Other to Residential Land Use Conversions

Toolbox Tuesday


SCAG’s Other-to-Residential Toolkit is a unique tool that guides planners and policymakers step-by-step in facilitating more residential development in their jurisdictions by converting underutilized non-residential (other) land uses as opportunity sites for housing.

In this session, speakers will present the “Other-to-Residential Toolkit,” a step-by-step actional guide for converting underutilized non-residential “other” sites into residential uses. The Toolkit is designed with planning staff and policymakers in the SCAG region; however, the steps apply anywhere in the State. The Toolkit will allow users to think creatively, facilitating additional housing development within their jurisdictions. It offers a step-by-process to identify barriers and find solutions, best practices, implementable actions, and a Toolbox of measures that agencies can leverage to facilitate or initiate site conversion processes. The step-by-step guide serves as a broad framework and sequence of activities to explore site conversion, including feasibility assessment, strategies to catalyze change, and possible road maps for jurisdictions to pursue.

Toolbox Tuesdays provide training on a range of practical skills and knowledge for local planning practitioners including training in the use of technology and education for practical approaches to timely issues. All classes and webinars are COMPLIMENTARY for staff of SCAG-member local governments and other SCAG partners in Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura Counties. Private sector planners, non-profit staff, academics and students are welcome to attend.


SCAG, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, is committed to providing special accommodations and translation services to those who are interested in participating in the events. We ask that you provide your request for special accommodations or translation services at least 72 hours prior to the event so that SCAG has sufficient time to make arrangements. Please contact update@scag.ca.gov.