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Meeting Calendar
Check the SCAG calendar for an updated and full list of upcoming events, meetings and activities.
Regional Data Platform
A revolutionary GIS system for seamless interagency collaboration, data sharing and support for local and regional planning across jurisdictions.
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Featured Work

Housing, Environment, and Land Use Parcel Tool (HELPR) 3.0
HELPR 3.0 is a web-mapping tool developed by SCAG to help local jurisdictions and stakeholders understand local land use, site opportunities, and environmental sensitivities in the context of regional objectives.

SCAG Final Racial Equity Early Action Plan Update
SCAG released the final update to the Racial Equity Action Early Plan—culminating a three-year process to center equity in SCAG plans and processes.

2025 Federal Transportation Improvement Program Interactive Project Search (eFTIP)
SCAG created the eFTIP tool to allow users to search and view details for transportation projects programed in a current FTIP as well as use an interactive map to access a project’s location details.
Model Laws for Deep Decarbonization in the United States
Join SCAG for a Toolbox Tuesday session introducing the Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization (LPDD) project. Developed by Columbia University’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law and Widener University’s Commonwealth School of Law, the LPDD project is an online database of draft model laws and ordinances that inform greenhouse gas reduction policies at every level of government. A national network of pro-bono attorneys created this resource, which is available to partners throughout the SCAG region.
Legislative/Communications and Membership Committee
The Legislative/Communications and Membership Committee provides guidance and recommendations to the Regional Council regarding legislative matters impacting the region; policy direction on SCAG’s communications strategy, outreach, issues, and materials; SCAG membership benefits, and sponsorships.
The meeting will be conducted in a hybrid manner (both in-person and remotely by telephonic and video conference).

Executive Director’s Monthly Report, February 2025
The February 2025 Executive Director’s Report covers the agency’s major activities, key programs, and accomplishments over the past month.

2024 Southern California Economic Update
The “2024 Southern California Economic Update” reviews the past year and highlights economic trends to watch for in the coming year to assist Southern California policymakers in planning for the next 30 years.