County Transportation Commission Partnership Program
Consistent with the goals and objectives of REAP 2.0, SCAG developed the CTC Partnership Program with the region’s six County Transportation Commissions to fund the development of plans, programs, pilot projects, and certain signature greenhouse gas-/vehicle miles traveled-reducing capital projects with a strong nexus to housing. The CTC Partnership Program will provide immediate benefit to the region by supporting transformative planning activities aligned with strategies identified in Connect SoCal, which can be implemented quickly to advance new concepts for reducing vehicle miles traveled while simultaneously achieving other program goals for REAP 2.0.
On July 6, 2023, SCAG’s Regional Council approved funding recommendations for 33 projects, including fully funding 27 projects, and partially funding six proposals. Project awards are split across the three eligible projects categories: $35 million invested in projects to increase transit ridership, $36 million invested in projects to realize multimodal communities, and $9 million invested in projects to shift travel behavior.
CTC Partnership Program Guidelines
Award Recipients
Imperial County
Calexico Intermodal Transportation Center ($1,000,000)
Los Angeles County
North Hollywood Transit Center ($15,000,000)
Enhanced GoSGV E-Bike Share Program ($2,625,469)
Traffic Reduction Study ($1,000,000)
First Last Mile Revolution: Transforming Metro Connections to Housing ($1,050,000)
Connecting Communities with Stress Free Connections ($5,250,000)
Metro Bike Share In-fill Expansion ($7,550,000)
Mobility Wallets Pilot 2.0: Challenge and Low-Income ($4,023,750)
Urban Wilderness Access Feasibility Plan ($372,000)
Countywide Signal Priority Cloud Based Solution ($4,004,028)
Developing Neighborhood Mobility Hub Pilot Projects in Disadvantaged Communities in the South Bay ($404,250)
Orange County
Next Safe Travels Education Program (STEP) 2.0 ($1,250,000)
Harbor Boulevard Cloud-Based Transit Signal Priority Stage 1 ($400,000)
Reconnecting Communities through Complete Streets ($550,000)
McFadden Avenue Transit Signal Priority Pilot ($3,690,000)
First Street Multimodal Boulevard Design ($4,300,000)
Orange County Mobility Hubs Pilot Concept of Operations ($300,000)
Bikeways Connectivity Study ($500,000)
Orange County Cyclic Counts 2024-2025 ($400,000)
Active Transportation Outreach and Engagement Support ($400,000)
Fullerton Park and Ride Transit Oriented Development Site Design Concepts ($500,000)
Harbor Boulevard Cloud-Based Transit Signal Priority Stage II ($1,000,000)
Riverside County
Riverside Transit Agency GoMicro Microtransit Pilot Program Extension ($2,378,635)
Vehicle Miles Traveled Study ($2,005,000)
Riverside County Transportation Commission Core Capacity Innovative Transit Study ($3,000,000)
Coachella Rail Station Feasibility Study and Integrated Land Use and Transit Network ($2,005,000)
Coachella Valley Link Community Connectors Analysis ($1,700,000)
San Bernardino County
San Bernardino County Vehicle Miles Traveled Mitigation Bank ($3,045,000)
Countywide Multi-Modal Complete Streets Program ($6,519,868)
Ventura County
Santa Paula Branch Line Active Transportation – Master Plan Update and Validate Connections to Serve New Housing and Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled ($1,677,000)
Community Traffic Calming & Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program ($300,000)
Countywide Transit Stops Inventory & Accessibility Assessment / Capital Improvements Grant Program ($1,500,000)
Countywide Paratransit Integration Study ($300,000)
To learn more about the CTCPartnership Program, please email:
Kate Kigongo
Manager, Partnerships for Innovative Deployment