33rd Annual Demographic Workshop

Forecasting the New Normal


33rd Annual Demographic Workshop: Forecasting the New Normal

Sept. 14 & sept. 21
1:30 P.M. – 4:45 P.M.

Presented by the Southern California Association of Governments and the University of Southern California Sol Price School of Public Policy.

In the post-pandemic era, our region faces uncertainty around the future of housing, mobility, and employment. What is the new normal, who will benefit, and who will struggle to adapt? How can we plan for a different future when the present is still heavily in flux?

The 33rd annual Demographic Workshop, “Forecasting the New Normal,” where a lineup of leading experts weighed in on what’s in store for post-COVID Southern California. The workshop, in partnership with the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy, was held virtually on the afternoons of Wednesday, Sept. 14, and Wednesday, Sept. 21.

Day 1 kicked off the event with a demographic “check-up” panel covering the latest trends in population with an eye toward their policy implications. A second panel discussed the latest research in housing and migration.

Day 2 began with Dr. Kahn’s keynote address which then be followed by a panel titled “Back to whose normal?” investigating transportation, environmental, and equity implications of the new normal.


Part 1

Navigating data.census.gov

HCD Annual Progress Report Dashboard

Census 2020 and Differential Privacy

Part 2

Economic Census

Working with Race and Ethnicity Data from the ACS and 2020 Census

SCAG’s Regional Data Platform and Local Data Exchange