2020 Regional Conference & General Assembly
After careful consideration of the growing public health concerns regarding Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19), we have made the decision to cancel the Regional Conference and General Assembly, scheduled for May 6-8 in Palm Desert. We feel this is the best decision to help decrease the spread of virus across the Southern California region and protect the health and safety of our staff, board and partners.
For more than 50 years, the Regional Conference and General Assembly has been an opportunity to unite the region around a common goal. The theme of this year’s conference – Collaboration, Community and Connection – seems as important now as we try to find new ways to work together during this unprecedented global situation.
We are still considering alternative dates and ways we can host the General Assembly to fulfill several important business operations. Please be assured that we will share that information with the Regional Council and member delegates as soon as it is available. The 2020 SCAG Sustainability Awards and the Student Showcase competition will take place separately from the conference, at a time and location to be determined.
If you have already registered, our team will be reaching out to coordinate full refunds for registration fees. If you secured accommodations with the JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa, please contact the hotel at (760) 341-2211 to cancel your reservation.
We remain committed to creating an engaging and rewarding conference experience while being mindful of the safety and wellbeing of our community and look forward to hosting you at the next Regional Conference and General Assembly in 2021.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the conference, please contact Linda Jones at jonesl@scag.ca.gov.
SCAG Student Showcase
The date and location of the postponed Student Showcase are yet to be determined, but we are moving forward with the same rules and submission timeline. The deadline for abstract submissions was March 16, and final project submissions are due by Monday, March 30 at 10:00 a.m.
Application Instructions
Download the contest rules and application instructions here.
Final Projects Submission Deadline
Monday, March 30, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.
Materials Here
Questions? Contact Lyle Janicek at janicek@scag.ca.gov