Carbon Reduction Program


The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act created the Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) to provide federal funding to projects that decrease transportation emissions, defined as the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that result from on-road, highway sources. California receives annual apportionments of CRP over five years.

In accordance with California’s Carbon Reduction Strategy, CRP funds will be spent on projects that support the state’s three Carbon Reduction Program pillars:

  1.  Transit and passenger rail
  2. Active transportation
  3. Zero emission vehicles and infrastructure, and conversion of existing lanes to price-managed lanes

The SCAG region is anticipated to receive approximately $34 million annually in local CRP apportionments. Of this annual apportionment, approximately 65 percent will be made available to the county transportation commissions within the SCAG region.

SCAG selects projects within the region for CRP funding by soliciting project nominations consistent with the approved SCAG CRP Program Guidelines to ensure the project selection process complies with federal program guidance and regulations. 

Eligible applicants for CRP funding include SCAG cities, counties, transit agencies, federally recognized Tribal governments and county transportation commissions. Each county transportation commission is responsible for the coordination and submission of project nominations to SCAG from eligible entities from their respective counties. Local project sponsors should contact their respective county transportation commission regarding the project nomination process within their county.  


Questions regarding eligibility, programming, and obligation of CRP funding should be directed to:
Heidi Busslinger
Principal Planner, Federal Transportation Improvement Program 

    2023-2026 Award Recipients 

    On June 6, 2024, the SCAG Regional Council approved the 2023-2026 CRP funding recommendations for $92.8 million across 30 projects within the SCAG region. Projects approved by SCAG for CRP funding must complete a Project Alignment Confirmation form and will subsequently be programmed in the Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP)

    Imperial County 

    • City of Imperial. Electric Vehicle (EV) Electric Charging Station Installation of EV Purchase, Phase 1 ($311,000) 
    • City of Imperial. EV Electric Charging Station Installation of EV Purchase, Phase 2 ($311,000) 
    • City of Imperial. EV Electric Charging Station Installation of EV Purchase, Phase 3 ($311,000) 
    • Imperial County Transportation Commission. Imperial County Region EV Charging Station Feasibility Study ($150,000)