Data Services & Requests


The SCAG Data Services Program started in the late 1980s with the goal of providing the preeminent source of information for Southern California. The program models an accessible and effective policy for distributing geospatial data and other information. We believe strongly in providing data services to stakeholders that we have incorporated this philosophy into the SCAG Strategic Plan.

Local governments, public agencies, consultants, academics and students use SCAG data services in plans, studies, analyses and presentations. Our services are available to all users at no cost. 

Accuracy of the data is a primary concern for SCAG’s data services. SCAG also organizes and maintains datasets to help users efficiently interested parties to efficiently access and apply the data.

  • Provide better access to data

  • Partner with local governments and public agencies on data standardization

  • Enable more diversified users of local government data

  • Provide local governments and SCAG with cost savings through data sharing and, when feasible, consortiums 

  • Lead the adoption of data maintenance, data updates and metadata documentation as part of the normal data distribution process

Request Data

Request Model Data

To request model data, complete the following:

Please be specific about the data requested, horizon years and purpose of the request. For additional information about SCAG’s model, please see the following report: 

Also see Proper Use of Model Data for additional background information regarding the proper use of model data obtained from SCAG.

For questions concerning model data requests and/or to return the completed Data Request Form, please contact Cheryl Leising at (213) 236-1926 or email at

Requesting Non-Model Data

To request non-model data, submit a request at the RDP Hub Technical Assistance Request System. The non-model data could be spatial and tabular data formats made available in SCAG’s existing tools and planning resources. For questions concerning such data requests, please contact the Local Information Services Team (LIST) at

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics provides local and national information on employment related statistics, including inflation and prices, productivity, unemployment, pay and benefits, employment projections, spending and time usage.

The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis provides information on gross domestic product, consumer spending, corporate profits and journey to work data.

The U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics provides transportation-related data on rail, transit, maritime, aviation and highway travel.

The Demographic Research Unit at the California Department of Finance offers detailed information related to population in California, including age, race/ethnicity, gender and housing units, among many other metrics.

The U.S. Census Bureau’s American Fact Finder allows users to access data from recent Decennial Censuses and American Community Surveys. Information available varies from general population data, immigration data, employment data and housing data.