Legislation & Advocacy


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SCAG serves as the unified voice of the region, advocating for the legislative and funding needs of Southern California’s diverse and growing communities, and creating a strong coalition that can achieve more together. 


SCAG maintains a state and federal legislative program, which consists of the Regional Council’s positions on policies and legislative initiatives related to SCAG’s core planning and policy areas—transportation, air quality, freight/goods movement, housing, environmental impact, sustainability, economic recovery, and job creation—that need the leadership and support of the U.S. Congress and California State Legislature.

SCAG’s legislative efforts result from a bottoms-up process whereby the Legislative/Communications and Membership Committee, comprised of elected officials from throughout the region, identifies and recommends specific legislative action for consideration by the Regional Council with respect to state and federal legislation affecting the SCAG region. The Regional Council takes formal legislative positions and directs the agency’s advocacy efforts on all legislative matters.​​