Draft 2025 Federal Transportation Improvement Program And Draft Amendment 1 To Connect SoCal 2024 – Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy Public Hearing


The draft 2025 Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) and draft Amendment 1 to the Connect SoCal 2024 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy are available for public review and comment.

SCAG will conduct public hearings to gather input on the draft documents. These hearings will provide an opportunity for the public to provide feedback, which will inform final revisions before adoption. You can attend virtually or in-person at any of the SCAG regional offices.

The 30-day public review began July 12, 2024 and ends on August 12, 2024, at 5 p.m. To read the documents and learn how to submit comments:

Register to Attend A Public Hearing Here


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