Studies and Programs


As the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura Counties, SCAG performs ongoing research and analyses of the regional transportation system. Goods movement, in particular, receives a significant amount of attention as it serves as one the most critical economic generators in Southern California. ​​​


SCAG has recently completed, or is currently involved in, a number of studies related to goods movement in Southern California at any given time.  Below are a number of recently completed efforts designed to provide meaningful input into the development of the Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy as the agency develops the long-term blueprint for transportation in the region.

Industrial Warehousing Study (Revised 2018)

The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) region is home to approximately 34,000 warehouses with 1.17 billion square feet of warehouse building space, and undeveloped land that could accommodate an additional 338 million square feet of new warehouse building space. The Industrial Warehousing Study is an update from previous work, which evaluates how the region could accommodate future demand for warehouse space based on key supply chain trends. Study findings were used to formulate discussion points, which will engage policy-makers, logistics industry stakeholders, and public-sector agencies about how best to shape the region’s strategic vision and grow, while balancing economic and environmental objectives.

Industrial Warehousing Study Final Report – Full Study

SCAG Goods Movement Border Crossing Study – Phase II

​The Goods Movement Border Crossing Study – Phase II assessed goods movement border crossings in San Diego and Imperial Counties to identify emerging trends expected to affect future freight movement, provide forecasts of cross-border freight volumes under alternative scenarios, and develop recommendations to enhance future goods movement. 

SCAG Goods Movement Border Crossing Study - Phase II | View Story Map

Connect SoCal – The 2020-2045 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy 

Goods movement and freight transportation are essential to support the SCAG regional economy and quality of life.  Working with its public and private partners, SCAG has established a vision for a comprehensive regional goods movement system.  This network is intended to be a world-class, coordinated system that accommodates growth in the throughput of freight to the region and nation in ways that support the region’s economic vitality, attainment of clean air standards, and the quality of life for our communities.

Connect SoCal 2020-2045

Comprehensive Regional Goods Movement Plan and Implementation Strategy

On The Move represents a long-range comprehensive plan for the goods movement system in Southern California. The Plan is designed to ensure that the region continues to play a vital role in the global supply chain while meeting regional economic goals, addressing critical mobility challenges, preserving the environment, and contributing to community livability and quality of life goals. The Plan is the final product of the Southern California Association of Governments’ (SCAG) Comprehensive Regional Goods Movement Plan and Implementation Strategy, a multi-year effort to collect data, conduct analyses, and engage with regional, statewide and national stakeholders covering various aspects of the region’s goods movement system.


Summary Report

Full Report​


Complementary Studies



Steering Committee

September 28, 2011


September 8, 2011


August 4, 2011


June 21, 2011


March 21, 2011


February 24, 2011


December 9, 2010


September 21, 2010


April 21, 2010


January 21, 2010


October 13, 2009

Complementary Studies

Goods Movement Border Crossing Study and Analysis (2012)

With today’s global economy and time-based competition, efficient freight transportation networks serve as extremely critical links between manufacturers, distributors, and consumers. Planning for adequate transportation infrastructure and freight facilities that enhance goods movement in is particularly challenging for border regions. Given this, SCAG conducted the Border Crossing Study and Analysis to gather and synthesize information on goods movement across the U.S.-Mexico border in Imperial County to assist in the assessment of infrastructure needs and general planning efforts.

Executive Summary

Goods Movement Border Crossing Study - Full Study

Port and Modal Elasticity Study – Phase II

As a follow-up to its original study, SCAG conducted Phase II of the Port and Modal Elasticity Study to develop and apply analytical tools to predict flows of waterborne containerized imports from Asia to the United States through North American ports and landside supply-chain channels.  These forecasts were used by regional stakeholders to assist and advance regional policies on goods movement.


Port and Modal Elasticity Study - Phase II

Southern California National Freight Gateway Collaboration

Created through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), the Southern California National Freight Gateway Collaboration comprises high-level leadership from regional, state and federal stakeholders working closely to address regional freight challenges and explore the common understanding about goods movement issues.  This is especially critical given its economic impact.  Efforts of the Collaboration include engaging members in productive, facilitated discussions aimed at supporting regional goods movement in Southern California while addressing the myriad infrastructure, environmental, and quality of life challenges. 


Logistics & Warehousing in Southern California Whitepaper

Logistics & Warehousing in Southern California WhitepaperThe growth and evolution of industrial facilities supporting distribution and consumption is increasingly impacting the SCAG region’s growth and changes in its urban and suburban environments. The primary purpose of this whitepaper is to identify why a regional systems-based approach to industrial development is necessary and to guide the SCAG region toward a regional systems-based approach.


Southern California Zero Emission Truck Infrastructure Study

On Jan. 4, 2023, SCAG kicked off a study to help envision a regional network of zero emission truck charging and fueling infrastructure (ZETI). This study will create a phased blueprint and action plan towards realizing this goal, and answer key questions about how stations in the region may operate to serve different truck markets and business functions. This study will be guided by a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of key stakeholders, who will ultimately be instrumental in implementing this plan.


Integrated Passenger and Freight Rail Forecast Study

Integrated Passenger and Freight Rail Forecast Study

The SCAG region includes the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach comprising the largest port complex in the Western Hemisphere driving substantial volumes of imports and exports. The region also includes the two largest Class I railroads in North America, BNSF Railway Co. and Union Pacific Railroad Corporation, which facilitate the movement of goods for local and national consumption. Both the rail and port systems are supported by extensive intermodal facilities, freight corridors and access roads, that connect with the largest industrial warehouse and distribution cluster in the United States. At the same time, the SCAG region provides an extensive commuter passenger rail system.


Curb Space Management Study

Curb Space Management Study Web Banner

With a general rise in vehicle ownership, disruptive technologies like Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) and dockless electric scooters, as well as e-commerce demands, curb space has become one of the most contested spaces in a city. Cities have been struggling with issues related to on- and off-street parking, congestion, and first-last mile connections, among others. Increased reliance on delivery services and the shifting of commercial activities to the sidewalk during COVID-19 have further highlighted the need to better manage curb uses.

SCAG has launched a Curb Space Management Study (CSMS) to take a comprehensive and multimodal review of some of the most congested and complicated curb space locations within the region. A clear need exists to assess policies, strategies, and infrastructure investments and their impacts on curb space activity, especially with the recent COVID-19 impacts, all being critical to the region and its localities. Benefits from this are looking to improve mobility, reduced congestion and vehicle miles traveled/vehicle hours traveled, and air quality improvements such as greenhouse gas emissions.


Comprehensive Regional Goods Movement Plan and Implementation Strategy

Goods movement is a cornerstone of the Southern California economy and supports the quality of life of residents in the SCAG region. In recognition of the benefits and challenges of regional freight movement, SCAG recently completed the Comprehensive Regional Goods Movement Plan and Implementation Strategy​, the long-range plan for goods movement in the region.


2016-2040 RTP/SCS Goods Movement Chapter

In Southern California, the movement of freight provides the goods and services needed to sustain regional and national industries and consumers on a daily basis. As part of the 2016-2040 RTP/SCS, SCAG identified over $70 billion of needed investment in its regional goods movement system. Read more about the challenges and proposed strategies here.​


SCAG Goods Movement Border Crossing Study – Phase II (Revised 2018)

The Goods Movement Border Crossing Study – Phase II assessed goods movement border crossings in San Diego and Imperial Counties to identify emerging trends expected to affect future freight movement, provide forecasts of cross-border freight volumes under alternative scenarios, and develop recommendations to enhance future goods movement. 

View Story Map


SCAG Industrial Warehousing Study (Revised 2018)

The SCAG region is home to 1.2 billion square feet of distribution facility space with even greater demand fueled by increasing trade. This Industrial Warehousing Study evaluated options to accommodate future demand through data collection, industry outreach, and extensive analysis. ​