SoCal Goods Movement Communities Opportunities Assessment Workshop
The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) invites you to join us for a workshop on Tuesday, Jan. 18 at 11 a.m. to learn about the SoCal Goods Movement Communities Opportunities Assessment. The study aims to assess the opportunities and challenges of goods movement in disadvantaged communities within Southern California.
This study will identify 6-8 communities of interest that are disproportionately affected by goods movement activities and/or facilities. A toolkit will be developed to help identify strategies that address public health and air quality impacts; and help position communities to access high-quality jobs and other economic benefits, including workforce development and educational training programs while using and developing state-of-the-art inclusive communications practices and tools.
Our workshop will:
- Introduce the study goals and expected outcomes, including community participation and an opportunities toolkit
- Provide a forum to discuss potential goods movement opportunities and challenges that affect your community
- Discuss the process of identifying 6-8 communities of focus for this study
- Announce the next steps in the study and share opportunities to stay engaged