Performance Monitoring & Assessment


Connect SoCal 2024  

As a performance-based plan, the investments identified in the Connect SoCal 2024 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy are expected to result in significant benefits to the region, not only with respect to transportation and mobility, but also air quality, economic activity, job creation, sustainability, public health and equity. 

Chapter 5: Measuring Our Progress  

Chapter 5 of Connect SoCal 2024 describes the performance measures projected from the implementation of Connect SoCal 2024. Chapter 5 also describes how Connect SoCal 2024 addresses statutory requirements regarding environmental justice, Senate Bill 375, greenhouse gas emission reductions, transportation conformity and the federal Transportation Performance Management program. 

Performance Monitoring Technical Report 

The Connect SoCal 2024 “Performance Monitoring Technical Report” expands the performance results presented in Chapter 5, providing a quantitative mechanism to link the regional goals identified in Connect SoCal 2024 with implementation performance to meet regional goals. 

Caltrans Transportation Planning Resources 

The Caltrans Transportation Planning website provides a variety of resources related to performance monitoring, including the 2050 California Transportation Plan

Highway Performance Monitoring System 

The Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) program plays an important role in providing Caltrans and the Federal Highway Administration with consistent data to analyze the performance of the National Highway System, in guiding federal highway funding programs and facilitating SCAG’s ability to accurately assess regional performance relative to vehicles miles traveled (VMT), traffic congestion and transportation system operational efficiency. Each spring, SCAG coordinates with Caltrans and local jurisdictions to solicit updated HPMS traffic data.  

Caltrans produces annual statewide HPMS data reports, available for download on the Caltrans website. The Caltrans HPMS reports are currently available for the years 2001 through 2022. 

Federal Transportation Performance Management Program 

In 2012, the federal transportation authorization legislation, known as MAP-21, established a national performance-based transportation monitoring and reporting system, including specific performance measures to assess progress toward national transportation goals relative to traffic safety, infrastructure condition, highway operational efficiency and transit system performance. The federal commitment to performance-based transportation system planning and programming continued through subsequent legislative packages, including the FAST Act in 2015 and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in 2021. 

As the metropolitan planning organization for the six-county Southern California region, SCAG is required to develop a Federal System Performance Report to include with each update of the Regional Transportation Plan. The System Performance Report describes the federally designated transportation performance measures, the statewide and regional targets associated with each of the measures and the progress being made toward targets. The Connect SoCal 2024 “Federal System Performance Report” is included as a section of the “Performance Monitoring Technical Report.”

SB 743 Local Implementation Assistance 

To promote the successful local implementation of Senate Bill (SB) 743, SCAG sought opportunities to coordinate with various local jurisdictions throughout the region to provide technical and policy assistance in the development of local and county-wide SB 743 implementation tools and strategies. 

SB 743 Local Implementation Assistance Final Reports 

Los Angeles Department of Transportation Vehicle Miles Traveled Mitigation Program