Regional Planning Working Groups


The Regional Planning Working Groups (RPWG) function as a forum for SCAG staff to engage stakeholders in the development and implementation of plans and policies to advance the region’s mobility, economy, and sustainability. Areas of focus include: Safe and Active Streets; Equity; Natural and Farm Lands Conservation; and Sustainable and Resilient Communities.

A few notes regarding participation in the meetings:

  • RPWG meetings are structured as open public forums for information sharing only.
  • RPWG participants do not vote or take positions on any policy issues.
  • SCAG staff organize and manage the meetings, with no formal chair or assigned roles for participants.
  • Meetings are open to the public and may include participation from peer stakeholders and staff from state, regional, and local agencies, non-profit organizations, local universities, and the business community.
  • RPWG meetings are held remotely (via video-conferencing/teleconferencing) through the development of Connect SoCal, the 2024 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS). Changes to meeting format and schedule(s) will be further communicated through each working group when applicable.
  • RPWG meetings will generally be held on the third Thursdays of the month. Specific dates and times are announced at the beginning of the month. Sign up to receive monthly RPWG emails.

Learn More About the Working Groups

Future Meetings

Note: These meetings will not convene in person. All meetings will be teleconference-only until further notice.