Grant Opportunities


Welcome to SCAG’s grant opportunities page. Here you will find information on current open and upcoming grant opportunities offered by various agencies that may be pertinent to your agency’s workplan. SCAG gathers this information in order to disseminate it to all interested agencies in the SCAG region.

The basic characteristics of each of the grant opportunities are listed below each of the grant titles. Links to the grant program websites are also provided for more detailed information about each program.

We are also providing an additional link to the Federal Transportation Funding: Fiscal Year 2023 Discretionary Grant Preparation Checklist for Prospective Applicants. This resource provides useful guidelines designed to assist in understanding existing requirements for successful grant applications. 



Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation  

The Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program includes $607 million in funding for capital construction and community planning projects that improve access to daily needs such as jobs, education, healthcare, food, nature, and recreation, and foster equitable development and restoration. If you plan to apply and are looking for a SCAG support letter for your application, please reach out to  

Deadline: Sept. 30
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Nonprofit Organizations, Tribal Governments 

Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 

Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing empowers communities that are actively taking steps to remove barriers to affordable housing, increase housing production, and lower housing costs for families over the long term. 

Deadline: Oct. 15 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Metropolitan Planning Organizations 

The Recreational Trails Program R-24 

Sponsor/Source: California Department of Parks and Recreation 

The Recreational Trails Program provides for well-managed off-highway vehicle (OHV) recreation with financial assistance to eligible agencies and organizations that develop, maintain, operate, expand, support, or contribute to well-managed, high-quality, OHV recreation areas, roads, and trails, and to responsibly maintain the wildlife, soils, and habitat of project areas to sustain long-term OHV recreation. 

Deadline: Oct. 18 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Nonprofit Organizations 

Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant Allocation Grants 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of energy

The purpose of the Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant program is to assist eligible state, local and tribal governments in implementing strategies to: reduce fossil fuel emissions and maximize benefits for local and regional communities; reduce the total energy use of eligible entities, improve energy efficiency in the transportation, building, and other sectors; and build a clean and equitable energy economy that prioritizes disadvantaged communities and promotes equity and inclusion in workforce opportunities and deployment activities, consistent with the Justice40 Initiative. 

Deadline: Oct. 31, 2024 (Local Governments), May 31, 2025 (for Tribal Governments)
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Tribal Governments 

Local Partnership Competitive Program

Sponsor/Source: California Transportation Commission

The Local Partnership Competitive Program provides funding to counties, cities, districts, and regional transportation agencies where voters have approved fees or taxes dedicated solely to transportation improvements or where officials have imposed fees, including uniform developer fees, dedicated solely to transportation improvements. 

Deadline: Nov. 11
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Regional Transportation Agencies

Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants Program 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 

Community Change Grants will fund community-driven projects that address climate challenges and reduce pollution while strengthening communities. This grant support will enable communities and their partners to overcome long-standing environmental challenges and implement meaningful solutions to meet community needs now and for generations to come. 

Deadline: Nov. 21, 2024
Status: Open
Eligible: Non-Profit Organizations, In Partnership with Community-Based Organizations: Education Institutions, Local Governments, Tribal Governments 

GFO-23-318 – Bridge 2024: Bringing Rapid Innovation Development to Green Energy 

Sponsor/Source: California Energy Commission 

Bridge 2024: Bringing Rapid Innovation Development to Green Energy supports follow-on funding of projects with the most promising energy technologies that have completed a California state agency- or U.S. federal agency applied-research and development or technology demonstration and deployment award. 

Deadline: Nov. 22 
Status: Open
Eligible: Private Organizations, Public Universities, Utilities 

Prohousing Incentive Program 

Sponsor/Source: California Department of Housing and Community Development 

The Prohousing Incentive Program is intended to increase participation in the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s Prohousing Designation Program by pairing designations with impactful award grants. 

Deadline: Dec. 31 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments 

GFO-24-601 – Light-Duty Hydrogen Infrastructure Build-Out 

Sponsor/Source: California Energy Commission 

The California Energy Commission’s Clean Transportation Program announces the availability of grant funds for projects that will provide publicly available hydrogen refueling stations to enable continued growth of the California fuel cell electric vehicle market and support the advancement of hydrogen refueling station operations and maintenance to improve the customer experience. 

Deadline: Jan. 15 
​Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Nonprofit Organizations, Private Organizations, Tribal Governments 

Permanent Local Housing Allocation 

Sponsor/Source: California Department of Housing and Community Development 

The Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program provides funding to local governments in California for housing-related projects and programs that assist in addressing the unmet housing needs of their local communities. 

Deadline: June 30, 2027 
​Status: Open
Eligible: Entitlement Local Governments, Non-Entitlement Local Governments 

Bridge Investment Program

SPONSOR/SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation

The Bridge Investment Program provides funding for planning and construction of large bridge projects, to improve the safety, efficiency and reliability of the movement of people and freight over bridges. 

Deadline: Ongoing
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Special District Governments, Tribal Governments

Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program – Water/Energy Audit 

Sponsor/Source: State Water Resources Control Board 

The Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program – Water/Energy Audit encourages public agencies to independently evaluate their current practices, identify potentially inefficient water or energy use, and follow up with a well-thought-out plan to improve consumption of these valuable resources. 

Deadline: Ongoing 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Nonprofit Organizations, Tribal Governments 

Cleanup, Remediation, and Watershed Enhancement Funding Opportunity 

Sponsor/Source: California Department of Fish and Wildlife 

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is seeking high-quality grant proposals that support the enhancement of watersheds and communities in areas impacted by cannabis cultivation. 

Deadline: Ongoing 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Nonprofit Organizations, Tribal Governments 

Coachella Valley Proposition 68 Parks, Conservation Land Access and Climate Change Response Grant Program 

Sponsor/Source: Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy 

The Coachella Valley Proposition 68 Parks, Conservation Land Access and Climate Change Response Grant Program makes grants to expand recreational and educational use of conservation lands and improve sustainability in the Coachella Valley. 

Deadline: Ongoing 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Nonprofit Organizations, Tribal Governments 

Cost Share for Federal Funding Opportunities Industrial Decarbonization and Improvement of Grid Operations Program and Food Production Investment Program 

Sponsor/Source: California Energy Commission 

This program implements projects at industrial facilities to significantly benefit the electrical grid, reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, achieve the state’s clean energy goals, and exceed compliance requirements. 

Deadline: Ongoing 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Nonprofit Organizations, Tribal Governments 

Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project 

Sponsor/Source: California Air Resources Board 

The Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project provides vouchers for the purchase of zero-emission trucks and buses, including funding for charging or fueling infrastructure. 

Deadline: Ongoing 
Status: Open
Eligible: Refer to Guidelines 

Proposition 13 Water Recycling Planning Grant 

Sponsor/Source: California Water Boards 

The Proposition 13 Water Recycling Planning Grant provides technical and financial assistance to local agencies to plan water recycling projects that promote the beneficial use of treated municipal wastewater to augment freshwater supplies in California. 

Deadline: Ongoing 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Tribal Governments 

Proposition 68 Grant Programs 

Sponsor/Source: California Department of Fish and Wildlife 

Proposition 68 Grant Programs provides funding to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to award grants to projects that improve a community’s ability to adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change; improve and protect coastal and rural economies, agricultural viability, wildlife corridors, or habitat; develop future recreational opportunities; or enhance drought tolerance, landscape resilience, and water retention. 

Deadline: Ongoing 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Nonprofit Organizations, Tribal Governments 

RMC Grants 

Sponsor/Source: San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy 

Since 2003, the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy 
has awarded over 295 grants and interagency agreements, investing at least $91 million in state funds to create open space, restore habitat, expand greenspace in disadvantaged communities, and protect the watersheds of the lower Los Angeles and San Gabriel rivers. 

Deadline: Ongoing 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Metropolitan Planning Organizations 

The Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience Program 

Sponsor/Source: State Water Resources Control Board 

The Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience Program is a set of tools, funding sources, and regulatory authorities designed to ensure that one million Californians without safe drinking water receive safe and affordable drinking water. 

Deadline: Ongoing 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Nonprofit Organizations, Tribal Governments 

Senate Bill 1 Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning Grant Program 

Sponsor/Source: Ocean Protection Council 

The Senate Bill 1 Grant Program provides funding for coastal communities to develop consistent sea level rise adaptation plans and projects to build resilience along the entire coast of California and San Francisco Bay. 

Deadline: Ongoing 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Tribal Governments 

State Coastal Conservancy Grant 

Sponsor/Source: California Coastal Conservancy 

The Coastal Conservancy issues millions of dollars in grants for projects that restore and protect the California coast, expand public access, and enhance its resilience to climate change. 

Deadline: Ongoing 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Nonprofit Organization, Tribal Governments 

Transit Oriented Communities Technical Assistance Program 

Sponsor/Source: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) 

Metro’s Transit Oriented Communities Technical Assistance Program is a competitive funding program that supports Los Angeles County jurisdictions in completing transit-oriented community feasibility studies and plans.

Deadline: Ongoing 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, State Governments (MAT Only)

Wetlands and Mountain Meadows Restoration 

Sponsor/Source: California Department of Fish and Wildlife 

Wetlands and Mountain Meadows Restoration provides funding for mountain meadow and non-coastal wetland restoration consistent with the Natural and Working Lands Climate Smart Strategy and Pathways to the 30×30 initiative. 

Deadline: Ongoing 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Nonprofit Organizations, Tribal Governments 



Sustainable Communities Program – Active Transportation and Safety 

Sponsor/Source: Southern California Association of Governments 

The Sustainable Communities Program provides grant funding for technical assistance to implement SCAG’s Connect SoCal Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities. The 2024 Sustainable Communities Program – Active Transportation and Safety call for applications will fund community plans, area plans and quick-build projects that encourage active transportation (e.g., walking, biking, transit) and improve roadway safety. 

Deadline: Sept. 27 
Status: Open
Eligible: Caltrans, Councils of Governments, County Public Health Departments, Local Governments, Natural Resource Agencies, Public Land Agencies, Public Land Nonprofits, Public Schools, Public School Districts, Transportation Agencies, Tribal Governments 

Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation 

The Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant funds highway-rail or pathway-rail grade crossing improvement projects that improve the safety and mobility of people and goods. 

Deadline: Sept. 23 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Tribal Governments, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Public Port Authorities, State Governments, United States Territories   

Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Commerce 

The Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program will support digital equity, promote digital inclusion, and spur greater adoption and meaningful use of broadband among the covered populations. 

Deadline: Sept. 23 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Nonprofit Organizations, Tribal Governments 

2024 Local Housing Trust Fund Program 

Sponsor/Source: California Department of Housing and Community Development 

Funds awarded through the 2024 Local Housing Trust Fund Program shall be used to provide construction loans and permanent financing loans at simple interest rates of no higher than three percent per annum, for payment of predevelopment costs, acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation as well as to construct, convert, reconstruct, rehabilitate, or repair accessory dwelling units or junior accessory dwelling units. 

Deadline: Sept. 17 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Local Housing Trust Funds, Nonprofits, Tribal Governments  

Rubberized Pavement Grant Program 

Sponsor/Source: Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) 

CalRecycle’s Rubberized Pavement Grant Program promotes markets for recycled-content surfacing products derived from California-generated waste tires. The program encourages first-time or limited users of rubberized pavement in two project types: rubberized asphalt concrete hot-mix and Rubberized chip seal. 

Deadline: Sept. 12 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Special Districts, Tribal Governments 

Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) 

Sponsor/Source: California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) 

The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is a core federal aid program for states to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. California’s Local HSIP focuses on infrastructure projects with nationally recognized crash reduction factors. Local HSIP projects must be identified based on crash experience, potential, rate, or other data-supported means. 

Deadline: Sept. 9 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Agencies, Local Governments, Tribal Governments 

FY 2024-2026 Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation 

The Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program provides competitive grants for projects that reduce the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions and improve habitat connectivity for terrestrial and aquatic species. 

Deadline: Sept. 4 
Status: Open
Eligible: Local Governments, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Regional Transportation Authorities, Special Purpose District, State Departments of Transportation, Tribal Governments 

Local Transportation Climate Adaptation Program 

Sponsor/Source: California Transportation Commission 

The primary objective of Local Transportation Climate Adaptation Program is to provide competitive grants to local agencies for the development and implementation of capital projects adapting local transportation infrastructure to climate changes.  

Deadline: Aug. 30 
Status: Closed
Eligible: County Transportation Commissions, Local Governments, Metropolitan Planning Agencies, Transportation Planning Agencies 

Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program ROUND 3 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Transportation 

CFI Program investments will make modern and sustainable infrastructure accessible to all drivers of electric, hydrogen, propane and natural gas vehicle drivers. This program provides funding for two categories of grants: Community Charging and Alternative Fueling Grants (Community Program) and Charging and Alternative Fuel Corridor Grants (Corridor Program). 

Deadline: Aug. 28 
Status: Closed
Eligible: Local Governments, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Port Authorities, Public Transportation Authorities, Special Transportation Districts, State Governments, Tribal Governments 

Connected Communities 2.0 

Sponsor/Source: U.S. Department of Energy 

The Connected Communities 2.0 funding opportunity announcement will drive innovation that manages and grows for buildings, transportation, and industrial electric loads at the “gridird- edge.” 

Deadline: Aug. 20 
Status: Closed
Eligible: Higher Education Institutions, Local Governments, Nonprofit Organizations, Tribal Governments