About Us


Founded in 1965, SCAG is a joint powers authority under California state law, established as an association of local governments and agencies that voluntarily convene as a forum to address regional issues. Under federal law, SCAG is designated as a metropolitan planning organization. Under state law, SCAG is designated as a regional transportation planning agency and a council of governments.

The SCAG region encompasses six counties (Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura) and 191 cities in an area covering more than 38,000 square miles. The agency develops long-range regional transportation plans, including a sustainable communities strategy and a growth forecast, regional transportation improvement programs, regional housing needs allocations, and a portion of the South Coast Air Quality Management Plan. SCAG’s 86-member governing board, the Regional Council, conducts the affairs of SCAG; implements the General Assembly’s policy decisions; acts upon policy recommendations from SCAG policy committees and external agencies; appoints committees to study specific problems and programs; and amends, decreases or increases the proposed budget to be reported to the General Assembly. Learn more about the SCAG’s governing bodies on the Governing Structure website.

Vision, Mission, and Values

Vision Statement

Southern California’s catalyst for a brighter future

Mission Statement

To foster innovative regional solutions that improve the lives of Southern Californians through inclusive collaboration, visionary planning, regional advocacy, information sharing, and promoting best practices.

Core Values

Be Open
Be accessible, candid, collaborative, and transparent in the work we do.

Lead by Example
Commit to integrity and equity in working to meet the diverse needs of all people and communities in our region.

Make an Impact
In all endeavors, effect positive and sustained outcomes that make our region thrive.

Be Courageous
Have confidence that taking deliberate, bold, and purposeful risks can yield new and valuable benefits.

Cultivate Belonging 
Embrace differences, foster equity, champion inclusion, and empower all.