Membership Benefits


SCAG Membership Has Value

The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) undertakes a variety of planning and policy initiatives to encourage a more sustainable Southern California now and in the future. As the nation’s largest metropolitan planning organization, SCAG provides excellent value for membership, including a forum to discuss regional issues, the ability to shape the legislative priorities of the region with the support in both Sacramento and Washington, D.C., and increased access to the knowledge and insight of ongoing federal, state, and local activities. SCAG members engage regionally to enhance policies and projects that benefit Southern California.

The SCAG region includes 16 federally recognized Tribal Governments, which are integral contributors to Southern California’s economy, culture and prosperity. SCAG is committed to including tribal governments in regional planning and transportation investment process. Review the Tribal Membership Factsheet to learn more about the benefits of becoming a member.

SCAG membership is voluntary, and dues are based on the respective populations of the counties and cities, as determined by the California Department of Finance’s most recent estimate. Review the Member Dues Factsheet for a specific breakdown of how SCAG dues are calculated.  


SCAG is at the forefront of advocating for the region’s fair share of federal and state funding for plans and programs and has been instrumental in delivering billions of dollars to the region.

Unique Regional Forum

SCAG helps bring to fruition many regionally significant projects and programs while serving as a place to introduce, test, and nurture new ideas for the long-term benefit of the region. Members have access to outside events sponsored by SCAG, as well as the ability to attend conferences and summits of regional significance hosted by SCAG, such as the annual Regional Conference and General Assembly.

Tools, Data, and Training

Whether it is customized city profiles of economic and demographic data, free trainings on GIS and other tools, data sharing, custom mapping, or extensive technical assistance, SCAG offers members the resources they need to plan more effectively for the future. Members receive priority responses on requests for data, publications, or planning support. 

The benefits of Regional Council membership include:

  1. SCAG helps members find and secure grant funding from federal and state agencies for local projects. SCAG supplements the planning activities of members through the financial support and funding of their subregion. For more information, subscribe to our Money Monday newsletter

  2. SCAG provides customized city profiles of economic and demographic data, free trainings on GIS and other tools, data sharing, custom mapping, and extensive technical assistance necessary to help members implement the strategies and principles of approved regional plans. SCAG can also perform site-specific performance analyses and transportation/land use benefits analyses. For more information, visit the Data Services and Requests page. 

  3. Members receive priority response on requests for data, publications, or planning support. For more information, visit the Regional Data Platform

  4. Members can request the creation of customized maps for use on their jurisdiction’s website. To learn more, visit the Data and Tools Modeling page.


If you have any questions, comments, or need more information, please contact: 

Javiera Cartagena 
Chief Government & Public Affairs Officer 
Phone: (213) 236-1980 