Grant Opportunities


Welcome to SCAG’s grant opportunities page. Here you will find information on current open and upcoming grant opportunities offered by various agencies that may be pertinent to your agency’s workplan. SCAG gathers this information in order to disseminate it to all interested agencies in the SCAG region.

The basic characteristics of each of the grant opportunities are listed below each of the grant titles. Links to the grant program websites are also provided for more detailed information about each program.

We are also providing an additional link to the Federal Transportation Funding: Fiscal Year 2023 Discretionary Grant Preparation Checklist for Prospective Applicants. This resource provides useful guidelines designed to assist in understanding existing requirements for successful grant applications. 


Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation

The Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant program will fund highway-rail or pathway-rail grade crossing improvement projects that focus on improving the safety and mobility of people and goods.

Deadline: TBD
Status: TBA
Eligible: Various

Transit Oriented Communities Technical Assistance Program 

Sponsor/Source: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) 

Metro’s Transit Oriented Communities Technical Assistance Program is a competitive funding program that supports Los Angeles County jurisdictions in completing transit-oriented community feasibility studies and plans.

Deadline: Ongoing 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, State Governments (MAT Only)

Senate Bill 1 Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning Grant Program 

Sponsor/Source: Ocean Protection Council 

The Senate Bill 1 Grant Program provides funding for coastal communities to develop consistent sea level rise adaptation plans and projects to build resilience along the entire coast of California and San Francisco Bay. 

Deadline: Ongoing 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Tribal Governments 

Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Competition 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 

The PRICE Competition benefits projects that preserve long-term housing affordability for residents, primarily for low- and moderate-income residents, of manufactured housing and manufactured housing communities. 

Deadline: July 10 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Nonprofit Organizations, State Governments, Tribal Governments  

FY2024 Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation 

The Pilot Program for TOD Planning provides funding to communities to integrate land use and transportation planning in new fixed guideways and core capacity transit project corridors. As required by statute, any comprehensive or site-specific planning funded through the pilot program must examine ways to improve economic development and ridership potential, foster multimodal connectivity and accessibility, improve transit access for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, engage the private sector, identify infrastructure needs, and enable mixed-use development near transit stations. 

Deadline: July 22 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, State Governments 

Small Community Air Service Development Program 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation 

The Small Community Air Service Development Program provides financial assistance to small communities to enhance air service and advance priorities of safety, equity, climate and sustainability, workforce development, job quality and wealth creation as described in the U.S. Department of Transportation Strategic Plan; the U.S. Department of Transportation Research, Development and Technology Strategic Plan; and executive orders. 

Deadline: July 25 
Status: Open
Eligible: Public Entities (see the Eligibility section for more details) 

Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program ROUND 3 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation 

CFI Program investments will make modern and sustainable infrastructure accessible to all drivers of electric, hydrogen, propane and natural gas vehicle drivers. This program provides funding for two categories of grants: Community Charging and Alternative Fueling Grants (Community Program) and Charging and Alternative Fuel Corridor Grants (Corridor Program). 

Deadline: Aug. 28 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Port Authorities, Public Transportation Authorities, Special Transportation Districts, State Governments, Tribal Governments 

Local Transportation Climate Adaptation Program 

Sponsor/Source: California Transportation Commission 

The primary objective of Local Transportation Climate Adaptation Program is to provide competitive grants to local agencies for the development and implementation of capital projects adapting local transportation infrastructure to climate changes.  

Deadline: Aug. 30 
Status: Open
Eligible: County Transportation Commissions, Local Governments, Metropolitan Planning Agencies, Transportation Planning Agencies 

FY 2024-2026 Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation 

The Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program provides competitive grants for projects that reduce the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions and improve habitat connectivity for terrestrial and aquatic species. 

Deadline: Sept. 4 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Regional Transportation Authorities, Special Purpose District, State Departments of Transportation, Tribal Governments 

Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) 

Sponsor/Source: California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) 

The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is a core federal aid program for states to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. California’s Local HSIP focuses on infrastructure projects with nationally recognized crash reduction factors. Local HSIP projects must be identified based on crash experience, potential, rate, or other data-supported means. 

Deadline: Sept. 9 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Agencies, Local Governments, Tribal Governments 

2024 Local Housing Trust Fund Program 

Sponsor/Source: California Department of Housing and Community Development 

Funds awarded through the 2024 Local Housing Trust Fund Program shall be used to provide construction loans and permanent financing loans at simple interest rates of no higher than three percent per annum, for payment of predevelopment costs, acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation as well as to construct, convert, reconstruct, rehabilitate, or repair accessory dwelling units or junior accessory dwelling units. 

Deadline: Sept. 17 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Local Housing Trust Funds, Nonprofits, Tribal Governments  

Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation 

The Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant funds highway-rail or pathway-rail grade crossing improvement projects that improve the safety and mobility of people and goods. 

Deadline: Sept. 23 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Tribal Governments, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Public Port Authorities, State Governments, United States Territories   

Sustainable Communities Program – Active Transportation and Safety 

Sponsor/Source: Southern California Association of Governments 

The Sustainable Communities Program provides grant funding for technical assistance to implement SCAG’s Connect SoCal Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities. The 2024 Sustainable Communities Program – Active Transportation and Safety call for applications will fund community plans, area plans and quick-build projects that encourage active transportation (e.g., walking, biking, transit) and improve roadway safety. 

Deadline: Sept. 27 
Status: Open
Eligible: Caltrans, Councils of Governments, County Public Health Departments, Local Governments, Natural Resource Agencies, Public Land Agencies, Public Land Nonprofits, Public Schools, Public School Districts, Transportation Agencies, Tribal Governments 

Bridge Investment Program

SPONSOR/SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation

The Bridge Investment Program provides funding for planning and construction of large bridge projects, to improve the safety, efficiency and reliability of the movement of people and freight over bridges. 

Deadline: Various
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Special District Governments, Tribal Governments

Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant Allocation Grants 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of energy

The purpose of the Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant program is to assist eligible state, local and tribal governments in implementing strategies to: reduce fossil fuel emissions and maximize benefits for local and regional communities; reduce the total energy use of eligible entities, improve energy efficiency in the transportation, building, and other sectors; and build a clean and equitable energy economy that prioritizes disadvantaged communities and promotes equity and inclusion in workforce opportunities and deployment activities, consistent with the Justice40 Initiative. 

Deadline: Oct. 31, 2024 (Local Governments), May 31, 2025 (for Tribal Governments)
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Tribal Governments 

Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants Program 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 

Community Change Grants will fund community-driven projects that address climate challenges and reduce pollution while strengthening communities. This grant support will enable communities and their partners to overcome long-standing environmental challenges and implement meaningful solutions to meet community needs now and for generations to come. 

Deadline: Nov. 21, 2024
Status: Open
Eligible: Non-Profit Organizations, In Partnership with Community-Based Organizations: Education Institutions, Local Governments, Tribal Governments 

Permanent Local Housing Allocation 

Sponsor/Source: California Department of Housing and Community Development 

The Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program provides funding to local governments in California for housing-related projects and programs that assist in addressing the unmet housing needs of their local communities. 

Deadline: June 30, 2027 
​Status: Open
Eligible: Entitlement Local Governments, Non-Entitlement Local Governments 

Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project 

Sponsor/Source: California Air Resources Board 

The Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project provides vouchers for the purchase of zero-emission trucks and buses, including funding for charging or fueling infrastructure. 

Deadline: Ongoing 
Status: Open
Eligible: Refer to Guidelines 


Local Partnership Competitive Program

Sponsor/Source: California Transportation Commission

The Local Partnership Competitive Program provides funding to local and regional transportation agencies that have sought and received voter approval of taxes or that have imposed fees dedicated solely for transportation improvements.

Deadline: TBD
Status: Anticipated Open Date: August 2024
Eligible: Local Governments, Regional Transportation Agencies


Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program 

Sponsor/Source: Federal Highway Administration 

Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program projects will help improve the safety, efficiency and reliability of active transportation networks and communities; improve connectivity between active transportation modes and public transportation; enhance the resiliency of on- and off-road active transportation infrastructure and help protect the environment and improve quality of life in disadvantaged communities. 

Deadline: July 17 
Status: Closed
Eligible: Local Governments, Multi-Ccounty Special Districts, State Governments, Multi-Sstate Government Groups, State Governments, Tribal Governments 

Joint Office of Energy and Transportation: Communities Taking Charge Accelerator 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Energy 

The Communities Taking Charge Accelerator will make strategic investments at the local level that address key barriers to access to electrified mobility options for individuals without home charging; accelerate the transition to electrified micro-, light- and medium-duty fleets; and mature the implementation of managed charging systems to mitigate impacts and optimize grid use. 

Deadline: July 16
Status: Closed
Eligible: For-Profit Entities, Higher-Education Institutions, Local Governments, Nonprofit Organizations, State Governments, Tribal Governments

FY24 Stage 1 SMART Grants 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation 

The SMART Grants Program conducts demonstration projects for advanced smart city or community technologies and systems to improve transportation efficiency and safety in a variety of communities. The program funds projects that use technology interventions to solve real-world challenges and build data and technology capacity and expertise in the public sector. 

Deadline: July 12 
Status: Closed
Eligible: Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Public Toll Authorities, Public Transit Agencies and Authorities, State Governments, Tribal Governments, Group Applications with a Lead Applicant 

California Advanced Services Fund: Broadband Public Housing Account

Sponsor/Source: California Public Utilities Commission

The California Advanced Services Fund Broadband Public Housing Account provides grants and loans to finance up to 100 percent of the costs to install inside wiring and broadband network equipment for broadband networks offering free service for residents of low-income communities. 

Deadline: Jul. 1, 2024
Status: Closed
Eligible: Local Governments, Public Housing Agencies, Non-Profit Organizations 

Active Transportation Program 

Sponsor/Source: California transportation commission 

The Active Transportation Program (ATP) is a competitive statewide program created to encourage increased use of active modes of transportation, such as biking and walking. 

Deadline: June 17, 2024
Status: Closed 
Eligible: TBD 

Communities Sparking Investment in Transformative Energy (C-SITE) 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Energy 

Funded through the Local Government Energy Program, the C-SITE Funding Opportunity Announcement provides approximately $18 million in financial awards and technical assistance to advance community-identified energy priorities. Funded projects may span a variety of technology areas, including building efficiency and/or electrification, electric transportation, energy infrastructure upgrades, microgrid development and deployment, renewable energy, resilience hubs and workforce development. 

Deadline: May 31 
Status: Closed
Eligible: Local Governments, Tribal Governments 

Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements Program 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation 

The Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements Program funds projects that improve the safety, efficiency and reliability of intercity passenger and freight rail. 

Deadline: May 28, 2024 
Status: Closed
Eligible: Local Governments, Nonprofit Labor Organizations, Rail Carriers, Special Districts, Tribal Governments, State Governments, University Transportation Centers 

Rural Surface Transportation Grants 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation 

The Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program supports projects that improve and expand the surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas to increase connectivity, improve the safety and reliability of the movement of people and freight, generate regional economic growth and improve quality of life. Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program funding will be available under the Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant combined Notice of Funding Opportunity. 

Deadline: May 24 
Status: Closed
Eligible: Local Governments, Multijurisdictional Organizations, Regional Transportation Planning Organizations, State Governments, Tribal Governments 

Adaptation Planning Grant Program  

Sponsor/Source: Governor’s Office of Planning and Research 

The Adaptation Planning Grant Program provides funding to help fill local, regional and tribal planning needs, provides communities the resources to identify climate resilience priorities, and supports the development of a pipeline of climate resilient infrastructure projects across the state.

Deadline: May 20, 2024
Status: Closed
Eligible: Local Governments, Nonprofit Organizations, Tribal Governments 

2023 Port Infrastructure Development Program 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation 

2023 Port Infrastructure Development Program grants will be awarded on a competitive basis to assist in funding eligible projects to improve the safety, efficiency or reliability of the movement of goods through ports and intermodal connections to ports. 

Deadline: May 10, 2024 
Status: Closed
Eligible: Local Governments, Port Authorities, Special Districts, Tribal Governments

Innovative Finance and Asset Concessions Grant Program 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation  

The Innovative Finance and Asset Concessions Grant Program will award $57.72 million on a competitive basis to assist eligible public entities in facilitating and evaluating public-private partnerships and exploring opportunities for innovative financing and delivery for eligible transportation infrastructure projects, including highway, transit, passenger rail, certain freight facilities, certain port projects, rural infrastructure projects, airports and transit-oriented development projects. 

Deadline: May 10, 2024 
Status: Closed
Eligible: Local Governments, Special Districts, Tribal Governments 

Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation 

Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant funding supports three major discretionary grant programs that involve surface transportation projects designed to strengthen supply chains, spur economic development and improve safety and daily life. 

Deadline: May 6, 2024
Status: Closed
Eligible: Local Governments, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Special Districts, Tribal Governments 

Charging Infrastructure for Government Fleets

Sponsor/Source: California Energy Commission

Eligible projects will deploy electric vehicle charging infrastructure to support a light-duty government fleets under a single government entity. 

Deadline: April 30, 2024
Status: Closed
Eligible: Local Governments, Private Organizations, Tribal Governments

Clean Energy Access Grant Account 

Sponsor/Source: California Public Utilities Commission 

The Clean Energy Access Grant Account will award grants to community-based organizations and tribal organizations to help facilitate access and adoption of clean energy programs in their respective communities. 

Deadline: April 30, 2024 
Status: Closed
Eligible: Nonprofit Organizations, Tribal Governments 

Access Clean California Grant 

Sponsor/Source: California Air Resources Board  

The purpose of the Access Clean California Grant program is to increase consumer awareness of the state’s clean transportation and related clean energy incentive programs through coordinated outreach and technical assistance provided by community-based organizations in the state’s most impacted and underinvested communities.  

Deadline: April 24, 2024
Status: Closed
Eligible: Local Governments, Nonprofit Organizations

Broadband Loan Loss Reserve Program   

Sponsor/Source: California Public Utilities Commission 

The Broadband Loan Loss Reserve Program is a $500 million fund that provides credit enhancement for bonds, loans and letters of credit related to financing local broadband infrastructure development. The Loan Loss Reserve fund expands the ability of local governments, Tribes and nonprofits to secure favorable borrowing rates and terms for building publicly-owned broadband projects. 

Deadline: April 9, 2024 
Status: Closed
Eligible: Local Governments, Nonprofit Organizations, Special Districts, Tribal Governments 

Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Program  

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation 

The Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program funds regional, local and tribal initiatives through grants to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. 

Deadline: April 4, 2024 
Status: Closed
Eligible: Local Governments, Tribal Governments 

2018 Community Development Block Grant Mitigation Resilient Infrastructure Program 

Sponsor/Source: california Department of Housing and community Development 

The purpose of the 2018 Community Development Block Grant Mitigation Resilient Infrastructure Program is to assist local jurisdictions with mitigation-related infrastructure needs to support risk reduction from the three primary hazards (i.e., wildfire, flooding and earthquakes) as established within the Mitigation Needs Assessment. 

Deadline: March 29, 2024
Status: Closed
Eligible: Public Agencies and Tribal Governments in Shasta County, Lake County, Butte County, Los Angeles County 

Surface Transportation Block Grant /Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement /Carbon Reduction Program Project Nominations 

Sponsor/Source: SCAG/Federal Highway Administration 

The joint Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) and Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) solicitation for project nominations provides funding for transportation projects and programs based on unique eligibility criteria. Contact your respective county transportation commission for more information on submitting applications for these federal fund sources, including any earlier county-specific deadlines. 

Deadline: March 29, 2024
Status: Closed
Eligible: County Transportation Commissions, SCAG Cities, SCAG Counties, Transit Agencies, Tribal Governments 

Proposition 1 Grant Program

Sponsor/Source: Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy

Proposition 1 grants implement the California Water Action Plan in the Coachella Valley by funding land acquisition that preserves watersheds or habitat areas for endangered species, infrastructure projects that improve water management or prevent flooding, and projects that restore or enhance watersheds.

Deadline: March 20, 2024
Status: Closed
Eligible: Local Governments, Non-Profit Organizations, Tribal Governments 

Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program Round 8

Sponsor/Source: California Department of Housing and Community Development 

Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities program funds will be used for loans or grants, or a combination of the two, to projects that will achieve greenhouse gas emissions by reducing vehicle miles traveled and increasing accessibility to affordable housing and key destinations, particularly by shortening trip length or shifting mode choice from single-occupancy vehicle to transit, bicycling or walking. 

Deadline: March 19, 2024
Status: Closed
Eligible: Developers, Local Governments, Public Housing Authorities, Regional Transportation Planning Agencies, Tribal Governments

Climate Resilience and Community Access Grant

sponsor/source: Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy

The Climate Resilience and Community Access Grant program enhances desert resilience to climate change, fosters conservation of the desert as a carbon sink, promotes equity in access to outdoor recreation throughout the Coachella Valley, and improves natural resources management on existing conservation lands.

Deadline: March 8, 2024
Status: Closed
Eligible: Local Governments, Special District Governments, Non-Profit Organizations

A Decision Tool to Electrify Homes with Limited Electrical Panel Capacity

sponsor/source: California Energy Commission

This program will develop and demonstrate a decision tool that provides homeowners with detailed information on their electricity use and panel capacity and provides actionable pathways to achieve electrification.

Deadline: March 5, 2024
Status: Closed
Eligible: All Public and Private Entities (except local publicly owned electric utilities)