Maintain a continuous, comprehensive, and coordinated planning process (the “3 Cs”) resulting in a Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and a Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP)
Develop a Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) to address greenhouse gas emissions as an element of the RTP
Develop demographic projections
Develop integrated land use, housing, employment, transportation programs and strategies for the South Coast Air Quality Management Plan
Co-lead agency for air quality planning in the Central Coast and Southeast Desert air basin districts
Responsible for developing and ensuring that the Regional Transportation Plan and the Federal Transportation Improvement Program conform to the purposes of the State Implementation Plans for specific transportation-related criteria pollutants, per the Clean Air Act
Authorized regional agency for intergovernmental review of proposed programs for federal financial assistance and direct development activities
Review environmental impact reports for projects having regional significance to ensure they are in line with approved regional plans
Develop an area-wide, waste treatment management plan
Responsible for preparation of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment
Along with the San Diego Association of Governments and the Santa Barbara County/Cities Area Planning Council, SCAG is responsible for preparing the Southern California Hazardous Waste Management Plan