2025 Scholarship Program

The program provides nine $4,000 scholarship awards for high school or community college students from the SCAG region interested in pursuing planning or public service‐related careers. Apply online by March 21.

San Bernardino

Innovating for a Better Tomorrow

SCAG is the nation's largest metropolitan planning organization, representing six counties, 191 cities and 19 million residents. SCAG undertakes a variety of planning and policy initiatives to encourage a more sustainable Southern California.

Connect SoCal 2024

Connect SoCal 2024, SoCal’s long-range Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy, is now adopted. Get involved in making this plan a reality. Sign up for updates.



Model Laws for Deep Decarbonization in the United States

Join SCAG for a Toolbox Tuesday session introducing the Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization (LPDD) project. Developed by Columbia University’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law and Widener University’s Commonwealth School of Law, the LPDD project is an online database of draft model laws and ordinances that inform greenhouse gas reduction policies at every level of government. A national network of pro-bono attorneys created this resource, which is available to partners throughout the SCAG region.


President’s Day

SCAG Offices Are Closed


Memorial Day

SCAG Offices Are Closed


Independence Day

SCAG Offices Are Closed


Legislative/Communications and Membership Committee

The Legislative/Communications and Membership Committee provides guidance and recommendations to the Regional Council regarding legislative matters impacting the region; policy direction on SCAG’s communications strategy, outreach, issues, and materials; SCAG membership benefits, and sponsorships. 

The meeting will be conducted in a hybrid manner (both in-person and remotely by telephonic and video conference). 

The Executive Director's Report Image

Executive Director’s Monthly Report, February 2025

The February 2025 Executive Director’s Report covers the agency’s major activities, key programs, and accomplishments over the past month.

SoCal Economic Update Web Featured

2024 Southern California Economic Update

The “2024 Southern California Economic Update” reviews the past year and highlights economic trends to watch for in the coming year to assist Southern California policymakers in planning for the next 30 years.