REAP 2.0 PATH Guidelines – Virtual Information
Session 1
SCAG is seeking input on the draft REAP 2.0 Program to Achieve Transformative House (PATH) Guidelines, scheduled for release next week. The Housing Supportive Infrastructure Program is one of the programmatic areas identified in SCAG’s REAP 2.0 Program Framework. As envisioned, the Housing Supportive Infrastructure program will provide grant funding through a competitive evaluation process for projects with transformative and significant beneficial impacts accelerating infill development that facilitates housing supply, choice, and affordability; affirmatively furthering fair housing; and reducing vehicle miles traveled.
Please Join Us To Learn More & Share Input
SCAG will host two virtual information sessions for attendees to learn about the draft program guidelines that are proposed including: working descriptions for eligible applicants, project categories and eligible uses, application schedule and process, evaluation criteria, and contracting and reporting requirements including possible metrics that could be used to measure impact. Following the presentation on the proposed guidelines there will be an opportunity to provide input on the draft program guidelines. Participants will also be encouraged to review and submit public comments following the session.
Please contact Jacob Noonan, REAP 2.0 Housing Program Manager, for more information at or (213) 236-1472. You can also visit