REAP 2.0


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The Regional Early Action Planning Grants (REAP) 2.0 program is a flexible program that seeks to accelerate progress toward state housing goals and climate commitments through a strengthened partnership between the state, its regions, and local entities. REAP 2.0 seeks to accelerate infill housing development, reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT), increase housing supply at all affordability levels, affirmatively further fair housing, and implement adopted regional and local plans to achieve these goals.

The program was established as part of the 2021 California Comeback Plan under Assembly Bill 140 and builds on the success of  REAP 2019 but expands the program focus by integrating housing and climate goals and allowing for broader planning and implementation investments, including infrastructure investments that support infill development that facilitates housing supply, choice, and affordability. 

Through the REAP 2.0 program, approximately $560 million will be made available statewide to the following objectives in ways that lead to transformative policy outcomes and accelerate the implementation of regional and local plans that achieve the state’s priority planning goals.

The REAP 2.0 program objectives are as follows:

  • Accelerate infill development that facilitates housing supply, choice, and affordability.
  • Affirmatively further fair housing.
  • Reduce VMT.

Read the REAP 2.0 guidance for mapping project areas to meet the infill definition.

The Southern California region is set to receive approximately $231.5 million in grant funds through REAP 2.0, which SCAG will administer with suballocations made available to eligible entities through three programmatic funding areas.  

SCAG’s framework document includes a set of core objectives that align with the REAP 2021 priorities, the Connect SoCal Implementation Strategy and the SCAG Executive/Administration Committee Strategic Work Plan. SCAG’s Regional Council approved the Framework in July. There have been six Calls for Applications for funding opportunities approved by SCAG’s Regional Council.

Governor’s Budget Update 

The California State Legislature and Governor Gavin Newsom have approved the Budget Act of 2024, which restores $560 million for the Regional Early Action Planning Grants (REAP 2.0) program, with $480 million specifically for metropolitan planning organizations. SCAG has received a final award allocation from the California Department of Housing and Community Development of $231.5 million, a total reduction of $14.5 million from SCAG’s original allocation. Despite this reduction, SCAG is pleased to share that we anticipate fully funding all competitive and formula-based grant awards as approved by the Regional Council.  

SCAG thanks the many partners in a collective advocacy effort to reinstate these funds after proposed cuts, and the state legislature for recognizing the importance of supporting regional efforts to address the housing affordability crisis. SCAG will continue to advocate for a deadline extension.

REAP 2.0 Invoice Training 

SCAG provided comprehensive invoicing guidance for grantees with projects funded by the Housing Infill on Public and Private Lands Pilot Program, Regional Utilities Supporting Housing Pilot Program, Subregional Partnership Program 2.0, and Lasting Affordability Program. Whether you’re submitting your first invoice or seeking clarification, this video will walk you through the key steps and requirements. 

SCAG held a subsequent training for the Lasting Affordability Program’s lending projects, such as new housing trusts, land trusts, and catalyst funds. If you’re unsure which training applies to your project, please contact your SCAG project manager.   


County Transportation Commission Partnership Program

Consistent with the goals and objectives of REAP 2.0, SCAG developed the CTC Partnership Program with the region’s six County Transportation Commissions to fund the development of plans, programs, pilot projects, and certain signature greenhouse gas-/vehicle miles traveled-reducing capital projects with a strong nexus to housing. The CTC Partnership Program will provide immediate benefit to the region by supporting transformative planning activities aligned with strategies identified in Connect SoCal, which can be implemented quickly to advance new concepts for reducing vehicle miles traveled while simultaneously achieving other program goals for REAP 2.0.

On July 6, 2023, SCAG’s Regional Council approved funding recommendations for 33 projects, including fully funding 27 projects, and partially funding six proposals.  Project awards are split across the three eligible projects categories: $35 million invested in projects to increase transit ridership, $36 million invested in projects to realize multimodal communities, and $9 million invested in projects to shift travel behavior.

CTC Partnership Program Guidelines