
  • Maintain a continuous, comprehensive, and coordinated planning process (the “3 Cs”) resulting in a Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and a Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP)

  • Develop a Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) to address greenhouse gas emissions as an element of the RTP

  • Develop demographic projections

  • Develop integrated land use, housing, employment, transportation programs and strategies for the South Coast Air Quality Management Plan

  • Co-lead agency for air quality planning in the Central Coast and Southeast Desert air basin districts

  • Responsible for developing and ensuring that the Regional Transportation Plan and the Federal Transportation Improvement Program conform to the purposes of the State Implementation Plans for specific transportation-related criteria pollutants, per the Clean Air Act

  • Authorized regional agency for intergovernmental review of proposed programs for federal financial assistance and direct development activities

  • Review environmental impact reports for projects having regional significance to ensure they are in line with approved regional plans

  • Develop an area-wide, waste treatment management plan

  • Responsible for preparation of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment

  • Along with the San Diego Association of Governments and the Santa Barbara County/Cities Area Planning Council, SCAG is responsible for preparing the Southern California Hazardous Waste Management Plan