

Housing and land use are essential components of effective regional planning. SCAG’s efforts in planning and policy development include providing a forum for policy dialogue, information sharing, technical analysis and consensus on critical mobility, housing and natural resource issues confronting the region.

Traditionally, SCAG’s role in housing has been focused on preparing the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) every eight years, in support of the region meeting is housing production goals. With the allocation of $47 million in Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) state funding, SCAG has now expanded its role beyond RHNA to support local government and stakeholders to develop and adopt land use plans and other programs that accelerate housing production and help meet the region’s goals for producing 1.3 million new units of housing by 2029.

SCAG is administering the REAP funds through a combination of direct technical assistance, including housing element data components and policy assessments, subregional partnerships with councils of government, community-based partnership grants in collaboration with philanthropic organizations, and planning support offered through the Sustainable Communities Program to local jurisdictions or entities serving single or multiple jurisdictions.

Housing Supportive Grant Application Technical Assistance

SCAG has announced a call for applications for jurisdictions and Tribal Governments to receive housing-supportive grant application technical assistance as part of our efforts to accelerate housing production throughout the region. Several notices of funding availability for grants are made available by the California Department of Housing and Community Development and other agencies on a rolling basis, such as the Infill Infrastructure Grant program, Indian Housing Block Grant and Equitable Community Revitalization Grant.

SCAG is offering expert assistance to help recipients prepare and submit applications for funding opportunities made available this year. Applications for assistance are accepted on a rolling basis until funds are expended. 


For more information, email housing@scag.ca.gov.


Regional Housing Needs Assessment

Regional Housing Needs Assessment Banner Image

What is RHNA?

The Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) is mandated by State Housing Law as part of the periodic process of updating local housing elements of the General Plan. RHNA quantifies the need for housing within each jurisdiction during specified planning periods.

In March 2021, SCAG adopted its 6th cycle RHNA allocation plan, which covers the planning period October 2021 through October 2029. For the 6th cycle, SCAG received a need of 1,341,827 housing units, which was distributed to all 197 SCAG jurisdictions.


Housing Element Support

6th Cycle Housing Element Update Resources

To comply with state housing law, jurisdictions within California must update their housing element every eight years. In collaboration with the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), SCAG has developed a variety of resources to assist local jurisdictions with the housing element update process. Resources include data available as complete reports and in raw format.


Sustainable Communities Strategies Integration

The Sustainable Communities Program (SCP) – Housing and Sustainable Development (HSD) 

The Sustainable Communities Program (SCP) – Housing and Sustainable Development (HSD) will provide resources and direct technical assistance to approximately 25 jurisdictions to complete local planning efforts that both accelerate housing production as well as enable implementation of the Sustainable Communities Strategy of Connect SoCal. For this cycle, the HSD program is funded by Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) grant funds.


Accessory Dwelling Unit Planning and Development

Changes in state law in recent years have increased the potential for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) to support increased housing supply.  New laws have addressed barriers to their implementation at scale, for example: setting development criteria for ADUs, streamlined processing, and limiting impact fees.