Sustainable Energy
Clean, stable and sustainable sources of energy for Southern California are critical to supporting a healthy and resilient region. In developing future plans, SCAG must fully weigh and consider energy supply, efficiency, consumption and environmental impacts, such as greenhouse gas emissions.
Energy Demand
California relies on petroleum-based fuels for most of its transportation and energy needs. However, environmental and geopolitical factors are causing energy and climate experts to question the long-term viability of continued reliance on fossil fuels. At the same time, SCAG forecasts significant growth in population, households, and jobs that will place new demands on energy production and distribution, and potentially increase pollution and greenhouse gases.
Related Links & Resources
California’s Energy Future: The View to 2050
Energy Efficiency Organizations
California Public Utilities
California Environmental
Protection Agency
California Natural Resources
Independent System Operator
US Department of Energy Renewable
Energy Laboratory
Local Government
Commission Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative
Ventura County Regional
Energy Alliance