SB 379 Compliance: Resources for Local Jurisdictions
Toolbox Tuesday
Join us to learn more about SCAG’s Senate Bill (SB) 379 Safety Element Technical Assistance Program, a one-on-one technical assistance series to guide local cities and counties on how to achieve SB 379-compliance. This training session will showcase resources from the SCAG Compliance Curriculum for Local Jurisdictions and Regional Climate Adaptation Framework and give a first look at SCAG’s newest resource: Climate Risk & Vulnerability Assessment Tool.
SCAG, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, is committed to providing special accommodations and translation services to those who are interested in participating in the events. We ask that you provide your request for special accommodations or translation services at least 72 hours prior to the event so that SCAG has sufficient time to make arrangements. Please contact