Community-Centered Traffic Safety in Rural Areas (Los Angeles and Ventura Counties)
Traffic Safety Peer Exchange Event
Is your community dealing with deficient or non-existent sidewalk infrastructure? Are local roadways poorly lit without no shoulders or with dangerous shoulder drop-offs? Do older residents have few alternatives to driving, and are there limited dignified options for agricultural workers to get to and from the fields? You aren’t alone if you want to incorporate equity into your transportation safety programs. Join with Go Human to learn how practitioners, city staff and elected officials can help Los Angeles and Ventura Counties to improve traffic safety and preventing traffic fatalities and serious injuries. This regionally specific session is focused on traffic safety issues facing rural communities. Topics include equity, pedestrian and bicycle safety, providing safe transportation to agricultural workers and other agricultural issues, roadway design in rural areas (i.e., narrow, two-lane roads, shoulder drop-off, etc.), and implementing proven safety countermeasures.
- Lucas Zucker, Researcher and Community Organizer, Central Coast Alliance for Sustainable Economy
- City of Lancaster
- Additional speakers coming soon!