SPM Related Links


Consortium for Scenario Planning 
A participation organization established in 2017 to foster growth in the application of scenario planning in rural and urban areas.  

APA Knowledgebase Collection: Scenario Planning
Provide curated collections of related resources. Users can search APA’s research on scenareio planning. 

FHWA Scenario Planning and Visualization in Transportation
Provide noteworthy practices and innovative uses of Scenario Planning applications for transportation planning.

Opening Access to Scenario Planning Tools
This report examines the current state of scenario planning, the promise of scenario planning tools to help us prepare for the future, the challenges to expanding their use, and their potential to open access to the planning process. 

Sketch Tools for Regional Sustainability Scenario Planning​
This report synthesizes the state of practice on scenario planning sketch tools to support regional sustainability, evaluates their relative strengthes adn weaknesses, provide guidance on their appropriate use, and suggest how they may be improved.