Racial Equity: Baseline Conditions Report

Racial Equity: Baseline Conditions Report Cover Image (March 24, 2021 Revision)

In July 2020, SCAG’s Regional Council made a commitment to advancing justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion throughout Southern California. For the region to become healthy, livable, sustainable, and economically resilient, SCAG needs to dramatically improve outcomes for low-income families and people of color. To that end, SCAG’s core function, its planning work, must directly address the long‐standing systemic and institutional barriers that have fostered inequities in health, wealth, and opportunities. SCAG staff are developing an Early Action Plan to help facilitate the consistent integration of equity into its planning work. The purpose of this report is to highlight past transportation and housing policies and practices that yielded the inequitable conditions that exist today and provide a preliminary baseline assessment of racial equity in Southern California to inform future planning. These inequitable conditions fall into categories aligned with the goals of SCAG’s long-range plan, Connect SoCal: economy, healthy/complete communities, mobility, and environment.

Download the Racial Equity: Baseline Conditions Report (March 24, 2021 Revision).

Racial Equity: Baseline Conditions Fact Sheets