Designing and Zoning Station Areas for Housing Using a Transit-Oriented District Toolkit

Toolbox Tuesday


Join us to learn more about the Transit-Oriented District (TOD) Toolkit: A Case Study involving the Atlantic/Whittier Station. This training session will showcase the primary elements of the Toolkit, and how its implementation will provide guidance on the next steps of TOD area planning in unincorporated communities of the County.

The General Plan Transit-Oriented Districts (TOD) Program was developed to update the planning of unincorporated communities near existing and new transit facilities. The TOD Toolkit establishes a framework for a consistent approach to public infrastructure and transportation-related improvements to support land-use decisions in areas located within a half-mile radius of future rail stations.

Toolbox Tuesdays provide training on a range of practical skills and knowledge for local planning practitioners including training in the use of technology and education for practical approaches to timely issues. All classes and webinars are COMPLIMENTARY for staff of SCAG-member local governments and other SCAG partners in Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura Counties. Private sector planners, non-profit staff, academics and students are welcome to attend.


SCAG, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, is committed to providing special accommodations and translation services to those who are interested in participating in the events. We ask that you provide your request for special accommodations or translation services at least 72 hours prior to the event so that SCAG has sufficient time to make arrangements. Please contact