SCAG Amends ‘2024 Sustainable Communities Program – Active Transportation and Safety Guidelines’ to Account for State Budget


On Sept. 5, the SCAG Regional Council adopted the “Amended 2025 Active Transportation Program Regional Guidelines” and the “Amended Connect SoCal 2024 Sustainable Communities Program – Active Transportation and Safety Guidelines,” a necessary step to align regional guidelines with recently amended guidelines for the state’s Active Transportation Program (ATP) and to secure funding for the ongoing 2024 Sustainable Communities Program (SCP) – Active Transportation and Safety call for applications. 

The June 2024 state budget significantly reduced ATP Cycle 7 funding, one of the funding sources for the SCP – Active Transportation and Safety call for applications. In response to the enacted budget, the California Transportation Commission adopted the “Amended 2025 Active Transportation Program Statewide Guidelines” and a revised funding estimate at its August 2024 meeting. The statewide ATP guidelines require SCAG to adopt amended regional guidelines to direct the selection of projects. 

SCAG’s 2024 SCP – Active Transportation and Safety call for applications will fund community plans, areawide plans, and quick-build projects that encourage active transportation (e.g., walking, biking, and transit) and improve roadway safety to help achieve the mobility goals, planning policies, strategic investments, and implementation strategies of Connect SoCal 2024

While SCAG is identifying potential additional sources to supplement existing funding, the final funding estimate will not be available until SCAG finalizes the SCP – Active Transportation and Safety budget in fall 2024. For the 2024 SCP – Active Transportation and Safety call for applications, SCAG anticipates awarding between $6.3 million and $8.2 million (down from $10.4 million) for the following project categories:  

  • Community/Areawide Plans: up to $700,000 available (down from $2.4 million; funding cap based on ATP state guidelines). 
  • Quick-Build Projects: between $5.6 million and $7.5 million available (pending final budget availability). 

The SCP – Active Transportation and Safety call for applications is open until Sept. 27.  Details about project types and program goals can be found in the “Amended Connect SoCal 2024 Sustainable Communities Program – Active Transportation and Safety Guidelines” approved by the SCAG Regional Council on Sept. 5.