Smart Cities & Mobility Innovations


The third Call for Applications was released on February 8, 2021 with a focus on Smart Cities & Mobility Innovations (SCMI) projects. Applicants can apply for any of the four project types listed below. More details about each project type, program area goals, and the SCP overall can be found in the Sustainable Communities Program Smart Cities & Mobility Innovations Guidelines. Local agencies, cities, counties, and tribal governments are eligible to apply to this program. The SCMI Call for Applications closed on April 23, 2021.

The Smart Cities & Mobility Innovations (SCMI) Call supports the implementation of three Connect SoCal Key Connections:

  • Smart Cities & Job Centers
  • Go Zones
  • Shared Mobility/Mobility as a Service.

These Key Connections focus on advancing expanded mobility ecosystems and management strategies using innovative policy and/or technology to realize regional planning goals. Resources through this Call for Applications will support local jurisdictions to use technology and innovation to improve the efficiency and performance of the transportation system by implementing curb space management measures that encourage shared modes, manage parking effectively, and support commerce and the growth of housing and employment in job centers.

To learn more about the SCP SCMI Call for Applications, SCAG held an Application Webinar on Monday, March 8, and is holding a second Application Webinar on Monday, April 5, 10:00 a.m. – Noon. Register HERE for the upcoming Application Webinar. The webinar provides guidance on application preparation and additional information and examples for each project type. To view the presentation and recording of the first webinar, please see the Application Resources section of this page. Applicants can also sign up for one to one coaching sessions with SCAG staff to assist with additional questions and application preparation. Please register HERE for a coaching session with SCAG staff.

Details on project types can be found below.

Smart Cities & Mobility Innovations Project Types

Curb Space Data Collection & Inventory

Applications submitted for this project type should include a focus on expanding or updating the curb space data inventory through innovative data collection methods. The data collection should aim to advance plans, studies, and activities in the city and across the region.

Examples of eligible projects include but are not limited to the following:

  • Complete inventory of curb space
  • Parking inventory (in a business district, all on-street and off-street, etc.)
  • Digitization/automation/visualization of curb space records
  • Real-time data collection and monitoring

Technology Assessment or Adoption Plan

This project type includes technology frameworks and demonstrations related to curb space management, curb regulating, on-street and off-street parking management, last mile delivery solutions and other curb and mobility challenges. Examples of eligible projects include but are not limited to the following:

  • Pilot program for last mile delivery hub or common carrier locker system.
  • Technology plan for piloting zero emission delivery zones.
  • Assessment of technology solutions for curb space challenges (such as sensors/cameras or apps).
  • Technology plan for piloting connected vehicle or vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications and management on public rights-of-way.
  • Technology plan for broadband deployment supporting dynamic parking and curb space management, V2X communications, or public wi-fi for wayfinding.
  • Assessment of technology solution(s) with plan to roll out implementation of a solution.

Parking Management Plan

Applications for this project type will focus on advancing parking management in a selected site or multiple sites within a city. Projects can include pilots, studies, or plans that can potentially help achieve a balanced transportation system through parking management.

Examples of eligible projects include but are not limited to the following:

  • Parking management in business district
  • On-street parking management
  • Dynamic parking pricing strategies
  • EV parking/charging
  • Micromobility and/or carshare parking
  • Rideshare and/or retail/food drop-off and pick-up management

Permitting Process Evaluation

This project type looks at evaluating existing and/or developing new permitted uses for the curb space to improve safety and efficiency equitably for all users. This can include development of plans and studies for permitted uses that support transit riders and people who walk and bike (including seniors and people with disabilities), business owners, schools, street vendors, delivery and rideshare services, among others. Applications will focus on permitting processes in various contexts such as business districts, commercial areas, and schools.

Examples of eligible projects include but are not limited to studies, assistance plans, and needs assessments for the following:

  • Outdoor dining permit plan
  • Street vendor permitting programs, assistance plans, and needs assessment
  • Parklets plan
  • Accessibility plans and ADA compliance needs assessments

Key Milestones

SCP-Smart Cities and Mobility Innovations Milestones Date

Call for Applications Opens

February 8, 2021

Application Workshops

March 8, 2021, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

April 5, 2021, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Call for Applications Submission Deadline

April 23, 2021 at 5 p.m.

Regional Council Recommendation

July 1, 2021

Final Work and Invoices Submitted

June 30, 2023

Application Resources

Best Practices Examples
  1. Curb Space Data Collection & Inventory
  2. Technology Assessment or Adoption Plan

    *plans and/or scopes are generally related but applications should strategically address curb space challenges to strengthen application competitiveness

  3. Parking Management Plan
  4. Permitting Process Evaluation
Scoring Rubrics
SCMI Webinars


For questions regarding the Smart Cities & Mobility Innovations Call for Applications, contact Marisa Laderach at (213) 236-1927 or