SCAG’s Intergovernmental Review (IGR) Program is responsible for providing informational resources to regionally significant plans, projects, and programs, per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, to facilitate the consistency of these projects with SCAG’s adopted regional plan. CEQA Section 15206 defines projects of statewide, regional, or areawide significance and instructs public agencies to submit environmental documents, including Negative Declarations and Draft Environmental Impact Reports, to the State Clearinghouse and appropriate subregional council of governments for review and comment. SCAG encourages local agencies to submit CEQA notices to the IGR Program via the IGR submissions form.
As the designated Regional Transportation Planning Agency under state law responsible for preparing the Connect SoCal Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy pursuant to Senate Bill (SB) 375, SCAG helps lead agencies identify the project’s impact on a regional scale and how the proposed project contributes to our region’s plan and vision. Informational resources, such as SCAG’s Connect SoCal goals and strategies, jurisdictional-level growth forecast, and mitigation measures contained in the Connect SoCal Program Environmental Impact Report, are provided as guidance for lead agencies for consideration during project development.
Additionally, SCAG’s IGR Program is responsible for functioning as a clearinghouse for applications for federal grants and financial assistance programs, federally required state plans, federal development activities, and federal environmental documents pursuant to Presidential Executive Order 12372.
On Oct. 18, 2022, SCAG staff shared an overview of the IGR program at a Toolbox Tuesday.
SCAG’s IGR team receives, processes, and reviews submitted projects, plans, and programs. For questions about submittals, please contact:
The Intergovernmental Review (IGR) Bi-Monthly Report summarizes
federal grant applications, environmental documents, and other
information received by SCAG’s
IGR Program. The Bi-Monthly Report consists of two types
of entries: federal grants and environmental documentation.
SCAG encourages local agencies to submit California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) notices to the Intergovernmental Review (IGR) Program via the submissions form. You may also email CEQA notices and documents for IGR documentation to Please include a PDF of the CEQA notice or environmental report in addition to the following information in the body of the email:
Type of document (i.e., Notice of Preparation, Notice of Public Hearing, etc.)