SCAG Adopts 2025 Federal Transportation Improvement Program and Connect SoCal 2024 Amendment 1


On Sept. 5, the SCAG Regional Council adopted the 2025 Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) and Connect SoCal 2024 Amendment 1, including the associated transportation conformity analyses. The Regional Council action was based on the SCAG Transportation Committee’s recommended adoption of the 2025 FTIP and Connect SoCal 2024 Amendment 1 and the SCAG Energy and Environment Committee recommending adoption of the transportation conformity analyses. 

A funding document spanning six years, the 2025 FTIP includes over 1,100 projects totaling $38.8 billion. The FTIP incorporates a wide range of multimodal investments supported by federal, state, and local funds to improve transportation options across Southern California. Connect SoCal 2024 Amendment 1 introduces changes to better meet regional needs, such as additions, deletions, and modifications to project scope, cost, and schedule, for approximately 350 projects. 

During the 30-day public review period, the draft 2025 FTIP received 21 comments, including five general observations and 16 comments specific to individual projects. The draft Connect SoCal 2024 Amendment 1 received eight comments, including one comment on demographics and growth forecasts, one general comment, and six project-specific remarks. SCAG staff reviewed and addressed all feedback, incorporating relevant suggestions into the final documents. Importantly, none of the comments or the resulting revisions affected the transportation conformity analyses or determinations. 

Additionally, in adherence to the California Environmental Quality Act, SCAG staff prepared an addendum to the recently certified Connect SoCal 2024 Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR). The Regional Council reviewed and adopted the addendum to the 2024 PEIR as recommended by the Energy and Environment Committee before the approval of Amendment 1. 

SCAG anticipates receiving final federal approval for transportation conformity for both the 2025 FTIP and Connect SoCal 2024 Amendment 1 by mid-December 2024.