Excellence in Active Transportation | Watch Video
Los Angeles Department of Transportation
Broadway Dress Rehearsal Existing Conditions Report
A corridor in Downtown Los Angeles renowned for its historic cultural and commercial significance, Broadway is the focus of intensive short- and long-term pedestrian safety projects, transit planning, and economic revitalization, including the Broadway Dress Rehearsal, a phase-one implementation strategy under the City-adopted Broadway Streetscape Master Plan. The Broadway Dress Rehearsal Existing Conditions Report (BDR-ECR) establishes a precedent for measuring the performance of complete streets projects throughout the SCAG region, especially in terms of mobility and safety conditions for people walking, bicycling and accessing transit. Through an innovative methodology synthesizing various research techniques, the Report provides a comprehensive framework for both evaluating the impacts of complete streets projects and educating the public and elected officials about those impacts.
Excellence in Green Region Initiative | Watch Video
City of Glendale
Greener Glendale Plan for Community Activities
The Greener Glendale Plan for Community Activities (“Greener Glendale”) is Glendale’s comprehensive climate action and sustainability plan. From its inception, Greener Glendale was prepared in accordance with SCAG’s GHG reduction targets and the SCAG Compass Blueprint principles. Greener Glendale maps out specifically how Glendale will achieve the GHG reduction targets set by SCAG (8% by 2020, 13% by 2035). Glendale was able to create this map by completing an inventory of community GHGs and identifying actions that could be taken to measurably reduce Glendale’s GHGs. The specific actions included a variety of sustainability measures crossing the areas of land use, transportation, urban design and nature, environmental health, waste reduction, and energy and water conservation.
Excellence in Integrated Land Use & Transportation Planning | Watch Video
City of Coachella
City of Coachella General Plan Update
While only 40,000 residents currently call Coachella home, the City and its General Plan foresee the population will more than triple in size to 135,000 residents by 2035. In anticipation of this growth, the City needed a community based plan that would provide practical and responsible growth methods that emphasized walkability, neighborhoods, and sustainability. The City of Coachella, with support from Raimi + Associates, Sargent Town Planning, and Fehr and Peers have developed a General Plan with a strong emphasis on health, sustainability, and social equity.