Featured Projects
Innovations In Clean Transit Webinar Series
Innovations in Clean Transit is a SCAG Clean Cities webinar series that showcases how Southern California transit agencies are going zero emission. With technologies and strategies like electric buses & charging infrastructure, hydrogen fueling stations, workforce reskilling, and public-private partnerships, clean transportation is a destination that has many possible routes.
Past Projects
Pathways to Clean Vehicle Technology and Alternative Fuels Implementation in San Bernardino County
This project looked at the vehicle-based portion of achieving GHG reduction goals and attaining criteria pollutant standards in the South Coast Air Basin, with a focus on San Bernardino County. Strategies for achieving these objectives differ in terms of their technological feasibility, emission reduction cost effectiveness, applicability to different segments of the vehicle population, infrastructure requirements, local economic benefits, and other factors. Given all these parameters, what is the optimal path forward?
The project also identified appropriate implementation strategies for local and regional agencies seeking to advance the penetration of clean vehicles and fuels.
Final Products
Title | Description |
Action Plan For San Bernardino County | This Action Plan describes steps that local governments in San Bernardino County and their partners can take to increase the deployment and use of clean vehicles and fuels, and thereby help to improve air quality and mitigate the impacts of climate change. |
Final Report | This Action Plan describes steps that local governments in San Bernardino County and their partners can take to increase the deployment and use of clean vehicles and fuels, and thereby help to improve air quality and mitigate the impacts of climate change. |
Literature Review |
This report describes Medium- and HeavyDuty Electrification technologies, current and forecasted trends in vehicle and battery costs, and the emissions benefits from these technologies. The literature review is divided into the following sections: Vehicle Technology Status and Cost, Battery Technology Status and Cost, Charging Technology Status and Cost, and Emissions. The background section will review regulations and policies that are driving MD/HD electrification and investments being made to advance and implement the technologies. Please note, this report was completed in December 2018 and technology updates are likely to have occurred. |
This technical memo identifies the economic, technological, policy, and other barriers associated with this transition, with a specific focus on San Bernardino County. | |
Implementation Strategies and Solutions |
This memo identifies preliminary strategies and solutions to help local governments overcome these barriers and thereby advance clean vehicles and fuels in San Bernardino County. These strategies focus primarily on actions that local and regional public agencies can pursue. Strategies are grouped into the following three categories:
Scenarios Analysis Report | This report describes a scenario planning analysis conducted using an Excel-based dynamic tool that enables project stakeholders to analyze alternative paths for achieving emission reduction goals. The analytical tool considers individual strategies for different vehicles and fuel types—using metrics such as cost, emissions reductions, and emission reduction cost-effectiveness. Each alternative path or scenario for clean vehicle and fuels implementation is built up using a series of technology-specific strategies. |