the route of an in-service vehicle by matching compatible trips together. TI06 covers other shared use transportation options.This service package allows travelers to initiate a request for connection protection anytime during the trip using a personal device or on-board equipment and receive a confirmation indicating whether the request is accepted. Connection protection uses real time data to examine the arrival status of a transit vehicle and to transmit a hold message to a vehicle or other mode of transportation (e.g. rail) in order for the traveler to make a successful transfer from one vehicle to another. Connection protection can be performed within a single agency, across multiple agencies, and across multiple modes. In an intermodal, multimodal or interagency environment, a transfer request brokerage system, represented by the Transit Management System, can be used to determine the feasibility of a connection protection request and support schedule coordination between agencies.This service package will alert drivers to unsafe conditions or road closure at specific points on the downstream roadway as a result of weather-related impacts, which include, but are not limited to high winds, flood conditions, ice, or fog. The service packages is designed to use standalone weather systems to warn drivers about inclement weather conditions that may impact travel conditions. Real time weather information is collected from fixed environmental sensor stations and vehicle based sensors. The information is processed to determine the nature of the alert or warning to be delivered and then communicated to connected vehicles. If the warning includes road closure then diversion information can be provided. For non-equipped vehicles the alerts or warnings will be provided via roadway signage. In addition, the roadway equipment may calculate the appropriate speed for current weather conditions and provide this information to the connected vehicle or on roadway signage.,=w# r  v  T  ^  T G@>fYSBt ,MC01Maintenance and Construction Vehicle and Equipment Tracking@USgggcW  TM12Dynamic Roadway Warning@USCCC?3 'TM22Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Use@USTTTPD !TM20Variable Speed Limits|@USAAA=1 TM19Roadway Closure Management8@USFFFB6 TM18Drawbridge Management@USAAA=1 TM17Speed Warning and Enforcement2@USIIIE9 TM16Reversible Lane Management@USFFFB6 PM04Regional Parking ManagementX@USGGGC7 PM01Parking Space Management@USDDD@4 TM15Railroad Operations Coordination@USLLLH<  TM13Standard Railroad Grade Crossing:@USLLLH< ST01Emissions Monitoring5@US@@@<0 TM09Integrated Decision Support and Demand Management5@US]]]YM TM08Traffic Incident Management Systemr@USNNNJ> ~TM07Regional Traffic Management@USGGGC7 }TM06Traffic Information Dissemination@USMMMI= | ST06HOV/HOT Lane Management.@USCCC?3 {TM05Traffic Metering0@US<<<8, zTM03Traffic Signal Control@USBBB>2 yTM01Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance(@USUUUQE x )SU04Map Management@US:::6* w 2SU07Privacy Protection @US>>>:. sTI07In-Vehicle Signage$@US>>>:. rCVO18Intelligent Access Program - Weight Monitoring@AU[[[WK qCVO17Intelligent Access Program@AUGGGC7 pCVO19Intelligent Speed Compliance]@AUIIIE9 oCVO16Electronic Work Diariesn@AUDDD@4 nTM11Road Use Charging)@US===9- mTM10Electronic Toll Collection@USFFFB6 l ,SU05Location and Time@US===9- j /SU06Object Registration and Discovery@USMMMI= f ST09Connected Eco-Driving @USAAA=1 d SU01Connected Vehicle System Monitoring and Management@US^^^ZN c ST04Roadside Lighting@US===9- b ST03Eco-Traffic Meteringr@US@@@<0 `CVO11Freight Drayage Optimization@USIIIE9 \>MC07Work Zone Safety Monitoringc@USGGGC7 [PS05Vehicle Emergency Responses@USFFFB6 XDM02Performance Monitoring@USBBB>2 WTM02Vehicle-Based Traffic SurveillanceJ@USNNNJ> RyPT12Transit Vehicle at Station/Stop Warnings @USTTTPD Q|PT13Vehicle Turning Right in Front of a Transit Vehicle@US___[O PPT15Transit Stop Request@US@@@<0LVAL 0This service package provides warnings to maintenance personnel within a work zone about potential hazards within the work zone. It enables vehicles or the infrastructure to pThis service package provides warnings to maintenance personnel within a work zone about potential hazards within the work zone. It enables vehicles or the infrastructure to provide warnings to workers in a work zone when a vehicle is moving in a manner that appears to create an unsafe condition (e.g., moving at high speed or entering the work zone).The Vehicle Emergency Response service package provides arriving public safety vehicles with information from connected vehicles involved in a crash. Emergency responders need information about the vehicles involved in a crash to respond safely and effectively to the vehicle crash. Information such as HAZMAT data can assist the responders. Information about air bag activations and other measures indicating the severity of the crash can provide useful input to ambulance staff. In addition information about the power system of the vehicle (e.g. hybrid, electric, or internal combustion engine) can affect the response.The Performance Monitoring service package uses information collected from detectors and sensors, connected vehicles, and operational data feeds from centers to support performance monitoring and other uses of historical data including transportation planning, condition monitoring, safety analyses, and research. The information may be probe data information obtained from vehicles in the network to determine network performance measures such as speed and travel times, or it may be information collected from the vehicles and processed by the infrastructure, e.g. environmental data and infrastructure conditions monitoring data. Additional data are collected including accident data, road condition data, road closures and other operational decisions to provide context for measured transportation performance and additional safety and mobility-related measures. More complex performance measures may be derived from the collected data.This service package uses probe data information obtained from vehicles in the network to support traffic operations, including incident detection and the implementation of localized operational strategies. Since traffic data is collected from vehicles, travel times and other related traffic performance measures are available. This service package includes the capability to collect data from Connected Vehicles so that "probe" data can be collected from all equipped vehicles, providing access to a large vehicle population as penetration increases. Incident detection enables transportation agencies to determine the location of potential incidents so the agencies can respond more quickly to the incident and mitigate any negative impacts to the transportation network. Vehicle data that can be used to detect potential incidents include changes in vehicle speeds indicating the disruption of traffic flow, when a vehicle s safety systems have been activated or deployed, or sudden vehicle turns or deceleration at a specific location (indicating a potential obstacle in the roadway).LVAL 8,The Connected Eco-Driving service package provides customized real-time driving advice to drivers so that they can adjust their driving behavior to save fuel and reduce emissions. Eco-driving advice includes recommended driving speeds, optimal acceleration, and optimal deceleration profiles based on prevailing traffic conditions, interactions with nearby vehicles, and upcoming road graThe Connected Eco-Driving service package provides customized real-time driving advice to drivers so that they can adjust their driving behavior to save fuel and reduce emissions. Eco-driving advice includes recommended driving speeds, optimal acceleration, and optimal deceleration profiles based on prevailing traffic conditions, interactions with nearby vehicles, and upcoming road grades. The service package also provides feedback to drivers on their driving behavior to encourage drivers to drive in a more environmentally efficient manner. Finally, the service package may include vehicle-assisted strategies where the vehicle automatically implements the eco-driving strategy (e.g., changes gears, switches power sources, or reduces its speed in an eco-friendly manner).This service package provides monitoring, management and control services necessary to other applications and/or devices operating within the Connected Vehicle Environment. This service package maintains and monitors the performance and configuration of the connected vehicle system. This includes tracking and management of the infrastructure configuration as well as detection, isolation, and correction of infrastructure service problems. It also includes monitoring of performance of the infrastructure and mobile equipment, which includes RSEs, OBEs, the back office applications, as well as the communication links that connect the system.The Roadside Lighting service package is a connected vehicle version of the automated roadside lighting systems that uses the presence of vehicles based on V2I communications as an input to control of roadside lighting systems. The service package can use the presence of vehicles to alter roadside lighting levels, and can use environmental data obtained from the vehicles as an input to support adjustment of the lighting based on adverse weather conditions such as fog, rain, or snow.The Eco-Traffic Metering service package determines the most environmentally efficient operation of traffic signals at freeway on-ramps to manage the rate of entering automobiles. This service package collects traffic and environmental data from roadside sensors and connected vehicles to allow on-ramp merge operations that minimize overall emissions, including traffic and environmental conditions on the ramp and on the freeway upstream and downstream of the ramp. Using this information, the service package determines a timing plan for the ramp meter based on current and predicted traffic and environmental conditions.This service package covers the information exchanges between all intermodal parties to provide current drayage truck load matching and container availability and appointment scheduling at railroad and steamship line terminals. It includes a link from drivers and freight management systems dispatchers to an intermodal terminal reservation system and integrates an appointment function with Terminal Queue Status and Load Matching. The service package provides information to the dispatcher and driver concerning the availability status for pickup of a container at an intermodal terminal. It also provides drivers and dispatchers with both intermodal terminal queue length, and estimated time from the back of the queue to the gate. LVAL8 "This service package defines interfaces that can be used download or update all types of map data used to support intelligent transportation systems. This map data will be accessed by centers, field, andThis service package defines interfaces that can be used download or update all types of map data used to support intelligent transportation systems. This map data will be accessed by centers, field, and vehicle physical objects. The service package can also be used to harness the Connected Vehicle Environment to provide rich source data that can be used to verify, refine, and enhance geographic map data.This service package provides the privacy protection essential to the operation of connected vehicle applications. Privacy Protection obscures the network identifiers of mobile devices in order to allow communications with credentials management and other centers.The Electronic Toll Collection service package provides toll operators with the ability to collect tolls electronically and detect and process violations. The fees that are collected may be adjusted to implement demand management strategies. Field-Vehicle Communication between the roadway equipment and the vehicle is required as well as Fixed Point-Fixed Point interfaces between the toll collection equipment and transportation authorities and the financial infrastructure that supports fee collection. Toll violations are identified and electronically posted to vehicle owners. Standards, inter-agency coordination, and financial clearinghouse capabilities enable broad interoperability for these services.This service package identifies the external systems and interfaces that provide accurate location and time to intelligent transportation system devices and systems.This service package provides registration and lookup services necessary to allow objects to locate other objects operating within the Connected Vehicle Environment. An object registry is like a phone book for all the connected centers, systems, and equipment in the transportation system (the  objects ). In this service package, each object registers itself with the ORDS and tells the registry where it lives in the communication network (e.g., host, port, node name) and information about the services it provides - information that other objects can use to determine the type of service, the geographic scope of the service, and other information that helps users of the registry to make informed decisions about which object(s) support a needed service or information stream. This is the  Discovery part of the service. Connected objects can use the registry to find (discover) objects that can be used to get needed information or services.jLVAL i bThis service package augments regulatory, warning, and informational signs and signals by providing information directly to drivers through in-vehicle devices. The information provided would include static sign information (e.g., stop, curve warning, guide signs, service signs, and directional signs) and dynamic information (e.g., current signal states including highway intersection and highway-raThis service package augments regulatory, warning, and informational signs and signals by providing information directly to drivers through in-vehicle devices. The information provided would include static sign information (e.g., stop, curve warning, guide signs, service signs, and directional signs) and dynamic information (e.g., current signal states including highway intersection and highway-rail intersection status and local conditions warnings identified by local environmental sensors). This service package also includes the capability for maintenance and construction, emergency, and transit vehicles to transmit sign information to vehicles in the vicinity so that in vehicle signing can be used without fixed infrastructure in areas such as work zones, around incidents, and at bus stops.The Intelligent Access Program - Weight Monitoring service package enables commercial vehicle operators simplified access to permit operations in exchange for remote weight monitoring.The Intelligent Access Program service package enables commercial vehicle operators simplified access to permit operations in exchange for remote compliance monitoring.The Intelligent Speed Compliance service package uses the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) to independently monitor the speed of a heavy vehicle and provide that information to regulatory authorities. It can be used to verity that commercial vehicles are not exceeding a set speed threshold, and/or to detect faulty speed limiter devices.The Electronic Work Diaries service package is designed to collect information salient to the operation of a commercial vehicle, to log driver activity (work), and to report that information to regulators as well as fleet managers, while operating under various privacy regimes including that of the fleet manager, the local government and the national government.The Road Use Charging service package supports the capability to charge fees to roadway vehicle owners for using specific roadways with potentially differential payment rates based on time-of-day, which specific roadway is used, and class of vehicle (a local policy decision by each roadway owner). These payment schemes could be forms of Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) or other schemes that are yet to be defined. Vehicle owners need only register with a single payment entity of their choice (a participating state, municipal, or regional DOT, an authority, or a private entity), and payments are reconciled by the entity receiving payment (and travel history) with all roadway owners that participate in the road use payment scheme, which may also include the Federal government. Vehicle owners would pay nothing for distances traveled where there are no payments required (e.g. in jurisdictions that have not implemented a distance based payment or for roadway operators that collect payment using traditional tolls), although a Federal payment rate might cover some or all roadway operations (a Federal policy decision). Basic operation depends on the vehicle tracking its own location, and periodically reporting its travel history to the registered entity receiving payment using connected vehicle communications.LVAL - This service package manages high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) and high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes by coordinating freeway ramp meters and connector signals with HOV lane usage signals. Preferential treatment is given to HOV lanes using special bypasses, reserved lanes, and exclusThis service package manages high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) and high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes by coordinating freeway ramp meters and connector signals with HOV lane usage signals. Preferential treatment is given to HOV lanes using special bypasses, reserved lanes, and exclusive rights-of-way that may vary by time of day. Vehicle occupancy can be detected to verify HOV compliance and to notify enforcement agencies of violations. For HOT lane configurations, tolls are collected for vehicles that do not meet the high-occupancy criteria for the lane.This service package provides central monitoring and control, communications, and field equipment that support metering of traffic. It supports the complete range of metering strategies including ramp, interchange, and mainline metering. This package incorporates the instrumentation included in the TM01 service package (traffic sensors are used to measure traffic flow and queues) to support traffic monitoring so responsive and adaptive metering strategies can be implemented. Also included is configurable field equipment to provide information to drivers approaching a meter, such as advance warning of the meter, its operational status (whether it is currently on or not, how many cars per green are allowed, etc.), lane usage at the meter (including a bypass lane for HOVs) and existing queue at the meter.This service package provides the central control and monitoring equipment, communication links, and the signal control equipment that support traffic control at signalized intersections. A range of traffic signal control systems are represented by this service package ranging from fixed-schedule control systems to fully traffic responsive systems that dynamically adjust control plans and strategies based on current traffic conditions and priority requests. This service package is generally an intra-jurisdictional package. Systems that achieve coordination across jurisdictions by using a common time base or other strategies that do not require real time coordination would also be represented by this package. Coordination of traffic signal systems using real-time communications is covered in the TM07-Regional Traffic Management service package. This service package is consistent with typical traffic signal control systems.This service package includes traffic detectors, other surveillance equipment, the supporting field equipment, and Center to Field communications to transmit the collected data back to the Traffic Management Center. The derived data can be used locally such as when traffic detectors are connected directly to a signal control system or remotely (e.g., when a CCTV system sends data back to the Traffic Management Center). The data generated by this service package enables traffic managers to monitor traffic and road conditions, identify and verify incidents, detect faults in indicator operations, and collect census data for traffic strategy development and long range planning. The collected data can also be analyzed and made available to users and the Traveler Information Center physical object.LVALv This service package provides for the sharing of information and control among traffic management centers to support regional traffic management strategies. Regional traffic management strategies that are supported include inter-jurisdictional, real-time coordinated traffic signal control systems and coordination between freeway operations and traffic signal control within a corridor. This service package advances the TM03-Traffic Signal Control and TM05-Traffic Metering service packages by adding the communications links and integrated control strategies that enable integrated, interjurisdictional traffiThis service package provides for the sharing of information and control among traffic management centers to support regional traffic management strategies. Regional traffic management strategies that are supported include inter-jurisdictional, real-time coordinated traffic signal control systems and coordination between freeway operations and traffic signal control within a corridor. This service package advances the TM03-Traffic Signal Control and TM05-Traffic Metering service packages by adding the communications links and integrated control strategies that enable integrated, interjurisdictional traffic management. The nature of optimization and extent of information and control sharing is determined through working arrangements between jurisdictions. This package relies principally on roadside instrumentation supported by the Traffic Signal Control and Traffic Metering service packages and adds hardware, software, and fixed-point communications capabilities to implement traffic management strategies that are coordinated between allied traffic management centers. Several levels of coordination are supported from sharing of information through sharing of device control between traffic management centers.This service package provides driver information using roadway equipment such as dynamic message signs or highway advisory radio. A wide range of information can be disseminated including traffic and road conditions, closure and detour information, travel restrictions, incident information, and emergency alerts and driver advisories. This package provides information to drivers at specific equipped locations on the road network. Careful placement of the roadway equipment provides the information at points in the network where the drivers have recourse and can tailor their routes to account for the new information. This package also covers the equipment and interfaces that provide traffic information from a traffic management center to the media (for instance via a direct tie-in between a traffic management center and radio or television station computer systems), Transit Management, Emergency Management, and Transportation Information Centers. A link to the Maintenance and Construction Management Center allows real time information on road/bridge closures and restrictions due to maintenance and construction activities to be disseminated.~ LVAL This service package manages both unexpected incidents and planned events so that the impact to the transportation network and traveler safety is minimized. The service package includes incident detection capabilities through roadside surveillance devices (e.g. CCTV) and through regional coordination with other traffic management, maintenance and construction management and emergency management centers as well as rail operations and event promoters. Information from these diverse sources is collected and correlated by this service package to detect and verify incidents and implement an appropriate response. This service package supports traffic operations personnel in developing an appropriate response in coordination with emergency management, maintenance and construction management, and other incident respoThis service package manages both unexpected incidents and planned events so that the impact to the transportation network and traveler safety is minimized. The service package includes incident detection capabilities through roadside surveillance devices (e.g. CCTV) and through regional coordination with other traffic management, maintenance and construction management and emergency management centers as well as rail operations and event promoters. Information from these diverse sources is collected and correlated by this service package to detect and verify incidents and implement an appropriate response. This service package supports traffic operations personnel in developing an appropriate response in coordination with emergency management, maintenance and construction management, and other incident response personnel to confirmed incidents. The response may include traffic control strategy modifications or resource coordination between centers. Incident response also includes presentation of information to affected travelers using the Traffic Information Dissemination service package and dissemination of incident information to travelers through the Broadcast Traveler Information or Interactive Traveler Information service packages. The roadside equipment used to detect and verify incidents also allows the operator to monitor incident status as the response unfolds. The coordination with emergency management might be through a CAD system or through other communication with emergency field personnel. The coordination can also extend to tow trucks and other allied response agencies and field service personnel.LVAL This service package monitors individual vehicle emissions and provides general air quality monitoring using distributed sensors to collect the data. The collected information is transmitted to the Emissions Management Center for processing. Both area wide air quality monitoring and point emissions monitoring are supported by this service package. For area wide monitoring, this service package measures air quality, identifies sectors that are non-compliant with air quality standards, and collects, stores and reports supporting sThis service package monitors individual vehicle emissions and provides general air quality monitoring using distributed sensors to collect the data. The collected information is transmitted to the Emissions Management Center for processing. Both area wide air quality monitoring and point emissions monitoring are supported by this service package. For area wide monitoring, this service package measures air quality, identifies sectors that are non-compliant with air quality standards, and collects, stores and reports supporting statistical data. For point emissions monitoring, this service package collects data from on-board diagnostic systems and measures tail pipe emissions to identify vehicles that exceed emissions standards and/or clean vehicles that could be released from standard emissions tests, depending on policy and regulations. Summary emissions information or warnings can also be displayed to drivers. The gathered information can be used to implement environmentally sensitive travel demand management (TDM) programs, policies, and regulations.This service package recommends courses of action to transportation operators in a corridor, downtown area, or other heavily traveled area. Recommendations are based on an assessment of current and forecast transportation network performance and environmental conditions. Multi-modal transportation operational strategies are created that consider all modes and all roads in the travel area to correct network imbalances and effectively manage available capacity. As part of the operational strategies, this service package may also recommend lane restrictions, transit, parking, and toll strategies to influence traveler route and mode choices to support active demand management programs and policies managing both traffic and the environment. Operational strategies, including demand management recommendations, are coordinated to support operational decisions by each transportation operator that are consistent with the recommended strategy. All recommended operational strategies are based on historical evaluation, real-time assessment, and forecast of the roadway network performance based on predicted travel demand patterns. This service package also collects air quality, parking availability, transit usage, and vehicle occupancy data to support operational strategies that manage and balance capacity and demand.LVAL This service package provides for the management of reversible lane facilities. In addition to standard surveillance capabilities, this service package includes sensory functions that detect wrong-way vehicles and other special surveillance capabilities that mitigate safety hazards associated with reversible lanes. The This service package provides for the management of reversible lane facilities. In addition to standard surveillance capabilities, this service package includes sensory functions that detect wrong-way vehicles and other special surveillance capabilities that mitigate safety hazards associated with reversible lanes. The package includes the field equipment, physical lane access controls, and associated control electronics that manage and control these special lanes. This service package also includes the equipment used to electronically reconfigure intersections and manage right-of-way to address dynamic demand changes and special events.This service package supports communication and coordination between equipped parking facilities and also supports regional coordination between parking facilities and traffic and transit management systems. This service package also shares information with transit management systems and information service providers to support multimodal travel planning, including parking reservation capabilities. Information including current parking availability, system status, and operating strategies are shared to enable local parking facility management that supports regional transportation strategies.This service package monitors and manages parking spaces in lots, garages, and other parking areas and facilities. It assists in the management of parking operations by monitoring parking lot ingress and egress, parking space occupancy and availability. Infrastructure-based detectors and/or connected vehicles may be used to monitor parking occupancy. The service package shares collected parking information with local drivers and information providers for broader distribution.This service package provides an additional level of strategic coordination between freight rail operations and other transportation centers. Rail operations provides train schedules, maintenance schedules, and any other forecast events that will result in highway-rail intersection (HRI) closures. This information is used to develop forecast HRI closure times and durations that may be used in advanced traffic control strategies or to enhance the quality of traveler information.This service package manages highway traffic at highway-rail intersections (HRIs) where operational requirements do not dictate more advanced features (e.g., where rail operational speeds are less than 80 miles per hour). Both passive (e.g., the crossbuck sign) and active warning systems (e.g., flashing lights and gates) are supported. (Note that passive systems exercise only the single interface between the ITS Roadway Equipment and the Driver in the physical view.) These traditional HRI warning systems may also be augmented with other standard traffic management devices. The warning systems are activated on notification of an approaching train by interfaced wayside equipment. The equipment at the HRI may also be interconnected with adjacent signalized intersections so that local control can be adapted to highway-rail intersection activities. Health monitoring of the HRI equipment and interfaces is performed; detected abnormalities are reported to both highway and railroad officials through wayside interfaces and interfaces to the Traffic Management Center. LVAL This service package monitors vehicle speeds and supports warnThis service package supports systems that manage drawbridges at rivers and canals and other multimodal crossings (other than railroad grade crossings which are specifically covered by other service packages). The equipment managed by This service package supports systems that manage drawbridges at rivers and canals and other multimodal crossings (other than railroad grade crossings which are specifically covered by other service packages). The equipment managed by this service package includes control devices (e.g., gates, warning lights, dynamic message signs) at the drawbridge as well as the information systems that are used to keep travelers apprised of current and forecasted drawbridge status.This service package monitors vehicle speeds and supports warning drivers when their speed is excessive. Also the service includes notifications to an enforcement agency to enforce the speed limit of the roadway. Speed monitoring can be made via spot speed or average speed measurements. Roadside equipment can display the speed of passing vehicles and/or suggest a safe driving speed. Environmental conditions and vehicle characteristics may be monitored and factored into the safe speed advisories that are provided to the motorist. For example, warnings can be generated recognizing the limitations of a given vehicle for the geometry of the roadway such as rollover risk for tall vehicles. This service focuses on monitoring of vehicle speeds and enforcement of the speed limit while the variable speed limits service (covered in TM20-Variable Speed Limits service package) focuses on varying the posted speed limits to create more uniform speeds along a roadway, to promote safer driving during adverse conditions (such as fog) and/or to reduce air pollution.:LVAL LThis service package sets variable speed limits along a roadway to create more uniform speeds, to promote safer driving during adverse conditions (such as fog), and/or to reduce air pollution. Also known as speed harmonization, this service monitors traffic and environmental conditions along the roadway. Based on the measured data, the system calculates and sets suitable speed limits, usually by lane. Equipment over and along the roadway displays the speed limits and additional information such as basic safety rules and current traffic information. The system caThis service package sets variable speed limits along a roadway to create more uniform speeds, to promote safer driving during adverse conditions (such as fog), and/or to reduce air pollution. Also known as speed harmonization, this service monitors traffic and environmental conditions along the roadway. Based on the measured data, the system calculates and sets suitable speed limits, usually by lane. Equipment over and along the roadway displays the speed limits and additional information such as basic safety rules and current traffic information. The system can be centrally monitored and controlled by a traffic management center or it can be autonomous. This service establishes variable speed limits and communicates the speed limits to drivers. Speed warnings and enforcement of speeds limits, including variable speed limits, is covered in the TM17-Speed Warning and Enforcement service package. Variable speed limits are an Active Traffic Management (ATM) strategy and are typically used in conjunction with other ATM strategies (such as TM22-Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Use and TM23-Dynamic Roadway Warning).This service package closes roadways to vehicular traffic when driving conditions are unsafe, maintenance must be performed, and other scenarios where access to the roadway must be prohibited. The service package includes automatic or remotely controlled gates or barriers that control access to roadway segments including ramps and traffic lanes. Remote control systems allow the gates to be controlled from a central location or from a vehicle at the gate/barrier location, improving system efficiency and reducing personnel exposure to unsafe conditions during severe weather and other situations where roads must be closed. Surveillance systems allow operating personnel to visually verify the safe activation of the closure system and driver information systems (e.g., DMS) provide closure information to motorists in the vicinity of the closure. The equipment managed by this service package includes the control and monitoring systems, the field devices (e.g., gates, warning lights, DMS, CCTV cameras) at the closure location(s), and the information systems that notify other systems of a closure. This service package covers general road closure applications; specific closure systems that are used at railroad grade crossings, drawbridges, reversible lanes, etc. are covered by other Traffic Management service packages.LVAL) ThisThis service package performs vehicle maintenance scheduling and manages both routine and corrective maintenance activities on vehicles and other maintenance and construction equipment. It includes on-board sensorsThis service package performs vehicle maintenance scheduling and manages both routine and corrective maintenance activities on vehicles and other maintenance and construction equipment. It includes on-board sensors capable of automatically performing diagnostics for maintenance and construction vehicles, and the systems that collect this diagnostic information and use it to schedule and manage vehicle and equipment maintenance.This service package tracks the location of maintenance and construction vehicles and other equipment to ascertain the progress of their activities. Checks can include ensuring the correct roads are being plowed and work activity is being performed at the correct locations.This service package includes systems that dynamically warn drivers approaching hazards on a roadway. Such hazards include roadway weather conditions, road surface conditions, traffic conditions including queues, obstacles or animals in the roadway and any other transient event that can be sensed. These dynamic roadway warning systems can alert approaching drivers via warning signs, flashing lights, in-vehicle messages, etc. Such systems can increase the safety of a roadway by reducing the occurrence of incidents. The system can be centrally monitored and controlled by a traffic management center or it can be autonomous. Speed warnings that consider the limitations of a given vehicle for the geometry of the roadway (e.g., rollover risk for tall vehicles) are not included in this service package but are covered by the TM17  Speed Warning and Enforcement service package. Roadway warning systems, especially queue warning systems are an Active Traffic Management (ATM) strategy and are typically used in conjunction with other ATM strategies (such as TM20-Variable Speed Limits and TM22-Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Use).This service package provides for active management of travel lanes along a roadway. The package includes the field equipment, physical overhead lane signs and associated control electronics that are used to manage and control specific lanes and/or the shoulders. This equipment can be used to change the lane configuration on the roadway according to traffic demand and lane destination along a typical roadway section or on approach to or access from a border crossing, multimodal crossing or intermodal freight depot. This package can be used to allow temporary or interim use of shoulders as travel lanes. The equipment can be used to electronically reconfigure intersections and interchanges and manage right-of-way dynamically including merges. Also, lanes can be designated for use by special vehicles only, such as buses, high occupancy vehicles (HOVs), vehicles attending a special event, etc. Prohibitions or restrictions of types of vehicles from using particular lanes can be implemented. The lane management system can be centrally monitored and controlled by a traffic management center or it can be autonomous. This service also can include automated enforcement equipment that notifies the enforcement agency of violators of the lane controls. Dynamic lane management and shoulder use is an Active Traffic Management (ATM) strategy and is typically used in conjunction with other ATM strategies (such as TM20-Variable Speed Limits and TM12-Dynamic Roadway Warning).+=w' s  V L F 3 iE0eJOEr yVS16Automated Vehicle OperationsJ@USHHHD8 vVS15Infrastructure Enhanced Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control@USgggcW DM01ITS Data Warehouse$@US>>>:. PS14Disaster Traveler Information KUSIIIE9 PS13Evacuation and Reentry Management_@USMMMI= PS12Disaster Response and RecoveryVKUSJJJF: PS11Early Warning Systeme@US@@@<0 PS10Wide-Area Alert@US;;;7+  PS09Transportation Infrastructure Protection@USTTTPD  PS08Roadway Service Patrols@USCCC?3 PS01Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch2@USNNNJ> CVO15Fleet and Freight Security&@USGGGC7 CVO14CV Driver Security Authenticationo@USNNNJ> CVO13Roadside HAZMAT Security Detection and Mitigation1@US^^^ZN CVO12HAZMAT Management@US>>>:. vCVO07Roadside CVO Safety%@US@@@<0 pCVO05International Border Electronic Clearance&@USVVVRF mCVO04CV Administrative Processesi@USHHHD8 jCVO03Electronic ClearanceW@USAAA=1 gCVO02Freight Administration@USCCC?3 dCVO01Carrier Operations and Fleet Management#@USTTTPD TI05Travel Services Information and Reservation3@USWWWSG TI04Infrastructure-Provided Trip Planning and Route Guidance@USddd`T TI03Dynamic Route Guidance|@USBBB>2 TI02Personalized Traveler Information@USMMMI= TI01Broadcast Traveler Informationn@USJJJF: jPT07Transit Passenger CountingS@USFFFB6 mPT08Transit Traveler Information@USHHHD8 PT14Multi-modal Coordination@USDDD@4 gPT06Transit Fleet Management@USDDD@4 dPT05Transit Security@US<<<8, aPT04Transit Fare Collection Management@USNNNJ> [PT02Transit Fixed-Route Operations@USJJJF: XPT01Transit Vehicle Tracking@USDDD@4 DMC09Infrastructure MonitoringF@USEEEA5 AMC08Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordinationk@US^^^ZN ;MC06Work Zone Management@US@@@<0 8MC05Roadway Maintenance and Construction@USPPPL@ 5MC04Winter Maintenance@US>>>:. 2MC03Roadway Automated Treatment@USGGGC7 WX02Weather Information Processing and Distribution@US[[[WK WX01Weather Data Collection@USCCC?3 /MC02Maintenance and Construction Vehicle Maintenance@US\\\XLLVALv  GThis service package supports numerous services for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and construction on a roadway system or right-of-way. Maintenance services include landscape maintenance, hazard removal (roadway debris, dead animals), routine maintenance activities (roadway cleaning, grass cutting), and repaThis service package supports numerous services for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and construction on a roadway system or right-of-way. Maintenance services include landscape maintenance, hazard removal (roadway debris, dead animals), routine maintenance activities (roadway cleaning, grass cutting), and repair and maintenance of both ITS and non-ITS equipment on the roadway (e.g., signs, traffic controllers, traffic detectors, dynamic message signs, traffic signals, CCTV, etc.). Environmental conditions information is also received from various weather sources to aid in scheduling maintenance and construction activities.This service package supports winter road maintenance including snow plow operations, roadway treatments (e.g., salt spraying and other anti-icing material applications), and other snow and ice control activities. This package monitors environmental conditions and weather forecasts and uses the information to schedule winter maintenance activities, determine the appropriate snow and ice control response, and track and manage response operations.This service package automatically treats a roadway section based on environmental or atmospheric conditions. Treatments include fog dispersion, anti-icing chemicals, etc. The service package includes the environmental sensors that detect adverse conditions, the automated treatment system itself, and driver information systems (e.g., dynamic message signs) that warn drivers when the treatment system is activated.This service package processes and distributes the environmental information collected from the Weather Data Collection service package. This service package uses the environmental data to detect environmental hazards such as icy road conditions, high winds, dense fog, etc. so operational centers and decision support systems can make decision on corrective actions to take. The continuing updates of road condition information and current temperatures can be used to more effectively deploy road maintenance resources, issue general traveler advisories, issue location specific warnings to drivers using the Traffic Information Dissemination service package, and aid operators in scheduling work activity.This service package collects current road and weather conditions using data collected from environmental sensors deployed on and about the roadway. It also collects data from vehicles in the road network that can be used to directly measure or infer current environmental conditions. It leverages vehicle on-board systems that measure temperature, sense current weather conditions (rain and sun sensors) and also can monitor aspects of the vehicle operational status (e.g., use of headlights, wipers, and traction control system) to gather information about local environmental conditions. In addition, environmental sensor systems located on Maintenance and Construction Vehicles are also potential data sources. The collected environmental data is used by the Weather Information Processing and Distribution service package to process the information and make decisions on operations. The collected environmental data may be aggregated, combined with data attributes and sent to meteorological systems for data qualification and further data consolidation. The service package may also request and receive qualified data sets from meteorological systems.LVAL" q This service package manages transit fare collection on-board transit vehicles and at transit stops using electronic means. It allows transit users to use a traveler card or other electronic payment device such as a smart phone. RThis service package manages transit fare collection on-board transit vehicles and at transit stops using electronic means. It allows transit users to use a traveler card or other electronic payment device such as a smart phone. Readers located either in the infrastructure or on-board the transit vehicles enable electronic fare payment. Data is processed, stored, and displayed on the transit vehicle and communicated as needed to the Transit Management Center.This service package performs automated dispatch and system monitoring for fixed-route and flexible-route transit services. This service performs scheduling activities including the creation of schedules, blocks and runs, as well as operator assignment. This service monitors the transit vehicle trip performance against the schedule and provides information displays at the Transit Management Center.This service package monitors current transit vehicle location using an Automated Vehicle Location System. The location data may be used to determine real time schedule adherence and update the transit system s schedule in real-time.This service package monitors the condition of pavement, bridges, tunnels, associated hardware, and other transportation-related infrastructure (e.g., culverts) using both fixed and vehicle-based infrastructure monitoring sensors. Fixed sensors monitor vibration, stress, temperature, continuity, and other parameters and mobile sensors and data logging devices collect information on current infrastructure condition. This service package also monitors vehicle probes for vertical acceleration data and other probe data that may be used to determine current pavement condition.This service package supports the dissemination of maintenance and construction activity to centers that can utilize it as part of their operations, or to Transportation Information Centers who can provide the information to travelers. Center to center coordination of work plans supports adjustments to reduce disruption to regional transportation operations.This service package manages work zones, controlling traffic in areas of the roadway where maintenance, construction, and utility work activities are underway. Traffic conditions are monitored using CCTV cameras and controlled using dynamic message signs (DMS), Highway Advisory Radio (HAR), gates and barriers. Work zone information is coordinated with other groups (e.g., TIC, traffic management, other maintenance and construction centers). Work zone speeds and delays are provided to the motorist prior to the work zones. This service package provides control of field equipment in all maintenance and construction areas, including fixed, portable, and truck-mounted devices supporting both stationary and mobile work zones.?LVAL pWThis service package counts the number of passengers entering and exiting a transit vehicle using sensors mounted on the vehicle and communicates the collected passengeThis service package counts the number of passengers entering and exiting a transit vehicle using sensors mounted on the vehicle and communicates the collected passenger data back to the management center. The collected data can be used to calculate reliable ridership figures and measure passenger load information at particular stops.This service package provides transit users at transit stops and on-board transit vehicles with ready access to transit information. The information services include transit stop annunciation, imminent arrival signs, and real-time transit schedule displays that are of general interest to transit users. Systems that provide custom transit trip itineraries and other tailored transit information services are also represented by this service package.This service package establishes two way communications between multiple transit and traffic agencies to improve service coordination. Multimodal coordination between transit agencies can increase traveler convenience at transit transfer points and clusters (a collection of stops, stations, or terminals where transfers can be made conveniently) and also improve operating efficiency.This service package supports automatic transit maintenance scheduling and monitoring. On-board condition sensors monitor system status and transmit critical status information to the Transit Management Center. The Transit Management Center processes this data and schedules preventative and corrective maintenance. The service package also supports the day to day management of the transit fleet inventory, including the assignment of specific transit vehicles to blocks and the assignment of transit vehicle operators to runs.This service package provides for the physical security of transit passengers and transit vehicle operators. On-board equipment performs surveillance and sensor monitoring in order to identify potentially hazardous situations. The surveillance equipment includes video (e.g., CCTV cameras), audio systems and/or event recorder systems. The sensor equipment includes threat sensors (e.g., chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors) and object detection sensors (e.g., metal detectors). Transit user or transit vehicle operator activated alarms are provided on-board. Public areas (e.g., transit stops, park and ride lots, stations) are also monitored with similar surveillance and sensor equipment and provided with transit user activated alarms. In addition this service package provides surveillance and sensor monitoring of non-public areas of transit facilities (e.g., transit yards) and transit infrastructure such as bridges, tunnels, and transit railways or bus rapid transit (BRT) guideways. The surveillance equipment includes video and/or audio systems. The sensor equipment includes threat sensors and object detection sensors as described above as well as, intrusion or motion detection sensors and infrastructure integrity monitoring (e.g., rail track continuity checking or bridge structural integrity monitoring). Most of the surveillance and sensor data that is collected by this service package may be monitored by either the Emergency Management Center or the Transit Management Center, providing two possible approaches to implementing this service package. This service package also supports remote transit vehicle disabling and transit vehicle operator authentication by the Transit Management Center.+LVAL ?This service package provides tailored information in response to a traveler request. Both real-time interactivThis service package offers advanced route planning and guidance that is responsive to current conditions. The package augments a user's navigation system equipment with a digital receiveThis service package offers advanced route planning and guidance that is responsive to current conditions. The package augments a user's navigation system equipment with a digital receiver capable of receiving real-time traffic, transit, and road condition information, which is used by the user equipment to provide real-time route guidance that factors in current conditions.This service package provides tailored information in response to a traveler request. Both real-time interactive request/response systems and information systems that "push" a tailored stream of information to the traveler based on a submitted profile are supported. The traveler can obtain current information regarding traffic conditions, roadway maintenance and construction, transit services, ride share/ride match, parking management, detours and pricing information. Although the Internet is the predominate network used for traveler information dissemination, a range of two-way wide-area wireless and fixed-point to fixed-point communications systems may be used to support the required data communications with the traveler. A variety of interactive devices may be used by the traveler to access information prior to a trip or en route including phone via a 511-like portal and web pages via smart phone, tablet, personal computer, and a variety of in-vehicle devices.This service package provides a digital broadcast service that disseminates traveler information to all equipped travelers within range. It collects traffic conditions, advisories, general public transportation, toll and parking information, incident information, roadway maintenance and construction information, air quality and weather information, and broadcasts the information to travelers using technologies such as FM subcarrier, satellite radio, cellular data broadcasts, and Internet streaming technologies. This service package also provides location-specific or situation-relevant information to travelers in vehicles using Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) infrastructure supporting mobility service packages for connected vehicles. DSRC is used to deliver real-time traveler information including travel times, incident information, road conditions, and emergency traveler information to vehicles as they pass connected vehicle roadside equipment along their route. This service package provides public information that is available to all equipped vehicles in the vicinity of the roadside equipment.LVAL| I &This This service package tracks the movement of cargo and monitors the cargo condition. Interconnections are provided to intermodal freight shippers and intermodal freight depots for tracking of cargoThis service package tracks the movement of cargo and monitors the cargo condition. Interconnections are provided to intermodal freight shippers and intermodal freight depots for tracking of cargo from origin to destination. In addition to exceptions that are reported, on-going indications of the state of the various freight equipment are reported to the Fleet and Freight Management Center.This service package manages a fleet of commercial vehicles. The Fleet and Freight Management Center monitors the vehicle fleet and can provide routes using either an in-house capability or an external provider. Routes generated by either approach are constrained by hazardous materials and other restrictions (such as height or weight). A route is electronically sent to the Commercial Vehicle with any appropriate dispatch instructions. The location of the Commercial Vehicle can be monitored by the Fleet and Freight Management Center and routing changes can be made depending on current road network conditions. This service package also supports maintenance of fleet vehicles with on-board monitoring equipment. Records of vehicle mileage, preventative maintenance and repairs are maintained.This service package provides travel service information and reservation services to the traveler pre-trip and while en route. This includes information for tourist attractions, lodging, dining, service stations, parking, emergency services, and other services and businesses of interest to the traveler.This service package offers the user trip planning and en-route guidance services. It generates a trip plan, including a multimodal route and associated service information (e.g., parking information), based on traveler preferences and constraints. Routes may be based on static information or reflect real time network conditions. Unlike TI03, where the user equipment determines the route, the route determination functions are performed by the center in this service package. The trip plan may be confirmed by the traveler and advanced payment and reservations for transit and alternate mode (e.g., airline, rail, and ferry) trip segments, and ancillary services are accepted and processed. The confirmed trip plan may include specific routing information that can be supplied to the traveler as general directions or as turn-by-turn route guidance depending on the level of user equipment.LVAL @This service package provides for automated clearance at international border crossings. It augments the Electronic Clearance service package by allowing interface with border administration and border inspection related functions. This service package processes the entry documentation for vehicle, cargo, and driver, checks compliance with import/export and immigration regulations, handles duty fThis service package provides for automated clearance at international border crossings. It augments the Electronic Clearance service package by allowing interface with border administration and border inspection related functions. This service package processes the entry documentation for vehicle, cargo, and driver, checks compliance with import/export and immigration regulations, handles duty fee processing, and reports the results of the crossing event to manage release of commercial vehicle, cargo, and driver across an international border. It interfaces with administrative systems used by customs and border protection, immigration, carriers, and service providers (e.g., brokers) and inspection systems at international border crossings to generate, process, and store entry documentation.This service package supports program administration and enrollment and provides for electronic application, processing, fee collection, issuance, and distribution of CVO credential and tax filing. Through this process, carriers, drivers, and vehicles may be enrolled in a variety of programs including electronic clearance and wireless inspection programs which allow commercial vehicles to be screened at mainline speeds. Through this enrollment process, current profile databases are maintained in the Commercial Vehicle Administration Center and snapshots of this data are made available to the roadside check facilities. Current program status is maintained and made available to carriers, drivers, and other authorized users of the data. Enrolled carriers are provided the option to review and challenge the collected data. Commercial Vehicle Administration Centers can share current program status and credential information with other Centers, so that it is possible for any Commercial Vehicle Administration Center to have access to all credentials, credential fees, credentials status and safety status information. In addition, it is possible for one Commercial Vehicle Administration Center to collect HAZMAT route restrictions information from other Commercial Vehicle Administration Centers and then act as a clearinghouse for this route restrictions information.This service package provides for automated clearance at roadside check facilities. The roadside check facility communicates with the Commercial Vehicle Administration Center to retrieve infrastructure snapshots of critical carrier, vehicle, and driver data to be used to sort passing vehicles. This allows a good driver/vehicle/carrier to pass roadside facilities at highway speeds using vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) Communications. Results of roadside clearance activities will be passed on to the Commercial Vehicle Administration Center. The roadside check facility may be equipped with Automated Vehicle Identification (AVI), weighing sensors, communications equipment, and computer workstations. Communications may be implemented using a range of technologies from transponder data readers through connected vehicle short range communications.OLVAL  eThis service package provides the ability for Fleet and Freight Management to detect when an unauthorized commercial vehicle driver attempts to drive their vehicle based on stored driver identity information. If an unauthorized driver has been detected, Fleet and Freight Management can activate commands to sThis service package provides the ability for Fleet and Freight Management to detect when an unauthorized commercial vehicle driver attempts to drive their vehicle based on stored driver identity information. If an unauthorized driver has been detected, Fleet and Freight Management can activate commands to safely disable the commercial vehicle. Alarms can also be sent to emergency management to inform them of a potential commercial vehicle hijacking or theft and potential hazardous situation. In addition, Emergency Management can request Fleet and Freight Management to disable a specific vehicle in their fleet.This service package provides the capability to detect and classify security sensitive HAZMAT on commercial vehicles using roadside sensing and imaging technology. Credentials information can be accessed to verify if the commercial driver, vehicle and carrier are permitted to transport the identified HAZMAT. If the credentials analysis and sensed HAZMAT information do not agree, the vehicle can be signaled to pull off the highway, and if required, an alarm can be sent to Emergency Management to request they monitor, traffic stop or disable the vehicle.This service package integrates incident management capabilities with commercial vehicle tracking to assure effective treatment of HAZMAT material and incidents. HAZMAT tracking is performed by the Fleet and Freight Management Center. The Emergency Management Center is notified by the Commercial Vehicle if an incident occurs and coordinates the response. The response is tailored based on information that is provided as part of the original incident notification or derived from supplemental information provided by the Fleet and Freight Management Center. The latter information can be provided prior to the beginning of the trip or gathered following the incident depending on the selected policy and implementation.This service package provides for automated roadside safety monitoring and reporting. It automates commercial vehicle safety inspections at roadside check locations. The basic option, directly supported by this service package, facilitates safety inspection of vehicles that have been pulled off the highway, perhaps as a result of the automated screening process provided by the Electronic Clearance (CVO03) service package. In this scenario, only basic identification data and status information is read from the electronic tag on the commercial vehicle. The identification data from the tag enables access to additional safety data maintained in the infrastructure which is used to support the safety inspection, and may also inform the pull-in decision if system timing requirements can be met. More advanced implementations collect additional data from commercial vehicles. This service package focuses on manned inspection locations. See CVO08 for remote monitoring options using smart roadside infrastructure at unmanned, virtual inspection stations.LVAL !This service package monitors and detects potential, looming, and actual disasters including natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, winter storms, tsunamis, etc.) and technological and man-made disasters (hazardous materials incidents, nuclear power plant accidents, and acts of terrorism incThis service package monitors and detects potential, looming, and actual disasters including natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, winter storms, tsunamis, etc.) and technological and man-made disasters (hazardous materials incidents, nuclear power plant accidents, and acts of terrorism including nuclear, chemical, biological, and radiological weapons attacks). The service package monitors alerting and advisory systems, ITS sensors and surveillance systems, field reports, and emergency call-taking systems to identify emergencies and notifies all responding agencies of detected emergencies.This service package supports roadway service patrol vehicles that monitor roads and aid motorists, offering rapid response to minor incidents (flat tire, accidents, out of gas) to minimize disruption to the traffic stream. If problems are detected, the roadway service patrol vehicles will provide assistance to the motorist (e.g., push a vehicle to the shoulder or median). The service package monitors service patrol vehicle locations and supports vehicle dispatch to identified incident locations. Incident information collected by the service patrol is shared with traffic, maintenance and construction, and traveler information systems.This service package provides basic public safety call-taking and dispatch services. It includes emergency vehicle equipment, equipment used to receive and route emergency calls, and wireless communications that enable safe and rapid deployment of appropriate resources to an emergency. Coordination between Emergency Management Centers supports emergency notification between agencies. Wide area wireless communications between the Emergency Management Center and an Emergency Vehicle supports dispatch and provision of information to responding personnel.This service package provides enhanced security for commercial vehicle fleets and freight. Internal and external alerts and advisories are monitored to identify potential threats to the safety and security of the fleet and freight. It provides for the planning and tracking of three aspects of commercial vehicle shipments. For each shipment, the commercial vehicle, the freight equipment, and the commercial vehicle driver are monitored for consistency with the planned assignment. Any unauthorized changes are determined by the Fleet and Freight Management Center and then the appropriate people and Centers are notified. As the freight is shipped and tracked, security and public safety agencies may also interrogate the freight container to determine if it has been breached and to identify container contents. Once a route has been assigned, changes must be coordinated. Commercial Vehicle Drivers are alerted to any changes in route from the planned route and given an opportunity to justify a rerouting. Any unauthorized or unexpected route changes by the Commercial Vehicle will register a route deviation alert with the Fleet and Freight Management Center, which can notify local public safety agencies of the route deviation when appropriate (e.g., if there is safety sensitive HAZMAT being carried). Freight managers may decide to take further action on the alerts and/or provide responses that explain that the alerts are false alarms. If no explanation is received, the Fleet and Freight Management Center may notify the Emergency Management Center.DLVAL VThis service package uses ITS driver and traveler information systems to alert the public in emergency situations such as child abductions, severe weather events, civil emergencies, and other situations that pose a threat to life and property. The alert includes information and instructions for transportation system operators and the traveling public, improving public safety and enlisting the public s help in some scenarios. The ITS technologies will supplement and support other emergency and homeland security alert systems such as the Emergency Alert System (EAS). When an emThis service package uses ITS driver and traveler information systems to alert the public in emergency situations such as child abductions, severe weather events, civil emergencies, and other situations that pose a threat to life and property. The alert includes information and instructions for transportation system operators and the traveling public, improving public safety and enlisting the public s help in some scenarios. The ITS technologies will supplement and support other emergency and homeland security alert systems such as the Emergency Alert System (EAS). When an emergency situation is reported and verified and the terms and conditions for system activation are satisfied, a designated agency broadcasts emergency information to traffic agencies, transit agencies, information service providers, toll operators, and others that operate ITS systems. The ITS systems, in turn, provide the alert information to transportation system operators and the traveling public using ITS technologies such as dynamic message signs, highway advisory radios, in-vehicle displays, transit displays, 511 traveler information systems, and traveler information web sites.This service package includes the monitoring of transportation infrastructure (e.g., bridges, tunnels and management centers) for potential threats using sensors and surveillance equipment and barrier and safeguard systems to control access, preclude an incident, and mitigate the impact of an incident if it occurs. Threats can result from acts of nature (e.g., hurricanes, earthquakes), terrorist attacks or other incidents causing damage to the infrastructure (e.g., stray barge hitting a bridge support). Infrastructure may be monitored with acoustic, environmental threat (such as nuclear, biological, chemical, and explosives), infrastructure condition and integrity, motion and object sensors and video and audio surveillance equipment. Data from such sensors and surveillance equipment may be processed in the field or sent to a center for processing. The data enables operators at the center to detect and verify threats. When a threat is detected, agencies are notified. Detected threats or advisories received from other agencies result in an increased level of system preparedness. In response to threats, barrier and safeguard systems may be activated to deter an incident, control access to an area or mitigate the impact of an incident. Barrier systems include gates, barriers and other automated and remotely controlled systems that manage entry to transportation infrastructure. Safeguard systems include blast shields, exhaust systems and other automated and remotely controlled systems that mitigate impact of an incident.LVALKThis service package enhances the ability of the surface transportation system to respond to and recover from disasters. It addresses the most severe incidents that require an extraordinary response from outside the local community. All types of disasters are addressed including natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, winter storms, tsunamis, etc.) and technological and man-made disasters (hazardous materials incidents, nuclear power plant accidents, and national security emergencies such as nuclear, chemical, biological, and radiological weapons attacks). The service package supports coordination of emergency response plans, including general plans developed before a disaster as well as specific tactical plans with short time horizon that are developed as part of a disaster response. The service package provides enhanced access to the scene for response personnel and resources, provides better information about the transportation system in the vicinity of the disaster, and maintains situation awareness regarding the disaster itself. In addition, this service package tracks and coordinates the transportation resources - the transportation professionals, equipment, and materials - that constitute a portion of the disaster response. The service package identifies the key points of integration between transportation systems and the public safety, emergency management, public health, and other allied organizations that form the overall disaster response. In this service package, the Emergency Management Center represents the federal, regional, state, and local Emergency Operations Centers and the Incident Commands that are established to respond to the disaster. The interface between the Emergency Management Center and the other centers provides situation awareness and resource coordination among transportation and other allied response agencies. In its role, traffic management implements special traffic control strategies and detours and restrictions to effectively manage traffic~LVAL in and around the disaster. Maintenance and construction provides damage assessment of road network facilities and manages service restoration. Transit management provides a similar assessment of status for transit facilities and modifies transit operations to meet the special demands of the disaster. As immediate public safety concerns are addressed and disaster response transitions into recovery, this service package supports transition back to normal transportation system operation, recovering resources, managing on-going transportation facility repair, supporting data collection and revised plan coordination, and other recovery activities. This service package builds on the basic traffic incident response service that is provided by TM08, the Traffic Incident Management service package. This service package addresses the additional complexities and coordination requirements that are associated with the most severe incidents that warrant an extraordinary response from outside the local jurisdictions and require special measures such as the activation of one or more emergency operations centers. Many users of ARC-IT will want to consider both TM08 and this service package since every region is concerned with both day-to-day management of traffic-related incidents and occasional management of disasters that require extraordinary response. Disaster Response and Recovery is also supported by PS14, the "Disaster Traveler Information" service package that keeps the public informed during a disaster response. See that service package for more information.kLVAL}This service package supports evacuation of the general public from a disaster area and manages subsequent reentry to the disaster area. ThThis service package provides access to transportation data to support transportation planning, condition and performance monitoring, safety analysis, and research. Configurations range from focused repositories that house data collected and owned by a single agency, district, private sector provider, or research institution to broad repositories that contain multimodal, multidimensional data froThis service package provides access to transportation data to support transportation planning, condition and performance monitoring, safety analysis, and research. Configurations range from focused repositories that house data collected and owned by a single agency, district, private sector provider, or research institution to broad repositories that contain multimodal, multidimensional data from varied data sources covering a broader region. Both central repositories and physical distributed ITS data repositories are supported. Requests for data that are satisfied by access to a single repository in the ITS Data Warehouse service package may be parsed by the local repository and dynamically translated to requests to other repositories that relay the data necessary to satisfy the request.This service package supports evacuation of the general public from a disaster area and manages subsequent reentry to the disaster area. The service package addresses evacuations for all types of disasters, including disasters like hurricanes that are anticipated and occur slowly, allowing a well-planned orderly evacuation, as well as disasters like terrorist acts that occur rapidly, without warning, and allow little or no time for preparation or public warning. This service package supports coordination of evacuation plans among the federal, state, and local transportation, emergency, and law enforcement agencies that may be involved in a large-scale evacuation. All affected jurisdictions (e.g., states and counties) at the evacuation origin, evacuation destination, and along the evacuation route are informed of the plan. Information is shared with traffic management agencies to implement special traffic control strategies and to control evacuation traffic, including traffic on local streets and arterials as well as the major evacuation routes. Reversible lanes, shoulder use, closures, special signal control strategies, and other special strategies may be implemented to maximize capacity along the evacuation routes. Transit resources play an important role in an evacuation, removing many people from an evacuated area while making efficient use of limited capacity. Additional shared transit resources may be added and managed in evacuation scenarios. Resource requirements are forecast based on the evacuation plans, and the necessary resources are located, shared between agencies if necessary, and deployed at the right locations at the appropriate times. Evacuations are also supported by PS14, the "Disaster Traveler Information" service package, which keeps the public informed during evacuations. See that service package for more information.LVALKThis service package uses ITS to provide disaster-related traveler information to the general public, including evacuation and reentry information and other information concerning the operation of the transportation system during a disaster. This service package collects information from multiple sources including traffic, transit, public safety, emergency management, shelter provider, and travel service provider organizations. The collected information is processed and the public is provided with real-time disaster and evacuation information using ITS traveler information systems. A disaster will stress the surface transportation system since it may damage transportation facilities at the same time that it places unique demands on these facilities to support public evacuation and provide access for emergency responders. Similarly, a disaster may interrupt or degrade the operation of many traveler information systems at the same time that safety-critical information must be provided to the traveling public. This service package keeps the public informed in these scenarios, using all available means to provide information about the disaster area including damage to the transportation system, detours and closures in effect, special traffic restrictions and allowances, special transit schedules, and real-time information on traffic conditions and transit system performance in and around the disaster. This service package also provides emergency information to assist the public with evacuations when necessary. Information on mandatory and voluntary evacuation zones, evacuation times, and instructions are provided. Available evacuation routes and destinations and current and anticipated travel conditions along those routes are provided so evacuees are prepared and know their destination and preferred evacuation route. Information on available transit services and traveler services (shelters, medical services, hotels, restaurants, gas stations, etc.) is also provided. In addition to general ev LVAL acuation information, this service package provides specific evacuation trip planning information that is tailored for the evacuee based on origin, selected destination, and evacuee-specified evacuation requirements and route parameters. This service package augments the Traveler Information (TI) service packages that provide traveler information on a day-to-day basis for the surface transportation system. This service package provides focus on the special requirements for traveler information dissemination in disaster situations.pLVAL) This service package improves vehiThis service package supports electronic collection of parking fees. It collects parking fees from in-vehicle equipment, contact oThis service package supports electronic collection of parking fees. It collects parking fees from in-vehicle equipment, contact or proximity cards, or any smart payment device. User accounts may be established to enhance services offered to frequent customers.This service package improves vehicle safety using on-board sensors that monitor the driving environment surrounding the vehicle. All levels of driving automation are supported ranging from basic warning systems that warn the driver through full automation where the vehicle controls the steering and acceleration/decelaration in all scenarios and environments, without driver intervention. Unlike other Vehicle Safety service packages, this service package includes autonomous capabilities that rely only on on-board systems without communication with other vehicles or the infrastructure.This service package provides full vehicle automation, controlling both the steering and acceleration/deceleration on areas of the highway system that support full automation. Communications between vehicles and between the vehicles and supporting infrastructure equipment supports cooperative check-in to the automated portion of the system and transition to automated mode, coordination of maneuvers between vehicles in automated mode, and checkout from the automated system. This service package is distinguished from the most advanced CACC systems in that full longitudinal and lateral control automation are supported, enabling closely spaced, tightly coupled platoons of vehicles to operate with short fixed gaps, providing greatly enhanced highway capacity and throughput with enhanced efficiency since aerodynamic drag is reduced.This service package adds Infrastructure to Vehicle (I2V) communications to Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control systems so that strings of compatible CACC-equipped vehicles can be more efficiently formed and cooperating vehicles gain access to speed recommendations and traffic control status from the infrastructure, further enhancing traffic flow stability and improving highway capacity and throughput. Speed recommendations provided by the infrastructure can be used to stabilize traffic flow, reducing speed differentials and enhancing throughput along a route that includes a bottleneck. Access to traffic control information such as signal phase and timing enables synchronized starts by adjacent CACC-equipped strings of vehicles, increasing intersection throughput. The infrastructure can also assist with broader coordination between CACC-equipped vehicles, enabling strings of vehicles to be more efficiently formed that share performance parameters and destinations.UID E ̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕E U  ^  f  t)z-9<L>P]  ( k)XDM02DM02-03 LADOTUS;;;7# j)XDM02DM02-02 LA CountyUS???;# i)XDM02DM02-01 CaltransUS>>>:# h)WTM02TM02-04 Local AgenciesUSDDD@# g)WTM02TM02-03 LADOTUS;;;7# f)WTM02TM02-02 LA CountyUS???;# e)WTM02TM02-01 CaltransUS>>>:# d)OPT09PT09-01 LADOTUS;;;7# c)OPT09PT09-03 Local AgenciesUSDDD@# b)OPT09PT09-02 LA CountyUS???;# a)MPT03PT03-01" Demand Response and ParatransitUSUUUQ# `)MPT03PT03-05 TNCUS9995# _)MPT03PT03-04 Regional TransitUSFFFB# ^)MPT03PT03-03 METROUS;;;7# ])MPT03PT03-02 Local TransitUSCCC?# \) EPM02PM02-02 METROUS;;;7# [) EPM02PM02-01 LADOT- Express ParkUSIIIE# Z)DTM21TM21-01 CaltransUS>>>:# Y) BST08ST08-04 Local AgencyUSBBB># X) BST08ST08-01 CaltransUS>>>:# W) BST08ST08-03 LADOTUS;;;7# V) BST08ST08-02 LA CountyUS???;# U)7PS06PS06-02 Public Safety VehiclesUSLLLH# T)7PS06PS06-01 CHPUS9995# S)+TM04TM04-04 Local AgencyUSBBB># R)+TM04TM04-03 LADOTUS;;;7# Q)+TM04TM04-02 LA CountyUS???;# P)+TM04TM04-01 CaltransUS>>>:# O)%PT18PT18-03 BikeshareUS???;# N)%PT18PT18-02 Local/ RegionalUSEEEA# M)%PT18PT18-01 MetroUS;;;7# L) CVO09CV09-01 LA County RegionUSGGGC$ K)PS03PS03-01 LA RegionUS???;# J)TI06TI06-02 TNCUS9995# I)TI06TI06-01 METROUS;;;7# H) SU03SU03-01 LA County RegionUSFFFB# G)VS14VS14-01 CaltransUS>>>:# '(User Defined Start)EEEE## ASU12Traveler Device Maintenance@USGGGC7 >SU11Vehicle Maintenance@US???;/ ;SU10Field Equipment Maintenance@USGGGC7 PM05Loading Zone Managementw@USCCC?3 |VS17Traffic Code Dissemination0@USFFFB6 8SU09Center Maintenance@US>>>:. yCVO08Smart Roadside and Virtual WIMP@USKKKG; PM03Parking Electronic Payment@USFFFB6 LVS01Autonomous Vehicle Safety SystemsR@USMMMI=oLVAL ,This service package manages the occupancy of spaces in a loading/ unloading zone. It monitors the current status of each loading/unloading zone space under its control and makes this information available to arriving vehicles. The service package also operates a reservation system for loading zones, providing This service package manages the occupancy of spaces in a loading/ unloading zone. It monitors the current status of each loading/unloading zone space under its control and makes this information available to arriving vehicles. The service package also operates a reservation system for loading zones, providing the capability for loading zone users, including commercial vehicle drivers or fleet operators, to reserve and pay for future use of a loading/unloading space. Interfaces to the general Vehicle OBE are included since loading zones may be used by any vehicle, though commercial vehicles are the most frequent users.This service package disseminates current local statutes, regulations, ordinances, and rules that have been adopted by local, state, and federal authorities that govern the safe, orderly operation of motor vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians on public roads. The focus of this service package is electronic distribution to automated vehicles and their drivers so that automated vehicles can safely operate in compliance with the traffic or motor vehicle code for the current state and locality, though this information would also be useful to human drivers.This service package supports maintenance of the computers, networks, video walls, and other information technology assets that are installed in a center to support center operations. Like other support service packages, this SP is drawn at a high level of abstraction so the basic interfaces and functionality associated with maintaining center IT assets can be applied to any center.This service package includes the delivery of capabilities related to wireless roadside inspections and electronic screening/virtual weigh stations. Wireless roadside inspection is defined by a safety screening capability that employs communications technologies to obtain information from a commercial vehicle that will allow safety screening of the vehicle and its driver. This capability provides for the interrogation at mainline speeds of a commercial vehicle when it has entered a control segment or geofenced area. Vehicle identification and driver information are provided to the roadside unit. The information communicated can be used to verify compliance with safety requirements, allowing a decision to be made regarding whether the vehicle should pull in to a roadside check station. A more advanced version of this service package would download safety information measured on the vehicle including driver related information such as the driver log allowing real time evaluation that the vehicle and driver are meeting safety requirements. The electronic screening/virtual weigh stations capability employs communications technologies to obtain information from a commercial vehicle that will allow verification of permits or credentials for the vehicle. The information communicated is used to verify compliance with safety requirements, allowing a decision to be made regarding whether the vehicle should pull in to a roadside check station. This service package can also be used to verify that the commercial vehicle meets vehicle weight (via weigh in motion capability) or dimension requirements.LVAL This service package supports maintenance of ITS personal devices and public devices that are installed in traveler environments like transit stations and other public areas frequented by travelers. Like other device maintenance service packages, this SP is drawn at a high level of abstraction to cover the basic interfaces and functionality associated with maintaining traveler-orieThis service package supports maintenance of ITS personal devices and public devices that are installed in traveler environments like transit stations and other public areas frequented by travelers. Like other device maintenance service packages, this SP is drawn at a high level of abstraction to cover the basic interfaces and functionality associated with maintaining traveler-oriented personal and public devices. For personal devices, the focus is on devices that are used by transportation professionals. The maintenance of smart phones, tablets, laptops, and other general purpose devices that are used by travelers is coordinated between the travelers and the providers of the devices and communications services, which is beyond the scope of the architecture.This service package identifies the interfaces and functionality that support vehicle maintenance, including maintenance of ITS equipment on board the vehicle. An interface with a Vehicle Service Center supports vehicle monitoring to support timely, effective maintenance. It also supports software configuration management and updates as part of maintenance of the software-based on-board systems. While this service package covers only maintenance of the Vehicle OBE, it is defined at the highest level of abstraction so that any center that is contemplating advanced maintenance concepts for its fleet vehicles can use this service package. Other service packages that provide maintenance support for fleet vehicles include CVO01, MC02, and PT06.This service package supports maintenance of ITS devices that are installed in the field. Like other support service packages, this SP is drawn at a high level of abstraction so the basic interfaces and functionality associated with maintaining field ITS assets can be applied to any field equipment. In particular, this service package supports maintenance of field subsystems like ITS Payment Equipment, Parking Management Systems, and Commercial Vehicle Check Equipment where maintenance is not covered by a more specific Service Package. Two Field subsystems have more specific service packages associated with their maintenance: See MC05 for maintenance of ITS Roadway Equipment and SU01 for more specific interfaces associated with maintaining Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment.A $I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnop      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnop      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnop      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopCqCrCsCtCuCvCwCxCyCzC{C|C}C~CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCVVVVVVVVVV V V V V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V!V"V#V$V%V&V'V(V)V*V+V,V-V.V/V0V1V2V3V4V5V6V7V8V9V:V;V<V=V>V?V@VAVBVCVDVEVFVGVHVIVJVKVLVMVNVOVPVQVRVSVTVUVVVWVXVYVZV[V\V]V^V_V`VaVbVcVdVeVfVgVhViVjVkVlVmVnVoVpXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X!X"X#X$X%X&X'X(X)X*X+X,X-X.X/X0X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X:X;X<X=X>X?X@XAXBXCXDXEXFXGXHXIXJXKXLXMXNXOXPXQXRXSXTXUXVXWXXXYXZX[X\X]X^X_X`XaXbXcXdXeXfXgXhXiXjXkXlXmXnXoXpYYYYYYYYYY Y Y Y Y YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Y!Y"Y#Y$Y%Y&Y'Y(Y)Y*Y+Y,Y-Y.Y/Y0Y1Y2Y3Y4Y5Y6Y7Y8Y9Y:Y;Y<Y=Y>Y?Y@YAYBYCYDYEYFYGYHYIYJYKYLYMYNYOYPYQYRYSYTYUYVYWYXYYYZY[Y\Y]Y^Y_Y`YaYbYcYdYeYfYgYhYiYjYkYlYmYnYoYp\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \!\"\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\-\.\/\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9\:\;\<\=\>\?\@\A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z\[\\\]\^\_\`\a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnop      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO A @ @PQRSTUVWXY~qdWJ=0# zm`SF9, v i \ O B 5 (     r e X K > 1 $  { n a T G : -   w j ] P C 6 )    s f Y L ? 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To make this more like other purpose/goal oriented types, this could be Efficiency (in Public Sector perspective) or Profitability/Competitiveness from a private sector view)Since info exchange is a key part of most of the SPs, this one could be assigned to almost every SP. Info exchange typically supports one of the other goal-oriented types, so the ultimately benefit/purpose of the info exchange should normally be identified using one of the other types.Goal oriented, so this one overlaps to some extent with the goals/objectives/performance measures relationships that will be mapped to each SP in 8.0.Goal oriented, so this one overlaps to some extent with the goals/objectives/performance measures relationships that will be mapped to each SP in 8.0.Goal oriented, so this one overlaps to some extent with the goals/objectives/performance measures relationships that will be mapped to each SP in 8.0. y\7Regulatoryb@ &Management@ &Informational>@ , ConvenienceSupportSafety,@ Mobility,@ "Environmental,@ ,    @           @         MY N      Y Y Y  Y NSPTypeIDSPIDAffiliateTypeIDNote    YCr yKI  YYYYYY AffiliateTypeIDPrimaryKey<tblAffiliateTypestblSPTypesSPs&tblSPstblSPTypesSPs.tblSPTypestblSPTypesSPs   v1b      @ H vaL+kJ) l W 6  v a L 7   _ J )  f E $  y X '  s^=(t_J5  lWB-_>)~iH3 jU$|gFt_>.p@  Added 1/3/2017*4@ @ EDemoted to partial.%@ xwljd? Added 1/3/2017*@ L@ L@ L@ @ @ `@  Benefit is safety in this case:^@ zsrqL@ po\[RQNJFB><97J@ 5420.@ +('&@  Added 1/3/2017*@ b@ @ @ D@ D@ D@ @ 4@ @ j@ {@ zn@ m`^@ WPOMLEDB=:\@ 5j@ 4@ 2+%#! @ J@ @ N@ fcbJh@ B.(@ 'LVALNv , f ( n  @nPromoted to full. Full automation has strong mobility benefits also.Added because this is a proven/advertised benefitIncluded in lieu of "management" partial for consistency with other traveler information SPsIncluded in lieu of "management" partial for consistency with other traveler information SPsKeep transit SPs mobility related.Keep transit SPs mobility related.Keep transit SPs mobility related.Keep transit SPs mobility related. Reason we make transit safer, more convenient, more reliable.Demoted so convenience doesn't appear to have precedence over mobility since they are related. Make it convenient to encourage ridership/increase mobilityPromoted to full as I think this is the primary motivation for dynamic lanes/shoulder use.downgraded as I think safety is the primary motivatorAdded since this is why we meter (management on ramps/interchanges) in the first place.Electronic toll collection and road use charging should be consistently assignedThink is is more efficiency/management orientedI don't think this one is really safety-related& just trying to keep rif raf out of special lanes. FRAME adds lots of enforcement to this which would push it into Regulation.downgraded as I think safety is the primary motivatorDowngraded to partial as I think these are short-term warnings more oriented towards safety than mobility.Ok, but need to be consistent about putting SPs that mitigate unsafe environmental conditions here.Need to be consistent (not there yet) on whether we only include SPs here that have environmental benefit or also include SPs that mitigate environmental conditions.Was mapped to convenience - from public perspective, this is more mobility/environmental (demand management)Added - another reason to manage demandEnvironmental mitigation, not benefit& for discussionMatched previous assignments, but this SP mitigates environmental conditions, it doesn't have an environmental benefit per se.LVAL>B 8 x , ` $LNx$This SP is on fringe of deletion, but categorize with related metering SP for now.General comment: We should review this type as it is very broad and not like other typesSafety and mgmt seem like best fit. Everything interrelated, but different perspectives. This SP (and every other) exchanges information to support management, but the purpose is to improve safety. Do we need all three types mapped?Safety and management seem like better fitsSeems secondary to safety as the typeSwitched from management to informational. Underlying benefits are mobility, perhaps safetyPromoted informational since that is the focus. Didn't include a mobility mapping.Seems as much management as informational, so downgraded informationalfor consistency with multi-modal coordSet as partial. This SP shares information, by most do.Demoted so convenience doesn't appear to have precedence over mobility since they are related. Make it convenient to encourage ridership/increase mobilityMapped to convenience - individual's perspective. This could be environmental and/or mobility from public good perspectiveTightly coupled with mobility. Convenience encourages use which improved mobilityChanged from partial to full on Safety - the impetus for this SPIf regulatory, then safety likely alsoIf regulatory, then safety likely alsoIf regulatory, then safety likely alsoSafety and mobility both are the underlying reasons for winter maintenance. Didn't add mobility.Added this mapping& I suspect SPs that mitigate environmental hazards are safety oriented.Added since VSLs are also implemented for safetyThis is the reason we manage and regulat speedsIf regulatory, then safety likely alsoI didn't include the mobility mappingSet as partial. Left mobility off as I think the alerts/warnings is more safety oriented.Seems more safety than mobility to me. I left regulatory, mobility, and management mappings out.u s^=(kVA,  u T ?  | [ F %  k V A l W B - k V 5 wV%qP/t_J5  lWB-~iAdded 1/3/2017*|@ rqponm#Added 1/3/2017*\@ f@ @ @ For efficiency*f@ For efficiency/reliability6j@ \@ @ @   Benefit is safety in this case:@  @  ~|{zy@  nmc@  b`Z@ \@ WJ@ M|@ LL@ D:\@ 7+'@ &@ # p@ @ @ @ V@ J@ }@ y@ XWM@ LL@ =LVAL. LFvCould have also added mobility as the impetus for HOV lanes, but this SP just manages the HOV lanes, it doesn t implement HOV lanes.Safety and informational seem like better fitsNot as good a fit as the other mappings for this SPIt does help manage critical infrastructure, but mgmt wasn't the key motivator for this SPHelps manage incidents, but I think the other types are a better fit.downgraded& seems about as relevant as informationalIncluded for consistency with other mgmt oriented SPsDidn't also include the IM mapping to mobilitySeems better fit than environmental - it provides environmental mitigation, not environmental benefitFrom public sector persective, so this = efficiency/good stewardshipLikely done for both mobility and safety purposes& not sure benefit has ever been measured.Could allocate to mobility. Public sector perspective so management=efficiencyDemoted management since this particular SP just collects info so informational seems to be a stronger choice.Same general comment applies to most of these assignments. Management = Efficiency here perhaps.Seems as viable for mgmt as other freight spsDemoted to partial& I think this one fits well enough in safety that it doesn't need dual mapping to management.Spreadsheet has mobility, but I assigned it to mgmt for consistency with the infrastructure-based variant. Agree mgmt could be removed, but we should be consistent.Seems as much management as informational, so added managementfor consistency with multi-modal coordI don't think this one is really safety-related& just trying to keep rif raf out of special lanes. FRAME adds lots of enforcement to this which would push it into Regulation.Left off full mappings to environmental and mobility - they seem secondary here.Often, the mgmt mapping is accurate, but non-essential, as here where the focus is really safety.Traveler info more of a mobility SP than a management SP  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @        ! ) + / 0 1 5 ? @ A B M N W d g i j l m p x                    $ & ' ( ) , - / G I N R S T W ^ _ f h p                           " # $ % & ' ( * , - . 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > C D E F G H I J K L O P Q R S T U V X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c e f h k n o q r s t u v w y z { | } ~                                            ! " # % * + . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F H J K L M O P Q U V X Y Z [ \ ] ` a b c d e g i j k l m n o q r @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    ' ( . 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YYY' Y' PrimaryKeySystemIDFtblStakeholderstblStakeholderGroupsHtblStakeholderstblStakeholderGroups1v1      ) YN# # Y Y StakeholderIDElementIDgnF# $ DIPjto# % tule le# & Y' YYYYL{45876977-4805-4C73-8769-54EBF38D0D26}L{A1E39648-F989-4D70-98E6-CD59F399C2A1}PrimaryKeyStakeholderIDSystemIDv1 @  "  "  "  YEN ( ( Y  Y  Y Y StakeholderIDStakeholderName,StakeholderDescriptionNewtaoOe( , FrlD( - Y" Y YY Y Y Y. YY.rC.rD.rE.rF.rG.rH.rIPrimaryKeySystemID( ( Hv1b( ( ( ( ( ( 2LVAL  A  RThis stakeholder group generically represents all municipal departments not specifically called out in the ITS architecture that provide traffic and engineering management services within its jurisdiction including: Cities of Hawthorne, Lawndale, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Agoura Hills, Hawaiian Gardens, Hermosa Beach, Industry, La Habra Heights, La Mirada, Pico Rivera, San Marino, Walnut, Duarte, El Segundo, Bellflower, Paramount, Baldwin Park, Carson, Culver City, El Monte, Glendora, La Puente, La Verne, Monrovia, Rancho Palos Verdes, South El Monte, Temple City, Whittier, Azusa, LomitaThis stakeholder group generically represents all municipal departments not specifically called out in the ITS architecture that provide traffic and engineering management services within its jurisdiction including: Cities of Hawthorne, Lawndale, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Agoura Hills, Hawaiian Gardens, Hermosa Beach, Industry, La Habra Heights, La Mirada, Pico Rivera, San Marino, Walnut, Duarte, El Segundo, Bellflower, Paramount, Baldwin Park, Carson, Culver City, El Monte, Glendora, La Puente, La Verne, Monrovia, Rancho Palos Verdes, South El Monte, Temple City, Whittier, Azusa, Lomita, Rolling Hills Estates, Claremont, Culver City, MTA, Arcadia, Norwalk, San Dimas, Alhambra, Bell, Bell Gardens, Beverly Hills, Calabasas, Cerritos, Commerce, Compton, Cudahy, Diamond Bar, Gardena, Huntington Park, La Canada/Flintridge, Lakewood, Lancaster, Lynwood, Malibu, Maywood, Montebello, Monterey Park, Palmdale, Rosemead, San Fernando, San Gabriel, Santa Clarita, Santa Fe Springs, Santa Monica, Signal Hill, South Gate, South Pasadena, Torrance, Vernon, West Covina, West Hollywood, Westlake Village , Artesia, Covina Irwindale, Inglewood, Burbank, Glendale, Long Beach, Downey, and Pomona.General travelers that utilize the transportation network.National Weather Service that tracks weather status and provides alerts and forecasts to traffic and transit centers to support operations.Media including print, social media, and broadcast services.METRO operations is part of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. It serves as the transportation planner and coordinator, designer, builder and operator for LA County. METRO operates over 2,000 peak-hour buses on an average weekday. It also designed, built and operates 73.1 miles of Metro Rail. In addition, METRO funds 16 municipal bus operators and funds a wide array of transportation projects.Financial Institutions to serve in transit transactions.Railroad Operations in the LA County Region include three different services: UPRR, BNSF, AMTRAK, and Metrolink. Union Pacific Railroad company that operates rail lines in the LA County regional area. Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad company that operates rail lines in the LA County region. AMTRAK rail passenger service operating in the Southern California Association of Governemtns region. Metrolink that operates a passenger rail system in Southern California.Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Caltrans Headquarters is in charge of statewide services, such as emergency management, and coordinates with local Caltrans District offices to partner with local jurisdictions for regional objectives. Caltrans Headquarters is located in Sacramento, California.r ' x:h? l 6  ^ <  I &  EDemand Responsive and Paratransit AgenciesF@+ >2DUSCG/TSAK@+ CSCAQMD-@+ BOther California DistrictsO@ + ."ADMV-Motor Carrier Servicesp@ + ."@Local Transit Agencies}@ + *?Private TNCs]@ + >Universities@ + =Ports[@+  <Airportsi@+ ;Private Parking Managementa@+ .":Emergency ManagementB@+ (8LA SAFE511 7RIITS<@+  6Regional Transit Agenciesz@+ -!1LADOT4@+  /Caltrans D7Caltrans District 7 6-Private Sector Data Provider@+ 0$)Commercial Vehicle Operators@+ 0$(Local Agency@) 'Travelers<@) &National Weather Service@) , %Media>@)  "METRO@)  Financial Institutions:@) *CHPCalifornia Highway Patrol. 5 Railroad Operations@) 'LA County1@) Caltrans Headquarters@) )QLVALk ? { { ?Agencies that provide demand respAgencies that provide demand responsive and/or paratransit services.US Coast Guard and Transportation Security Administration - includes TWICSouth Coast Air Quality Management DistrictOther Caltrans Districts within the state of California, excluding District 7California's Department of Motor Vehicle - Motor Carrier Services (MCS): "serving CA's Motor Carrier Industry"This stakeholder represents local city and privatized transit agencies in the LA Region that are not "Regional" or "METRO".Private Transportation Network Companies (TNC) are sometimes known as Mobility Service Provier (MSP) and are organizations that pair passengers via websites and mobile applications with drivers that provide ride services. These services could include such TNCs as Uber, Lyft, Bikeshare, scooter sharing, vanpool or other types of similar services.Universities including UCLA and other education institutions that participate in the LA County region with transportation services such as parking, transit, etc.Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach serving as a freight movement origin and destination.General airports that operate parking management and traveler information services in the region. This includes the Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) which is the City of Los Angeles department that owns and operates Los Angeles International (LAX) and Van Nuys (VNY) general aviation airports. This also includes Burbank Airport and local municipal airports.Private parking management companies that operate private parking facilities within the region.This stakeholder represents private emergency service providers.The regional interface between all Los Angeles County ITS.This stakeholder represents regional and privatized transit agencies in the LA Region that are not "Local" or "METRO". City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation Private sector data provider that pulls data from agencies that make their data available and aggregates the data into information for the public to consume.Commercial vehicles companies that have administration centers that provide dispatch and routing information to commercial vehicles in their fleet. 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"                         B< %  6 2 7 n'P ASTM E2213-03ASTM E2213-03Standard Specification for Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Roadside and Vehicle Systems - 5 GHz Band Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications, IEEE 1609.4IEEE 1609.4-2016Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) - Multi-Channel Operation@D - IEEE 1609.2IEEE 1609.2-2016Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) - Security Services for Applications and Management Messages@D - IEEE 1609.1IEEE 1609.1-2006Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) - Resource ManagerWithdrawn standard.- ANSI TS813ANSI TS813Electronic Filing of Tax Return DataLLLL& ASTM E2158-01ASTM E2158-01Standard Specification for Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) Physical Layer using Microwave in the 902-928 MHz Band, ASTM E2665-08ASTM E2665-08Standard Specifications for Archiving ITS-Generated Traffic Monitoring Datayyyy, ASTM E2468-05-MetadataASTM E2468-05Standard Practice for Metadata to Support Archived Data Management Systems5& ASTM E2259-03-ArchivingASTM E2259-03a (2011)Standard Guide for Archiving and Retrieving ITS-Generated Data~~~~>'  IETF HTTPIETF RFC:7230Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 @D ]]QQ( NTCIP 2102-PMPP / FSK ModemNTCIP 2102Point to Multi-Point Protocol Using FSK Modem Subnetwork Profile<@C yy7+ NTCIP 1210-FMSNTCIP 1210Field Management Stations (FMS) - Part 1: Object Definitions for Signal System Masters@C * NTCIP 1104-C2C NamingNTCIP 1104Center-to-Center Naming Convention SpecificationD@C oocc1% NTCIP 1103 SNMP TrapsNTCIP 1103Transportation Management Protocols (TMP)@C hh\\1% NTCIP 1208-VSNTCIP 1208Object Definitions for Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Switchingb@B xxll) NTCIP 2201-TCP / UDP / T2 NULLNTCIP 2201Transportation Transport ProfileJ@B hh\\:. NTCIP 2103-PPPNTCIP 2103Point-to-Point Protocol Over RS-232 Subnetwork Profilep@B nnbb* NTCIP 2104-EthernetNTCIP 2104Ethernet Subnetwork Profile@B XXLL/# NTCIP 1102-OERNTCIP 1102Octet Encoding Rules (OER) Base Protocol@A ``TT* NTCIP 2304  AP-DATEXNTCIP 2304Application Profile for DATEX-ASN (AP-DATEX)@A nnbb4( NTCIP 2302-TFTPNTCIP 2302Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Application Profile@A rrff+ NTCIP 1204-ESSNTCIP 1204Object Definitions for Environmental Sensor Stations (ESS)j@@ rrff* NTCIP 2303-FTPNTCIP 2303File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Application Profile@@ hh\\* NTCIP 1205-CCTVNTCIP 1205Object Definitions for Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Camera Control@@ ss+ NTCIP 1207-RMNTCIP 1207Object Definitions for Ramp Meter Control (RMC) Unitsx@@ ll``) NTCIP 8003-Profile FrameworkNTCIP 8003Profile FrameworkKKKK8,LVAL  H, Methods for communicating devices in a personal area network (PAN) are covered in this standard.Standard for corrosion resistance for enclosuresIEEE Standard for Information Technology - Part 3 Amendment 3 - DTE Power via MDI EnhancementSAE J2540-3, National Names Phrase List, defines the textual messages for conveying the most commonly used street names.Withdrawn standard. Replaced largely by 1609.x. Message set content not replaced however.Obsolete. This standard was not completed.NTCIP 1204, Environmental Sensor Stations (ESS), defines information elements for configuration, control, and status in roadway weather information stations and air quality sensors.NTCIP 2303, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Application Profile, combines various base standards and protocols into a coordinated set of functions and procedures related to large file transfers. It specifies a subset of features that must be supported by all implementations of the profile. It also specifies the requirements for the implementation of a connection-oriented, full-featured file transfer mechanism in transportation-related devices and traffic management centers and it describes requirements for interactive access, formatting data, and authentication control. It adapts an Internet standard (IETF RFC 959:1985, File Transfer Protocol) to transportation. This standard specifically addresses functions and services at layers 5 (session), 6 (presentation), and 7 (application) of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model (ISO/IEC 7498-1).NTCIP 1205, Closed Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV), defines those data elements required to control video cameras. Control features include: pan/tilt, iris control, focus, zoom, and presets.NTCIP 1207, Ramp Meters, provides definition of information required to monitor and control a ramp meter. The standard encompasses scenarios for single and multi-lane ramps and scheduling.LVAL" 8superceded standard. Replaced by IEEE 802.11NTCIP 1102 (OER) provides a set of encoding rules that can be applied to values of data structures defined using the ASN.1 notation (ASN.1 Types). The result of applying the rules is an unambiguous transfer syntax that may be used to transmit the data across an interface. The receiving station decodes the transfer syntax using these same rules. At the time of publication, the Octet Encoding Rules (OER) have been developed for use with the Simple Transportation Management Protocol (STMP) and DATEX-ASN. This standard is applicable to communications between any two management subsystems within the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) environment.This standard allows transportation agencies and center managers the ability to specify and implement communications interfaces for transmitting information encoded using ASN.1 BER or NTCIP 1102 (OER) between their center and an external center.NTCIP 2302, Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Application Profile, defines the rules and procedures for simple file exchange between two entities. It is intended for applications that do not require complex interactions between the entities involved in the transfer. It specifies the requirements for the implementation of a simple file transfer mechanism in a field device or traffic management center and adapts an Internet standard (IAB STD 33 - RFC 1350:1992, TFTP Protocol) to transportation. It restricts operations only to transfers and does not provide authentication, thus imposing only minimal implementation requirements. This standard defines a combination of base standards and protocols used to provide specific functions and services at the session, presentation, and application layers (5, 6, and 7) of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model.LVAL ^NTCIP 1208, Video Switches, defines data elements used for the control and status monitoring of CCTV video switching devices. The data elements that control CCTV cameras, lens, the pan/tilt units, and camera-generated titles and labels are defined in NTCIP 1205. Video switches are deployed in traffic management centers to switch video sources (such as cameras, VCR playback, and digital video decoders) to video destination devices (such as monitors, projectors, and VCR recording inputs). The NTCIP 1208 switching standard controls the switching of video inputs to outputs, including the block switching of input and output groups, and the time-sequenced programming of multiple inputs.NTCIP 2201 defines a transport profile that is a combination of standards intended to meet specific requirements for transport services in transportation devices and management centers in a nonnetworked environment. Its scope covers the transport and network layers of the OSI Reference Model.NTCIP 2103 defines a subnetwork profile that is a combination of standards intended to meet specific requirements for data transfers to and from processors in direct-connect or circuit-switched environments. The purpose of this standard is to provide the information necessary to establish a connection using the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) via an RS-232 interface and/or a dial-up modem. This profile is a subnetwork specification and uses protocols and standards to address the Physical and Data Link Layers (i.e., Layers 1 and 2 of the OSI Basic Reference Model).NTCIP 2104, Ethernet Subnetwork, defines a subnetwork profile that provides connection-oriented, acknowledged connectionless, and unacknowledged connectionless data link service. At the physical layer, it provides specifications for peer-to-peer access over coaxial cable, twisted pair wire, or fiber-optic medium. It is based upon the ISO/IEC 8802-2 and 8802-3 Standards.bLVAL8 zIEEE 1512-2006, IEEE Standard for Common Incident Management Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centers. Foundation of the series and includes general introductory material about IEEE Std 1512 and a message set that focuses on the exchange of information about traffic incidents.NTCIP 2102 is a subnetwork profile that references the protocols applicable to lowest two layers (data link and physical)in a communications stack. It calls for the use of PMPP (a variant of HDLC) at the data link layer and a 1200 bps FSK Modem at the physical layer. This configuration represents what has been traditionally used in closed-loop traffic signal control systems and some centralized control systems.NTCIP 1210, Field Master Station (FMS), defines an information level communications interface between a management station and a Signal System Master (SSM). This standard would only apply to projects intending to deploy multi-tier traffic signal control.NTCIP 1104 specifies the requirements for establishing names for management systems and for the objects managed by those systems. The term object is used loosely to include not only physical equipment such as ramp meter controllers and portable message signs, but also other data categories about which centers might desire to exchange information, such as incidents, as well as other data classes within the center.NTCIP 1103 defines a composite, application-layer protocol for the management of transportation equipment. The composite protocol consists of three component protocols: (1) the Internet-standard Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), (2) the Simple Fixed Message Protocol (SFMP), and (3) the Simple Transportation Management Protocol (STMP). All three protocols provide the same base services, but are designed for different needs, device complexity, and communications bandwidth.LVAL F IEEE Std 1609.11TM- 2010 - Over-the-Air Data Exchange Protocol for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) defines the services and secure message formats necessary to support secure electronic payments.IEEE 1609.0-2013 Guide for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) - Architecture describes the WAVE architecture, how the IEEE 1609 standards work together and services necessary for multi-channel Dedicate Short Range Communications (DSRC)/WAVE devices to communicate in a mobile vehicular environment.Technical corrections and clarifications to IEEE Std 802.11 for wireless local area networks (WLANs) as well as enhancements to the existing medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) functions are specified in this revision. Amendments 1 to 5 published in 2012 and 2013 have also been incorporated into this revision.IEEE Std 1609.4TM - 2010 - Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) - Multi-Channel Operations provides enhancements to the IEEE 802.11 Media Access Control (MAC) to support multichannel WAVE operations.IEEE Std 1609.2TM  2013 - Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE)  Security Services for Applications and Management Messages defines secure message formats and processing. This standard also defines the circumstances for using secure message exchanges and how those messages should be processed upon receipt.IETF RFC 7230, The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. It is a generic, stateless, protocol which can be used for many tasks beyond its use for hypertext, such as name servers and distributed object management systems, through extension of its request methods, error codes and headers. A feature of HTTP is the typing and negotiation of data representation, allowing systems to be built independently of the data being transferred.b< C N ] H-l7zV? 4NTCIP 2301-STMP (OER) / SNMPNTCIP 2301Simple Transportation Management Framework (STMF) Application Profile@I 8, 3NTCIP 1206-DCMNTCIP 1206Object Definitions for Data Collection and Monitoring (DCM) DevicesP@H {{oo* 2NTCIP 1209-TSSNTCIP 1209Data Element Definitions for Transportation Sensor Systems (TSS)@H xxll* 1IEEE 1570-2002IEEE 1570-2002Standard for the Interface Between the Rail Subsystem and the Highway Subsystem at a Highway Rail Intersection@H . 0IEEE P1512.4IEEE P1512.4Standard for Common Traffic Incident Management Message Sets for Use in Entities External to Centers@H * /IEEE 1512.3-2006IEEE 1512.3-2006Standard for Hazardous Material Incident Management Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centers@H 2  .IEEE 1512.2-2004IEEE 1512.2-2004Standard for Public Safety Traffic Incident Management Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centersx@H 2  -IEEE 1512.1-2006IEEE 1512.1-2006Standard for Traffic Incident Management Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centers@G 2  ,IEEE 1455IEEE 1455-1999Standard for Message Sets for Vehicle/Roadside Communications@@ tthh) +NTCIP 9001NTCIP 9001NTCIP Guide3333& *NTCIP 1214-CMNTCIP 1214Object Definitions for Conflict Monitor Units (CMU)V@@ jj^^) )NTCIP 1213-ELMSNTCIP 1213Object Definitions for Electrical and Lighting Management Systems (ELMS)>@G uu+ (NTCIP 1211-SCPNTCIP 1211Object Definitions for Signal Control and Prioritization (SCP)@G vvjj* 'NTCIP 2101-PMPP / V Series ModemNTCIP 2101Point to Multi-Point Protocol Using RS-232 Subnetwork Profile@G {{<0 &NTCIP 1203-DMSNTCIP 1203Object Definitions for Dynamic Message Signs (DMS)@F jj^^* %NTCIP 1202-ASCNTCIP 1202Object Definitions for Actuated Traffic Signal Controller (ASC) Units@F }}qq* $NTCIP 1201-GONTCIP 1201Global Object Definitions`@F PPDD) #ITE TMDDITE TMDDTraffic Management Data Dictionary (TMDD) and Message Sets for External Traffic Management Center Communications (MS/ETMCC)@F " "ITE ATC Controller 5.2ITE ATC Controller 5.2Advanced Transportation Controller (ATC)hhhh>& !ITE ITS CabinetITE ITS CabinetITS Standard Specification for Roadside Cabinetsbbbb0 ITE ATC APIITE ATC APIApplication Programming Interface (API) Standard for the Advanced Transportation Controller (ATC)( IEEE 1512 -2006IEEE 1512 -2006Standard for Common Incident Management Message Sets for use by Emergency Management CentersB@C 0 IEEE 1609.11IEEE 1609.11Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) - Over- the-Air Data Exchange Protocol for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)@D * IEEE 1609.0IEEE 1609.0Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) - Architecturer@D vv( IEEE 802.11IEEE 802.11-2016IEEE Standard for Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks Specific requirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications@D <<00-LVAL 4NTCIP 1203, Dynamic Message Signs (DMS), defines the information elements for control and monitoring of DMS. The standard also introduced a markup language, called MULTI, that allow rich definition messages and attributes (e.g., color, spacing, and font). The term DMS is a general term that applies to a variety of electronic message signs and displays found on roadways including: variable message signs, changeable message signs, blank out signs, arrow signs, and drum signs.NTCIP 1202, Actuated Signal Controllers (ASC), defines the information elements for configuration, control, and status associated with the functions of a traffic signal controller. The functions addressed include: Phases, Rings and Sequence; Detectors; Special Functions; Coordination; Time Base Control; Preemption; Overlaps; and Upload and Download.NTCIP 1201, Global Object (GO) Definitions, is a data dictionary standard defining those data elements which may be used by a wide variety of ITS devices, such as data related to device identification, time, scheduling capabilities, event reporting, auxiliary device monitoring and control, and security.This document contains data elements for roadway links and for incidents and traffic-disruptive roadway events. Includes data elements for traffic control, ramp metering, traffic modeling, video camera control traffic, parking management and weather forecasting, as well as data elements related to detectors, actuated signal controllers, vehicle probes, and dynamic message signs. The document also contains the message sets for communication between traffic management centers and other ITS centers, including information service providers, emergency management systems, missions management systems, and transit management systems.BLVAL XXIEEE 1512.1-2006, IEEE Standard for Traffic Incident Management Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centers. This volume focuses on the exchange of information about traffic and public safety agency resources used during traffic incident response.NTCIP 1213, Electrical and Lighting Management Systems (ELMS), defines the management information for roadside electrical and lighting management systems through parameters that represent the configuration, status, and control (e.g., power level and usage, illumination characteristics).NTCIP 1211, Signal Control Priority (SCP), defines the management information base for Signal Control and Prioritization (SCP) systems through parameters that represent the configuration, status, and control information. NTCIP 1211 defines the functional entities of a Priority Request Generator and a Priority Request Server, which respectively originates and performs triage on requests. After performing triage in terms of importance and priority, the requests are sent to the Coordinator entity in a Traffic Signal Controller. This standard was developed with participation of the transit community, though the scenarios described in the concept of operations may apply for emergency vehicle preemption.NTCIP 2101 defines a subnetwork profile that is a combination of standards intended to meet specific requirements for data transfers to and from roadside devices in either a networked or direct-connect environment. The purpose of this standard is to provide the information necessary to establish a connection using the Point to Multi-Point Protocol (PMPP) via an RS-232 interface. This subnetwork specification uses protocols and standards to address the Data Link Layer (Layer 2 of the OSI Reference Model) and Physical Layer (Layer 1 of the OSI Reference Model) to manage connected devices that coexist on a common channel.8LVAL J RNTCIP 1206, Data Collection and Monitoring (DCM) systems, defines data elements used for the configuration, control, and status monitoring of transportation data collection devices. DCM equipment processes sensor signals to yield information about the traffic passing over a sensor array. Traffic information is stored in the DCM equipment as data files for future retrieval. The DCM equipment may be portable to set up at a site for a data collection period as short as one day, or the equipment may be installed permanently for continuous monitoring.NTCIP 1209, Transportation Sensor Systems (TSS), defines the information elements to acquire timely and accurate information on traffic flow. A traffic management center communicates with a TSS device (controller) which captures traffic parameters in zones. A zone is an abstract representation of an area that is independent of technology.This standard defines the logical and physical interfaces, and the performance attributes for the interface between the rail subsystem and the highway subsystem at a highway rail intersection.IEEE P1512.4 (Draft), Common Traffic Incident Management Sets for Use in Entities External to Centers. While unpublished, this volume specifies message sets which support the exchange of information between a mobile asset and the emergency management center.IEEE 1512.3-2006, Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) Incident Management Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centers. Covers the exchange of information where hazardous materials have been released on or near a roadway.IEEE 1512.2-2006, Public Safety Incident Management Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centers. Covers the exchange of information necessary to support traffic incident response.LVAL lSAE J2540,Messages for Handling Strings and Look-Up Tables in ATIS Standards, is the base standard that defines the rules for encoding and decoding textual strings for ATIS messages; all of the following phrase lists follow the encoding and decoding rules defined in this standard.SAE J2735, DSRC Message Set Dictionary standard, specifies standard message sets, data frames and data elements for use by applications intended to utilize the 5.9 GHz Dedicated Short Range Communications for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (DSRC/WAVE), referenced in this document simply as DSRC, communications systems.NTCIP 2202, Internet (TCP/IP and UDP/IP) Transport Profile, specifies a set of protocols and standards applicable to the transport and network layers of the ISO - OSI Reference Model. The set of protocols provides a connectionless or connection-oriented transport service over a connectionless network service. This standard is intended to provide message transport and delivery services between transportation devices and a management station or among multiple centers. This standard applies to end systems concerned with implementing the TCP/IP and UDP/IP protocol suite.NTCIP 2301, Simple Transportation Management Framework (STMF) Application Profile, defines the requirements for implementing the application, presentation and session layers of the OSI Reference Model. Compliant systems will implement these requirements to ensure compatibility with other implementing devices. This standard will invariably be used in conjunction with device-specific standards (NTCIP 1201, 1202, etc.) and lower level communications standards that define the transport layer (NTCIP 2201, 2202) and lower layers (subnetwork profiles defined in 2101, 2102, 2103, and 2104) to complete a set of requirements for specific types of devices.B< l q  _ l c 7 xhPo g IETF TLSIETF RFC:5246The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2@M ll``' ^IEEE 802.2IEEE 802.2-1998IEEE Standard for Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements - Part 2: Logical Link Control@M + ] IETF UDPIETF RFC:768User Datagram ProtocolD@M JJ>>& \ IETF IPv6IETF RFC:2046Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification|@M gg[[( N W3C XMLW3C XMLExtensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)VVVV  M IETF SNMPIETF RFC:1157A Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)@M aaUU( LISO ASN.1 BERITU-T X.690, ISO/IEC 8825-1OSI networking and system aspects  Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)$@L : K IETF IPv4IETF RFC:791Internet Protocol DARPA Internet Program Protocol Specification@L tthh' J IETF TCPIETF RFC:793Transmission Control Protocol DARPA Internet Program Protocol Specification@L ss& I IETF FTPIETF RFC:959File Transfer Protocol (FTP)0@L PPDD& HNTCIP 2306NTCIP 2306Application Profile for XML Message Encoding and Transport in ITS Center-to-Center Communications (C2C XML)@L & EITE TMDD GuideITE TMDD GuideTMDD & MS/ETMCC Guide Standard for Functional Level Traffic Management Data Dictionary (TMDD) and Message Sets for External Traffic Management Center Communications. D APTA TCIPAPTA TCIP-S-001 3.0.4Standard for Transit Communications Interface ProfilesB@K tthh0 CSAE J2400-Human FactorsSAE J2400Human Factors in Forward Collision Warning Systems: Operating Characteristics and User Interface Requirements2' BSAE J2399-ACCSAE J2399Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Operating Characteristics and User Interfacetttt( ASAE J2396-Driver BehaviorSAE J2396Definitions and Experimental Measures Related to the Specification of Driver Visual Behavior Using Video Based Techniques4) @SAE J2395-In-Vehicle PrioritySAE J2395ITS In-Vehicle Message PriorityYYYY8- ?SAE J2266-LRMSSAE J2266Location Referencing Message Specification (LRMS)~@K hh\\) >SAE J2369-Reduced BandwidthSAE J2369Standard for ATIS Message Sets Delivered Over Reduced Bandwidth Media}}}}6+ =SAE J2354-ATISSAE J2354Message Set for Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS)@K rrff) <SAE J2313-MaydaySAE J2313On-Board Land Vehicle Mayday Reporting Interface]]]]+  ;SAE J1708-Serial Data CommSAE J1708Serial Data Communications Between Microcomputer Systems in Heavy-Duty Vehicle Applications5* :SAE J2540/3-Phrase ListSAE J2540/3National Names Phrase List@@ \\PP4' 9SAE J2540/2-ITISSAE J2540/2ITIS (International Traveler Information Systems) Phrase Listsh@K yymm-  8SAE J2540/1-RDSSAE J2540/1RDS (Radio Data System) Phrase Lists"@K ^^RR, 7SAE J2540-Handling StringsSAE J2540Messages for Handling Strings and Look-Up Tables in ATIS Standards2@I yy5* 6SAE J2735SAE J2735Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Message Set Dictionary@I tthh$ 5NTCIP 2202-IPNTCIP 2202Internet (TCP/IP and UDP/IP) Transport Profilez@I eeYY)LVAL v \This standard allows for TCIP components to exchange information using standardized mechanisms. Data will be exchanged among transit devices, systems and subsystems. The standard covers the following business areas: Scheduling, Passenger Information, Incident Management, TCIP Tool Support, Onboard Systems, Control Center, Fare Collection, Spatial Representation, Common Public Transport and Transit Signal Priority.SAE J2266, The Location Referencing Message Specification (LRMS), describes a set of standard interfaces for the transmission of location references among different components of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The LRMS facilitates the movement of ITS data containing the attribute of location; typically, but not always, on a transportation network. LRMS interfaces define standard meanings (semantics) for the content of location reference messages, and standard, public domain formats (syntax) for the presentation of location references to application software.SAE J2354 describes standardized medium-independent messages needed by information service providers for Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS). The messages contained herein address all stages of travel (informational, pre-trip and en route), all types of travelers (drivers, passengers, personal devices, computers, other servers), all categories of information, and all platforms for delivery of information (in-vehicle, portable devices, kiosks, etc.).SAE J2540-2, ITIS (International Traveler Information Systems) Phrase Lists, defines the textual messages used internationally - and therefore including various languages and expressions - intended for use in conveying incident and traffic related events. Many ITIS phrases are reused by other ITS standards.SAE J2540-1, RDS (Radio Data System) Phrase Lists, defines the textual messages for expressing phrases commonly used to convey traffic incident information over the limited bandwidth RDS subcarrier transmission media, but may also be used over other media and applications.LVAL  J&This Recommendation and International Standard defines a set of Basic Encoding Rules (BER) that may be applied to values of types defined using the ASN.1 notation. Application of these encoding rules produces a transfer syntax for such values. This Recommendation and International Standard defines also a set of Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) and a set of Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) both of which provide constraints on the Basic Encoding Rules (BER). The key difference between them is that DER uses the definite length form of encoding while CER uses the indefinite length form. DER is more suitable for the small encoded values, while CER is more suitable for the large ones. It is implicit in the specification of these encoding rules that they are also used for decoding.IETF RFC 791, The Internet Protocol, is provides for transmitting blocks of data called datagrams from sources to destinations, where sources and destinations are hosts identified by fixed length addresses. The internet protocol also provides for fragmentation and reassembly of long datagrams, if necessary, for transmission through small packet networks.IETF RFC 793, The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is intended for use as a highly reliable host-to-host protocol between hosts in packet-switched computer communication networks, and in interconnected systems of such networks.IETF RFC 959, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), defines methods to: 1) promote sharing of files (computer programs and/or data), 2) encourage indirect or implicit (via programs) use of remote computers, 3) shield a user from variations in file storage systems among hosts, and 4) transfer data reliably and efficiently. FTP, though usable directly by a user at a terminal, is designed mainly for use by programs.This standard allows transportation agencies and center managers the ability to specify and implement communications interfaces for transmitting information encoded in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) between their center and an external center.LVALF IETF RFC 5246, The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol provides communications security over the Internet. The protocol allows client/server applications to communicate in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery.IEEE 802.2 is the IEEE 802 standard defining Logical Link Control (LLC), which is the upper portion of the data link layer of the OSI Model. The LLC sublayer presents a uniform interface to the user of the data link service, usually the network layer. Beneath the LLC sublayer is the Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer, which is dependent on the particular medium being used (Ethernet, token ring, FDDI, 802.11, etc.). In addition 802.11p provides MAC address anonymity.IETF RFC 768, The User Datagram Protocol (UDP), is defined to make available a datagram mode of packet-switched computer communication in the environment of an interconnected set of computer networks. This protocol assumes that the Internet Protocol (IP) is used as the underlying protocol.IETF RFC 2460, Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification, is a new version of the Internet Protocol, designed as the successor to IP version 4 (IPv4) [RFC 791]. The changes from IPv4 to IPv6 fall primarily into the following categories: 1) Expanded Addressing Capabilities, and 2) Header Format Simplification.IETF RFC 1157, A Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), defines a simple protocol by which management information for a network element may be inspected or altered by logically remote users. In particular, together with its companion memos which describe the structure of management information along with the management information base, these documents provide a simple, workable architecture and system for managing TCP/IP-based internets and in particular the Internet.LVAL  IETF RFC 1952, GZIP File Format, defines a lossless compressed data format that is compatible with the widely used GZIP utility. The format includes a cyclic redundancy check value for detecting data corruption. The format presently uses the DEFLATE method of compression but can be easily extended to use other compression methods. The format can be implemented readily in a manner not covered by patents.IETF RFC 4217 describes a mechanism that can be used by FTP clients and servers to implement security and authentication using the TLS protocol defined by RFC 2246, The TLS Protocol Version 1.0., and the extensions to the FTP protocol defined by RFC 2228, FTP Security Extensions.IETF RFC 2617 provides a specification for an HTTP authentication framework, the original Basic authentication scheme plus a scheme based on cryptographic hashes, referred to as Digest Access Authentication.IETF RFC 2818 describes how to use TLS to secure HTTP connections over the Internet. Current practice is to layer HTTP over SSL (the predecessor to TLS), distinguishing secured traffic from insecure traffic by the use of a different server port. This document documents that practice using TLS.< ,a e C |   VM2J IEEE 1609.12IEEE 1609.12-2016Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) - Identifier Allocations @S / IEEE 802.15.1IEEE 802.15.1-2005IEEE Standard for Information technology-- Local and metropolitan area networks-- Specific requirements-- Part 15.1a: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN)@ @ ,,  1 CEN-SIRITS 15531Service Interface for Real-Time Information (SIRI)@S bbVV" GTFS-RealtimeGTSF-RealtimeGeneral Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Realtimev@S ll``, GTFSGTFSGeneral Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Static@R XXLL SAE J2945/1J2945/1On-Board System Requirements for V2V Safety Communicationsj@R ll``$ ISO ASN.1 PERITU-T X.691 | ISO/IEC 8825-2ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER)@@R ; IETF NTPRFC 5905Network Time Protocol Version 4@R OOCC" IETF XMPPRFC 6120Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): Core\\\\# IETF JSONRFC 7159The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format$@R nnbb# IETF WebSocketsRFC 6455The WebSocket ProtocolAAAA) W3C HTML5HTML5A Vocabulary and Associated APIs for HTML and XHTMLUUUU  FTP AuthRFC 2888FTP Security Extensions;;;;" ANSI TS-997ANSI ASC X12 TS-997Functional Acknowledgment@Q WWKK0 ANSI TS-151ANSI ASC X12 TS-151Electronic Filing of Tax Return Data Acknowledgment@Q qqee0 ~ ISO 11451-2ISO 11451-2Vehicle test methods for electrical disturbances@Q ffZZ( } FIPS 140-2FIPS 140-2Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modulesl@Q ccWW& |IEC EN6100IEC EN61000-3-2Standard for corrosion resistance for enclosures`@@ ii]]+ {SAE J1113 SAE J1113, 2013Standard for Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedures and Limits for Components of Vehicles, Boats, and Machines@Q + zNEMA TS2 - 2003NEMA TS2 - 2003Traffic Controller Assemblies with NTCIP Requirements&@Q ssgg0 yIEEE 802.3atIEEE 802.3IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Part 3 Amendment 3 - DTE Power via MDI Enhancement@@ ( x1USDOT RSURSU V4USDOT Roadside Unit (RSU) Specification Document - Version 4@Q kk__! v IETF DTLSIETF RFC:6347The Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Protocol Version 1.2<@P wwkk( qIEEE 1609.3 WSMPIEEE 1609.3-2016Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) - Networking Services@P 2  oSAE J3067SAE J3067Candidate Improvements to Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Message Set Dictionary [SAE J2735] Using Systems Engineering Methods@P $ k IETF GZIPIETF RFC:1952GZIP File Format Specification, version 4.3,@N aaUU( j FTPSIETF RFC:4217Securing FTP with TLS0@N FF::# i HTTP AuthIETF RFC:2617HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication@N qqee( h HTTPSIETF RFC:2818HTTP Over TLSL@N ??33$LVALIETF RFC 6347, The Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) protocol provides communications security over the Internet. The protocol allows client/server applications to communicate over UDP connections in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery.IEEE Std 1609.3TM - 2010 - Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE)  Networking Services defines network and transport layer services, including addressing and routing, in support of secure WAVE data exchange. It also defines Wave Short Messages, providing an efficient WAVE-specific alternative to IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) that can be directly supported by applications. Further, this standard defines the Management Information Base (MIB) for the WAVE protocol stack.SAE J3067 was created to capture the information submitted by the USDOT for consideration in expanding the scope of J2735. This document specifies dialogs, messages, and the data frames and data elements that make up the messages specifically for use by applications intended to utilize the 5.9 GHz Dedicated Short Range Communications for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (DSRC/WAVE, referenced in this document simply as DSRC), communications systems. Although the scope of this Standard is focused on DSRC, these dialogs, messages, data frames and data elements have been designed, to the extent possible, to be of use for applications that may be deployed in conjunction with other wireless communications technologies. This standard therefore specifies the definitive message structure and provides sufficient background information to allow readers to properly interpret the message definitions from the point of view of an application developer implementing the messages according to the DSRC Standards.LVAL  p  This contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Functional Acknowledgment Transaction Set (997) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to define the control structures for a set of acknowledgments to indicate the results of the syntactical analysis of the electronically encoded documents.This standard contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Electronic Filing of Tax Return Data Acknowledgment Transaction Set (151) within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This transaction set is used to electronically acknowledge receipt of each tax return filed using the Electronic Filing of Tax Return Data Transaction Set (813) and may indicate any error conditions. This transaction set can be used by a federal, state, or local taxing authority to acknowledge the status of an electronically filed tax return which has been electronically filed using Transaction Set 813. This standard specifies off-vehicle radiation source test methods and procedures for testing passenger cars and commercial vehicles.This standard specifies the security requirements that will be satisfied by a cryptographic module utilized within a security system protecting sensitive but unclassified informationThis SAE Standard covers the measurement of voltage transient immunity and within the applicable frequency ranges, audio (AF) and radio frequency (RF) immunity, and conducted and radiated emissionsThis Standard has been developed as a design guide for traffic signaling equipment which can be safely installed and provide operational features.This document defines the fourth-generation of DSRC Roadside Units (RSUs) by establishing the base functionality of a carrier-grade device capable of acting as the infrastructure first point-of-contact for vehicles and other mobile devices.LVAL V The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS), also known as GTFS static or static transit to differentiate it from the GTFS realtime extension, defines a common format for public transportation schedules and associated geographic information. GTFS "feeds" let public transit agencies publish their transit data and developers write applications that consume that data in an interoperable way.This standard specifies the system requirements for an on-board vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) safety communications system for light vehicles , including standards profiles, functional requirements, and performance requirements. The system is capable of transmitting and receiving the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J2735-defined Basic Safety Message (BSM) [1] over a Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) wireless communications link as defined in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1609 suite and IEEE 802.11 standards [2]  [6].Recommendation ITU-T X.691 | ISO/IEC 8825-2 describes a set of encoding rules that can be applied to values of all ASN.1 types to achieve a much more compact representation than that achieved by the Basic Encoding Rules and its derivatives (described in Rec. ITU-T X.690 | ISO/IEC 8825-1)The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is widely used to synchronize a computer to Internet time servers or other sources, such as a radio or satellite receiver. It can also be used as a server for dependent clients. It provides accuracies typically less than a millisecond on LANs and up to a few milliseconds on WANs. Typical NTP configurations utilize multiple redundant servers and diverse network paths in order to achieve high accuracy and reliability.JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a lightweight, text-based, language-independent data interchange format. It was derived from the ECMAScript Programming Language Standard. JSON defines a small set of formatting rules for the portable representation of structured data.LVAL Specifies allocations of wireless access in vehicular environments (WAVE) identifiers for use with the IEEE 1609"! series of standards.SIRI is an XML protocol to allow distributed computers to exchange real-time information about public transport services and vehicles. The protocol is a CEN standard, developed with initial participation by France, Germany (Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen), Scandinavia, and the UK (UK Real Time Interest Group). SIRI is based on the Transmodel abstract model for public transport information, a general purpose model, and XML schema for public transport information.GTFS realtime is a feed specification that allows public transportation agencies to provide application developers with real-time updates about their fleet. This feed is an extension to GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification), an open data format for public transportation schedules and associated geographic information. GTFS realtime is designed for ease of implementation, good GTFS interoperability, and a focus on passenger information.z<  '1.(Unspecified) IEEE 802.11pIEEE 802.11pStandard for Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Specific Requirements - Part II: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) SpecificationX@A 33''*B <  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? E E E E E! E" E# E$ E% E & E ' E ( E ) E * E+ E, E- E. E/ E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 J6 J7 J8 J9 J: J; J< J= J> J ? J @ J A J B J C JD JE JH JI JJ JK JL JM JN J\ J] J^ Jg Jh Oi Oj Ok Oo Oq Ov Ox Oy Oz O { O | O } O ~ O  O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O T' TB <  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? E E E E E! E" E# E$ E% E & E ' E ( E ) E * E+ E, E- E. E/ E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 J6 J7 J8 J9 J: J; J< J= J> J ? J @ J A J B J C JD JE JH JI JJ JK JL JM JN J\ J] J^ Jg Jh Oi Oj Ok Oo Oq Ov Ox Oy Oz O { O | O } O ~ O  O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O T' T ,YNX X Y Y Y StandardIDArchitectureID Delete YX Y n X Z ISnrX [ p"YYYArchitectureIDPrimaryKeyStandardIDv1X X X  W  W  W  kYN] ] Y Y Y Y RegionalFlowIDStandardIDArchitectureID Deleten  ] ^ Sn ] _ ] ` YYYArchitectureIDPrimaryKeyRegionalFlowIDv1` X X @ \  \  \ aYNCT Nb b Y  Y dStandardTypeIDStandardTyperDtddb d p"doNetb e rdYYPrimaryKeyStandardTypeIDv1` ` ` ` Xa pStandard ProfileStandard GroupOther StandardMessage/DataCommunications Protocol a @  c c c c c a @  c c c c c pYNg g Y  Y Y  Y SY StatusIDStatusNameStatusOrder"StatusDescriptionStatusDefaultg i g j YYYY.rC.rDPrimaryKeyStatusIDg g Hv1bh h h h #f }iUA?7? ?6? ?5? ?4? ?3? PlannedOperateNot Applicable f @  h h h h h h h h f @  h h h h h h h h- Y*N  l l ***Y  Y  Y  Y  Y Y Y Y Y  Y  tY  Y  TableIDTableName TableDescription TableQueryRegion"TableQueryProjectParameterArch ParameterShowAllElementsImpactFiltersImpactNoDataMessageGroupIDTableIncludel s Y Yl YYt PrimaryKey0tblTablesGroupstblTablesl l l l  v1b p h h h h @h h LVAL   p * *N>Fn*All stakeholders are associated with at least one inventory element in the architecture.All inventory elements support at least one interface in the architecture.All flows are supported by ARC-IT or User Defined flow definitions.This file includes no discontinued flows.At least one inventory element must be defined for this table.At least one inventory element must be defined for this table.This table includes only entities associated with the current architecture's inventory. At least one inventory element must be defined.The current Turbo file includes no status values.No agreements have been defined for the current architecture.No interface standards are included in the current architecture based on current filter and element selection settings.No interface standards are included in the current architecture based on current filter and element selection settings.No interfaces are included in the current architecture based on current filter and element selection settings.No interfaces are included in the current architecture based on current filter and element selection settings.No interfaces are included in the current architecture based on current filter and element selection settings.No functional Objects have been identified for the current architecture.No functional areas or requirements have been identified for the current architecture.No roles and responsibilities have been defined for the current architecture.No needs are included in the current architecture.At least one service package must be selected and at least one inventory element must be defined.No inventory has been defined for the current architecture.No stakeholders have been identified for the current architecture.The planning tab includes no defined items for the current architecture.No change log entries have been made for the current architecture.No architectures are defined in this database.LVALD x ` 2 .rd"Identifies the discontinued architecture flows that are included in the regional and project architectures.Compares Inventory and Service Package selections. Identifies possible Inventory and/or Service Package selection gaps.Compares Inventory and Service Package selections. Identifies possible Inventory and/or Service Package selection gaps.Presents the information about projects in a user selectable sequence orderPhysical objects, subsystems and terminators, from ARC-IT used in the current architecture.List of Status Values (existing, planned, etc.) defined for this file.Standards Groups and their included standardsPresents relevant standards activities and their relationship to the current architecture.Presents the information flows and detailed descriptions for flows in the current architectureA detailed report of all elements and information flows that are included in the current architecture.Presents the Interconnected elements and interconnected status for each of the interconnects in the current architecturePresents the Functional Objects defined for the currently selected ArchitecturePresents the Functional Requirements defined for the currently selected ArchitecturePresents the Roles and Responsibilities which supports development of a region's ITS operational concept or a specific project's concept of operations.Presents all needs that are included in the current architecture.Presents service package selections, representing the transportation services for the current architecture.Presents all identified inventory elements with associated entities, stakeholders, and projects.Presents all identified stakeholders.Presents planning elements, related performance measures, and their relationship to the architecture.List of revisions to the file with version, date, and person/organization making the change.Presents summary information for all regional and project architectures that have been definedk "*^ = N \    N#xKmSm #Compare Needsz@ p qryTableCompNeedsqryTableCompNeeds@q WK8%  "Compare Services (Service Packages)@ p qryTableCompareSPsqryTableCompareSPs@q ocO;/  !Compare Inventory@ p qryTableCompareElementsqryTableCompareElements@q g[B)  Elements with complex Physical Object mapping@p qryTableElementsComplexPObjectsqryTableElementsComplexPObjectsn@q fE9  All Potential Needs@p qryTableNeedsAllqryTableNeedsAll@q [O=+  Planning Gap Analysis@p qryTablePlanningGapqryTablePlanningGap@q cWB-!  Suspicious Project Status ValuesJ@p qryReportSuspectStatusProjectqryReportSuspectStatusProjectT@q vW8,  Suspicious Request-Response Status Values@p qryReportSuspectStatusRequestqryReportSuspectStatusRequestj@q `A5  Suspicious Information Flow Status Values@p qryReportSuspectStatusFlowsqryReportSuspectStatusFlowsf@q {^A5  Unconnected Stakeholders@p qryReportUnconnectedStakeholdersqryReportUnconnectedStakeholders@m tR0$  Unconnected Elements@p qryReportUnconnectedElementsqryReportUnconnectedElements@m thJ,  Unsupported Flows@p qryReportUnsupportedqryReportUnsupported@m aU?)  Discontinued Flows@n qryReportDiscontinuedqryReportDiscontinuedR@m dXA*  Inventory to Service Package Comparison@n qryTableReconRegionqryTableReconProject|@m vjT?3  Inventory to Service Package Comparison@n qryTableReconRegionqryTableReconProject|@m vjT?3  Project Sequencing@n ****  Physical Objects@n qryTableEntitiesqryTableEntities@m XL:(  Status Values@n qryTableStatusqryTableStatusb@m QE5%  Agreements!Presents the list of agreementsqryTableAgreementsqryTableAgreementsz@m wkWC  Standard Group DefinitionsZ@n qryTableStandardGroupsqryTableStandardGroups@m nbJ2&  Standards@ n qryTableStandardsqryTableStandards@ m SG4!  Flow Definitions@ n qryTableFlowsqryTableFlowsProject@ m YM7(  Information Flows@ n qryTableInterfacesqryTableInterfacesProject@ m dX=)  Interconnects@ n qryTableInterconnectsqryTableInterconnectsProject@ m fZ<%  Functional Objects@ n qryTableFunctionalObjectsqryTableFunctionalObjects@ m l`E*  Requirements (Deprecated)@n qryTableRequirementsqryTableRequirements@m i]G1%  Roles and Responsibilities.@n qryTableOpsConceptqryTableOpsConcept@m fZF2& ? Needs@n qryTableNeedsqryTableNeedsd@m G;,  Services@n qryTableServicesqryTableServicesProject@m WK2  ? Inventory@n qryTableInventoryqryTableInventoryv@m SG4!  StakeholdersJ@n qryTableStakeholdersqryTableStakeholders@m \P:$ ? Planning@n qryTablePlanningqryTablePlanning@m PD2  ? Change Log@n qryTableChangeLogqryTableChangeLog@m TH5" ? Architecture Summary@n qryTableArchSummaryqryTableArchSummary\@m bVA, LVAL, 4 2\4VLList current filter settings for the file.Identifies service packages that are included in the architecture, but most of the associated interfaces are excluded. Calculates percentage of service package interfaces included in the architecture.Identifies inventory elements that include functional objects that are not supported by the element's physical object mappings.Lists all service packages for all architectures in the file.Lists all inventory for all architectures in the file.Lists all stakeholders for all architectures in the file.Presents the list element flow triples to agreement mappingsIdentifies any ITS standards differences between the regional and project architectures.Identify project needs that are not covered by regional needsIdentifies any service package differences between the regional and project architectures.Identifies any inventory differences between the regional and project architectures.Identifies Elements with complex Physical Object mapping (multiple Class/Type/Domain assignments)Identifies all potential needs that may be included in the current architecture. Status identifies those that are included.Identifies differences between the service packages associated with planning and service packages included in the architecture.Identifies inventory elements, service packages, functional requirements, and information flows that have newer status values than the current project architecture.Identifies request / response flows that do not have the same status values.Identifies where information flows with older status go between elements with newer status.Presents the list of Stakeholders that are not associated with any inventory elementsPresents the list of inventory elements that are not connected to any other inventory elements on the interfaces tab.Identifies regional and project architecture flows that are not supported by ARC-IT or User Defined flow definitions.LVAL0z d * n  dAll selected service packages are well covered on the interfaces tabAll functional object mappings are supported by the elements' physical object mappings.No service packages are selected in this file.No inventory elements have been defined in this file.No stakeholders are defined in this file.No agreements triple mappings have been defined for the current architecture.No standards tailoring discrepancies between regional and project architectures.No Needs discrepancies between regional and project architectures.No service package discrepancies between regional and project architectures.No inventory discrepancies between regional and project architectures.No Elements with complex Physical Object mapping found.No service packages have been associated with the current architecture.The service packages associated with planning are 100% consistent with those included in the architecture.No suspicious project status values found.No suspicious request / response status values found.No suspicious information flow status values found. k  ] +Filter SettingsT@p qryTableFiltersqryTableFiltersNo filters are defined.nI8'  *Service Package - Interface Inconsistencies@p qryTableServicePackageCoverageqryTableServicePackageCoverage@q cC7  )Physical Object - Functional Object Inconsistencies@p qryTableSuspectFOMappingsqryTableSuspectFOMappings@q fK?  (Service Package Summaryz@p qryTableSummaryServicesqryTableSummaryServices\@ q maH/#  'Inventory Summaryl@p qryTableSummaryInventoryqryTableSummaryInventoryj@ q i]C)  &Stakeholder Summaryr@p qryTableSummaryStakeholdersqryTableSummaryStakeholdersR@ q qeH+  %Interfaces to Agreementsx@ p qryTableAgreementsTriplesqryTableAgreementsTriplesProject@ q ymK0$ ? $Compare Standards@ p qryTableCompStdqryTableCompStd@ q WK:)  k  @ @ @ @ @ o o o o o o o o o o  o  o  o  o  o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o! o" o # o!$ r% r& r' r( r) r* r+ r'YNu u Y  Y   Y  Y TablesGroupIDTablesGroupName,TablesGroupDescription TablesGroupOrderlu x Yk Y.rBPrimaryKeyu u v1x p @p @p p  LVALP*d 2 < These tables identify differences between project and regional ITS architecturesThese tables identify inconsistencies and potential errors in the current architecture.These tables identify additional interfaces that can be included in an architecture.These tables compare a regional ITS architecture and project ITS architecturesInterconnects, Flows, and Standards activities for the current architecturePhysical objects, elements, service packages, needs, and functionality in the current architecture.Information about the stakeholders  groups, organizations/enterprises, and the institutional activities that are associated with the architecturesSummary information about the regional and project architectures contained in this file.t Z#o2Region to Project Comparison@v 4( Check Your Architecture@v /# Additional Integration Options@v 6* Region to Project Comparison@v 4( Interfaces & Standards@v ." Physical Components & Services@v 6* Stakeholder Topics&@v * Summary / File Info@v +  t  @ w w w w w w w w YN  z z Y  Y d Y   Y dY Y Y   Y pY AgreementIDAgreementNumberAgreementTitleAgreementTypeAgreementTypeIDAgreementLeadAgreementStatus(AgreementDescriptionAgreementSPID6p6p6z { p66p6p6z | p66p6p6z } p66p6p6z ~ p6YYYYAgreementIDAgreementSPIDAgreementTypeIDPrimaryKeyz z  v1b x @x x x  y  y  y  y  fYN    Y Y Y Y Y  Y Y  Y Y AgreementIDRegionalFlowIDInclude*AgreementTripleStatusTouchedNoteSource Element&Destination ElementFlow6p6p6 p6p6p6 p66p6p6 p6YYYAgreementIDPrimaryKeyStakeholderID  v1b          YN  Y Y AgreementIDProjectID  YY Yrmt egYYYAgreementIDPrimaryKeyStakeholderIDv1  @       YN  Y Y AgreementIDStakeholderID   YYYYAgreementIDPrimaryKeyStakeholderIDv1         YN  Y Y Y Y  Y Y 2TempAgreementStakholderIDStakeholderID.AssociatedStakeholderIDRegionalFlowID BidirCoordinationID6p6p p66p6p p66p6p p66p6p p66p6p p6YYYYYCoordinationIDPrimaryKeyRegionalFlowIDStakeholderIDStakeholderID1v1b               - YN  Y Y Y Y Y  Y eAgreementIDRegionalFlowIDInclude*AgreementTripleStatusTouchedNote F  ee   YYYAgreementIDPrimaryKeyStakeholderID  v1b         ! 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Z =lbanner.jpgThis is the jpg-format banner graphic that is used at the top of the web page. You may update this graphic to customize the site or update the header.htm template file to completely revise the header format. scope.htmThis HTML file can be used to include enhanced content in the Scope web page. Alternatively, you can use the Content tab to enter basic text-only content for this page. invstake.htmThis HTML file can be used to include enhanced content in the By Stakeholder web page. Alternatively, you can use the Content tab to enter basic text-only content for this page. inventity.htmThis HTML file can be used to include enhanced content in the By Entity web page. Alternatively, you can use the Content tab to enter basic text-only content for this page. projects.htmThis HTML file can be used to include enhanced content in the Projects web page. Alternatively, you can use the Content tab to enter basic text-only content for this page.  agreements.htmThis HTML file can be used to include enhanced content in the Agreements web page. Alternatively, you can use the Content tab to enter basic text-only content for this page.  standards.htmThis HTML file can be used to include enhanced content in the Standards web page. Alternatively, you can use the Content tab to enter basic text-only content for this page.  interfaces.htmThis HTML file can be used to include enhanced content in the Interfaces web page. Alternatively, you can use the Content tab to enter basic text-only content for this page.  requirements.htmThis HTML file can be used to include enhanced content in the Requirements web page. Alternatively, you can use the Content tab to enter basic text-only content for this page.  opsconcept.htmThis HTML file can be used to include enhanced content in the Ops Concept web page. Alternatively, you can use the Content tab to enter basic text-only content for this page. services.htmThis HTML file can be used to include enhanced content in the Services web page. Alternatively, you can use the Content tab to enter basic text-only content for this page. inventory.htmThis HTML file can be used to include enhanced content in the Inventory web page. Alternatively, you can use the Content tab to enter basic text-only content for this page. stakes.htmThis HTML file can be used to include enhanced content in the Stakeholders web page. Alternatively, you can use the Content tab to enter basic text-only content for this page. intro.htmThis HTML file can be used to include enhanced content in the architecture home web page. Alternatively, you can use the Content tab to enter basic text-only content for this page. banner.gifThis is the gif-format banner graphic that is used at the top of the web page. You may update this graphic to customize the site or update the header.htm template file to completely revise the header format. turbo.cssThis style sheet defines the fonts, colors, and divs used to control the layout and presentation of all of the web pages. footer.htmThe footer template includes all the HTML that is included at the bottom of each web page. Edit this template to tailor the bottom of the web page to your particular requirements. Consult the user manual for more information. header.htmThe header template includes all the HTML that is included at the top of each web page. Edit this template to tailor the top of the web page to your particular requirements. Consult the user manual for more information.  banner.pngThis is the png-format banner graphic that is used at the top of the web page. 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To host the RAD-IT web pages on a web site, move the contents of this directory, including all subdirectories, to your web server.! i7Imagesweb\images\@ 'Style Sheetsweb\css\@ *Templatestemplates\@ )Web Pagesweb\@ #          0Y ElemN  Y ( Y Y AreaTagAreaNameGraphicmt o YPrimaryKeyv1   z^(tablehighlightTable Highlighted Row)tableheadingTable HeadingtableTable Border Color menuhighlightCurrent Selected Menu Item-menuLeft MenumarginMargins mainMain Content AreaheadWeb Page BannerfooterWeb Page Footer  @SddmQi WQJO `JYb `JiUYb `Qbo `QboWYUW^YUWm mJL^Q mJL^QWQJOYbU mJL^QWYUW^YUWm  YN   Y Y Y  Y  (Y  Y  Y  Y p Y pY  Y    Y  p Y  pY  Y  PageIDMenuOrderMenuParentMenuNamePageExternalPageFormatFilenamePageTitlePageOverviewUseTemplatePageTemplateIDPageURLPageQueryPageIncludeUserDefined pp ppp  pYYPageTemplateIDPrimaryKey  Hv1b    dLVALvThe scope of the Regional ITS Architecture can be described in terms of: 1) the size of the region and jurisdictions covered (geographic scope), 2) the planning or time horizon, and 3) the variety of transportation services that are covered. This scope is defined in the context of adjacent and overlapping Regional ITS Architectures.This Regional ITS Architecture is a roadmap for transportation systems integration. The architecture was developed through a cooperative effort by the region's transportation agencies, covering all modes and all roads in the region. It represents a shared vision of how each agency's systems will work together in the future, sharing information and resources to provide a safer, more efficient, and more effective transportation system for travelers in the region. The architecture provides an overarching framework that spans all of the region's transportation organizations and individual transportation projects. Using the architecture, each transportation project can be viewed as an element of the overall transportation system, providing visibility into the relationship between individual transportation projects and ways to cost-effectively build an integrated transportation system over time. The purpose of this regional ITS architecture web site is to encourage use of the regional ITS architecture and gather feedback so that the architecture is used and continues to reflect the intelligent transportation system vision for the region. The menu bar at left provides access to the stakeholders, the transportation systems in the region (the Inventory), the transportation-related functions that are envisioned, and the existing and planned integration opportunities in the region. Aa Y c ! 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The following table lists each service package and its applicability to the Region. More information about each service package can be obtained by selecting the service package in the table below.Each stakeholder is associated with one or more systems or "elements" that make up the regional transportation system. This table sorts the inventory by stakeholder, so each stakeholder can easily identify and review the information for all elements that they own and operate.The inventory is made up of the transportation and communications centers, the field equipment, the vehicles, and other systems in the regional transportation system. In ARC-IT, "Physical Objects" (PObjects) are the subsystems and terminators that generally represent the systems in ITS. The following table sorts the inventory by ARC-IT Pobject. This sorts elements that perform similar functions together, so elements of a particular type can be easily identified.Each stakeholder agency, company, or group owns, operates, maintains or plans ITS systems in the region. The Regional ITS Architecture inventory is a list of "elements" that represent all existing and planned ITS systems in a region as well as non-ITS systems that provide information to or get information from the ITS systems.The Regional ITS Architecture resulted from the consensus input of a diverse set of stakeholders, encompassing traffic, transit, public safety, and many other operating agencies at local, state, and national levels. It includes both public and private sectors and spans the organizations that manage, support, or are impacted by the surface transportation system, with particular focus on agencies that operate transportation systems in the region.vLVALZStandards are an important tool that will allow efficient implementation of the Regional ITS Architecture over time. Standards facilitate deployment of interoperable systems at local, regional, and national levels without impeding innovation as technology advances, vendors change, and new approaches evolve. The table below identifies each of the ITS standards that may apply to the Regional ITS Architecture. Each standard is a link to a page that identifies the portion of the Regional ITS Architecture that may be supported by the standard.A primary purpose of the Regional ITS Architecture is to identify the integration opportunities among transportation systems (the "ITS elements") in the region. The following table identifies every interface defined for the Region. Each entry in the "Interfacing Element" column is a link to more detailed information about the particular interface.The Stakeholders Needs listed below are designed to answer two basic questions:<ul> <li>What does the System(s) need to do? <li>What do users need from the System(s)?</ul> They are written from the perspective of a system user or stakeholder in that system and are categorized by the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Service Packages that comprise the regional architecture. Service Packages provide an accessible, service-oriented perspective to the overall system architecture used to describe the region or project. They identify the pieces of the physical view that are required to implement a particular ITS service. Each of these service packages has a set of Needs associated with it that can be used as the basis for stakeholder validation, setting proper expectations, and eliciting requirements for the systems and devices to be implemented.This page documents each stakeholder s current and future roles and responsibilities in the operation of the regional transportation system across a range of transportation services and related support services.n LVALH The regional ITS architecture is an integral part of the planning process, providing a structured way to translate operational objectives and strategies into an interconnected set of ITS projects. This page identifies the planning objectives and strategies that are supported by the regional ITS architecture.The Regional ITS Architecture provides a starting point for project definition. It provides an overall framework that shows how anticipated projects will integrate with each other and with existing systems. This page lists all the ITS projects that have been mapped to the regional ITS architecture.Agreements provide the institutional underpinnings for the technical integration identified in the Regional ITS Architecture. This page lists the agreements that support Intelligent Transportation Systems in the region.  @ @                @ @               WY(N  ( (((Y Y  Y  Y ePageSettingID PageID"OverrideQueryNameSuppressFieldY   gD U    YYY PageIDPageID1PrimaryKeyv1 @  #  (zZ:cC n S 2  i <  m C "SuppressAll  "qryWebServicesDetailsWithDiagrams-- !Comment   qryWebNeedAreaDetailsAll$$  qryWebNeedsAll Need Area Description!  Need Area Type  SuppressAll  qryWebPlanningLinked  Description  Group Includes  SuppressAll  qryWebStakeholdersLinked$$ Related Architectures!  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This boolean allows user to exclude triples that aren't related to the agreement.  Yes/No  No j    Touched   d \Allows us to keep track of user tailoring so we don't override. Mentioned in design note 33, but not sure this is required as we may never override an existing include value  Yes/No  No j    vNote    User could make notes on rationale, etc. as he/she is tailoring the triple associations for an agreement     ! " #  $   m0*AgreementTripleStatus    Status of inclusion of the flow in the agreement. 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ArchID      z rArchitecture in the local file that is related to another   0  m RelatedArchID      N FIdentifies the related architecture   0  m LastSynchDate      | tIdenties when the two architectures were last synchronized   0*LastSynchRevisionDate       Revision date information of related architecture at time of last synchronization   LinkComment      : 2User notes about the link     && LastSynchVersion       Version information from related architecture at time of last synchronization   m    SynchElements      p hSynch element attributes between these architectures Yes/No  jSynchStakes      l dSynch stakeholder info between these architectures Yes/No  jSynchRRs       xSynch roles and responsibilities between these architectures Yes/No  jSynchReqs      z rSynch functional requirements between these architectures Yes/No  jSynchIFs      ` XSynch interfacesLVAL between these architectures Yes/No  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W~|Ea:IM ! " $ %  No 'Table/Query (SELECT tblPObjectClasses.PObjectClassID, tblClasses.ClassName FROM tblClasses INNER JOIN tblPObjectClasses ON tblClasses.ClassID = tblPObjectClasses.PObjectClassID ORDER BY tblClasses.ClassName; ) * + - . 0twip / 0 2"PObjectClassID   d \"Center", "Roadside", "Vehicle", or "Traveler"   o ! " $ % 'Table/Query (SELECT tblPObjectClasses.PObjectClassID, tblClasses.ClassName FROM tblClasses INNER JOIN tblPObjectClasses ON tblClasses.ClassID = tblPObjectClasses.PObjectClassID ORDER BY tblClasses.ClassName; ) * + - . 0twip / 3 0 2 , 0;5760&LVALG8MR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUIDColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompression    U(ԍJOdgr%@tblFilters ~GH|u(ԍJOdgr%FilterheXD`W(ԍJOdgr%Enabled  (ԍJOdgr% Filter  ^       m     ~GH|uzEnabled       Yes/No  j heXD`WMR2OrderByOnDescriptionColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControl FormatGUID FilterOrderByValidationRuleValidationTextOrientationDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexDecimalPlacesInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowMultipleValuesTextAlign&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditFormAggregateType.ShowOnlyRowSourceValuesExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDPublishToWeb   This table allows the user to selectively filter the entities that are available in user-generated outputs and/or user selections.  l.zNo/        B B   B B   3L Select     Yes/No  j Select "Yes" to include the entities (and associated flows), "No" to filter them. 3kW Mƻ'N8f2 + . 1 2 PObjectTypeID   N F"Human", "System", or "Environment"   o !Table/Queryf "^SELECT tblPObjectTypes.PObjectTypeID, tblTypes.TypeName FROM tblTypes INNER JOIN tblPObjectTypes ON tblTypes.TypeID = tblPObjectTypes.PObjectTypeID ORDER BY tblTypes.TypeName; # $ % & 0;5760 ' ( 0twip ) * + , . / 1 2LVALMR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUIDColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatDecimalPlacesInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControl8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexTextAlignAggregateTypeCurrencyLCIDPublishToWeb    UvE`IL[r,!N&@tblFlowRelationshipsm BARUevE`IL[r,EntityID!KeB MJvE`IL[r,EntityIDIF;aN=qer4vE`IL[r,FlowIDRequestHC37*vE`IL[r,FlowIDResponsedp6~fM/4svE`IL[r,Relationship  vE`IL[r,V N[tblFlowRelationships].[FlowIDResponse]      B B   B B    $EntityID      X PEntity associated with the related flows   0  m m BARUe ! " #EntityIDIF      ` X2nd Entity associated with the related flows   0  m !KeB MJ ! " # FlowIDRequest         0  m ;aN=qer4 ! " #"FlowIDResponse         0  m HC37* ! " #Relationship      Z R1 for Request-Response, 2 for Interactive   0  m dp6~fM/4s ! " #LVAL*KMR2VOrderByOnDescriptionColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDefaultValueDisplayControl FormatGUIDValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByNameMapDefaultViewCaptionSmartTagsInputMaskIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlaces8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDTextFormatAppendOnlyPublishToWebRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowMultipleValues&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValues  This table defines all architecture flows, including those defined by the National Architecture as well as those defined by the user. Assumes maint/setup process to import these flows. (TBD). UDCkP]@    UUDCkP]@)t*@tblFlowsWN!@BsDEUDCkP]@FlowID1^BC 84uUDCkP]@FlowNameʙl %I28C" UDCkP]@FlowDescription_.[y1IGZ[UDCkP]@FlowKindu3H&/-N%UDCkP]@FlowFuturisticdejD׆UDCkP]@FlowTypeԾ|J|FLpUDCkP]@FlowScope        B B   ! "B #B $ % -q FlowID    Uniquely identifies flows including those imported from the National Architecture as well as those defined by the user. WN!@BsDE & ' ) *$FlowDescription     0 (The flow description ʙl %I28C"    + & , ' ) *FlowKind   " "UserDefined"   m Distinguishes between National ITS Architecture and User Defined Flows. "UserDefined", "Substitute" or "National". _.[y1IGZ[    & ' ) *"FlowFuturistic    Set to "Yes" for very advanced flows. Allows selective filtering of P LVAL` futuristic flows at user option. Yes/No  j u3H&/-N% & ' ) *FlowName   2 *The name of the flow.   m 1^BC 84u    & ' ) *aFlowScope    Identifies the scope of the flow. 0 for file-wide and ArchID for architecture-wide scope   0  m  J/OpJ#If & ' ) *Discontinued    Yes/No  No j & ' ) *FlowTypeID     "Request" or "Information" (The same information flow can be either solicited or unsolicited, so we shouldn't distinguish this here.)   o & ' ) * .Table/Query /SELECT tblFlowTypes.FlowTypeID, tblFlowTypes.FlowTypeName FROM tblFlowTypes ORDER BY tblFlowTypes.FlowTypeName; 0 1 2 3 0;5760 4 5 0twip 6 7 8 :LVAL+MR2OrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlDescriptionAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByNameMapDefaultViewGUID FormatInputMaskCaptionSmartTagsIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompression8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDPublishToWeb      UqJY,(ߖ*@tblFlowStandards!=GeOVW|qJY,(EntityFlowStdIDSAmDGY|kSjqJY,(SourceEntityIDqwJ]9W qJY,(DestinationEntityID:r&{H:{kqJY,(FlowIDc_Ilg{qJY,(StandardIDcb#EON+*VqJY,(UserDefined   qJY,(      B B   ! "B #B $ % +"SourceEntityID      0  mN FIdentifies Architecture Flow Source SAmDGY|kSj & ' ) *,&DestinationEntityID      0  mX PIdentifies Architecture Flow Destination qwJ]9W & ' ) * FlowID      0  m@ 8Identifies Architecture Flow :r&{H:{k & ' ) *UserDefined     Yes/No  No  j cb#EON+*V & ' ) *$EntityFlowStdID   Z RUniquely identifies one standards mapping  Cl3F0AI & ' ) *StandardID   B :Identifies a related standard   0  m & ' ) *Standard   8 0Does StandardID refer to a standard/group (yes) or a profile (no). Done this way since RAD-IT treats profiles as standard groups in the user interface.  Yes/No  No j & ' ) *LVAL MR2vPublishToWebValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatCaptionTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDInputMaskDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompression     W4M+           B B   B B  kFlowTypeID        FlowTypeName    # $ %m & ' (     MR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUIDColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatDecimalPlacesInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlSmartTags  V N Uv?Cg"$j*@tblFlowStandardsTailoring:\A"Bb҆tv?Cg"$EntityFlowStdID>FO +9(v?Cg"$ArchitectureID M:8@8b$v?Cg"$Delete   v?Cg"$$EntityFlowStdID      b ZIdentifies a flow triplet to standard mapping   0  m r[|JLleӻtw"ArchitectureID      z rArchitecture that the standards mapping does NOT apply to   0  m ºZFE=CL'p Delete      < 4Used to maintain the table Yes/No  j (5ȹLsȾLLVAL*KMR2RowHeightOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewNameMap8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShade0ReadOnlyWhenDisconnectedBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexPublishToWebColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionTextFormatTextAlignAppendOnlyAggregateTypeResultTypeCurrencyLCIDDescriptionDisplayControl FormatDefaultValueDecimalPlacesRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowMultipleValues&AllowValueListEdits.ShowOnlyRowSourceValuesValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByGUIDCaptionExpressionInputMask"ListItemsEditForm:    J B UHbK0wvHL@tblFunctionalObjectsvB\62HbK0wvFunctionalObjectID0?{6a}NNyԍHbK0wvFunctionalObjectName3ف@Hr0HbK0wvFunctionalObjectDescription&`F pVHbK0wvFunctionalObjectShortDescription*@VIFGpLi@v@tblPObjectszܟJ2+:S*@VIFGpLPObjectID ^H0&a. *@VIFGpLPObjectName YDp s*@VIFGpLPObjectKind/$ TGUM|HbK0wvPObjectIDͥ'z?:FI ˚@tblOriginsgH<JH$/ͥ'z?:FIOriginName. |B& rHbK0wvFunctionalObjectOriginď#BiHbK0wvEPIDL}/:F6$HbK0wvDefaultStatusQCMOB4wHbK0wvUpdated` F|K4HHbK0wvNew_Rx%XGޫ$8HbK0wvModifiedM RcI:7HbK0wvDelete         B  B     B B     7RBE<6FunctionalObjectDescription               ! "Description.(FunctionalObjectName 2     #m        !. "&Service Object Name*$FunctionalObjectID E       !: "2Service Object Identifier F@FunctionalObjectShortDescription +        n LVAL~       !6 ".Abbreviated DescriptionPObjectID    &  #o     !< "4Associated physical object 'Table/Query* ("SELECT tblPObjects.PObjectID, tblPObjects.PObjectName FROM tblPObjects WHERE (((tblPObjects.PObjectKindID)<>2)) ORDER BY tblPObjects.PObjectName; ) * + , 0;4320 - .4320twip / 0 1 2_2,FunctionalObjectOrigin   p "hOrigin - used to identify International-Only objects %"US"   #o 'Table/Query (SELECT tblOrigins.Origin, tblOrigins.OriginName FROM tblOrigins; ) * + ,720;2160 - .2880twip /    0  1  2   !UserDefined    $ Yes/No  %No #j     !Discontinued    $ Yes/No  %No #j     !LVALMR2@RowHeightOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControl Format FilterOrderByValidationRuleValidationTextGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexInputMaskCaptionTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDPublishToWeb5 Y  N F UsiEA`vƆ @tblEPArch_⬔KBsiEA`vEquipmentPackageIDzA%J%ՂisiEA`vElementIDW%puJ_LbsiEA`vArchitectureID0WxpZA siEA`vDelete  M؏#fBKVP'A      B B   B B   '*$FunctionalObjectID   ` XNumeric identifier for the Equipment package    0    m " # % & "ArchitectureID   r j... for Architecture, -1 for region, > 0 for projects    0    m " # % &ElementID   & ... for element    0    m " # % & Delete   V NFlag supports programmatic row deletion Yes/No    j " # % &NLVAL `MR2PublishToWebOrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShade0ReadOnlyWhenDisconnectedBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenTextAlignAggregateTypeResultTypeCurrencyLCIDRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompression     U^?iDwۀCCw@tblKinds3@cly)^?iDwۀCKindID ܨO8AAAcT9^?iDwۀCKindName          B  B     B B   c KindID       KindName      m       MR2:OrientationOrderByOnRowHeightDescriptionDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlacesDefaultValueValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByNameMapGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewField FormatCaptionSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeInputMaskIMEModeIMESentenceModeTextFormat    zThis table has the ITS Goals and the description of the goal.   U~Dm[ @8tblGoals.E5yLWU,:C~Dm[GoalID ˏ(D˱$~Dm[Goal  ~Dm[     f GoalID      .E5yLWU,:CGoal        m        qsVA 1.LVAL*KMR2RowHeightOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShade0ReadOnlyWhenDisconnectedBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexPublishToWebDescriptionColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlTextAlignAggregateTypeResultTypeCurrencyLCID FormatAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionTextFormatAppendOnlyValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByGUIDCaptionExpressionInputMask H    U#$ CQW@tblNeedAreasZ<ǖK(w#$ CQWNeedAreaID¤DLQeS|#$ CQWNeedAreaSortOrder] wGSe^rO#$ CQWNeedAreaName)T$1@)`J           B B   B B  NeedAreaID    !  #0 $ %m      ArchID    !  #0 $ %m      New     Yes/No  #No %j      Delete     Yes/No  #No %j     1$NeedAreaInclude     Yes/No  #No %j      The need area is included in the architecture (checked on left side)LVAL*KMR2dPublishToWebOrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShade0ReadOnlyWhenDisconnectedBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexRowHeightColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenTextAlignAggregateTypeResultTypeCurrencyLCIDDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowMultipleValues&AllowValueListEdits.ShowOnlyRowSourceValuesColumnWidthsDefaultValueAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionTextFormatAppendOnly FilterOrderByValidationRuleValidationTextGUID FormatCaptionExpressionInputMask     UrAҤR]/@tblCVRIANeeds(t߽sIIy7|ErAҤRNeedIDFCLԐ/rAҤRNeedNumber`HnWZrAҤRNeedTitle]bR=sIrXrAҤRNeedText`Hg9M'k_rAҤRSPID'<&C2f7-cN@tblApplicationTypes,iѱI@8Au:'<&C2f7-AppTypeID2 Iy$F<$G'<&C2f7-AppType:j}OD@arAҤRSPTypeID          B  B     B B    0 6ՃO'0rr; NeedID        Primary key - never changes. This is identical to the ARC-IT NeedID for non-user-defined (ARC-IT) needsSPID %     m     Table/Query$ SELECT tblApplications.AppID, tblApplications.AppLongName, tblApplications.AppType FROM tblApplications ORDER BY tblApplications.AppLongName; ! " # $ %7200twip & ' ( ) *0;7200;2880  +0L DReplaced by NeedAreaID for UD needs. Still needed for ARC-IT needs. Associated service package in ARC-IT or the SP selected by the user for user defined entriesNeedText ]    , - . / 0  1   NeedNumber    This is the number the user ca LVAL n see and use - in particular this is the number assigned in ARC-IT for non-user defined entries  , m - . /    UserDefined    7 Yes/No +Yes j    ARCITNeedID   N FIDs the original ARC-IT need that the user started with when tailoring. Only valid when the entry is UserDefined and the user creates it by editing an ARC-IT need   +0  m    {Discontinued    For compatibility with SET-IT, at least initially in 8.1 when we don't have any discontinued needs in RAD-IT. 7 Yes/No  +No j    LVAL&MR2PublishToWebValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatCaptionTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDDecimalPlacesInputMaskDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionTextFormatAppendOnly     ,x}}NF67f           B B   B B   NeedID    !  #0 $ %m     , $Points to tblNeeds]NeedStatusID    To be deleted in sprint 64. Indicates the status of this particular arch-sp instance of the need !  #0 $ %m     NeedComment    $ & ' ( ) *  +    NeedNumber     This is the number the user can see and use - in particular this is the number the user is using for this particular arch-need-SP $ & %m ' ( )     - ArchID    -1 for regional architecture, project architecture id for project architecture !  #0 $ %m     NeedAreaID    Replaces NeedSPID. The area associated with the need. The same need can be associated with more than one area for the same architecture. !  #0 $ %m      New     Yes/No  #No %j      Delete     Yes/No  #No %j     "NeedPriorityID   L DReplaces NeedStatusID in sprint 64 !  #0 $ %m     LVALMR2OrientationOrderByOnDescriptionDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionIMEModeIMESentenceMode FormatValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByNameMapGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldCaptionSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeInputMaskDefaultValueBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCID  v nThis table defines some common transportation problems. l d U4,FuiAd^dz@tblObjectiveCategoriesCyiNւKu4,FuiAdObjectiveCategoryIDQ6nsMs}V4,FuiAdObjectiveArea-#/A ΅X4,FuiAdObjectiveCategory  4,FuiAd      B  B ! " #B $B % &,&ObjectiveCategoryID      CyiNւKu ( ) ObjectiveArea       m         Q6nsMs}V ( )("ObjectiveCategory -#/A ΅X a      m         ( )fLVALvMR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatCaptionSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeDecimalPlacesInputMaskDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompression4    U_@kGC-Zs!5Q@tblNeedOptions76DχZN_@kGC-ZsLevelsS, :XFtJ_@kGC-ZsLevel1Name BCdH_@kGC-ZsLevel2NamegZ)+8E vՀ"_@kGC-ZsLevel1NamePluralZ Ho[T_@kGC-ZsLevel2NamePlural   _@kGC-Zs           Levels     1 or 2   m   76DχZNLevel1Name      m      S, :XFtJLevel2Name      m       BCdH& Level1NamePlural      m      eZYD3׃m2& Level2NamePlural      m      4ɻN[|.,LVALMR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatCaptionSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeDecimalPlacesInputMaskDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionTextFormatBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDAppendOnlyPublishToWeb    UuD$A>ͱ@tblNeeds4M܌> 7=uD$ANeedIDY-KDBAIFuD$ANeedNumberO?lWuD$ANeedNamekxEuD$ANeedDescriptionHA0eHKvuD$ANeedSourcetXE%H >SuD$ANeedParent   uD$A           !B "B # $ %B &B ' ( -ObjectiveID      4M܌> 7= * +( ObjectiveName      m     h `Required field. Concise statement of Objective. O?lW * +.(ObjectiveDescription            (  Explanatory text kxE , * +$ObjectiveSource      m     L DWhere did the Objective come from. HA0eHKv * +$ObjectiveNumber   0 (User provided number   m      Y-KDBAIF * +$ObjectiveParent   j bObjectiveID of parent or 0 if this is a root node   m   tXE%H >S  0 * +uLVALMR2TRowHeightOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewField FormatInputMaskCaptionSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDPublishToWeb Y    U LZgEP@1 tblNeedArchitectures\iAET LZgNeedIDLcOsXC$AӬ LZgArchitectureID    LZg      B B    !B "B # $ (ObjectiveID   P HNumeric identifier for the Objective    0    m   *. DI@ & '="ArchitectureID    Numeric identifier for Architecture, -1 for region, >0 for project    0    m   ,vfHS & 'LVALMR2TRowHeightOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlTextAlignAggregateTypeGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy FormatInputMaskCaptionSmartTagsBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDPublishToWeb Y    UbEȸv|EBR&@1 tblNeedPMsޢW@Nw(bEȸv|EBRNeedIDݲiDusCV bEȸv|EBRPMID         bEȸv|EBR B B    !B "B # $ (ObjectiveID      P HNumeric identifier for the Objective   0  m   ޢW@Nw( & 'PMID      \ TNumeric identifier for Performance Measure   0  m   ݲiDusCV & 'LVALMR2TRowHeightOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewField FormatInputMaskCaptionSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDPublishToWeb Y    U=)E "@tblNeedMPs A]zK=)E "NeedID,>CJkT=)E "MarketPackageID   =)E "      B B    !B "B # $ (ObjectiveID   P HNumeric identifier for the Objective    0    m  A]zK   & 'SPID   T LNumeric identifier for Service Package    0    m ,>CJkT   & 'LVALMR2OrderByOnDescriptionColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsListRowsListWidthLimitToListColumnWidthsValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndex FormatInputMaskCaption&AllowMultipleValuesTextAlign&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditFormAggregateType.ShowOnlyRowSourceValuesExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDPublishToWeb  This table correlates center subsystems with their related "other entity" terminators.   aEA;H/      B B   ! "B #B $ % 2PObjectID    The unique identifier for a subsystem that has a corresponding "other *" terminator   0  o Table/Query SELECT tblPObjects.PObjectID, tblPObjects.PObjectName FROM tblPObjects ORDER BY tblPObjects.PObjectName;        3600twip  720;2880 ) * + - . 0 1"OtherPObjectID    The unique identifier for the corresponding "other *" terminator   0  o Table/Query SELECT tblPObjects.PObjectID, tblPObjects.PObjectName FROM tblPObjects ORDER BY tblPObjects.PObjectName;        3600twip  720;2880 ) * + - . 0 1KvcP<) y  e R ? +   { h T A . }jWC0 lYF2 o[H5 iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp   iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp   iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp   iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp  w wiImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp w r riImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp r n niImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp n j jiImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp j e eiImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp e ^ ^iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp ^ A AiImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp A = =iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp = 8 8iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp 8 4 4iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp 4 . .iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp . ) )iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp ) ! !iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp !  iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp   iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp   iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp   iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp   iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp   iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp   iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp   iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp  LVALMR2&OrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenTextAlignAggregateTypeDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlDescriptionAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionTextFormatGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy FormatCaptionSmartTagsInputMaskDefaultValue  d \ U9HJh#mzէunA@tblPerformanceMeasures#FL'ߏt9HJh#mzէPMIDB=M1ym@=9HJh#mzէPMNumber4xTDm#~9HJh#mzէPMCategory</fͯL ~n9HJh#mzէPM        9HJh#mzէbPMID           #FL'ߏtPMCategory      T LUser provided category. Also optional   m        4xTDm#~ PM      b ZSuccinct statement of the performance measure   m        </fͯL ~nPMNumber      H @User provided number. Optional.   m        .:NNjM$LVALMR2PublishToWebOrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShade0ReadOnlyWhenDisconnectedBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowMultipleValuesTextAlign&AllowValueListEditsAggregateType.ShowOnlyRowSourceValuesResultTypeCurrencyLCIDF   z r UͨKWC KCtj@tblPObjectClasses`)Sd$B2 Egw[k@tblClasseslsUaAQh- ԁ`)Sd$B2 EgwClassID; PP3yJei`)Sd$B2 EgwClassName%O>evͨKWC KCtPObjectClassID          B  B     B B   "PObjectClassID      o Table/Query SELECT tblClasses.ClassID, tblClasses.ClassName FROM tblClasses ORDER BY tblClasses.ClassName;     0;5760  0twip ! 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PObjectAbbrev     Abbreviation   m        !UserDefined    $ Yes/No %Yes j     ! PObjectOrigin   $ PObject Source %"US"   o &Table/Query` 'XSELECT tblOrigins.OriginID FROM tblOrigins; ( ) * + , 0twip -    .  /  0   !"PObjectClassID   Z RVehicle vs. Center vs. Field vs. Traveler 1  o     ! &Table/Query 'SELECT tblPObjectClasses.PObjectClassID, tblClasses.ClassName FROM tblClasses INNER JOIN tblPObjectClasses ON tblClasses.ClassID = tblPObjectClasses.PObjectClassID ORDER BY tblClasses.ClassName; ( ) * 2 0;5760 + , 0twip - . / 0 PObjectKindID   > 6Subsystem vs. Terminator... 1  o     ! &Table/Queryh '`SELECT tblPObjectKinds.PObjectKindID, tblKinds.KindName FROM tblKinds INNER JOIN tblPObjectKinds ON tblKinds.KindID = tblPObjectKinds.PObjectKindID ORDER BY tblKinds.KindName; ( ) * + , 0twip - . / 0 2 0;5760 PObjectTypeID   J BHuman vs. System vs. Other System 1  o     ! &Table/Queryh '`SELECT tblPObjectTypes.PObjectTypeID, tblTypes.TypeName FROM tblTypes INNER JOIN tblPObjectTypes ON tblTypes.TypeID = tblPObjectTypes.PObjectTypeID ORDER BY tblTypes.TypeName; ( ) * 2 0;5760 + , 0twip - . / 0$PObjectDomainID   H @Transportation vs. Communication 1  o &Table/Query 'SELECT tblPObjectDomains.PObjectDomainID, tblDomains.DomainName FROM tblPObjectDomains INNER JOIN tblDomains ON tblPObjectDomains.PObjectDomainID = tblDomains.DomainID ORDER BY tblDomaLVALins.DomainName; ( ) * 2 0;5760 + , 0twip - .  /  0   !Discontinued    $ Yes/No  %No j     !LVAL*K/MR2RowHeightOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewNameMap8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShade0ReadOnlyWhenDisconnectedBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexPublishToWebDescriptionColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHidden FormatDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlTextAlignAggregateTypeResultTypeCurrencyLCIDDecimalPlacesRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowMultipleValues&AllowValueListEdits.ShowOnlyRowSourceValuesAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionTextFormatAppendOnlyValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByGUIDInputMaskCaption"ListItemsEditFormExpression       UwY8oDK1rH( )65 @tblPObjects|PCiK>K1rH( )6PObjectIDPxi$WK [>K1rH( )6PObjectNamep֩/IŦmwY8oDHrGkwY8oD7+wY8oDH"wY8oDwwY8oD 6Justification for integrity  - . / 0 1  2   IntegrityID   j bImpact of loss of integrity - Low, Moderate, High    o !Table/Query: "2SELECT tblFlowsCharacteristicsValues.FlowCharacteristicID, tblFlowsCharacteristicsValues.FlowCharacteristicName FROM tblFlowsCharacteristicsValues WHERE (((tblFlowsCharacteristicsValues.FlowCharacteristicTypeID)=13)) ORDER BY tblFlowsCharacteristicsValues.FlowCharacteristicOrder; # $ % & 0;2880 ' (2880twip ) *  +  ,  J& SecurityComments    Additional comments regarding the security analyP LVAL` sis for this quadruple  - . / 0 1  2   UseFIPS     Yes/No  No j    PPGEligible   p hCan this triple be routed through data distribution?  Yes/No  No j     WAIDEligible   p hCan this triple be routed through data distribution?  Yes/No  No j    gTripleID       LVAL&MR2PublishToWebOrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShade0ReadOnlyWhenDisconnectedBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlTextAlignAggregateTypeResultTypeCurrencyLCIDRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowMultipleValues&AllowValueListEdits.ShowOnlyRowSourceValuesColumnWidths8   l d U @DgH"@tblPObjectTypeskDe:5F^9/D~mQB1+ProfileNameϝYMFv7D~mQB1+ProfileLongNameT'^hMD~mQB1+ProfilePrimaryELf \D~mQB1+ProfileDescriptionå ]tSGքD~mQB1+ProfileCommentC=ۡ5C:@ƈ;D~mQB1+ARCITDiagramOffset^pKPeOb5{oD~mQB1+UserDefined:CL1D~mQB1+ProfileIncludeDefault++IIJr'=D~mQB1+ProfileIncludeUser          B  B     B B    ProfileName Q     m        *$ProfileDescription B        !  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" 0twip # $ % & 'SELECT tblProfiles.ProfileID, tblProfiles.ProfileName FROM tblProfiles;  ( 0;5760StandardID      )0  o     Table/Query 'SELECT tblStandards.StandardID, tblStandards.StandardShortName FROM tblStandards;     ( 0;5760 ! " 0twip # $ % &UserDefined    * Yes/No  )No j    LayerID      )0  o     Table/Query 'SELECT tblLayersforCommView.LayerID, tblLayeLVAL#rsforCommView.LayerName FROM tblLayersforCommView;     ( 0;5760 ! " 0twip # $ % &cLVALsMR2OrderByOnDescriptionColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlGUIDValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByNameMapDefaultView FormatInputMaskCaptionSmartTags; , $This table identifies all flows that are associated with each project. Note that these flows may or may not be part of the regional architecture. Im2iK5O4-    UIm2iK5O4-ot@A~tblProjectArchitecture%cuAߨ+5Im2iK5O4-RegionalFlowID]2M1XɾHIm2iK5O4-ProjectIDGDHf.Im2iK5O4-ProjectFlowStatus$f~CmKIm2iK5O4-Delete<էO<-[zIm2iK5O4-CommElement  "RegionalFlowID      0  m xForeign key identifies the flow in "tblRegionalArchitecture" %cuAߨ+5 ProjectID      0  m Foreign key identifies the project that is associated with the flow ]2M1XɾH Delete   l dBoolean supports selective deletion added in 3.1.4  Yes/No  j $f~CmK("ProjectFlowStatus      0  m GDHf.CommElement   ~ v0 for no comm element, ElementID if comm element associated   0  m @ȸKtA1LVALMR2OrderByOnDescriptionColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlGUID FilterOrderByValidationRuleValidationTextOrientationNameMapDefaultView FormatInputMaskCaptionSmartTags L DThis table associates projects and systems. It should include a subset of the systems that participate in the project flows identified in tblProjectArchitecture. ]/غ8_H낔}u 8 0 U]/غ8_H낔}uT60+@tblElementArchw]VL\]/غ8_H낔}uElementID_YavN5lK]/غ8_H낔}uProjectIDQIpK.]8]/غ8_H낔}uElementStatus  ElementID   h `Foreign key identifying the user defined element   0  m w]VL\ProjectID   n fIdentifies the project associated with this element   0  m _YavN5lK ElementStatus   D <Element status for the project   0  m QIpK.]8LVAL*K=MR2DOrderByOnDescriptionColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByNameMapDefaultViewGUID FormatCaptionInputMaskDefaultValueIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlaces8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeTextFormatShowDatePicker  This table lists all projects that have been defined and includes associated project-level information.    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Yes/No  j 1̮ %IR!쿧Comment   N FOptional comment field for the user      W N J`$MarketPackageID   P HUniquely identifies a market package    0  m 1 GF4IB Applicability   X P"Existing" or "Planned" or "Not Planned"    0  m " #L]TqLVAL*KEMR2DOrderByOnDescriptionOrientationNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionDisplayControlDecimalPlacesDefaultValueGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy FormatCaptionSmartTagsInputMask8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldTextAlignAggregateTypeTextFormatShowDatePickerJ  This table lists all projects that have been defined and includes associated project-level information.   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'; ArchID    Uniquely identifies a Project or -1 to refer to the Regional architecture   0  m nNj'Dj " # % &Touched    Identifies if the user has added/changed an entry outside the interview (Identifies potentially conflicting changes.) 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" 0;2880 # $2880twip % & ' (Note     ) * + , -  .   SPID 4     o Table/Query SELECT [tblSPs].SPID, tblSPs.[SPLongName] FROM tblSPs ORDER BY tblSPs.[SPLongName];    ! " 0;5760 # $5760twip % &  '  (  $AffiliateTypeID      o Table/Query SELECT tblAffiliateTypes.AffiliateTypeID, tblAffiliateTypes.AffiliateType FROM tblAffiliateTypes;    !  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"B #B $ % 2$SourcePObjectID    Source for an interface that normally does not cross stakeholder boundaries   0  o Table/Query SELECT tblPObjects.PObjectID, tblPObjects.PObjectName FROM tblPObjects ORDER BY tblPObjects.PObjectName;        4752twip  432;4320 ) * + - . 0 1.(DestinationPObjectID    Destination for an interface that normally does not cross stakeholder boundaries   0  o Table/Query SELECT tblPObjects.PObjectID, tblPObjects.PObjectName FROM tblPObjects ORDER BY tblPObjects.PObjectName;       432;4320  4752twip  ) * + - . 0 1|LVALMR2OrderByOnDescriptionColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlGUID h `This table associates systems with stakeholders. Ǖؚ_M  StakeholderID   p hForeign key identifying the user-defined stakeholder   0  m 2]E,m٩ElementID   h `Foreign key identifying the user-defined element   0  m v3D~3uMR2LOrderByOnDescriptionColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByNameMapDefaultViewGUID FormatDecimalPlacesInputMaskCaptionDefaultValue8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDPublishToWebc  This table allows a stakeholder group to be related to many stakeholders   U]W/NäEWqL1W}@tblStakeholderGroups١zvmJ-ӑ]W/NäEWqLGroupStakeholderID7|Evzg]W/NäEWqLStakeholderID  ]W/NäEWqL      B B   B B   ! '1,&ParentStakeholderID   v nStakeholderID for the parent (more general) Stakeholder   0  m ١zvmJ-ӑ " # % &/*$ChildStakeholderID   v nStakeholderID for the child (more specific) Stakeholder   0  m 7|Evzg " # % &LVALMR2OrderByOnDescriptionColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByNameMapDefaultViewGUID FormatCaptionInputMaskDefaultValueIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompression8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDTextFormatAppendOnlyPublishToWeb r jThis table identifies all stakeholders in the region.   x U <}Hު:H}@tblStakeholdersς/c:@Hlj <}Hު:HStakeholderID -%*E ފJ6 <}Hު:HStakeholderNamey(2LE ] <}Hު:HStakeholderDescriptionBf>[At,w% <}Hު:HStakeholderGroup  6L:>      B B    B !B " # + StakeholderID   v nArtificial key that uniquely identifies the stakeholder qIIS $ % ' (42,StakeholderDescription   Z RUser provided notes about the stakeholder      ~_AF]N^ ) $ * % ' ($StakeholderName   T LUser provided name for the stakeholder   m    rI5bDJox $ % ' ( New     Yes/No  No j $ % ' (KvcP<) y  e R ? +   { h T A . }jWC0 lYF2 o[H5   iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp   y  y iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp y  t  t iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp t  k  k iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp k  f  f iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp f  a  a iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp a  \  \ iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp \  W  W iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp W  <  < iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp <  8  8 iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp 8  .  . iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp .  LVALMR2^OrderByOnDescriptionOrientationNameMapDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShade0ReadOnlyWhenDisconnectedBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexPublishToWebColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlTextAlignAggregateTypeResultTypeCurrencyLCID FormatValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByGUIDInputMaskCaptionExpressionB  This table associates project elements (systems/subsystems) with stakeholders.   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This boolean allows user to exclude triples that aren't related to the agreement.  Yes/No Yes j    Touched   d \Allows us to keep track of user tailoring so we don't override. Mentioned in design note 33, but not sure this is required as we may never override an existing include value  Yes/No  No j    vNote    User could make notes on rationale, etc. as he/she is tailoring the triple associations for an agreement     ! " #  $   m0*AgreementTripleStatus    Status of inclusion of the flow in the agreement. Do we need a separate status value for this?   0  m    "Source Element      0  m    ,&Destination Element      0  m    Flow LVAL     0  m    LVAL-MR2PublishToWebOrientationOrderByOnDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenTextAlignAggregateTypeResultTypeCurrencyLCIDDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControl Format FilterOrderBy           B  B      B B  82TempAgreementStakholderID        StakeholderID      0  m    4.AssociatedStakeholderID      0  m    "RegionalFlowID      0  m     Bidir     Yes/No  No j    "CoordinationID      0  m    dLVALtMR20OrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexPublishToWebColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlDescriptionTextAlignAggregateTypeResultTypeCurrencyLCID FormatAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionTextFormatAppendOnly    UglF߆ƭJ6 ҇@tblAgreementStakeholders"]uBHv\glF߆ƭAgreementID`@<=L#ˏglF߆ƭStakeholderID        B  B      B B   AgreementID      0  m ~The agreement that is either auto-generated or manually entered    "RegionalFlowID S     0  mT LUniquely identifies the element triple    Include   > 6All triples that can be associated with the agreement are in this table. This boolean allows user to exclude triples that aren't related to the agreement.  Yes/No Yes j    Touched   d \Allows us to keep track of user tailoring so we don't override. Mentioned in design note 33, but not sure this is required as we may never override an existing include value  Yes/No  No j    vNote    User could make notes on rationale, etc. as he/she is tailoring the triple associations for an agreement     ! " #  $   m0*AgreementTripleStatus    Status of inclusion of the flow in the agreement. Do we need a separate status value for this?   0  m    LVAL*KxMR2&OrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredDisplayControlDecimalPlacesDefaultValueAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompression FormatGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByDescriptionInputMaskCaptionSmartTags8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldTextAlignAggregateTypeTextFormatd    U߄T K_{Z4@tblTempCustomize6FCh߄T K_SourceElement8QDoޗ}C߄T K_DestinationElement N?N;T߄T K_FlowNameŸ L(EBli߄T K_FlowStatusま~cF0…NA߄T K_FlowStatusDisplay&f $C Q;V߄T K_InArch*W參FSgMK߄T K_OldInArchA)iJH߄T K_Touched^f⎱GPz߄T K_LastBuild4$(wE Y\"߄T K_Show`N#BExg!}߄T K_InRegionalArch,@kBA@iA߄T K_CommElement4$(oOlH߄T K_Comment+XK8(߄T K_RegionalFlowID   ߄T K_     y InArch     m &f $C Q;V  FlowStatus       m Ÿ L(EBli  LastBuild     m ^f⎱GPz   SourceElement       m      6FCh  *$DestinationElement       m      8QDoޗ}C  FlowName       m       N?N;T  Touched     Yes/No  j A)iJH  Show     Yes/No  j 4$(wE Y\"  "InRegionalArch     Yes/No  j `N#BExg!}  Comment            4$(oOlH    CommElement   ~ v0 for no comm element, ElementID if comm element associated    0  m ,@kBA@iA  OldInArch     Yes/No  j *W參FSgMK  ("FlowStatusDisplay       m   ま~cF0…NA^"RegionalFlowID   LVAL  LVAL*KzMR2&OrientationOrderByOnDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlacesDefaultValue FormatGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByNameMapDescriptionInputMaskCaptionSmartTags8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldTextAlignAggregateTypeTextFormat     SmB7r  U SmB7rs6 6|@abiltblTempFunction/L@IC _ SmB7rTempFunID}~ CC SmB7rEntityIDm}"aIrL SmB7rElementIDG9Kֶ SmB7rEquipmentPackageIDGyGЈs SmB7rEquipmentPackageOrder=IJJuH SmB7rEquipmentPackageNamepdVL+ SmB7rNumberzlF@9B SmB7rRequirement㙕$CӞlvF SmB7rStatus ђ?xMmm SmB7rDisplayStatusGQS1Oޅ SmB7rDisplayStatusOrderJUz,+O! SmB7rInclude`I@\ω= SmB7rTailoredp[1Oz SmB7rTouchedHt}L-Nz{ SmB7rInRegionAӯhM#1Ajb SmB7rApplicability      {Include     j JUz,+O!  .(EquipmentPackageName      m       =IJJuH  Requirement            zlF@9B     Status       0  m 㙕$CӞlvF  Tailored     Yes/No  j `I@\ω=  Touched     Yes/No  j p[1Oz  0*EquipmentPackageOrder       0  m GyGЈs   Applicability       0  m AӯhM#1Ajb  EntityID       0  m }~ CC   Number       0  m pdVL+  *$EquipmentPackageID       0  m G9Kֶ  ElementID       0  m m}"aIrL   DisplayStatus       0  m  ђ?xMmm   LVAL0InRegion     Yes/No  j Ht}L-Nz{  *$DisplayStatusOrder       0  m    E++TempFunID      m         }#7(BY{LVALMR2OrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionDescriptionDecimalPlacesDefaultValueGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy FormatCaptionSmartTagsInputMask8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDTextFormatAppendOnlyPublishToWeb    UK W]@DJI.C])-@tblTempImportAgreements]fЈG)ϋ"K W]@DJI.AgreementIDڒC~ PK W]@DJI.AgreementNumber~Ã8I v` K W]@DJI.AgreementTitleupקEMc!K W]@DJI.AgreementTypeX>xARⴼYUK W]@DJI.AgreementLeaduBqA K W]@DJI.AgreementStatusDurc֦_K W]@DJI.AgreementDescription /$ {G&L@ZK W]@DJI.ImportAgreementID   K W]@DJI.      B B   ! "B #B $ % -$AgreementNumber       m       ڒC~ P & ' ) *"AgreementTitle       m       ~Ã8I v` & ' ) * AgreementType       m       upקEMc! & ' ) * AgreementLead   " StakeholderID   0   m X>xARⴼYU & ' ) *$AgreementStatus    StatusID   0   m uBqA & ' ) *.(AgreementDescription            Durc֦_ + & , ' ) *AgreementID      0   m & ' ) *("ImportAgreementID      0   m & ' ) *W LVALg MR2OrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByGUIDDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionSmartTags    U` ^oDdJuqdn)-@tblTempImportAgreementsStakeholdersPP`Gp]jN` ^oDdJuqAgreementIDf묧Ga;'5LX` ^oDdJuqImportStakeholderIDw[ ]EOb` ^oDdJuqStakeholderIDvwI]6l` ^oDdJuqImportAgreementID   ` ^oDdJuqiAgreementID      0    my,&ImportStakeholderID      0    mm StakeholderID      0    mu("ImportAgreementID      0    mLVALMR2OrderByOnDescriptionColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLength FormatGUIDValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexInputMaskCaptionTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionPublishToWebo  This table associates user-defined systems with architecture entities. n݌ALmjY        B B   B B   )$ImportElementID   f ^Foreign key identifies the user-defined element   0  m {il5aBx5`b ! " $ %g"ImportEntityID    Foreign key identifies the associated National ITS Architecture or user-defined entity.   0  m C`ORRsm ! " $ %HEntityName    Name used to identify key conflicts/key mappings between databases.    m p^/C5^ & ' ( ! " $ %EntityID   8 0Local key for the entity   0  m coEG?[T ! " $ % AutoGenerated    Yes/No  j x-HF3 ! " $ %EntityKind    "Subsystem", "Terminator", or "UserDefined" - Added in V1.1 to correct/improve entity import algorithm.    m #rj`NAjZN & ' ( ! " $ %LVAL*KMR2VOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionSmartTags8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDTextFormatAppendOnlyPublishToWebRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowMultipleValues&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValues      U`6uD?9;,T57u@A~tblTempImportElementsNFEB6? i`6uD?9;,TImportElementIDŪe1EIER)`6uD?9;,TElementIDEaAtښ`6uD?9;,TElementName"ZFCzC=%f^`6uD?9;,TElementStatus Jߏ .Lf8yA`6uD?9;,TElementDescriptiong q(kN‡ev`6uD?9;,TElementType  `6uD?9;,T      B B   ! "B #B $ % -$ImportElementID      0    m NFEB6? i & ' ) *ElementID e     0    m Ūe1EIER) & ' ) *ElementName         m      EaAtښ & ' ) **$ElementDescription              Jߏ .Lf8yA + & , ' ) * ElementStatus      0    m "ZFCzC=%f^ & ' ) * ElementKindID        o .Table/Queryh /`SELECT tblElementKinds.ElementKindID, tblKinds.KindName FROM tblKinds INNER JOIN tblElementKinds ON tblKinds.KindID = tblElementKinds.ElementKindID ORDER BY tblKinds.KindName; 0 1 2 3 0;5760 4 5 0twip 6 7 & 8 ' : ) * "ElementClassID   r jVehicle vs. Center LVALvs. Field vs. Traveler vs. Support     o .Table/Query /SELECT tblElementClasses.ElementClassID, tblClasses.ClassName FROM tblClasses INNER JOIN tblElementClasses ON tblClasses.ClassID = tblElementClasses.ElementClassID ORDER BY tblClasses.ClassName; 0 1 2 3 0;5760 4 5 0twip 6 7 & 8 ' : ) * ElementTypeID   (  Human vs. System     o .Table/Queryh /`SELECT tblElementTypes.ElementTypeID, tblTypes.TypeName FROM tblTypes INNER JOIN tblElementTypes ON tblTypes.TypeID = tblElementTypes.ElementTypeID ORDER BY tblTypes.TypeName; 0 1 2 3 0;5760 4 5 0twip 6 7 & 8 ' : ) *$ElementParentID   ` XIf element is an instance of another element   0    m & ' ) *$ElementDomainID   H @Transportation vs. Communication     o .Table/Query /SELECT tblElementDomains.ElementDomainID, tblDomains.DomainName FROM tblDomains INNER JOIN tblElementDomains ON tblDomains.DomainID = tblElementDomains.ElementDomainID ORDER BY tblDomains.DomainName; 0 1 2 3 0;5760 4 5 0twip 6 7 & 8 ' : ) * Functionality   h `Should functionality be defined for this element  Yes/No  j & ' ) *,&ElementAbbreviation         m      & ' ) *LVAL MR2RowHeightOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompression FormatGUID Y  N F UsiEA`vƆ @tblEPArch_⬔KBsiEA`vEquipmentPackageIDzA%J%ՂisiEA`vElementIDW%puJ_LbsiEA`vArchitectureID0WxpZA siEA`vDelete *$EquipmentPackageID    Local EPID    0    m lz E%LhWȣ$ImportElementID   (  Remote ElementID    0    m e[^OEn}B.(EquipmentPackageName   F >Resolve collisions in target DB      m    +3-Le6GUserDefined   ~ vCan be useful in determining how best to resolve collisions  Yes/No    j aL(yB$60ImportEquipmentPackageID    Remote EPID    0    m YsGqM1A1"ImportEntityID   & Remote entityID    0    m =ACYsLVALMR2OrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionGUIDy  R J U?i!HLF/vy4^i@tblEPElementsRequirements/:2F?i!HLF/vEPElementReqID2HuT?i!HLF/vEquipmentPackageIDg8p9LHoP o?i!HLF/vElementIDͧ/Jh@[w?i!HLF/vRequirementIDIF*"I(2v-V?i!HLF/vStatusID—Y2My@F,0tblProjectRequirements̸4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp g  a  a iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp a  \  \ iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp \  V  V iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp V  O  O iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp O  H  H iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp H  D  D iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp D  ?  ? iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp ?  <  < iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp <  7  7 iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp 7  3  3 iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp 3  -  - iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp -  '  ' iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp '  "  " iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp "     iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp   LVAL*KMR2OrderByOnDescriptionColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDefaultValueDisplayControl FormatDecimalPlacesValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexInputMaskCaptionTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionTextFormatAppendOnlyPublishToWebc  This table defines all architecture flows, including those defined by the National Architecture as well as those defined by the user. Assumes maint/setup process to import these flows. (TBD).    k*"lUH'mXUG      B B   B B   +$FlowDescription     0 (The flow description & ' ( ) ! * " $ %FlowKind   " "UserDefined"   m Distinguishes between National ITS Architecture and User Defined Flows. "UserDefined" or "National". & ' ( ! " $ %l"FlowFuturistic    Set to "Yes" for very advanced flows. Allows selective filtering of futuristic flows at user option. Yes/No  j ! " $ % FlowID    Uniquely identifies flows including those imported from the National Architecture as well as those defined by the user.    0  m ! " $ %ImportFlowID   ~ vFlowID in the remote file, allows translation during import    0  m ! " $ %FlowName   2 *The name of the flow.   m & ' ( ! " $ %FlowTypeID     "Request" or "Information" (The same information flow can be either solicited or unsolicited, so we shouldn't distinguish this here.)    0  m !/LVAL? " $ %Discontinued    Yes/No  No j ! " $ %LVAL*KMR2OrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlDescriptionAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompression FormatGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByCaptionSmartTagsInputMask8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDPublishToWeb    UPd+BM%5ٷl23-@tblTempImportFlowStandards|4*G&*ǸPd+BM%5ٷlEntityFlowStdIDjy~@^ѹ)xPd+BM%5ٷlSourceEntityID1=X@`/;bPd+BM%5ٷlDestinationEntityIDQ6OÙ@Du,Pd+BM%5ٷlFlowID|b6@M>ڡPd+BM%5ٷlStandardIDANumeric identifier for the Need   0  m   F;$Mb & 'SPID      R JNumeric identifier for Market Package   0  m   6ԢaAm & '("ImportObjectiveID         0  m   & 'ImportSPID         0  m   & 'MR2OrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy FormatInputMaskCaptionSmartTags  B : U H/Lt'vTŇmJ-@tblTempImportFlowStandardsTailoringCjXB :RܓP H/Lt'vTImportEntityFlowStdID{Fte6é H/Lt'vTEntityFlowStdID    H/Lt'vT0*ImportEntityFlowStdID   b ZIdentifies a flow triplet to standard mapping   0    m CjXB :RܓP$EntityFlowStdID      0    m {Fte6éLVAL*KMR2RowHeightOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShade0ReadOnlyWhenDisconnectedBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexPublishToWebDescriptionColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlTextAlignAggregateTypeResultTypeCurrencyLCID FormatAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionTextFormatAppendOnlyValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByGUIDCaptionExpressionInputMask H    U#$ CQW@tblNeedAreasZ<ǖK(w#$ CQWNeedAreaID¤DLQeS|#$ CQWNeedAreaSortOrder] wGSe^rO#$ CQWNeedAreaName)T$vCItblTempImportNeedPMsp:Ot^x^D4NeedID:JId9H6Gx^D4PMID&)a-Alx^D4ImportNeedID7 'ZKt|jfx^D4ImportPMID         x^D4 B B    !B "B # $ (ObjectiveID      F >Numeric identifier for the Need   0  m   p:Ot^ & 'PMID      \ TNumeric identifier for Performance Measure   0  m   :JId9H6G & '("ImportObjectiveID         0  m   & 'ImportPMID         0  m   & 'ULVAL*KeMR2OrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenTextAlignAggregateTypeRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionDescriptionTextFormatDecimalPlacesGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy FormatCaptionSmartTagsInputMaskDefaultValueBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDAppendOnlyPublishToWeb]   z UFHRDfQ1b^}ͱ@1 tblTempImportNeeds%B}Ob#FHRDfQ1bImportNeedID[FzJHꈨ^{FHRDfQ1bNeedIDhIL+ >FHRDfQ1bNeedNumberSj*JVm滰FHRDfQ1bNeedName9XEwjFHRDfQ1bNeedDescription_M1AtԁVFHRDfQ1bNeedSourceM&8=@ty˵FHRDfQ1bImportNeedParent!EwUA=2 mFHRDfQ1bNeedParent        FHRDfQ1b !B "B # $ %B &B ' ( - ObjectiveName         m       ^ VRequired field. Concise statement of need. Sj*JVm滰 * +.(ObjectiveDescription                (  Explanatory text 9XEwj , * +$ObjectiveSource         m       L DWhere did the Objective come from. _M1AtԁV * +$ObjectiveNumber      0 (User provided number   m        hIL+ > * +0*ImportObjectiveParent         m     M&8=@ty˵ * +ObjectiveID         m     [FzJHꈨ^{  0 * +("ImportObjectiveID         m     %B}Ob#  0 * +$ObjectiveParent      j bObjectiveID of parent or 0 if this is a root node   m     !EwUA=2 m  0 * +wLVALMR2OrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenTextAlignAggregateTypeDescriptionRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy FormatCaptionSmartTagsInputMaskDefaultValueDecimalPlacesBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDPublishToWeb    UO/Bd﹐Ԃ[ͱ@tblTempImportPerformanceMeasuresH ENLzyO/Bd﹐ԂImportPMIDJ/M$8O/Bd﹐ԂPMID3B+BܾO/Bd﹐ԂPMNumberM$ bHAh_`O/Bd﹐ԂPMCategoryѴ!J>Z{˟O/Bd﹐ԂPM        O/Bd﹐Ԃ  B !B " # $B %B & ' +PMCategory      T LUser provided category. Also optional   m        M$ bHAh_` ) *  PM      b ZSuccinct statement of the performance measure   m        Ѵ!J>Z{˟ ) *PMNumber      H @User provided number. Optional.   m        3B+Bܾ ) *PMID         m      0 ) *ImportPMID         m      0 ) *LVAL*KMR22OrderByOnDescriptionColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndex FormatInputMaskCaptionTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionTextFormatAppendOnlyRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowMultipleValues&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValuesPublishToWeb  This table identifies all entities, including those defined by the National Architecture as well as those defined by the user. Assumes maint/setup import process. User defined entities could be replaced by a single "No Mapping" entry. (TBD)    %uhbN2dC      B B   B B   8PObjectID   V NUnique identifier for the local PObject   0  m ! " $ %$ImportPObjectID   T LUnique identifier in the import table.   0  m ! " $ %PObjectName    Long Name    m & ' ( ! " $ % PObjectAbbrev     Abbreviation    m & ' ( ! " $ %*$PObjectDescription    Description    & ' ( ) ! * " $ % PObjectKindID   > 6Subsystem vs. Terminator...   o +Table/Queryh ,`SELECT tblPObjectKinds.PObjectKindID, tblKinds.KindName FROM tblKinds INNER JOIN tblPObjectKinds ON tblKinds.KindID = tblPObjectKinds.PObjectKindID ORDER BY tblKinds.KindName; - . / 0 0;5760 1 2 0twip 3 4 ! 5 " 7 &LVAL6$ %"PObjectClassID   Z RVehicle vs. Center vs. Field vs. Traveler   o +Table/Query ,SELECT tblPObjectClasses.PObjectClassID, tblClasses.ClassName FROM tblClasses INNER JOIN tblPObjectClasses ON tblClasses.ClassID = tblPObjectClasses.PObjectClassID ORDER BY tblClasses.ClassName; - . / 0 0;5760 1 2 0twip 3 4 ! 5 " 7 $ % PObjectTypeID   J BHuman vs. System vs. Other System   o +Table/Queryh ,`SELECT tblPObjectTypes.PObjectTypeID, tblTypes.TypeName FROM tblTypes INNER JOIN tblPObjectTypes ON tblTypes.TypeID = tblPObjectTypes.PObjectTypeID ORDER BY tblTypes.TypeName; - . / 0 0;5760 1 2 0twip 3 4 ! 5 " 7 $ %$PObjectDomainID   H @Transportation vs. Communication   o +Table/Query ,SELECT tblPObjectDomains.PObjectDomainID, tblDomains.DomainName FROM tblPObjectDomains INNER JOIN tblDomains ON tblPObjectDomains.PObjectDomainID = tblDomains.DomainID ORDER BY tblDomains.DomainName; - . / 0 0;5760 1 2 0twip 3 4 ! 5 " 7 $ % PObjectOrigin   $ PObject Source    o +Table/Query` ,XSELECT tblOrigins.OriginID FROM tblOrigins; - . / 1 2 0twip 3 & ' ( 4 ! 5 " 7 $ %UserDefined     Yes/No Yes j ! " $ %Discontinued     Yes/No  No j ! " $ % LVAL MR2OrderByOnDescriptionColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByNameMapDefaultViewGUID FormatInputMaskCaptionSmartTags L DThis table associates projects and systems. It should include a subset of the systems that participate in the project flows identified in tblProjectArchitecture.  $  UssvJ7ۀ86[,@tblTempImportProjectElementslk7/M$@h>ssvJ7ۀ8ImportElementID/,IGp}1ssvJ7ۀ8ElementStatus   ssvJ7ۀ8$ImportElementID   h `Foreign key identifying the user defined element   0  m ElementStatus   D <Element status for the project   0  mLVALMR2OrderByOnDescriptionOrientationNameMapDefaultViewRowHeightColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionDisplayControlGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy FormatCaptionSmartTagsInputMaskDefaultValueDecimalPlaces8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDTextFormatAppendOnlyPublishToWeb9  This table identifies the Market Packages that are applicable to projects and/or the region.   UCBDA: pD,@tblTempImportRRAreasI=D3-Ш!CBDA: pImportRRAreaIDD]7C>LCBDA: pRRAreaIDe!FAhjH+CBDA: pRRAreaName.~VE CBDA: pRRAreaDescription   W CBDA: p      B  B ! " #B $B % & .("RRAreaDescription              .~VE , ' - ( * +RRAreaName        m       e!FAhjH+ ' ( * +RRAreaID      0   m ' ( * +"ImportRRAreaID      0   m ' ( * +[ PK    ' ( * +LVALMR2TRowHeightOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy FormatInputMaskCaptionSmartTags8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDPublishToWeb Y    UFZ{_RBC$relt,@tblTempImportRRAreaMPsMt eMbIaSFZ{_RBC$reRRAreaIDq?CL)FZ{_RBC$reMarketPackageIDݡ)LC-TۑtFZ{_RBC$reImportRRAreaIDHڇwAӹ71DU FZ{_RBC$reImportMarketPackageID   FZ{_RBC$re      B B   B  B ! " (RRAreaID       0    m Mt eMbIaS # $ & 'SPID       0    m q?CL) # $ & '"ImportRRAreaID       0    m # $ & 'ImportSPID       0    m # $ & 'kLVAL}MR2OrderByOnDescriptionOrientationNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControl FormatGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByInputMaskCaptionSmartTags  This table identifies the Market Packages that are applicable to projects and/or the region.   UTw@X) Wz*0 -@tblTempImportRRAreaStakeholdersRRs7 x!E?TTw@X) WRRAreaStakeID2X"kN&Tw@X) WRRStatus=2RH 37kTw@X) WRRIDQH#;LoߝTw@X) WDeleteG}h-6OqXJTw@X) WImportRRAreaStakeID"mADDu|E'Tw@X) WImportRRID   Tw@X) WRRStatus   L D-1 = no specific status specified.   0    m 2X"kN& RRAreaStakeID      0    m 7 x!E?TRRID   B :Pointer to the RR description   0    m =2RH 37kx Delete    Yes/No    j QH#;Loߝy,&ImportRRAreaStakeID      0    mgImportRRID      0    mMR2RowHeightOrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy FormatInputMaskCaptionSmartTags Y  F > U>kkkkkkkkhJH^aMrpRRDescriptionText2   JH^aMrp[RRID       0  m*$RRDescriptionText1   . &Used for comparison    m      *$RRDescriptionText2   . &Used for comparison    m      MR2BOrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionRequiredAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy FormatCaptionSmartTagsDefaultValueDecimalPlacesInputMaskDisplayControl    UzzuʻNޚdE/-@tblTempImportRRsu )IsC,\3zzuʻNޚdImportRRIDg2ȵHF)4=zzuʻNޚdRRID#ɽsDJ$VgzzuʻNޚdRRDescriptionG6 ɇzzuʻNޚdRRDescriptionText10XH8cIDZzzuʻNޚdRRDescriptionText2   zzuʻNޚd RRDescription   N FRole and responsibility description          #ɽsDJ$Vg[RRID      0  mgImportRRID      0  m*$RRDescriptionText1   . &Used for comparison    m      *$RRDescriptionText2   . &Used for comparison    m      LVAL'MR2OrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlDescription FormatValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexInputMaskCaptionTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDPublishToWeb     e-jKGs      B B   B B   %$ImportElementID      0  md \Foreign key identifying the associated element   ! # $Include    Yes/No  jz rHas this element been associated with this MarketPackage?   ! # $SPID   T LUnique Identifier for a market package   0  m   ! # $LVALMR2OrderByOnDescriptionOrientationDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndex FormatInputMaskCaptionTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDTextFormatAppendOnlyPublishToWeb' L DThis table associates projects and systems. It should include a subset of the systems that participate in the project flows identified in tblProjectArchitecture.   %MCLaA"e      B B   B B    +ImportSPID   d \Unique numeric identifier for a market package   0    m $ % ' (SPID   d \Unique numeric identifier for a market package   0    m $ % ' (SPStatus     Status   0    m $ % ' (SPLongName   @ 8Long Name for Market Package      m      $ % ' (LVAL*KMR2BOrderByOnDescriptionOrientationDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompression FormatValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByNameMapGUIDInputMaskCaption8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDTextFormatAppendOnlyPublishToWebRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowMultipleValues&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValues  This table defines all architecture flows, including those defined by the National Architecture as well as those defined by the user. Assumes maint/setup process to import these flows. (TBD).    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A flag indicates whether a particular flow is in the regional architecture.    Uk,0@XLe=ƒ_$;u@ptblTempImportSrcDestFlowy JEUj&8k,0@XLe=ImportRegionalFlowIDvپaM XL5k,0@XLe=RegionalFlowIDܱ%_ph@Q k,0@XLe=SourceElementIDfVJtk`'k,0@XLe=DestinationElementIDQ݋3UtIdk,0@XLe=FlowID5ЉXKW[k,0@XLe=FlowStatus>LS}-k,0@XLe=Touchedp2NR¨k,0@XLe=Comment`TW@I8hk,0@XLe=CommElement  k,0@XLe=$SourceElementID      0    mr jIdentifies the element that is the source of the flow.(DestinationElementID      0    m~ vIdentifies the element that is the destination for the flow FlowID      0    m. &Identifies the flowComment   N FOptional comment field for the user         Touched   ` XHas this entry been updated and/or tailored?  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U' D!BMo([Oy6@tblTempImportStakeholderGroupsthD,s6IB/{' D!BMo([ImportGroupStakeholderID JmM#g' D!BMo([ImportStakeholderIDdAEWn' D!BMo([StakeholderIDRo6I&' D!BMo([StakeholderName0h @$8' D!BMo([GroupStakeholderID  ' D!BMo([y,&ImportStakeholderID      0    m60ImportGroupStakeholderID      0    m StakeholderID   P HLocal key for the stakeholder member   0    m$StakeholderName    Name used to identify key conflicts/key mappings between databases.      m     w*$GroupStakeholderID      0    m-LVAL=MR2OrderByOnDescriptionOrientationDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlacesDefaultValueDisplayControl FormatValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByNameMapGUIDInputMaskCaptionSmartTags8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDTextFormatAppendOnlyPublishToWeb r jThis table identifies all stakeholders in the region.  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"B #B $ % -2,StakeholderDescription   Z RUser provided notes about the stakeholder         + & , ' ) * StakeholderID   X PLocal identification for the stakeholder    0  m & ' ) *,&ImportStakeholderID   v nIdentification for the stakeholder in the import table.    0  m & ' ) *$StakeholderName   T LUser provided name for the stakeholder   m       & ' ) *& StakeholderGroup     Yes/No  j & ' ) * InArch     Yes/No  j & ' ) *MLVAL]MR2OrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewRowHeightColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompression FormatDefaultValueGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByDescriptionInputMaskCaptionSmartTags8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDTextFormatAppendOnlyPublishToWeby    UȎ;E3ܘ3-@tblTempImportStandardGroupsLǰE jMȎ;E3ܘStandardGroup.E7A\Ȏ;E3ܘSDO&Jڹ%N Қ-'.Ȏ;E3ܘStandardGroupShortName8'a%LԂAȎ;E3ܘStandardGroupNameceQFd7£xȎ;E3ܘStandardGroupNarrativepE8.XI,Ȏ;E3ܘUserDefinedm,~LF]4{{ Ȏ;E3ܘImportStandardGroup   } Ȏ;E3ܘ      B B   ! "B #B $ % - SDO        m       .E7A\ & ' ) *2,StandardGroupNarrative             ceQFd7£x + & , ' ) *("StandardGroupName        m       8'a%LԂA & ' ) *UserDefined     Yes/No   j  No pE8.XI, & ' ) * StandardGroup        m       LǰE jM & ' ) *2,StandardGroupShortName        m       &Jڹ%N Қ-'. & ' ) *,&ImportStandardGroup        m       & ' ) *KvcP<) y  e R ? +   { h T A . }jWC0 lYF2 o[H5   iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp      iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp   |  | iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp |  x  x iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp x  r  r iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp r  n  n iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp n  j  j iImGnef ^φte>4H :OFa|BVԞ 0z'kw 6?|U3 mxZ2SqRp j  eLVAL wMR2OrderByOnOrientationNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueIMEModeIMESentenceModeSmartTags8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDDecimalPlacesPublishToWeb    U0S+Lu}7P0e/3-@tblTempImportStandardGroupStandardsXn&\E̜i0S+Lu}7PStandardGroupKGM#s=0S+Lu}7PStandardIDM^B#}0S+Lu}7PImportStandardGroupW\΄sSDkR\*0S+Lu}7PImportStandardID   0S+Lu}7P      B B    !B "B # $ +StandardID       m   KGM#s=   % & ( ) StandardGroup       m   Xn&\E̜i   % & ( ),&ImportStandardGroup       m     % & ( )& ImportStandardID    *  0   m % & ( )MR2BOrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlacesDefaultValue FormatValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByGUIDInputMaskCaptionSmartTagsq  2 * U
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"B #B $ % ..(ImportSourceEntityID t     0  m Table/Query` XSELECT [Physical Entities].Entity, [Physical Entities].[Entity Name] FROM [Physical Entities] ORDER BY [Physical Entities].[Entity Type], [Physical Entities].[Entity Name];       1440;3600  5040twip  xForeign key identifying the Source for the user defined flow ) * , -82ImportDestinationEntityID      0  m Table/Query` XSELECT [Physical Entities].Entity, [Physical Entities].[Entity Name] FROM [Physical Entities] ORDER BY [Physical Entities].[Entity Type], [Physical Entities].[Entity Name];       1440;3600  5040twip  Foreign key identifying the Destination for the user defined flow ) * , -ImportFlowID      0  m Table/QueryB :SELECT [Architecture Flow Definitions].[Architecture Flow] FROM [Architecture Flow Definitions] ORDER BY [Architecture Flow Definitions].[Architecture Flow];       3600  3600twip b ZForeign key identifying the user defined flow ) * , -"SourceEntityID   H @Source for the user defined flow   0  m Table/Query` XSELECT [Physical Entities].Entity, [Physical Entities].LVAL[Entity Name] FROM [Physical Entities] ORDER BY [Physical Entities].[Entity Type], [Physical Entities].[Entity Name];       1440;3600  5040twip  ) * , -,&DestinationEntityID   R JDestination for the user defined flow   0  m Table/Query` XSELECT [Physical Entities].Entity, [Physical Entities].[Entity Name] FROM [Physical Entities] ORDER BY [Physical Entities].[Entity Type], [Physical Entities].[Entity Name];       1440;3600  5040twip  ) * , - FlowID   H @Identifies the user defined flow   0  m Table/QueryB :SELECT [Architecture Flow Definitions].[Architecture Flow] FROM [Architecture Flow Definitions] ORDER BY [Architecture Flow Definitions].[Architecture Flow];       3600  3600twip  ) * , -o"ReplacesFlowID    Identifies the flow that should be aliased/replaced by this flow, if applicable. 0 for no replacement.   0  m ) * , -1LVALAMR2PublishToWebOrientationOrderByOnDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlTextAlignAggregateTypeResultTypeCurrencyLCIDDescriptionAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionTextFormatAppendOnlyValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByGUID FormatInputMaskCaptionExpression           B  B      B B   'QD*đB NeedID      0  m    , $Points to tblNeeds;"NeedPriorityID    Indicates the priority of this particular arch-need area instance of the need   0  m    NeedComment          !  "   NeedAreaID    Replaces NeedSPID. The area associated with the need. The same need can be associated with more than one area for the same architecture.   0  m    NeedNumber     This is the number the user can see and use - in particular this is the number the user is using for this particular arch-need-SP   m        - ArchID    -1 for regional architecture, project architecture id for project architecture   0  m    LVALMR2OrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenTextAlignAggregateTypeResultTypeCurrencyLCIDRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionDescription FormatDefaultValueb    UC[I=1hn` @tblTempPerformanceMeasuresߍMDK8C[I=1hPMID6DIn_C[I=1hPMNumberKdcxC[I=1hPMCategory 7H&C[I=1hPM(b BͽLC[I=1hPMInclude         B  B      B B  _PMID       PMCategory      m     T LUser provided category. 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A flag indicates whether a particular flow is in the regional architecture.  ^ V UD3@@<)OCpHSl.@tblTmpRegionalArchitectureUSrGHRpT=D3@@<)OSourceElementIDNYH,6uD3@@<)ODestinationElementIDyFF{!XmD3@@<)OFlowIDXecIyIMvrD3@@<)OInArch*4OލGD3@@<)OFlowStatusI€5Ezg=%bPD3@@<)ONewFloww CΟiD3@@<)ONewProjectFlowDXJǯDNQoPFD3@@<)OTouchedR JMi oD3@@<)OUnsupportedFlowlxDIX!^(YD3@@<)OReplacedFlow}TH"c$AD3@@<)OReplacesFlowID  D3@@<)O$SourceElementID      0    mr jIdentifies the element that is the source of the flow.(DestinationElementID      0    m~ vIdentifies the element that is the destination for the flow FlowID      0    m. &Identifies the flow InArch    Yes/No    jj bIs the flow in the regional/project architecture?NewFlow   | tIs this a new flow that is not in tblRegionalArchitecture? Yes/No    j "NewProjectFlow    Is this a flow that was not already linked to the project in tblProjectArchitecture? Yes/No    jTouched    Allows touched flag to be preset for less aggressive builds to prevent future override Yes/No    j($UnsupportedFlow    Is this an unsupported flow that is already on the customize tab and should be removed? 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