Draft Fiscal Year 2025-26 Overall Work Program
Public Review and Comment Period
SCAG welcomes your comments on its Draft Fiscal Year 2025-26 Draft Overall Work Program (OWP). This document outlines work for SCAG to accomplish during the next fiscal year, discussing needs of the region as well as the planning priorities and programs to address those needs. In addition to providing a management tool for SCAG staff and Regional Council members, the OWP creates visibility for regional coordination with local and subregional stakeholders and complies with federal and state requirements.
All written comments must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 7 and addressed to:
Attn: Kana Sato-Nguyen
900 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1700
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Comments may be submitted by email to nguyenk@scag.ca.gov or by completing the comment form below. Electronic comment submissions are preferred but not required.
Download the 2025-26 DRAFT OWP