Transportation Safety


The state of California, SCAG, and local governments are committed to transportation safety for all people in our region. Each year, metropolitan planning organizations, such as SCAG, work with the state to assess fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads and develop annual safety targets to comply with federal requirements.

SoCal Transportation Safety Resource Hub 

To support local jurisdictions in their efforts to advance transportation safety and help the region achieve its annual safety targets, SCAG developed the SoCal Transportation Safety Resource Hub, a centralized source of SCAG’s transportation safety programs, data, and resources, featuring:

  • A summary of regional transportation safety goals and targets.
  • An overview of SCAG’s transportation safety existing conditions.
  • An interactive map of SCAG’s Regional High Injury Network (HIN) along with downloadable data and resources to support local jurisdictions in creating their own HIN.
  • Opportunities to get involved in traffic safety through SCAG’s current safety efforts.
  • Data, tools, funding, and other resources provided by SCAG and other organizations.