Local Data Exchange


The Local Data Exchange (LDX) process was developed to gather the most updated information available from local jurisdictions covering land use, growth and related plan inputs to inform the development of Connect SoCal 2024. 

Over the course of 2022, SCAG solicited one-on-one meetings with all 197 local jurisdictions to discuss these data in their local context, provide background on Plan development and provide training on SCAG’s Regional Data Platform which could be used to provide input. Input was due to SCAG by Dec. 2, 2022, for inclusion in Connect SoCal 2024.

Final Connect SoCal 2024 growth forecast data is also available in an Excel File and in this web mapping application: 

Please see the Demographics and Growth Forecast or Land Use and Communities Technical Reports for more detail. 

Data/Map Books

Each jurisdiction’s Data/Map Book below contains a description of the LDX process, descriptions of each dataset and updated data and maps following local review. To request draft high-quality maps and shape files of SCAG’s Data/Map Book or related materials, please contact LIST@scag.ca.gov

Please note these data represent a snapshot in time and may not reflect subsequently available information.  Please contact local jurisdictions directly to ensure the most up-to-date planning, development, and construction information. 


Local Data Exchange Frequently Asked Questions

The Local Data Exchange (LDX) Portal facilitates two-way data exchange, locally and regionally. This secure portal allows local jurisdictions to upload and edit data with SCAG to support the Connect SoCal Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS) and local general plan updates. The LDX is the main opportunity for cities and counties to provide input into Connect SoCal. Local government agencies can access the portal today by requesting an account to participate.