Hon. Daniel Ramos
San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA)
City of Adelanto
Phone: (760) 998-9248
Hon. Jeanette Sanchez-Palacios
Ventura Council of Governments (VCOG)
Hon. Nick Schultz
Arroyo Verdugo Communities Joint Powers Authority
City of Burbank
Phone: (818) 238-5750
Hon. Jennifer Stark
San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG)
Hon. Ali Taj
City of Artesia, Gateway Cities Council of Governments (GCCOG)
Phone: (562) 865-6262
Hon. Tamala Takahashi
San Fernando Valley Council of Governments (SFVCOG)
Hon. Connor Traut
Orange County Council of Governments
City of Buena Park
Phone: (714) 562-3762
Hon. Dale Welty
Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG)
Hon. Edward H.J. Wilson
Gateway Cities Council of Governments
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