Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP)

This grant expired on June 19, 2020

SB 1 trade corridor enhancement program logo

The Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP) funds infrastructure improvements on federally designated Trade Corridors of National and Regional Significance, on California’s portion of the National Highway Freight Network, and along other corridors that have a high volume of freight movement. The 2020 Program will provide three years of programming in fiscal years 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23, for an estimated total of $1.392 billion statewide. The funding target for the Los Angeles/Inland Empire regional corridor is an estimated $484.4 million.

To apply, eligible agencies in Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties must first complete and submit a nomination form to SCAG to verify consistency with Connect SoCal, the 2020 Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy, and the regional freight plan. To expedite SCAG’s compilation and consistency verification, agencies should complete the nomination form as completely as possible and submit to SCAG staff member Scott Strelecki at by June 19, 2020.

The nomination form will help validate basic project eligibility. SCAG will also use the information provided to create a cloud-based folder for uploading the electronic application (and any supporting materials). To meet the application submittal deadline, SCAG is requesting that a near final electronic copy of all applications be uploaded to the SCAG-created project specific cloud-based folder by 5:00 PM July 20, 2020.

Please note that all final applications should be submitted directly to the CTC (two hard bound copies and one electronic file) by 5:00 PM August 3, 2020. We also ask that you upload final electronic file applications to the SCAG-created project-specific cloud-based folder for our records.