Intelligent Transportation Systems


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In Southern California, there are several Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) architectures that may be applicable to an ITS project. SCAG has developed a Southern California Regional ITS Architecture that addresses multi-county issues: those projects, programs, and services that require connectivity across county boundaries or are deployed at a multi-county level. Secondly, each County has developed a Regional ITS Architecture to provide a framework for local deployment of ITS applications.  A third “layer” is also in place at the state level: the California ITS Architecture and System Plan addresses those services that are rolled out or managed at a state level or are interregional in nature.

SCAG’s Southern California Regional ITS Architecture provides a framework for ITS planning that promotes interoperability and communication across jurisdictional boundaries. Projects developed under a regional framework extend the usefulness of any single project by making information easily accessible for operators and users of the system. The Southern California Regional ITS Architecture is intended to provide a resource for project sponsors and transportation providers that coordinates cross-county planning efforts in the SCAG region and facilitates project development (planning, design, implementation, etc.).

Regional ITS projects, or transportation projects (both highway and transit) with ITS elements, that want to be eligible for Federal transportation funding are required to be consistent with the Southern California Regional ITS Architecture pursuant to 23 CFR 940.9 and 940.11. In addition, such projects must comply with system engineering requirements and applicable Federal standards that have been adopted for the implementation of ITS.


Architecture Elements

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There have been several changes since the Southern California Regional ITS Architecture was first developed in 2005. The National ITS Architecture has been updated to reflect new user services, Southern California has continued as a national leader in ITS deployment with extensive ITS investments, and new technology applications have emerged. The 2011 update to the Southern California Regional ITS Architecture reflects changes since 2005 and positions the architecture to guide future ITS deployments as new technologies emerge.


Regional Project Planning

Image: Planner working at computer

As the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), SCAG is responsible for preparing the Regional transportation Plan (RTP) that establishes the region’s long-range transportation goals, objectives and policies. Regional outcomes are achieved over a period of many years through a culmination of projects that build upon other individual ITS projects. The Southern California Regional ITS Architecture supports the RTP update process by documenting existing and planned ITS projects, including how ITS projects are sequenced.


Project Development & Design Architecture

Image: Architects Designing

The Southern California Regional ITS Architecture assists in defining high-level requirements in ITS design for specific project development. During project development, stakeholders should incorporate elements of the Southern California Regional ITS Architecture, such as roles and responsibilities, standards, and functional requirements in their detailed design documents.