2012-2035 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (Executive Summary)



On April 4, 2012, SCAG’s Regional Council adopted the landmark 2012-2035 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS): Towards a Sustainable Future. The 2012-2035 RTP/SCS Executive Summary provides an overview of the goals of the long-range plan, identifies key transportation investments to address the growing population in the region and strategies to reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. The SCS is a new element of the long-range plan that demonstrates the integration of land use, transportation strategies, and transportation investments within the Plan. The RTP/SCS is updated every four years to reflect changes in economic trends, state and federal requirements, progress made on projects, and adjustments for population and jobs. Transportation projects must be included in the RTP in order to qualify for federal and state funding.

2012-2035 RTP/SCS Executive Summary