A Plan For A Brighter Future


Every four years, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) updates Connect SoCal, the Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS) as required by federal and state regulations. 

The plan was developed through a four-year planning process involving rigorous technical analysis, extensive stakeholder engagement and robust policy discussions with local elected leaders. Connect SoCal 2024 outlines a vision for a more resilient and equitable future, with investment, policies and strategies for achieving the region’s shared goals through 2050. The Plan elements that are necessary to bring this vision to fruition are organized within the pillars of Mobility, Communities, Environment and Economy. However, the conditions of our region and impacts of our decisions are all intertwined. Investment decisions for our transportation system impact the quality of our environment and the resilience of our economy, while our decisions about how to develop our communities impact demands on our transportation system and our residents’ access to opportunities.

The most recent RTP/SCS was approved by SCAG’s Regional Council in April 2024.