Go Human Partners With The ATRC & CalWalks To Expand The Kit Of Parts Statewide

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Go Human has partnered with the Active Transportation Resource Center (ATRC) from Caltrans to expand the Go Human Kit of Parts and make it accessible to partners across the state of California!  

What is the Kit of Parts?

The Kit of Parts is a set of modular pieces (think oversized Legos) that can be used to temporarily demonstrate traffic safety pop ups and designs. These street features include a curb extension or curb bulb-out, an artistic crosswalk, a protected bike lane, a median refuge island, and a parklet. Together, the pieces aim to support a safer and more inclusive street.  

What does the Kit of Parts do?

Kit of Parts demonstrations provide a valuable opportunity to showcase safety infrastructure, garner support for implementation, and gather community feedback, all of which can make the case for permanent implementation of safety infrastructure. To date, the Go Human Kit of Parts has been used in more than 60 demonstrations in the SCAG region and of those, approximately 1/3 of the demonstrations have secured additional resources or been constructed as permanent infrastructure. 

Why are we partnering with the ATRC & CalWalks?

Go Human has partnered with the ATRC to pilot a Go Human Kit of Parts program to share innovative and creative strategies across the state. This pilot program will support active transportation safety planning priorities by implementing three demonstrations in priority communities. Each project will engage local community-based organizations (CBOs) to support capacity building at the local level.  

CBO partnerships and equity-centered planning are foundational to this program. To ensure local engagement efforts, ATRC is working with California Walks (Cal Walks) to identify and partner with local CBOs in each pilot community and lead robust local engagement. 

Who can apply?

The program provides an opportunity for three (3) California agencies from outside the SCAG region to test out the Kit of Parts. ATRC and CalWalks will select partners from Northern and Central California, as well as the Southern California region to expand the Kit of Parts program statewide. 

Are you in the SCAG region?

The Kit of Parts is available to jurisdictions and organizations in the counties of Ventura, Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside at no cost. If you are interested in bringing the Kit of Parts to a community in the SCAG region, reach out to Go Human directly at GoHuman@scag.ca.gov.  

When is this happening?

Applications close July 11! Learn more and apply at the CalWalks website.  

After applications close, the pilot communities will be selected along with CBO partners. Robust local engagement will be conducted during this period to ensure the success of the demonstrations. Demonstrations will be hosted in the Fall and Winter, and evaluation will take place at the end of this year. Stay in touch in early 2023 to learn more about the program outcomes! 

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Coming Soon: The Go Human Kit of Parts Playbook!

This pilot partnership program will also use and promote existing Go Human resources, including the Kit of Parts Playbook! Launching in July, the Playbook maps out a comprehensive “how-to” guide for project implementation using the Kit of Parts. The Playbook provides steps for planning and implementing an activation, including key touchpoints such as gathering a project team, setting goals and objectives, coordinating day-of logistics, and much more. Stay tuned on our socials (@GoHumanSoCal) and on our newsletter to access the Playbook as soon as it’s available.