Home Board


Executive Administration Committee

The Executive/ Administration Committee is responsible for developing policy recommendations to the Regional Council on administration, human resources, budgets, finance, operations, communications, or any other matter specifically referred to the Committee by the Regional Council.

The meeting will be conducted in a hybrid manner (both in-person and remotely by telephonic and video conference).


Executive Administration Committee

The Executive/ Administration Committee is responsible for developing policy recommendations to the Regional Council on administration, human resources, budgets, finance, operations, communications, or any other matter specifically referred to the Committee by the Regional Council.

The meeting will be conducted in a hybrid manner (both in-person and remotely by telephonic and video conference).


Community, Economic and Human Development Committee

The role of the CEHD Committee is to study problems, programs and other matters which pertain to the regional issues of community, economic and human development and growth. This committee reviews projects, plans and programs of regional significance for consistency and conformity with applicable regional plans.


Energy and Environment Committee

The EEC considers environmental and energy issues of regional significance, including but not limited to air quality, water quality, solid and hazardous waste, habitat preservation, environmental justice, and environmental impact analysis.


Transportation Committee

The role of the Transportation Committee is to study problems, programs and other matters which pertain to the regional issues of mobility, air quality, transportation control measures and communications, and make recommendations on such matters to the Regional Council.


Regional Council

The Regional Council is the governing board of SCAG and consists of 86 elected officials representing 191 cities, six counties, county transportation commissions, transportation corridor agencies, tribal governments and air districts in Southern California.