Problems of traffic congestion and air pollution are not new to
this region. Residents have experienced the costs of congestion
in time and dollars and often in terms of health effects as well.
State legislation, Assembly
Bill 32 and Senate
Bill 375, sets new standards for California’s production
of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Senate Bill 375
specifically gives Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs),
such as the Southern California Association of Governments
(SCAG), the responsibility to work with local jurisdictions to
develop a regional strategy for reducing GHG emissions.
Assembly Bill 32 and Senate Bill 375 legislation
have created an impetus for SCAG to think deeply about the
best long-term approaches to these challenges. To this end,
SCAG is seizing the opportunity to work with its partner
agencies, local business leaders, and technical experts from the
region to identify a range of options to meet the region’s needs
for equitable economic development, pollution reduction, housing
and transportation planning. Doing so will support
economically viable and sustainable communities.
Final Project Report & Appendices
Inventory & Forecast
Stakeholders & Participants
Final Project Report & Appendices
Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Impact Analysis of Greenhouse Gas
Mitigation Policy Options for the Southern California Climate and
Economic Development Project (CEDP) Final Report.
Read The Final Report
Inventory & Forecast
The Center for
Climate Strategies (CCS) prepared an inventory and
forecast of the SCAG region’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and
anthropogenic sinks (carbon storage) from 1990 to 2035. The
inventory and reference case projection (forecast) estimates
served as a starting point to assist the Project Stakeholder
Committee (PSC) and its Technical Work Groups (TWGs) with an
initial comprehensive understanding of the region’s current and
possible future GHG emissions. This information informed the
identification and analysis of policy options for mitigating GHG
Inventory & Forecast
Stakeholders & Participants
The Project Stakeholder Committee (PSC) comprises a diverse group
of stakeholders who bring broad perspective and expertise to the
topic of transportation, economic growth, policy frameworks in
the region and climate change.
Members come from business, non-governmental organizations,
academia, and multiple levels of government. Members are
appointed by SCAG.
Members of the PSC