On July 2, 2020, SCAG’s Regional Council adopted Resolution 20‐623‐2, declaring systemic racism a human rights and public health crisis. The resolution affirmed SCAG’s commitment to working in partnership with others to close the gap of racial injustice and meaningfully advance inclusion, diversity, equity, and awareness. Less than a year later, on May 6, 2021, SCAG’s Regional Council adopted a Racial Equity Early Action Plan (EAP), which includes a total of 29 actions SCAG will take to advance racial equity across the region. One of the EAP actions is to form a Regional Planning Working Group dedicated to Equity. In June 2021, SCAG kicked off the Equity Working Group, which will meet on at least a quarterly basis.
The purpose of the Equity Working Group is to engage stakeholders on SCAG’s regional and local planning activities as well as share efforts across the region to eliminate racial bias and barriers in land-use and transportation planning. National best practices will also be highlighted. SCAG anticipates discussions will focus on equity-related plans, programs, projects, tools, resources, and best practices. Because equity is intersectional, the Equity Working Group will address multiple planning areas, including Environmental Justice (EJ), Public Health, and others.
Each Equity Working Group meeting will include discussion of regional policy and planning programs along with two standing sections that focus on showcasing local jurisdiction SB1000 Environmental Justice Elements and local examples of “Equity in Action” with panel discussions. Future meetings will focus on topics identified as priorities by working group participants.
Potential Topic Areas to Highlight & Discuss
- Equity Definitions
- Equity Goals
- Equity Frameworks
- Equity Indicators
- Equity Existing Conditions Analysis
- Equity Action Plans and Work Plans
- Equity Resources (checklists, guidelines, guidance)
- Stakeholder Outreach and Engagement
- Equity-Focused Project Prioritization or Funding Methodologies
- Intersectional Efforts (e.g., EJ/Equity; Public Health/Equity, Housing/Equity, etc.)
- SCAG’s EAP Progress and Implications
The Equity Working Group, which was formed from the previous EJ and Public Health Working Groups, will include EJ and Public Health stakeholders, community-based organizations, academic partners, and other government agencies and local jurisdiction staff.
A summary of topics covered by the EWG since June 2021 are available here: Equity Working Group History.
For more information, please contact Anita Au at environmentaljustice@scag.ca.gov.